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UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16286 Doc No. 06017463 Date: 11/03/2016 fi GeCeASE PARTY Dennis Cheng] 86 Sent. ‘Thursday, February 12, 2009 12:32 PM To: ‘Abedin, Huma; Valmora, Lona} Subject: | Bemerd Schwartz Categories: Blue Category ‘You may know this already... just a heads up that Bernard Schwartz may be greeting HRC upon arrival tomorrow (he Is working this out va Vshakhs Desal. Huma, can you call me when you haves chance aout him? il be attending the ‘speech tomorrow, so if you need help with anything, I'm happy'to help. 170 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16286 Doc No. C08017463 Date: 11/03/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16286 Doc No. CO6017485 Date: 11/03/2016 From: Dennis Cheng| BG Sent ‘Thursday, February 12, 2008 11:32 AM To: Abedin, Huma. . Categories: Blue Category FY}, Bernard Schwartz wll be attending Asia Can you call me about him before tomorrow? trom. . ae 2 ESET, - . ore ~—y m UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-16288 Doc No. C08017485 Date: 11/09/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Depariment of State Case No. F-2015-16286 Doc No. C06017468 Date: 11/03/2016 “Ali Rubin’ Jiloty, Lauren C: "Dennis Cheng* Subject: RE; ray invitations ~ all on one emsil now ~ Categorles: Blue Category All these people are fine ‘Bal das is already invited cause hes’on board of asia society ‘ From: Vaimoro, Lona) ‘Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:55 AM wv ‘Tor Al Rubin; Moty, Lauren C; ‘Dennis Cheng!; Abedin, Huma . ‘Subject: friday Invitations -- all on one emall now + mone ‘ HRC Is giving a speech on Friday at the Asia Society. The fyer is atached. We can invite 20-30 of our people to the event ~ Dennis and Huma have drafted the following list and looking at the ‘numbers, we can invite all of these folks at this point, ° |Laurer/Dennis/Ai, would you decide who is best to send the email to hese folks invitng them? Thank you~ Lona THER 1- Ce ‘Alan and susan, Mare and cathy iasry si isco! - + Berard . Uy Bar 86 Maureen Write Haséan Nemazge Sian Shuman Declan Kelly * Fred Hochberg TIER 2: Te Barbaralee and Carl Spielvogel Jay Snyder 2 Bal Das m UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-18288 Doc No. C06017488 Date: 11/03/2016 ' UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18286 Doc No. C08017470 Date: 11/03/2016 From: Sent To: ‘Abedin, Huma ce capri ‘Subject: Re: john pak Categories: Blue Category Richard Park's phone is| On Feb 9, 2009, at 7:57 PM, Abedin, Huma wrote: Can you help me reach both? | need to tel! them we will be in korea and see if they will be there John Park is our longtime Korean American supporter from New York, Richard Park is our supporter from California. . On Feb 9, 2009, at 3:11 PM, Abedin, Huma wrote: ‘Are there 2 korean American supporters named john park One in ny and one in California? v3 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16286 Doc No. C08017470 Date: 11/03/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16288 Doc No. C06017472 Date: 11/03/2016 From: in, Hume fplessenreane ‘Sent. ‘Tuesday, February 10, 2009 6:43 PM” To: \Valméro, Lona 4; ‘denris.chengl, 86 Ce Jiloty, Lauren C; ‘Ali Rubin’ ‘Subject: RE asia society speech invites Categories: Blue-Category Heres what | have. Dennis wil have additions | am sure Alan and susan patricof - ‘Mare and cathy lasry Jilliscol Bernard Schwart iy Band) 7 Re ‘From: Vaimoro, Lona ) ~~ mt ‘Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 11:17 AM. i ‘To: Abedin, Huma ‘Ce: Jiloty, Lauren C; ‘All Rubin’ » ‘Subject: asia society speech invites . Huma, who would you lke to handle the invitation for out 20-30 people for Friday's event? ‘Lona Valmoro ‘Special Assistant to the Secretary of State : 202-847-9071 (direct) cag TR ag: aprons ROE GE POEL ae ray IE 4 peeemE EE TET FF UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16286 Doc No. C06017472 Date: 11/03/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. “2015-16286 Doc No. C06017474 Date: 11/03/2016 5 RELEASE PART From: Sennis Cheng] o__ Sent: Tuésday, February 10, 2009 61 PM To: Vaimoro, Lone J ce: Abedin, Huma Subject: Re: RE: Categories: Blue Category He is asking if she ls sitting for the lunch. And ifso, can he st at her table, etc? ifi's only a drop by, he may not attend. ‘On Feb 20, 2008, at 7:37 PM, Valmoro, Lona J wrote: >Yes she is > > =~-Orlginal Message——~ > From: Dennis Cheng [malto: > Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 6:35 PM . ; 2,To: Abedin, Huma; Valmoro, Lona J > Subject: > Is HRC attending an Asia Society luncheon this Friday? Ifso, Bernard i > Schwartz is asking about it. ws UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16286 Doc No. C06017474 Date: 11/03/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16286 Doc No. 06017476 Date: 11/03/2016 From: ‘Abedin, Huma LEASE IVPART, ‘Sent: ‘Tuesday, February 10, 2009 10:26 AM ‘To: “Dennis Cheng’ . Subject: RE john park 4 Categories: Blue Category Neither - Tokyo, Jakarta, seout, beijing —_—___. ——- & Are you guys going to the Phillippines or Hong Kong? On Feb 9, 20089, at 3:11 PM, Abedin, Huma wrote: ‘Are there 2 korean American supporters named john park ‘Que in ny and one in California? cence Regie Be PATE 7 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16286 Doc No. C06017476 Date: 11/03/2016 eet Ht EE TR UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16285 Doc No. C08017479 Date: 11/09/2016 From: ‘Abedin, Huma. ‘Sent: ‘Monday, February 09, 2009 5:28 PM x ae ce api) 86 RE: john park. Categories: Blue Category Sorry to be ignorant but is Richard park also Korean American? ‘From: Dennis Cheng (maito! ‘Sent: Monday, February 09, To: Abedin, Huma Cet ‘Subject: Re: john park John Park is our longtime Korean American supporter from New York. Richard Park is our supporter from California. (On Feb 9, 2009, at 3:11 PM, Abedin, Huma wrote: ‘Are there 2 korean American supporters named john park (One in ny and one in California? ‘ concn vem fe we EE UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16288 Doc No, C08017479 Date: 11/03/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-16286 Doc No. C06017482 Date: 11/03/2016 rom ‘fut Eon) Sent: ‘Sunday, Februdry 08, 2009 9:07 AM To: ‘Abedin, Huma Sabjoct: Fuchey Categories: Blue Category | found a bunch of bookmarks, pens, and othr Living History acessories in our office on Friday. They‘ all in English, but Il get to ; ‘Katie tomorrow in ease you can use them, ‘ so--Originl Message From: Capricia Penavic Marshall : ‘Abedin ate gov s dehengl_— Ed CC: Ali Rubin Sen: Sun Feb 08 04:21:35 2009 ‘Subject: Re: hey * Dennis - pls work with ali to get those things moved. I understood we elready made plans to get that dont. ‘The pics have nothing written on them, its scrally the fist thing anthony mentioned so we can def use them, ‘The hillary fights for ny banner should go with her library archives the bookmacks we can use cause wer giving her book away 8s ‘gifs alot here and we can add them to books, the stationary Ive asked if she can use es personal sationary for notes. So basically we ‘eam use them I think. ‘Whatever is fft can be thrown away (we dont have a FOH storage place in NY). FYI, the HRC headshot photos all have “Paid fer by Hillary Clinton for Senate Exploratory Comminee® on them - hey were from 2000. Can you use those at State? {willbe cg ont fhe couse amorow i Wedd. | can swing by ther fx on TharadyFridy ok lok ath it ‘and to ge the headshots, if you have use for ‘On Feb 6,2008, a 6:05 PM, Abedin, Hume wrote: ‘Anthony stys they have found photos, stationary, bookmarks, a huge banner in the office , (Can we send someone on Monday to pick al that stff up pleae? ‘We could actually use the photos here at state Please let me know 12 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16286 Doc No. CO6017482 Date: 11/03/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F-2015-16286 Doc No. C06017486 Date: 11/03/2016 ren C Sent: sday, Febrvaty 05, 2009 9:19 AM To: Abedin, Huma; ‘dicen 86 Subjects RE: Fwd: Hillary's visitation to Korea Categories: Blue Category ° ar Yes ill print i for you hum, ‘It was stilLin my inbox because {didn't know who he is From: Abedin, Huma Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 9:18 AM To: Lauren ¢ cc: ‘Subject: Re: Fwd: Hilary's visitation to Korea cea ne Lauro, drive tat Contsoe ae From: Dennis Cheng Tor ty, Lauren C; Abedin, Huma Ce: Lauren Jioty ‘ Sant: Wed Feb 04 15:35:44 2009 ‘Subject: Fd: Hilary's visitation to Korea Letter to HRC from John Park re: her possible trip to Korea. Begin forwarded message: Hew are yout Would you be able to forward this to the honorable Hillary Clinton? I will appreciate for your help. thanks! John Park 194 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16286 Doc No. CO6017486 Date: 11/03/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06013973 Date: 10/20/2016 From: Mis, Chery! D RELEASE FULD Ser ‘Wednesday, April 01, 2009 1:32 PM . Te: “Justin Cooper; ‘Doug Band” Subject: Puchereitis. - Attachments: Elements of HRC Foreign Policy 3 26 03memdocx Importance: High Categories: Blue Cetegory Can you give to WIC, «want to set up time to meet with him with a few folks (Lissa, Jake, AMSlaughter] to discuss the larger framing of what 'HRC’s theory of the case for our engagement in the country should be. ‘When will he be down here in near future? dm From: Sloughter, Anne-Marie Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 12:29 PM ‘Tos Mills, Chery D Subject: here Itis .. Importance: High ‘Cheryl~ attached is my “elements of HRC foreign policy memo.” It's falry long, but | really need a good ead through to Beta sense of what makes sense for me to pursue. It would be great Ishe could cead on the plane hack or‘over the ‘weekend, and you as wel, so we can tlk next week and | can move into action in coordinating people to prepare for the ‘speech. Thanks! {look forward to your reactions ~ I think you'll see some familiar things. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO8013973 Date: 10/20/2016 . UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State ‘Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. CO8013976 Date: 10/20/2016 To: THe Secnetany AND Cienv MiLLs FROM: ANNE-MARIE Re: ELEMENTS OF HRC FOREIGN POLICY —"THE BIG IDBAS POR A May SPEECH ‘The following represents my preliminary thoughts about the principal clements of yous distinesive approach to foreign policy, to be laid out in a Foreign Air article and a big genecal speech and then Aleshed out in a series of more specific speeches that would illustrate different elements with respect to subjects like development, climate change, non-proiiferation, etc. The basic frame here is to ~ ‘outline the world as you see it - interconnected, with diffuse centers of power, and with citizens able to exercise power in ways that constrain their governments but also dizeedy by connecting with citizens of other countries for good ot ill and hence « world in which the welfare of others is not only a mora] issue but also an economic and security issue. Given chat worldview, here ae the tools ‘hat you think che U.S. must use to advance our objectives and solve global problems. ‘This is truly « first and rough cut ~ Iam putting out lots of different ideas based on my own ‘thinking and what I have observed watching and listening to you over the past two months. As you will see, some ideas are more fleshed out than others, I need feedback to know what resonates and what does not so that I can begin to drive a specific process in the building heading toward a May speech. Both in that process and after you give the speech, these elements should help drive ‘besinstorming processes throughout the building as to what different bureaus ere doing or could do to Gill them out 1, Collaborative Leadership: The hallmatk of your spproach to advancing American and global interests is collaborative leadership: leading by working with other counwies rxther than getting out front and expecting them to follow. This kind of leadership is necessary because of the kinds of problems we and the world fece ~ no matter how much power we have, the interconnectedness of the issues and unavoidable diffusion of power to other state and non-state actors means that we must work with others to achieve our aims. In addition, vunilatetal leadership acnually hurts us by reinforcing very negative perceptions of us as an. impesial power, fostering antisAmericanism that constrains aad harms us in many ways. The specific elements of collaborative leadership could be: © Creating and using suategic parmers: As the only world power with genuinely ‘global reach through the militxy and private sector, we should build up our Strategic partners ~ India, Turkey, now Indonesia, and various other countries. ‘We should know what strategic partnership means and make it mean ‘something, If it meens something real then many counties will want to achieve this status, allowing us to develop a global neework part of strategic partners whom we