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Love and Warmth

Appreciation and Gratitude

Excitement and Passion
1 identify the signal
2 appreciate the message change the word change my perception or rules or proced
ures behave differently be more flexible
3 get curious what do i really want what do i need to believe right now to feel
what do I need to do what's great about this
4 get confident times you dealt with it and handled it
5 get certain rehearse dealing with it and practice it imagine dealing it a coup
le of times
6 get excited and take action
every feeling you have good or bad is not based on the actual reality of life bu
t your interpretation of what it means
1. define what is wealth for you what amount?
2. lock that definition in place
3. define it
4. make a plan to achieve it
5. make it a must why you must be wealthy
6. get that plan
7. follow through plan
8. make yourself responsible
9. do not give up
10. do the opposite make your life a business
11. do not let emotions control you
12. get good coaching
define contribution
10% - 15%
define asset allocation
10% - 15%
10% - 15%
10% - 15%

- 20%
- 20%
- 20%
- 20%

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