Lesson Plan With Tech Integration

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Sierra Nevada College

Lesson Plan
Teacher: Delainey Brooks
Unit: Of Mice and Men

Class and Level: Freshman English

Time: 190 Minutes( 2 block periods)

Standard(s): RI.9-10.3, ISTE 1, ISTE 6

Objective(s): High cognitive demand for diverse learners
Using storyboard that! An online platform, Students will create their

Cognitive Level

own storyboard that depicts theme from Of Mice and Men ( theme
examples: Mercy Killing, preying on the weak, homelessness, migrant
workers, and historical context: Dust bowl, economy collapse)
StoryBoards are completed on individuals chrome book.
Assessing the learning: how will mastery be evaluated at the end of the learning?
Learning will be assessed through a final paragraph based upon a prompt.

Key Vocabulary: terms, definitions, how they will be presented and practiced
What a novel has or a type of story
Storyboard That!
Online Platform to create a board story of different types

Strategy(ies) for teaching new vocabulary:

All Vocabulary goes into their interactive notebook vocab section. They may include
pictures or other things to help them remember.
Building Background: Connections to past learning and experience, anticipatory set
To understand that themes can come from historical context ( dust bowl, capitalism, and
the economy collapse)
Input of new content: include Checking for understanding (formative assessment)
Processing the information (meaning-making): student discourse and other strategies,
opportunities for metacognition, 5Es (engage, explore, explain, elaborate,
extend), guided &/or independent practice; differentiation for diverse student

Content (summary)

Instructional strategy


Meaning Making, Metacognition

Objective: Students will be able to

Project introduction

demonstrate an understanding of themes in

Short Lecture

5 mins.

Of Mice and Men by creating their own

unique Storyboard That! and presenting their
board and theme to the class
In order to understand the given assignment,
it is important for students to understand

Lecture and Discussion


Interactive notebook


theme and the themes found in Of Mice and

Men. Themes include and to be discussed are:
Mercy Killing, Preying on the weak, capitalism,
dust bowl, economy collapse, etc.
Key Vocab:
Vocabulary includes theme and types of
themes found in Of Mice and Men. Themes


and Vocabulary will be taken down in their

interactive notebooks
Formative (informal):
Check for understanding of themes and
presented instructions on story board that.

Check for Understanding


Thumbs up or thumbs down. Questions will be



Work on Storyboard that!:

Block one: Discussion of themes,
Demonstration with storyboard that! and
practice for students on storyboard that!
Allow Students to start their own Storyboard
that! (ISTE 1, ISTE 6)
Block two:

Demonstration and Practice


Individual work time


Class Presentations

Finish Storyboard that!

Presentations on Boards and themes
Summative (formal):


Final Storyboard that! and presentation of


individual board. (ISTE 6)

Formal summative assessment

Collection of Boards (hard or electronic)
Closure activity


Closure: what is the specific task or activity

After Storyboard that! is completed, students will present theirs to the class.

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