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LH-WLT02 User Manual Maintenance and Fault Disposition DRWN/DIB__ Gen Xan CHKD./CHEQ Chen Xan APRV./APRB wont, Ler REV. A. Wuhan Lianhua Electric Co., Ltd LH-WLT02 User Manual Maintenance and Fault Disposition uh DRWN/DIB__ Cen Xin CHKD./CHEQ_ Chea Xm APRV./APRB _ Wong, Zor REV, A. Wuhan Lianhua Electric Co., Ltd Contents 1.1.1, ADOPTION OF TOP GRADE 32 DIGIT MICROCOMPUTER, 4 1.1.2. ADOPTION OF SPECIAL BUS ORGANIZED STRUCTURES. 4 1.1.3. NETWORK ACCESS. : 4 1.1.4, MALFUNCTION WAVE RECORDING AND ACCIDENT ANALYSIS. 4 5 1.1.5. METRICAL CAPABILITY. 1.1.6. INTELLIGENT POWER SCREEN. 1.1.7. PSS FUNCTION 1.2. APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT. 1.3. MAJOR FUNCTION OF LH-WLTO2 EXCITER SET... — oe 6 1.3.1. FIVE OPERATION MODES 6 1.3.2, AUTOMATIC OPERATION EXCITING MODES " 6 1.3.3 EXCITATION LIMITS, 7 8 9 9 1.3.4. FAULT TOLERANT MEASURES, 1.3.5. LATEST TECHNOLOGIES : Sonn 66. DUAL-PC EXCITATION REGULATORS THAT ARE DIFFERENT FROM DOMESTIC ONES 1.3.7. PACKAGE WORK STATION OR TOUCH SCREEN... 9 1.3.8. LH-WLT02 HARDWARE CHARACTERISTICS. é see 10 1.3.9. PEOPLE-MACHINE INTERFACE oro: " 10 1.4, TECHNICAL INDEXES OF LH-WLT02 EXCITATION DEVICE.. 1.5. SCREEN OF LH-WLTO02 EXCITATION SYSTEM. 1.5.1. SCREEN OF LH-WLTO2 DUAL PC EXCITATION SYSTEM IS DIVIDED INTO THE FOLLOWING ‘TYPES : 12 1.5.2. SCREEN COMPONENT COLLOCATION B 1.5.3. SCREEN SIZE AND COLOR vss 2B 1.6. LH-WLT02 PC EXCITATION REGULATOR 1.6.1, PERFORMANCE INTRODUCTION. . 3 1.6.2. APPLICABLE RANGE. 15 1.6.3. TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE AND FUNCTION OF REGULATOR 15 1.6.4. SIGNAL. : = is 1.6.8, INTRODUCTION 10 LH-WLTO2 REGULATOR BOARD 16 1.6.6. INTRODUCTION 10 LH-WLT02 REGULATOR OPERATION PANEL 19 1.6.7. LH-WLT02 PC EXCITATION REGULATOR LCD DISPLAY AND OPERATION oss. 22 1.7, LH-WLT02 EXCITATION SYSTEM SINGLE-SCREEN STRUCTURE ILLUSTRATION 34 2, EXCITATION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING 2.1. SAFETY RULE: 2.2. CONSEQUENCE BY NEGLIGENCE. 36 2.3. REQUESTS FOR WORKING STAFF, 37 2.4. DESCRIPTIONS OF EMERGENCIES, 37 2.5, FIRST-AID MEASURES FOR ELECTRICAL DEVICES, 38 22 OPEN-LOOP TEST... 2.2.1, WIRING 2.2.2. SAFETY MEASURES. 2.2.3, REQUIREMENTS FOR MAINTAINERS. 2.2.4. DISPOSITION OF EMERGENT CASES, 2.3. MAINTENANCE OF EXCITATION EQUIPMENT .. 2.3.1. OVERVIEW 44 2.3.2. WORKING CONDITIONS FOR MAIN 2.3.3, MAINTENANCE TIMETABLE, 45 2.3.4, ONCE-EVERY-3-MONTHS MAINTENANCE 2.3.5. ONCE-EVERY-1-YAR MAINTENANCE. 3. EXCITATION PANEL INSTALLATION MANUAL. 3.1. SUMMARY 3.1.2. ACCEPTANCE... 3.1.3. TRANSPORTATION OF PACKAGED EQUIPMENTS. 3.1.4. STORAGE. 3.1.5. UNPACK AGING 32. INSTALLATION OF CABINET. 33, ELECTRIC CONNECTION 3.4, SEALING. 35. COMPLETION 36, EXAMINATION 37. CLARIFICATION. 4. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENACE MANUAL OF TRANSFORMERS. 4.1. PRODUCTS OVERVIEW. 4.2. SERVICE CONDITIONS... 4.3. LOADING AND UNLOADING 4.4, TRANSPORTATION... INSPECTION UPON RECEIPT... 47. INSTALLATION .. 48. INSPECTION BEFORE OPRATION 4.9. TEST BEFORE OPRATION, 4.10. OPERATION oso 4.11, SURVEILLANCE AND MAINTENANCE... 4.12 SAFETY NOTICE 1. LH—WLT02 Microcomputer Excitation Device 1.1 Introduction LH—WLT02 Double-microcomputer Excitation Device (hereinafter short for LH — WLTO02) is the upgrade production base on the successful run of the WL03 Double-microcomputer Excitation Device(V40). The main improvements are as follows: 1.1.1. Adoption of top grade 32 digit microcomputer LH-WLT02 adopts INTEL32 digit industry 80386EX processor, inserts with DPS. High lever of integration, low power consumption, rapid operation speed and better reliability are its characteristics. 1.1.2. Adoption of Special Bus Organized Structures The merits of LH_WLT02 Bus Organized Structures are as follows: LH-WLTO02 adopts platelet frame and possesses superiority in mechanical strength, anti-rupture, anti-seismic, ageing resistance, and anti-jamming and so on. LH-WLT02 compartmentalizes molding board according to its function that the user could choose different molding board to assemble system, and it is easy to expansion and upgrade. Molding board frame enhances the maintainability of system. To the user, systematic maintenance is based on the surface of the molding board: dismantle the broken molding board, and then insert the same functional molding board. Presently, the average time of systematic maintenance is less than 5 minutes. It is in compact structure, and the adjuster connects to the terminal directly with less connection with exterior. 1.1.3. Network access LH-WLTO02 provides one RS232, one RS485 and one CAN wire with optical insulation. And it can exchange data with computer monitor system or others intelligent sets expediently. The message velocity of CAN Bus Organized can reach 1M. 1.1.4. Malfunction Wave Recording and Accident Analysis LH-WLT02 introduces test and malfunction wave recording in function. Between 6.25seconds before accident and 6.25seconds after accident, 8 category information quantum, which pass RS485 (CAN ) Bus Organized network junction to exchange data with computer monitor system or others intelligent sets expediently. With PC online debugging internet applications. it amends parameter and measures the adjuster hardware, and it is easy to debug, determine ,examine and repair the excitation regulator. Adding triggering synchronous signal losing (discontinuer) fault tolerant function which still can guarantee the triggering completed controlling bridge correctly when trigger signal losing. 1.1.5. Metrical Capability The 24 points interflow sampling of LH-WLTO02 enhances the measure precision, and 24 points Fu clan arithmetic calculating P, Q improves the power measuring precision, accordingly improving difference adjustment, under-excitation limit and otherwise control precision. 1.1.6, Intelligent Power Screen LH-WLTO02 Excitation Device power screen adopts intelligent average electric current technique, automatic recognition process, and monitor each group of rectification bridge temperature and their output electric current in real-time. 1.1.7. PSS function PSS inserted in the adjuster of LH-WLT02 Excitation Device. According to user’s requirement, the user could choose to insert PSS with active power P feedback function or PSS with frequency F feedback function which can restrain the low frequency oscillatory of power network effectively. (1) Wide range of application Applicable for large and medium sized self-shunt excitation, self compound excitation, external excitation starting of normal operation and phase regulating operation of generators. Small size units may use as a reference. Controllable rectifying bridge can be full controlled or semi-controlled. (2) Others Adopting station service alternating current, local alternating current and station direct current to ensure the power reliability. Adopting double power amplifier, double pulse and double excitement modes to enhance excitement reliability. 1.2. Application Environment (1)Environment temperature: -5°C ~+45'C, with an average temperature of lower than 35°C for 24 hours. (2)Humidity no more than 90%, (3)Compatible with flying dust caused by hydraulic power plant and fossil-fuel power plant, vibration and interference from electromagnetic excitation. (4)Avoid direct exposure to the sun. 1.3. Major Function of LH-WLT02 Exciter Set 1.3.1. Five operation modes (1) Automatic operation mode (constant Uf mode, Uf: terminal voltage of generator) (2) Manual operation mode (constant IL mode, IL: exciting current ) Maintain exciting current of generator on decided IL level. (3) Constant Q operation mode (Q: reactive power) (4) Constant COS® operation mode (COS®: power factor) (5) Constant a mode (a: ilicon-controlled trigger angle) When external excitation starting system is operating or testing, maintain fully controlled bridge’s control angel on decided level. 