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Scene 1.


: (sit down and reading book)


: Hello Mel, what are you doing?

Mellisa : Just reading a book, this book is really amazing, this has amazing
story and make you fall into this story.
Debby : Sounds Amazing, could you lend me after you have done reading
Mellisa : Noo....I wont because this book is really precisious.
Debby : Ishhhh no probs, btw have you finished doing your homework
about making narrative story.
Mellisa :What?what homework?
Debby : This is (showing hw).
Mellisa : Could i copying this,,, pleaseeee
Debby : No, you cant. Just making it right now.
Mellisa : hmmm.....
Scene 2. At Mellisa Room
(just arrived from Library)
Mellisa : Im home.... OMG im really tired. Ah i wanna continue reading my
(open her bag)
Mellisa : *Shock* Where is my book?
Scene 3. Next day at School Canteen
Mellisa : *sad face* Thinking about her book. Where do i find my book. I
had looked in the class and at library but i cant found it. Maybe i
must make a lost report to police office. Ahh just make a call first.
( calling to police station)
Arya : Hello this is police station. Is there anything i can help?
Mellisa : Yes, I want to make a lost report about my book.
Arya : Could you tell me characteristic of your book?
Mellisa : Yes that have gold cover, the tittle is ##### and thick.

Arya : When did you lost your book?

Mellisa : Yesterday, at library or in the class.
Arya : Have you suspicious for someone?
Mellisa : Hmmm..... Let me think.... Maybe my friend her name is debby.
Arya : Oke we will start investigation about your case tommorrow.
Mellisa : Thanks. Im begging at you. My book is really precious to me andi
havent done reading it.
Arya :Yes, we will help you with maximun effort.
Scene 4. Arrested
Arya : Are your name is debby? You have arrested for theft issue. You
have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an
attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an
attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these
Debby : What noo im innocent....
Scene 5. Investigation
Ambar : Hello, iam agent ambar, im here to investigating you about lost
report from your friend.
Debby : Who?
Ambar : you dont need to know,just answer my question honestly. Have
yo know before the cover book like this before? (showing a few pic)
Debby : Yes i have meet the gold one.
Ambar : When?
Debby : At library, 2 days ago.
Ambar : What were you doing at library 2 days ago?
Debby : Reading a book and chit chat with my friend.
Ambar :Just it?
Debby : Yes, it wes.
Ambar : Back to this book. Have you ever read it?
Debby : Yes, I just read a few chapter.

Ambar : Then after in library, where did you go?

Debby : I went to the classroom.
Ambar : And did you still see the book in the classroom?
Debby : Yes, of course.
Ambar : Last question. Could you explain why i found this bookin your
room in the house?
Debby : Yes because i bringed it to my house.
Mellisa : (enter to investigation room) *onfire face* yes yes of course you
had stolen my book because you really want to read it but i didnt
give you permission.
Ambar : Woo please calm down mellisa we are in the police office.
Debby : No mellisa at that time you entrusted this book to me because
your bag was full and you would take it at my home, but until a few
days you didnt come to my house to take it. You were forget
Mellisa : (Thinking) Showed scene when mellisa said to debby to bring that
book because her bag was full.
OMG Really? It cant be. *shock face*

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