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Ma Ka Moku Project


Bible Baibala Notes
December 4, 2016
2nd Sunday of Advent
Matthew 3:1-12
Matthew 3:1-12
In those days John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness of Judea, proclaiming, Repent, for the kingdom
of heaven has come near. This is the one of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke when he said,
The voice of one crying out in the wilderness:
Prepare the way of the Lord,
make his paths straight.
Now John wore clothing of camels hair with a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and
wild honey. Then the people of Jerusalem and all Judea were going out to him, and all the region along
the Jordan, and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.
But when he saw many Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he said to them, You brood of
vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bear fruit worthy of repentance. Do not presume
to say to yourselves, We have Abraham as our ancestor; for I tell you, God is able from these stones to
raise up children to Abraham. Even now the ax is lying at the root of the trees; every tree therefore that
does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
I baptize you with water for repentance, but one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am
not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is
in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and will gather his wheat into the granary; but the chaff
he will burn with unquenchable fire.
1 Ia mau l l i hele mai ai o Ioane Bapetite, e ao ana ma ka wao nahele i Iudea, i ka ana
2 E mihi oukou, no ka mea, ua kokoke mai nei ke aupuni o ka lani.
3 O ia n ka mea i lelo ia mai e ke kula e Isaia, i ka ana mai, Ka leo o ka mea e kala
ana ma ka wao nahele, E hoomkaukau oukou i alanui no Ihova, e hana i kona mau
kuamoo i pololei.
4 Ua aahu ihola o ua Ioane l i ke kapa hulu kmelo, a he kei ili ma kona phaka; a he
hini kna ai, a me ka meli o ka nhelehele.
5 A laila, hele akula ko Ierusalema a me ko Iudea a pau i ona l, a me ko n wahi a pau e
kokoke ana ma Ioredane.
6 A bapetizo ia ihola lkou e ia i loko o Ioredane, me ka hai ana mai i ko lkou hewa.

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7 A ike akula ia, he nui n Parisaio a me n Sadukaio i hele mai e bapetizo ia ai e ia, akula
o ia i lkou, E ka hanauna moo niho awa, na wai oukou i ao aku e holo i pakele ai i ka
inaina e kau mai ana?
8 E hua ae oukou i ka hua e k i ka mihi.
9 Mai manao oukou e humu i loko o oukou iho, o Aberahama ko kkou kupuna; no ka
mea, ke aku nei au i oukou, e hiki n i ke Akua ke hola ae mai kia mau phaku mai i
poe mamo na Aberahama.
10 n hoi, ke waiho nei ke koi lipi ma ke kumu o n lau, a o kl lau o kia lau e hua
ole mai ana i ka hua maikai, e kua ia i lalo a e kiola ia aku ia i ke ahi.
11 O wau n ke bapetizo aku nei i oukou i ka wai, no ka mihi; ak, o ka mea e hele mai ana
ma hope ou, he nui aku kona mana i kou, aole au e pono ke lawe i kona mau kmaa; nna
oukou e bapetizo aku i ka Uhane Hemolele a me ke ahi.
12 Aia n ma kona lima kna peahi, a e hoomaemae pono ana ia i kna hua ai; a e hiliili
hoi ia i kna palaoa i loko o ka hale papaa, a e hoopau aku i ka pala i ke ahi pio ole.
wao [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
n. A general term for inland region usually forested but not precipitous and often uninhabited. See
ex., puahia and below.
nahele [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
n. Forest, grove,


bush; trees, shrubs, vegetation, weeds. Cf. ho omakanahele. Upu mai

ana ke aloha i ka uka nahele o Puna, loving memory returns of the forest uplands of Puna. (PCP
[Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. nvi. To say, speak, suppose; saying. ihola ke Akua (Kin. 1.3), God said. He mai ku e hele
mai hoi n keiki, you would think the children would come. (PPN kii.)
2. n. Supreme, great, best (frequently a part of names, as Ka-i-mamao (KL. title), the supreme one
at a distance; -ll-ole, supreme without branches). O kela n ka , that is the best.
3. vs. Hard, close, stingy. Cf. 1.
4. Interj. of scorn, used idiomatically. No hea ke ao ana i ka hula? I ka ! Where learn the hula?
Much [she] knows about it! Stuff and nonsense!
5. n. The letter i.
mihi [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
nvt. Repentance, remorse; to repent, apologize, be sorry, contrite; to regret; to confess, as to a
priest. Mihi make, death-bed repentance; to repent too late to remedy or prevent; tardy repentance.
Kna mihi ana, his confession. E mihi oe iia, apologize to him. Ua mihi au i kuu hele ana, I'm
sorry about my going. (PNP misi.)

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aahu [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]