can call on and work with without « formal alliance. We shoutd define strategic parnership in as comprehensive terms as possible, focusing not just on secusity issues but algo on economic, humanituria, and development agendas, ‘ Teshould mean active leadership in che suategic partners region, taking initiative on regional issues, as well as active participation on at least some global iss, . * Itshould mean a joint commitment to domestic change on a set of agreed issues where we can work together: building a green economy, sustaiaable development, quality education and healtheare forall, ete. By focusing on areas where the president has laid out a domestic reform 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08013976 Date: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06013876 Date: 10/20/2016 agenda inthe US., we can emphasize s genuine partnership where both ‘countries can leara feom each other while pursuing the tame domestic goals. * Ieshould mean a commimment to s mote positive-sum view of regional and global politics. Our strategic partners must understand and reflect the view that increased cooperation with Braal or India, say, docs not ‘come at the zero-sum expense of Mexico or Pakistan, They thus should ‘ot resist efforts to trateralize or mulilateralze specific efforts — eg, Brazil-Mexico-US or India- ikistan-US. Our bilateral cooperation must often serve as a catalyst for wider cooperation with other counties in a particular region, ~ ‘This is our approach to the EU and to our Asian alies like Jepan and Australia, We want _ genuinely co work with these counties but in ways that will requie increasing initiative snd resources on both sides. Strengthen and work chrough segional ingintions. This is the hallmark of the EU's ‘pproach to the world, particularly with the African Union but also in Latin Aemtica and ‘Asia. We can follow suit and can also use our attractive power to encounge sub-regional ‘groupings that cen help build capacity for collective problem solving in particular regions. A good example is the Mahgreb group you met with in Sharm el Sheikh. They. aren't doing much now but proposed doing more if they could meet with you annually at UNGA. That is the kind of opporaunity we ean exploit as part of collaborative leadership, trading recognition and annuel meetings (in New York) for increasing substance on their end. We should also pay mveh more attention to regional developmest banks. ‘Hamessing the power of convening and cognecting. In an interconnected wotld, power ‘can be measured in the degree of connectedness. The U.S. has the broadest reach of connections and the atuactive power of being able to calla meeting and bave everyone come. Thet is a huge asset that we most make much mace of. A good example of how ‘we have hamessed this power is our approach to Somali piracy, where we simply called a meeting of a group of affected counties, ot everyone brainstorming postible solutions, ‘nd faciltaced an informal agreement where different nations agreed to tackle different parts of the problem and contribute to a common solution. There are countess other ‘exaraples, canging from the Proliferation Security Initiative to the Friends of Pakistan, ‘but we have aot appreciated or used the Full extent of our powes in chis regard. © We can convene and connect more thin governments. Under your leadership, we can convene a wide range of civic and private actors who can use their contacts, cheix money, and their energy to help nations and causes (eg. a version ‘of the Clinton Global Initative but convened by government). We can be the catalyst for brainstorming collective solutions to problems, locking in specif commitments to implementing parts of an agreed solution, and creating networks, parmemhips, and inkiatives to build on the connections made. These links should also include different parts of our own government. © We can work with technology companies to harness the power of mass collaboration for knowledge and development sad sharing around the world (a hallmark of smart power). Think Wikipédia-type inidatives eatalyeed by governments, 2 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313. Dec No. C06013976 Date: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08013976 Date: 10/20/2016 2. Dual Engagement with Governments and People: In an interconnected world of mass communications and mobilization, foreign policy must be based on a dual suategy of ‘engaging governments and people simultaneoutly. As you have already demonstrated repeatedly oa your tips, the U.S. government mutt engage foreign citizens dizectly by talking and listening to publics as well as co governments. We also have many more ways to engage foreign citizens indirectly, by mobilizing our inynigrant communities, the private sector and ‘vie sector to reich across borders in ways that advance our foreign policy agenda. Diplomacy and Development: This is the larger frame for your commitment to both diplomacy and development as twin pillars of the civilian side of US. . national security: Diplomacy engages governments; development engages people. To put this into language developed by countsies like Japan and Canada and adopted by the UN over the past decide, 21" century international telations snust advance not only state security but atso human security. © We must conceive of and implement development strategies as local ‘empowerment rather thaa foreign service delivery. © We must have a comprehensive youth strategy, seeing the disaffected and often radicalized groups around the woe in terms of young people with 20 place to go and no hope of a becter Future. Democracy Must Deliver: This is Madeleine Albright’s phrase: it emphasizes that democracy must be rmuch more than the fotmal exercise of the right to vote. It must empower people to hold their governments accountable for service. delivery, Demogzacy should also make states far more resilient in the face of satural or political crises; as Amartya Sen has shown, freedom of the press in India bes played a critical role in averting famine. In the curzent economic exisis democracy allows citizens to express their discontent by voting out a government (Gee Iceland, Latvia, and the Czech Republic) rather than by riots and other forms of protest that often lead to violence and increased government oppression. Expand US, Civilian Capacity, both Aca and Viral: The president waats to double the size of the peace corps, an ides thar the State Department should embrace and build on to help reorient the direction and nature of Peace Corps ‘work, State will also he working on its own and with DoD to enhence our civilian capacity in many different ways, all of which will strengthen our ability to engage foreign citizens on the ground without caerying guns. My office also has « ‘number of very innovative ideas for virtual diplomacy, such as connecting —- students in the U.S. ro students abroad through virtual “dorm-room diplomacy.” Immigration snd Economic Development, Develop the concept of American ‘immigrant populations not as “diasporss,” implying a group of people who remain focused on their original homeland, but rather as connecting or bridging ‘communities linking their old and new counties. Remitiances have a far greater development impact than foreign government assistance; there are a host of ways ‘that we can build on these flows of money and concem to help strengthen foreign institutions, health care, education, ete. Recognizing and factating immigrant contributions to economic growth abroad, growth which thea translates into sising economics and Amezican jobs, ean help sefsame the immigration debate. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-18313 Doc No. C06013976 Date: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06013976 Date: 10/20/2018 3. Harnessing the Power of Knowledge through Information Technology. A principal hhallmatk of smart power should be harmessing the power of knowledge for a wide range of foreign policy purposes, and s principal way to hamess the power of knowledge is through the spread and creative use of information technology. America built its economy and society through technology, above all the technology of connecting people to allow them to collaborate, innovate, and mobilize to achieve a common purpose. We invented cars, airplanes, the telephone, celevision, computer, intemet and now countless mobile technologies enabling people to connect. with one another in the most remote places on earth, 2 ‘© Moving beyond Communication: Using information technology to coanect people to one another for papers beyond ual ocanntan oases vs hhotizon of foreign policy and development possibilities. With regard to Afghanistan and Pakistan, for instance, we can vse electronic media (eMedia: ‘online, mobile and other digital pltforms that offer foruins for knowledge sharing, blogging, video, bookmarking, social networking and on line gaming) as, tools for communication, engagement, organization and aetwotk building, civic ‘empowerment, accountability transparency, training and capacity building. Specific initiatives that have been proposed and that have worked elsewhere include: (© Distribute cel! phones and build cell towers while offering incentives for intelligence tips © Develop mobile banking products to enable commerce and extend electronic ‘transactions © Develop rapid retetion eMedia counter messages to rebut Taliban propanda that we already monitor © Enable local politicians to communicate with voters through cell phone chats, where listeners call into a common number to listen (© Partnering with Google Maps to let local villages map thei communities and pinpoint cheir health, eduestion, and infrastructure needs © Create a mechanism for Afghan parents to name and shame teachers who do not show up at “ghost schools,” along the lines of inidatives developed by USS. Pasent-Teachers Associations using the web. ‘Expanding science diplomacy: Everyone gains when American scientists and ‘engineers spread their knowledge and help build local scientific infrastructure. (© - Launch a STARS initiative - Science and Technology Advancing Resources and Security . (© Building research nétworks to develop cenewable energy soutces'and clean technology, along the model developed in the 1970 0 spr the green revolution. © Restore the science cone in the Foreign Service - We should create platforms for people with knowledge, skills and capacity in ‘muldple countries to connect with one another and with those who seek to learn {in ways that spur initiative and innovation. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. C08013976 Date: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Deparment of Stale Case No. F-2015-16813 Doe No, Ca6019978 Date: 1020/2016 4. Engaging with International Institutions on the Principle of Vatiable Geometry: Given the number of countries in the world, the complexity of the inter-relations, and the ‘vast and growing number of formal and informal international institutions, the US. should promote the principle of variable geometry, a concept developed in the EU to allow different groups of nations to come together to work on different problems or engage in enhanced cooperation within the context of the wider membetship of the institution as a whole. The value of this concept is that it allows us to pull together whichever countries are ‘most willing and most helpful to work together on a specific issue ot problem, The resulting informal instirutions are adaptable, effective, and nimble. Specific examples and advantages '& Embrace the G-20 in addition to or instead of the G-8 but on the condition that the G-20 leaders make decisions on specific issues and thea task existing global or regional institutions (the OECD, the Basle Commitee, the Financial Aetion ‘Task Force, the Environmental Network for Cooperation and Enforcement, and ‘countless others) to implement the decision or to prepare the agenda for Fucure decision, fo avoid cxeating a vast new set of institacions based on ministerial versions of the G-20. Reform the UN and other formal international institutions but make part of the reform agenda the development of links berween these formal institutions and ‘hese many smaller informal networks and initiatives in diferent issue areas. . Reenforce the principle that the ature of the task should determine the membership of the tsk force, but emphasize that as in the EU or in ASEAN, smaller necworks and initistives operate under the umbrella of more formal, institutionalized, legitimate institutions. 