1.3.2, Automatic operation exciting modes (1) Automatic (constant pressure) normal excitation starting Constant Uf mode and excitation starting in non-experimental status: in light of normal voltage of busbar (115%Ue=busbar voltage >85%Ue, Ue: rated voltage), track bus bar voltage excitation starting, that is the generator voltage should be equal to the bus bar voltage after excitation starting. In the light of abnormal bus bar voltage (bus bar voltage >115%Ue or <858&Ue, rated voltage excitation starting, that is the generator voltage should be equal to the rated voltage after excitation starting.) (2) Excitation starting Automatic mode (constant pressure) excitation starting Constant Uf mode and excitation starting in non-experimental status: press the test button on the operation panel to enter experimental status. The rated value of excitation starting should be controlled by the add-excitation and subtract-excitation buttons. Designed range of excitation starting is from 20% to 130% of rated voltage. (3) Constant (excitation) current excitation starting Excitation starting in constant IL mode: press the constant IL button on the operation panel to enter constant IL excitation starting mode. Here, starting-up will build the voltage automatically to about 20% of rated voltage. 1.3.3 Excitation limits (1) Instant limit of largest excitation current: limit value should be within 1.5-2.0 times of rated excitation current based on national standards. (2) Inverse time-lag over-excitation time-delay limit: excitation current of inverse time-lag time-delay limit curve can be determined according to the requirements of power plant. (3) Qmin=A*P+B) Under-excitation limit: under-excitation limit curve cam be determined according to the requirements of power plant (under-excitation limit equation: Qmin=A*P+B) (4) Single unit forced excitation limit: generator, before incorporating into the power network, should lock out strong excitation to avoid over voltage to generator end. (5) Power cabinet local malfunction excitation limit: lock out strong excitation when power cabinet is fused, power draw is withdrawn and shut down of blower fan. (6) Instant limit of stator over voltage: during test run, over voltage is 1.30Ue and 1.15Ue in other conditions (according to the requirements of power plant). In case of excessive voltage at generator end, restrictor should immediately reverse and limit the power. (7) Frequency ratio limit: Proportion of single generator limited end voltage to frequency should be no more than rated limit. (8)Reactive over load limit: when reactive power is more than 1.2 times rated reactive power, limit starts to reduce the excitation automatically until reactive power is less than the upper limit 1.3.4, fault tolerant measures LH-WLT02 adopts various fault tolerant measures to greatly improve the operation reliability of device. (1) Excitation regulator fault tolerant measures LH-WLT02 excitation device adopts two same regulators, one for operation and the other for hot reserve. Working unit will automatically withdraw and switch into reservation once there is a malfunction with automatic tracking unit to ensure no impact during automatic shift. Manual shift is available for normal operation. (2) PT wire breakage fault tolerant measures During single generator idling operation, end voltage =MAX (adjusting voltage, instrument transformer voltage) During operation after incorporating into the power network, end voltage =MID (adjusting voltage, instrument transformer voltage and bus bar voltage transformer voltage) MAX: — take maximum value MID: — take medium value (3) Simultaneous signal missing fault tolerant measures Simultaneous signal adopts self-excitation rectifier transformer and adjustable change to support each other. (4) Add and subtract-excitation operation fault tolerant measures Add-excitation is invalid in the following conditions: Over-excitation current, over generator end voltage, over reactive power, exceed the upper limit of adjustable range. add-excitation is invalid in the following conditions: under excitation limit, exceed the lower limit of adjustable range. It is invalid to run excitation increase/reduction for 5 seconds successively in any condition (around 3%Uf of rated pressurization and decompression) to avoid reduce excitation to its limit by mistake. (5) Power bridge fault tolerant measures To adopt two groups of rectification bridges. In case of one group of rectification bridge shuts down, the machine can withdraw from it. The uusa19$ Yano} 40 WoREIS YAOM aBEyDEE “LET aoueuaTUreU Joy Sursnoy suIyoeUT axp se 10 saogjdas aq ued syiun Snjd ‘Yore{nBax duo Jo aunytey Jo osvo Uy “sHUN Bnd a{4as uradoing asn sajnpour amp [ry “9Inpour ndino asind o1 ajnpour yrs pue Sunso[joo oBeyoa ‘uauns wow penprarpur ase suoye[NBor uoTEIOXs od ZOLIM-HT OM] “soreinBor uoNeoxo od jenpiarpur ue si yor “sos oulypew jenplarpur oxy sidope s01wjnBos uoeIOXe od ZOLTM-H1T sauo asawOp wos JUd.ayJIP av Jey) s4opEINBoI UOHLPOX od-[eNG “9°¢"] ndino a8puug uonwoyn994 ¢6'0 19A0 YA oNbIUYDE1 WOFTUN quouind quedyjauL dope saBpuq uoneoynoas yo sdnos¥ snouea (p) “soueuajureut pue uonriedo ‘dn Bums ‘uonejnBe1 juotaauos ozivar 0} out, uo pacedsip pue padueyo aq ues 107pjndax jo sijowuwsed oud O41 ¢) “yuatuaauos A194 St YPN Si O1 uONENBa1 ay pue aBeoae si asind eseyd-xig “axempzey aAouduut 0} areayos dope uoneutiog asind pur ytys asing (Z) “puodsax ypinb pur Kowmooe ySIy yim 1oMod aanovas pue 1omod aanov orwjnojeo 61 poyyut uonejnojes s4MOg quod pz pue soNIWIsUEN soMod doudox 07 aaxyzoquy quauins Suneuoye sidope yowoInsvoul Jomod O pur d (1) SoVdojouysas 3s9}e'] *S"E"T “uorouny Suruuepe pue Sunsorp ym somod APOC sinou9 penp sidope yy -o[qu|ReAv st doueID[01 JoMOd A¥TIC “your Jamod ysea re areoIpul 01 siysi WoReorput are any] “UOHoUTYJeU Jo UORRDO] ay] aIoIpur UBD 11 ‘UONOUTY;eUT Jomod Jo aseo uy “ojquteae st jun Sundae uonounyyeU smog “Auyjigera4 Xjddns s9,sod axp ommsua 07 sueout somod omy ay aze quan Suneusoye quejd pue wosMo IexIp TEI :S90unOs Om avy sUIDISAS JaMOg soansvaun juvsajo} 3]Ney Wd}SAS 19MOG (9) (2910Yp s,498n 01 Joalqns ONIPUOD BupYOM snouwA AJsHes uo oBpLaq uONROYNODI JOO LH-WLT02 excitation device takes package workstation or touch screen as options to use in accident analysis, wave analysis, and experiment results analysis, operation instructions and adjustment tools. For some small or medium sized units that need dual passage pe excitation device, they can not choose package work station or touch screen due to shortage in fund. 1.3.8. LH-WLT02 hardware characteristics LH-WLT02 adopts 32-bit microprocessor produced by American INTEL Co., Ltd with high integration, quick calculation speed and super number processing ability to realize sampling, pulse formation and shift control, and malfunction wave recording by software. Furthermore, the application of super large scale online programmable integration CPLD can do self-diagnosis, self restoration, missing pulse detect and fault tolerance. 1.3.9. People-machine interface Beside package workstation or touch screen, LH-WLTO2 also has large character lattice LCD screen and touch keys for the communication between people and machine. All the control parameters of regulator can be regulated and displayed on line so that regulation, determination, operation and maintenance are very convenient. Pulse shift and dual pulse formation adopt software to improve hardware. Six-phase pulse is average and the regulation to its width is very convenient. 