nvt. Clothing in general, garment, array, attire, costume, mantle, gown; to put on or wear clothing,
especially shirt, suit, or coat; to cover or wrap, as the body with a blanket. E aahu aku oe i kia,
wear this. Aahu hoohiwahiwa, festive attire, evening gown. Aahu i kau lula ia, formal attire.
Aahu au i ka pono, I have clothed myself in righteousness. h.aahu To put clothing on someone
else; to dress, supply with clothing, clothe.
kapa [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. n. Tapa, as made from wauke or mmaki bark; formerly clothes of any kind or bedclothes; quilt
(various kinds are listed below). Elua kua i ke kapa hookahi (PH xiii), two of us in a single tapa
[marriage]. (PCP tapa.)
2. vt. To call, term, give a name to. Kapa ia, called, named. (PPN tapa.)
3. loc.n. Edge, border, brim, boundary; side, as of a road; bank, as of a stream (often not preceded
by ke: Gram. 8.6). K ma kapa, to stand on the edge; fig., forbidding, unapproachable, unreceptive.
Keiki kapa alii (FS 115), child only one of whose parents was a chief. (PPN tapa.)
4. n. Labia. (PCP tapa.)
5. vi. To rustle, rattle, splash, as rain.
6. Also kaba n. Cab (a Hebrew measure). (Heb. qab.)
hulu [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. n. Feather, quill, plumage. (PPN fulu).
2. nvs. Esteemed, choice, precious; esteemed older relative, as of parents or grandparents'
generations. (This meaning may be connected with the value attached to featherwork.) He hulu alii,
an elderly chief who is loved and esteemed. N hulu makaainana o n alii, the most precious of the
chiefs' citizenry. hoo.hulu To steem, prize. In hoi oe he manu lele i luna, hoohulu aku ua hoa nei
(chant for Ka-mehameha III), if you then were a bird flying above, this companion would nurse great
3. n. Fur, wool, fleece, human body hair (contrasting with lauoho, head hair). Ka hulu ako mua o
ku poe hipa (Kanl. 18.4), the fleece first shorn of your sheep. (PPN fulu.)
4. n. Kind, nature, color, Hookahi n hulu like o kl poe, those people are of the same sort. (PEP
5. n. Hackle; fishhook with barb on the outside (Malo 79). Rare.
6. n. Brush. Rare.
7. n. Muscle attaching a bivalve to rocks. Rare.
8. n. Seal, named for its valuable fur. Rare.
9. n. Cloth. See hulu hipa, hulumanu.
10. Same as hulu lio 1, nahawele 2, phuluhulu 2, a seaweed.
k.ei [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
Var. of kai;, belt, sash; zone; ring for bobbin winder of sewing machine. Kei kapu o Lloa, a
sacred cordon, baldric, or sash, the highest symbol of authority, on display in 1976 at the Bishop
Museum. It is made of a net of olon fibre with red iiwi feathers on the sides and a lei of
feathers on the borders. The end, hanging in front of the body, is ornamented with human and fish
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teeth. The other end was brought over the shoulders and passed twice around the waist. According
to tradition it was made by Lloa for his son Umi in the late 15th century. A copy, without the teeth, is
on the statue of Ka-mehameha in front of Alii-o-lani Palace, Honolulu.
kupuna [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. Grandparent, ancestor, relative or close friend of the grandparent's generation, grandaunt,
granduncle. hoo.kupuna To take a person as a grandparent or grandaunt or granduncle because of
affection; an adopted grandparent; to act as a grandparent. (PPN tupuna.)
2. Starting point, source; growing.
mamo [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. Black Hawaiian honey creeper (Drepanis pacifica): its yellow feathers above and below the tail
were used in choicest featherwork. Formerly found only on Hawaii, not seen since the 1880s. A
Molokai species was Drepanis funerea, not seen since the 1890s; also hoa and nuku m.
2. Safflower or false saffron (Carthamus tinctorius), a branching annual, 30 to 120 cm high, from
Asia, grown for its flowers, which are yellow, like the feathers of the mamo bird. (Neal 858.)
3. A sergeant fish (Abudefduf abdominalis), to about 163 mm long. Also mamamo, mamo pohole.
(PPN mamo.)
4. Descendant, posterity. N mamo o Ikeraela (Puk. 1.13), the children of Israel. N mamo piha o
Ka-alualu, the driftwood descendants of Ka-alualu [said derisively of a Ka person with many
children, because of the abundance of driftwood at Ka-alualu, Ka].
k.maa [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
n. Shoe, sandal, slipper, boot; ti-leaf or tapa sandal; shoes. (k-, causative + maa, to bind.) Kmaa
ole, barefoot, without shoes. hoo.k.maa To put on shoes, furnish shoes. (PCP ta(a)maka)
uhane [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
nvs. Soul, spirit, ghost; dirge or song of lamentation (rare); spiritual. Uhane ole, without a soul;
shameless, like a beast. Lele ka uhane, the soul leaves [death]. Kuu i ka uhane (Kin. 35.29), to
give up the ghost. Pili uhane, spiritual. Uhane olol, thin, shriveled soul or ghost. (PEP ku(f,s)ane.)
hemo.lele. [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. nvs. Perfect, faultless, flawless, holy, immaculate, saintly, pure in heart; complete; perfection,
virtue, goodness, holiness; angel, person without fault. Maemae wale n o Kauai, hemolele wale i
ka mlie (song), perfectly beautiful is Kauai, flawless in the calm. K mua hemolele iho (Oih. 3.12),
our holiness. hoo.hemo.lele To make holy; to feign holiness. Ua hoohemolele lkou i kou nani
(Ezek. 27.4), they have perfected your beauty.
2. vs. Without restraint. Hawi hemolele, to give freely and without stint or reward; gratis.

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Ma Ka Moku Project
Bible Baibala Notes
December 11, 2016
3rd Sunday of Advent
Matthew 11:2-11
Matthew 11:2-11
When John heard in prison what the Messiah was doing, he sent word by his disciples and said to him,
Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another? Jesus answered them, Go and tell John
what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear,
the dead are raised, and the poor have good news brought to them. And blessed is anyone who takes no
offense at me.
As they went away, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about John: What did you go out into the
wilderness to look at? A reed shaken by the wind? What then did you go out to see? Someone dressed in
soft robes? Look, those who wear soft robes are in royal palaces. What then did you go out to see? A
prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. This is the one about whom it is written,
See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you,
who will prepare your way before you.
Truly I tell you, among those born of women no one has arisen greater than John the Baptist; yet the
least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

2 Lohe aela o Ioane i loko o ka hale paahao i n hana a Kristo, hoouna maila ia i n
haumna na elua,
3 Nnau akula i ia, O oe io n anei ka mea e hele mai ana; e kali anei mkou i kekahi mea
4 lelo maila Ies, maila i lua, uhoi olua, e hai aku i Ioane i n mea a olua i lohe, a i
ike iho nei.
5 Ua ike n makap, ua hele n oopa, ua huikala ia n lpero, ua lohe n kuli, ua hola ia
n make, a ua hai ia aku ka euanelio i ka poe ilihune.
6 Pmaikai hoi ka mea i hoohihia ole ia nou.
7 A hala akula lua, hoomaka akula Ies e lelo i ka poe knaka no Ioane, akula, I hele l
oukou i ka wao nahele e ike i ke aha? I ka ohe anei i luli i ka makani?
8 I hele hoi oukou e ike i ke aha? He kanaka anei i khiko ia i ke kapa pahee? Aia n ka
poe i khiko ia i ke kapa pahee i loko o n hale o n alii.
9 I hele hoi oukou e ike i ke aha? He kula anei? O ia, ke hai aku nei au i oukou, o ka
mea hoi e oi aku i ke kula.

