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CA PPM Instructor Led Training/Virtual Learning Courses Scheduled for

2015, Q3

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

Please contact your CA Technologies Education representative for details.
The following CA PPM Instructor Led Training (ILT)/Virtual Learning (VL) courses are listed on the public Education Portal schedules for 2015 Q3*:

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Project and Investment Management 200 (33CLR23091)

7/13/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning

8/3/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-Virtual Classroom 1

8/25/15 9:00 AM Europe/Paris

EMEA-UK-Virtual Learning

9/7/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning

9/8/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-Virtual Classroom 1

CA Clarity PPM 14x: Resource Management 200 (33CLR23101)

7/16/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning

8/6/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-Virtual Classroom 1

8/28/15 9:00 AM Europe/Paris

9/10/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney
9/11/15 10:00 AM America/New York

EMEA-UK-Virtual Learning
APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning
NA-Virtual Classroom 1

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Financial Management 200 (33CLR23111)

7/6/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-Virtual Classroom 1

7/23/15 9:00 AM America/Sao Paulo

LA BRAZIL, Sao Paulo

7/29/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning

8/17/15 10:00 AM America/New York

9/9/15 9:00 AM Europe/Paris
9/23/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

NA-Virtual Classroom 1
EMEA-UK-Virtual Learning
APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning

CA Clarity PPM 14x: Portfolio Management 200 (33CLR23121)

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7/9/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-Virtual Classroom 1

7/20/15 9:00 AM America/Sao Paulo

LA BRAZIL, Sao Paulo

7/27/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

8/20/15 10:00 AM America/New York
9/7/15 9:00 AM Europe/Paris
9/21/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning
NA-Virtual Classroom 1
EMEA-UK-Virtual Learning
APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning

CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Foundations I 200 Bundle (33CLR2264B)

8/3/15 9:00 AM Asia/Singapore

APJ-Webex Training Center

CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Foundations II 200 Bundle (33CLR2275B)

9/7/15 9:30 AM Asia/Singapore

APJ-Webex Training Center

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Business Administration 200 (33CLR22461)

7/20/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-Virtual Classroom 1

8/3/15 9:00 AM America/Sao Paulo

LA Brazil, Sao Paulo (das Nacoes)

8/10/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Data and Reporting 200 (33CLR21981)

7/14/15 10:00 AM America/New York
7/15/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

NA-Virtual Classroom 1
APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning

9/2/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning

9/14/15 9:00 AM America/Sao Paulo

LA Brazil, Sao Paulo (das Nacoes)

CA Clarity PPM 13x: Integration 300 (33CLR30021)

7/28/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning

9/15/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning

CA Clarity PPM 13x: Studio Configuration 300 (33CLR30061)

8/17/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning

* Public schedules are subject to change anytime without notice. Please be sure to visit the CA Education Portal for
up-to-date course schedules. For more information, please contact your CA Technologies Education representative
for details.

CA PPM content (On Premise and On Demand) delivered at the speed of business!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 14, 2015 [] by John George.

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Attribute Data Types Available for Filtering and Sorting

CA PPM Tuesday Tip contributed by Kathryn Ellis, Principal Support Engineer at CA Technologies

Out-of-the-box, the product provides various attribute data types. Some attribute data types are not available for
filtering or sorting actions. Refer to the following table for the available attribute data types and their sorting and
filtering capabilities:

Attribute Data Type

Use in Column Sorting?

Use in Filter Section

Use in Power Filter?

Attachment Single or Multiple




























Large String
















Multi Valued Lookup-Number




Multi Valued Lookup-String





















Note: You can also create virtual attributes on sub objects of the following data types. The sorting and filtering rules

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for the master object also apply to the virtual attributes of the sub objects.

CA PPM content (On Premise and On Demand) delivered at the speed of business!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 9, 2015 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

CA PPM 14.x: Integration Using GEL 300 Available on the Education Portal

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

Please contact your CA Technologies Education representative for details.

CA PPM 14.x: Integration Using GEL 300 (33CLR3022S)

This new course, offered as an Dynamic Lab consisting of 6.5 hours of self-directed learning, is targeted to users who
want a hands-on training in integrating Generic Execution Language (GEL) with CA PPM. Topics include defining objects,
invoking process actions, creating queries, and managing web services in CA PPM.

CA PPM content (On Premise and On Demand) delivered at the speed of business!

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 26, 2015 [] by John George.

Which Template was a Project Created or Copied from?

CA PPM Tuesday Tip contributed by Connie Fu, Senior Support Engineer at CA Technologies
You can identify the template that was used to create or copy a project by querying the table ODF_OBJECT_COPY_FLAT. This table stores the source and destination project internal IDs and keeps a history of each unique
combination of the source and destination project.
The following query identifies the internal ID of a template from which a project has been created or copied (not including the task copy):

select templ.code copiedFrom, copied.code copiedTo, flat.created_by copiedBy, flat.created_date copiedDate

from odf_object_copy_flat flat, inv_investments templ, inv_investments copied
where flat.src_object_id =
and flat.object_code = project
and flat.object_id =
The following example illustrates the query results. The copy history for the project includes the following actions:
Project copied1 is created from the template csk.majorIT.
Project copied1 is copied from template test_template.
Project copied1 is copied from template csk.infrastructure.
Project copied1 is copied from template test_template. (Note that this last result is not shown, since only
unique combinations of source and destination projects are displayed.)

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CA PPM content (On Premise and On Demand) delivered at the speed of business!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 24, 2015 [] by Tina Mastrobuono.

CA PPM 14.x Learning Courses and Video Demonstration Available

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

Please contact your CA Technologies Education representative for details.

CA PPM 14.x: User Management 200 (33CLR2360S)

This new course, offered as an Dynamic Lab consisting of 6.5 hours of self-directed learning, is targeted to users
who want hands-on training in user management. Topics include leveraging Organizational Breakdown Structures
(OBS) and groups, creating resources and linking them to OBS and groups, assigning security rights, and viewing
license information.

CA PPM 14.x: Process Management 200 (33CLR2361S)

This new course, offered as an Dynamic Lab consisting of 19.5 hours of self-directed learning, is targeted to users who
want hands-on training in process management. Topics include creating a process; adding a variety of actions to process

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steps; creating splits, joins, and conditions; and finalizing a process. You will also leverage process techniques, perform
process maintenance, and monitor the process engine.

CA PPM 14.x: Integration Using XOG 300 (33CLR3021S)

This new course, offered as an Dynamic Lab consisting of 6.5 hours of self-directed learning, is targeted to users who
want hands-on training in integrating XML Open Gateway (XOG) with CA PPM. Topics include defining objects, invoking
process actions, creating queries, and managing web services in CA PPM.

CA PPM 14.x: Integration Using WSDL 300 (33CLR3023S)

This new course, offered as an Dynamic Lab consisting of 6.5 hours of self-directed learning, is targeted to users who
want hands-on training in integrating Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) with CA PPM. Topics include defining objects, invoking process actions, creating queries, and managing web services in CA PPM.

CA PPM 14.x: Installation Planning (33CLR23490)

This course covers various important factors you need to consider when planning the installation. It introduces CA PPM,
its various components, and how these components interrelate. It also shows you the various deployment options, how
CA PPM System Administration (CSA) simplifies administrative tasks and the most effective approach to gathering the
necessary information for your installation. A thorough approach to planning will help ensure a trouble-free installation
that meets current and anticipated future needs.

CA PPM: Build a Skills Hierarchy (CA Educate Video)

In this brief video demonstration, you will learn how to add new skills to the skills hierarchy, assigning skills to resources and how resource managers use the resource finder to search for resources with specific skills.

CA PPM content (On Premise and On Demand) delivered at the speed of business!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 19, 2015 [] by John George.

