423-Ass 1

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MECH 423/2 - 2013


Assignment #1.

Due Date: September 27th 2.45 pm

1. Using Chvorinov's rule with n = 2, calculate the dimensions of an effective riser

(tr = 1.25tc) for a casting that is a 50mm by 100mm by 150mm rectangular plate. Assume
that the riser and casting do not share a common cooling surface (they are just connected by
a gate and runner). The riser has to be a cylinder of height/diameter ratio of 1.5.
What fraction of the total weight of casting plus riser is the actual casting? (Ignore the
If the riser had feeding aids comprised of an insulating sleeve (x = 0.65) and a hot topping
(y = 0.7) what would the new riser dimensions have to be to give the same riser
solidification time and what would be the new percentage yield? (see note below for
The thermal properties of feeding aids can be readily incorporated into the modulus method
of riser calculation. Cylindrical risers are the most common because this shape has a high
modulus for a given volume of metal and because this shape is easy to mold. The modulus
of a cylindrical riser, ignoring any contiguous (adjoining) areas, Mr, is given by:


Ar 4 H 2 D

Riser insulation in the form of a sleeve and hot topping may be regarded as effectively
decreasing the surface area of the riser. The effect of the sidewall (sleeve) insulation may be
represented by a factor x and that of a hot topping by a factor y, both relative to sand (where
x = 1, y = 1, for sand). The factors x and y have been termed apparent surface alteration
factors (ASAF). The effective modulus Mr of a cylindrical riser incorporating feeding aids
on both the side-wall and top is given by:

4 Hx 2 Dy

The ASAF values of insulating and exothermic feeding aid materials vary and generally
range from 0.50 to 0.90. The smaller the ASAF value, the more efficient the insulation. The
ASAF values for feeding aids are generally available from manufacturers of these products.
2. In casting experiments performed using a certain alloy and type of sand mold, it took 155
sec for a cube-shaped casting to solidify. The cube side was 50 mm. Using Chvorinov's rule
with n = 2, (a) Determine the value of the mold constant. (b) If the same alloy and mold
type were used, find the total solidification time for a cylindrical casting in which the
diameter = 30 mm and length = 50 mm
3. The attached figure shows a casting that is made to be made from an aluminum alloy
(A356) by sand casting. Provide sketches showing how you would design the casting

system (sprue, runners, gates, parting line, cores) for this casting if it is to be cast in a twopart sand mould (cope & drag). Point out the features you are using, explaining their
importance. You do not have to provide engineering drawings or worry about exact
dimensions - see illustrations in text for relative scales. The layout of the plumbing
system is what I am looking for.

Superior view


3 5/8

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