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IBM MQ, Version 9.

IBM MQ Telemetry
IBM MQ Telemetry comprises a telemetry (MQXR) service that is part of a queue man
ager, telemetry clients that you can write yourself or download for free, and co
mmand line and explorer administrative interfaces. Telemetry refers to collectin
g data from and administering a wide range of remote devices. With IBM MQ Teleme
try you can integrate the collection of data and control of devices with web app
MQTT support was previously available with either WebSphere Message Broker (now k
nown as IBM Integration Bus ) or WebSphere MQ Version 7.0.1, where IBM MQ Teleme
try was a separate feature.
IBM MQ Telemetry is a component of WebSphere MQ Version 7.1, and later. Upgradin
g for these versions is essentially uninstalling IBM MQ Telemetry Version 7.0.1
and installing a later version of IBM MQ.
However, from IBM MQ Version 8.0, the Client Software Development Kit (SDK) is n
o longer supplied as part of the product. Instead, the current version of the SD
K is available as the IBM Messaging Telemetry Clients SupportPac.
IBM MQ Telemetry can either be installed with the main product, or installed aft
er Version 7.1, or later, is already installed. For migration information, see M
igrating IBM MQ Telemetry from Version 7.0.1 to Version 8.0.
Included in IBM MQ Telemetry are the following components:
IBM MQ Telemetry is installed using either a GUI or command-line installer.
The Java components of the SDK are installed as WebSphere Eclipse Platform featur
es. The C components of the SDK are supplied as compressed files.
Telemetry channels
Use telemetry channels to manage the connection of MQTT clients to IBM MQ . Tele
metry channels use new IBM MQ objects, such as the SYSTEM.MQTT.TRANSMIT.QUEUE, t
o interact with IBM MQ .
Telemetry (MQXR) service
MQTT clients use the SYSTEM.MQXR.SERVICE telemetry service to connect to telemet
ry channels.
MQ Explorer support for IBM MQ Telemetry
IBM MQ Telemetry can be administered using MQ Explorer.
IBM MQ Telemetry documentation is included in the standard IBM MQ product docume
ntation from Version 7.1 . SDK documentation for Java and C clients is provided
in the product documentation, and as Javadoc and HTML.
Telemetry concepts
You collect information from the environment all around you to decide what to do
. As a consumer, you check what you have in store, before deciding about what fo
od to buy. You want to know how long a journey is going to take if you leave now
, before booking a connection. You check your symptoms, before deciding whether
to visit the doctor. You check when a bus is going to arrive, before deciding wh
ether to wait. The information for those decisions comes directly from meters an
d devices, from the written word on paper or from a screen, and from you. Where
ever you are, and when ever you need to, you collect information, bring it toget
her, analyze it, and act upon it.
If the sources of information are widely dispersed or inaccessible, it becomes d
ifficult and costly to collect the most accurate information. If there are many
changes you want to make, or it is difficult to make the changes, then the chang
es do not get made, or are made when they are less effective.

What if the costs of collecting information from, and controlling, widely disper
sed devices is greatly reduced by connecting the devices with digital technology
to the internet? The information can be analyzed using the resources of the int
ernet and the enterprise. You have more opportunities to make informed decisions
and act upon them.
Technological trends, and environmental and economic pressures, are driving thes
e changes to happen:
The cost of connecting and controlling sensors and actuators is reducing, due to
standardization and connection to low cost digital processors.
The internet, and internet technologies, are increasingly used to connect device
s. In some countries, mobile phones exceed personal computers in the number of c
onnections to internet applications. Other devices are surely following.
The internet, and internet technologies, make it much easier for an application
to get data. Easy access to data is driving the use of data analytics to turn da
ta from sensors into information that is useful in many more solutions.
Intelligent use of resources is often a quicker and cheaper way of reducing carb
on emissions and costs. The alternatives: finding new resources, or developing n
ew technologies to use existing resources, might be the long-term solution. In t
he short term developing new technologies, or finding new resources, is often ri
skier, slower, and more costly, than improving existing solutions.
An example shows how these trends create new opportunities to interact with the
environment intelligently.
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requires Auto
matic Identification System (AIS) to be deployed on many ships. It is required o
n merchant ships over 300 tons and passenger ships. AIS is primarily a collision
avoidance system for coastal shipping. It is used by marine authorities to moni
tor and control coastal waters.
Enthusiasts around the world are deploying low-cost AIS tracking stations and pl
acing coastal shipping information onto the internet. Other enthusiasts are writ
ing applications that combine information from AIS with other information from t
he internet. The results are put on Web sites, and published using Twitter and S
In one application, information from AIS stations near Southampton is combined w
ith ship ownership and geographical information. The application feeds live info
rmation about ferry arrivals and departures to Twitter, red-ferries. Regular com
muters using the ferries between Southampton and the Isle of Wight subscribe to
the news feed using Twitter or SMS. If the feed shows their ferry is running lat
e, commuters can delay their departure and catch the ferry when it docks later t
han its scheduled arrival time.
For more examples, seeTelemetry use cases.
Introduction to IBM MQ Telemetry
People, businesses, and governments increasingly want to use IBM MQ Telemetry to
interact more smartly with the environment we live and work in. IBM MQ Telemetr
y connects all kinds of devices to the internet and to the enterprise, and reduc
es the costs of building applications for smart devices.
Telemetry use cases
Telemetry is the automated sensing, measurement of data, and control of remote d
evices. The emphasis is on the transmission of data from devices to a central co
ntrol point. Telemetry also includes sending configuration and control informati
on to devices.
Connecting telemetry devices to a queue manager