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10 O ia n ka mea i palapala ia nona, Aia hoi, ke hoouna aku nei au i kau elele ma mua ou,
nna e hoomkaukau i kou alanui ma mua ou.
11 He oiaio kau e lelo aku nei i oukou, O n mea a n whine i hnau ai, aole kekahi o
lkou i oi aku i mua o Ioane Bapetite: ak, o ka mea liilii loa i loko o ke aupuni o ka lani, ua
oi aku ia i mua ona.
lohe [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
vt. To hear, mind, obey, listen; to feel, as the tug of a fishing line; obedient. See idiom, a o 1. Lohe
pono, to listen carefully, attentive, to hear correctly. Lohe mai i ke ao, heed the teachings. Lohe mai
ke ao, how terrible [in idioms]. Lohe wale, to hear vaguely, as rumors. Pau ka ike, pau ka lohe, in a
comma, unconscious. hoo.lohe Caus/sim.; obedient; to mind, heed; attention (a military command).
See mea ho olohe. Hoolohe ole, inattentive, not heeding, unreceptive, unresponsive; to disobey.
He kanaka hoolohe i kauoha, a person obedient to commands.
paa.hao [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. nvi. Prisoner, convict; to be imprisoned. Hale paahao, prison, jail. hoo.paa.hao To make a
prisoner. Hoopaahao pono ole, false imprisonment.
2. n. Proceeds (as pigs, sweet potatoes or taro) paid to holders of land on which tenants worked;
penalty for failure to pay was imprisonment. Cf. l pa ahao, lo i pa ahao.
hau.mana, hau.mna [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
n. Student, pupil, apprentice, recruit, disciple (Mat. 10.1). Perhaps lit., to lay before one a ball of
masticated food (mna); also see hau- 2. Haumana ao oihana, technological student, trainee,
apprentice. Haumana komo hou, new student, freshman. hoo.hau.mna To act as a pupil, become
a pupil; to make pupils of.
maka.p [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
nvs. Blindness, blind person; blind. Lit., night eye. hoo.maka.p To cause blindness, to feign
blindness, to blindfold. (PEP matapoo.)
oopa [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
nvs. Lame, crippled; a cripple, lame person; to limp, be lame. Ua oopa ma kona mau wwae (2
Sam. 4.4), he was crippled in his feet. h.oopa To cause lameness, to feign lameness. (PCP
hui.kala [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
nvt. To absolve entirely, forgive all faults, excuse, cleanse and purify morally; pardon, atonement,
absolution; ceremonial cleansing. Cf. Malo 199. E huikala oukou i oukou iho (Oihk. 20.7), sanctify

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luli [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]

vi. To shake, as the head in approval or disapproval; to pitch and roll, as a ship; to totter, be
unsteady; to sway to and fro (Mat. 11.7), wag. Ohe luli i ka makani, bamboo swaying in the breeze.
Cf. luli. hoo.luli To rock, as a child; to shake, as a drink; to sway. Cf. mhai ho oluli. (PCP luli.)
pahee [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. vi. Slippery, smooth, as a surface; soft, satiny; to slide, slip, skid; sliding, slipping. Cf. holo pahe e,
pakika, phaku pahe e nai. Lole pahee (Hoik. 18.12), silk. lelo pahee, fluent speech; glib or
cunning tongue. hoo.pahee To cause to slip, slide; to make smooth, slippery; to smooth with oil, as
the hair; to lubricate. See ex., k 13. (PPN paseke.)
2. n. Cleared area, bare dirt.
3. n. Spear throwing (FS 1145); dart-throwing; sport of sliding a stick over a smooth surface; the
dart itself. Buck describes the darts as from 34.5 to 67 inches (about 85 to 170 cm) long, tapering at
one end, with the greatest diameter of from 1 to 1 1/2 inches (2.6 to 3.9 cm). Cf. moa 5.
4. n. Shallow hole or grave, as for flexed burial. (For. 5:571.)
5. Same as pheehee, seaweed.

pala.pala [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]

1. nvt. Document of any kind, bill, deed, warrant, certificate, policy, letter, tract, writ, diploma,
manuscript; writing of any kind, literature; printing on tapa or paper; formerly the Scriptures or
learning in general; to write, send a written message.
2. n. Maui name for pualu, a fish. (KL. line 147.)
3. n. Var. name for maomao, a fish. (Malo 211.)

h.nau [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]

1. nvi. To give birth; to lay (an egg); born; offspring, child, childbirth; productive, fertile. Hnau o
Hina, Hina gave birth. Hnau ia o Hina , Hina was born. Iliili hnau, reproducing pebbles. Welo
hnau, productive or prolific family. He keiki hnau , premature baby. L hnau, birthday. Hnau
ka moa i ka hua, the chicken lays an egg. hoo.h.nau To act as midwife, deliver a baby; to
reproduce. (PPN faanau.)
2. interj. Happy birthday (used in toasts).
3. Short for hoahnau, cousin. Rare.

