Lesson 2 Rubric

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Name: ___________________

Period: ______

Sculpture 1 - Social Issues Clock

Objective: To create a clock from materials of your choosing that expresses meaning in a social issue. The clock needs to include the working parts
that have been provided to you and be fully functional. Other than that the choice of materials is yours!
Sketches: ______ / 10 pts

Create at least two (2) sketch ideas that illustrate your social ideas along with notes and any other pertinent information.


9 points

6 points

3 points

0 point


Idea is completely unique

and all your own. There is
evidence of exceptional
planning and designing.

Most of the project was

original. There might be
a small part that was

The works was

completed but with
few parts that were
your own.

Clock lacks design elements

and/or interest. It has
minimal additional features.
No real attempt to be
original - copies others


The student has created a

Clock that has been
carefully planned neatly

Student created a clock that

has been somewhat planned.
there are areas that still need
some attention.

Student created a clock

that is unplanned and
rather messy. Items have
been poorly secured

No clock has been turned



Student uses class time to

the max. They are always
on task and it s evident in
their work.

Uses class time well, but is

sometimes distracted by
others or their phone.

Has difficulty staying

focused on the project. Is
easily distracted by
others or phone.

No real evidence of effort

besides minimal to
complete the project.


Student actively
participated in the critique
and made relevant

Student discussed their work

and participated in some of
the other discussion.

Student only briefly

discussed their work and
did not add to any other

No participation was made

in the critique.


Students have completed

the online portfolio/blog by
uploading a clean clear
photo of their work.
Student wrote an
informative piece about
their clock and why the
topic was important to

Students have completed the

online requirement, but the
photo might need to be
retaken or the information
regarding the project and
topic is too brief.

A photo has been

uploaded, with very little
or no textual information.

No online work has been


Grade: x2 = _______pts / 110pts

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