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IBM MQ, Version 9.0
IBM MQ Technical overview
Use IBM MQ to connect your applications and manage the distribution of informatio
n across your organization.
IBM MQ enables programs to communicate with one another across a network of unli
ke components (processors, operating systems, subsystems, and communication prot
ocols) using a consistent application programming interface. Applications design
ed and written using this interface are known as message queuing applications.
Use the following subtopics to find out about message queuing and other features
provided by IBM MQ.
Introduction to message queuing
The IBM MQ products enable programs to communicate with one another across a net
work of unlike components (processors, operating systems, subsystems, and commun
ication protocols) using a consistent application programming interface.
IBM MQ objects
Queue managers define the properties of IBM MQ objects. The values of these prop
erties affect the way in which IBM MQ processes these objects. You create and ma
nage objects using IBM MQ commands and interfaces. From your applications, you u
se the Message Queue Interface (MQI) to control objects. Objects are identified
by an IBM MQ object descriptor (MQOD) when addressed from a program.
Distributed queuing and clusters
Distributed queuing means sending messages from one queue manager to another. Th
e receiving queue manager can be on the same machine or another; nearby or on th
e other side of the world. It can be running on the same platform as the local q
ueue manager, or can be on any of the platforms supported by IBM MQ. You can man
ually define all the connections in a distributed queuing environment, or you ca
n create a cluster and let IBM MQ define much of the connection detail for you.
Publish/subscribe messaging
Publish/subscribe messaging allows you to decouple the provider of information,
from the consumers of that information. The sending application and receiving ap
plication do not need to know anything about each other for the information to b
e sent and received.
IBM MQ Multicast
IBM MQ Multicast offers low latency, high fan out, reliable multicast messaging.
IBM MQ Telemetry
IBM MQ Telemetry comprises a telemetry (MQXR) service that is part of a queue ma
nager, telemetry clients that you can write yourself or download for free, and c
ommand line and explorer administrative interfaces. Telemetry refers to collecti
ng data from and administering a wide range of remote devices. With IBM MQ Telem
etry you can integrate the collection of data and control of devices with web ap
In IBM MQ, there are several methods of providing security: the authorization se
rvice interface; user-written, or third party, channel exits; channel security u
sing Transport Layer Security (TLS), channel authentication records , and messag
e security.
Clients and servers
An introduction to how IBM MQ supports client-server configurations for its appl
Transaction management and support
An introduction to transaction management and how IBM MQ supports transactions.

Extending queue manager facilities

You can extend queue manager facilities by using user exits, API exits, or insta
llable services.
IBM MQ Java language interfaces
IBM MQ provides two alternative application programming interfaces (APIs) for us
e in Java applications: IBM MQ classes for Java Message Service and IBM MQ classe
s for Java.
IBM MQ.NET managed client TLS support
The IBM MQ.NET fully managed client provides Transport Layer Security (TLS) supp
ort that is based on the Microsoft.NET SSLStreams kit. This is different from th
e other IBM MQ clients, which are based on GSKit.
IBM MQ client for HP Integrity NonStop Server
Learn about the IBM MQ client for the HP Integrity NonStop Server platform.
[z/OS]IBM MQ for z/OS concepts
Some of the concepts used by IBM MQ for z/OS are unique to the z/OS platform. For
example, the logging mechanism, the storage management techniques, unit of reco
very disposition, and queue-sharing groups are provided only with IBM MQ for z/O
S. Use this topic for further information about these concepts.
[z/OS]IBM MQ and other z/OS products
Use this topic to understand how IBM MQ can work with other z/OS products.
Related concepts:
Introduction to IBM MQ
Related reference:
Main features and benefits of message queuing
Related information:
Planning an IBM MQ architecture
Finding product requirements and updated support information
IBM MQ Managed File Transfer
Concept Concept
Timestamp icon Last updated: Friday, 30 September 2016

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