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[dohtml]<center><div class="pop"><div class="can"><div
class="twist"><div class="lid">Grimvaengr</div></div>
[dohtml]<p>CHARACTER INFO</p>[/dohtml]
[b]Name:[/b] Grimvaengr
[b]Nicknames:[/b] [i]n/a[/i]
[b]Age:[/b] Around 30 - Broad Wing
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Usergroup:[/b] Dragon
[b]Occupation:[/b] Wild Dragon
[b]Trainability:[/b] 5
The Night Fury is a vanishingly rare breed of dragon with a sleek body and a
broad wingspan, driven to the brink of extinction by Viking hunters in the
generations before Hiccup first befriended Toothless and realized that
dragons were more than mere monsters. Feared as the offspring of lightning
and death itself, they are lightning-fast flyers with a potent breath weapon
that combines traits of lightning, thunder, and fire. They fire shaped blasts of
acetylene-oxygen bolts, producing a unique shrieking sound as they
discharge with prodigious speed and explosive force. The Night Fury's black
scales help it to blend in with the night sky, only serving to add to the
mystery and fear that surrounds them. Night Furies are elegant creatures
with fleshy horns that rather resemble an axolotl's gills and additional fins on
their hips and their tails that serve to improve their aerial maneuverability,
distinguishing them from other dragons. Indeed, where most dragons
resemble reptiles or birds in their body forms, Night Furies most closely
resemble newts and similar amphibians. The Night Fury lacks much in the

way of natural weaponry beyond its breath weapon and retractable

piscivorous teeth, even to the point that their dorsal spines are soft and
Grimvaengr's wings are longer and narrower than most Night Furies, with an
elongated W-shaped silhouette when viewed from above or from below due
to the way the wingtips sweep to the rear and the membrane shrinks tighter
to the wing than normal. His body is long and lean, with a wiry musculature
beneath his natural roly-poly cuteness. Grimvaengr is about 30 feet long with
a 45-foot wingspan, but he is slimmer than most Night Furies at about 60
stone (or 850 pounds). He has a charcoal grey dorsal surface with a spotty
border and paws on an inky black body that has. Likewise, his wings have the
same grey markings marking the division between the dark grey of the wing
limb and the truer black of the wing membranes. Grimvaengr's eyes are
COLOR, with vertical slit pupils.
The dragon has a stark white starbust scar on his chest from a ballista bolt
that did not kill him, but came very close. It is at the top of the sternum, right
at the base of the throat, and the damage to the bone pains him in inclement
weather. The scar is sensitive, and Grimvaengr can be incapacitated by even
a minor strike against it. He can tell when rain and storms are coming due to
the painful twinges. He has a myriad of other, minor scars barely noticeable
on his hide, though none of them are nearly so handicapping or visible as the
ballista scar. Most of his scars have faded with time, as it has been years
since he took his war to Drago's armies.
Grimvaengr is haughty and arrogant, though not [i]quite[/i] to the point of
being condescending... usually. He sees himself as being superior to
humanity and most other dragons, in much the same way as a king thinks
himself the superior to his subjects or a professor his students. He tends to
take a paternal, instructor role with other dragons, and will naturally attempt
to take command of a situation. Grimvaengr is keenly aware of his
capabilities and powers, and he knows they are by far the superior to very
nearly anything else alive, but this awareness most commonly expresses
itself as a sort of [i]noblesse oblige[/i]. He feels himself constrained to
conduct himself honorably, in keeping with his perceived station as a natural
alpha among dragons.
Revenge drives Grimvaengr. It gives him purpose, gives him sustenance,
keeps him going and pushes him to do all that he might against the impudent
human that dares call itself a god, much less a god of creatures that infinitely
surpass it in every way. This obsession gnaws at him, forbids him rest and
keeps him from taking his ease for any length of time. He is a vain and proud

