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The name and email address of your committee chair: Not decided

The name and email address of your content expert: Not decided

The name and email address of your committee methodologist: Not decided

Program Type Mixed Model or KAM: KAM Program

Name and email address of KAM Assessor: KAM 2- Dr. Holifield

Accomplishments/Milestone Updates (ex. Successful and approved with dates from the
registrar OR your proposal has been submitted to the URR of the IRB and it was approved.
Please make sure you provide the year and term of the milestone for each of the areas listed below. If
the milestone was attained the past quarter place the year and Term, 2014, Spring):

KAM V LA : Not decided

KAM V Breadth: Not decided

KAM V Depth: Not decided

KAM V Application: Not decided

KAM VI LA: Not decided

KAM VI Breadth: Not decided

KAM VI Depth: Not decided

KAM VI Application: Not decided

KAM VI Application: Not decided

Premise: Not available as yet

Prospectus: Not available as yet

Advanced Research: Not decided

Proposal Chapters 1,2,3: Not decided

IRB: Not decided

Oral Defense: Not decided

Chapters 4, 5: Not decided

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