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Ma Ka Moku Project
Bible Baibala Notes
December 18, 2016
4th Sunday of Advent
Matthew 1:18-25
Matthew 1:18-25
Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to
Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Her husband
Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her
quietly. But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and
said, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is
from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from
their sins. All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet:
Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel,
which means, God is with us. When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord
commanded him; he took her as his wife, but had no marital relations with her until she had borne a son;
and he named him Jesus.
18 Penei hoi ka hnau ana o Ies Kristo: I hoopalau ia kona makuwahine o Maria na
Iosepa, aole nae lua i pili, a ikea o ia, ua hpai na ka Uhane Hemolele.
19 Ak, he kanaka pono kna kne o Iosepa, aole ia i makemake e hino i ia ma ke kea;
manao ihola ia e kipaku mal i ia.
20 A i kona noonoo ana ma ia mau mea, aia hoi, ike ia aku ka nela a ka Haku e ia ma ka
moe, maila, E Iosepa, e ka mamo a Dvida, mai makau oe ke lawe i Maria i wahine nu; no
ka mea, ua hpai o ia na ka Uhane Hemolele.
21 A e hnau mai o ia i keiki kne, a e kapa aku oe i kona inoa o IES; no ka mea, e hola
ia i kona poe knaka mai ko lkou hewa.
22 Ma ia mau mea i k ai ka mea a ka Haku i lelo mai ai ma ke kula, i ka ana mai,
23 Aia hoi, e hpai ana kekahi wahine puupaa, a e hnau mai ia i keiki kne, a e kapa ia
kona inoa o EMANUELA; o ke ano kia, o ke Akua me kkou.
24 A ala aela o Iosepa mai ka hiamoe ana, hana akula ia e like me k ka nela a ka Haku i
kauoha mai ai i ia, a lawe maila ia i kna wahine;
25 Aole nae i moe aku i ia, a hiki i ka w i hnau ai o ia i kna makahiapo kne, a kapa
akula ia i kona inoa o IES.
palau [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
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1. nvs. Betrothal; betrothed, engaged. hoo.palau To betroth in marriage; engaged.

2. nvt. Plow; to plow. Eng. Cf. palau.
makua.hine, makuwahine

n. Mother, aunt, female cousin or relative of parents' generation. Lit., female parent. lelo
makuahine, mother tongue. hoo.makua.hine To act as or claim to be a makuahine; to treat as a
makuahine. (PPN matua fafine.)
pili [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. nvi. To cling, stick, adhere, touch, join, adjoin, cleave to, associate with, be with, be close or
adjacent; clinging, sticking; close relationship, relative; thing belonging to. Cf. auipili, pili wale. Pili
ana, connection. Pili maikai, fitting nicely, compact. Hoa pili, intimate friend. Kou pili (Laie 483), my
partner [in a kilu game]. Kolone pili, column at close intervals [military]. E pili kua, let's be together.
Hehi i ka pili, wehe i ka pili, to abolish relationship. Maka pili, squinting eyes that seem almost
closed. Pili hukihuki, clashes between close associates, a bickering relationship. He pili wehena ole,
an unseverable relationship. Pili i ka hewa, to be found guilty. Pili ke kua me ke alo, the back and
front meet [said of a thin person]. Ke kukui ka pili ia o ka uhu, the kukui is the thing pertaining to the
parrot fish; the kukui is related to the parrot fish (see kukui 1). hoo.pili To bring together, stick; to
attach oneself to a person; united, as friends; to mimic, imitate; to claim a relationship; to put
together, as parts of a puzzle. Cf. ho opili wale. Ke ano a me ka hoopili ia ana o n helu, the
nature and application of numbers. Ua hoopili ia ma ka perita maemae o ka male, united in the
pure bonds of matrimony. (PPN pili.)
2. n. A grass (Heteropogon contortus) known in many warm regions, formerly used for thatching
houses in Hawaii; sometimes added to the hula altar to Laka, for knowledge to pili or cling; thatch
(preceded by ke). (Neal 80.) Hale pili, house thatched with pili grass. Lei kk ula i ke pili (song),
red network lei [rainbow] on the pili grass. H wale aku n ka waiwai i ke pili (Kep. 119), the wealth
overflowed on the pili grass [of great quantities].
3. vt. To refer, concern, relate, pertain, apply. hoo.pili Caus/sim.
4. n. Shingles, so called because they replace the pili grass of the roofs of the old houses (preceded
by ke).
5. nvt. A wager, bet, stake; to bet, wager. See piliwaiwai.
6. n. Border, edge of time units, especially of late night. Pili aumoe, the late night. Ka pili o ka
wanaao (Laie 469), at the approach of dawn. Ka pili o ke ahiahi (Laie 457), at the end of the
evening, nightfall.
7. n. Uncolored sheets in a kuina, sleeping tapa.
8. n. Lining of a quilt under the layer of cotton or wool.