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Customer Search Requests Reveal What is Most Important to You

A blind analysis of anonymous customer search requests in the documentation since the release of CA PPM 14.2
earlier this year (Spring 2015) revealed that Advanced Reporting was the single most important feature to customers. Among the search terms entered by nearly one in four inquisitive users were Jasper, Jaspersoft, Advanced
Reporting, Data Warehouse, and kettle (Pentahos Data Integration and ETL tool).
At 15%, the next most popular category of search requests centered around administration and included searches
on create database, database schema name, admin content, and similar terms. The extensive Resource Management and
Financial Management capabilities of the product were tied at third. Users were looking for resource allocation, assignment, or RESOURCE XOG Access, and IRR calculation or some form of the word estimating. Rounding out the top five
were searches for portlets including the Clarity 14.2 portlet guide.

By the Numbers
In addition to the first page of search results, as a user performing a search in our documentation, you only glanced at
an average of 0.61 additional pages of search results. We get it you were too busy to scan much more than threefifths of the next page and were hoping your search would have been resolved on the first page alone. (We are working
hard to make that happen more frequently!)
One in five users stopped searching either because you found what you were looking for or had to go do something
else, or, at worst, you gave up. (Analytics data is often inconclusive like this. As optimists, we have to believe this subset of users found what they needed.)
However, we can also try to do better, as 80% of you spent time reviewing your search results and other pages before
1 in 3 of you decided to refine your search. On average, those users spent 2 minutes and 41 seconds examining 4.8
additional pages to find exactly what they needed.

Search Terms
Here were some sample search strings as users typed them:
Advanced Reporting
Data Warehouse
resource allocation
create database
database schema name
admin content
IRR calculation

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Clarity 14.2 portlet guide

PMO Accelerator for Jaspersoft Advanced Reporting Product Guide

Product Management
add location
authorized file extension
Company Class
convert ideas
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 for Office Runtime
14.2 changes
14.2 csp
security rights

Analytics data was compiled from April 1 to June 10, 2015 on the traditional CA PPM 14.2 Documentation bookshelves
available at

Tip: Spend less time searching and more time applying the CA PPM 14.2 technical content you need to succeed

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 17, 2015 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

CA PPM 14.x Building Portlets Using Studio Dynamic Lab Available on the
Education Portal

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Building Portlets Using Studio 300 (33CLR3018S)

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Completing projects on time, on budget, and within scope is critical to the business and requires the very best in project
and portfolio management solutions. CA PPM 14.x helps you drive strategic initiatives across your entire enterprise by
managing your dynamic business requirements, complex projects, global resources, and shrinking budgets. Portlets are
snapshots of application data that you can create and configure. This course is designed for the administrator who will
enhance CA PPM by creating portlets to meet the exact requirements of the organization. Topics include creating HTML,
grid, filter, NSQL, chart, and drilldown portlets and personalizing pages and tabs. The concepts and labs in this training
will help you to accurately and efficiently configure the system for a more effective implementation. This is a SELF-DIRECTED class consisting of 13 hours of self-directed learning including lab activities.

Please contact your CA Technologies Education representative for details.

CA PPM content (On Premise and On Demand) delivered at the speed of business!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 12, 2015 [] by John George.

How Daylight Savings Impacts CA PPM

Document ID: TEC461681

Contributed by CA Technologies Support and edited by Esther Arpana Jayakar

When Daylight Saving Time occurs, the official time moves from 1:59 am to 3:00 am instead of 2:00 am on that day.
This is a forward clock change and is known to impact some of the systems. However,
The application utilizes the system clock, time zone, etc.
The current Java versions accommodate the DST changes.
You may want to reschedule some reports and job schedules that fall within this adjustment period to avoid interruption in schedules.

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CA PPM content (On Premise and On Demand) delivered at the speed of business!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 10, 2015 [] by Esther Arpana Jayakar.

Have a Live Chat with a CA PPM Support Engineer

Originally published on the CA PPM Community as a Tuesday Tip by Kathryn Ellis, Principal Support Engineer
Do you have a quick question and want to interact with a CA PPM Support Engineer? To make your life easier, take advantage of Live Chat currently available to only On Premise customers.

Follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the CA PPM Support Page.
2. If you have not already done so, log in.
3. On the right side of the page, click Quick Access, Open a Case.

The Open a Case page appears.

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4. In the Product drop-down, select CA PPM Core License MULTI-PLATFORM.

5. In the Release drop-down, select the appropriate release.
6. Above the Product Information area, click the hyperlink to start a chat session.

We look forward to helping you answer those quick questions!

CA PPM content (On Premise and On Demand) delivered at the speed of business!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 4, 2015 [] by John George.

CA PPM 14.x Studio Dashboarding, UI Themes, and Content Management

Dynamic Lab Self Directed Learning Now Available

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Studio Dashboarding, UI Themes, and Content Management 300 (33CLR3019S)
Completing projects on time, on budget, and within scope is critical to the business and requires the very best in project
and portfolio management solutions. CA PPM 14.x helps you drive strategic initiatives across your entire enterprise by

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managing your dynamic business requirements, complex projects, global resources, and shrinking budgets.
This new course, offered as an Dynamic Lab consisting of 5 hours of self-directed learning, is designed for the administrator who will enhance CA PPM by customizing the interface and migrating content to meet the exact requirements of
the organization. Topics include configuring personal dashboarding, migrating UI themes, and administering content
management. The concepts and labs in this training will help you to accurately and efficiently configure the system for a
more effective implementation.

Please contact your CA Technologies Education representative for details.

CA PPM content (On Premise and On Demand) delivered at the speed of business!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 29, 2015 [] by John

Resource Availability and Impact on Allocations and ETC

CA PPM Tuesday Tip contributed by Kathryn Ellis, Principal Support Engineer at CA Technologies
You can configure the following types of resources and roles in the product.
Labor: Labor resources and roles can have zero or non-zero availability. Define availability for a labor resource or
role in the labor general properties.
Equipment: Equipment resources and roles can have zero or non-zero availability. You can optionally define availability for an equipment resource or role in the equipment general properties. If you leave the availability undefined (that is, leave it blank), the system assumes zero availability.
Material: Material resources and roles can have zero or non-zero availability. You can optionally define availability
for a material resource or role in the material general properties. If you leave the availability undefined (that is,
leave it blank), the system assumes zero availability.
Expense: Expense resources and roles always have zero availability. You cannot configure an expense resource or
role with availability because you do not use expenses for tracking work effort or hours.
To perform work on an investment, add and schedule labor resources. You can add and schedule equipment and material
resources on an investment for hours of usage. Adding expense type resources to an investment helps you track expenses such as travel, consulting fees, etc.
Note: If you add a resource with zero availability to an investment team, there are zero allocations and zero ETC.
The following screenshot shows an example of how team members consisting of resources and roles with or without
availability impact allocations and ETC.

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CA PPM content
Premise and On
Demand) delivered
at the speed of

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 27, 2015 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

Force a Timesheet to Act like an Adjustment for Reposting to Financials

CA PPM Tuesday Tip contributed by Liz Williamson, Senior Support Engineer at CA Technologies
When CA PPM posts approved timesheets, the information that is stored in the database includes additional fields that
are not shown on the timesheet. Some of the additional fields include entity, location, resource class, and transaction
class. These fields can be used to calculate the rate when transactions are posted to Work in Progress (WIP) data.
If you want to update WIP transaction data, you can do WIP adjustments. If you want to keep the timesheet and WIP
data in sync, we recommend that you adjust the timesheet instead. However, when you adjust a timesheet without actually making a change to the timesheet data, it is not recognized as an adjustment for processing through to financials
again. It does not appear in the Invalid Transactions list (which you can see by selecting Administration, Project Management, Invalid Transactions). The Invalid Transactions list picks up timesheets that were posted but have not been
processed through to financials yet. If a timesheet is adjusted but does not appear in the Invalid Transactions, the
timesheet cannot be processed in financials again.
For example, a resource has an incorrect resource class. After you change the resource class on the resource record, the
timesheet can be adjusted and posted to correct the resource class. Since data on the timesheet did not actually change,
the new adjusted record is not available in the Invalid Transactions. Therefore, the new record cannot be processed for

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financials and posted to WIP.

