Control Responsibilities

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Maintain a documented system of accounting policies and procedures


Oversee the operations of the accounting department, including the design of an

organizational structure adequate for achieving the department's goals and objectives


Ensure that accounts payable are paid in a timely manner


Ensure that accounts receivable are collected promptly


Process payroll in a timely manner


Ensure that periodic bank reconciliations are completed


Maintain the chart of accounts


Issue timely and complete financial statements


Coordinate the preparation of the corporate annual report


Calculate and issue financial and operating metrics


Manage the production of the annual budget and forecasts


Calculate variances from the budget and report significant issues to management


Provide for a system of management cost reports


How to open and navigate COA

How to prepare monthly income statement
How to prepare monthly balance sheet
Month end reconciliation for account receivable and payable
How to prepare aged account receivable
Supervise and manage the collection

7- Bad debt expenses and write off bad debt

8- How to prepare aged account payable
9- Prioritize payment to vendor
10-Approve payment to vendor
11-Prepare forecasting
12-Prepare budgeting
13-Implement and monitor budgeting
14-Define the variance analysis between actual and forecasted budget
15-Correct the budgeting for following period
16-Preparing report and recommendation for managers to control cost and
increase revenue
17-Preparation of consolidated financial statement
18-Preparation the responsibilities of accounting staff
19-Help the internal and external auditor with preparing necessary documents
20-Monitor debt level and compliance with debt covonants
21-Manage government payment such as payroll remittance, HST and Tax
22-Help managers for pricing decision through cost analysis
23-End year closing and preparation of end year financial statements
24-Process payroll in timely manner
25-Manage employees benefit and insurance plans
26-Issuing T4 on timely manner
27-Supervise periodic bank reconciliation
28-Approving the creating of new vendor and customer to system
29-Approving price change in the system
30-Approving modifying the customer and vendor mater data
31-Control revenue recognition and matching principle
32-Control accuracy of financial reports
33-Manage commercial banking relationship to facilitate credit resource
34-Managing cash flow and cash flow forecasting

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