9. n. First stage of poi-pounding, with taro beginning to stick.
10. n. A narrow or precarious pass. Rare.
11. Same as ume, the game, so called because the wand touched (pili) the players. (Malo 215.)
12. Same as pili, numb. (UL 61.)
ino [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
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1. nvs. Wicked, immoral, sinful, unwholesome, unclean, bad, vicious, evil, unprincipled; hate, sin,
decomposition (For. 5:713). See kahi ino and ex., oi
2. Ino loa, very bad or wicked, horrible, abominable. K i ka ino, curse. h.ino, hoo.ino To insult,
malign, persecute, abuse, dishonor, defame, speak evil. Hino wale, needlessly defame, damn.
Hoopau hooino ia, dishonorably discharged [as from the armed services]. (PNP kino.)
2. nvi. Spoiled, contaminated, bad-smelling, of poor quality, ugly; spoiled object, pollution. Pau ka
ino, the foul period is over [of a child after toilet training].
3. vt. To injure, hurt, harm, break. O ka inu wai ona, he mea ia e ino ai ke kino, the drinking of
intoxicants injures the body. hoo.ino To harm, injure, damage.
4. nvs. Storm; stormy. O ka uhiwai n ka i ike i ka ino o ka wai, the mists are those that know of
storm on the water [those close by know what is going to happen].
5. n. A commoner. (Kep. 141.)
6. part. Very, very much, intensely. (Sometimes pejorative; Gram. 7.5.) Aloha ino, too bad, what a
shame. Nui ino, very, very many or much. Holo ino ke kaa, the car races terrifically. Makemake
ino au i kl mea, I want that thing very much
kipaku [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
vt. To send away, drive away, expel, discharge, banish, put out of the house, get rid of, rout, exile,
mal [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
vs. Secretly, confidentially, clandestinely, illegally, stealthily, furtive. Lawe mal, to take secretly.
Hoopae mal, to bring ashore illegally, smuggle. (PPN maluu.)
noo.noo [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
nvt. Thought, reflection, thinking, meditation; to think, reflect, meditate, concentrate; to consider, as a
case at law; thoughtful, mental. Cf. mana o, no ono o ole. Noonoo makua, to be thoughtful and
considerate of parents and elders, filial. Noonoo pono, to think carefully, meditate, concentrate.
Noonoo mua, to anticipate, estimate (see lelo no ono o). Noonoo hiki, narrow-minded; a
narrow mind. Noonoo laul, broad-minded. Noonoo nui, to think much, concentrate, meditate;
meditation. hoo.noo.noo To cause to think, reflect; reminiscent, recalling to mind, remembering.
Cf. more common ho omana o.
h.pai [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. vt. To carry, bear, lift, elevate, raise, hoist, holdup; to support, as another's testimony. (Nah. 23.7.)
Hpai p, to carry together; carry arms [a military command]. Hpai i ka leo, to lift up the voice, as in
song. No ka hoohanohano ana iau, i kou hpai ia ana i kiaina, honoring me in my elevation to
the governorship. hoo.h.pai Caus/sim. (PPN sapai, PCP saapai.)
2. vi. Pregnant; to conceive. Kou hpai ana (Kin. 3.16), your conception. hoo.h.pai To cause
conception; to perform ceremonies or take treatment to induce conception.
3. n. A native variety of banana with trunk of medium height, the fruit maturing within it, about
two-thirds of the way up. The fruits are small, finger length, and ten or less; their skin is yellow, and
the flesh yellow, sweet, and edible raw. (HP 175, Neal 250.) Also hua waena.
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4. vt. To encourage, support. Ua hpai oia e inu ka ina apau i ka lama, he encouraged everyone
in the land to drink rum.
puu.paa [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. Virgin, virginity. Lit., firm mound. Aole i loaa iau he puupaa (Kanl. 22.14), I did not find virginity.
2. Kidneys. Fig., affections, emotions. (Oihk. 3.4.) Na ke Akua pono i hoo n naau a me n
puupaa (Hal. 7.9), the righteous God will try the minds and hearts.
h.nau [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. nvi. To give birth; to lay (an egg); born; offspring, child, childbirth; productive, fertile. Hnau o
Hina, Hina gave birth. Hnau ia o Hina , Hina was born. Iliili hnau, reproducing pebbles. Welo
hnau, productive or prolific family. He keiki hnau , premature baby. L hnau, birthday. Hnau
ka moa i ka hua, the chicken lays an egg. hoo.h.nau To act as midwife, deliver a baby; to
reproduce. (PPN faanau.)
2. interj. Happy birthday (used in toasts).
3. Short for hoahnau, cousin. Rare. [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
nvi. Sleep; to sleep, fall asleep, asleep. Kona hiamoe ana, his sleeping. Holoholona hiamoe, sloth.
Hiamoe i ka make, to sleep in death, die. hoo, To put to sleep, lull to sleep, to pretend to
sleep; soporific. Lau hoohiamoe, sleeping tablet or drug. (PPN fiamohe.)

