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Components of Residence Credential Exam

Applicant has a minimum of two credentialed staff

Applicant has a Mission Statement and Values Statement that specifically
mentions respect, dignity, and equality as core values

Mission Statement and Values Statement state that promoting independence and
membership in a community is the key goal (Everything you do for me you take
away from me. Maria Montessori)

Mission Statement states that all staff members will be trained to implement
these values in all interactions with residents, clients, family members, and all
other staff members

Intake procedures include assessments of residents strengths, capacities,
personal history, interests, likes and dislikes, and methods of calming.

Information regarding engaging the resident effectively is readily available for all
staff interacting with the resident, and a system is in place to update that

Job descriptions and performance evaluations document that implementation of
these values are part of the expected performance of every job

Applicant has been applying information, principles, and procedures learned by
credentialed staff in the workshop for a minimum of six months

Management staff and credentialed staff have attended a seminar on the Social
Life Template

Quality assurance processes and measures are in place to insure that key
principles from trainings are being implemented appropriately

A training program is in place to orient new employees and to refresh the training
of experienced employees in the philosophy and methods of the Montessori
Inspired Lifestyle.

Personalization of rooms, doorways to rooms, furniture in rooms, window boxes,
photos, color of walls, etc. enable residents to determine these key features

An interdepartmental team meets on a regular basis to explore causes of
responsive behaviors in resident and to determine interventions. Staff members
who deliver personal care as well as staff from a variety of departments such as
housekeeping and dining are included in these teams.

Residents have significant input in the use and naming of environmental
features. This includes use and composition of gardens, selection and timing of
music played, and names of common areas.

Residents largely control and maintain community elements and the environment
(e.g., maintaining libraries, posted schedules, setting up for activities and meals,

Staff members are evaluated on the basis of what they enable residents to do for

A self-assessment of the facility has been completed and submitted (Forms

Applicant has a satisfactory performance on a Site Visit by the Center (Forms
and Expectations provided).

Residence Self-Study
Ask the resident

Not there yet

On the way

The principles are in


The resident is our guest

and there is no need for
them to do anything

Some of the residents

participate in supporting
staff in day to day

Staff determine when

the resident starts their

The resident starts their

day at the agreed time
with resident and staff

Residents are invited to

choose roles that are
aligned with their
strengths and abilities
and participate daily in
these roles
The resident wakes and
starts their day when
they are ready

Staff determine the

planned activity
available to the resident
at the allocated time

The planned activities

are chosen that are
tailored and suited to the
resident interests

Staff choose the

resident entertainment

Residents are consulted

in the type of
entertainment they
would like
The resident is regularly
offered choice of menu

A resident driven
community is about the
residents having
opportunity for control
and choice.
Lets think about how
we ask our residents.

The food menu is

determined by the
Meals are prepared by
the kitchen
Residents are not
involved in committees/
interest groups

Residents have
restricted involvement in
meal/ food preparation
Residents are involved
in various committees/
interest groups

The resident is asked

and is an active
participant in
determining the type of
planned activities that
they would like to
participate in
The residents choose
and organise the
resident entertainment
The residents are
consulted in the
development of the
Residents are involved
in food and dining
Residents decide on and
lead committees/
interest groups

Involve the family

Family members of our

residents are also part
of our community.
Having relatives work
with you to insure a
good quality of life for
residents is the best
arrangement possible.

Not there yet

On the way

The principles are in


Information is provided
to families on request

Our organisation
provides information for

Resources are not

available for family visits

Families can access

lifestyle staff resources
to use during their visit

There is currently no
family newsletter or
written communiqu

The family newsletter is

written and distributed
by the organisation

Families are invited to

attend activities and
Meeting for family and
friends are run as

Our families are

involved in activities and
Our organisation
arranges a regular
family and friends
Families are
encouraged to be
involved in committees
arranged and led by

Our organisation has a

dedicated visitors
information area for
Families have access to
information and
resources to support a
good visit
Our families have a
newsletter that is
developed and
distributed by the
Our families organise
and lead events and
Our organisation has a
meeting for family and
friends run by the
Our organisation has a
family and friends
committee run by

Families have limited

involvement in

Connecting with

Not there yet

On the way

The principles are in


A community does not

exist alone.
It involves interacting
with other
communities, other
people, other cultures
and other generations.