1.4. Technical indexes of LH-WLT02 excitation device The function and performance indexes of LH-WLT02 excitation device is up to national standard Technical Conditions of Large and Medium Scaled hydraulic turbine Generator Static Rectification Excitation System and Device DL/TS83-2006, Installation and Acceptance Standards of Large and Medium Scaled hydraulic turbine Generator Static Rectification Excitation System and Device DL490-92 and requirements of DL491-2008 as well as GB14285-2006, DL/T583-2006, DL/T5081-1997, IEC and IEEE. The major technical indexes of LH-WLT02 excitation device are as follows: 1. The device can operate successively the largest excitation current, ie., 1.1 rated excitation current. 2. The response of excitation system voltage to shift time is no more than 0.06S and to reduction time is no more than 0.10s. 3. Excitation system can maintain the non-vibration of generator stator voltage under stable load and its voltage precision is better than 0.2% under any load permitted by generator. 4. The range of excitation current regulator (FCR) is from 10% empty load excitation current to 110% rated capacity excitation current. 5. Automatic voltage regulator should regulate within the rated value range of generator empty load 70% - 110% smoothly and stably. 6. After generator loses rated load (under rated power factor), the voltage of generator is not over 10% of rated value within Is with less than 3 times of vibration. 7. Launch excitation when rated rotation speed of generator is within 95%-105%. Excitation regulator increases end voltage of generator from 0 to 100% rated voltage, and no evident vibration will be caused within 3s. 8. AVR shall enable the rated range of generator end voltage to be within £15%. Difference adjustment property is linear. 9. During empty load operation, excitation regulator should ensure the change of end voltage of generator be within +0.25% of rated value in case of every 1% change in frequency value. 10. During empty load operation, the voltage change of AVR and FCR should be within 1%-0.3%/s of rated voltage. (Adjustable) 11. Excitation system top value voltage is 2 times rated excitation voltage. In case that generator positive sequence voltage is 80% rated value, tion top value voltage should be ensured. ex 12. Permissible time of excitation system should be no less than 30S with 2 times excitation current. 13. Excitation system can ensure the operation with range of generator end frequency of 45-77 .SHZ. 14. Rectification bridge’s uniform current and voltage coefficients of excitation system reach over 0.95 15. Deviation range of alternative 380/220V system voltage is 15% of rated value, and that of frequency is -3-+2Hz, and that of direct 220V voltage is-20-+10% of rated value. 16. When generator operates long with less than 1.1 times rated excitation current, the biggest instant value of excitation winding both ends voltage should not be more than 30% of its voltage value in earth voltage test. 17. Under any condition, excitation system should ensure the biggest instant value of both end voltage of excitation winding should not be more than 70% of its voltage value in earth voltage test. 18. The annual non-rate of utilization of excitation system should be no more than 0.01%, and the first malfunction should not last more than 50000h after it is used in business operation, and the shelf life should be no less than 20 years. 19. Excitation regulator has upper and lower limit. Setting value can return automatically to empty load value. The upper and lower limit and voltage idling setting value can be adjusted through a long distance. 20. Excitation regulator provides the following two interface modes to exchange information with computer monitoring system, one is digital communication mode and other is I/O interface mode. There is usually a LBD at each position of I/O interface board of excitation regulator to indicate its status. Photoelectrical insulation should be available at each 1/0 position. 21. Excitation regulator computer shall be set in synchronization with computer monitoring system’s clock at power plant with a deviation of no more than Sms. 1.5. Sereen of LH-WLTO2 Excitation System 1.5.1. Sereen of LH-WLT02 dual pe excitation system is divided into the following types Single screen structure, namely regulator, rectification bridge and de-excitation are sealed on one side panel (rectifier transformer shall be placed separately) Double screen structure refers to two screens, namely regulator screen, power and de-excitation screen, constitute the whole set of excitation system (rectifier transformer shall be placed separately). Three-screen structure refers to three screens, namely regulator screen, power screen and de-excitation screen, constitute the whole set of excitation system. (Rectifier transformer shall be placed separately) Four or more screens structure refers to add of power screen based on three-screen structure. The number of power screen can be decided by the volume of output of excitation system. (Rectifier transformer shall be placed separately) Please refer to attached plan for cabinet layout 1.5.2. Screen component collocation Regulator screen is equipped with visible pointer end voltmeter, reactive wattmeter, I and II regulator indication lights, power malfunction indication light, package machine (subject to client’s option), two units of LH-WLT02 pe excitation regulators, switch buttons, indication lights and shift devices. The power screen is equipped with excitation voltmeter and current wattmeter, on/off buttons and indication light of cooling air machine, fusion indication light and controllable silicon rectification bridge. De-excitations screen is equipped with excitation voltage detect meter and option buttons, excitation ammeter of excitation system, over voltage protection, de-excitation resistance and switches. . Seren size and color 800*800*2260mm (width*depth*height). In case of special requirements, clients should Screen with international —_ convention: specify in the order, Screen color is determined by clients. In case of no specific requirements, screen color will be gray (international standard). 1.6, LH-WLT02 PC Excitation Regulator 1.6.1. Performance introduction LH-WLT02 PC excitation regular is equipped with CPU Intel386EX produced by INTEL for industrial application with DSP function. Timing and counting units (8254), two serial control units (SCU), two interruption control units (ICU), two DMA units (DMAU), clock management units, memory freshing, door dog and programmable logic units are integrated in 80386EX. Furthermore, there are control units, such as 14-bit analog-to-digit conversion module (ADC) and large-scale online programmable gate array CPLD., LH-WLT02 dual PC excitation regulator adopts PC automatic passage structure. Two passages have the same hardware structure and software configuration. In normal operation, when one passage works, the other one reserves heat. Automatic tracing and shifting devices can ensure smooth and quick passage shift with high operation reliability and without impact. In terms of signal collection, pulse formation and shift control, the system adopts latest hardware-software techniques, drops complicated P and Q electric energy transmitter and induction pulse formation and shift controlled circuits so that regulator’s hardware structure has been greatly simplified and its performance reliability has been enhanced. LH-WLT02 adopts the most superior excitation control and boasts high capacity to stabilize voltage and restrict low frequency oscillation of electrical system. It is applied in large-scale units and long distance electric power transmission to improve the stability of electrical system. Fault detecting function, fault detect of voltage stabilizing power, induction pulse missing detect, PC main parts self-detection, etc. Signal for failure which is used in automatic switch device and/or audio and optical alarm can indicate the location of failure and recover it quickly. online such operation parameters as P, Q, Uf, IL, a and F, It can also Online display and parameter revising function: it can display revise online such control parameters as feedback gain, difference adjustment coefficient, over-excitation limit, low excitation limit and frequency ratio limit. Various standard communication ports are available for communication with back stage computer to realize reactive group adjustment and concentrated control of the whole plant. | Event recording function is available to assist in accident analysis LH-WLTO02 with complete functions can satisfy clients’ different requirements. It is equipped with excitation limit and protection function to secure the safety operation of units. The functions and performance indexes of LH-WLT02 are up to . or superior to the national standards. 