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Whats your take?

Are you someone who might frequent Knockturn Alley? What might
you buy there/hope to find there, or how would you like to spend
your time? Do you think it's fair that people in Knockturn Alley are
sometimes looked down on or avoided?

Knockturn Alley takes a large amount of my spare time.

How I spend my time is totally a personal matter of a true Slytherin
But, what I hope to buy there is a bit sharable though.
Do you ever wonder??Why should borgin and burkes possess all the
items? Never. They only have a collection of frequently visited items
and those rare items which are referred as rare in text books -_Actually, now I am looking for two great historical and dark artefacts
which are rarely mentioned in histories. Legend says that they are
only mythical objects, but I believe it is not. The two items are listed
The Book of Thoth was a book of ancient magic used by the Egyptian god of
wisdom and magic, Thoth. The Book of Thoth was said to contain two spellsone
to understand animals and one to understand the mind of the gods.
The consequences of handling it are terrible as per the historical point of view. But,
it is heard that a copy of it is in our own Knockturn Alley. But, still I didnt get my
hand over it.


It has terrible ancient powers which can enable its owner in a terrible way so that
the owner can control the whole world.
At the same time for the same purpose THE SPEAR OF TENEBRIS is made
to rule the magical world with the dark powers. Although, legend says that it is
only a mythological story but I believe it may not be as only these two spears can

rule both the world and the total universe together and can transform in to THE

SWORD OF IMPERIUM by combining themselves.

What will you think?? Is there any better place than Knockturn Alley to find these
two secret items?

And for the last question I think that it doesnt bother me whether the
people of Knockturn Alley are avoided or not. They are in the Alley
for certain reasons. So it wont affect them.

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