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Ma Ka Moku Project
Bible Baibala Notes
December 25, 2016
Christmas Day
Luke 2:1-14 (15-20)
II. Luke 2:(1-7) 8-20
III. John 1:1-14
Luke 2:1-14(15-20)
In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was
the first registration and was taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. All went to their own towns to
be registered. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called
Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David. He went to be registered with
Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for
her to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and
laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.
In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an
angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were
terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for see-- I am bringing you good news of great joy
for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. This
will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger." And
suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying,
"Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace among those whom he favors!"
[When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let us go now
to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us." So they went
with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made
known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds
told them. But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned,
glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.]
1 Eia kekahi mea ia mau l, hoolaha ia aela ke kauoha a Kaisara Augusato, e kkau ia i
ka palapala ko ke aupuni a pau.
2 I ke alii kiaina ana o Kurenio ma Suria, ka hoomaka ana o kia kkau mua ana.
3 Pau n i ka hele i kkau ia ai i ka palapala o kl mea kia mea i kona klanakauhale iho.

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4 O Iosepa kekahi i pii ae, mai Galilaia ae, mai loko mai o Nazareta ke klanakauhale a hiki i
Iudea, i ko Dvida klanakauhale i kapa ia o Betelehema, (no ka mea, no ka hale ia a me ka
ohana a Dvida,)
5 I kkau ia ai me Maria ka wahine i hoopalau ia nna, e kk ana.
6 A oiai lua ma laila, hiki kona manawa e hnau ai.
7 Hnau ihola o ia i kna makahiapo kne; wah ihola i ia i ke kapa keiki, a hoomoe ihola i ia
ma kahi hnai holoholona, no ka mea, aole wahi kaawale no lkou ma loko o ka hale
8 Aia i kl ina he mau kahu hipa e noho ana i ke kula, a e kiai ana i k lkou mau poe
hipa i ka p.
9 Aia hoi! Kau maila ka nela o ka Haku i o lkou l, a hoomlamalama maila ka nani o ka
Haku i lkou a puni, a makau loa ihola lkou.
10 A lelo maila ka nela i lkou, Mai makau oukou, no ka mea, eia hoi, ke hai aku nei au
i oukou i ka mea maikai, e olioli nui ai e lilo ana no n knaka a pau.
11 No ka mea, i kia l i hnau ai, ma ke klanakauhale o Dvida, he Ola no oukou, o ia ka
Mesia ka Haku.
12 Eia hoi ka hailona no oukou, e loaa auanei i oukou ke keiki ua wah ia i ke kapa keiki,
e moe ana ma kahi hnai holoholona.
13 A emo ole maila ka lehulehu o ka pali o ka lani me ua nela l, e hoolea ana i ke Akua,
e lelo ana,
14 E hoonani ia ke Akua ma n lani kiekie loa, a he malu hoi ma ka honua; he aloha n i
15 Eia hoi kekahi, a hoi akula n nela i ka lani, mai o lkou aku, lelo ihola ua mau knaka
kiai hipa l kekahi i kekahi, E, e haele kkou i Betelehema e ike aku hoi ia mea a ka Haku i
hike mai nei i kkou.
16 Haele wikiwiki lkou, a ike ihola i Maria, a me Iosepa, a me ke keiki, e moe ana ia ma kahi
hnai holoholona.
17 A ike lkou, hoolaha akula lkou i ka lelo i hai ia mai i lkou no ia keiki.
18 A o ka poe i lohe a pau, mahalo ihola lkou no n mea i hai ia aku i lkou e ka poe kahu
19 Kohi ihola o Maria ia mau mea a pau me ka hoomanao iho i loko o kona naau.
20 A hoi maila n kahu hipa, me ka hoonani a me ka hoolea i ke Akua no ia mau mea a pau
a lkou i lohe ai a i ike ai hoi, e like me ka mea i hai ia mai i lkou.

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laha [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]

vs. Extended, spread out, broad, published, circulated, distributed, disseminated, promulgated,
advertised, broadcast, widespread, increased, numerous, common, general, ordinary. See laha ole.
Ua laha nui ka pnini, cactus grows far and wide. hoo.laha To spread abroad, publish, advertise,
broadcast, disseminate, distribute, circulate, make known, promulgate, increase, propagate;
advertisement, propagation, publicity. Hoolaha kai, hoolaha hoolilo, notice of sale. Hoolaha lima
hana, help-wanted ad. Hoolaha manaoio, propagation of the faith. (PPN lafa.)
2. n. Gourd calabash painted with patterns. (HP 208.)
3. n. A kind of yam with white flesh under the skin (HP 168), contrasting with those with purple-red
flesh under the skin that were liked for medicine.

k.k [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]

1. n. A carrying net, usually made of sennit, as used for hanging calabashes; a string hammock, as
formerly used for carrying the very old. Kk palu, plain net carrier; lit., slack net. Kk puu, a
fine, knotted net carrier. Ua kai kk, carried about in a hammock [due to extreme old age]. (PCP
2. nvt. To tie up strings, as of a calabash; lacings, as of sharkskin to a drum body. Kk ae i ka
polo a paa, bring up the corners of the wrapper and tie together firmly in a bunch.
3. Redup. of k 2; to pull, jerk, drag, push, massage; to set a bone by applying pressure. Cf. pale
4. nvi. Pregnancy; pregnant, heavy with child. N malama o k lkou kk ana, (Ioba 39.2), the
months of their pregnancy.
5. Redup. of k 3, to fulfill.
6. n. Cocoa. Eng. Also kokoa.
emo [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
nvs. A waiting, delay; to wait, delay (often used with a negative). Aohe i emo, hiki ana ke kaa, in
hardly any time at all, the car arrived. (PCP kemo.)
lehu.lehu [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
nvs. Multitude, crowd, great number, population, legion, the public; numerous, very many,
innumerable, myriad. No ka pono o ka lehulehu, for the welfare of the public. hoo.lehu.lehu To
make a multitude; to increase into many.
p.ali [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. n. Warrior, soldier, so called because Hawaiian fighters tied (pali) their malos at the waist so
that no flap would dangle for a foe to seize; army, host, multitude. Various types of military
formations are listed below. Kona pali apau (Puk. 14.4), all his host. Pali nela, host of angels.
2. nvt. To gird tightly about the waist, as of malo-clad warriors, or as corseted women; compressed,
constricted in the middle; grooved, notched; irregularly shaped, as taro; notch; tight belt (see kk for
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example). Ua kliki ia pali ke kino o ka wahine, the body of the woman is corseted and pulled
tight. Eono pali a kn lau plau (For. 5.221), his war club has six notches. Pali ka hau nui i
ka hau iki (Nak. 108), the big hau tree is grooved by the small hau [a child annoying an adult; a small
warrior harassing a big one]. hop.ali To gird, compress; grooved.
3. n. Isthmus.
4. n. Slender abdominal stalk on a wasp's body.
5. n. In music, a decrescendo followed by a crescendo.
6. n. Irregularly shaped ravine.
7. n. A vague term for an adopted man or boy who had no servants. (Ii 38.)

makau [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]

nvt. Fear; frightened, afraid, cowardly, timid, unsafe, dangerous. Makau oia i ke kaua, he is afraid
of war. Cf. maka uhia, maka ulia. hoo.makau To frighten, scare, terrify, make afraid; fear; to
pretend to fear. (PPN mataku.)

holo.holona [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]

n.1. Animal, beast, insect
2. A trip, excursion, ride. Rare. Cf. ipu holoholona.