creature, and hates as only the truly proud can. That hate is directed
primarily against Drago Bludvist, but time and tending has nourished that
hatred to grow and encompass all who are like him.
At best, this need for revenge drives Grimvaengr to battle for liberty and fight
to protect those weaker than he. He loathes slavery and forced servitude,
seeing no difference between humans and dragons enslaved.
At worst, this hatred blinds Grimvaengr to the consequences of his actions
and those harmed by his one-dragon war. He cares little for collateral damage
when drawn to war, and sees no difference between the guilt of the individual
Vikrins and their leaders.
Intelligent and inquisitive, Grimvaengr's bestial appearance belies his love of
knowledge. He delights in learning new things and exploring unknown
reaches of the world, and enjoys sharing what he knows. When Grimvaengr
slips into the role of pedagogue, he lets slip his arrogant veneer and exposes
his own enthusiasm for the natural world. Plants, animals, humans, even
other dragons all interest the naturalist in him, and Grimvaengr happily
spends his time studying them to discover all their secrets.
Some thirty years ago in a warm summer far to the south of the Berserker
Archipelago, a pair of Night Fury eggs hatched together. This alone was
uncommon for the breed, but even more unusual was that the two hatchlings
remained together even after fledging. They never knew their parents, as the
parents had abandoned their eggs in a secluded nest clawed into the face of
an oceanside cliff far removed from their own territories. Alone, yet
precocious enough to care for themselves, the two young dragons hatched
within minutes of each other. They flew from the nest together, and remained
together for the first halves of their lives. Had tragedy not befallen them,
they might have stayed close for their entire lives.
Grimvaengr was the more serious and shy of the two young Night Furies,
while his sister was more gregarious and adventuresome. They remained on
the coastline they were born on for about four years, learning to hunt and
fish. It was Grimvaengr who excelled at finding their prey, but it was his sister
who was the more skillful at bringing it down - often with judicious use of her
plasma blast. The best of friends, the two young dragons cooperated so
closely and so skillfully they almost seemed to have a telepathic bond with
each other. In that time they encountered few dragons larger than they, as
the only dragons nearby were a colony of Terrible Terrors, and knew nothing
of danger for their parents had chosen the nesting site well. They grew larger
as they aged, and as they grew larger they grew stronger and expanded their

shared territory.
Those halcyon days ended about twenty years ago with Drago Bludvist and
his band, as they ambushed the Night Furies with weighted nets as they
came to feed at a favored pond in a new islet near the border of their
recently-expanded territory. Grimvaengr escaped without harm, but his sister
was not so fortunate. She was collared, muzzled, and caged in a humiliating
display that sought to degrade the proud dragon, break her and force her to
submit to his will as so many other dragons had before.
Grimvaengr sneered at the attempt to enslave his sister as he watched from
afar, knowing no mere human could break a Night Fury's will.
He was right; her will was unbreakable. That is not, however, synonymous
with unkillable. After the dragon proved too defiant to bend to his will, rather
than set her free Drago Bludvist killed her and skinned her as he would a
simple beast. Grimvaengr tried to save his sister, but he arrived too late and
was driven off by Drago's dragon army. Furious, he was helpless to stop as
Bludvist tanned her hide for his cloak. Drago sneered that the dragon would
serve him in death as she refused to do in life, indelibly cementing
Grimvaengr's emnity for such an unforgivable crime.
Grimvaengr swore revenge on the insolent human that committed sacrilege
after shameless sacrilege. He made another foray against Drago's flotilla, but
that time he was not so easily dissuaded in his quest for vengeance. He dealt
much damage and managed to force a ship to beach after sinking two more,
but the attack worked out for the worst; Grimvaengr was nearly killed by a
ballista bolt that lodged in his sternum and cracked the bone. He barely
managed to flap off to a sheltered cove, and there he remained for the better
part of a year as he healed.
While Grimvaengr nursed his wounds and whiled away his time plotting ways
to defeat the self-proclaimed Dragon God, he befriended the local Fireworm
queen after he helped defend her hive against
((an itinerant Flightmare that paused its wanderings a while when the algal
current flowed past Grimvaengr's island for several months. The luminous
dragon helped Grimvaengr by supplementing his fishing with his own catch,
which incidentally led to the Night Fury acquiring a taste for fish 'seasoned'
with that bioluminescent algae the Flightmare fed on. His Flightmare friend
dallied for a season while the glowing current flowed past the island, helping
Grimvaengr recover better than he might have otherwise. This act of charity
led to a lasting friendship between the two, and through this friendship the
Flightmare persuaded Grimvaengr to move on, to put distance between him
and the territories reminding him of his dead sister and let his spirit heal as

his body had.))