5. Human Righty and Government Responsibilities: Amecics was founded on the principle that people have universal rights that governments may not infinge. Bot governments alse have affimative responsibilities toward their people. The most basic responsibilty of government is the provision of order and ‘security. As Madison wrote, “the end of government ia justice.” But itis also to give their people, ot create the conditions to allow their people to get for themselves, the opportunites to make a better life for themselves and their children © Eleanor Roosevelt: "Where, after al, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home - to close and so small dat chey cannot be seen. ‘on any maps of the world, Yer they are the world ofthe individual person; the neighborhood he lives in; the school or college he attends; the factory, {fasm, oF office where he works. Such are the places where every mas, ‘woman, and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, dignity without disecimination. Unless these sights have meg be, they have litde meaning anywhere. Wichout concerted citizen action to uphold them close to home, we shall look in vain for progress in the lager world." By that standard, we need to seevaluate how we assess human tights ~ ‘governments that provide berer lives for their people matter. Where a county ‘ates on the Human Development Report should matter. . 6, Modeling Good Global Citizenship: UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06013976 Date; 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No, 08013976 Date: 10/20/2016 Governments also have responsibilities towatd other governments under : international law. If the US. asks that other counties become responsible stakeholders in the intemational system to help solve problems and to diminish threats to international order, we must also model good global citizenship ourselves. We can do this in many ways: | © Closing Guantanamo and agreeing on global sandasds for detention and i interzogation of suspected terrorists /illegal combatants, © Ratify a host of treaties that have long languished before the Senate. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06013976 Date: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C08014192 Date: 10/20/2016 From: ‘Warnholz, Jean-Louis Sent: Thurday November 0, 2012 202 4 be nase PART) To: ‘Mis, Chery! D; “Cheryl Mls" ‘Subject: FW: Update on Haiti Hausing - Fo! WIC Attachments: For WIC Categories: Blue Category Classification; ‘UNCLASSIFIED I know you had many questions on my draft. For your eose of reference, below ond attached the previous emais that went to the President. We basically did whal we soid we'd do below. The only difference is hat Food for the Poor is now doing the Terier Rouge and Quanaminthe sites with Us ond IDB and not CarocolEkam. ‘From: Mils, Chery! oe ‘Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 1:09 PM "Oscar Fores 1 pai on Fa a ear Dow Band - PC; Wembo, ear Lous . ‘Subject: ‘on Ral For WIC (Oaar Mr, President | wanted to follow-up on my prior emall on the mechanisms by which the USG Is tendering the construction of Permanent homes for Haitian families affected by the earthquake. “After further review and consultation with procurement experts at USAID, we determined that there ls an opportunity ‘to limit competition to the more than sixty vendors that had been selected by the GOH and a panel of experts in an open ‘and competitive process as exhibitors at the Hait! Housing EXPO. This required that USG engineers, n collaboration with Greg Mine and members of the EXPO team, visited and evaluated the different vendors again to determine elgiblity for ‘the particular housing program the USG is pursuing. As a result of this exercise, some vendors have been excluded, because their technology made It difficult to expand the house using readily available materials, or construction ws too costly, time-consuming and complex. In the end, the vast majorty of vendors (49 aut of 61) atthe Expo are eligible. In ‘addition, two companies with significant expertise and exposure In Halti were added to the lst by our engineering team following thelr market research. ‘These $1 companies received a request for information yesterday for housing construction at a new settlement far 220 homes cose to Cabaret (Just North of Port-au-Prince towards St, Mart), the first site we are developing close to Port-au- Prince. After reviewing specific information about their capabilites, USAID wil develop a short-list of capable candidates among which a successful bilder willbe selected. We are using an approach to procurement whereby ‘vendors can submit » range of designs and Innovative technologies and the USG evaluation team will work with the ‘community during the bidding process to ensure the preferences of the community are reflected in the design of the ‘winning bidder. We hve strengthened our team in Port-au-Prince with additional procurement specialists and engineers to accelerate this project. . {In the North, we have started the grading and site preparation of the large new settlement close to Caracol and the new Industri} park, and expect to launch » request for proposals (AFP) next week forthe construction of 750 houses, AS ‘noted In my previous emai, this RFP willbe open to all bidders, and asks for a specific design that has been agreed to by the Caracol community earlier this year. The remaining 750 houses on this she will be developed by Food for the Poor (also a vendor at the Expo) in partnership with the IDB. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Depariment of Stele Case No. F-2015-16313 Dot No. CO6014192 Date: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08014192 Date; 10/20/2016 understand from our conversations with Greg Milne that you will have opportunity to visit this construction site as part of your participation in the groundbresking of the Industral park on Nov 28", We fook forward to that." Best dm UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C05014182 Date: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014202 Dale: 10/20/2016 From: ‘Mit, Cheryl D ELEASET Sent: . Seturday. October 01, 2011 10.23 AM EIN PART Tor justi a fe ‘graher{___ 7: Wamholz, Jean-Louis Subject; For WiC Dear Mr President 5 have followed-up with the USG team on the conversation we had at UNGA regording whether and how we were creating opportunities for GOM accredited vendors at the Haiti Housing Exp0 ta participate in USG-sponsoved RFPS for housing construction. Jean-Louis and members of the USAID Halt! team had several discussions with Greg Milne to respond to your inquiry and censure we had a solution, if required. The proposed course of action Isas follows: 1. USAID Is launching 2 full and open competition for housing construction atthe first settlement close to Caracol and the Industral park in Northern Haltl. The site is compromised of 4,500 single family homes, of which USAID will procure ‘750. The remainder will be constructed by Food for the Poor, who ls one of the vendors at the Housing EXPO. The RFP. ill specify a design and define eligible construction materials that satisfy codes for seismic and hurricane resistance. ‘The design had been agreed earlier withthe Caracal community. We vislted the Expo end cevlewed with Greg the range of vendors on display. We are confident that @ number of the vendors are able to meet the criteria of the RFP and could ‘be successful in the bid, The RFP will be accessible on thé web and we are committed to working with Greg to ensure ‘vendors are aware ofthis opportunity. Ido want to note that we cannot strictly limit the competition only to those vendors on display at the Expo for reasons we can discuss more fully should you wish. 2. While all vendors are abe to bid on the RFP forthe Caracol settlement site, not all rms willméet the requirements of the RFP given the cange of unique designs and materials used by some of the vendors (e.g. one vendor uses containers for the frame of the house}. Given that, for construction of the Phase 2 stes (e.g, Fort Liberte and ‘Ouanaminthe) we are propasing to employ a different type of compethive procurement process Involving local ‘communities that provides the community with the chance to express thelr preference for one design/technology over ‘another (¢.g,, wood vs. composite prefabricated panels vs. container shal). Vendors then would bbe asked to submit designs for houses in a comparable price range, satisfying a number of performance criteria (eg. site, number of rooms) ‘and bullding standards. Community representatives, along with technical experts, would then choose from among ‘competing designs of technically qualified vendors. | believe this responds to your inquiry and concerns - fet me know if you want to discuss. Best : cim : UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C08014202 Date: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department af State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08014682 Date: 10/21/2018 ToT From: Abe, Huma aaa . "Sent: January 02, 203 ee as oe Subject: & , Categories: Blue Category Terry meauliffe veo Brian greenspun ‘Spoke to all of them the same day, | answered the phone. Have no proof but cvc thinks he may have said some things similar to people on phone. => Original Message ---- . “From: Doug Band (mate) Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 0} - To: Abedin, Kuma; Hannah Ri ‘Subject: Re: ~ ‘Who did he give it to that spoke to nyt? —-- Original Message —- From: Abedin, Huma ‘Sent: Tuesday, Jahvary 01, 2013 01:26 PM Eastern: Standard Time | ‘To: Hannah Richert; Doug Band 7 ‘Subject: Re: ‘Up to you guys. They have all now been made aware of the ny times story with male friend quoting new information | that very few people have, Wjc said he wouldn't give Info out to people from now on so up to you. \ ‘She hasn't returned bibis call for @ week, he was just calling to check in on her. . : ——~ Original Message -—- From: Hannah Richert ' ‘Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 01:16 PM To: Abedin, Huma; Ooug Band How shall! respond? ‘ vga From: Ron Oermer| tmaitidl ‘Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 11:13 AM nee ‘Does President Clinton have any time between 2 and 5 EST today? i Sent from my Phone 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, CO6014882 Date: 10/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doe No. C08014682 Date: 10/21/2016 On 1 n'a 2013, at 9:52, Hannah Richert| wrote: - 86 >HiRon, > Please let me know the best number and Happy Holidays. > Regards, > Hannah + Original Message -—- Doug Band ' > Sent: Tuesday, January OL, 2013 07:43 AM - >To:‘Rondermer@me com] Hannah chert > Subject: Re: > > Thank you > Hannah can coordinate the call > > Happy holidays “> mo= Original Message == > Fram: Ron Dermer > Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 08:41 AM Eastern Standard Time > To: Ooug Band > Subject: Re: > > Doug, 3 i . i > Long time no speak. Hope you are well. > > My boss wanted to speak to President Clinton to ask him how Hillary was doing, > Do youhgve a number where he can be reached? > > Best, > >. > Ron Dermer 2 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Depariment of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014682 Date: 10/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No, 006014888 Date: 10/21/2018 i ———— From: Abedin, Hume | ‘Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 11:41 AM I fe, pia - ' Categories: Blue Category | Just don't share with anyone: ~~ Original Message —- From: Hanah Rene altel} Bs ‘Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 11:36 AM. To: Abedin, Huma; Doug Band Justin Cooper { Jon Aids ‘Oscar Flores: Bani Lurie = Ok, thank you = Original Message —~ From: Abedin, Huma (ri Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 11:05 AM To: Doug Band; ustin Cooper; Hannah Richert; Jon Davidson; Oscar Flores; Bari Lurie Subject: Hre We are about to issue this press statement. . ‘She's going to be fine, just needs to rest for a while. Not public yet fy. “while suffering from a stomach virus, Secretary Clinton became dehydrated and fainted, sustaining a concussion. She ‘has been recovering at home and will continue to be monitored regularly by her dactors. At their recommendation, she ‘will continue to work from home nest week, staying in regular contact with Department and other officals. She is looking forward to being back in the office soon.” > s UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014688 Dete: 10/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2016-16313 Doc No, C06014700 Date: 10/21/2016 From: ‘Abedin, Hume Sent: Th May 15, 2012 12:30 PM To: , + Do Subject: Re, Wi Tn Cannes Categories: Biue Category Yup. Waiting fora cab. Fo own iaiaed ~ ‘Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 17: qd ‘To: Abedin, Huma ‘Subject: Re: WIC in Cannes Remember her Hope she got stock You ia deyet? From: Abedin, Huma (muaito:Abed nk @state.cav} ‘ ‘Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 12:21 PM . ‘To: Doug Band ‘Subject: Re: WIC in Cannes Will do. {ts katie stanton, worked for us in OB. We like her feuds SS ‘Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 12: To: Abedin, Huma ‘Subject: Re: WIC in Cannes Connect the twitter people with me and Il sort something ‘ From: Abedin, Hume Sent: Tuesday, ay 15,2012 2-14 PM ‘Subject: Re: WIC in Cannes Can ask From: Abedin, Huma ‘Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 11:02 AM 6 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Depariment of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014700 