Luke 2:(1-7) 8-20

[In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was
the first registration and was taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. All went to their own towns to
be registered. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called
Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David. He went to be registered with
Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for
her to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and
laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.]
In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an
angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were
terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for see-- I am bringing you good news of great joy
for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. This
will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger." And
suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying,
"Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace among those whom he favors!"
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When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let us go now to
Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us." So they went
with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made
known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds
told them. But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned,
glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.
1 Eia kekahi mea ia mau l, hoolaha ia aela ke kauoha a Kaisara Augusato, e kkau ia i
ka palapala ko ke aupuni a pau.
2 I ke alii kiaina ana o Kurenio ma Suria, ka hoomaka ana o kia kkau mua ana.
3 Pau n i ka hele i kkau ia ai i ka palapala o kl mea kia mea i kona klanakauhale iho.
4 O Iosepa kekahi i pii ae, mai Galilaia ae, mai loko mai o Nazareta ke klanakauhale a hiki i
Iudea, i ko Dvida klanakauhale i kapa ia o Betelehema, (no ka mea, no ka hale ia a me ka
ohana a Dvida,)
5 I kkau ia ai me Maria ka wahine i hoopalau ia nna, e kk ana.
6 A oiai lua ma laila, hiki kona manawa e hnau ai.
7 Hnau ihola o ia i kna makahiapo kne; wah ihola i ia i ke kapa keiki, a hoomoe ihola i ia
ma kahi hnai holoholona, no ka mea, aole wahi kaawale no lkou ma loko o ka hale
8 Aia i kl ina he mau kahu hipa e noho ana i ke kula, a e kiai ana i k lkou mau poe
hipa i ka p.
9 Aia hoi! Kau maila ka nela o ka Haku i o lkou l, a hoomlamalama maila ka nani o ka
Haku i lkou a puni, a makau loa ihola lkou.
10 A lelo maila ka nela i lkou, Mai makau oukou, no ka mea, eia hoi, ke hai aku nei au
i oukou i ka mea maikai, e olioli nui ai e lilo ana no n knaka a pau.
11 No ka mea, i kia l i hnau ai, ma ke klanakauhale o Dvida, he Ola no oukou, o ia ka
Mesia ka Haku.
12 Eia hoi ka hailona no oukou, e loaa auanei i oukou ke keiki ua wah ia i ke kapa keiki,
e moe ana ma kahi hnai holoholona.
13 A emo ole maila ka lehulehu o ka pali o ka lani me ua nela l, e hoolea ana i ke Akua,
e lelo ana,
14 E hoonani ia ke Akua ma n lani kiekie loa, a he malu hoi ma ka honua; he aloha n i
15 Eia hoi kekahi, a hoi akula n nela i ka lani, mai o lkou aku, lelo ihola ua mau knaka
kiai hipa l kekahi i kekahi, E, e haele kkou i Betelehema e ike aku hoi ia mea a ka Haku i
hike mai nei i kkou.
16 Haele wikiwiki lkou, a ike ihola i Maria, a me Iosepa, a me ke keiki, e moe ana ia ma kahi
hnai holoholona.
17 A ike lkou, hoolaha akula lkou i ka lelo i hai ia mai i lkou no ia keiki.
18 A o ka poe i lohe a pau, mahalo ihola lkou no n mea i hai ia aku i lkou e ka poe kahu
19 Kohi ihola o Maria ia mau mea a pau me ka hoomanao iho i loko o kona naau.
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20 A hoi maila n kahu hipa, me ka hoonani a me ka hoolea i ke Akua no ia mau mea a pau
a lkou i lohe ai a i ike ai hoi, e like me ka mea i hai ia mai i lkou.
kahu [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. n. Honored attendant, guardian, nurse, keeper of unihipili bones, regent, keeper, administrator,
warden, caretaker, master, mistress; pastor, minister, reverend, or preacher of a church; one who
has a dog, cat, pig, or other pet. According to J. S. Emerson; 92:2, kahu implies the most intimate
and confidential relations between the god and its guardian or keeper, while the word kahuna
suggests more of the professional relation of the priest to the community. Cf. kahu hipa, kahu
ho oponopono, kahu mlama, kahu waiwai, and ex., anan. Kona kahu, his attendant. O ka lio
kahu, the dog's master. Hoi n ai i kou kahu, return and destroy your keeper [sending a curse or
evil back to the original sender]. hoo.kahu To act as a kahu; to appoint a kahu. Mea hookahu ia,
ward, beneficiary of an estate. (Probably PEP ta(f,s)u.)
2. vn. To tend or cook at an oven fire; to build an oven fire; to burn, as lime in a pit; one who tends
an oven, a cook. Fig., to seethe with hot rage. E kahu ana k ia nei inaina, the rage of this [man]
here is seething. Kahu ka ena, to attend the heat [to be angry]. hoo.kahu To make a fire for
cooking in the oven; to act as kahu. (PPN tafu.)
3. Similar to kahukahu. Kahu ma ka paha ana (GP 52), pray in chant.
kipa [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. vt. To visit, call. Hale kipa, guest house, inn (Puk. 4.24). Ua kipa ae au i k lkou hale, I visited
their house. hoo.kipa To entertain, treat hospitably; hospitable; hospitality.
2. vi. To turn aside; to turn from the direct path. Cf. kepa. (PPN tipa.)
m.lama.lama [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. Redup. of malama 1; light of knowledge, clarity of thinking or explanation, enlightenment; shining,
radiant, clear. Ka mlamalama o ka kau, northern lights. hoo.m.lama.lama To cause light,
brighten, illuminate, enlighten, inform, civilize. (PNP malamalama.)
2. Coris ballieui, a fish; the name may be qualified by the colors ula and uli.
3. (Cap.) n. Star name, no data. (Kuhelani.)
lea [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. nvs. Joy, pleasure, happiness, merriment; sexual gratification, orgasm; pleasing, gay, delightful,
happy, merry; delighted, pleased. Cf. manawale a. hoo.lea To cause pleasure, joy; to praise,
please, delight, extol; praising, eulogistic. Hailelo hoolea, eulogistic speech. Eh kaukani hoi i
hoolea i Ihowa me n mea kani au i hana ai i mea hoolea (1 Oihn. 23.5), four thousand then
praised Jehovah with the playing instruments I made as praising things. (PEP leka).
2. vs. Clearly, perfectly, thoroughly, successfully, Cf. kle a, kle a. Hai lea, to describe fully and
clearly; one skilled in clear, full explanation. Holo lea, to progress smoothly, successfully. Ike lea,
to see clearly. Maopopo lea, obvious, clearly evident. Moa le a, thoroughly cooked.
3. (Cap.) n. The zenith star Arcturus. Also Hk-lea.

