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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

28th February 2013. Vol. 48 No.3

2005 - 2013 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645

E-ISSN: 1817-3195




Master, College of Information and Electronic Engineering, ZheJiang GongShang University


Professor, College of Information and Electronic Engineering, ZheJiang GongShang University


The rapidly growing Internet is driving the demand for higher transmission capacity and high-speed
networks. Designing an efficient network to achieve desirable performance is a challenging task, requiring
designers to balance user performance expectations with costs and capacities. The study is based on the
OPNET simulation tool focusing on the question of whether faster connections are worth higher prices for
the Small Office/Home Office network. The paper simulated 3 different scenarios comparing application
performance with different connection speeds between a SOHO LAN and the ISP, to evaluate application
performance and server capacity planning for web browsing, E-mail, video conferencing, database and
FTP. It also examined how response times, throughput, utilization on the WAN link and other network
performance measured. Use numbers to justify our recommendation. The investigation results reveal that
upgrading a link data rate will not necessarily be economically feasible with the performance improvement
that it gives, and solve them cost-effectively by understanding the impact of changes.
Keywords: Simulation, Modeling, SOHO LAN, OPNET


With the developing of network technology, the

network structure and environments are more and
more complicated, and the applications of network
are also more and more diverse. It is already not
adapt to the development of network simply rely on
the experience to design and plan network. So we
need a scientific method to reflect and predict the
performance of network. Network simulation
technology appears.
Three basic activities of network simulation are
system modeling, simulation modeling and
simulation experiment, which associate system,
model with computer (including hardware and
software) closely[1]. OPNET software is a very
useful network simulation software.
OPNET is developed by OPNET Technologies
Company. OPNET software contains professional
knowledge of how to operate network equipments,
network protocols, applications and servers, which
make the technology provide an objective and
reliable quantitative basis for network. OPNET can
reduce the construction period of network, improve
the decision scientific and reduce the investment
risk of network construction [2].

With the rapid development and the popular

applications of computer technology, SOHO
network is becoming an important part of network,
and SOHO become a popular work style. The issue
of how to construct a suitable SOHO network is
discussed in this paper.
Section 2 presents modeling and designing of
SOHO network. Section 2 shows the topology of
SOHO network and details configuring of
applications and profiles. In section 3, we analyze
the simulation results. Section 4 gives a conclusion
to the whole paper.



2.1 SOHO Network Designing

The network design process is a challenging task,
requiring designers to balance user performance
expectations with costs and capacities. Network is
so ubiquitous in modern business that it is hard to
develop an overall strategic vision and detail
enough to be useful at the same time. In order to
achieve a good design, it is often essential to build a
network model and apply certain tools to evaluate
different scenarios. Network design is also


Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

28th February 2013. Vol. 48 No.3
2005 - 2013 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645

E-ISSN: 1817-3195

achieving design goals by applying the trade-off

with constraints to parts of the whole network.
2.1.1 Design the Topology of SOHO Network
A company contains several departments. So A
SOHO network contains several subnets, each
subnet is on behalf of a department and contains
several PCs connected to a switch. Today laptop is
more and more popular, so there should be a
wireless AP connected to some laptops. Most
companies have their servers, so a SOHO network
also contains several local servers, for examples,
email server and print server. Those subnets and
local servers connect to a switch. The switch and
the AP should connect to a router, a router connects
to ISP. So the logic topology of SOHO network is
shown in Fig1.

Fig2 Soho Network Topology

2.1.2 Configure the Network Configure the Applications and Profiles
Right_click on the Application node, choose Edit
Attributes and set Application Definitions to
Default as shown in Fig 3.





Edit description of FTP to High Load. Edit

description of HTTP to Heavy Browsing. Edit
description of Database to High Load. Edit
description of Email to High Load. Edit description
of Video to Low Resolution Video. Edit description
of Printer to Color Prints.






Fig1 Soho Network Logic Topology

Start OPNET and build a project. Name the

project SOHO, and the scenario 2M.
Add to the project workspace the following
objects from the Object Palette: Application Config,
Profile Config, an ip_32Cloud, three ppp_servers,
two ethernet_servers, three 100BaseT_LANs, a
ethernet_wkstn, a wlan_ethernet_router and two
wlan_wkstns, four CS_2924XL_ls_ae24 switchs, a
CS_2621_3s_a2_fe2_slip2 router,

Right_click on the Profile node, choose Edit

Attributes and set Application Definitions as shown
in Fig 4[5].

