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1.Do have a desired title?

winsome, which represent both our ideals and our

2.Are you targeting specific keywords? no
3.Is there a goal for length? the length should be concise as possible but
relevant to the message we want to convey
4.Do you need help promoting posts once they are posted? Yes we need help,
but if the promoting cost much that the benefit that it will return, then the
answer is no.
5.What is the message you want this to convey? the message i want to
convey is about LGBT rights, and that we are teenagers that are productive in
a sense that our academic performance are recongnize as possible, the whole
message conveys uplifiting and dignifying LGBT community
6.What is the goal of this publication? the goal of the publication is to let
other be informed about the vision of our organzation.
7.Do you have an outline or notes? Yes, the outline shall be provided by our
secretary, regarding objectives, mission, goals, and some specific servitude
that our organization offer
8.Do you have existing content that should be used as a style guide? Our
page with different designs for logo and photos are some resources that could
be use in our blog
9.Do you have a designed tone for your blog? No.
10.Who is the audience for your blog? the best audience for our blog are
teenager, that is our main audience, sub audience could be adult to late
adult, exempted are toddlers and early childhood.
11.Do you have a clear understanding of your organization using blog? The
use of Blog for us is to inform the other users of social media, that our
organization is existing, serving and achieving goals.
12.The last time you accomplished a big project, did you received any
13.Do you believe all of you are able to reach the organizational full potential
here? I believe that we reach most of our goals substantially but not all, we
maximize the full potential of our organization, evidential in our members.
14.Do you feel like the members of the organization here is transparent?
15.Do you believe we live authentically by our organizational values? we live

authentically by our organizational values, that is the nature of every filipino

collectively doing and living each event, but more than some deviates from
the norms of the organization moreover, they create in-groups in the
organization, that is the liberal way of organization, and I do not abstained
them democratically.
16.What is/are the organizations advocacy?
17How the organizations start? The Youth Organization start on September
12, 2014, originally there are 16 members, we are childhood friends since
then the organization was created, we decided to create an organization that
will represent our aspirations; that is to create our own identity in the social
media, it started when facebook selfie is at its growth stage, and most of our
friends suggest to create a page that acknowledges different selfies, so we
created the Winsome page.

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