Notes Essentials of Project Management

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Essentials of Project Management

Question Wise Detail Answers
Engr.Qasim Ali (FWO)
Email id: & Contact No. 0332-8882265
Remember me in your every Pray/Dowa, Please.

Q. What is project management body of knowledge

(PMBOK Guide)?
The PMBOK is a collection of process and knowledge areas generally accepted
as best practice within the project management discipline.
The PMBOK is internationally recognizable standards that provide the
fundamental of project management that are applicable to a wide range of
projects, including construction, software, engineering, automotive, etc.

Q. What is a project? Write characteristics and

examples of projects.
Project: A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique
product, service, or result. The temporary nature of projects indicates that a
project has a definite beginning and end. The end is reached when the projects
objectives and goals have been reached or the projects objectives and goals
have not been achieved or the project terminated because its objective will not or
cannot be met, or when the need for the project no longer exists. Every project
creates a unique product, service or result. The outcome of the project may be
tangible or intangible.
Characteristics of project: The main characteristics of a project are:

It is a temporary endeavor has fixed start and end dates

It is unique - No two projects are exactly the same, and it is not a routine

It is performed by a team of people - teams are temporary in nature. Will

be dispersed at the end of the project.

It has a defined budget

It needs resources and involves uncertainty

It has a sponsor - someone who wants the project done and will guide and
fight for it.

It has a defined objective/end point such that you can measure when it is

Examples of projects: Following are the examples of projects:

Burj ul Arab
Burj Dubai / Khaleefa
Taiwan 101
Hong Kong Airport
Microsoft Windows 98, XP, Vista
Airbus A380, Boeing 787 Dream liner
Euro fighter Typhoon, Joint Strike Fighter
Strategic Missiles, Cruise Missiles

Q. Managing a project include?

Managing a project typically include: Identifying requirements
Addressing various needs, concern & expectations of the stakeholders as
the project is planned and carried out
Balancing the competing project constraints, e.g.:a. Scope
b. Quality
c. Schedule
d. Budget
e. Resources
f. Risk

Q. What are characteristics of project phases?

Project phases concluded with a review
1. Work accomplished
2. Deliverables to determine acceptance

Each phase marked by completion of deliverables

Deliverable-tangible, verifiable work produced, such as:
1. Feasibility study
2. A detailed design, or
3. A working prototype
Management review to start new phase w/o closing current phase
Each phase formally initiated to produce a phase-dependent output
Phase-end review (PR) may auth its closure and to initiate next phase
Phase-end review called Phase Exits, phase Gates, or Kill points.

Q. What are classifications of project types?

Projects may be classified as social sector and infrastructure. Some examples

Transportation: Highways, mass transit, airports

Utilities: Electric power, gas, telephones
Education: Schools, colleges
Public: Safety, police, fire brigade, national guard
Recreation: Parks, playgrounds, historic sites
Development: Harbors, Dams, Irrigation
Research: Health, Space, Agriculture
Defense: Military equipment and systems
Conservation: Forests, Shorelines, Pollution

Q. What is project life cycle? Write its characteristics.

The Project Life Cycle refers to a series of activities which are necessary to fulfill
project goals or objectives. Projects vary in size and complexity, but, no matter
how large or small, all projects can be mapped to the following life cycle

Starting the project

Organizing and preparing

Carrying out project work

Closing the project

Projects are broken down into phases so that extra control can be applied to
effectively manage the processes. These phases are further divided into subsets
for easy management, control, and planning. The Project Life Cycle has been
divided into 5 phases:

Initiation phase

Planning phase

Execution/Implementation phase

Monitoring & controlling phase

Closing phase

Characteristics of project life cycle:

Project life cycle defines phases that connect beginning and the end
Deliverables at end of each phase
Phase gates
1. Completeness
2. Accuracy
3. Approval before work starts on next phase
Fast trackingSchedule compression technique. Overlapping phases, done in sequence

Cost and staffing level

Sub-project may have distinct PLC
Level of uncertainness and risk is always high in the beginning
Involvement of stake holders and cost is generally high at the initial stage.

Q. What is product life cycle?

Product life cycle (PLC) is the cycle through which every product goes through
from introduction to withdrawal or eventual demise.
The product life cycle is the period of time over which an item is developed,
brought to market and eventually removed from the market. First, the idea for a
product undergoes research and development. If the idea is determined to be
feasible and potentially profitable, the product will be produced, marketed and
rolled out.
Note: See instructor made slide No: 42 & 43 for more information.