Date: 10/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014700 Date; 10/21/2018 To: Doug Band ‘Subject: Fv: WIC in Connes Founder and ceo of twitter will be in cannes, Asking if wic will want to see them? From: Reines, Phllppe { ‘Who best to connect Katie with? ~ From: Katie Stanton a . ~ oe BS ‘Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 07:03 PM ‘To: Reines, Philippe 1 ‘Subject: WIC in Cannes Hi Philippe, Great to see you a few weeks ago. How come you'don't age? , Dick really enjoyed meeting the Secretary. Thanks so much for putting it together. [t was the highlight of his trip. Every time 1 asked him if he wanted to meet xyz at the WHCD he said no, :) Dick and our founder, Jack Dorsey, will be in Cannes next month. I saw that WJC will be there, too. Do you think he would have any interest meeting Jack and Dick? F Best, Katie v UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State ‘Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014700 Dete: 10/21/2016 esse UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-16313 Doc No, C08014728 Date: 10/21/2016 From: Abedin, Hum Sent: + Wednesday, February 08, 2012 12:28 PM Tor ‘Dou 4 Subject: ‘Re: Hi again, Cloobeck in DC Thur/Fri Categories: Blue Category Just for you guys | guess. Original Message --——_ From: Doug Band |maiitol___________} , ‘Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 08:04 AM ‘To: Abedin, Huma ‘Subject: Re: Hi again. Cloobeck in DC Thur/Fri_ again ot sure why you would (On Feb 6, 2012, at 6:27 AM, Abedin, Huma wrote: 2 We hove sadn to him about tines row but he's lays been avelg, We cul proba make someting work we hud tp. > =~ Original Message — > From: Noah Mamet {mailto | > Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 0PM >To: Abedin, Huma + > Subject: Ré: Hi again, Cloobeck in DC Thur/Fet > . > Thanks. Also, Fri up to 3pm works (oo (then we're with potus.) Thanks, > Frieve, we're heading to NYC for WIC Foundation dinner. Busy Fri. > > > > > > Noah Mamet > Noah Mamet & Associates . > 12100 Wilshire Blvd Suite 600 > bos: ca 90025 . shone > Noal > > > > es UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06014729 Date: 10/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. C06014729 Date: 10/21/2016 > On 2/7/32 3:44 PM, "Abedin, Huma’ wrote: * >> Let me check >> Itallan Prime Minister will be there al day thursday >» > = Original Message -—~ >> From: Noah Mamet {maiitol id) 56) >> Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 06:28 PM >>To: Abedin, Muma >> Subject: HI again, Cloobeck in DC Thur/Fri >» >> Not sure Ifyou saw email last week. Any chance of getting him with bre? >> 1 assume you're still engaged on schedule? Thanks, hope alls well > “ UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06014729 Date: 10/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014785 Date: 10/21/2016 Sent: ‘Mor October 31, 2011 9:22RM To: Doug Be Subject: Re: Wic needs to call hugh to convince him to come tonite, Categories: = - Biue Category Good. Original Message —~ From: Oscar Flores {mailt Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011,09:14 PM To: Abedin, Huma; Doug Band Subject: Re: Wic needs to call hugh to convince him to come tonite. He just spoke with Maria =~ Original Message ~- From: Abedin, Huma [] Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 09:05 PM To: Oscar Flores; Doug Band Subject: WJe needs to call hugh to convince him to come tonite. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6014785 Date: 10/21/2016 be UNCLASSIFIED ‘U.S. Deparment of State Case No. F-2015-16913 Doc No. C06014766 Date: 10/21/2016 From: Abedin, Huma Sent: Monday, October 3, 2012 921 9M? Te: ‘D0 “ just jon! subject: Re: Wie 200s To cal hugh To convince him to come tonite, Categories: ate Category Lord. Hugh doesn't want tocome tonite... . - on Original Message : _ From: Ooug Band faitol ‘Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011.08:07 PM. i a a Dav Subject: Re: WJe needs to call hugh to convince him to come tonite. We aren't with bien oo eve wouldn't tet any staff come . . . --= Original Message —— From: Abedin, Huma (malto:AbedinH@state gov] ot ‘Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 09:05 PM ’ “To: Oscar Flores; Doug Band : Subject: Wic needs to cal hugh to convince him to come tonite n UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. 06014786 Date: 10/21/2016 ee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No, 006014782 Date: 10/21/2018 re — Sent: ‘Thursday, October 27, 2011 11:53. a Tot “Doug Banc’ Subject: RE Introducing Categories: Blue Category ‘Then why did you ask me to introduce you to him by email? What am | missing? From: Doug Band [matto! ‘Sent: Thursday, Cctober 27, 2011 11:41 AM ‘To: Abedin, Huma ‘Subject: Re: Introducing We know each other dude From: Abedin, Huma ( ’ ‘Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 11:38 AM ‘To: Burns, Willam 3 Ce: Doug Band ‘Subject: Inteducing s Hi Bill~1 wanted to introduce you by email to Doug Band who is President Cinton’s Cheryl/Huma/iake combined, He ‘needed to consuit with you on something so 1am connecting you directly by eral. ‘Thanks Blt. n UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014782 Date: 10/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F-2015-18313 Doc No. C06014789 Date; 10/21/2018 bee ee From: Abedin, ima REEMA Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 235 PM To: “Doug Band’ : ‘Subject: FW: Cheryl can't meet at 4:30pm Categories: : Blue Category Has happened every day this week From: Laszczych, Joanne —_ Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:34 PM To: Abedin, Huma ‘Get Hanley, Monica: Subject: Chery! cant meet at 4:30pm ‘Apologies, but Chery day has spun out of conto! and she can't meet with you at 4:30 ody . Joanna” : n UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2018-16313 Doc No. CO8014789 Date: 10/21/2016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2025-16313 Doc No, C06014815 Date: 10/21/2016 Wednesday, September 14, 2011 7:24 AM 7 Dou ‘Re: Friday, Sept 16th lve Category ‘Nooe0o From: Abedin, Huma [mailto:AbedinH@state gov) Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:30 PM To: Doug Band ‘Subject: Fw:"Friday, Sept. 16th ‘Not something we would normally do Imp tou? . From: Valmoro, Lana J ‘Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 08:43 PM To: Abedin, Huma ‘Subject: Fw: Friday, Sept. 16th Sigh From: Richard C, Blum [mailto] ‘Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2017 ‘To: Vaimoro, Lona 3 a ‘Subject: Friday, Sept. 16th Dear Lona: 1understand Secretary Clinton is going to bein San Francisco on Friday, September 16. would love cogive her an "update on our foreign assistance and global povery effort fhe has 1015 ranutes to spare, Best personal regards, Richasd Blum, ‘ a UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-18313 Doc No. C08014815 Date: 10/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014815 Date: 10/21/2016 1 + Stary Cale Office ol Richard C. blu Blan Capital Parcs. 9 Montgormery Street Suite 400 San Franciseu, CA 94033 Direct: (J 86 Fax. JIS Boalt al _] ‘Tie Inforqation contained in this exall message Te confidential information intended only for the use of the individual er entity to which it is addrenged. If the reader ‘of thie message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any’ dissemination, dlatribution or copy of thie Message 1s strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, Pleage immediately notify the sender and delete the mes! a : UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F-2015-18313 Doc No, C06014815 Date: 10/21/2016 —— UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, CO6014820 Date: 10/21/2016 From: ‘Abedin, Huma Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 8:17 PM To: ‘Do BE Subject: Re Categories: Blue Category Ok il mention to het Js this imp to you guys if she goes? Or you don't care? This is during UNGA 1s wie going?) ts the dea? From: Heather Sarg [ ‘Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 2:27 PM Eijeat Hi: ‘hope yauare doing well. Are rman or party on 9/23, Please let me know, Thanks! Heather Sarg Assistant to Mare Lasry ‘Avenue Capital Group 399 Park Avenue, 6th floor i “10822 © 1 212-850-7505 (c) Cc ‘14s mansage (a ay assoonns et) ten 01, ‘ie ot he rte enuf wach ndsrsed ao oy ‘arta senrton att coer nue! capaho nreure ¥vade nce you Br 01 teed rotor, Suara nereby neue Da any daaneison. cong et Gavin th nsage, ct aes essomuced wan =aNAg, a UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014820 Date: 10/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-16313 Doc No, C06014820 Date: 10/21/2016 Ia ukty pried you hee cecaed Bis masse her ‘ ‘Biese ty us ieee y rein oe megs tnt {tom yeu comput atesarpes vert og homes ny De nated UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06014820 Date: 10/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Oepartment of Stale Cese No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6014822 Date: 10/21/2016 —_—_—_—_—_———— trom Aor tome ERENT - Sent: ‘Tuesday, September 06, 2011 7:54 PM Te: ‘Doug Bend" . Subject: RE: Checking in 10/23 Categories: Biue Category ‘Hre as you know has expressed an interest in going ‘Original Message—-, From: Ooug Band [maittof = 86 Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 720 PM ‘To: Abedin, Kuma Subject: Re: Checking In 20/23 . S00 times No chance fm going Don’t think wie should either but whatever ~~ Original Message -—-- From: Abedin, Huma (mailto:abedin@state gov) Sent; Tuesday, September 06, 2011 07:11 PM ‘To: Doug Band Subject: FW: Checking In 10/23 . ‘Assume you got this : Bt Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2011 12:04 AM Subject: Checking In 10/23 ‘We are so excited to know if you've received our invitation for our celebration on October 23rd (10-23). ‘ We had some mailing fun ivith our Invitation process and first we wanted to confirm that you-have actualy received the inwite. if you could confirm back that would be so very much appreciated, ‘Also we wanted to share the exciting news that we've secured the 20 grammy award winner and Queen of Soul Ms. ‘Aretha Franklin to perform for our guests that night. There are lots of fun suprises underway. ‘We can't wait to celebrate with you. Sending warmest regards, Om] L_] UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. C06014822 Date: 0721/2016 ee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. Chairman & CEO 1 Constellations Group 1 Penn Plaza : Suite 3600. * New York, New York 10219 : lw : Bs | se , ° ‘ + UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014822 Date: 10/21/2016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Dog No. C06013702 Date: 09/09/2016 a © Abedin, Huma & LEASE n PART, Sent ‘Tuesday, March 10, 2009 10:52 AM To: ‘ Subject: RE: Categories: Blue Category Hec wants i flly vetted in the building So im in the process of doing that now From: Doug Band {maltt:dou! ___ . ‘Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 10:50 AM. To: Abedin, Huma Subject: Re: And where are we on what we discussed yesterday Sent vie BlackBerry by AT&T From: "Abédin, Huma" ‘Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 10:48:43 -0400 To: ; Justin Cooper; Doug Band{ Subject: ‘Doug Hre toe me wc may want come to de tomorrow forthe dinne es dl nd tallan ambastador are hostngin hnrc honor ‘They are calling ita neighborhood cinner W's the usual de crowd, doug Lots of ambassador and de social types like ann and Vernon Let me know if he wants to come and you guys want more info, Lona can get to terry 39 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06013702 Date: 09/09/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06013704 Date: 09/09/2016 From: Abedin, Huma Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 20:49 AM To: ‘soul Subject: RE Ee TW PART Categories: Biue Category ‘Whats the Bloomberg foundation? ‘From: Doug Band [maltorde Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 10:41 AM ‘To: Abedin, Huma; Vaimoro, Lona 3; Justin Cooper Subject: He also has dinner with Bloomberg foundation people at 815 Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: "Abedin, Huma’ Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 10:37:34 -0400 To: Valmoro, Lona J; Doug Band Subject: ‘Doug - Hre told me wic may want to come to dc tomorrow for the dinner leo daly and italian ambassador are hosting in bre honor. ‘They are calling it a neighborhood dinner W's the usual dc crowd, doug ‘Lots of ambassador and dc social types like ann and Vernon ‘Let me know if he wants to come and you guys want more info. Lona can get to terry 30 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06013704 Date: 09/08/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06014154 Date: 10/20/2016 trom ee ‘Sent: ‘Thur Fe 1; 1050 AM 2 te Sj e Categories: Blue Category sane one From: Doug Band [mal . Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2008 10:44 AM * ‘ To: Abedin, Huma * ‘Subject: Fw: ? Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T Fee From: "Reggie Love’ Did Huma get a new cell phone? Reggie ae UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stata Case No. F-2015-16913 Doc No. C06014154 Date: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stato Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. C08014215 Dat From: ° Betsy McManus , Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 1227 PM “Ter Abedin, Huma; Justin Cooper - PC ce Terry Krinvic ¢ Subject: i Rez joha gil Categories: » “Blue Category [Tort know tht we haves rans, but wy to dig up the eu,” =~ Original Messoge From: Abedin, Hurna ‘To: Betsy MeManus; Justin Cooper - PC Ce: Temy Krinvie Sent: Wed fan 06 12:18:23 2010 Subject: RE: jn gil (Can you send me the ranscript of the interview eo I can print for ber ‘Before she talks to him i n t ‘To: Abedin, Huma; Justin Cooper - PC Ce: Terry Krinvie | ‘Subject: RE: john gil : ‘Yes, he did it in May in little rock.” . . o vewnome From: Abedin, Huma. io aera oe Sac ve ‘Subject: RE: john gill Has wje done his interview with him? a oe To: Abedin, Huma . . ‘ Subject: Fe: jo git . iginal Message matty re i ter mbes 8 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16319 Doc No, C08014215 Date: 107202016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. 08014215 Date: 10/20/2016 1 r-Orignal Message From: Terry Keinvie Sent; Wednesday, Janwary 06, 2010 10:22. AM Tox justin Cooper - PC Ce: Betsy McManus Subject: RE: joka git Baws has it. he will send — § —_.. ! eregor { ‘To: Justin Cooper; Doug Band; Hannah Richert . ‘Sent: Wed Jan 06 09:51:38 2010 Sea RE ju git ‘No hes a guy writing a book on arkansas first families Says he interviewed everyone except Ive ‘Wie told hrc he talked to him and gill complained bre wont do the interview. Which is of course net true. ‘She want t do interview today s=~-Original Messnge— an: hn Cooper inulin reidetinan con] ; Sent; Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9: ‘To: Abedia, Huma; Doug Band; Hannah Richer Subject: Re: john gil CT} rv Original Message. From: Abedin, Huma ‘To: Doug Band; Hannah Richer; Justin Cooper Sent: Wed Jan 06 09:45:48 2010" - ‘Subject: john gill Can someone get me john gills info asap. In rigt cach him to el a te offi UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014215 Date: 10/20/2016 L UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014225 Date: 10/20/2016 —_—_ trom fume witim) Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2012 12:03 PM To: Abedin, Huma ae . ae Remedi Categories: Blue.Category Hi, No one could be you, let alone Cheryl/Huma/Jake combined. ‘know Doug from President Clinton's visit to Russia a few years ago, an look forward to talking to him. “tn Bejing now, back home Satirday evening, Toke care, in, Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 11: ‘To: Burns, William } Ce: ‘Doug Band a Subject: Introdu ‘M1 II1 wantéd to intraduce you by email to Doug Band who is President Clinton's Cheryl/Hume/lake comblned. He ‘needed to consult with you on something so | am connecting you directly by email, . Thanks Bill. . ’ 18 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06014225 Date: 10/20/2016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Depariment of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014235 Date; 10/20/2016 From: Copricta Marshall . Sent: Fridey, January 14, 2017 11:22 PM : Te: Ma P 2 , ce dou |Huma@clintonemailcom: Abedin, Huma Subject, Re: Seating for State Binnery * 4 —_ seer , ‘Any other pref? On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 9:01 PM, Marshall, Capricia P wrote: ---~ Original Message From: Marshall, Capricia P Sent: Friday, January 14, Tor Who do u want on either side - women. ~~ Original From: Doug Band ‘Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 08:17 PM . ‘To: Marshal, Caprica P; ‘capriciamasshall 7} Hume Aten SUibject: Re: Seating for State Dinner, + Original Message ----- Fromm: Marshall, Capricia P : To: Doug Band; : Huma Abedin Sent: Fri Jan 14 20:15:29 2011 Subject: Re: Seating for State Dinner PO Original Message ~--- oug Band [| Friday, J 4, x Tor aprciamarshall Huma Abedin UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-16313 Doc No. C06014235 Date; 10/20/2016 © UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-16313 Doc No, CO8014235 Date: 10/20/2016 (Cc: Marshall, Capricia P Subject: Re: Seating for State Dinner Rough ( ‘Suprising lack of chinese at the table i * Cc: Marshall, Cepricia P ‘Sent: Fri Jan 14 19:46:57 2011 ‘Subject: Re: Seating for State Dinner Please respond to this one with my state email so i get on bb, (On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 7:27 PM, Capricia Marshall ("7 wrote: Doug and Huma- ‘The following are at the POTUS table for the state dinner 3 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014235 Date: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08014235 Date: 10/20/2016 * But let me know asap thoughts - need to submit tonight. Pls do not forward, ° . UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313. Doc No. C08014239 Date: 10/20/2016 From: a Be ‘Sent: Monday, March 01, "Subject: Re: india Categories: Blue Category 1 ‘That | was going to do..2ren't there a couple state department directives specific to india? Cl Wasserman Media Group, LUC ‘ “"SHOBE2.4600 F “*Because e-mallcan be altered electronical, the integrity ofthis communication cannot be guaranteed. This emell ‘message Is fr the sole use ofthe intended ceciplent(s] and may eantain confidential and privileged information, Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. if you are not the Intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all coples of the original message. ~~ Original Message — : . : From: Abedin, Huma 7 To: % ‘Sent: Mon Mar 01 10: 2010 ~ Subject: Re: india ‘Take me with-youl Those are my people. . {Suspect you willbe at good hotes! but to be extra cautious, don't drink tap water or uncooked salads. And tell them no ‘cet your drinks, You should be fine, sso Original Message —- From: Doug Bang! To:' ‘Abedin, Huma ‘Sent: Mon Mar 01 12:58:52 2010 Subject: Re: India Don't go Hang out with us tonight! ~~ Original Message ~~ Fi To: ‘abedinh@state gov €c:Doug Band Sent: Mon Mar 03 12:56:35 2010 Subject: india 0 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08014239 Date: 10/20/2016 —. aes UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2018-16313 Doc No. 606014239 Dater'10/20/2018 Placate my neurosis, 1am going tol next week, is there anything that | should really worry about!?1?_ BS Help Wasserman Media Group, LLC . v ; ‘310.882.4600 F + **Because e-mail can be altered electronically, the integrity of this éommunication cannot be guaranteed. This email ‘message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) ahd may contain confidential and privileged information. Any’ unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. if you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.** “4 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014239 Date: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No, F-2015-186313 Doc No. C06014240 Date: 10/20/2018 ° From: 3 . Sent: ‘Manday, March 01 2010 104 Pat : To: Dovig Gand ce: Abedin, Huma Subject: Resingia . Categories: Blue Category Don's tempt me Chairman & CEO \ 2 Seeman Meda Group, LLC lv ‘SOBER TBO ’ **Because e-mail can be altered electronically, the Integrity of thls commuinication cannot be guaranteed. This email _message Is for the Sole use of the Intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distelbution is prohibited. f yau are not the intended reciplent, please contact. ‘the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.** ‘On Mar 1, 2010, at 16:01 AM, "Dodg Band” wrote: > Don't go > > Hang out with us tonight! I Message > Sent: Mon Mar 01 12:56:35 2010 > Subject india - 1. > > Placaté my neurosis, | am going: sof pen ‘week, is there anything > that | should really worry aboutl?Y > > Help! > > Chairman & CEO, : > an Media Group, LLC > 310.882.4600 F . “s i UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. C06014240 Date: 10/20/2016 , enn UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06014240 Date: 10/20/2016 > **Because e-mail can be altered electronically, the Integrity of this . > communication cannot be guaranteed. This email message Is for the sole > use of the intended recipient(s} and may contain confidential and > privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use: disclosure or > distributiot is prohibited, fyou are not the intended recipient, > please contact the sender by reply emall and destroy all copies ofthe > original message.** “6 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Deparment of State Case'No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, 08014240 Date: 10/20/2016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No.C06014273 Date: 10/20/2016 From: Crowley, Philip J = Fa ah aera To: Reines, Philippe | Mills, Cheryt D- Ce ‘Abedin, Huma Subject: ‘RE: Peter Baker, NYT Categories: Blue Category ‘Accouple glasses of wine and you'l allt: -—-Orlginal Message-— From: Reines, Philippe | Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 9:40 PM To: Mills, Chery! D; Crowiey, Phitip J i (Ce: Abedin, Muria Subject: Re: Peter Baker, NYT a m5 == Original Message ~—- From: Mills, Cheryl D ‘To: Crowley, Philip J; Reines, Philippe 1 Cc: Abedin, Huma Sent: Tue May 19 21:39:01 2003 Subject: RE: Peter Baker, NYT ~2-Original Message-—~ From: Crowley, Philip) Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 9:03 PM To: Reines, Philippe |; Mits, Chery! . . Cc: Abedin, Huma z Subject: RE: Peter Baker, NYT Pl . : s-—Original Messoge-—- From: Reines, Phitippe | ‘Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 8:23 PM “30 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stete Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06014273 Date: 10/20/2016 - FS UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stato Case No. F-2018-16313 Doc No. C06014273 Date: 10/20/2016 To: Mils, Cheiyl D; Crowiey, Philip} Cc: Abedin, Huma . ‘Subject: FW: Peter Baker, NYT ‘The time has came to decide on the below, the reporter Is putting the piece to bed, Fo oe] _——————J— 86 Sent: Monday, April 05, 2003 4:26 AM . To: Matt Mekenna; Philippe Reinest; abedinh@state gov Ce: Doug Band ‘Subject: RE: Peter Baker, NYT ‘Thanks - we'll discuss with her, dm ~~-Original Message-—— ; From: Matt Mckenna Sent: Sunday, april Os, 7009 5:07 PM, : ' To:‘eheryei 'preines]—— ‘bedinn@stategov Ce: Doug Band Subject Peter Seer, NYT 2 “Friends, We are cooperating with Peter Saker for an 8,000 word story for the Magazine (set to run 05/03/09) exploring the work . of the foundation, WIC In a post-Bush, Obama world, etc. ‘ ‘As you know, Peter went to S. America late last month with WIC to see CGSGI projects. WIC is sitting with Peter for two separate interviews (one tomorrow in Harlem, one at the house later this manth). Peter has asked to speak to 8 number of people for this story (Bono, Mandela, 41) and to the extent we can, we are ‘helping to facilitate those interviews, ‘He is asking to speak to HAC as well, . UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C08014273. Date: 10/20/2016 See UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06014273 Date: 10/202016 We defer to you all 100%, just let us know if t's ayes or a no, You won't hurt our feelings elther way. We belleve she is ‘obviously value-added to any story, but also understand the many complicating your world, ‘Thanks and hope you're all well, Mate “ , UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. 06014273 Oate: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6011415 Date: 10/20/2016 Doug Band Monday, March 21, 201F 1155 PM Reynoso, Julissa Mil, Chery; Sulvan Jacob J Re: Good luck Blue Category Just got back to ny Happy to chat if your up —— Original Message +— . From: Reynoso, Julissa Sent: Monday, March 23, 2011 08:03 PM To: Doug Band Cc: Mills, Cheryl O ; Sullivan, Jacob } Subject: Re: Good luck (Ok Let me know when i's good time to chat -[————] thanks. Jlssa ~~ Original Message ——~ From: Doug Band (mnaltte ‘Sent: Monday, March 21,2011 07:59 PM To: Reynoso, Julissa Cc: Mills, Cheryl D; Sulivan, Jacobs Subject: Re: Good luck Just landed in ft lauderdale Calles chery! and gave a brief downoad Had good meetings but that’s it will explain ++ Original Message ~~ From: Reynoso, Julissa [mailto-Reynosoj@state gov) Sent: Monday, March 23, 2011 07:58 PM : To: Doug Band Ce: Mil, Chery O Subject: Re: Good hick We are off in 5 mins Landing at 1115 Lunch at 1230 Bruno até “If we leave ofter that mig ‘We wil land inf lauderdale at 6 or 630 for a brief fue! stop/customs then on to ny unfess we have an extra passdnger in ‘which case we will discuss it when we land and assume we then go to de : o-~ Original Message —-- From: Mills, Cheryl O } Sent: Monday, Merch 21, 2011 06:25 aM To: Doug Band ‘Subject: Good luck UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. C06011415 Date: 10/20/2016 = aa UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08011418 Date; 10/20/2018 - From: . Doug Band Sent ‘Wednesday, March 16, 2011 3:35 PM § . To: Mills, D ijt: te (eerar Categories: . Blue Category Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 03:16 PM er nano? inte gov ; "drennanPM@state gov’ ; ‘Remosadese.sov demesne Ass; stn per ‘Subject: Re: 86 Thank you ttya wil call right away and sort the detais and application for justin cooper and myself ‘The ambassador said the[__ Jare of course not a problem and | will go see him on friday afternoon in de to obtain He told me lunch with the deputy minister at 1230 on monday followed by 2 4pm mtg with bruno, BS ‘As we discussed over the phone, | om otlaching te(_—ppplication for and detolled 86 instructions on how to fill it out. BE, Ihave CCd Mr. Jarahn Hilsman who can ossst you in expediting yout OFAC license. You may also reach Mr. Hilsman ot 202-647-5561. 