A workaround for this is to force a change to the timesheet using one of the two User fields on the timesheet. These
fields are populated from the following lookups:
Time Entry User Lookup field 1 ID: PRTIMEENTRY_USER_LOV1
Time Entry User Lookup field 2 ID: PRTIMEENTRY_USER_LOV2
If you are not using these fields, you can make a new lookup value and use that to force an adjustment to the
timesheet. When you adjust a timesheet with no actual changes to the timesheet data, you can add this value and the
timesheet will export to Invalid Transactions and will be processed for financials and WIP.
Note: You can also configure this lookup field to appear on your timesheet view.

CA PPM content (On Premise and On Demand) delivered at the speed of


This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 21, 2015 [] by Tina Mastrobuono.

CA PPM 14.x Studio Configuration Dynamic Labs Self Directed Learning

Now Available

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Objects, Attributes, and Views Using Studio 300 (33CLR3016S)
This new course, offered as an Dynamic Lab consisting of 8 hours of self-directed learning, is designed for the administrator who will enhance CA Clarity PPM by configuring its objects, attributes, and views to meet the exact requirements
of the organization. Topics include how to create and manage custom objects, build custom attributes and links, and
manage the views that display these attributes. The concepts and labs in this training will help you to accurately and efficiently configure the system for a more effective implementation.

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Partitioning Using Studio 300 (33CLR3017S)

This new course, offered as an Dynamic Lab consisting of 5 hours of self-directed learning, is designed for the administrator who will enhance CA Clarity PPM by creating partitions to meet the exact requirements of the organization. Topics
include setting up partitions and understanding the impact of partitions on CA Clarity PPM functionality. The concepts
and labs in this training will help you to accurately and efficiently configure the system for a more effective implementation.

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Please contact your CA Technologies Education representative for details.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 15, 2015 [] by John George.

Cast Your Vote in CA PPM User Feedback Surveys for Languages, Add-ins,
and Connectors

CA PPM User Polls Are Open for Voting.

CA PPM (formerly branded CA Clarity PPM) customers and users are invited to vote in three new polls on the
CA Communities. Check out the following survey links:
1. (if your language does not appear in this poll, vote in part 2 of the poll
2. (Favorite Add-in/Connector)
3. (Least Favorite Add-in/Connector)

CA PPM Community User Feedback Survey Details

CA PPM 2015 Poll: Languages for CA Clarity PPM (part 1 of 2)
Visit to tell us which language you most often select to display
your CA Clarity PPM application data and user interface pages?
(In CA PPM, click Home Account Settings and select a value in the Language field.)
Choices include:

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Dutch (Netherlands)
If you dont see your language, continue to part 2 of the poll (only 10 choices are possible in a poll, but CA PPM currently supports 20 languages so the language choices are split between two polls).

CA PPM 2015 Poll: Languages for CA Clarity PPM (part 2 of 2)

Visit if your language choice was not available in part 1 of the
poll to tell us what language you select most often to display your CA PPM application data and user interface pages .
Choices include:
Chinese (Simplifed)
Chinese (Traditional)

CA PPM 2015 Poll: Add-ins and Connectors for CA Clarity PPM (part 1 of 2)
Visit to let us know which add-in or connector your organization
uses or plans to use the most?

CA PPM 2015 Poll: Add-ins and Connectors for CA Clarity PPM (part 2 of 2)
And then visit to vote for the add-in or connector that represents
the least value to your organization?
For example, its functionality does not apply to your business, your organization does not use it now, and has absolutely
no plans to use it.
Add-ins and Connectors listed in the poll include:
Service Connect
Business Relationship Manager (BRM) Accelerator
CA Unicenter Asset Portfolio Management (APM) Connector
Earned Value Manager (EVM) Add-in
New Product Development (NPD) Accelerator

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PPM Essentials Accelerator

PRINCE2 Accelerator
Microsoft SharePoint Connector
PMBOK Guide Accelerator
CA Unicenter Service Desk and CA Software Change Manager Connector
For a description of each add-in/connector, see Add-Ins and Connectors in the CA PPM documentation at
for your on-demand/SaaS or on-premise version of CA PPM. Some add-ins are not listed. For example, the PMO add-in
is already very popular and its use is known to be widespread.
The polls are scheduled to remain active through August 2015, but may be extended or deactivated at any time. Only
one vote per person per survey. While not scientific, the polls are another way to measure customer value and general
preferences shared among the CA PPM global user community.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 14, 2015 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

CA PPM 14.x Professional Certification Exam Available

CA PPM 14.x Professional (CAT-222)

The CA Education Exam team is pleased to offer the CA PPM 14.x Professional (CAT-222) certification exam; now
available at Kryterion.
This new certification exam supports the new CA PPM 14.x release. Validate your skills, expertise and best practices in managing, administering, installing, configuring, and implementing.
As a result of achieving certification, you will receive a credential and logo as a CA PPM 14.x Professional. Your
Communities profile will also be assigned this badge, and you can update your Clarity skills profile and your
LinkedIn profile to indicate your credential to your peers and customers alike.

Please contact your CA Technologies Education representative for details.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 8, 2015 [] by John George.

How to Restore the .keystore File After Renaming it?

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Document ID: TEC439181

Contributed by CA Technologies Support and edited by Sunder Rosy, Information Services Engineer
If you have renamed the .keystore file, Windows does not allow you to rename the file back to .keystore. The file name
cannot start with a dot (.). You can use DOS prompt to create a copy of the renamed keystore file.

Follow these steps:

1. Save the renamed keystore file in a directory on the server.
2. Open the DOS command prompt and change the directory to the location where you saved the renamed keystore
3. Run the following command: copy <renamed_keystore_file> .keystore. This command creates a copy of the re-

named keystore file in the same directory and names it .keystore.

4. Copy and paste the newly copied .keystore file into the installation config directory.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 5, 2015 [] by Rosy Sunder.

CA PPM 14.x Financial Management On Demand Web Based Training

Available on the Education Portal

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

OnDemand CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Financial Management 200

This new course, delivered as an OnDemand WBT, teaches how to use CA Clarity PPM to define your OBS and plan,
allocate, and record project costs according to this defined structure. The creation of cost- and rate-related matrices; the establishment, approval, and adjustment of cost plans; and the posting of financial transactions are also
Please contact your CA Technologies Education representative for details.
This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 1, 2015 [

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nancial-management-on-demand-web-based-training-available-on-the-education-portal/] by John George.

CA PPM 14.x Support Webinar and Education Offerings Now Available

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

Support Webinar: CA PPM Performance Tuning

Please join CA Technologies and the PPM Support team for this free customer webinar. Suman Pramanik, one of CA
Technologies senior engineers, will focus on performance tuning with the emphasis on architecture scalability, application server performance tips, database server performance tips and general best practices.
Date and Time: Thursday, April 30, 2015 10AM EST
WebEx Link

Education Offerings
In support of CA PPM Release 14.2, the following Education offerings are now available for customers. Please contact
your CA Technologies Education representative for details, or you may visit

Note: These courses also qualify for PMI PDU credit upon completion.

