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Make a Plan
Play Environment Activity
Please answer completely. One word answers will not work for the explanation for this

Name: Eduardo Castaneda Chavez

Title of Play Environment: Kinesthetic Exploration of Numbers, Shapes and
Primary Colors through sand painting.

What Developmental Domains will this Activity address and explain all and why:
Social Emotional- Working in a center with a group of his peers will foster
and reinforce the students social bond with his classmates
Cognitive development- working with a hands on project will spark the
students curiosity, and engage his attention span to aid him in problem
solving to complete the task.
Physical Motor- the student will use fine motor skills to color around
numbers and shapes. Using different colored sand.
Language- the student will be instructed verbally how to perform the task
Creative the students creative development will be stimulated through
sand painting, and basic problem solving.



Why did you choose this activity? Is this an area that your child needed to
practice? What observations support you thinking?
I chose this area because the student spends most of my observable time in the
play centers that involve kinesthetic manipulation I thought it would be
something he would enjoy. I think that incorporating numbers, letters and colors
would be a great opportunity to maximize the students learning preference.

Materials needed (this can be a list)

Sand (red)
Sand (blue)
Sand (yellow)
Elmers Glue
Hard Stock 8X11.25 card board
Black sharpie


How will you engage children in your activity? What questions or conversation
starters you might use for engagement?
The students in the class love dirt all I have to do is tell them kids who wants to
play with dirt then I will incorporate the learning into the task.
I would ask things like how old are you to get a number?
Or can you count to ten?
What is your favorite color?
Do you like to draw?
What is your favorite shape?

Where did your idea come from? (Website or other source)
This idea came to me when we where at recess and two kids were fighting for a
rock they found. One of the kids gave in and walked away. The student then
started building a mound of dirt next thing you know all of the kids where building
this giant pile of dirt they where all having so much fun. With dirt of all things,
seeing them enjoy that moment, I had a Eureka moment. I remembered seeing a
National Geographic Video on Tibetan monks and sand art (mandalas) so I took
my phone out and searched for sand art for kids.



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