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IBM MQ, Version 9.

In IBM MQ, there are several methods of providing security: the authorization ser
vice interface; user-written, or third party, channel exits; channel security us
ing Transport Layer Security (TLS), channel authentication records , and message
Authorization service interface
Authorization for using MQI calls, commands, and access to objects is provided b
y the object authority manager (OAM), which by default is enabled. Access to IBM
MQ entities is controlled through IBM MQ user groups and the OAM. Administrator
s can use a command-line interface to grant or revoke authorizations as required
For more information about creating authorization service components, see Settin
g up security on Windows, UNIX and Linux systems.
User-written or third party channel exits
Channels can use user-written or third party channel exits. For more information
, see Channel-exit programs for messaging channels.
Channel security using TLS
The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol provides industry-standard channel s
ecurity, with protection against eavesdropping, tampering, and impersonation.
TLS uses public key and symmetric techniques to provide message confidentiality
and integrity and mutual authentication.
For a comprehensive review of security in IBM MQ including detailed information
about TLS, see Security. For an overview of TLS, including pointers to the comma
nds described in this section, see Cryptographic security protocols: TLS.
Channel authentication records
Use channel authentication records to exercise precise control over the access g
ranted to connecting systems at a channel level. For more information, see Chann
el authentication records.
Message security
Use IBM MQ Advanced Message Security, which is a separately installed and licens
ed component of IBM MQ, to provide cryptographic protection to messages sent and
receive using IBM MQ. See IBM MQ Advanced Message Security.
Parent topic: IBM MQ Technical overview
Related information:
Planning for your security requirements
Concept Concept
Timestamp icon Last updated: Friday, 30 September 2016

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