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Computer-aided Manufacturing:
CAM has been defined by CAM-I(Computer-aided Manufacturing International) as the
effective utilization of computer technology in the management, control and opertions
of the manufacturing facility through eithr direct or indirect computer interface with
the physical and human resources of the company.
It can also be defined as computer controlled activities that are involved in turning raw
material into finished products. CAM has its roots in NC Systems.

What is NC?
NC is an abbreviation for Numerical Control meaning control by numbers.
CNC(Computer Numerical Control) is an NC system supplemented by an intelligent unit
capable of processing the data inserted and using the results of its calculations for
controlling the operation of machine.

Operation of NC/CNC Machine:
In principle, the machining operations of NC/CNC are the same as on a conventional
machine but the control takes over the operators job which means control has to be

How Control in CNC eliminates major activities of operator?
It is taken care of by two types of control loops in CNC Machine Tools

Position Control Loop

Feed Control Loop

The control cannot turn handwheels, so all the axis slides are equipped with feed
The control provides signals to moe the tool or workpiece. These signals are amplified
in amplifier and passed onto feed motors in the axis concerned to move the axis slide as
per the speed and duration already programmed. It becomes more clear from the figure
on Position Control Loop.

To control the feed rate, each feed motor is equipped with a tachogenerator which
signals the actual motor speed to the amplifier. The latter uses this signal to calculate
the actual feed rate and compares it with the programmed feed rate and in case of a
deviation, an electric signal is supplied to the amplifier to accelerate or decelerate the
feed motor. This process is referred to as Feed Control Loop and is related to a Closed
Loop System.

Advantages of NC/CNC:
1. The design and construction of NC/CNC Machine tools, together with the fact
that these machines are controlled by numerical values, ensure positioning
accuracy and repeatability. In other words, if the same program is employed to
produce a number of parts, they would have exactly identical dimensions.
2. Complex shaped components can be machined automatically with closer
tolerances and high degree of reliability.
3. Since these machines can operate without involving operator all the time, it is
useful for hostile environments.
4. NC Systems transfer a substantial portion of planning for the processing
operation from the shop floor to offices, where a specialist prepares the NC part
program in a comfortable environment. Consequently, production can be directly
monitored and controlled by the management.
5. A sequence of machining operations can be performed in a single set up on a
single machine In fact, this is considered to be one of the major advantages of NC
machine tools, , since the unproductive time used in setups and workpiece
transfer amounts to a high percentage of total production time.
6. Since Idle Time is minimum, employing NC Machine Tools is always
accompanied by increased productivity.
7. NC Machine Tools are highly advantageous when
Number of operations Many
Number of dimensions to be maintained High
Complexity of operations High
Repeatability of batches Often
Size of Batch Small/Medium
Labour Cost High
vii. Ratio of Cutting to Non-cutting Time Low
viii. Variety of Components More
ix. Cost of specialized tooling High
Setup Time, Inspection Time High
Accuracy High
Space on the Shop Floor Less
Budget Sufficient

Geometric fundamentals the programmer informs the control in advance what to do and then the
machine operates independently without human interference. However this will only work if the
control is fed with necessary geometry data and technological parameters for work piece concerned.
For our discussion we consider CNC universal milling boring machine ( or CNC jig boring machine) on
which following slide motion are obtainable :
Table to the right or left ( x axis motion)
Spindle head forward or back ( called y axis motion)
Table up or down called (z axis motion)
There is an essential difference between table slide machine and bed machine. In table slide
machine, it is the table (and thus the workpiece) that form the moving part. To simplify the matter
and to avoid confusion in CNC technology, we program all machine motions as if it were the tools
that move. This process is referred to as programming the relative toll motion.