Grimvaengr took a sabbatical at his Flightmare friend's urging, flying away
from the islands and the Vikings. He flew far and wide, exploring regions far
beyond the Barbaric Archipelago as he traced the routes of the glowing algal
currents, but thoughts of revenge were never far from his mind. Finally, after
six years of wandering, Grimvaengr had had enough. He flew north, where
once again he rediscovered his hated nemesis, Drago Bludvist. That is to say,
he discovered Drago Bludvist had been defeated and slain by the defenders
of Berk. This news, welcome though it was, took the drive out of
Grimvaengr's life and left him without purpose. He stayed on the fringes of
the Archipelago, bereft of direction and piddling away his days in frivolous
Grimvaengr heard reports of Yorik enslaving dragons a couple of years ago,
confirming for him that Drago still lived without reason or cause. In truth, the
near-insane obsession that drove him needed neither. Grimvaengr gleefully
took his vendetta against Yorin, beginning with attacking their hunters and
disrupting their enslavement of the local dragon populations. He had few
successes, but learned much of the Vikrin ways through his defeats and
steadily grew more skillful and cunning in battling them, and steadily more
and more convinced that they had fallen in league with Drago Bludvist.
In one of his raids, Grimvaengr attacked a group of dragon-riders, thinking
them Vikrins or at least allies. He was startled to discover the dragons highly
protective, even [i]affectionate[/i] towards their humans, a truly novel
concept he had not encountered in his lifetime. Grimvaengr accepted their
invitation to fly back to their home island with them, his curiosity about this
bizarre symbiosis of dragon and man stirring the naturalist in him. The Night
Fury arrived in Berk an interested observer, curious as to how such natural
enemies were able to work together and cooperate so closely.
Grimvaengr was put off Berk by everyone trying to tame him, disgusted that
many of the Vikings seemed to think him nothing more than a beast to be
domesticated and trained as a matter of prestige. Though their transparent
overtures ended with the first few callous rebuffs, Grimvaengr senses many
of the Vikings still desire to bring him into harness as a servant. He is torn by
the warring desires for allies in his fight against the dragon-slavers of Yorin,
who have come to symbolize the hated Dragon God in his mind, and his need
to assert himself as a proud individual of his own. Only the example of those
dragon-riders who work as genuine partners and respect their dragons stand
as proof that his time in Berk is not completely wasted.

[*][b]Speed:[/b] Nigh-matchless speed and excellent aerial maneuverability

are the hallmarks of the Night Fury. Grimvaengr is swift for a Night Fury
thanks to his falcon-like wing shape.
[*][b]Ferocity:[/b] Night Furies, for all their cuddly looks, earned their
reputation. Grimvaengr is able to take on dragons twice his size and beat
them down.
[*][b]Plasma Breath Weapon:[/b] A potent breath weapon distinguishes the
Night Fury, as their powerful oxygen-acetyline plasma blasts stand out even
in a world full of dragons.
[*][b]Sonar:[/b] A Night Fury can echolocate by means of releasing audible
sonic pulses, using his fleshy pseudo-horns like a bat uses its ears.
[*][b]Cosmopolitan:[/b] Grimvaengr is well-traveled and knows much about
many things. It's safe to say that he knows something about most anything.
[LIST][*][b]Big Softie:[/b] A consequence of being a Night Fury is that
Grimvaengr has no horns whatsoever, and though his retractable teeth are
neat they aren't as good at biting as, say, a Monstrous Nightmare's or Deadly
Nadder's teeth are. His claws are also small, being poorly designed for melee
combat despite the dragon's physical prowess.
[*][b]Low Flight Stamina:[/b] Grimvaengr's falcon-line wing shape does not
lend itself well towards a dragon being able to fly for prolonged periods of
time. His once-broken breastbone did not fully heal, further reducing his
stamina in flight.
[*][b]Aerial Vulnerability:[/b] Grimvaengr, like all Night Furies, pays a price for
his aerobatic adroitness. Extensive damage to or removal of his flight
surfaces - the is to say, his wings, hip fins, or tail fins - grounds him.
[*][b]Anatomical Vulnerability:[/b] That great big bull's-eye of a scar on
Grimvaengr's chest is a sore point, and attacks against it are likely to cause
great pain in excess of what they normally should.
[*][b]Overconfidence:[/b] Grimvaengr has met few creatures that could
match him, and thus tends to regard would-be opponents with outright
[*][b]Arrogance:[/b] Related to the flaw in his combat style is his tendency to
believe himself a higher echelon of life. This, naturally, rubs many humans
and dragons the wrong way.[/LIST]
[dohtml]<p>ABOUT YOU</p>[/dohtml]
[b]Your name:[/b] Solaris
[b]Your age:[/b] 27
[b]Your gender:[/b] Male
[b]How long have you been RPing?[/b] Since around the turn of the century.
[b]How did you find us?[/b] The advertisement on Caution.


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