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The development of an active NGO

organization and its objectives for the


Aims and objectives of NGO:..........................................................................................................2
Strategies for generating funds for NGOs:......................................................................................3
Role of NGOs in sustainable development:.....................................................................................4
The importance of NGOs:...............................................................................................................4
Role of the NGOs in the society:.....................................................................................................5
Challenges faced by the NGOs:.......................................................................................................5

In the context of an international development, the non-governmental organizations or NGO
plays the major role. The NGOs are the funnel for the fund development taking from both that is
the wealthy countries and also from the aid agencies. The NGOs aim to work and do well apart
from other profits and politics. They are a group of citizens that is organized on the basis of
local, international and national level. They look in to some of the specific issues that are faced
in the society like that of the human rights, health or environment. They monitor based on the
international agreements and implements them in work (Archer, 2010). The international NGOs
maintain a relationship with the different offices and that of the agencies of the systems of the
United Nations based on their aims and venue. The NGOs are considered as a non-profit
organisation that is independent of any sorts of government influences. In the following essay,
the role of an International Childcare Trust NGO organisation, UK is discussed that plays an
active part in serving child care in the society.

Aims and objectives of NGO:

The NGO follows certain rules and regulations to work in the society that is based on the nonprofit and no loss concept. The NGOs need to take the responsibilities of the welfare activities in
the society for education, health care and for other physical improvement (Batley, 2011). They
focus on the researches and the reviews for the development of the society in various parts of the
country and promote awareness and interest among the families in order to work together and
bring success. They work to provide shelter to the old age people and the orphans who are
basically homeless and are helpless in the society. NGOs take the responsibility to educate those
people and develop the idea of the family planning in the society. This will improve the lifestyle
of the people and will develop the concept of the medical care for the needy in the society. Apart
from the objectives and aims of the NGOs are too aware people to make a society that is drug
and alcohol free and promotes the concept of self-defence among the women and the children so
that they do not get abused. They aim to improve the economy of the rural and education in the
backward areas. The NGOs aim to carry out a programme on the improvement of the health,
personal and the social behaviours for the improvement in the society of a country (Britton,
2011). In the following essay, it deals with the aims and the objectives of International Childcare

Trust, UK. The organization was developed in 1982 and keeps a vision to create a world that will
be make the children safe, so that their voices are raised and there is a respect of their rights. The
mission is set to maintain a relationship of a partnership with the local organizations so that they
can understand he community and can strive empowerment within the families there so that they
can protect and help in the improvement of the childrens lives. It also enables the development
of their partners so that they can achieve the set objectives of the organisation with the help of
self-sufficiency and also sustainability. The international childcare trust protects the children who
are vulnerable so that they can claim for their rights and counts the ages of the children up to 18.
The organisation maintains a strategic partnership with the other NGOs so that they approach in
a right way to protect their child. They get funds form the long term projects that earn benefits
and also supports the training sessions to the government projects on child rights and protection
along with the financial management and strategy development. The ultimate aim of the
organisation is to provide support to the charities and NGOs so that they become efficient and
will not depend on the funding internationally.

Strategies for generating funds for NGOs:

The NGOs maintains certain strategies to generate funds for their organisation. The fund is raised
to run the NGOs smoothly meeting the needs of their missions set so that they can serve the
society through education, physical treatment and also socially. In order to organise funds for the
NGOs, they mainly focus on the following strategies like writing for project proposals along
with the funding raised from the institutions and the government (Brunner et al. 2013). Apart
from that they plan for other fund raising rules and regulations. The application for direct mailing
also helps to raise funds for the organisation along with that they can opt for the help of using
donation boxes so that the interested people can donate for the improvement of their society by
helping others. The NGOs take the help of the awareness programmes organised in the schools
and institutions along with their sponsorship. The fund rising can also be done with the help of
the internet and also form the corporate sectors. The foreign funds will also raise funds for the
organisation. Apart from all these there are events that are organised for awareness and fund
raising. Thus the event management plans are made to raise funds for the organisations. The
social campaigns along with the seminars and the training sessions help in funding for the NGOs
(Dtting et al. 2010). The International childcare Trust raises their funds from the statutory

partners along with that they will earn funds for their trust from the trusts and the foundations.
They made funding partners from their overseas branches in Asia and Africa and their local
governments. They would organise events with the major supporters to gather funds for running
their trust. The donors and the other recruitment firms also help in arranging funds for the trust in
UK. The organisation focuses on regular campaigns in order to make funding. They arrange for
special events to find out the major donors. The international childcare trust works with the
charitable corporations in UK to arrange funds. The participants in the trust arrange for
campaigns and organise events and participates to raise some funds for the company.