Course Name

Course Code

Delivery Method*


PDU Value

CA Clarity PPM 14.2:



0.5 hours




2 hours

2 hours


1 hour

CA Productivity Accelera-

1 hour

Differences 200
CA Clarity PPM 14.2:
Core Components 200
CA Productivity Acceler-


ator for CA Clarity PPM

CA Productivity Accelerator

14.2: Core Components

CA Clarity PPM 14.2:


Time Management 200

CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM



14.2: Time Management


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OnDemand CA Clarity


OnDemand WBT

12 hours



Dynamic Lab

19.5 hours




3 days



CA Productivity Acceler-

3 hours

PPM 14.x: Project and

Investment Management
CA Clarity PPM 14.x:
Project and Investment
Management 200
CA Clarity PPM 14.x:
Project and Investment
Management 200
CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM


14.2: Project and Investment Management 200

OnDemand CA Clarity


OnDemand WBT

4 hours


Dynamic Lab

6.5 hours




1 day



CA Productivity Acceler-

2 hours

PPM 14.x: Resource

Management 200
CA Clarity PPM 14.x:
Resource Management
CA Clarity PPM 14.x:
Resource Management
CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM


14.2: Resource Management 200

OnDemand CA Clarity


OnDemand WBT

12 hours



Dynamic Lab

19.5 hours




3 days



CA Productivity Acceler-

3 hours

PPM 14.x: Financial Management 200

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Financial Management 200
CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Financial Management 200
CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM


14.2: Financial Management 200

OnDemand CA Clarity


OnDemand WBT

8 hours


Dynamic Lab

13 hours


PPM 14.x: Portfolio Management 200

CA Clarity PPM 14.x:
Portfolio Management

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CA Clarity PPM 14.x:



2 days



CA Productivity Acceler-

2 hours

Portfolio Management
CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM


14.2: Portfolio Management 200

CA Clarity PPM 14.2:



1 hour


CA Productivity Acceler-

1 hour

11 hours


11 hours


14 hours


Demand Management
CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM


14.2: Demand Management 200

CA Productivity Acceler-


ator for CA Clarity PPM

CA Productivity Accelerator Bundle

14.2: Base Content 200

CA Productivity Acceler-


ator for CA Clarity PPM

CA Productivity Accelerator Bundle

14.2 On Demand: Base

Content 200 Bundle and
One Editor 12.1
CA Productivity Acceler-


ator for CA Clarity PPM

CA Productivity Accelerator Bundle

14.2: Premium Content

200 Bundle
CA Clarity PPM 14.2: Ad


Dynamic Lab

6.5 hours



Dynamic Lab

6.5 hours


Hoc Views, Reports, and

Dashboards 200
CA Clarity PPM 14.2:
Advanced Reporting Administration 200

WBT = Web-Based Training
ILT/VL = Instructor-Led Training / Virtual Learning

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM and tagged education on April 24, 2015 [
/2015/04/24/ca-ppm-14-x-support-webinar-and-education-offerings-now-available/] by John George.

Tips for a Successful Jaspersoft Installation

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Based on a Tuesday Tip contributed by Nika Hadzhikidi, Principal Support Engineer at CA Technologies.
Use the following tips to install and configure Jaspersoft successfully with Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server:
Use only the version of Jaspersoft that is provided with CA PPM as per the CA Clarity PPM Release Notes.
Use only the supported database configurations as per the CA Clarity PPM Release Notes. Other platforms are not
supported or tested.
If using SQL Server, the schema owner needs to be PPM_JASPERSOFT. The logged in user can be different from
the schema owner.

Download and install a separate Tomcat instance from the CA PPM instance. The version of Tomcat included
with CA PPM does not include the scripts to run as service. You can use this version but you will need to have
the command prompt open at all times to run it.
For Windows, if you download Tomcat from, verify that you get the core installation files, and not the
Service Installer for Windows. If you install only the Service Installer, your upgrade will fail with the following
message: startup.bat is not recognized.
Verify that your Tomcat 7 installation directory path has no spaces in it. If there are spaces in the directory path,
the installation can fail in some environments due to a known issue with Tomcat when running the startup.bat.
When installing Jaspersoft, verify that Jaspersoft Tomcat is stopped. If you enter the port in Tomcat service, the installer detects a conflict and warns you.
To reinstall Jaspersoft, first reinstall Tomcat. Next remove and re-extract the Jaspersoft install files, and then start
the install script. The Jaspersoft install writes in both directories for JS install and Tomcat/webapps, and can miss
some of the files if restarted halfway.
Once Jaspersoft is installed, connect to Jaspersoft and carefully create the correct organization. Otherwise, your
connection and Create and Update Jaspersoft Users job will not work. Also, enter the exact organization name and
user name in Clarity System Administration (CSA). Then restart CA PPM services and Jaspersoft Tomcat. After

completing these steps, you can configure the keystore with the commands specified in the CA PPM Installation information.
Before running the Create and Update Jaspersoft Users job, verify that the PMO Accelerator add-in and the
PMO Jaspersoft Advanced Reporting content are installed. If the add-in and the content are not installed, the
job completes but no users are created on the Jaspersoft server. An error such as the following is added to

ERROR 2015-04-07 18:03:18,965 [Dispatch pool-5-thread-10 : bg@claritynam9 (tenant=clarity)] jaspersoft.ClarityJasperUserUtil (clarit

at com.niku.union.reporting.jaspersoft.ClarityJasperUserUtil.syncUser(
at com.niku.union.reporting.jaspersoft.ClarityJasperUserUtil.syncActiveUsers(

To troubleshoot other issues with the Create and Update Jaspersoft Users job, complete the following steps:
1. In CSA, verify that the organization name is the same as the one in Jaspersoft. The organization name
should also be the same as the one where CA PPM PMO-Jaspersoft components are uploaded.

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Regenerate the keystore files and copy to the Tomcat directory as described in the CA PPM Installation information.

2. Restart all CA PPM services.

3. Restart the Tomcat service for Jaspersoft.
4. Run the Create and Update Jaspersoft Users job.
For any issues with Jaspersoft, consult the Jaspersoft logs at the following location:

How Do You Like the CA Cookbooks?
We hope you find the CA Cookbooks useful. If so, tell us about it!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on April 21, 2015 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

Populate Your Timesheets

Based on a Tuesday Tip contributed by Tuan Tran, Support Engineer at CA Technologies.

When you create a new timesheet, it remains empty until you click Populate. At that time, the timesheet is auto-populated with project plan information.
Clicking the Populate button triggers CA PPM to review what is set through the following Administration, Timesheet Options:
Default Time Entry Options, Auto-Populate
Default Time Entry Options, Populate Time Range
The Auto-Populate option lets you select from among three methods:


The misconception is that this method completely disables the auto-populate function or removes the button
for the user. OFF does not disable auto-populate. OFF indicates that the populate action does not perform the
other two methods of population (Copy time from previous timesheet or Copy time from previous
timesheet and include actuals).
The OFF method still shows the Populate button for new timesheets. You can populate the new timesheet with
task assignments that have a date range within the time period and that have a non-zero ETC (that is, open

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task assignments waiting for work to be done).

Copy time from previous timesheet
This method performs the populate action from the OFF method, plus it adds the items from the previous
timesheet period.
Copy time from previous timesheet and include actuals (actuals not copied for incidents)
This method performs the populate action from the OFF method and the Copy time from previous timesheet
method, plus it includes the actuals. Actuals are not copied for incidents.

Timesheet adjustments are automatically populated.
You can start over by discarding unwanted timesheet changes and repopulating the timesheet. You can:
- Delete the time entries. This does not apply to adjustment timesheets.
- Click Populate.
- If an unreasonable amount of time entries appear on the timesheet, the resource or project manager can discuss
the issue with the timesheet user. There may be a resource allocation issue if the resource is assigned to too many
tasks or other time.
You can still manually add time entries.
For more information about how timesheets are populated, see the following article:
Timesheet Population (What determines tasks appearing on a timesheet)

How Do You Like the CA Cookbooks?

We hope you find the CA Cookbooks useful. If so, tell us about it!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM and tagged Timesheets on April 14, 2015 [
/2015/04/14/populate-your-timesheets/] by Tina Mastrobuono.