We do not have an

Children visit and

engage with our

Children are welcomed

to visit their families

Children are not paired

with residents

Children do not directly

engage with residents

Children participate in
activities with our
School children are
invited by staff to
provide entertainment
for residents
We have occasional
guest groups attend
with mothers and their
Staff organise regular
guest speakers from
the community to
The organisation plans
and organises
community and cultural
Community visitors and
volunteers have
specified roles
determined by staff to
support residents

Our organisation has a

Residents are paired with
children to develop ongoing roles and rapport
Residents lead
purposeful activities for
Our residents are part of
a school curriculum
engaging with children in
Regular play groups are
held with residents in our

We do not formally invite

school groups to attend
the facility
We do not formally invite
mothers and babies to
our organisation to
engage with residents
An occasional guest
speaker may present to
Community and cultural
events follow the yearly
Community visitors and
volunteers are welcomed
in our organisation

Our residents choose

and invite guest
speakers from their
Residents choose and
decide how to celebrate
community and cultural
The role of community
visitors and volunteers
are determined by the

Prepare the

How do we
accommodate the
person with dementia to
live independently in
their environment?
We need to create a
community where
people are enabled and
supported to be
The goal is to create the
kind of place we want to

Not there yet

On the way

The principles are in


Staff have organisational

Identification badges
with small text
The organisation does
not to prompt
independent resident
activity through visual
cues or signage

Staff wear name tags

with larger text

Residents, visitors and

staff all wear large text
name tags
The environment has
visual cues and signage
to prompt independent
resident activity i.e.
glasses and jug of water
sitting on a table with a
sign Please help
yourself to a drink
The environment has
signage and visual cues
that supports way
finding help find
the persons room use
familiar objects, photos,

The environment has

standard directional
signage i.e. exits, toilets

Residents have a
general schedule of
events and activities in a
commonly used area

The environment has

some visual cues to
prompt independent
resident activity i.e.
glasses and jug of
water sitting on a table

The environment has

directional signage that
independent way
finding i.e.
room, activity room,
staff room.
Residents have a
general schedule of
events and activities in
a commonly used area
and is provided a copy
of the general schedule

Activities are undertaken

in a designated area

There is more than one

area for people to
engage in activity

Activity areas are

maintained and
supported by lifestyle
The dining experience is
driven by standards and
supports organisational

Activity stations are

maintained and
supported by all staff
The dining experience
is driven by staff choice
and supports nutrition
and hydration

Residents have
individual daily planner.
Residents remind and
invite others to attend
events and activities.
Notice is given when
events change
Activity stations are
created throughout the
environment to support
engagement and
Activity stations are
maintained by residents
and families
The dining experience
is driven by resident
choice and supports
participation and

Create and sustain a


A community is a place
where you feel you
belong, have choices,
make decisions,
contribute, have a
sense of purpose and a
reason to get out of bed
in the morning.

Not there yet

On the way

The principles are in


New residents are

welcomed by staff

New residents are

welcomed by staff and
introduced to other
Residents are involved
in celebrating
anniversaries and
special occasions
Staff arrange individual
memorial services for
residents who have

Residents have their

own welcoming
committee to welcome
new residents
Residents arrange and
celebrate anniversaries
and special occasions

The organisation
supports special

Memorial services are

held by the organisation
annually for residents,
family and staff to
remember those who
have passed
Staff encourage
Staff will encourage
residents to be involved resident companion
The organisation does
not produce a regular
resident newsletter
Staff support other
residents in the

Staff publish and

distribute residents
Staff informally
encourage residents to
support other residents

Residents choose how to

commemorate the
passing of each member
of their community

Residents have a buddy

system to ensure all
residents are included in
the community
Residents develop,
maintain and distribute
their own newsletter
There is a resident
volunteer support
program to support other
residents in the

Additional Information
Items to consider in Montessori Inspired Lifestyle site implementation.

TV How is it used in public spaces? Do residents control its use?

Interdepartmental involvement and training

Processes for dealing with responsive behaviors

Communication across departments

Consistency on how to work with individuals

Residents create community ceremonies, including welcoming; commemorating events
such anniversaries, birthdays, and special occasions.

Residents create and use a ceremony or procedure to commemorate the passing away
of residents

Residents greet visitors and assist with tours

Tours emphasize residents engagement and input of all aspects of their lives (e.g. TV
not on during tours)
Reading and Discussion groups meet on a regular basis
Residents create opportunities for their own entertainment
Residents select their activities and can change any activity at any time if a majority so
Residents visit other residents who are ill (and not contagious) either within the
residence or in hospitals if they so choose
Resident have their own newsletter, with residents acting as reporters, editors, etc.
Physical Environment

Personalization for room; door; color of wall; furniture; (e.g. window boxes;
Signage is usable and meaningful; staff train residents in use of signage

