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Choose the conjunction that fits best.

1. I haven't really studied for this exam, ________ I feel a little nervous.
a) so

b) unless

c) but

2. I told him not to come, ________ he came anyway.

a) since

b) unless

c) but

3. Do not do anything ________ you hear from him first.

a) unless

b) since

c) therefore

4. ________ I was really tired, I took a nap for 15 minutes.

a) Although

b) Since

c) Unless

5. ________ she likes to play basketball, her favorite sport is tennis.

a) While

b) Because

c) Since

6. ________ it was really hot outside, I wore shorts.

a) Although

b) Since

c) Unless

7. He has always done well on exams. This time, ________, he failed.

a) however

b) accordingly

c) moreover

8. I won't be able to borrow any more money ________ I pay off some of my previous debts.
a) but

b) until

c) although

9. ________ he wasn't a good player, he had a great game.

a) Since

b) Because

c) Although

10. The little girl slept ________ her father played the guitar.
a) while

b) therefore

c) until

rd be a megfelel linking word-t a mondatokba!


on the other hand


at least




1. I had a terrible day at work and lost my umbrella too.

who works in the coffee shop at last!
2. Television turns people into lazy couch potatoes.
educational programmes on.


I spoke to that nice guy

, there are some


, I would like to welcome you all to the conference today.


the film was a little boring, we still had a nice evening out.

5. I've always known Caroline as a mean person.

without me having to ask twice!
6. I got up at 9 o'clock yesterday and had a cold shower.
7. My brother works in a large office


, she lent me $10 yesterday

, I had breakfast and left for

I work on my own at home.

8. Why do you think I don't want to go out tonight.

out of the house.

, I would be delighted to get

9. You should go to university as it gives you a chance to meet so many new people.
, it gives you the chance to get important qualifications and get a better job.
10. I don't want to go to the football game. Football bores me and I don't want to pay $40 for a

, look at the weather! All that rain!

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