CA Education Release 14.X Offerings

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

CA Education knows an enabled and educated customer is a satisfied customer. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that the following certification exam and learning offerings are available.
Note: Public schedules are subject to change anytime without notice. Please be sure to visit the CA Education Portal for
up-to-date course schedules. For more information, please contact your CA Technologies Education representative.

CA PPM 14.x Business Analyst Certification Exam available at Kryterion

The following certification exam is now available at Kryterion: CA PPM 14.x Business Analyst (CAT-242).

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CA Education is pleased to offer this new certification exam in support of the new CA PPM 14.x release. Validate
your skills, expertise and best practices.
As a result of achieving certification, you will receive a credential and logo for CA PPM 14.x Business Analyst. Your
Communities profile will also be assigned this badge, and you can update your Clarity skills profile and your
LinkedIn profile to indicate your credential to your peers and customers alike.

CA PPM 14.x Project and Investment Management OnDemand WBT available on the Education Portal
The following self-directed learning offering is now available for customers:
OnDemand CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Project and Investment Management 200 (33CLR23170)
This new course, delivered as an OnDemand WBT, is for users who will manage projects using CA Clarity PPM. Project
management procedures from start to finish are taught, including project setup, assembling a project team, managing
project risks, issues, and change requests, and closing out a project. Procedures pertinent to controlling the progression
of a project are demonstrated. Setting project baselines, identifying dependencies, and the use of Gantt charts are

CA PPM 14.x Portfolio Management OnDemand WBT available on the Education Portal
The following self-directed learning offering is now available for customers:

OnDemand CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Portfolio Management 200 (33CLR23200)

This new course, delivered as an OnDemand WBT, will show you how to create, maintain, and analyze the true cost
and benefit of organizational initiatives using the performance analysis and scorecard features of CA Clarity PPM.

CA Productivity Accelerators for CA PPM 14.2 On Demand Bundle Now Available

The following CA Productivity Accelerator (CA PA) for CA PPM 14.2 Bundle offering is now available for customers:
CA PA for CA Clarity PPM 14.2 On Demand: Base Content 200 Bundle and One Editor 12.1 (33CLR2343B)
This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on April 10, 2015 [] by John George.

GA Announcement CA Clarity PPM On Demand DocOps Platform

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Contributed By: The CA Clarity PPM Writing Team: Damon Logiudice, Tina Mastrobuono, Sarmistha Purkayastha, Rosy
Sunder, and John George
On behalf of the CA Clarity PPM Information Services team, we are pleased to announce that the CA Clarity PPM On Demand DocOps Platform is live and generally available on The CA Clarity PPM DocOps Platform is your
one-stop-shop and portal for all things CA Clarity PPM!
Find content quickly with intuitive search.
Access up-to-date information on mobile devices.
View new articles on the CA Clarity PPM Cookbook.
Export content to PDF and EPUB.
Rate or comment on any article.
Provide us with feedback.
Easily connect and collaborate with your Community.
Be social and learn using PPM-related YouTube videos, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and BrightTALK.
Learn about suggested Education Offerings to get the most out of your CA Clarity PPM investment.
Discover valuable content such as knowledge base articles, known defects, a JasperSoft FAQ, Oracle and SQL
Server performance whitepapers, release and support announcements, service pack information, the solution pack,
and much more
Use the DocOps platform as your go-to resource for the CA Clarity PPM documentation. Let us know what you think
and leave a comment. Make sure to stop by the Meet the Writers page and say Hi to the Clarity writing team!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on April 10, 2015 [] by John George.

How to Use the XPATH XML Parameter in NSQL Constructs

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As a CA PPM Studio developer, you may have used the WHERE statement to restrict queries to run on a particular
project in CA PPM. The WHERE statement has the following format:


For the project ID, you can use any valid SQL expression that can represent the ID of a project.

For example, you want to create two user-defined portlets and add them on the Project Dashboard page. Your NSQL
query statement uses the user-supplied parameter construct in the WHERE clause:


At first, it appears that this would be a perfectly valid way to implement additional portlets on the standard Project
Dashboard Page or any other page. However, it turns out that the two portlets do not return a result set based on the
project that you are viewing on the Dashboard page. The NSQL query does not have the proper construct in the

WHERE clause.
There is another kind of construct that can be used in the WHERE clause that allows the portlet to retrieve a
name-value pair from the XML page URL where you placed your user-defined portlet. It is called an XPATH or XML parameter construct.
This construct can only be used on a specific portlet instance type and not on the General portlet instance type. This
construct is expecting the internal ID value to come from the URL that displays the page that contains the portlet.
Therefore, the portlet must be created as a specific portlet instance type, such as the Project object portlet instance
type, to be placed on one of the pages from the project object.
Note: If you create a General portlet and place it on a general page, no specific internal ID value appears in the URL
that displays the page containing the portlet. For this reason, the data may not appear as you expect.

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For this particular scenario where the portlet is placed on the Project Dashboard, change the NSQL Query as follows:

WHERE P.ID = @where:param:xml:string:/data/id/@value@

The id value is the name of the parameter that appears in the Project Dashboard URL that you want to use for this
particular query to filter the data appropriately.
After you create a portlet with its portlet instance type set to Project, use the NSQL query. Place this portlet on a tab in
the Project default layout.


When using this construct, be sure that you understand the name-value pair that you want to retrieve from
the URL on the page where the portlet is placed. If you do not specify the correct named parameter, your
portlet will not generate the expected result set.
This functionality is not currently supported for use on custom attributes that use a dynamic query lookup.
The behavior of a parameterized lookup is different from the XPATH XML construct. The application may have
seeded, system-restricted lookups that contain XPATH XML constructs, but the use of these lookups are restricted and controlled by the application.
Originally published as CA Support knowledge base article TEC438961.

How Do You Like the CA Cookbooks?

We hope you find the CA Cookbooks useful. If so, tell us about it!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM and tagged CA PPM, Studio on April 9, 2015 [
/2015/04/09/how-to-use-the-xpath-xml-parameter-in-nsql-constructs/] by Damon (CA Technologies).

Now Available CA Productivity Accelerators for Release 14.2

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

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CA Productivity Accelerator (CA PA) content modules consist of standard user training lessons and activities that can be
uploaded into your CA PA editor, giving you instant access to a library of pre-built, professional-quality training content.

Utilizing this content is the easiest and fastest way to jump start your content development efforts. With this content you can:
Reduce content scoping efforts by evaluating all available content and simply eliminating content that is
not applicable, in order to determine what lessons and activities are in scope for your configuration. This eliminates the need to wade through implementation design documents and have in-depth discussions with subject matter experts.
Reduce content development efforts by re-recording the standard content to reflect your configuration of the
application. This eliminates the need to build each activity from the ground up while relying on implementation design documents, test scripts and/or subject matter expert assistance.

This strategy has been proven with customers who have limited resources available to develop the necessary training and post go live support materials, are on a tight implementation timeline, and/or are looking for ways to jump
start their content development efforts.
The following CA Productivity Accelerators (CA PA) are now available for CA PPM Release 14.2. For information on
prior releases of content or any other questions related to content modules, contact your Education Sales Manager
at +1 800 237-9273.
CA PA for CA Clarity PPM 14.2: Core Components 200 (33CLR23304)
CA PA for CA Clarity PPM 14.2: Time Management 200 (33CLR23314)
CA PA for CA Clarity PPM 14.2: Project and Investment Management 200 (33CLR23324)
CA PA for CA Clarity PPM 14.2: Resource Management 200 (33CLR23334)
CA PA for CA Clarity PPM 14.2: Demand Management 200 (33CLR23344)
CA PA for CA Clarity PPM 14.2: Portfolio Management 200 (33CLR23354)
CA PA for CA Clarity PPM 14.2: Financial Management 200 (33CLR23364)
Customers may also invest in our CA PA for CA PPM Release 14.2 bundle offerings:
CA PA for CA Clarity PPM 14.2: Base Content 200 Bundle (33CLR2342B)
CA PA for CA Clarity PPM 14.2: Premium Content 200 Bundle (33CLR2341B)

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on April 3, 2015 [] by John George.

