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WEEK 10.

Your name: Amelia Leng
Game (indicate the name + web link if applicable):
In which subject area/content would you use this game?
In the article youve read for this week, the authors describe two emergent groups of
psychological and physiological effects that games can claim. Each of these two
categories have sub-categories, such as practical skills, cognitive skills, motivation, or
social skills. Some of these can be either positive or negative. Based on the graph on
p.37, evaluate the claims of the game you chose in relation to its effects on learning.
(please note that there is no right or wrong answer, as long as your explanation is
GAME CLAIMS: Psychological or Physiological? (indicate which category you think your game fits in.
Justify using information from the article and examples from the game itself):
I would say this game is psychological as opposed to physiological. Physiological games are focused more
around development and behavior, whereas psychological games are focused more around social skills
and cognitive skills. The Sims calls for creativity, communication, life skills, and innovative thinking which
are all components from the psychological viewpoint. The game itself calls to create your own character
and virtual world, but also making sure to have enough money and that everything runs smoothly.
GAME CLAIMS: Subcategories? (pick at least one subcategory that your game relates to. Justify using
information from the article and examples from the game itself):
A subcategory that the Sims relates to is social skills. There is a lot of roleplaying involved in this game.
Certain characters have different civil duties and roles to follow in the community, which can teach students
about that. Possible selves is another part of social skills the Sims encompasses because students are
literally making a virtual version of themselves, and creating an ideal life for that character.
GAME GENRE (explain which genre your game fits in: action, fighting, role-playing, simulation, strategy,
rhythm/dance, parlor, adventure, sports, and platform games. Justify using information from the article and
examples from the game itself):

The genre of this game is definitely simulation, hence the name Sims. The game is literally simulating a
virtual character and world, and seeing how you would thrive or not in the world you create. Simulator
games can help in the development of all intellectual abilities, and this is especially true for the Sims since
there are so many different components to worry about when creating your own virtual world.
CONTENT: Describe how you would use the game in your classroom:
A very important part of the Sims game is how you spend your money to create your virtual world. Money
definitely correlates with mathematic skills, and building a town with correct dimensions is also a math skill.
I would maybe set aside a time slot once a week for math where students could work on their Sims world.

Participation points: Based on the articles discussion on p.42-43, provide a brief analysis of the game
you chose from a TPACK perspective (remember that TPACK is about your knowledge as a teacher. In this
case, explain how using this game brings together your technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge,
and content knowledge).
I have a good knowledge of the game I chose, Sims, because I often played Sims as a child for fun. The
technology used is a computer, which is something that I have knowledge about how to use. The
pedagogical content knowledge is that I make sure the students are getting the math aspect out of the
game, since that is why I am teaching it and letting them play. I would give an introduction about how to
manage money on the game before letting them play so that they were more aware of it. I have knowledge
about how to manage money and pay bills, so this would help with my knowledge of the math content.

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