Having defined the term relative tool motion, we can proceed to identify the direction of traverse:
A relative tool motion to the right (table to the left) is called : X+
A relative tool motion to the rear is called: Y+
A relative tool motion upwards (table downwards) is called : Z+ and vice versa
These directions of machine axes are easy to remember by right hand rule.
Geometrical details of the part are identified with the help of coordinated points (x,y), lines, arcs etc.
Zero point of the machine related coordinate system is called reference point while for the
workpiece, it is called workpiece zero.
When the workpiece has been clamped onto the table and the control knows the location of the
workpiece zero ( wz), the machine can start working. This means that the control has to move the
tool to the different set point positions. There are two methods of a set point position (or
programming the moment of tool):
1. Absolute dimensions G90 programming
2. Chain (incremental) dimension- G91 programming

Having programmed the geometric data (part description ) of the component, we move to tool
programming. CNC control can move a tool along any straight and/or circular path. To do so, it
requires certain data:
-Where the target point is located (x,y,z coordinates)
-Along what path ( straight or circular) the tool is to be moved to the target

-What feed rate is to used ( and a number of other data)

The programming language consists of words. Each word is a command given to control he machine.
The words are composed of code letters, and two or here numerals. Several words (commands) are
combined form a block. In other words, a block is a number of commands consisting o instructions
which can be carried out by the code. Block numbers have an address letter of their own.
Example: N0011 G..X..Y..F..M means
N= block number 11
G= preparing function (viz G90 absolute dimensions , G9 chain dimensions)
X/Y =positioning command; F = feed rate, S = spindle speed
M= Miscellaneous function viz M08= coolant on
The sequence of the words in a block is standardized. The control request the data automatically.
Following steps are followed:
1. Select reference point, program zero.
2. Determine coordinates ( absolute/ chain dimensions)
3. Prepare working plan- determine step by step:
Tools motions
Feed rates
Spindle speeds
Tools used
Coolants supply

Write programme translate operating steps into programming language.

Key in programme
Test and edit program
Star auto cycle.

TOOL COMPENSATION: - It is a built in feature of todays CNC controls. To perform this displacement
the control needs following data:
1. Cutter Diameter
2. Direction in which the displacement is to be effected
From this data the control calculates the cutter path actually required for the cut to be taken( on
CNC machine tool); the compensated path of the cutter axis as shown in figure(page 7)

THE APT (Automated Programmed tool) CNC language:- The development of this CNC language
started in Electronic System Laboratory of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in collaboration
with US aircraft industry. It is accepted by all CNC machines and has become world wide standard of
CNC machines. This language controls:
1. Geometrical statements (or geometry statements)
2. Tool motion statements
3. Miscellaneous statements viz.
a) Post processor statements(COOLANT/ON i.e. turn coolant on; FEDRAT/200 i.e. tool
federate 200mm/min; SPINDL/1250,CLW)
b) Cutter specifications
c) Tolerance specifications (OUT TOL/0.001; IN TOL/0.001)
d) Initial and Termination statements: The first statement in an APT program begins
with the word PART NO. (for eg. PART NO CAM PLATE); The last statement will be
FINI. It defines no successor and has the effect of terminating the program.
A copy of the APT-CNC Program prepared by myself at M/S GEC Limited, UK( Biggest private
organization of UK) for a component to be machined on CNC Lathe is enclosed herewith.


FMS can be viewed as a highly complex and sophisticated DNC grouping of machines. It combines
the efficiencies of transfer line (meant for high volume production) and flexibility of job shop.
FMS is claimed to bring the following benefits: -

40% cut in lead time

50% increase in machine utilization
30% reduction in labor


Flexible manufacturing capability

High equipment utilization
Reduced equipment cost
Reduced floor space required
Reduced labor cost
Shortened lead time
Improved management control
Gradual system degradation
Phased introduction
JIT manufacturing approach


CNC machine tools or machining centers are the basic constituents of FMS and have been
discussed in detail along with their programming procedures.
Work handling systems (conveyors, AGVs, robots etc.)
Pallets, fixtures etc.
Buffer storage, warehouses.
Tooling and handling systems
Sensing devices


FEATURES(MAJOR) OF FMS: FMS should have the following features

a) A means of reprogramming machines automatically to machine different work pieces.
b) A means of having all the tools necessary to machine the workpieces available at the
c) A means of automatically transporting the workpieces between machines and auto
loading/unloading the machines.