How are Automatic Rights Assigned?

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Document ID: TEC468721

Contributed by: CA Technologies Support and edited by Sunder Rosy, Information Services Engineer
CA PPM allows some rights to be automatically granted to users when their role changes. For example, if a user is assigned as the Project Manager, that user is automatically granted the Project Edit rights for that project. This eliminates
the need for an administrator to have to grant that individual instance rights. Without these implied rights, the administrative overhead of constantly managing specific rights as users change assignments becomes overly burdensome,
time-consuming, and cost-ineffective.
The next question is how to monitor and control user license counts if users can grant rights that will move users up to a
higher license class (for example, from viewer to participant or creator) without administrative review?
There are several means within the product to monitor and control user license counts. A combination of internal processes and application functionality is necessary to manage license compliance according to your companys individual
The License Information portlets allow administrators to monitor the user license count. The administrator can track the
number of users licensed as Full, Restricted, or View Only. They can drill down deeper to see how individual users are
classified, and even further to see which rights caused the users to be classified. If a user is found to have rights that
they should not have, the administrator can remove that right, or have the user unassigned as a project, program, or
department manager which removes the automatic (or implied) rights. If the user needs those rights, you can increase
the license count.
For example, a user with only view rights (and therefore classified as a Viewer) is assigned as Project Manager to a
project. They will be granted project edit rights automatically based on the assignment and will be re-classified as a Full
User. To manage a project, a user must be a Full User and have edit rights.
The following query identifies all resources that have automatic security access rights:

SELECT u.user_name, u.last_name, u.first_name, lu.user_id, g.group_name Access_Right, g.LIC_RIGHT_TYPE FROM

cmn_lic_users_v lu,
cmn_sec_users u,
cmn_sec_groups_v g
WHERE = lu.user_id AND
u.user_status_id = 200 AND
lu.right_id = g.ID AND
g.language_code = 'en' AND
g.group_name like '%Auto%' AND
--add right types to exclude
g.LIC_RIGHT_TYPE NOT in ('viewer')
ORDER BY u.user_name

If you want more control and are willing to assume the administrative overhead associated with this control, here are
some ways to prevent assigning rights automatically:
Do not use the fields (such as project manager, department manager, program manager, resource manager) that
assign edit rights automatically.

Hide the fields and substitute a custom field that associates the user as the manager without granting rights.
Administrators need to explicitly grant rights in these cases.
This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on April 1, 2015 [] by Rosy Sunder.

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A Wealth of Training is Available!

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

CA Education knows an enabled and educated customer is a satisfied customer. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that the following Self-Directed and Instructor Led Training (ILT) and Virtual Learning (VL) learning opportunities are available on the Education Portal.

Note: Public schedules are subject to change anytime without notice. Please be sure to visit the CA Education Portal for
up-to-date course schedules. For more information, please contact your CA Technologies Education representative.

CA Clarity PPM 14.2: Differences 200 (33CLR23480)

This course covers the enhancements and changes since CA Clarity PPM 14.1. You will learn about enhancements to the
Portfolio management functionality and Microsoft Project integration, the new reporting functionality, and the new, updated, and discontinued support for third party applications.

OnDemand CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Resource Management 200 (33CLR23180)

This new course, delivered as an OnDemand WBT, is for the user who is responsible for capacity planning in CA Clarity
PPM. It will show how to create and manage resource and role profiles and capture and define data elements. After the
resources are established, the staffing methods (formal and informal), the Resource Finder function, and the resource
requisition tools will be demonstrated. In addition, there will be a review of the Allocations screens and Capacity Planning functionality.

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Project and Investment Management 200 (33CLR2313S)

This new course, offered as an Dynamic Lab consisting of 19.5 hours of self-directed learning, is for users who will manage projects using CA Clarity PPM. Project management procedures from start to finish are taught, including project
setup, assembling a project team, managing project risks, issues, and change requests, and closing out a project. Procedures pertinent to controlling the progression of a project are demonstrated. Setting project baselines, identifying dependencies, and the use of Gantt charts are demonstrated.

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Resource Management 200 (33CLR2314S)

This new course, offered as an Dynamic Lab consisting of 6.5 hours of self-directed learning, is for the user who is responsible for capacity planning in CA Clarity PPM. It will show how to create and manage resource and role profiles and
capture and define data elements. After the resources are established, the staffing methods (formal and informal), the
Resource Finder function, and the resource requisition tools will be demonstrated. In addition, there will be a review of
the Allocations screens and Capacity Planning functionality.

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Financial Management 200 (33CLR2315S)

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This new course, offered as an Dynamic Lab consisting of 19.5 hours of self-directed learning, teaches how to use CA
Clarity PPM to define your OBS and plan, allocate, and record project costs according to this defined structure. The creation of cost- and rate-related matrices; the establishment, approval, and adjustment of cost plans; and the posting of
financial transactions are also demonstrated.

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Portfolio Management 200 (33CLR2316S)

This new course, offered as an Dynamic Lab consisting of 13 hours of self-directed learning, shows you how to create,
maintain, and analyze the true cost and benefit of organizational initiatives using the performance analysis and scorecard features of CA Clarity PPM.

CA PPM ILT/VL Courses Scheduled for 2015 Q2

The following CA PPM Instructor Led Training (ILT)/Virtual Learning (VL) courses are listed on the public Education Portal schedules for 2015 Q2:

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Project and Investment Management 200 (33CLR23091)

5/5/15 9:00 AM Europe/London

EMEA UK Virtual Learning

5/11/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Skytap

6/15/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Skytap

CA Clarity PPM 14x: Resource Management 200 (33CLR23101)

5/8/15 9:00 AM Europe/London

EMEA UK Virtual Learning

5/14/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Skytap

6/18/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Skytap

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Financial Management 200 (33CLR23111)

5/18/15 10:00 AM America/New York
6/8/15 9:00 AM Europe/London

NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Skytap
EMEA UK Virtual Learning

CA Clarity PPM 14x: Portfolio Management 200 (33CLR23121)

5/21/15 10:00 AM America/New York
6/11/15 9:00 AM Europe/London

NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Skytap
EMEA UK Virtual Learning

CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Foundations II 200 Bundle (33CLR2275B)

4/6/15 9:00 AM America/Sao Paulo

426A LA BRAZIL, Sao Paulo

CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Project, Resource and Portfolio Management 200 Bundle (33CLR2265B)
4/14/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Quest

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Business Administration 200 (33CLR22461)

4/6/15 10:00 AM America/New York
5/11/15 10:00 AM Australia/Sydney

NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Quest
APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Data and Reporting 200 (33CLR21981)

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5/5/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Skytap

6/2/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Skytap

CA Clarity PPM v13: Integration 300 (33CLR30021)

4/6/15 10:00 AM America/New York
4/7/15 9:30 AM Asia/Calcutta
5/4/15 9:00 AM America/Sao Paulo
6/8/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Skytap
APJ-IND-Virtual Learning
LA Brazil, Sao Paulo (das Nacoes)-426A
NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Quest

CA Clarity PPM 13x: Studio Configuration 300 (33CLR30061)

4/6/15 7:30 AM Asia/Calcutta
4/13/15 10:00 AM America/New York
4/20/15 10:45 AM Australia/Sydney
5/18/15 10:00 AM America/New York

NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Skytap
APJ-AUS-Virtual Learning
NA-USA-Virtual Learning-Skytap

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on March 31, 2015 [] by John George.