Signage gives permission for residents to use environment

Gardens plants, layout, signage, and use created and maintained with
residents input
Residents have choice in naming rooms and elements of their
Items in common areas are chosen with residents input and are there
primarily for residents use
Residents choose the music used during meals (or decide not to have
music during meals)
Residents decide on music played (or decide not to have it) outside of
meal times
Residents assist staff members in maintaining the environment
Residents maintain date, time, activities, etc. boards
Residents maintain and distribute activity schedules
Residents assist with food preparation
Residents assist with meal set up and break down
Residents maintain library and reading areas and select resources and
materials for library
Residents bring reading materials and/or read to those residents who
cannot come to library

Residents Committees

Have residents formed committees to enable self-determination in their
Which committees have been formed? (for example: greeting new
residents; outings; entertainment; menus; activities; greeting visitors;
garden; environment; exercise; social events; others as determined by
How often do residents committees meet?
Do residents set schedules of meeting; invite members; lead meetings
and take minutes?
Contents of deliberations and accomplishments of committees recorded
and transmitted.
Are rules of conduct for deliberations and discussions of committees in
place? Did residents create them and agree to them? Do all member have
a copy of the rules? Are the rules posted during meetings?

Tiered Credentialing
Our tiered residence credentialing process was developed as means of recognizing initial
training and milestones in Montessori Inspired Lifestyle site implementation.

Tier 1Bronze Level Credentialing
A residence may qualify for a Bronze Level Credential after a Montessori Inspired
Lifestyle: Dementia Programming two-day (12 contact hour) training is attended by a group of
staff representing all departments, including nursing, culinary, activities, maintenance,
housekeeping, marketing and administration. All attendees must pass (80% correct) an online
quiz demonstrating knowledge of key principles. Attendees may take the quiz up to three times.
There is no charge for this quiz. Post training, staff of the residence also must create an action
plan for MIL implementation and have it approved by CARD to achieve a Bronze Level

Tier 2Silver Level Credential
A residence may attain a Silver Level Credential after a minimum of 3 months of
Bronze Level credentialing. To qualify, a residence must have a representative subset of
trained staff earning a MIL Trainer Credential. The trainer credential involves a demonstration of
the ability to apply knowledge and principles presented in MIL training to specific cases
involving residents. To qualify for a trainer credential, the applicant must complete a written
case study exam describing successful MIL interventions developed for residents. These exams
are evaluated and scored by CARD staff. Submitted exams may be accepted as presented,
accepted provisionally with revisions, or rejected with feedback. In the latter case, the applicant
has the opportunity to reapply for a second evaluation.
Ongoing training/in-servicing of newly hire staff by MIL Trainer Credentialed staff, and
other internal procedures for ongoing implementation of MIL, must be in place. At least 50% of
the Gold Level Credential criteria (checklist attached) must be achieved, and an action plan
must be in place for achieving the remainder of these criteria. Silver Level Credentialing
requires a site visit by CARD staff.

Tier 3Gold Level Credential
A residence may achieve a Gold Level Credential after a minimum of 6 months of Silver Level
Credentialing. To qualify, a residence must have a group of staff representing all departments, including
nursing, culinary, activities, maintenance, housekeeping, marketing and administration attending 2-day
(12 contact hour) advanced course, Montessori Inspired Lifestyle: Shaping a Montessori Community. In
addition, at least 90% of the Gold Level Credential criteria must be achieved. An action plan must be in
place for achieving unmet criteria, as well as sustaining and expanding MIL programming. At least one
exemplary and innovative achievement in applying MIL principles must be demonstrated. Gold Level
Credential receipt requires a site visit by CARD staff.

Site Visit Template


Five Residents (Including members of Welcoming Committee)


Executive Director


Wellness Director



Head of Dietary



Two Laundry Staff


Two Maintenance Staff


Active Life Coordinator


CNAs one from each shift

One dietary staff member

___ Two Active Life Coordinator Staff


Head of Social Work


Head of Rehabilitation


Admissions Director: move-ins & marketing


Family members (2)


Breakfast Routine



Morning Activity


Afternoon Activity




Personalization of Doors / Rooms


Signage (Directional; Permission / Guidance for use of environment)


Residents Committee Meeting





After Dinner

Materials to be Reviewed

Mission and Values Statements


Job Descriptions


Satisfaction data families; residents; staff


Job Evaluation forms


Resident intake forms


Daily Activity Schedules


Monthly Activity Schedule




Documentation of Implementation of Montessori Principles


Minutes of Residents Committee Meetings


Descriptions of Outings


Rules for Visitors


Rules for Resolving Residents Conflicts

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