Role of NGOs in sustainable development:

The NGOs play an important role in the sustainable development of the society. They not only
the uplifting of the conditions of the society but also develops the growth of the country by
serving better to the society (Gibb et al. 2000). It makes a sustainable development of the
education system, environment, health and human rights of the society. Thus it creates such an
environment for the people so that they can learn, grow, live and develop their lives. Sustainable
development fills the gaps between the ecological services and that of the quality of a human
life. Similarly, the International Childcare Trust aims at developing the sustainability of the
society in taking proper care of the orphans and the other children of the society meeting their
needs and proper treatment. The sustainable development is made by them so that the voices of
the children can be heard and also to respect their rights and thoughts in the society.

The importance of NGOs:

The importance of an NGO in a society is to change the landscape of the society globally,
politically and economically. The growing NGOs have developed challenges for the business and
also highlight some opportunities in order to adapt extant paradigms for this field. NGOs bring a
global change in the society and governance serving the needy and people suffering from poverty
and also to the homeless ones (Kerwin, 2009). Developing an NGO is important in the society
since it helps to give shelter to the orphans and the old age people who are homeless and also
gives them proper education and cares for them providing proper treatment. The International
Childcare Trust plays an important role in the society of UK since it looks after the orphans and
the welfare of the children of the society along with their other working partners in Asia and

Africa. They try to develop the society by providing proper care and service to the individual
child and educating them and also seek the participation of the other members of the society.

Role of the NGOs in the society:

Both the international and the national NGOs play an important role in the society by
encouraging the governments in order to take decisions for developing the NGOs for the
improvement of the society politically, educationally and economically. NGOs perform various
services and other humanitarian functions by developing different programmes and also
encourage the stakeholders of the civil society at the level of the community. They try to
implement the international agreements in to action (Ketola, 2015). They not only develop the
society but also look into the various challenges faced like women rights, proper economic
development, health care and development of the environment. In the following company that is
the International childcare trust, the NGO plays an important role in managing the children and
developing proper care for the children and giving them service in the society of UK. They must
be educated and provided with proper care in the society. The main role is to provide proper
service to the children who are orphans in the society along with their physical activities. The
children should be safe from diseases by providing proper care and treatment along with healthy
diets and balanced food. There should be arrangements of health related campaigns for the
children to get educated so that they can also serve the society like others and can work with the
entities of the private sectors (Petruney et al. 2014). The NGOs should properly monitor the
stakeholders to provide service to the society. The International Childcare Trust promotes the
needs economically and also serves other requirements for the developing states by taking proper
care and service to the children in their trust. The International Childcare Trust not only provides
cares and service to the orphans but also provides food to the needy. They will also play an
important role in the development of the lifestyle of the children and the society and will
encourage the other people in the society to understand the need of childcare and treatment
through their course of work.

Challenges faced by the NGOs:

Most of the challenges that are faced by the NGOs are due to the lack of funding and also poor
governance. Apart from that the absence in strategic planning and poor resource of networking

and communication also raises challenges for the developing NGOs. If there is limited capacity
of any technical resources and development approaches due to the political interference, then it
results in developing issues for the NGOs (Ramanath et al. 2010). The International Childcare
Trust while serving the welfare for the children may also face some severe challenges due to
discussed reasons. It also needs proper funding for the development of the trust so that they can
provide the children with proper care and treatment. The lack of funding may result in
incompletion of their vision. They need a good governance of the NGO council and the board,
lack of which may rise mismanage of the resources for the trust and also in providing
allowances. In order to overcome the issues, the international childcare trust requires proper
communication with the other local NGOs and proper development approaches for the
enhancement of the trust that will lead a progress in serving the society by taking the childcare.

NGOs face issues in the development of the society taking in the consideration of the financial,
educational, career and development crisis. In the following work, the International Childcare
Trust needs to identify the proper developing needs for the childcare and in serving them in the
society. There should be motives for providing proper care and open communication with the
child and to give respect to their rights that will result in success for the development of the trust
and for providing child service. They need to identify the best setting for the children. There are
many issues related to the child development but the government should implement the reforms
to deal with the improvement of the childcare in the country.

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