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Aims and Scope: Engmeenng Structures a=ms to provide a forum

Professor N, N. Ambraseys

Professor G. Maier

(mpenal College, London, UK

Mdan Polytechmc, Mdan, Italy

for a broad blend of scientific and technical papers to reflect the

evolving needs of the structural engineer Particularly welcome are
contributions deahng w=th apphcattons of structural engineering
pnnctples and theones m all areas of technology The Journal aspires
to a broad and integrated coverage of the dynamic effects of wind,
waves and earthquakes and of the modelhng techniques whereby the
structural response to these Ioadmgs may be computed
The scope of Engineering Structures encompasses, but is not
restncted to, the following areas ocean engineering, earthquake
engmeenng, wind engmeenng, blast loading, structure-fluid-soil
interaction, structural rehabd~ty/stabdtty, life assessment/mtegnty,
hazard assessment, random vibrations, engineering plasticity,
computer-aided design, Optlmtzatlon, expert systems, experimental
modelling, dynamic propert=es of matenals, modelhng of
concrete~cracking, economms
The structures under conslderat=on include tall buddmgs, bndges,
stadiums, commercial and pubhc buildings, transmission towers,
television masts, coohng towers, aerospace and manne vessels,
plates and shells, foundattons, suspenston structures, smart structures, nuclear reactors, dams, pressure vessels, offshore ngs and
drdhng platforms, breakwaters and lettms, plpehnes
The Journal also pubhshes revtew articles pertaining to structural
engineering as well as short communications and discussions
Engtneermg Structures also pubhshes book revtews and a dtary on
mternattonal events related to any aspect of structural engineering
Short reports on conferences, current research and letters to the
Editor are also invited
Publishers Butterworth-Hememann Ltd, Lmacre House, Jordan Hdl,
Oxford OX2 8DP, UK
Tel + 4 4 (0)865 310366 Fax + 4 4 (0)865 310898

Professor H, Meng

Annual subscription 1992 (6 issues) including postage by surface

Professor A E Long
D e p a r t m e n t of Civ=I Engineerrag, Queen's Umverstty,
Belfast BT7 1NN, UK
Tel + 4 4 (0)232 2 4 5 1 3 3
Fax + 4 4 (0)232 6 6 3 7 5 4

Professor P L Gould
D e p a r t m e n t of Civil Engineering,
W a s h i n g t o n Universtty,
St Louis, MO 6 3 1 3 0 , USA
Tel + 1 3 1 4 9 3 5 6 3 8 3
Fax + 1 3 1 4 9 3 5 4 3 3 8

Associate Editor
Professor A Jennmgs, D e p a r t m e n t of
C=vil Engmeenng, Queen's Umversity,
Belfast BT7 1NN, UK
Tel + 4 4 ( 0 ) 2 3 2 2 4 5 1 3 3
Fax + 4 4 (0)232 6 6 3 7 5 4

International Editorial Board

Professor R G Bea
Umverstty of Cahforma,
Berkeley, CA, USA

Professor C. B. Brown
Umvers=ty of Washington,
Seattle, W A , USA

Dr A . J. Cerr
Umversity of Canterbury,
N e w Zealand

Dr T.-Y. Chen
Shanghai J=ao Tong Umvers~ty,
Shangha=, China

Professor W. F. Chen
Purdue Umvers=ty, W e s t
Lafayette, IN, USA

Professor F. Y. Cheng
Umvers~ty of M~ssoun-Rolla, Rolla,
S. L. Chu
Sargent & Lundy, Ch=cago, IL, USA

Professor M. Z. Cohn
Umvers=ty of W a t e r l o o , Canada

Technical Umversity of V=enna,


M. Manning
Ove A r u p Partnershtp, London,

Professor T, Moan
N o r w e g i a n Institute of
Technology, Trondheim, N o r w a y

Distnbutton Centre, Blackhorse Road, Letchworth, Herts, SG6 1HN,

UK Tel: + 4 4 (0)462 672555 Fax + 4 4 (0)462 480947

Umversity o f N o t t i n g h a m ,
N o t t i n g h a m , UK

Back issues pnor to the current volume are avadable from Wm

J Newell
WS A t k m s , Bnstol, UK

Professor H, J, Niemann
Ruhr Umverstty, Bochum,

Dr A. C. Palmer
A n d r e w Palmer and A s s o m a t e s ,
London, UK

Professor D. Peters
W a s h i n g t o n Umvers=ty, St Louis,

Professor E, P, Popov
Unwers~ty o f Cahfornta,
Berkeley, CA, USA

Professor R. Eetock Taylor

Professor A. Samartin

O x f o r d Umversity, UK

Umvers=dad Pohtecmca de Madnd,


Professor T. V. Galambos
Umverstty of Minnesota,
Minneapohs, MN, USA

Professor M. Save
Facultd Polytechmc de Mons,
Mons, Belgium

Dr J. D. Holmes

Professor W, C, Schnobrich

CSIRO, Hlghett, V=ctona,


Umversity of Ilhnois,
Urbana, IL, USA

Professor S. Kato

Dr D. L. Smith

Toyohasht Umverstty of Technology,

Toyohasht, Japan

Impenal College, London, UK

Professor J. Leonard

Subscription enqumes and orders Turpln Transactmns Ltd, The

Professor D, A, Nethercot

Umverstty College, London, UK

Dr A. G. Collings

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This journal ts included m Current Contents and abstracted =n

Bogazicl Umversity, Istanbul, T u r k e y International C~v# Eng~neer#ng Abstracts

Professor S. S. Tezcan

ISSN 0 1 4 1 - 0 2 9 6

Oregon State Umversity,

Corvahs, OR, USA

Professor N. S. Traheir
Untverslty of Sydney, Austraha

1992 Butterworth- Hememann Ltd

A . E. Low
M c D e r m o t t Engmeenng,
London, Wembley, UK

Dr L. R. Wootton

Typeset by Test Valley Bookwork, Sahsbuw

Printed and bound m Great Bntam by
LR Pnntmg Serwces Ltd

WS A t k m s Engmeenng Sctences,
Epsom, Surrey, UK

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