1.6.2. Applicable range Applicable for large and medium sized self-shunt excitation, self compound excitation, external excitation starting of normal operation and phase regulating operation of generators. Small size units may use as a reference. Controllable rectifying bridge can be full controlled or semi-controlled. 1.6.3. Technical performance and function of regulator See LH-WLTO2 excitation system technical indexes and functions. 1.6.4. Signal 1. signal to indicate operation status a, disconnect operation; by inverted de-excitation; cy add excitation operation; d, subtract-excitation operation 2. signal to indicate abnormal status ay failure in direct stabilizing power: b, failure in PC main part detection; cy failure in synchronous signal circuit; d\ regulator failure e. missing induction pulse; f, PT wire breakage (modulation, instrument transformer and bus bar change); gs Power cabinet failure (broken fusion, withdrawal from power cabinet and blower machine included); hy instantaneous/time-delay over-excitation limit; i, low excitation limit; js frequency ratio limit. 3. Major input signals a, three-phase modulation voltage signal (100v alternating current); b, three-phase instrument transformer voltage signal (100v alternating current); cy three-phase bus bar voltage signal (100v alternating current); d. three-phase stator current signal (5A alternating current); es three-phase rectification bridge alternating current signal (SA alternating current) and rotor loop shunt voltage signal (7SMV direct current); f, three-phase rectification bridge alternative synchronous voltage signal; @» tum on “off “signal (on/off signal); hy inverted de-excitation signal (on/off signal): i, generator circuit breaker DL signal (normally off junction) ; js master high voltage circuit breaker DL signal (normally off junction); k, add-excitation and subtract-excitation signal (on/off signal) of central control room; 1, power cabinet wind stop and withdrawal signal (on/off signal); my Plant alternating current power, direct +220V power and self shunt excitation rectification transformer side voltage input. 1.6.5. Introduction to LH-WLT02 Regulator board LH-WLT02 has nine templates as follows: (1) 80386EX main board (2) signal shift board 1 (3) signal shift board 2 (4) switching value input and output board (5) pulse amplifier and detect board | (6) pulse feed amplifier and pulse detect panel 2 (7) bus connection panel (8) LCD display panel (9) power panel In the above nine templates, main board 80386EX is the 6-level main board designed by us and manufactured overseas. The rest are special purpose templates manufactured domestically. 1, PC display (1) drive circuit of 24-channel_ LED indication light (2) display and its drive circuit and program; (3) 8 buttons and 9 interfaces of thin-film keys. 2, signal shift board 1 Analog signals that have been input are processed into analog and digital signals that are easy for PC to accept and process. The board consists of the following circuits: (1) IL excitation current transmitter The transmitter switches rectification I alternating current sensor (rectification change low voltage) signal into SV voltage and supplies it to PC as excitation current measurement signal (2) IL lexcitation current transmitter The transmitter switches rectification II alternating current sensor (rectification change low voltage) signal into SV voltage and supplies it to PC as excitation current measurement signal (3) temperature transmitter The transmitter switches PT 100 resistance value into SV voltage and supplies it PC as rectification bridge temperature measurement signal (4) wind pressure transmitter The transmitter switches cooling wind pressure value into SV voltage and supplies it to PC as cooling wind pressure measurement signal. (5) sequence judgment The circuit shifts rectifi tion bridge alternating three-phase voltage and supplies it to PC as phase sequence judging measurement signal. 3, Signal Shift Board 2 Analog signals that have been input are processed into analog and digital signals that are easy for PC to accept and process, The board consists of the following circuits: (1) Ufl voltage transmitter The transmitter switches change 100V alternating current signals from instrument voltage transformer into SV voltage and supplies it to PC as instrument transformer voltage measurement signal. (2) Uf2 voltage transmitter The transmitter switches alternating current signals from regulating transformer into SV voltage and supplies it to PC as bus bar voltage measurement signal. (3) US voltage transmitter The transmitter switches changes 110V alternating current signal from bus bar transformer voltage into SV voltage and supplies it to PC as bus bar voltage measurement signal. (4) ILAC excitation current transmitter The transmitter switches current signals from low voltage side of rectifier transformer into SV voltage by alternating current sensor and supplies it to PC as excitation current measurement signal. (5) ILDC excitation current transmitter The transmitter uses Hall current transmitter to switch voltage 75mA from rotor current divider into SV voltage by alternating current sensor and supplies it to PC as excitation current measurement signal. (6) IF stator current interface The circuit supplies the filtered stator alternating current signals to PC which calculates active and reactive power output by generator according to the signals. (7) ambling synchronous signal circuit The circuit filters modulation alternating current signals and alters them to square wave synchronous signals and supplies them to PC as the sampling synchronous signals of stator current to determine the power factor angle between voltage and current. (8) Induction synchronous signal circuit The transmitter filters communication synchronous signals from low voltage side of rectifier transformer and alters them to square wave ynehronous signals and supplies them to PC as reference signals for frequency measurement and pulse shift. (9) Voltage measurement unit featuring stator over empty load protection The unit measures stator voltage and compares it with over voltage protection and outputs over load protection signals. 4, Switching value Input and output board Switching value input and output board comprises 16 route input interface circuit and 8 route output interface circuit, both input and output which are equipped with relay and photoelectrical insulation. 5. Pulse amplifier and detect board 1 The board can amplify small pulse to silicon controlled induction pulse through big power amplifier pipe and pulse transformer and supply them to rectification bridge 1 as well as switches a series of subsequent pulses for CPU detection. 