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John 1:1-14
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the
beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into
being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines
in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so
that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. The
true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.
He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. He
came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who
believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the
will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God.
And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father's
only son, full of grace and truth.
1 I kinohi ka Logou, me ke Akua ka Logou, a o ke Akua n ka Logou.
2 Me ke Akua n hoi ia i kinohi.
3 Hana ia ihola n mea a pau e ia; aole kekahi mea i hana ia i hana ole ia e ia.
4 I loko ona ke ola, a o ua ola l ka mlamalama no n knaka.
5 Puka maila ka mlamalama i loko o ka pouli, aole nae i hookipa ka pouli i ia.
6 Hoouna ia maila e ke Akua kekahi kanaka, o Ioane kona inoa.
7 Hele maila o ia i mea hike, i hike ai ia no ua mlamalama l, i manaoio ai n knaka a
pau ma ona l.
8 Aole n o ia ka mlamalama, ak, ua hele mai ia e hike i ka mlamalama.
9 O ka mlamalama io ia, ka mea nna e hoomlamalama n knaka a pau e hele mai ana
i ke ao nei.
10 I ke ao nei o ia, a i hana ia kia ao e ia, aole nae ko ke ao nei i ike i ia.
11 Hele maila ia i kona iho, aole kona poe i mlama i ia.
12 Ak, o ka poe i mlama i ia me ka manaoio i kona inoa, hawi maila ia i ka pono no
lkou e lilo ai i poe keiki na ke Akua:
13 O ka poe i hnau ia, aole na ke koko, aole na ka makemake o ke kino, aole hoi na ka
makemake o ke kanaka, na ke Akua n.
14 Lilo maila ka Logou i kanaka, a noho ihola me kkou, a ike kkou i kona nani, i ka nani o
ka hiwahiwa a ke Akua, ua piha i ka lokomaika?i a me ka oiaio.
kinohi [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
n. Beginning, origin, genesis. Kinohi loa, the very beginning. Mai kinohi a Hike Ana, from Genesis
to Revelations [from beginning to end].
m.lama.lama [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
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1. Redup. of malama 1; light of knowledge, clarity of thinking or explanation, enlightenment; shining,

radiant, clear. Ka mlamalama o ka kau, northern lights. hoo.m.lama.lama To cause light,
brighten, illuminate, enlighten, inform, civilize. (PNP malamalama.)
2. Coris ballieui, a fish; the name may be qualified by the colors ula and uli.
3. (Cap.) n. Star name, no data. (Kuhelani.)
m.lama [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. nvt. To take care of, tend, attend, care for, preserve, protect, beware, save, maintain; to keep or
observe, as a taboo; to conduct, as a service; to serve, honor, as God; care, preservation, support,
fidelity, loyalty; custodian, caretaker, keeper. Cf. makemake, mlama hale, mlama hele, mlama
moku, mlama p olo, plama 1. Mlama ana, custody. Mlama pono ia, well cared for. Mlama
pono! Be careful! Watch out! Mlama makua, one who cares for parents. Mlama wahine, caring for
one's wife. Mlama i kou makua kne, honor your father. Mlama kauoha, obey orders. Mlama L
Kpaki, keeping the Sabbath. kuu Akua, e mlama au ioe ma ka noonoo, O my God, let me
serve you in thought. O ka hoolohe a me ka mlama pono i ke aupuni, obedience and fidelity due
the government. Ka mlama ole i k hai ola, negligence of the lives of others. hoo.m.lama
a. Caus/sim.
b. (Cap.) Star name.
2. n. Pancreas.
3. (Cap.) n. Stroke in lua fighting. See below.
ao [Hawaiian Dictionary (Hwn to Eng)]
1. nvi. Light, day, daylight, dawn; to dawn, grow light; enlightened; to regain consciousness. Cf.
aokanaka. Piliwaiwai lkou ao ka p, they gambled until night became day [all night long, until
dawn]. Kl p ao ae i nehinei, night before last; lit., that night that dawned yesterday. ao ka p
p ke ao, when night becomes day until the day becomes night [for a night and a day]. Ua ao mar
ka noonoo, the mind is functioning. hoo
a. To marry; marriage (old term, probably lit., to stay until daylight).
b. (Cap.) Night of the day called Huna, eleventh night of the month, when the hoo nuptials took
place. (PPN aho.)
2. n. Any kind of a cloud, including pua, but specifically, high clouds that when wind-blown scud
along (kaa). See ex., pnohu 1, and cf. aok, ao loa, ao nohi, aouli, pua, plmoa, ppalamoa,
puapua a. Ao kai lilo a Kne, a cloud over the distant sea of Kne [away out, where only cloud and
sea are seen]. (PPN ao.)
3. n. World, earth, realm. Ke ao o Milu, the realm of the underworld.
4. vt. To be careful, beware, watch out. E ao nae oe i Kalahumoku (For. 5:413), beware then of
Kalahumoku. E ao oe o eha, be careful or you'll be hurt.
5. Rare var. of wao, upland area.
6. idiom. The exact image of (preceded by a e). O ka makuahine n a e ao, the image of the
7. n. A kind of fine mat.
8. n. A kind of fish (no data). (KL. line 149.)

Bible Baibala Notes -

12.4.16 Ma Ka Maku Project KP


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