2 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C08011419 Date: 10/20/2016 . UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-16313 Doc No. C06011418 Date: 10/20/2016 Best Regards, ‘ Youliona ‘Youliana Ivanova . -Chief Consular Officer , , ‘Office of the Coordinator for Cuban Affaire 1,8. Department of State ‘Tel.: (202) 647-7479 Fax: (202) 786-4476 BB: (202) 341-6728 “This email is UNCLASSIFIED, UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C060i1419 Dete: 10/20/2016 060114 36/ED US. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06011436 Date: 08/19/2016 Doug Band Wednesday, February 16, 2011 1:21 PM = Re: Gala Dinner on March 6th Blue Category ‘And wfc has event next thurs am in de ~~ Original Message —- . From: Doug Band To:'Abedink@’ Sent: Wed Feb 26 13:20:49 2011, . Subject: Re: Gala Dinner on March 6th Yestokuwait ‘And yes to bush points of ight ‘Two very different events ~~~ Original Message —- From: Abedin, Huma : To: Doug Band Sent: Wed Feb 16 22:12:39 2011 Subject: RE: ala Dinner on March 6th $0 you are going? She is killing me Original Message—- : From: Doug Band Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 12:03 PM To: Abedin, Huma Subject: Re: Gala Dinner on March 6th ‘That's different event ‘This is paid thing ~~ Original Message —- From: Abedin, Huma ‘To: Doug Band Cc: Valmoro, Lona J ; Sent: Thu Aug 19 16:53:55 2010 Subject: Fw: Dinner lannah.Richert How many people for this dinner?? nal Mess From: 86 To: Oscar Flores B7(C) Sent: Thu Aug 19 16:02:30 2010 Subject: Dinner Oscar Fre WIC asked me to provide the diner info to Rolando (at golf today), WIC has Invited him. Rolando says they wile 2 oF 3 people. Dave ‘Alle-mai to/from this account is subject to offical review and is for official use only. Action may be taken in response to any inappropriate use of the Secret Service's e-mail system. This e-mail may contain information that is privileged, law enforcement sensitive, or subject to other disclosure limitations, Such information is loaned to you and should not be further disseminated without the permission of the Secret Service. f you have received this ¢-allin error, do not keep, use, disclose, or copy it; notify the sender immediately and delete It. == . UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Depariment of State Case No. 2018-16313 Doc No. C06011889 Date: 09/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06011917 Date: 09/14/2018 BS From: Bond Sent: ry ‘August 06, 2010 412 > fee reer) To ‘Abedin, Huma ‘Subject: fe : Categories: Blue Category \ ‘To: Doug Band; Justin Cooper . Sent:.Fri Aug 06 14:57:44 2010 Subject: | sp0ke to Dennis Cheng nd here-are his suggestions for.people based in the Hamptions: Tier a: 250 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08011917 Date: 09/14/2016 ee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale CaseNo, F-2015-16313 Doc No, CO8011917 Dale: 08/14/2016 86 Tier2: 21 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06011917 Date: 09/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06011927 Date: 09/14/2016 From: doug tans[————S—S*d 86 Sent: Friday, sly 23, 7010 83 AM . : ‘centrifugalforcel___} Abedin, Huma Subject: Rez Mark Siegel Categories: © Blue Category an . The , Love don, he's great Don't know mark siegel is? | —-originat message ! From: centrifugal To: Doug and| Huma Abedin Sent: Fri Jul 23 08:27:47 2030 Subject: Mark Siegel Doug, ''m in Paris with Oon Johnson and his wife Kelly. We are leaving for Kenya on Sunday where we will begin a 27 day safa with a group of friends. . Don will be speaking with Mark Siegel tomorrow about the water company to hopefully be part ofthe work needed'in. Haiti, ‘Don recently traveled to Pakistan and made a very receptive presentation to Dr Rahman Malik. ‘Can you speak with Mark and ask him to help Oon with this effort? ‘The Clinton Foundation has the total package about the company. ‘ ‘Any help would really be appreciated Warmest regards, : : Bren Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile a UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Dopartment of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06011927, Date: 08/14/2016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06013547 Date: 09/20/2016 From: Doug Band Sent: ‘ ‘Thursday, February 18, 2010 520 PM To: Abedin, Huma Categories: Blue Category ‘To: Huma Abedin Sent: Thu Feb 18 17:18:07 2010 \Wjc having lunch w steve and co sat Probably at french rest Pls maker sure she's ok with it UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of Siate Case No, F-2015-16313 ‘Doc No. C06013547 Date: 0920/2016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stato Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, CO8012158 Date: 09/16/2016 From: Doug Band | {ELEASE IN PART ‘Sent: ‘Saturday, January 16 2010 838 PME To: ‘Abedin, Huma ‘Subject: . Fw. Latest oniine numbers Categories: hue Category . Be "Original Message — - From: Andrew Kessel| . ‘To: Andrew Kessel| Laura Graham} [Doug Band; Marie Ewald | ‘Margaret Martinello| ‘Valerie ‘Alexander{_________} Scott Powell ]Steven Bames Betsy McManus Amitabh Desai” ‘Angel Urena[_ Tustin Cooper Sent: Sat fan 16 19:26:02 2010 Subject: RE: Latest online numbers ‘Current Count ‘Clinton Haitt- 80,525 Donations for 7,300,000 Clinton Bush - 42,975 Donations for 3,818,774 | just want to mention that Clinton Bush number js almost all from 11:00 amon. Its unbeievable. Andrew Kessel Tf UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313. Doc No. C06012158 Date: 09/16/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08012155 Date: 10/21/2016 Frome Bovg Gand ———————, ‘Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010 1047 AM To: ‘thrinvie____ aes) Be “‘Igrahar Justin Cooper; Matt McKenna; ren ee en ny tans Categories: "Blue Cotegory We need do a cont cal witjake/huma and meghan Ifthey are fre to discuss tomorrow From chery! . We need fill the plane with . Medical supplies Generators Food and water ( Cheryl says na doctors . Nowhere to stay 7 i . Unless they coming with org who have place to stay " He should go to where un bodies found/un hq Helo area tour to much . Gosee un ‘ ‘Meet with preval either goto him or airport ‘Maybe food distribution site or take our Supplies to hospital where paul Is, need be seen distributing stuff Securtty is tight . : No need forit but they won't let us go » Reality ists fine . He will draw lots of security forces ‘We need deal with that ‘We need break up responsibilities here and get moving Justin Is on much of this so he need tell us what he and jg have come up with Rog can coordinate medical supplies and has been with farmer We need figure out how to transport ‘them. We need leave majority of people at airport unless we need unload at sites Have to take a fullplane of stuff even if we goto target tonight and get water 186 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No. F-2015-16313 Ooc No. C06012155 Date: 10/21/2016 *C06015378-1ED US. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06015378 Date: 09/19/2016 frome Duugtand {7g Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 4:18 PM Be Tor, . Abedin, Huma -. Subject: Fw President Obama to Hold Presidential Forum on Service Hosted by former President cuore bark Categories: Blue Category They agree to this but not gi ‘Sick --~-Original Message: From: Matt Mckenna To: Doug Band - Subject: Fw: President Obama to Hold Presidential Forum on Service Hosted by former President George H.W. Bush ‘Sent: Sep 11; 2009 4:07 PM . Original Message— From: White House Press Office To: Matt McKenna . ReplyTo: Sent: Sep 12, 2009 13:39 . Subject: President Obama to Hold Presidential Forum on Service Hosted by former President George H.W. Bush ‘THE WHITE HOUSE “ Office of the Press Secretary " FOR INIMEDIATE RELEASE September 11, 2009 President Obama to Hold Presidential Forum on Service Hosted by former President George H.W. Bush October event at Bush Presidential Library will celebrate Daily Point of Light award winners, build upon United We Serve «Summer service initiative WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Friday, October 16th, President Barack Obama will hold a Presidential Forum on community service hosted by former President George H.W. Bush and the Points of Light institute at the George Bush Presidential brary Center on the campus of Texas A&M University. The event bullds upon President Obama's “United We Serve” «all to service challenging all Americans to help lay a new foundation for growth in this country by engaging in sustained, meaningful community service. it will also celebrate the contributions of more than 4,500 Daily Point of Light award ‘winners and honor President Bush's legacy of service and civic engagement. 3s UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08015378 Date: 09/19/2016 C06015378IED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08015378 Date: 09/19/2018 * The Daly Point of Light Award ~ created by President Bush in 1989 ~ honors individuals and volunteer groups around the country who are helping to meet critical needs in thelr communities and creating change every day and has a bipartisan presidentia legacy over the past two decades. President Obama's United We Serve callto service began on June 22nd and runs through the National Day of Service ‘and Remembrance on September 12th, Service projects marking the eight year anniversary of 9/11 will take place today in ali 50 states, and will include over a dozen Cabinet Secretaries and high ranking government officials. Projects range fram food drives and home repairs to neighborhood cleanups and disaster preparation activities. ‘The National Day of Service and Remembrance was developed by 9/11 families and established into law by the Edwatd IM. Kennedy Serve America Act, which President Obsma signed in April. The most sweeping overhaul and expansion of national service programs in 18 years, the Serve America Act will triple the size of AmeriCorps and strengthen service ‘opportunities for Americans at all tages oftheir ives, For more information about the October 16th Presidential Forum on community service, please visit wa 26 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, 06015378 Date: 09/19/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6012597 Date: 10/20/2016 From: Doug Bnd {7 86 Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 738 PM To: Justin Cooper; Mil, Chery! D Subject: + Re: manifest tomorrow Categories: lve Category . Funny . . ok =~ Original Message —- From: lustin Cooper . Lo To: ‘milled' ; Doug Band : Sent: Wed Aug 05 19:37:14 2009 Subject: Fev: manifest tomorrow ~—- Original Message —- From: Terry Cl —— ‘Tot Justin Cooper ‘Sent: Wed Aug 05 19:35:24 2009 Subject: FW: manifest tomorrow : ‘State wants to bill us for you and O's fight from DC - NY last saturdey From: Valmoro, Lona J (maitta:ValmoroU@state.govl Semt: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 Subjéct: FW: manifest tomorrow ‘Best address? This for bling on the flight this past weekend, From: Wheeler, Kelly Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 8:39 AM . To: Valmoro, Lona J - Ce: Scandola, JoAnn E ‘Subject: RE: manifest tomorrow ‘Oc you have business addresses for WiC, Band and Cooper, by any chance? 