6, Pulse amplifier and detect board 2 The board can amplify small pulse to silicon controlled induction pulse through big power amplifier pipe and pulse transformer and supply them to rectification bridge 2 as well as switches a series of subsequent pulses for CPU detection. 7, Power panel Plant alternating current, generator alternating current and plant direct current work together. 8, Bus connection panel The panel is used to integrate the input and output signals of the above-mentioned boards as a whole. 9. main function of failure alarm and shift panel The panel is the support facility of PC regulator. Its main function is to alarm the power failure signal, PC failure signal and small pulse missing signal as well as shift logic control of dual generator non main and minor shift mode. 1.6.6. Introduction to LH-WLT02 Regulator Operation Panel LH-WLT02 operation panel is mainly used in regulation and test, and usually not used in normal operation. LH-WLT02 operation panel consists of the following: (1) 8 buttons (5 with automatic lock): (2) 24 LED indication lights (24 for I and II generator each): (3) 9 thin-film buttons; (4) wide screen LCD screen in English wording. Below is their function and application: 1. 8 buttons (5 with automatic lock) 14 buttons are: add-excitation, subtract excitation, de-excitation, constant IL, constant Q, constant COS, test and excitation starting. [Add-excitation] and [subtract excitation] _ buttons: personnel conduct add-excitation and subtract excitation operation beside the generator by pressing buttons and LED lights will be on. {Test} button (with automatic lock): in trial test status, regulator’s upper limit of adjustment is expanded to 130%UEN and step test for set value of voltage is permitted. In normal condition, change it to non test status by releasing [test] button. (Constant IL] button (with automatic lock): let regulator change into constant excitation current operation by pressing button and LED indication light will be on. {Constant Q] button (with automatic lock): let regulator change into constant reactive power by pressing button and LED light will be on. [Constant COS] button (with automatic lock): let regulator change into constant power factor operation mode by pressing buttons and LED light will be on. [{De-excitation] button (with automatic clock): let regulator change into inverted de-excitation status by pressing buttons and LED light of de-excitation will be on (it is invalid to press de-excitation button after network integration) [Excitation starting] button: cannot start excitation automatically, use manual excitation- in case of low residual voltage istance operation excitation starting for voltage building: Constant COS button junction: let regulator change into constant COS operation and network integration is valid (invalid before network integration) Constant Uf operation mode is available if constant IL, constant a and constant COS are all invalid, this is the fundamental operation mode of regulator. If more than one modes are running after network integration, press the buttons in sequence of [constant COS] , [constant a] , {constant IL ] and constant Uf] . 2. 24 LED indication lights are: network integration, zero boost, under excitation, over excitation, add excitation, subtract _ excitation, de-excitation, constant IL, constant a, rotor over pressure, collection 1, collection 2, bus bar zero pressure, modulation wire breakage, instrument transformer wire breakage, synchronous unconventionality, test, excitation starting, power cabinet failure, excitation-assistance operation, constant COS, stator over pressure, signaling 1 and signaling 2. Network integration is used to indicate whether generator is integrated into the network. If it is on, it means it has been integrated. Zero boost panels is used to indicate whether LH-WLTO2 inner zero boost panel has been pressed (short circuit). If there is short circuit, the light will be on. Under excitation limit is used to indicate under excitation limit action. Over excitation limit is used to indicate over excitation limit action. Bus bar zero pressure is used to indicate whether bus bar voltage is in normal status. In case bus bar voltage is between 80% and 115% of rated voltage, it indicates that bus bar voltage is normal, otherwise, it is abnormal. If it is abnormal (fusion of bus bar voltage measurement loop included), turn on the light of bus bar zero pressure. Modulation wire breakage is used to indicate whether modulation measurement loop has malfunction (fusion of modulation measurement loop included). If so, the light will be on. Instrument transformer wire breakage is used to indicate whether instrument transformer measurement loop has malfunction (fusion of instrument transformer measurement loop included). If so, the light will be on. Stator over pressure is used to indicate empty load stator over pressure protection. Rotor over pressure is used to indicate rotor over pressure protection. Power cabinet malfunction is used to indicate whether silicon controlled power cabinet draw is loose or withdrawn. In case of fusion and stop of blower machine, the light will be on. Synchronous unconventionality is used to indicate whether synchronous signal is normal. In case of problem with synchronous signal loop, the light will be on. There are usually two reasons for synchronous unconventionality: breakage of synchronous signal measurement loop or breakage of modulation and instrument transformer at the same time. Test is used to indicate the working mode of regulator. If the light is on, it means regulator is in test mode. Test allows 135% voltage upper limit and +10% voltage step. Constant IL is used to indicate the working mode of regulator. If the light is on, it means regulator is in constant IL mode. Subtract excitation is used to indicate the status of regulator. If the light is on, it means the regulator is in subtract-excitation mode. If it is in under excitation limit status, it can lock automatically to subtract excitation. Add excitation is used to indicate status of regulator. If the light is on, it means the regulator is in add-excitation mode. If it is in over excitation limit status, it can lock automatically to add excitation. De-excitation is used to indicate status of regulator. If the light is on, it means the regulator is in de-excitation mode. 3. 9 thin-film buttons: (7,({1,{>1,€<—], (+1, ([—1, [confirm], [cancel] , restore] . 9 buttons are used to detect, check and revise excitation system operation parameters and status. Please see operation manual of regulator LCD display for more detail 1.6.7. LH-WLT02 PC excitation Regulator LCD Display and Operation UPALTO2 a Atco nna et er mm ORM OR Oe MI OME oR cE Ok ofM oammeonmie oma em m ce te om me 9a wat xa a aan SRR AAAS LH-WL02 Generatar Micromputer Excitation Unit 1@ \® 1e 1@ @ 1@ '@ Regulator LCD display consists of 6 parts: 1, Main menu is used for clients to check all the functions as below: . operation parameter and state . control parameter revision and inquiry . alarm and malfunction record . power adjustment . motor parameter display You can select each menu by the thin-film button } or |. When the arrow points to a certain menu, you can enter the menu by pressing thin-film button confirm. 