GA Announcement CA Clarity PPM On Premise DocOps Platform

Contributed By: The CA Clarity PPM Writing Team: Damon Logiudice, Tina Mastrobuono, Sarmistha Purkayastha, Rosy
Sunder, and John George
On behalf of the CA Clarity PPM Information Services team, we are pleased to announce that the CA Clarity PPM On
Premise DocOps Platform is live and generally available on The CA Clarity PPM DocOps Platform is your
one-stop-shop and portal for all things CA Clarity PPM!
Find content quickly with intuitive search.
Access up-to-date information on mobile devices.
View new articles on the CA Clarity PPM Cookbook.
Export content to PDF and EPUB.
Rate or comment on any article.
Provide us with feedback.

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35 of 351

Easily connect and collaborate with your Community.

Be social and learn using PPM-related YouTube videos, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and BrightTALK.
Learn about suggested Education Offerings to get the most out of your CA Clarity PPM investment.
Discover valuable content such as knowledge base articles, known defects, a JasperSoft FAQ, Oracle and SQL
Server performance whitepapers, release and support announcements, service pack information, the solution pack,
and much more
Use the DocOps platform as your go-to resource for the CA Clarity PPM documentation. Let us know what you think
and leave a comment. Make sure to stop by the Meet the Writers page and say Hi to the Clarity writing team!
Note: The CA Clarity PPM On Demand DocOps Platform will be available soon with the Service Availability of CA Clarity
PPM 14.2 On Demand. Stay tuned for an announcement.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on March 25, 2015 [] by John George.

How to Financially Close a Project

by Sarmistha Purkayastha, Senior Information Services Engineer, CA Technologies

Close a project financially to stop processing financial transactions against it. Financially closing a project ensures that
actual costs from posted transactions do not show up on cost plans, reports, and portfolios associated with the project.
Also, additional funds are not assigned to a project that has been closed financially.
To financially close a project, complete the following steps:
Disable the project financially.
Verify that the project has no remaining ETC.
Close the project for time tracking.
Deactivate the project.

Disable the Project Financially

Disable the project so it cannot be processed financially. Before financially disabling a project, verify that all outstanding
work-in-process (WIP) transactions and all WIP adjustments for the project are posted.

Follow these steps:

1. Click Home, and from Portfolio Management, select Projects.

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2. Open the project.

3. Open the Properties menu, and from Properties, click Settings.
4. Set the Financial Status field to Closed so no new transactions can accumulate on the project.
5. Save the changes.

Verify that the Project has no ETC

Verify that the project has no ETC or remaining work associated with it.

Follow these steps:

1. Open the Properties menu for the project and click Estimating.
2. Verify that the Current ETC field displays zero (0.00).

Close the Project for Time Tracking

To prevent team members from making timesheet entries for this project, disable the Open for Time Entry setting.

Follow these steps:

1. Open the Properties menu for the project and click Settings.
2. Clear the Open for Time Entry field and save.

Deactivate the Project

Active projects appear by default on the projects list page. Deactivate a project to remove it from the list of active
projects. A deactivated project can be reactivated again or it can be marked for deletion.

Follow these steps:

1. Open the Properties menu for the project and click Settings.
2. Clear the Active field for the project and save.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on March 11, 2015 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

Upcoming Free Education Webcast: Ensuring Successful User Adoption

with CA PPM and CA LISA

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Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

Your organization has rolled out CA PPM or CA LISA, or is in the processing of rolling out new functionality in either
product but you are not seeing the adoption of the system that you had hoped for. You would like to understand
ways that you can help ensure that your users not only use the system but use it the way you have intended.
One of the keys to successful user adoption is to ensure you not only train your users before you go live but that you
also make it very easy for them to get the help they need when they are in the live application. Having access to
one-click help that describes your configuration with your business processes allows users easy access to help any time
they need it. This help can be context sensitive (CA PPM) and role based so the user only sees the help they need. Learn
how you can create this type of application help for your users and also use that same material to train new users in the
form of web based training or over the web live training using the CA Productivity Accelerator.
Join Melissa Fundanish, Director of Education Programs, as she shares the three keys to successful user adoption, the
pillars of a successful change management plan and how you can integrate the CA Productivity Accelerator (CA PA) solution into your user adoption strategy to ensure you can train new users effectively and also support users in the live application easily. This will take the burden of training and supporting your users off your administrators or subject matter experts hands so they can focus on more important activities.
Webinar Date: Wednesday March 18th, 2015 1:00 p.m. EST

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on March 6, 2015 [] by John George.

How Does the Freeze Date on the Financial Planning Defaults Work?

Based on Technical Document TEC439472.

Contributed by Kathryn Ellis, Principal Support Engineer at CA Technologies.

You may have noticed that, even after you set the financial plan freeze date, the plan data is still updated and you are
still allowed to make changes to the planned data. So how does the freeze date on the financial planning defaults work?

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The purpose of the financial planning freeze date is to prevent end users from editing individual cells in the detailed financial plan for fiscal periods that have an end date before the freeze date. If you auto-populate using Populate from Investment Team or Populate from Task Assignments, the detailed financial plan can be updated with data for fiscal periods that end prior to the freeze date. However, the data is not editable for those fiscal periods. You can edit data for
other fiscal periods.
The freeze date only applies to the editable cells for planning values in the cost plan. Actuals are automatically calculated and displayed as read-only fields, since this data comes from the posted WIP records. The freeze date does not affect any updates to actual units or actual cost values.

Follow these steps:

1. Login to CA Clarity PPM as an administrator.
2. Open Administration and, from the Finance menu, click Setup.
3. In the Organizational Structure section, click Entities.
4. Open a specific Entity to update the freeze date.
5. Click the Plan Defaults tab.
6. Enter a date in the Freeze Date field.
7. Click Save.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM and tagged Financial Management on March 3, 2015 [
/cacppm/2015/03/03/how-does-the-freeze-date-on-the-financial-planning-defaults-work/] by Tina Mastrobuono.

Popular Abbreviated Project Management Terms

Quiz yourself and your office mates with this short list of the most common globally-recognized project management abbreviations for essential terms.
AC: Actual Cost
ACWP: Actual Cost of Work Performed
AD: Activity Description
AF: Actual Finish (date)

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AS: Actual Start (date)

BAC: Budget at Completion
BCWP: Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
BCWS: Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
CAP: Control Account Plan (or Cost Account Plan)
CCB: Change Control Board
CPFF: Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee
CPI: Cost Performance Index
CPIF: Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee
CPM: Critical Path Method
CV: Cost Variance
DD: Data Date (sometimes known as the as of date)
DU: Duration
EAC: Estimate at Completion
EF: Early Finish (date)
ES: Early Start (date)
ETC: Estimate to Complete
EV: Earned Value
EVM: Earned Value Management
FF: Free Float or Finish-to-Finish
FFP: Firm Fixed-Price
FPIF: Fixed-Price-Incentive-Fee
FS: Finish-to-Start
GERT: Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique
IFB: Invitation for Bid
LF: Late Finish (date)
LOE: Level of Effort

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LS: Late Start (date)

OBS: Organization Breakdown Structure
PC: Percent Complete

PERT: Program Evaluation and Review Technique

PF: Planned Finish (date)
PM: Project Management or Project Manager
PMBOK: Project Management Body of Knowledge
PMP: Project Management Professional
PS: Planned Start (date)
PV: Planned Value
QA: Quality Assurance
QC: Quality Control
RD or RDU: Remaining Duration
RFP: Request for Proposal
RFQ: Request for Quotation
SF: Scheduled Finish (date) or Start-to-Finish
SOW: Statement of Work
SPI: Schedule Performance Index
SS: Scheduled Start (date) or Start-to-Start
SV: Schedule Variance
TC: Target Completion (date)
TF: Total Float or Target Finish (date)
TQM: Total Quality Management
TS: Target Start (date)
VE: Value Engineering
WBS: Work Breakdown Structure

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Terms verified with the PMBOK from PMI.


