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BY: Celine Adao

Margarete De Guzman

Tinuviel Esguerra
Ma. Ellah Patricia Gutierrez
Jasmine Mary Jamorabon

What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is the sacrament by which
Catholics receive a special outpouring od the
Holy Spirit. Through Confirmation, the Holy Spirit
gives them the increased ability to practice their
Catholic faith in every aspect of their lives and to
witness Christ in every situation.

Biblical Foundation
the Acts of the Apostles (8:12- 17 and 19:1-7) record
two instances which indicate that aside from baptism,
the imposition of the hands for the giving of the Holy
Spirit or confirmation was part of Christian iniatition.

How they celebrate it?

Sacrament is celebrated within the Mass by the Bishop.
The actual rite begins after Liturgy of the Word, when reading the
Scripture are read and after the Bishop delivers the Homily. The
candidates are presented to the Bishop who welcomes them to the
community. They are invited to renew their baptismal promises. The
Bishop then extend his hands over the candidates and invokes the
prayer of the holy spirit.
This is then followed by the essential rite of the sacrament: the
candidates, with their sponsor, approach the Bishops one at the
time and the Bishop lays his hands over the candidate, anoints
them with chrism on the forehead while he says: Be sealed with the
Gift of the Holy Spirit. This is concluded with the sign of peace by
the Bishop to the newly confirmed.

An increased portion of the gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom,
knowledge, right judgment, understanding, courage,
piety, and fear of the Lord
A deepening and strengthening of the grace received
at Baptism, which is considered the presence of God in
the soul
A more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ
A closer bond with the Catholic Church
The ability to take a greater, more mature role in the
Church's mission of living the Christian faith daily and
witnessing to Christ everywhere
A special mark, or character, on the soul that can never
be erased

Matter and Form

Like the other sacraments of the New Law,

Confirmation consists of matter and form. The matter is
the anointing with holy chrism and the laying on of the
hands of a bishop.

Minister of the Sacrament

Ordinary Minister
Extraordinary Minister

Qualification of the recipient

Young people in tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade who
are ready to take on a more adult role in the Church.
Adults joining the Catholic Church also receive the
sacrament of Confirmation after baptism and a period
of instruction. They, too, must freely accept the
Catholic faith and commit to practicing it at all times.
Any baptized person, even an infant, may receive
Confirmation, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
that it provides, if he or she is in danger of death.

Qualifications of the Sponsor

He/she should be baptized and receive sacrament of
Atleast 16 years old.
Preferably of the same sex as the one who would be
He or she should be well-versed and a good witness of
the Catholic faith.
The 1983 Code of Canon Law recommends that the
godparents in Baptism be the same sponsor for
Confirmation in order to signify the close relationship
between confirmation and baptism.

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