2, Operation parameter and status menu consists of three small menus to detect from time to time the operation parameters and status. See below: Operation parameter and state] » Frequency busbar voltage: P+$0.00 US=63000 Difference adjustment instrument transformer:U1=6300 U2=6295" excitation current: 11-6300 12=6295" Voltage current determination: Uge6300 Ig-350- Qen4500 Cgn0.85~ ai-67.78 ak67.780 2001.05.12—-16:45:234 ‘The first menu displays parameter voltage frequency F, bus bar voltage US, generator end modulation voltage Ul, end instrument transformer voltage U2, excitation current direct current value Il, alternating current value 12, voltage index value Ug in constant voltage mode, excitation current index value Ig in constant current operation, reactive constant current index value Qg, constant power factor Cg, integral quantity of controlled silicon ai, output control angle of controlled silicon ak and real time clock display. You can return to the main menu or the second menu of operation parameter and state by pressing thin-film buttons for]. excitation voltages UL=100.5 based voltage unit active power: P=04300 ‘Ube6312 ‘unit reactive power: Q=03200 mL =0000 output current of bridge arm The second menu displays excitation voltage UL, unit active power P, unit reactive power Q, lower end of reactive power Q, based voltage value Ub, output current 1IL of bridge arm I and 2IL of bridge arm II. Switch value input is divided into 3 groups. 1 is remote input 18 route, 2 is remote switch input 9-16 routes, 3 is 8 buttons on the panel and output is 8 route output. In case input and output corresponding state is 8, it means no signal, while in case it is 1, it means there is signal. In case corresponding state of limit state and alarming signals is 1, it means there has been an action. Thin-film button fis used to return to the former menu, and button|is used to go to the following menu. Button cancel can be used to return to the main menu. LR 2 3 4, Stator current: la=000 “Power cabinet temperature: T1=000 1b=000 Ic-000 The third menu displays unit stator secondary current Ia, Ib, Ic, rectification bridge temperature T1 and T2, pulse detect data M1, M2, M3 and M4, 2 route synchronizing signal difference of phase angle XIC, limit state and alarming signal information. In case that corresponding state of limit state and alarming signal is 1, it means there has been an action. Thin-film button fis used to return to the former menu, and button cancel can be used to return to the main menu. 3. Menu of control parameter revision and inquiry. The menu consists of 4 sub-menus as follows: control parameter revision and inquiry KPV=042 6, KPI=035 KIV=003 7, KII=003 KDV=005 8. KDI=007 UCN0=56395 9, KVF=0L15 UCN1=56895 10, KQ=32168 ¥v v ‘The first menu displays: (1) voltage proportion coefficient KPV, (2) voltage integral coefficient KIV, (3) voltage differential coefficient KDV, (4) initial value of constant voltage excitation starting integral UCNO, (5) initial value of constant current excitation starting integral UCN1, (6) excitation current proportion coefficient KPI, (7) excitation current integral coefficient KII, (8) excitation current differential coefficient KDI, (9) frequency ratio limit coefficient KVF, (10) difference adjustment coefficient KQ. Password is needed to revise control parameters, then serial number and step value for one addition/subtraction of corresponding control parameter. Press thin-film button confirm to enter the state of parameter revision, and there is a rectangle cursor flashing constantly. Press thin-film button + or — to revise parameters according to the prefixed step length. If password is incorrect, this can not be done. Press thin-film button — or < to move the cursor to input password, serial number and step value, then press + or — to input 0-9 numbers in corresponding places. In case corresponding state is 0, — is invalid, while it is 9, + is invalid. After parameter revision, press cancel to withdraw from the state of parameter revision, and the rectangle cursor will disappear. Press button|to enter the next menu of control parameter, and the press of cancel in state rather than parameter revision will lead to main menu. step length:00000 & DVMAX=0335 DVMIN=0714 INCLC=06144 DECLC=06144 GLIL=03520 SLXS=003 KDL=350 ¥ The second menu displays: (11) active PSS proportion coefficient KPP, (12) active PSS integral coefficient KIP, (13) active PSS differential coefficient KDP, (14) set value of reactive power limit curve AP, (15) set value of reactive power limit curve BQ, (16) unit power measurement and correction factor SIN, (17) unit power measurement and correction factor COS, (18) permissible increase in generator end voltage Dvmin, (19) permissible decrease in generator end voltage DVmin, (20) range of instant increase in excitation INCLC, (21) range of instant decrease in excitation DECLC, (22) excitation current set value GLIL, (23) excitation current system JLXS, (24) strong excitation multiple DIL Please see the above for control parameter revision. Thin-film button tis used to return to the former menu, and | is used to enter the next menu, and button cancel can be used to return to the main menu. step length:00000 & RAMTOEEP TGG=00001 FILE TO FEP UCI=60415 EEPTORAM UCK=63487 TBSC=04292 ‘VG=04003 KPQ-015, KPF=0100 KIQ=003 KIF=0020 KDQ=005 KDF=0007 ¥ The third menu displays: (25) solidification of RAM TO EEP after parameter revision, (26) default parameter application FILE TO RAM, (27) revised parameter application EEP TO RAM, (28) synchronizing difference of phase angle set TBSC, ((29) constant reactive proportion coefficient KPQ, (30) constant reactive integral coefficient KIQ, (31) constant reactive differential coefficient, (32), (33), (34) and (35) are internal parameters, (36) frequency PSS proportion coefficient KPF, (37) frequency PSS integral coefficient KIF, (38) frequency PSS differential coefficient KDF. Please see the above for control parameter revision and parameter solidification and application, When parameter revision state is entered, any operation with + or — is of the same function with correct password. Generally, the control parameters should be the ones revised in excitation adjustment. Any revision should not be made to control parameters to avoid affecting unit’s normal operation. Thin-film button fis used to return to the former menu, andJis used to enter the next menu, and button cancel can be used to return to the main menu. Serial No.:00 step length00000 ID=001 40, CIMIN=05120 41, CIMAX=13312 42, CKMIN=02048 PSSBZ=0255 43, CKMAX=15360 50, ULN=0260 44, TBSCI=03640 51, ILN=0680 45, TBSC2=00140 52, MCJC=0255 ¥ v ‘The fourth menu displays: (39) communication station point ID, (40) PID minimum integral angle CIMIN, (41) PID maximum integral angle, (42) minimum output control angel CKMIN, (43) maximum. output control angle CKMAX, (44) lower end of synchronizing unconventionality TBSC1, (45) upper end of synchronizing unconventionality TBSC2, (46) PSS operation/switch off soft board (operation if not 0) PSSBZ, (47) unit rated active power PN, (48) unit rated reactive power QN, (49) unit rated voltage UN, (50) unit rated excitation voltage ULN, (510 unit rated excitation current ILN, (52) pulse detect operation/switch off (operation if not 0) MCIC. Please see the above for control parameter revision and parameter solidification and application. When parameter revision state is entered, any operation with + or — is of the same function with correct password. Generally, the control parameters should be the ones revised in excitation adjustment. Any revision should not be made to control parameters to avoid affecting unit’s normal operation. Thin-film button fis used to return to the former menu, and is used to enter the next menu, and button cancel can be used to return to the main menu. 4, Accident and failure recording picture which is mainly used to make real time records of alarm and failure signals during the operation of excitation system, such as PT wire breakage, over excitation limit, power cabinet limit action, dual