Q. Why projects start/Initiate?

Project start/initiate due to following reasons: Market demand
Organizational need
Customer request
Technological advance
Legal requirement

Q. How projects success?

Project success due to following reasons: Completed within allocated time frame
Completed within allocated budget
Accepted by the customer
Customer requirements satisfied/exceeded

Q. Why projects fail?

Project fails due to following reasons:

Scope creep
No methodology
Lack of funding
Lack of change of control

Lack of resources
Lack of quality
Lack of testing
Lack of foresight
Lack of coordination
Unknown stakeholders
Unrealistic targets
Poor understanding of local regulations and laws
Poor understanding of cultural issues such as religion holidays, local

Q. What is Cost of project failure?

1. CHAOS study by Standish group
Only 44% of projects typically finish on time,
Projects usually complete at 222% of the duration originally planned,
Projects usually complete at 189% of the original budgeted cost,
79% of projects fall short of their planned scope (technical content
delivered), and
30% are cancelled before completion
2. Pakistans debt

Q. What are project emerging trends?

Projects are global and multicultural

Projects exists in complex marketplaces
Projects are usually cross organizations
Projects cycle-time reduction is the key to success
On time delivery to the customer is the focus

Q. What is a Process & Activity?

A series of actions or steps or individual activities taken in order to achieve a
particular end/result is called process. Activity means a specific task or set of
tasks that are required by the project, use up resources, and take time to

Q. What is an Operation?
Jobs or tasks consisting of one or more elements or subtasks, performed
typically in one location. Operations transform resource or data inputs into
desired goods, services,
or results,
and create and deliver value to
the customers.
An operation is also performed by people. The major difference between an
operation and a project is that, operations are repetitive in nature, where as
projects are temporary in nature. The main characteristics of an operation are:
Day to day activities
Definite start but no end

Q. What are the similarities between a project and an


Both are performed by people

Both have deliverables

Both have limited resources

Both are Planned, Executed and Controlled

Q. What are the differences between a project and an


Project is temporary in nature , whereas an operation is ongoing

Projects have temporary teams , whereas operations have permanent
teams (relatively)
Each project is unique in nature, whereas operation steps are identical

Q. What is a program?
Collection of Activities executed together in such a way that the cumulative
benefit is higher than when they are executed one at a time.

Q. Relationship among program management,

portfolio management & project management?
In mature project management organizations, PM exists in a broader context
governed by program and portfolio management.

Q. Program management?
A Program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain
benefits and control not possible from managing them individually. Program
management consists of: Centralized coordinated management of a program to achieve programs
objectives and benefits
Focus on project independencies. Actions may include
a. Resolving resource constraints and conflicts
b. Align organizational / strategic direction
c. Resolving issues and managing change
Overall management of a program and is not the individual management of the
constituent projects in the program. The focus is on the program objectives
achievement, rather than individual project progress.

Q. Portfolio management?
A portfolio is a collection of projects or programs that are grouped together to
facilitate effective centralized management to meet strategic business objectives.
Portfolio management consists of: Identifying
Resource allocation
Alignment to organizational strategies
Project portfolio management is all about choosing the right projects to execute
those which align with the organizational strategy and will give the organization
the maximum return on investment. The projects to execute are determined by
techniques such as:

NPV - Net present value of investments

ROI - Return on investments
PP - Payback period
OC - Opportunity cost, etc.

Q. What is project management? What is project

management need and purpose?
Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques
to project activities to meet project requirements. To complete the project:-


Within specified duration - TIME

Within or under budget - COST
According to the customer requirements SCOPE
Project Management Need:
A complex project needs coordination of:
Multiple people
Multiple resources ( Labs,equipment,etc )
Multiple tasks some must precede others
Multiple decision points approvals
Phased expenditure of funds
Matching of people / resources to tasks

Project Management purpose:

The purpose of project management is prediction and prevention, NOT
recognition and reaction.

Q. What is project management process or how is

project management done?
Project management is process can be organized into five groups of one or more
process each. These five process groups are: Initiating process


Planning process
Executing process
Monitoring & Controlling process
Closing process

Q. What are the key/knowledge areas of project

Project management having following key/knowledge areas as mentioned
below:1. Project Integration management
2. Project Scope management
3. Project Time management
4. Project Cost management
5. Project Quality management
6. Project Human Resource management
7. Project Communication management
8. Project Risk management
9. Project Procurement/Contract management
10. Project Stakeholder management

1. Project Integration Management:

Integration management is a collection of processes required to ensure that the
various elements of the projects are properly coordinated. Project managers
must coordinate all of the other knowledge areas throughout a projects life cycle
a. Project plan development:
Taking the results of other planning processes and putting them into a
consistent, coherent document-the project plan
b. Project plan execution:
Carrying out the project plan
c. Integration change control:
Coordinated changes across the entire project

2. Project Scope Management:

Primarily it is the definition and control of what IS and IS NOT included in the


Exactly what the deliverables are;

What they look like;
And how much work is involved

3. Project Time Management:

Project time is defined as the duration of all tasks that are in the project
schedule starting with the project start date and ending with the completion
Time is defined by understanding the tasks that have to be performed and
the correct sequence of those tasks (events) to achieve the project
Project must complete within the planned time
Requires detailed scheduling of each activity.

