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IBM MQ, Version 9.

Publish/subscribe messaging
Publish/subscribe messaging allows you to decouple the provider of information,
from the consumers of that information. The sending application and receiving ap
plication do not need to know anything about each other for the information to b
e sent and received.
Before a point-to-point IBM MQ application can send a message to another applicat
ion, it needs to know something about that application. For example, it needs to
know the name of the queue to which to send the information, and might also spe
cify a queue manager name.
IBM MQ publish/subscribe removes the need for your application to know anything
about the target application. All the sending application has to do is this:
Put an IBM MQ message that contains the information that the application wants.
Assign the message to a topic that denotes the subject of the information.
Let IBM MQ handle the distribution of that information.
Similarly, the target application does not have to know anything about the sourc
e of the information it receives.
The following figure shows the simplest publish/subscribe system. There is one p
ublisher, one queue manager, and one subscriber. A subscription is made by the s
ubscriber on a queue manager, a publication is sent from the publisher to the qu
eue manager, and the publication is then forwarded by the queue manager to the s
Figure 1. Simple publish/subscribe configuration
A queue manager is shown, flanked by a publisher and a subscriber. A subscriptio
n flows from the subscriber to the queue manager, and a publication flow from th
e publisher through the queue manager to the subscriber.
A typical publish/subscribe system has more than one publisher and more than one
subscriber on many different topics, and often has more than one queue manager.
An application can be both a publisher and a subscriber.
Another significant difference between publish/subscribe messaging and point-topoint is that a message sent to a point-to-point queue is only processed by a si
ngle consuming application. A message published to a publish/subscribe topic, wh
ere more than one subscriber has registered an interest, is processed by every i
nterested subscriber.
Publish/subscribe components
Publish/subscribe is the mechanism by which subscribers can receive information,
in the form of messages, from publishers. The interactions between publishers a
nd subscribers are controlled by queue managers, using standard IBM MQ facilitie
Example of a single queue manager publish/subscribe configuration
Distributed publish/subscribe networks
Each queue manager matches messages published to a topic with the locally create
d subscriptions that have subscribed to that topic. You can configure a network
of queue managers so that messages published by an application connected to one
queue manager are delivered to matching subscriptions created on other queue man
agers in the network. This requires additional configuration over simple channel
s between queue managers.
Parent topic: IBM MQ Technical overview
Reference Reference
Timestamp icon Last updated: Friday, 30 September 2016


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