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Regional - Monitoring & Evaluation and Plan Adjustment

(R-MEPA) 4th Quarter 2013


Briefing Notes

Theme for the 4th Quarter MEPA 2013
!The 4th Quarter Monitoring, Evaluation and Plan Adjustment (4QMEPA) will feed into the 2013

Annual Report of the regions and divisions. The same year-ender report can be used as input to the
2015 Work Plan which the regions and divisions will start preparing by January 2014.

!The review will focus on all three major Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) - access, efficiency and
quality. All programs, projects and initiatives the regions and divisions implemented in 2012 and
2013 will be assessed and enhanced based on the results of KPIs.

Objectives and Scope
!The main objective of the 4QMEPA is to identify the barriers, bottlenecks and opportunities to

access, efficiency and quality education encountered in 2012 and 2013 that contributed to high or low
KPIs. The results of the review is expected to provide the regions with program and policy directions,
and the divisions with key inputs in the delivery of basic education support services to schools and
learning communities. The same can be used as input to the preparation of the 2015 work plan.

Specifically, the scope of the 4th Quarter review will be as follows:

1. Access. Focusing on enrollment, the Regional Office (RO) is expected to provide a situationer on
the enrollment performance of all the divisions for the school year (SY) 2012-2013. The
situationer should include a comparative assessment on enrollment in all divisions, as well as
enrollment trends in the last three years. More specifically, the RO should be able to report on the

Facilitating factors (if increasing trend) and/or barriers (if decreasing) to enrollment;
Programs contributing to increasing trend in enrollment and/or bottlenecks affecting
enrollment; and,
Policy, program and/or system recommendations that will sustain learners access to quality

2. Efficiency 2. Using data on school leavers and cohort survival rate, the RO will provide a regionwide report on efforts to ensure learners who are in school should stay in school. The report
should cover the following:

Facilitating factors (if improving trend) and/or barriers preventing learners from coming to

The 4QMEPA will also be called the Year-ender MEPA.

The RO may use the results and recommendations of the 3rd Quarter R-MEPA.


Programs addressing dropouts and/or bottlenecks or limitations of schools from keeping

learners in school affecting; and,
Policy, program and/or system recommendations that will sustain learners in school.

Also to be included in reporting efficiency is completion rate.

3. Quality. The RO will provide a comparative analysis of the results of the 2013 National
Achievement Test (NAT) for all divisions. Specifically, the analysis covers results of Grade 3 and
Grade 6 for elementary, and 4th year high school for secondary. Details will be as follows:


Facilitating factors (if increasing trend) and/or barriers (if decreasing) affecting performance;
Programs contributing to increasing trend in performance and/or bottlenecks affecting
performance; and,
Policy, program and/or system recommendations that will sustain learners performance.

The results of the 4QMEPA will be consolidated and incorporated to the Regions annual report for

Process Owner

The Office of the Planning Service (OPS) will have operational oversight of the R-MEPA. All
inquiries about the MEPA will be coursed through the Project Development and Evaluation Division
(PDED) of the OPS.

At the Regional level, the Regional Office is the process owner of the R-MEPA.

The R-MEPA will be participated by all DOs in the region, and by all RO management and staff. The
DOs should be represented by the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) and/or the Assistant
Schools Division Superintendent (ASDS), Planning Officer (PO), M&E Coordinator, Finance staff
and other essential staff or coordinators (Education Supervisor) who may be able to explain the
Division performance on school leavers. All DO participants3 will attend Day 01 only.

At the RO level, the Division Chiefs, Education Program Supervisors and other essential staff are
enjoined to participate in the Region-Division interface. They must be able to hear the feedback or
report of the DOs and how the policies and programs on are interpreted and implemented, and the
operational bottlenecks being encountered by DOs and schools.

R-MEPA Schedule and Sessions

The R-MEPA is a two-day activity. The ROs are suggested to conduct their 4th Quarter review
starting the 1st week of September 2013. All R-MEPAs must be completed by the EO December
2013. All issues and concerns documented on all R-MEPAs will be reported to the CO-MEPA which
will be conducted by the 2nd or 3rd week of January


Except for DOs participating in the PRIME program. Their presence are needed in Day 02 to discuss the PRIME grants utilization
and significant changes.

Day 01
Region-Division Interface!
15 Minute Presentation Per Division!
1 Hour Discussion (Question & Answer)!
Output: Policy Concerns & Issues on School

Day 02
Special Concern - PRIME Program (with PRIME Divisions
Region Conference (RO staff only)!
Review of Day 01!
Prioritization of Concerns & Issues!
Outputs: (1) Proposed Adjustments at RO level; (2) Policy
Concerns & Issues to be raised at CO level

Sessions and requirements are outlined below.
Special Concerns - PRIME Program!

The Regions are also enjoined to discuss with PRIME supported divisions the status of the PRIME
program implementation. Divisions implementing the PRIME program will be asked to remain for
the 2 nd day and make a more detailed presentation of the status of the PRIME grants utilization at
the Division, schools and communities. Each PRIME Division is expected to discuss the project
implementation bottlenecks that may hinder project completion by March 30, 2014.

Specifically, the discussion of the PRIME program should cover the following:
Status of grants (implementation) - schools and community
Implementation issues and difficulties
Grants utilization - funds utilized to date including liquidation concerns
Most significant changes (MSCs) documented by the PRIME Divisions on IP and Muslim


Attached are two documents that may help the Regions and Divisions in preparing for the R-MEPA
and post MEPA requirements. These include:

Tips on Writing the Annual Report. The format outlines essential information the region may need
to include in its annual report. The document also provides useful tips on writing the annual report.

R-MEPA CSW Checklist. This will serve as guide for the regions and divisions in their preparation
for the R-MEPA. Contains list of information requirements that must be presented in the MEPA as
well as activities necessary prior to MEPA conduct.



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