Rename and connect the objects as shown in

Pay attention to the links connected devices, the
links must be correctly chosen. Ethernet links must
be chosen between PC, switch and router, for
example, 10BaseT, 100BaseT, 1000BaseX. PPP
links must be chosen between router, IP cloud and
servers, for example, PPP_T1, PPP_E3.
Save the project[3,4].

Fig3 Profile Configuration

Application of HTTP_Profile is shown in Fig5.

Application of Email_Profile is shown in Fig6.

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

28th February 2013. Vol. 48 No.3
2005 - 2013 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645

Application of Database_Profile is shown in

Application of FTP_Profile is shown in Fig8.
Application of Video_Profile is shown in Fig9.
Application of Print_Profile is shown in Fig10.

E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Profiles to HTTP_Profile, Email_Profile and

Print_Profile. Right_click on the Administration,
set its Supported Profiles to HTTP_Profile,
Email_Profile, Database_Profile and Print_Profile,
set its Number of Workstations to 5. Right_click on
the mobile_pc0 and mobile_pc1, set their Supported
Profiles to HTTP_Profile and Email_Profile.
Right_click on the mobile_pc0 , mobile_pc1 and
AP, edit Wireless LAN Parameters and set Data
Rate (bps) to 11Mbps[5, 6].
2.1.3 Choose the statistics
Right_click on the workspace and select Choose
Individual Statistics from the pop-up menu.

Figure5 Http_Profile Configure

In the Choose Results dialog box, choose the

following statistic[6,7]:
Global Statistics HTTP Page Response

Figure6 Email_Profile Configure

Global Statistics Video Conferencing
Packet End-to-End Delay
Global StatisticsFTPDownload Response

Figure7 Database_Profile Configure

Right_click on the link between Router and

Internet and select Choose Individual Statistics
from the pop-up menu, and then choose point-topointutilization <-- and throughput (bit/sec) <--.

Figure8 Ftp_Profile Configure

Click OK.
2.2 Run the simulation
Right_click on the link between router and
internet select Edit Attributes, change the data rate
to 2000000 as shown in Fig11.

Figure9 Video_Profile Configure

and the Configure Simulation

Click on
window should appear. Set the duration to be 60
minutes. Then click OK and save the project.
Figure10 Print_Profile Configure Configure the servers and the workstations

Right_click on the Web & Email Server, set its
Supported Services to HTTP and Email.
Right_click on the Video Server, set its Supported
Services to Video. Right_click on the FTP&DB
Server, set its Supported Services to FTP and
Database. Right_click on the Email&File Server,
set its Supported Services to Email and Database.
Right_click on the Printer Server, set its Supported
Services to Printer.
Right_click on the Researcher, set its Supported
Database_Profile, FTP_Profile and Print_Profile.
Right_click on the Market, set its Supported

Fig11 Link Attributes

In the network we only set the link speed

between a SOHO LAN and its ISP to 2Mbps, we
should have some other different data rate to
investigate applications performance.


Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

28th February 2013. Vol. 48 No.3
2005 - 2013 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645

Select Duplicate Scenario from the Scenarios

menu, name it 4M and set the link between router
and internet to 4000000.
Select Duplicate Scenario from the Scenarios
menu, name it 10M and set the link between router
and internet to 10000000.

E-ISSN: 1817-3195

down to about 0.03 and 0.015 second. It is obvious

that the page response time decrease when the data
rate increases from 2Mbps to 4Mbps and 10Mbps.
But it has little difference when the data rate
increases from 4Mbps to 10Mbps.

To run the simulation for the three scenarios

simultaneously. Select Manage Scenarios and
change the values as shown in Fig12. Click OK to
run the three simulations.

Fig12 Manage Scenarios


Fig13 Download Response Time

Analyze the Results

Select View Result from the Scenarios menu.

Fully expand the Global Statistics and the Object
Select the Download Response Time (sec) under
Ftp, then click Show and the result is shown in
Fig13 shows the FTP Download Response Time
of different data rate. When the data rate is 2Mbps,
the FTP download response time is in the range of
0.75 to 1.25 second. When the data rate increases to
4Mbps and 10Mbps, the download response time
decreases to about 0.25 second and 0.12 second The
result shows download response time decreases
very fast with the increasing of bandwidth, but it
decreases slow when the bandwidth increase from
4Mbps to 10Mbps. The reason is the largest
contributing factor to the Ftp download response
time is protocol/congestion. Only about 30 percent
of the download response time is caused by
bandwidth[8]. So for FTPincreasing bandwidth is
not the most efficient way to decrease download
response time.
Select the Page Response Time (seconds) under
HTTP, then click Show and the result is shown in
Fig14 shows the page response time is in the
range of 0.1 to 0.2second when the data rate is
2Mbps. When the data rate increases from 2Mbps
to 4Mbps and 10Mbps, the page response time go