generator failure and missing generator pulse, etc, The picture is shown as follows: [Alrm and malfunction record) PI wire breakage 2004.01.18—14:54:38 Communication abnormality 2003.12.11—10:54:18 The picture can contain 4 records of accidents and failures. The former ones are sent to industrial control machine or back-stage monitoring PC to store as history. Each record shows the type of accident or failure and real time clock information of each action. Once accident or failure occurs, the picture pops up automatically to remind clients to check. Cancel button is used to return to the main menu. 5, Power adjustment menu is used to adjust measurement value from regulator to output power. The large tolerance of reactive power measurement value gives direct impact on unit from excitation system. Integrate into the power network in manual mode of exciter set with more than 50% load, input measurement value of active and reactive pointer. Press confirm and the regulator will calculate automatically the revved parameters SIN and COS which will be input into control parameters 17 and 18. Cancel button is used to return to the main menu. The picture is shown as follows: Please input the active power readings of current pointer P=00000 Please input the reactive power readings of current pointer Q=00000 Revision parameter output ‘SIN-00000 = COS=00000 6, Unit parameter picture shows such rated parameters of the working unit as: rated active power, rated reactive power, rated voltage: rated excitation voltage, rated excitation current. The picture is shown as follows: rated active power rated reactive power QN rated motor voltage = UN=10500V rated excitation voltage ULN=260V 1.7. LH-WLT02 Excitation System Single-screen structure illustration LH-WLTO2 excitation system with single-screen structure is mainly applicable in units with excitation current of less than 500A. The regulator, newly developed by our company, boasts compact structure, high reliability, complete function and wide-screen LCD display in English. Being user friendly, it is up to national standards in various performance indexes. The single-screen structure of excitation system of small and medium-sized units without cables can further improve the reliability of the total system. It boasts convenient and easy test, installation and maintenance, and saves site occupancy, providing perfect plans for some clients. (Please refer to LH-WLTO2 exciter set function and performance for more information.) 2. Excitation equipment maintenance and troubleshooting 2.1. Safety Rules While working inside excitation cubicle, there must be warning signs, or serious personal injury may be caused by contact with live components. So, the live components above 50V inside excitation cubicle are protected during system design. Maintainers without necessary training and prevention measures are not allowed to work in the excitation cubicle. The following descriptions are applicable to the unusual conditions for the high voltage excitation system. ‘The components directly connected with excitation transformer auxiliary side and generator rotor magnetic field windings inside excitation cubicle, such as radiators, copper banks etc, have such extremely high voltage that it’s very dangerous to touch with them. So, safety protection barrier must be set up with a certain distance away from the live items to perform electrical component measure for the equipment in operation. It’s reiterated that maintainers must be trained properly, which is an absolutely necessary job and must be done. Caution: There may be large short-circuit current inside excitation cubicle because high voltage exists at the excitation transformer auxiliary side and generator rotor magnetic field windings. It’s specially indicated that great danger of electric shock exists because the discharging resistors of deexcitation switch and magnetic field loop are directly connected with generator rotor windings. Protection equipment are needed to be installed in excitation cubicle for personal safety. If protection equipment are moved, maintainers must stay faraway from dangers by high voltage and large current. While control cubicle door is opened during operation, maintainers should pay attention to high voltage (above SOV) inside. Voltage inside rectifier cubicle may be above 1000V and current is very great. High voltage danger should be warned. Maintenance work must be done under power off and with protection measures. If not, the following precaution work must be done: Keeping away from operation zones and putting yellow signs of “high voltage! Danger!” in security zones. Disconnected switches are closed because of control faults or wrong operations. To avoid such cases, corresponding protection measures are needed, such as switch with keys to avoid switch connections by wrong operations again. 2.2. Consequence by Negligence Not abiding by safety rules may cause serious damage to equipment. Warning: if there are not protection equipment inside cubicle with electricity, it’s increasing great risk of danger for not only operation staff but also other personnel near to the live equipment. If the required maintenance work is not finished or only done partly, it may result in hazards and serious. Especially when there’s debris and dust left inside rectifier cabinet, high voltage flashover will occur and cause hazards. 2.3. Requests for Working Staff Maintainers must be familiar with installation and operation and need to be trained on maintenance. They shall be familiar with control principles and corresponding operation and the alarms not only from excitation equipment itself (on-site control) but also control center (remote control, see operation instructions). They shall not only have a great deal of experience about excitation equipment power source and such faults as emergency shut-down but also are capable of shutting down the system under emergent cases. They must know well on measures for prevention of accidents at working field and be trained on first-aid and fire extinguishing. 2.4, Descriptions of Emergencies Outbreak of fire Working staff must know positions of fire extinguisher and emergency exit and be capable of using fire extinguisher, including types of halogen, C02 and foam ete. (A). CO2 fire extinguishers are used for extinguishing fire on electrical equipment, which have no direct harm on persons. (B). Foam fire extinguishers are made for extinguishing fire on non-electrical equipment and not used for electrical equipment fire extinguishing. Otherwise, it will cause direct harm to persons. In case of outbreak of fire in the system, first cut off excitation on site or from control center and start emergency shut-down device if necessary (see operation instructions), then cut off all power supply for the system. While extinguishing fire inside cabinet with electricity, only CO2 fire extinguisher can be used and foam or water type must not be used! 2.5. First-aid Measures for Electrical Devices First, cut off excitation on site or control center and start emergency shut-down device if necessary (see operation instructions), then cut off all system power supply. Rescue the wounded from dangerous zones, then lay them down and offer trained aid to them. At the same time, consider possible consequences of electrical equipment and ask for help. 2.2 Open-loop Test Open-loop text measures are briefly stated as following: 2.2.1. Wiring Test connection has two modes: a). Disconnect machine terminals and use electricity delivered reversely from the system. In this type, potential transformers, current transformers and rectifier transformers of excitation system are used and the whole excitation system can be checked