4. Project Cost Management:

This process is required to ensure the project is completed within the approved
budget and includes:
a. Resources
People/ Manpower
b. Quantities
c. Budget

5. Project Quality Management:

Quality management is the process that ensures the project will meet the needs.
Conformance to requirements- Crosby
fitness for use- Juran
the totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy
stated and implied need- ISO 8402:1994

6. Project Communication Management:

This process is necessary to ensure timely and appropriate generation,
collection, dissemination, and storage of project information.

7. Project Change Control Management:

Project change control management defines how changes to the project scope
will be executed.
Scope change
Schedule changes


Technical specification changes

All changes require collaboration and buy in via the project sponsors signature
prior to implementation of the changes.

8. Project Risk Management:

Risk is defined as an uncertain event of condition that, if it occurs has a positive
or negative effect on one or more project objectives. Risk management includes: Risk identification and mitigation strategy
Risk update and tracking

9. Project Human Resource Management:

Project human resource management is provision of people with skill sets
required for completion of project. Project human resource management includes
the processes required to make the most effective use of the people involved
with a project. Processes include: Organizational planning
Staff acquisition
Team development
Team management

10. Project Procurement/Contract Management:

An administrative process to ensure all parties understands their responsibilities
and obligations to a contract, allowing efficient and effective contract

Q. What are laws of project management?

Projects progress quickly until they are 90% complete. Then they remain at
90% complete forever
When things are going well, something will go wrong
When things just cant get worse, they will. When things appear to be
going better, you have overlooked something
If project content is allowed to change freely, the rate of change will exceed
the rate of progress
Project teams detest progress reporting because it manifests their lack of


Q. What is the difference between leading and

Managing is primarily concerned with consistently producing key results
expected by key stakeholders where as leading involves:
1. Establishing direction
2. Aligning people
3. Motivating and inspiring

Q. What is the difference between leader & manager?

The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people
follow them while managers have people who work for them. A successful
business owner needs to be both a strong leader and manager to get their team
on board to follow them towards their vision of success. To be successful as a
manager, one has to be a good leader. A manager asks how and when whereas
the leader asks what and why. A manager does things right whereas leader does
the right thing. A manager manages whereas the leader innovates.

Q. What is a project manager? Write skills, Roles and

responsibilities of a project manager?
A project manager is the person responsible for leading a project from its
inception to execution. This includes planning, execution and managing the
people, resources and scope of the project. Project managers must have the
discipline to create clear and attainable objectives and to see them through to
successful completion. The project manager has full responsibility and authority
to complete the assigned project. Project manager should be selected at the start
of the project initiation. Project manager should be authorized adequately and
should not be overridden.
Skills of Project Manager: Project manager should have following skills: Practical experience in project management
Knowledge of project management processes


Practical experience in relevant field/domain of the project

Conflict resolver
Roles and responsibilities of Project Manager: Roles and responsibilities vary
from organization to organization. Project manager is ultimately responsible for
the success of the project (cost, schedule and quality). The other responsibilities
Delivery of defined project and its day to day management
Use of resources up to project charter limits
Reporting significant issues to project sponsor
Development of a project plan
Executing the project as per the project plan
Maintaining the project plan
Project tracking
Scope management
Risk management
Project integration management
People management
Communications management
Procurement management
Quality management
Causal analysis and corrective actions
Stakeholder management

Q. Common titles for project managers

Project coordinator / leader Project coordinator /leader Project manager /officer
Project manager/ Program manager Project manager/ Program manager


Q. What is a project sponsor? Write roles and

responsibilities of a project sponsor?
Project sponsorship is the ownership of projects on behalf of the client
organization. Project sponsor identifies and define project, Produces business
case and can cancel if no longer meets needs.
A person or group who provides resources and support for the project, program,
or portfolio and is accountable for enabling success.
Roles and responsibilities:
Project sponsors primary role is to make the needed resources available to the
project. This includes;

Approval for starting the project

Approval to the cost budgets of the project

Approval to the product road maps , if it is a product development project

Decision to short close the projects, if the project deliverables are not
viable or do not add value in changed scenarios.

Decisions to progress into the subsequent phases

Decisions not to progress into the subsequent phases

Q. Who is a stakeholder?
Person or Organizations who are actively involved in the project or whose
interests may be positively or negatively affected by the performance or
completion of the project. OR Any person, community impacted by the project
execution or project outcome or by non-execution of the project.
Note: (See diagram of project stakeholders on slide No.47 & graph of
stakeholders influence over time on slide No.48)

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