Assignment Description and Rubric For A Board Game To Teach Electron Configurations

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Electron Configuration Board Game Assignment

Donna Fitzpatrick
Sunshine State Standard- SC.A. 1.4.1 The student knows that the electron configuration in atoms
determines how a substance reacts and how much energy is involved in its reactions.
Make a board game that may be used to practice electron configurations. The game may use a
strategy and set of rules for an existing game, or it may be something totally original. It must include in it
either game pieces such as cards that show the configurations of selected elements, or require the
player to draw, write, or identify electron configurations, with the correct answers incorporated into the
rules. Some suggestions for games that have worked well in the pastChemopoly- some variation on monopoly in which players vie to "buy" or otherwise control elements
by landing on their space and writing the configuration.
Trivial Pursuit
Chutes and ladders
Requirements1) The game's board should be in the size range of 8 1/2" x 11 " to 18" x 24". Boards larger than this
will be penalized in grade.
2) You may use playing pieces from existing games you bring in from home, or you may borrow pieces
I have during your class period. I have a collection of number cubes and "men", but you you may want
to use pieces from board games you have at home or household objects such as coins, buttons, stones,
etc. You may craft a spinner or use one from an existing game if you prefer.
3) You may make cards to go with your game, but they must be enclosed in a ziploc bag affixed to your
game board, and each card should have your initials and class period on it.
4) You must include a set of rules with your name, class period, and the name of your game.
The game will be graded according to the following criteria:
Game board adheres to size requirements.
Game board is artistic and attractive to the eye. (Please do not use glitter- glitter glue is okay.)
Game has original pieces or makes good use of pieces from existing games.
Fun factor- game is challenging and not tedious
Game is won based more on chemistry knowledge than chance.
Game may be played in a single class period but takes more than five minutes to win.
Electron configurations are shown in rules, on board, or in cards.
Electron configurations are correct.

Grading Sheet for Electron Configuration Board Game

Names of students in group
Name of game
Craftsmanship score:
Game board adheres to size requirements.
Game board is artistic and attractive to the eye.
Game has original pieces or makes good use of pieces from existing games.
Playability score:
Fun factor- game is challenging and not tedious
Game is won based more on chemistry knowledge than chance.
Game may be played in a single class period but takes more than five minutes to win.
Accuracy score:
Electron configurations are shown in rules, on board, or in cards.
Electron configurations are correct.
Student Grading Sheet for Electron Configuration Board Game
Your Name
Please rate the playability and accuracy of other students' games. If you correctly find errors in
the accuracy of another students' game, it can help your accuracy score. Please answer the
following questions for two other games:
1) Names of game designers
Name of game
How long did it take to play the game?
Rate the fun factor on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being most fun
Do you feel the game was won mostly based on chemistry knowledge?
Do you think the game was fair?
2) Names of game designers
Name of game
How long did it take to play the game?
Rate the fun factor on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being most fun
Do you feel the game was won mostly based on chemistry knowledge?
Do you think the game was fair?

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