9 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Dac No, C06012597 Date: 10/20/2018 SS a UNCLASSIFIED. U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-16313 Doc No. C08012597 Date: vor2o72016 From: Valmoro, Lona J Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 8:45 AM To: Wheeler, Kelly ; Subject: RE: manifest tomorrow t 8 Correct, Fron: Wheeler, Ketly L Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 8:45 AM To: Valmoro, Lona J ‘ Subject: RE: manifest tomorrow : {tons Regarding this weekend's trip, neither Band nor Cooper are USG employees, correct? Our Budget and Finance ‘shop Is asking for biling purposes. . From: Valmoro, Lona} * Sent: Friday, July 32, 2009 5:39 PM To: Lukens, Lewis A; Abedin, Huma Ce: Wheeler, Kelly L; Scandola, JoAnn E Subject: RE: manifest tomorrow ‘What are the names of (—_~Jplease? B7{E) HR President Clinton ' Huma Abedin : : Doug Band Justin Cooper Joni Scandola (Jo, UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F:2015-16313 Doc No. C06012597 Dete: 10/20/2016 300 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06012597 Cate: 10/20/2016 From: Lukens, Lewis A Sent: Friday, july 31, 2008 4:15 PM To: Abedin, Huma Cc: Wheeler, Kelly; Scandola, JoAnn E; Valmoro, Lona J Subject: manifest tomorrow \We currenty show only] ely needs names of other sttf toad to manifest thanks are) Lewis Lukens Deputy Executive Secretiry and Executive Director Executive Secretariat, US Department of State y 501 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08012587 Date: 10/20/2016 ae UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06012642 Date: 10/20/2018 f From: Doug Band| 86 . Sent: "Sunday, August 02, 2009 407 PM To: Abedin, Huma. Si inna Categories: Blue Category ~~ Original Message -—~ from: stn Cooper Te: og Band rine ati ——— ‘Sent: Sun Aug 02 16:04:07 2009 7 Sbjct: Travel Contec ‘Below are contact #5 for the flights and for Sat Phones. ‘Sat Phones: " nd pare (Pane hone ad foxon bj (NY Burbank Leg ‘ Cabin Direct Crew in ——, Prompt to connect with the Fight deck or the cabin) UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. C08012890 Date: 10/20/2016 From: © Doug Band {7 86 Sent: Wednesday, uly 22, 2008 6:20 AM To: ‘Abedin, Huma Subject: Re: How have africa rps been for u guys? We r going next marth, Categories: . Blue Category * E= WT Parr) Nigeria are complete thugs They are teerible * Kecya/oeiagobd ) Uberia is erazy drive from airport and long No where to stay Bob johnson will push his project, . ‘Sas always complicated depending on where 1 —~ Original Message From: Abedin, Huma . To: Doug Band ‘Sent: Wed Jul 22 07:10:48 2009 Subject: Re: How have aftica trips been for u guys? We r going next month, = . Kenya, nigeria, south africa, angola, liberis, congo Sent: Wed Jul 22 07:06:36 2009 : Subject: Re: How have aftica trips been for u gis? We going next month, We can discuss ~~ Original Message ——- From: Abedin, Huma ‘To: Doug Band Sent: Wed Jul 22 05:29:82 2009 Subject: Fw: How have africa trips been for u guys? Wer golng next month, =~ Ofiginal Message —~- . From: Abedin, Huma ‘ ‘To: Doug} «doug es Sent: Wed ul 22 05255 2008 , Subject: Haw have arc trips been for w guys? We r going next mont. UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of Stale Case No. F-2018-16913 Doc No. CO8012680 ate: 10/20/2016 = UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08012685 Date: 10/20/2016 From: Soug Band [7 86 Sent: ‘Wednesday, july 15, 2009 733 AM aieA To: ‘Abedin, Huma Be SEN PART Subject: we ‘Blue Category ‘Ash her what she thinks pls . Wie was going to speak to her about it 7 Original Message —— From: Samuelson, Heather F To: Doug Band . . . Sent: Tue Jul 14 13:49:16 2009 a . ‘Subject: RE: Hey has there been any movement on his? Sorry toikeep pestering. . -=-Orignal Messagen- _ . From: Og Band fatto{ ‘Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 12:17 PM ‘To: Samuelson, Heather F Subject, . ‘Wie was going to speak to hre regarding the list Trying 610 i UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6012695 Date: 10/20/2016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Dot No, C08013356 Date: 19/20/2018 From: Mills, Cheryl O Sent: ‘Sunday, January 24, 2010 10:56 PM To: ‘Sullivan, Jacob J IELEASE IN PART 85,69 Subject: RE: CONCEPT NOTE - denor coordination Categories: Blue Category meme] From: Sullivan, Jacob) “Sent: Sunday, Jenuary 24, 2010 10:23 PM . To: Mills, Chery! D : Subject: Re: CONCEPT NOTE - donor coordination ~ ‘ 'm actually crushed. Like really crushed, Fram: Mills, Chery! © ‘To: Suilvan, Jacob 3 ‘Sent: Sun Jan 24 21:24:16 2010 ' ‘Subject: FW: CONCEPT NOTE - donor coordination Take a look. What time should we leave? dm From: Mis, Chen 0 Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:56 PM. To: H' (Ce: ‘Doug Band’; Justin Cooper | Subject: CONCEPT NOTE - donor eaordination HRC Attached and below isa concept noté for how the donor coordination and leadership for Halt’s reconstruction could be established, with key being, given Haitian’s critical voice. itis modeled after tsunami entity that was created by GOI. (Ooug/ustin-con you get to WIC this evening?) * . ‘The assumptions underpinning this approach are at the bottom of the email. i | dm ee 7 ‘Sent: Sunday, January 24, ra ¥ UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stats Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06013356 Date: 10/20/2018 SSS UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doe No, CO6013356 Date: 10/20/2016 ‘Tos Mills, Chery! D ‘Subject: RE: Concept note - pls confirm receipt - TRYING TO REACH YOU L_ UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO8013356 Date: 10/20/2016 eT UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of Stats Cese No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06013356. Date: 10/20/2016 poi 2 UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08019356 Date; 10/20/2018 eee ‘9102/02/01 ‘810 OSEEL09ND “ON 900 ELEOL-Gt02-J ‘ON ose sig Jo WoUMEdeQ 'S'N QZISISSYTONN BLOZIOZIOL ‘@18q OSEELOQOD ON 90G ELEgL-SLOz-3 “ON BSED eIRIG Jo WaUNIedeD SN O3IsISSVIONN UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06013385 Date: 10/20/2016 From: Mills, Cheryl D - Sent: ‘Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:44 AM Tor Abedia, Huma 4 . g g == Subject: a Categories: + Blve Category . Py Origa Mi From: Doug Gand To: ‘chery. Sent: Wed Aug Subject: [[feties wie ce re betng tired on trips and how to hancle Says he trl with you mn . “UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Dac No. C06013385 Date: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08015724 Date: 10/21/2016 From: Sergey Bein}, » 86 Sent (id ana ROTA peavey Subject: Re: Port au Prince aefal magenyis up. Categories: Blue Category . Hi Cheryl, Ie.was a privilege to be part of the trip. {believe that Hotel Montana is bere unfortunately just outside our lst aerial pass but we do plan to do more flights and get more imagery. 1=0,00408.0,0051981=h&z=19 Also note I have since posted a blog post about the trip here: ‘btpiitoo blogspot com/201 0/0 nope. him! and highlight photos here: Lastly, if you could forward me an example of the kind of phishing emails that you get, I would really appreciate it Sergey . On Thu, Jan 21, 2050 at 8:49 PM, Mills, Chery! D wrote: ‘Thanks so much for your hospitality on Mondey - seems like a life- 1 ABO. {willbe following up with my clean eriail on whether Internet explorer or Mozilla is more secure, Meanwhile, thanks for this picture! Quite incredible, ‘ ! . i {3 it possible to see a similar pix of the-Hotel Montane? - | UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Dac No. C06015724 Date: 10/21/2016 i UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Departmerit of State Case No. F-2018-16313 Doc No. C08075724 Date: 10/21/2016 “ a eee ay, Jemuary Tea To: Stanton, Katie; Mills, Cheryl D; Doug Band: eoapee! John Kee, tuay—} Ken Ambrose _Sebject Pore an Prine eri imagery Is. up ‘We flew an serial imaging plane over Port au Prince the day before our trip. ‘The imagery is now live on Google Maps (and will soon be on Google Earth too). Please pass along to US military, relief workers etc. I hope this imagery will prove useful,” Also fet me know if updates would be helpful. ‘Also please forward along to others onthe trip --I don't have alot ofthe email addresses handy. ~Sexgey Fens eating my Pesopal photos from he tip shonly. Thave already posted the raw photos but am Planning an edited subset for broader distribution. . {tts lan to do a blog writeup about what {saw there without reference tothe Clinton Foundation, et. Please Jet me know if you have any concems. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Departmant of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06015724 Date: 10/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06015728 Date: 10/21/2016 From: Sullivan, 4acob 1 * : Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 6:36 PA Te: ‘Abedin, Huma; ‘adesai } Doug) 86 Subject: RE: Introdaction (Coregorios: Blue Category RELEASE IN PART 36 ‘Not feria but not surprised, Original Messoge-— From: Abedin, Huma Sent: Friday, Januaty 07,2013 6:32 9M To: 'adesal | Sutvan, taco ‘Subject: Re: Introdaction| {ra not familiar with this, Jake? s+ Original Message —~ From: Amitabh Dest To: Abedin, Huma; Sullivan, Jacob J; Doug Band ‘Sent: Fri san 07 17:56:26 2011. > Subject: FW: Introdaction . Dear Huma and Jake, does this sound familiar? OCM of Bosnian mission In OCs saying HRC mentioned in [Program to train Bosnian entrepreneurs through the Clinton Foundation". Thanks, Ami Original Message-—- : ‘ From: Logan Kaffer Sent: Friday, anuary97, 2011 545 PM To: Amitabh Desal Subject; FW: Introdaction ‘The DCM also mentioned that when HAC visited Sarajevo, she proposed a program to tain Bosnian entrepreneurs ‘through the Clinton Foundation(?). He wasn't clear an the detalls, but was wondering if we knew anything about I. “Original Message—~ From: Lagan Koffler Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 5:23 PM To: Amitabh Desat Ce: Christine Wheatley Subject: FW: introdaction Me . Just got off the phone with the denuty chief of mission at the B&H embassy. I called looking for contact information for ‘he ambassador (for Dayton iit). Damir mentioned that the Bosniak member of the presidency (leetbegavic) will be In .C./NYC area to recognize Holbroake in the near future and requested a bat. ) asked If he could email more info w/dates etc. 1 did not mention our event. : UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6015728 Dale: 10/21/2016 a UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of Stale Case No, F-2015-16313 Doe No. CO6015728 Date: 10/21/2016 <-~ Original Message—-- From: 8H OCM Damir Dzanko Imallto: . 86 Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 5:06 PM To: Logan Koffler Subject: introdaction Mr Koffler ‘As we just spoke, this is my e-malland hope to remain in touch, Best regards Dam Oranto DCM Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06018728 Date: 10/21/2016 , UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06015730 Date: 10/21/2016 —_—__ From: ery Kein Bs Sent: Friday, October O7 2011 57 Pa Te: . Valmoro, Lona: John Zimmerebner, Doug Band - PC; Abedin, Huma Paes: ne BELERSEW PART Categories: Blue Cetegory se ‘Anyone? Cation xo chatlnger 601 , Bw, this was a done trough Vashar. From: Terry Krinvlc E TR ; John Zmmerebner; Doug Band - PC; ‘Sent: Fri Oct 07 19:02:12 2011, ‘Subject: Re: ! She agreed to pay for HRCe charter back home.. appears . Let me know it sha clears the vat Wid an 8 seater work? Frem: Vaimoro, Lona] . ‘To: Terry Krinvic; John Zimmerebner; ous Ban Band - PC; Abedin, Huma Sent: Ft Oct 07 16:19:18 2011 . Subject: RE: ves : 4 i This emailis UNCLASSIFIED, . | ‘From: Tey Kite (matop ‘Sents Friday, October 07, 2017 416 PM — Tot alma, {Lona 3; John Zimmerebner; Doug Band - PC; Abedin, Huma ‘Subject: Re: ‘What if she just pays the charter bis? ‘Stil need vetting? From: Valmoro, Lona Teiry Krinwic; Jahn Zimmerebner; Doug Band - PC; Abedin, Huma Fel Oct 07 16:36:46 2011, : Subject: RE: Great, wil lt you know as soon as | hear. UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F:2015-16313 Doc No. CO8015730 Date: 10/21/2016 ' UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06015730 Date: 10/21/2016 ‘This emailis UNCLASSIFIED, From Tar Kae [mah Sent: Friday, October 07, 2001 %:1¥ PR ‘To: John Ziramerebner; Valmioro, Lona J; Ooug Band - PC; Abedin, Hume Subject: Re: She's 8 donar to the clinton foundation as well OSS From: John Zimmerebner ‘To: ; Terry Krinvic; Ooug Band - PC; Sept i007 16:08:94 04 — runs fusema foundation. From: Valmoro, Lona ) Fe: Tem fire; Doug Band = PC; Abedin, Huma a Sent et Oct 07 16:05:53 2011 Subject: RE: {will ask folks to vet— is that the correct spelling of her name and does she have a connection to a specific company? From: Teny Keine ‘Gen u rel me if she-clear the vet on stateside before we ask? Original — - From: Doug Band ‘To: Tery Krinvie; ValnereLi@state gov YelmoroL K@sttegov>; “Abesin@ sae gov Ce: John Zimmerebner “s = UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08015730 Date: 10/21/2016 ee UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. C06015730 Oate: 10/21/2016 Sebjeer. {ev abt o ask aitdne gey fr her plane on sunday to tke be or mrs ror whornever back to est coast, ‘oss anyone havea preblem with har bloe ask? ation x ‘This email is UNCLASSIFU UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08015730 Date: 10/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED US, Department of Stato Case No, F-2015-18313 Doe No. CO6018088 Date: 10/21/2016 ——————————————— Valmoro, Lona J 7 EIN PART] - From: oe Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 1041 AM Te: “capri Mis, Cheryl D;Toiv, Nora F 86 ‘doug Krevorick Cattn 8; DeMarcellus, Roland F; Abedin, Huma : Subject: . Re: Wil am Wednesday Is very tough ~-she is on the Hil for back to back hearings on the Hil. Is there any Rexibiity on date? | . 