Fig14 Page Response Time

Select the Packet End-to-End Delay (sec) under

Video conferencing, and then click Show and the
result is shown in Fig15.
Fig15 shows the video conferencing packet endto-end delay is about 0.075 second, 0.036second
and 0.015second when the data rate is 2Mbps,
4Mbps and 10Mbps. Video conferencing extremely
emphasize synchronism, so its better when delay is
smaller. 10Mbps is best for the video conferencing
Select the throughput <-- and utilization <-between router<->internet [0], then click Show and
the result is shown in Fig16 and Fig17.


Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

28th February 2013. Vol. 48 No.3
2005 - 2013 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645

E-ISSN: 1817-3195

The reason is that the applications of three scenarios

are same, only the bandwidth of the router and
internet changes. When the bandwidth is big
enough for all applications, bandwidth has little
effect on throughput. The bandwidth of those three
scenarios is big enough, the load of three scenarios
is nearly same, so the throughput is approximately
The download link utilization can roughly
calculate using download throughput divided by
bandwidth, which is approximately equal with the
results shown in Fig17. The utilization <-- is about
77%, 49% and 16% when the date rate is 2Mbps,
4Mbps and 10Mbps.
When the date rate is 2Mbps, the download link
utilization is about 77%, which is a little large. So
there isnt much available bandwidth for potential
users or applications. For example, Select and copy
the Video_pc. Set the simulation duration to be 35
minutes and run the simulation. The result is shown
as Fig18. Fig18 shows that the download link
utilization is nearly 100% when the data rate is
2Mbps, which is too large and against the advanced
of SOHO network.

Fig15 Packet End-To-End Delay

Fig16 Download Throughput

Fig18 Download Link Utilization

The results of global statistics are shown in

The cost of different bandwidth is shown in

Fig17 Download Utilization

Fig 16 shows the throughput is about

1530000bit/sec, 1600000bit/sec and 1640000bit/sec
when the bandwidth is 2Mbps, 4Mbps and 10Mbps.
It does not change a lot under different data rate.

From Table1 and Table2, when the bandwidth is

10Mbps, the network performance is the best, but
the cost is also the most expensive. The
performances dont change obviously when the
bandwidth increases from 4Mbps and 10Mbps, but
the cost is much cheaper. The cost is cheapest when
the bandwidth is 2Mbps, but its against the


Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

28th February 2013. Vol. 48 No.3
2005 - 2013 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645

development of SOHO network from previous

Table1 Results



Packet Endto-End



Table2 Cost



[6] Yu Shuyuan, Ma Junzhao, Enterprise

Network Designing and Simulation Based on
OPNET, DA ZHONG KE JI, No.7, 2011,
[7] Wang Feng, Campus Networks Performance
Simulation and Optimization Based on PNET,
Computer & Digital Engineering, Vol.39, No.3,
2011, pp.105-107.
[8] Li Zhiyong, Shao Haixia, Research on
Business Simulation of FTP Based on OPNET,
Modern Computer, December 2010, pp.67-69.


So considering the network performance and the

cost, bandwidth of 4Mbps is the most appropriate.

E-ISSN: 1817-3195


The paper supplies a method to choose a suit

bandwidth considering performance and cost at the
same time. It can realize the network performance
and reduce the investment risk and cost of network
construction by simulation before building a real
It isnt the most appropriate when the data rate is
the largest from previous simulation. We should
consider many different factors, for example,
performance, cost, development, to choose the best
suitable bandwidth.
The topology of SOHO network in the paper
maybe not very appropriate for todays SOHO
network. And maybe you have some other
applications and profiles. You can use the method
to simulate your true SOHO network and choose
suit bandwidth.
[1] Gao Song, OPNET Modeler simulation and
modeling decryption, Publishing House of
Electronics Industry (PHEI), 2010, pp.5-14.
[2] Wang Wenbo, Zhang Jinwen, OPNET
Modeler and Network Simulation, National
Defense Industry Press, 2005, pp.1-20.
[3] Chen Haihong, OPNET Network Simulation
and Analyze, Journal of Chifeng University
(Natural Science Edition), Vol.26, No.5, May
2010, pp.23-24.
[4] Deng keyan, Zhang Chunling, The application
of OPNET in the design of the LAN,
Information Technology, No.11, 2010, pp.7071.
[5] Chen Min. OPNET Network Simulation,
Qinghua University Press, 2004, pp.145-155.

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