1) Control of FMS: prime element in the integration of the system (input and work handling
equipment) is a computer. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF ADVANCED FMS CONTROL:


2) TOOL MANAGEMANT: it is achieved by auto tool handling.
3) THE MANNINF OF FMS: it is achieved with the help of system operator.
4) CONTROLLING PRECISION: to ensure the required close tolerance accuracies etc. CMM are

Sheet metal parts have traditionally been produced by a range of conventional machining
tools. With the advent of NC/CNC technology it has been possible to produce CNC Press
Brake, CNC Turret Punch Press and high speed sheet metal machining centers (SMMC).
Hence among processes other than machining sheet metal work has the most immediate
potential for FMS and good amount of research work can be undertaken (carried out) in this
In a typical CNC punch press, there are about 60-72 tools to punch holes of different sizes
and shapes. The table can usually carry a sheet up to 1.3x2.5 m in size and to move it in the x
and y planes so that the required area is underneath the punch. The tools are usually
incorporated in rotary heads so that they can be brought into action quickly at lightning speed
compared with the operation of an ATC-on machine tool.
Peripheral FMS equipment manufactured by M/s AMADA, JAPAN includes auto
warehouse, unmanned carriage, auto storage, an automatic labeler, single sheet pick up unit,
loader, unloader, sorting cart, lifting table, lifter table, handling robot, turning and turnover
unit etc.
1. Automatic Warehouse and Automatic Storage: Auto warehouse is a system of steel
frame racks arranged in rows.
A mobile crane (which lifts or lowers materials) can travel between the rows of racks.
Crane stops in the position specified in the program and either inserts or removes the
material, the partially finished product on the pallets or empty pallets from the array
of racks.
2. Unmanned Carriage: Provides the link between auto warehouse & each of production
machines. Carriage is controlled by the cable buried in the floor. The destination of
unmanned carriage is determined by AMACOM through the information transmitted
from each process station requiring loading/unloading
3. Material feed station & single sheet pick up unit: MFS is defined as a station at the
loading side of each processing machine where material (with pallet) is changed from
unmanned carriage & fractional material (with pallet) is returned to the unmanned
Single sheet pick up unit uses powerful suction cups to lift sheet metal loaded on the
pallets. Lifted material is released on the slot conveyor (which is at elevated position)
and is next fed to the machine. A magnetic floater accurately separates the sheets.
The machine loader: It positions the workpiece via roller conveyor.

The unloader: Removes the workpiece from the machine.

Stacking Station: It is a table with an elevating function for stacking unloaded
The Sorter: Sorted pieces are stacked in respective boxes.
The turnover units: It turns over the workpiece or remove burrs etc.
The Lifting table: It inclines roller conveyor 20 degrees (approx.)


1. International Journals on Production Research (Vol 27(4)
2. International Journals on Machine Tools & Manufacruring
3. Amals of International Institutions for Production Engg Research (CIRP- 31/2/82,
CIRP- 37/2/88)
4. International Journals on Robotics & Computer integrated manufacturing (Vol
10, 1995)
5. International Journals on Production Economics
6. Journals on Smartcam USA (Dealing with CAD-CAM, CAPP)
7. Journals on Computerized optimization USA (COM)
8. Journals on Production & Inventory Management (JIT, Inventory)
9. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, London
10. Journals GEC; CITY PLUS- U.K
11. INT. Journals Tooling & Production (FMS & FMC-1989)
12. INT. Journals on MicroCAD (Pairing CAD/CAM Sep-Oct 1988)
13. INT. Journals on Machinery & Production Engg (3/M/1993)
14. INT. Journals on Man & Machine Amada Japan (Latest Trends in Sheet Metal
15. PhD work at IIT & other institutions

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