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The BBFC certification is the short term for the word, British Board of Film
Classification. The BBFC provide age rating for films and videos such as a
PG or 12A rating depending on what they think.
In our group, we have decided that we will give our film the certification of
15 and above. We chose this rating because we felt as if people aged 15
and above are mature enough to handle aspects of films in the horror
genre such as sexual activity, strong language/violence, which some can
consider as adult material. The certification process of this production
means that any individual below the age of 15 is not allowed to view the
film. We had a close look at the BBFC certification for the 15-age category
and they have provided info on aspects of why the film may not be viewed
by younger audience below the age of 15 and these are as follows:
Exposure of sexual activity
Regular use of strong language
Strong verbal referenced scenes
History of horrific stories
Powerful violence
Our film production includes aspects of the BBFC for 15yr olds such as
violence, so as a group we had to decide whether allowing for younger
audiences to view the film and if they would be able to manage
understanding the storyline and we had concluded that we shouldnt.
Individuals over the age of 15 will be understand the storyline and not be
afraid of what is going to occur in the film, which is one of our main
priorities. Our film does contain aspects such as violence, but doesnt
contain sexual activity or regular use of strong language, which means
that if we were to include them we would have been much more confident
in our
decision. In
we decided to use
the age 15
certification to
prevent any
issues occurring to
children and for out
production to keep

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