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To Whom It May Concern:

The things I value most are honesty, integrity and directness. Therefore, upon
a background check, you will find that I have felony convictions for theft in a
setting and a misdemeanor for disorderly conduct.
From this experience I have grown and taken personal responsibility for my actions.
also hurt many people from my mistake and realize I cant change what is already
but I can make the best with what is left. I am very remorseful of my actions and
feel it is
not only important, it is necessary to continue making my restitution payments, to
back to the community through public speaking on the negative affects that
gambling can
have and to donate crocheted items I make to shelters, churches and charities. I
made a terrible mistake, however, I would like to put it behind me and keep moving
forward. I am looking for a second chance to reestablish myself in the community.
I am eager to pursue this or other opportunities with your company. I believe my
experience will allow me to contribute to the successful day-to-day running of your
company. I can adapt to adversity and work assignments with minimal supervision. I
a reliable, team oriented professional who has a lot to offer your company. In
your company could be eligible for up to $9,000 in tax credits for hiring me. To
guarantee that I will be an honest worker, I can be bonded up to $25,000 through
Fidelity Bonding Program. I will be happy to supply you with more information at

I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and address
questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration.
Sue Smith

Advertised Job Application Letter Sample

See the following example :
Dear Mr. Williams,
I am aware of the driver position advertised in today's local newspapers. Therefore I would
like to put forward my application for the position.
Learn more about this kind of application letter here.

Inquiry Job Application Letter Sample

See the following example :
Dear Ms. Goldman,
I am seeking a responsible position as a financial research assistant in which I may use my
training to solve financial problem. I would be interested in exploring the possibility of
obtaining such a position within your firm.
Learn more about this kind of application letter here.

Recommended Job Application Letter Sample



I am writing to express interest in the Registered Nurse position recommended by one of

your doctor at your hospital, Dr. Rubyleen.

She and I were colleagues when we were

working in Makati Public Hospital. I graduated from Makati Health College with an Associate
of Science in Nursing in October 2010. From my resume, you will see that my experience
matches the qualifications listed for this position. I heard about this job through Dr.
Rubyleen who gave me a recommendation letter attached with this application letter.
Learn more about this kind of application letter here.

How To Start An Application Letter

How To Start An Application Letters. To start an application letter you just have to
remember the application letter format described below. After you make sure the format,
then you begin thinking of body of the application letter. It usually consists of three
paragraphs; the first one is about the job listing, the second is about you and your
qualification and the last paragraph expresses your gratitude and expectation to follow up
the application letters such as possible call, interview, email. Make sure you put in your
contact details / personal identity.
When you send an application letter or a cover letter, it is better that you also enclose











Your application letter should provide detailed information on what position you are applying
for, why you are qualified for the job you are applying for. A good application letter explains
the reasons for your interest in the certain organization and state your most relevant skills


Your application letter should also inform the employer what benefit they will get if they
select you as their employee. In addition to that, please make sure that you state the time
comfortable for the employer and you to have an interview, and how you will follow-up.
Some people state how much salary they expect when they write an application letter. You
can also do this if your intention is to increase your salary. But, if you are between jobs or
unemployed, it is advisable that you do not mention this matter.

Job Application Letter Opening Sentences

The following sentences are the sentences you can use when you are not sure to start an
application letter.
1. I just met with Susan Doherty from your firm, and she strongly recommended that I
send you my resume. She is sure that I am the ideal candidate for the position of
System Manager.
2. As a fresh University of Seychelles graduate, I am confident that My computer skills
plus my well-honed interest in technology advances, and my recently completed
education in computer science make me a strong candidate for a position as an
entry-level software engineer at your highly regarded company.
3. I enjoyed our meeting at the Big Motorcycle Club and, as you suggested, am sending
you this additional information to review before we get together. Victoria Ltd
suggested I contact you regarding opportunities in your warehouse division. My
background documents considerable success in the areas of loss prevention and
asset recovery, which I understand are high on your list of requirements.
4. Before deciding to apply, I did some research and discovered that were both
Philippines University grads. I hope this will be a harbinger of good things to come
and that we will be doing our best in the workplace. As a new graduate, I've been
hoping to find the kind of position youre staffing because I have exactly the
background youre asking for.
5. I am very interested in the entry level position that is available at Jakarta Investment
Partners. I recently graduated from University of Indonesia and my courses in
investments, finance and business have given me a solid base upon which I plan to
build my career.
6. I am writing to express my interest in the International Marketing position open at My colleague Amanda White recommended that I contact you directly
about this position.
7. I'm writing to express my interest in the Editorial Assistant position listed on Finance
Newspapers. I am confident that my related experience and excellent capabilities will
meet your requirements for this position.

