Reflection 2

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Briana Clift

High School Presentation

Professional Issues II

Rebecca Withers, Cynthia Wren and I, Briana Clift presented to Jordan Academy for
Technology and Careers (JATC) high school located at 9301 S Wights Fort Rd, West Jordan, UT
84088. We collaborated with Becky Stone, the teacher of the Physical/Occupational therapy
class. There were 35 students in the classroom. We presented on November 2, 2016, at 11:30am.
We presented for about 30 minutes, with a 10 minute set up before the class started.

We arrived early in order to set up the PowerPoint and our adaptive equipment. We were
having difficulties connecting to the internet so we just emailed the teacher our PowerPoint
presentation and she was able to set it up to the projector easily. We started by introducing
ourselves and gave a little information about being in the OTA program at SLCC and that we
were in our third semester. To better explain and understand what occupational therapy is we
played a video. In one of our slides, we asked if anyone had any personal experiences with
occupational therapy. One of the students had visited Kauri Sue Hamilton School and seen the
sensory clinic. We explained the different settings for OT and the average earnings for an OT and

an OTA. We also explained different types of adaptive equipment and had a relay race for the
students to participate in that incorporated adaptive equipment.

To finish the presentation, we shared the requirements and other information on the OTA
program at SLCC. Finally, we shared another video that demonstrated how a man that is
paralyzed was able to snowboard again, with his friends through the use of adaptive equipment.
There were limited questions to answer so we invited the class to come over and look at the
equipment we had brought for a few minutes and answered questions on a one-on-one basis.

I felt we did a great job sharing information and giving an overview of occupational
therapy. It was more difficult this time to not use jargon or dive too deep without explaining
terms in depth. I liked incorporating the videos and game into the presentation because it broke
the presentation up and kept their entertaining. This class was a little rowdy so it tested us to get
and keep their attention but I felt we were successful in doing this.

I was surprised by how much more I had learned from the last time we presented. I felt it
was more challenging this time to focus my point and not overwhelm them with information
without connecting our points. I would have liked to have gotten the students to engage a little
bit more so we could have gaged how much they knew already since the class was for
occupational/physical therapy. I was only bothered by this because there were so few questions

from the students. I felt very confident presenting in front of the students because of the
experience Ive gotten in class and now having been so involved in OT for so long I feel I have a
good base of knowledge now and have more confidence in my knowledge.

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