Telemetry devices connect to a queue manager using an MQTT v3 client. The MQTT v
3 client uses TCP/IP to connect to a TCP/IP listener called the telemetry (MQXR)
Telemetry connection protocols
IBM MQ Telemetry supports TCP/IP IPv4 and IPv6, and TLS.
Telemetry (MQXR) service
The telemetry (MQXR) service is a TCP/IP listener, that is managed as an IBM MQ
service. Create the service using an MQ Explorer wizard, or with a runmqsc comma
Telemetry channels
Create telemetry channels to create connections with different properties, such
as Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) or TLS authentication, o
r to manage groups of clients.
MQTT protocol
The IBM MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) v3 protocol is designed for exchanging mes
sages between small devices on low bandwidth, or expensive connections, and to s
end messages reliably. It uses TCP/IP.
MQTT clients
An MQTT client app is responsible for collecting information from the telemetry
device, connecting to the server, and publishing the information to the server.
It can also subscribe to topics, receive publications, and control the telemetry
Send a message to an MQTT client
IBM MQ applications can send MQTT v3 clients messages by publishing to subscript
ions created by clients, or by sending messages directly. MQTT clients can send
messages to one another by publishing to topics subscribed to by other clients.
Send a message to an IBM MQ application from an MQTT client
An IBM MQ application can received a message from an MQTT v3 client by subscribi
ng to a topic. The MQTT client connects to IBM MQ using telemetry channel, and s
ends a message to the IBM MQ application by publishing to the same topic.
Transfer messages between the MQTT daemon for devices and IBM MQ
Do this task to learn how to send commands to the MQTT daemon for devices. The c
ommands you write create a bridge that transfers messages from IBM MQ to the dae
mon, and messages from the daemon to IBM MQ.
MQTT publish/subscribe applications
Use topic-based publish/subscribe to write MQTT applications.
Telemetry applications
Write telemetry applications using IBM MQ or IBM Integration Bus message flows.
Integration of IBM MQ Telemetry with queue managers
The MQTT client is integrated with IBM MQ as a publish/subscribe application. It
can either publish or subscribe to topics in IBM MQ, creating new topics, or us
ing existing topics. It receives publications from IBM MQ as a result of MQTT cl
ients, including itself, or other IBM MQ applications publishing to the topics o
f its subscriptions. Rules are applied to decide the attributes of a publication
MQTT daemon for devices
The IBM MQ MQTT daemon for devices is an advanced MQTT V3 client application. Us
e it to store and forward messages from other MQTT clients. It connects to IBM M
Q like an MQTT client, but you can also connect other MQTT clients to it. You ca
n connect it to other MQTT daemons too.
MQTT stateless and stateful sessions
MQTT clients can create a stateful session with the queue manager. When a statef
ul MQTT client disconnects, the queue manager maintains the subscriptions create
d by the client, and in-flight messages. When the client reconnects, it resolves
in-flight message. It sends any messages that are queued for delivery, and rece
ives any messages published for its subscriptions while it was disconnected.
When an MQTT client is not connected
When a client is not connected the queue manager can continue to receive publica
tions on its behalf. They are forwarded to the client when it reconnects. A clie
nt can create a Last will and testament, which the queue manager publishes on be

half of the client, if the client disconnects unexpectedly.

Loose coupling between MQTT clients and IBM MQ applications
The flow of publications between MQTT clients and IBM MQ applications is loosely
coupled. Publications might originate from either an MQTT client or an IBM MQ a
pplication, and in no set order. Publishers and subscribers are loosely coupled.
They interact with each other indirectly through publications and subscriptions
. You can also send messages directly to an MQTT client from an IBM MQ applicati
IBM MQ Telemetry security
Securing telemetry devices can be important, as the devices are likely to be por
table, and used in places that cannot be carefully controlled. You can use VPN t
o secure the connection from the MQTT device to the telemetry (MQXR) service. IB
M MQ Telemetry provides two other security mechanisms, TLS and JAAS.
IBM MQ Telemetry globalization
The message payload in the MQTT v3 protocol is encoded as byte-array. Generally,
applications handling text create the message payload in UTF-8. The telemetry c
hannel describes the message payload as UTF-8, but does not do any code page con
versions. The publication topic string must be UTF-8.
Performance and scalability of IBM MQ Telemetry
Consider the following factors when managing large numbers of clients and improv
ing scalability of IBM MQ Telemetry.
Devices supported by IBM MQ Telemetry
MQTT clients can run on a range of devices, from sensors and actuators, to hand
held devices and vehicle systems.
Parent topic: IBM MQ Technical overview
Related information:
Installing IBM MQ Telemetry
Administering IBM MQ Telemetry
Migrating IBM MQ Telemetry from Version 7.0.1 to Version 7.5
Developing applications for IBM MQ Telemetry
IBM MQ Telemetry Reference
IBM MQ Telemetry troubleshooting
Information Information
Timestamp icon Last updated: Friday, 30 September 2016

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