8. I am writing to apply for the Dining room Manager position advertised in the Times
Herald. I graduated from Bandung International Hotel University five years ago and I
am sure my experience in Hilton Hotel will enrich the company's standard of
9. I have a very strong interest in pursuing a teaching career. With experience working
at both the elementary and high school levels, as well as in activities outside of the
traditional classroom, I have a diverse background with much to offer.
10. I have the pleasure of being acquainted with one of your staff, Rachel Jones. She let
me know about the open position, and recommended that I contact you. I graduated
from .........

Application Letter Format

Application Letter Format. When we write an application letter, we usually use the
following format :

Applicant's Personal Identity

Applicant personal identity usually consists of :
City, State Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address

After we write our personal identity, we usually put on the date. Examples :
October 13, 2013
November 1, 2013

After the date, we normally write salutation. Examples :

Dear Sir: ( If we do not know the name of the person we are writing to )
Dear Mr. Smith
Dear Mrs. White

Body of the Letter

Right below the salutation, we begin writing the content of our application letter. It usually
consists of three paragraph.

T h e F i r s t Parag rap h
The first paragraph of our application letter usually states the reason we are applying for the
job, what position we are applying for and how we know the vacant position.

T h e Se c o n d Par ag rap h
The second paragraph should convey the information about our qualification, experience,
and educational background.

T h e T h i r d Parag rap h
The third paragraph usually convey our gratitude to the person we are writing to, how and
when we can be contacted for an interview. We can also put our email address or phone
number here.

Complimentary Close
We usually put complimentary close just before our signature. Examples:
Sincerely yours,
Cordially yours,

The last thing we have to put in our application letter is our signature. Learn more
aboutparts of business letter here.

More Tips on Writing Application Letters

Tips on Writing Application Letters. As a conclusion, pay attention to the following tips
on writing an application letter :
1. Why you are writing - mention the job you are applying for and where you found the
2. What you have to offer the employer - mention why your skills and experience are a
good fit for the job.
3. Express your gratitude to the personnel manager for considering you and note how
you will follow up.

Dear (Dean or Director of Admissions, depending on the school),

My name is John Doe and I am currently applying to Best University School of
Medicine (BUSOM). I interviewed on December 1st and am writing this letter for
three purposes. My first purpose is to reiterate that BUSOM is my top choice for
medical school. If accepted, I will definitely attend BUSOM. Second, I hope to
express why I am a good fit for your school. Last, I wanted to update you on any
new accomplishments that may not be in my current applicant file.
During my interview with Dr. Awesome, I asked her how I should decide which
school to go to. Her main advice to me was to figure out which school is the best fit
for me. After attending multiple interviews and learning extensively about different
schools, I truly believe that BUSOM is the best fit for me. I agree wholeheartedly
with the vision and mission of the school especially the focus on serving both the
local and global community. BUSOMs emphasis on PBL and small groups is
extremely enticing to me because I too value hands-on and group learning. On my
interview day, I definitely felt at home. I loved the passion and warmth of the
faculty. The speech by Dr. Perfect was amazing in welcoming and inspiring all of us
interviewees. In addition, I could not help but notice how genuinely happy BUSOMs
medical students were. They repeatedly expressed how much they loved the school.
All the students walking by had smiles on their faces and greeted us kindly.

BUSOM is renowned for producing intelligent, mature, and diligent physicians. I

believe I have what it takes to live up to BUSOMs standard of excellence. Since
graduating from Awesome University, I have been working full time as a clinical
research associate. As a clinical researcher, I have consistent exposure to patients
as I enroll them into our study. Right now, I am learning how to effectively
communicate with patients but I know that BUSOM will further prepare me to
become the best clinician I can possibly be. Our research team recently submitted a
paper for our project on breast cancer that will be appearing in Nature. As author of
the paper, I contributed by collecting and analyzing data, helping design the study,
writing and editing the manuscript, and critically evaluating methods of
dissemination. BUSOM is a place where cutting edge research never stops. My
intent is to continue its tradition of research greatness.
||How do you get off the waitlist?||
I would be honored to attend BUSOM. I know that I can make a positive contribution
to the school. Thank you so much for your consideration. I hope to see you in the
Best wishes,
John Doe

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