simultaneously. The wiring principle system diagram is show as fig 1. Fig 1 Pri iple Diagram of Excitation System ) Use three-phase voltage regulator to simulate input of potential transformers and rectifier transformers. Wiring principle system diagram is shown in fig 2. Fig 5 Excitation regulation cabinet Ltesares | ape flee | Regulator} | — FH HaACe wreren > | ws 1 | |= +4 a « | Daren rd w [Sew | & ee | Fig 2 Open-loop test principle diagram (11) In mode a, disconnect three phases at the outlet of generator end. The output cables or busbars have electricity under test and necessary protection measures need to be taken. In mode b, lead wires from generator terminal potential transformers to terminals of excitation regulation cabinet shall be cut off. Switches of rectifier bridge AC input shall be cut off simultaneously to avoid inducing voltage at primary side of current and voltage transformers. In addition, if the rated voltage at auxiliary side of rectifier transformers is very high, synchronous transformers ratio shall be adjusted to the lower grade during test in order to ensure normal synchronized signal while synchronous transformer input is lower. In the above two modes, rotor cables at output of deexcitation switch shall be disconnected and electric stoves or resistances are connected as load (power of load shall be considered, silicon-controlled rectifier can be conducted reliably with 1A above excitation current) and load capacity shall be considered. While silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) is completely opened, output voltage at DC side can reach twice as rated excitation voltage. Oscilloscope is connected with load to observe output wave form of SCR. It’s cautioned that additional damping resistance needs to be connected in the system, while the highest output voltage exceeds the scope of oscilloscope. uw Fig3 Excitation voltage wave form in open-loop test Open-loop test procedure: each button of excitation regulator is on working position; open-loop small current test is done through channel I and II. Excitation output wave form can be observed from oscilloscope when adjusting regulation buttons from above two channels. While output : wave form of SCR is normal, the wave form is symmetrical six-wave-head without phase loss and changing smoothly from the smallest to the largest without control loss along with given input (along with magnetic increase or decrease), as shown in Fig 3. 2.2.2. Safety Measures In the main circuit, one side of deexcitation switch is directly connected with generator rotor and input side of Rectifier Bridge is directly connected with auxiliary windings of excitation transformer, so there is high voltage in main circuit during excitation equipment running. Contact with equipment in main circuit shall be avoided during normal running or test in order to avoid electric shock accidents. It’s worth cautioning that rotor excitation circuit connected with deexcitation switch shall must not be touched because of over voltage under deexcitation with large current. Maintenance and overhaul works shall be done under completely out of power supply. It’s better to establish striking warning lines in the working zones to prevent the access by people other than workers. As for not-switching-on breakers, deexcitation switches and isolators during maintenance, wrong operation prevention measures must be taken, for example, a prohibition sign of “Working, Switching on Forbidden!” is hung to avoid accidents by wrong operation. Unsuitable safety measures, such as wrong connections of switches during maintenance may cause not only personal injury accidents but also damages to equipment, which will increase repair costs. In addition, ignorance of equipment maintenance may shorten their service life and even affect normal working in case of serious situation. For example, accumulated dust on silicon assemblies may cause voltage flashover, which affects insulation of main circuit and may seriously damage the equipment. 2.2.3. Requirements for Main © Maintainers must be familiar with related drawings and reference materials. © Maintainers must be trained or proficient in operation and installation and can fulfill completely maintenance and overhaul works. Maintainers must know well all kinds of signal meanings in equipment running and can take corresponding measures under necessary condition. ‘Maintainers must have capability for handling emergent cases, such as disconnecting deexcitation switch and cutting off power supply. 2.2.4. Disposition of Emergent Cases At first, disconnect deexcitation switch and cut off all power supply connected with excitation equipment on site or from control center. If fire alarms occur, CO2 fire extinguisher can be directly sprayed on live afire equipment but not on afire persons. Foam fire extinguisher can only be used on non-live equipment must not be operated for live ones. Howver they can be used for afire persons. 2.3.M: tenance of Excitation Equipment 2.3.1. Overview A majority of electrical components have no wearing indications except some minor aging signs, but there are some electromechanical devices inside excitation equipment, such as breakers, contactors, air blowers which will have mechanical wear. Fault system keeps scanning working channels and backup channels under normal condition and moreover, fault inspection system itself may be supervised. But fault inspection system cannot detect all faults, for example, whether the switching relay is normal, so it’s necessary to make periodical inspections of equipment inspection. During periodical inspection, the following functional inspection checks must be done besides cleaning the equipment and components or replacing fasteners equipment. Dust may be easily accumulated on silicon components because of air circulation in power rectifier cabinet and so are other circuits. Vibration may cause looseness at joints of terminals or other bolt connections. There are high voltage and large current in excitation circuit. Dust accumulated on equipment and conductor surface increase risk of equipment component damages by voltage flashover. Periodical inspection maintenance can decrease such risk significantly. 2.3.2. Working Conditions for Maintenance While doing maintenance job, the actual conditions of excitation system shall be paid attention to. Different inspection and maintenance items are executed under different conditions. Work condition (1), close off all power supply of excitation equipment and cut off all external electrical connection. Work condition (2), only auxiliary power and DC are supplied. Work condition (3), open-loop test condition. Work condition (4), equipment is running. 2.3.3. Maintenance Timetable ‘Number | Items Once every 1 month _| Once every 1 year | Excitation transformer 1 Excitation Check surface dust and | Check surface dust and transformer debris and abnormal debris and abnormal noise. noise. Rectifier cabinet 2 Air blowers Check dust and debris | Check dust and debris and and normal wind power | normal wind power and and abnormal noise. _| abnormal noise: 3 | Radiators, air | Check dust and debris | Check dust and debris and | vents and working working temperature ete. temperature etc. 4 Silicon-controlled Check trigger circuits of all rectifier (SCR) SCR. | Deexcitation cabinet | 5 Deexcitation | Check dust, contacts and arc switch extinguish chamber etc. 6 Cross-over Check dust and debris | Check dust and debris ete. etc.. 7 Demagnetizing | Check dust and debris | Check dust and debris and resistance etc. whether electric fuse is intact (only for nonlinear resistance demagnetizing), | ‘Adjusting cabinet

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