1 Categories Blue Category , | ! Lona Velmoro* Special Asistant to the Secretary of State (202) 647-9071 (dtrect) — Original Message —- From: Capricia Marshall ‘To: Mills, Cheryl D; Valmoro, Lona F; ToWv, Nora F; Doug Band - PC <—— }: Klevoriek, Caitlin 8; DeMarcetius, Roland F; Abedin, Huma ‘Sent: Sun Feb 21 10:30:21 2010 Subject: Re: Will! am Greatl Let me know what time - earlier the better. Thanks, (On 2/20/10, Mills, Cheryi O wrote: > lam on board with this idea (id not see email but fm doing emails > now). > > Happy to meet with him as an alternative but definitely think she > needs to do It for 20 minutes or joing a meeting | do with him where > she can drop Ia. > > | would like them to do a concert in WY the night before or after the > Halti donor concert, > [know these things are always crazy expensive and never reise money > but f the black eye peas did it, and then we had them go down the > next week ta say where there funds were going and what they would help > bid, and that will [am would continue to shepherd aver the project by > returning periodically until it was done - it would be HUGE, 2 Okay - should | stop dreaming? >edm > > ---Original Message——- > From: Capricia Marshall > Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2010 12:24 PM 2 . UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Deparment of Stale Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6016088 Date: 1072172016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08016088 Date: 10/21/2018 > To: Valmoro, Lona J; Mills, Chery! D; Tov, Nora.F > Subject: Will lam > > Not sure if you received my emall yesterday - but Willi am per Terey > Me, Is interested in coming in to help as an ambassador of whatever we > need, | know all are focusing on Halti- he would go. He is in town > this week for his coficert if anyone wants to go tell me). . > He would love to come in and see hrc on wed for 10 mins with Terry: > Can we do,that wed am preferably? > Sent fram my mobile device > Sent from my-mobile device 1 a UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-16313 Doe No. C0S016086 Date: 10/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-16313 Doc No. CO8016097 Date: 10/21/2016 * ‘ . _oOoOoOoO yasharhedoyi“———_] . Ty Ai aa ‘Doug Band: Abedin, Huma; Hannah Richert Per Mervyn Jones, Blue Category He said to get back in touch and he didn't *Anow how todo t..was talking to hi re sgn-affon st center plans. ~=~Orlginal Message——- From: Doug Band . To: yashar.hedayat ‘To: Huma Abedin To: Hannah Richert : ‘Subject: Re: Per Meivyn Jones - Sem: Aug 4, 2011 11:19 am The What does he want...? o-- Original Message —~ from: yasharnedyatl alto ‘Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 01:27 PM To: Huma Abedin ; Doug Band Subject: Per Mesvyn Jonés StV's Son wondering best way for him to check-in with hre and's his cel if you BUYS Want to pass it anto anyone in your respective offices, : Yashar . Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T ” UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Dot No, CO6016097 Daie: 10/21/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06018090 Oate; 10/21/2018 From: . ‘Zach Schwartz Sent: ‘Wednesday, July 29, 2009 639 PM Subject; Re: update Catagories: Blue Category . ‘understend, really | do. Let's telk when we get back, and thank you for pushing on this, 'do appreciate it. = Original Message — From: Abedin, Huma To: Zach Schwartz Sent: Wed sul 29 15:06:16 2009 Subject: Re: update Zach, can tcall you? ‘We had no luck. It was determined that this would essentially equi, new license and a ‘visa, and they were unwilling tobudge. Original Message — From: Zach Schwarta{— 7} To: Abedin, Huma ‘Sent; Wed Jul 29 13:03:26 2009 Subject: Re: update ~ ‘Steve wants to know who ‘they’ are - perhaps there is someone he can call to help, ~~ Original Message — Fram: Abedin, Huma To: Zach Schwartz . Cc: Doug Band: Sent: Wed tut 29 09:23:53 Subject: update =. ‘They are completely stonewaling us this morning Wont return our calls or our emalls So we are trying a different route Will keep you updated. . - ‘ 2 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06016099 Date: 10/21/2016 From: ‘Zach Schwartz . 86 ‘Sent: ‘Wednesday, July 29, 2009 1:01 PM . : cme ce “doug Categories: Blue Category ‘Thanks, keep us posted, He Is In Mlamton the chance this works. 4 =—- Original Message —- From: Abedin, Huma : To: Zach Schwartz ($6: Doug Baad C7 ‘Sent: Wed Jul 29 09:43:53 2009 ‘Subject: update They are completly stonewall us this morning Wont tum our cals or ouremalls So we are trying a different route Will keep you updated. - 1s UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No, F-2016-16313 Doc No, C08016101 Date: 10/21/2016 ‘ eae UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO8051695 Date: 10/20/2016 GorenraarrT ‘Abedin, Huma : Fw]: Undersecretary of State for Economics, Energy, & ‘Agriculture position imageooigit ‘Huma - lam sending you the below note which | wrote for Margaret Cerpenter at her request inthe run up to my ‘meeting with her this Wednesday. | will be In 0.C. most of the 15th and 16th at which time (pe to see Hillary and/or Cheryl 8 well as Margaret. same ‘thoughts sent you earlier about the power of economics visa vis China are also applicable to (ran and other nations. If Hillary see things this way as | think she does, she will put someone in the “E” position who not only understands ‘macroeconomics but who can do deals inside the administration and internationally, Many thanks for your help to date] oO 86 Fron ‘Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 9:52 AM i To} Subjects] ‘Undersecretary of State far Economics, Energy, & Agriculture position Margaret — ‘Ugreatly look forward to seeing you in, Person this coming Wednesday at eleven Pursuant to your suggestion, lam ‘Sending you the following information regarding{________] . ‘Fitst | would say that Hilary herself knows me forty well, Iwas one of her earliest supporters when she came out of the ‘White House and was considering the Senate run, It has been my privilege to have had several one-on-one’s with her 7 over the years, both aver lunches and in her office, Through Hillary I became fiendly with Huma Abedin, chof wham{________ ~~ ]separately : ave also workEd for Hilary inthe past are friends who have helped me confirm my positive feelings toward Hillary and " betleve[——~"} President of the New Schoo! wrote Hillary 3 note on my behalf, ‘AS {0 Chery Mis, | belleve that our mutual fiend[ who-has been nominated for Deputy Trebsury Secretary ‘has told her several times (once quite recently) that she should make the time to meet with me. So has| |who is a close personal and professional trier OF “about macroeconomics, finance, poltics. knows me directiy and through his brother| ‘with whom | worked en the 2004 John Kerry campaign, is the founder of the Oxygen tv. network, for whom Cheryl worked at one point. Iknow| through my many yearé as a member of the Board of Directors of Viacom Corporation, Here are some other touch points (when we meet | wil give you more info about my relationship with each|: UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. CO6051695 Date: 10/20/2016 a eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6051685 Date: 10/20/2016 Knowledge of foreign affairs: knowledge of finance, economics, and negotiating kil; 0 ‘This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System. + Formore information please visit htto: a UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of Siate Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06051695 Date: 10/20/2016 eee - A UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Departmentoof State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06051898. Date: 10/20/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C08111315 Date: 10/31/2016 % OFFICE OF WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON MEMORANDUM = eLERSEWTFUD June 10, 2011 70: JIM THESSIN , Deputy Legal Advisor and Designated Agency Ethics Advisor Department of State FROM: DOUG BAND Copy: CHERYL MILLS Counselor and Chief of State Department of State SUBJECT: Request for Conflict of Interest Review of WJC Consultancy Arrangement eee (On behalf of President Clinton, am forwarding ihe following information regarding entities with which President Clinton may enter into a consultancy arrangement for Conflict of interest review. We have provided summary information for you convenience. "We would appreciate your written response within ten business days. Poteatial Consultancy: ‘Consultancy 0001-2011-04-20 Teneo Strategy LLC 1350 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 815 ‘New York, NY 10019 Limited Lisbility Company, Consulting services provided by President Clinton through WIC, LLC. Consulting services regarding geopolitical, ‘economic and social trends affecting the entity. Term: Thee years, terminable by either party at any time upon delivery of written notice. . LEOAL,US_EW927410:02 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F:2016-16313 Doc No. CO6111318 Date: 10/91/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-16313 Doc No. C08111303 Date: 10/31/2016 i From: Mills, Cheryl D Sent: ‘Thursday, June 16, 2011 9:06 AM To: Thess, James H, Visek, Richard (RELEASE IN PART B58) ce Tov, Nora F Subject: FW agreement for L review Attachments: Teneo State’ Memo WiCdoc Dia/Rich: 1. attached for your review is a EonsuTtider anticipates entering. If you could review and revert with any concerns or questions by Friday, that would assist the process. BS Subject: oa muas[_ Sent from my mobile device UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stata Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. C08111303 Date: 10/31/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No.,F-2015-16287 Doc No, C05971944 Date: 07/21/2016 | from: RELEASE" PART) _ notndo Gorse sunses[————] 86 Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 6:49 AM ‘To: (Mills, Cheryt D f Ce: laurentlamoth{______]Warnholz, Jean-Louis, salim succar seesassine Subject: Re: Energy Sector Investments in Heit; DR interconnection Assessment by Tetra Tech Categories: Red Category ‘Thank you Cheryl, great to hear from you. ‘We have put together a proposal for @ 150 km Transmission line from OR to Halt. | will send you an executive summary tomorrow. The 138 KV Tline has been designed by DECON of Germany. Essentially Hat will pay a monthly capacity charge {or the fine and a transmiision fee per kwh. We will supply electricity from the pool of OR power generators that wil bid thelr ‘vailable power on a daly basis. We expect that although, EDA and COEEE will not in any way contribute to the line's Cost, they will want to receive some compensation. This still needs to he negotiated. We estimate the line and sub stations will cost ‘round $50 Millon. We are ready to pay for this and have been informed that there are Petro Cariae funds also available. This 's the cheapest way for Hat to have access to 150+ MW which Wil ver time drop In price as better generation i installed In Da. ‘will ead what you have sent me and get back to you.We see spot pricesin OR drapping to around $.15 per KWH from 2015, ‘onvrards from the current levels of $.20+ today Best personal regards, Rep Rolando Gonzalez Gunster (CEO InterEnergy Holdings urd. cel 7 ff +1 203 6295290 From: Chery! Mils Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 37:01:24 -0800 To: Rolando| *Warnbot, ebn-Lovle” To: Laura Graham; ton Davidson - President Clinton id he hit point of not tying PM ratification to elections? Original Mesiage-— From: Laura Graham [mai] ‘Yeah. GC just told me but he said they are sti helping them behind the scenes so watch for that and contunue the Pressure. WAC wil raise thursday. Had good call w him yesterday w of course MM promising action immediate upon ratification. Said he wes ina deputies meeting on Laurent nomination and stepped out to take call BC hit all the ps ‘except the nationality He stayed away from that one. ~~ Original Message —-- From: Mili, Chery! D To: Laura Graham; jon Davidson - President Clinton, ‘Sent: Tue Mar 06 07:28:08 2012 Subject: FW: "Army" Groups Fy for wie Original Message ’ From: Merten, Kenneth H (Port-au-Prince) Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 7:16 AM ‘To: Mills, Chery! D; Adams, Thomas € Ce: Kujawinski, Peter! (Port-au-Prince); Danies, Joel D Subject: "Army" Groups . MM on radio announcing that any armed group isnot permitted. Surprisingly strong, Looks lke he kept his promise on this one. KM UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-16287 Doc No. C05971969 Date: 11/03/2016 SSeS UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-18287 Doc No. COS971968 Date: 11/03/2016 From: aura Graham [7 Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 625 PM To: Mil Cheryl D Subject: Fw: New Update j ‘RELEASE IN PART, ies: Red Category 1,4.4(0),86 ‘You may have but just in case. | told him to call Ken now. From: Garry Conil| To: ———Ttaura Graham 1.4(8) ‘Sent; Mon Feb 27 18:24:28 2012 1.4(D) ‘Subject: New Update 81 © ‘Thanks again forall your help Gary . wr vor UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doe No. C0597 1968 Date; 11/03/2016 ’ e

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