Parts and Functions

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1. Lateral lines - A canal alongside of a fish containing pores that

open into tubes supplied with sense organs sensitive to low
2. Dorsal fin - the main purpose of the dorsal fin is to stabilize the
animal against rolling and to assist in sudden turns.
3. Caudal fin - is the tail fin located at the caudal peduncle and is
used for propulsion.
4. Anal fin - located at the ventral surface behind the cloacae and
is also used to stabilize the fish when swimming.
5. Pectoral fin - its purpose it to make the fish swim.
6. Pelvic fin - pelvic and pectoral fins are usually paired to fine
tune their movements which also helps in balancing the body.
7. Gills - most fish exchange gases using gills on either side of the
8. Operculum - it is the hard bony flap protecting the gills.
9. Vent - terminal orifice of the digestive tract, allowing the
ejection of wastes.
10. Nares - sensory organ
11. Eyes - used for visionary purposes
12. Mouth - used for ingestion of food.


1. Black fur - covers the whole body except their face, hand, and
2. Ear - for hearing sounds. Receiving sound and transmitting it to
the brain.
3. Hairless face - slight brow ridge, large ears, small nostrils, and
elongated snouts.
4. Hands - has five fingers which are used for grasping food and
swinging in branches.
5. Toes - they have five toes including an opposable thumb used
for grasping.


1. Head - is one of the best places to look for field marks, such as eye color,
malar stripes, eye brows, eye rings, eye lines, and articular patches.
2. Neck - the neck of the bird can help distinguish different bird species.
3. Back - the back is often broad and is easy to see in the right posture.
4. Rump - is a patch above the tail and low in the back and is also used for
5. Tail - it is used for balance while flying.
6. Under tail coverts the short feathers beneath the tail are the underneath
coverts, and these feathers often show unique colors or markings that can
distinguish bird species.
7. Wings are either upper limbs used for flight. Wing marks or patches are
useful field marks, as are the length of the wing compared to the length of
the tail when the bird is perched.
8. Leg for walking, for standing, or for force of flight.
9. Foot birds feet are as the same color as their legs, but not always. The
orientation of the toes, the size of the talons and how birds use its feet are
also for identification characteristics.
10. Flank located between the underside of the wings and abdomen.
Flanks have unique colors or markings and the flanks May be difficult to
11. Abdomen or the belly of the bird extends from the bottom of the chest
to the under tail coverts.
12. Chest is the upright part of the birds body between the throat and the


1. Nostril for sensory, also used for smelling
2. Parietal eye photo sensory organ connected to the
pineal body, for triggering hormone production.
3. Eyelid serves to protect the eye from foreign objects
such as dust, dirt, etc. as well as bright light that might
damage it.
4. Crown the upper part of the head. Used for protection
of the brain.
5. Outer ear the visible portion of the ear that collects

sound waves toward the tympanic membrane.

6. Fat-storing tail located at the hind end of the reptile
used for storing fats.
7. Pre-anal pores an organ for reproduction.
8. Vent for excretion of wastes.
9. Hind limbs a leg located at the end part of the body
near the tail.
10. Foot for locomotion.
11. Digit other term for finger of the reptile.
12. Forelimbs a leg located at the frontal part of the
13. Eye for visionary purposes.
14. Mouth for ingestion of food.


1. Head located at the upper part of the body.
2. Shoulder - located below the neck. Joints of arms are
located at the shoulder.
3. Stomach for food storage.
4. Hand for gripping objects.
5. Thigh the part of leg above the knees.
6. Calf the part of the leg below the knee.
7. Hell the back of the human foot below the ankle and

behind the arch.

8. Foot the part of the body in which the human sans or
9. Neck the part of the body between the head and the
10. Chest the front part of the body above the stomach.
11. Elbow the joint where arm bents.
12. Arm human upper limb. The part between the
shoulder and the wrist.
13. Finger one of the five long parts of the hand.
14. Knee the joints that bends the middle of the leg.
15. Toe One of the five long parts at the end of the foot.





Submitted by:
Vien P. Galicia

Submitted to:
Ms. Jolebie Manito

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EXERCISE NO.2. ____________________
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EXERCISE NO.4. ____________________

EXERCISE NO.5 _____________________

EXERCISE NO.6. ____________________
EXERCISE NO.7 _____________________
EXERCISE NO.8 _____________________
EXERCISE NO.9 _____________________
EXERCISE NO.10 ____________________
EXERCISE NO.11 ____________________
EXERCISE NO.12 ____________________
EXERCISE NO.13 ____________________
EXERCISE NO.14 ____________________

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