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Summary of Genesis 1-5

Genesis Chapter 1 tells the story of the creation of the visible universe by God (Elohim).
This chapter can be summarised into two main points:
1. The Creation & Regulation of Earth and other created things in a total of 6 days
(Genesis 1:1-25, 29-31).
2. The creation of Man; Adam & Eve (Genesis 1:26-27) and the role of Man in creation
(Genesis 1:28).
Chapter 2 of Genesis concludes the story of creation with God exclaiming that the work of
his hands is Good, he rested on the 7th day so as a result he blessed it as a holy day
(Genesis 2:1-4a). In addition, Genesis ch. 2 goes into greater detail about:
1. The creation of Adam & Eve (Genesis 2:7,18,21-25). And also their duty (Genesis
2. The method by which the Earth was irrigated, the geographical location of Eden and
its important contents, namely: The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of
Good & Evil (Genesis 2: 4b-6,9-17).
Genesis ch. 3 records:
1. The tragic fall of man by the temptation of the Serpent who tempted Eve into eating
the forbidden fruit, she then gave it to Adam (Genesis 3:1-7).
2. The immediate consequences of their sin (Genesis 3:7-13) and Gods judgements to
each party involved (Genesis 3:14-24).
Genesis ch.3 also gives a hint of Gods redemptive plan for fallen Man in Genesis 3:15.
Genesis ch.4 follows in the footsteps of ch.3 by recording yet another tragic story; the
murder of Abel by his twin brother Cain who did it out of jealousy and pride (Genesis 4:1-15).
This chapter also records the heritage of Cain (Genesis 4:16-24). However, God granted
Adam & Eve a replacement for the Abel named Seth (Genesis 4:25-26).
Genesis ch. 5 lists a Genealogy from Adam (the first human created in Gods image and
likeness) to Japheth, son of Noah:
Adam begat Cain, Abel and Seth. Adam lived to see 930 years.
Seth begot Enosh. Seth lived for 912 years.
Enosh had Kenan and many other sons and daughters. Enosh lived 905 years.
Kenan begot Mahalalel and had many other sons and daughters. Mahalalel lived 910
Mahalalel begot Jared. Mahalalel lived 895 years.
Jared begot Enoch. Jared lived 962 years.
Enoch begot Methuselah. E
noch lived for 365 years, he did not die but was taken by
Methuselah begot Lamech. Methuselah lived 969 years.
Lamech begot Noah. Lamech lived 777 years.
Noah begat Shem, Ham and Japheth. He was 500 years old at the time
(Genesis 5:3-32).

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