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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 25, 2015 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

Incident Categories Help You Manage Business Demand by Investment

by Damon Logiudice, Senior Information Services Engineer, CA Technologies

Incident categories help your IT staff to classify incidents of a particular type. Configure logical categories that reflect the structure of your organization or related investments. Then associate investments with these incident categories.
Incident categories can help to distinguish which investments are receiving incident and service request demand.
All incidents must belong to an incident category. You can assign one or more investments to an incident category
in bulk at the administrative level. Then users can select a single investment from that list at the individual incident
level. You can also start with an open investment and assign incident categories or create new incidents at the investment level.
All of these methods require particular access rights. In small organizations, where resources work with all incident
categories, you can add an entire OBS unit to an incident category. In a large organization where resources are
specialists, you can create groups and can add resources according to their expertise. Then assign the groups to
different incident categories.
As an administrator, define the incident category properties and associate your investments with incident categories.
Then grant resources, groups, and OBS units access to each incident category.

Follow these steps:

1. Open Administration, and from Data Administration, click Incidents.
2. Click New.
3. In the Category Name field, enter the short name for a related group of incidents. Examples include 2016

New System, Mobile Devices, or Access Issues.

4. In the Category ID field, enter a unique identifier for the incident category.

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5. In the Description field, describe this category of incidents.

6. Click Save.
7. You can select a category to associate with your investments including projects, assets, applications, prod-

ucts, services, and other work. Click the Associated Investments tab.
8. To associate investments with an incident category, click Browse and select the check box next to one or

more investments.
9. Click Add.

The investments are assigned to the incident category.

10. Click Save.
11. Click the Access to this Category tab and select one of the following menu options:

Full View: Displays a list of all resources with access to the incident category.
Resource: Displays the specific access rights for each resource.
Group: Defines the groups that have access to this incident category.
OBS Unit: Defines the OBS units that have access to this incident category.
12. Click Add, select the check box next to each access right, and click Add or Add and Continue.
13. Select the check box next to each resource, group, or OBS unit and click Add.
14. Click Return when finished. Repeat these steps to configure access to each category.
15. Click the Priority Setup tab.
16. Select the incident priority for a given impact and urgency combination. CA Clarity PPM uses your incident pri-

ority matrix to escalate incidents. The impact values are plotted against the urgency values. The intersection
of every impact and urgency value becomes the incident priority. When you save an existing incident, the incident priority is recalculated based on changes in the incident priority matrix.
17. Click Save.
18. (Optional) To assign investments only to specific incidents, click Assign Investment, specify your filter crite-

ria, and click Apply.

Incident Management Troubleshooting

How to Check for Processing Errors
Use this procedure to identify incident management errors.
1. Open Administration, and from Data Administration, click Incidents.

The setup page appears.

2. Click Processing Errors.
3. Enter your filter criteria and click Filter, or click Show All.

Error ITL-0514: Incident Category Must Be Created Before Instance Can Be Created
When you try to access incidents for the first time, you may receive the following error:

ITL-0514: Incident category must be created before incident instance can be created.

Please contact your administrator.

As an IT analyst or business user with access rights, you can log a new incident. You can view and edit the incidents that
you have created in the Reported by Me menu. IT workers can view a list of all incidents in their assigned incident category from the Assigned to Me menu.

As an administrator, you want to set up the incident category mapping before these users attempt to report and
manage incidents. This article has explained how.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 20, 2015 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

What is Triangulation and Pegging Currency?

Document ID: TEC538675

Contributed by: CA Technologies Support and edited by Sunder Rosy, Information Services Engineer
Triangulation is a two-step process for converting between two national currencies. The first step converts the monetary
amounts from one national currency unit into Euros. The second step converts the Euro amount into the designated national currency unit. The same process can be applied to a pegging currency when a pegging currency is used instead of
the Euro. For example, if a company chooses to peg everything through U.S. dollars (USD), then USD is the translated
To and From currency instead of the Euro.
For the pegging currency, you define exchange rates going from one currency to another. You may not define all combinations of From and To, depending on the configuration of the following attributes:
Rate Matrix Row Currency Code: This currency code is used in the From definition because this is where the rates
or costs come from.
Manual Voucher Financial Transaction Currency Code: This currency code is used in the From definition because
this is where the manually entered rates or costs come from.
Entity Home Currency Code: The detailed financial plans use this code to display the planning. Therefore, this code
is a To exchange value.
Entity Default Billing Currency Code: This code is a default value and can be changed on the specific project for
generating external invoices. This code is a To exchange value.
Entity Reporting Currency Code: This currency code is used in all standard CA PPM reporting for the Entity. This
code is a To exchange value.
When transactions are posted into the financial module, the rates or costs are calculated for the following currency
NATURAL: Manually entered currency value or value from rate matrix
HOME: Entity Home currency value
BILLING: Entity Billing currency value or project-specific billing value

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REPORTING: Entity Reporting currency value

EUR: Euro value
For example:
The Natural amount uses USD (either from the rate matrix applied to timesheet entries or direct entry from vouchers)
and the Entity uses the British Pound (GBP) for the Home, Reporting and Billing currencies. Then the application needs
to have a Foreign Exchange Rate definition to calculate FROM USD TO GBP with a compatible Exchange Type (Fixed, Average, or Spot) defined on the project financial properties to generate the records as described above. Alternatively,
change the Rate Matrix to GBP so that the application does not have to convert from USD to GBP.
Using this example, the Rate Matrix has a matching row for USD, the Project financial properties has Fixed defined for
applying Foreign Exchange Rates, and the Entity is set to GBP as described above. Then the following Foreign Exchange
Rates must be defined:
From USD To EUR: Fixed
From USD to GBP: Fixed
From EUR to USD: Fixed

From GBP to USD: Fixed

The EUR relationship must also be defined for use in triangulation calculations.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 10, 2015 [] by Rosy Sunder.

Upcoming Free Education Webcast (2/17/2015): Keeping Projects on Time

and Within Budget with CA PPM

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

As a project manager, you are responsible for completing projects on time, on budget, and within scope. And, as your
organization increases the size and complexity of the business, your project management responsibilities are probably
rapidly increasing, as well. Despite this challenge, you cannot afford to let your projects fall behind schedule.

But, by knowing how to set up the right resources for your projects and investments, you can quickly adapt to dynamic business conditions and stay on track. CA PPM enables you to maximize your businesss full potential for delivering innovative products by providing a comprehensive view of people, projects and portfolios.
Join Kismet Silva-Smith, Education Instructor for CA Technologies for a free module of the CA PPM Project, Resource &

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Portfolio Management Bundle 200 33CLR2265B. This webinar is designed to introduce you to the new features and
concepts of CA PPM. Kismet will review some basic functionality of Project and Portfolio Management using CA Clarity
PPM, which allows users to create and manage investments through creating, staffing and analyzing.

Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Time: 1:00 P.M. (U.S. Eastern Standard Time)

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 6, 2015 [] by John George.

CA Clarity PPM 13.x ILT/VL Training Scheduled for Quarter 1, 2015

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

CA Education knows an enabled and educated customer is a satisfied customer. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that the following Instructor Led Training (ILT) and Virtual Learning (VL) education courses are now available on
the Education Portal for CA Clarity PPM 13.x for Quarter 1, 2015.
Note: Public schedules are subject to change anytime without notice. Please be sure to visit the CA Education Portal for
up-to-date course schedules. For more information, please contact your CA Technologies Education representative.


Completing projects on time, on budget and within scope is critical to the business and requires the very best in project
and portfolio management solutions. CA Clarity Project & Portfolio Manager 13.3 (CA Clarity PPM) helps you drive
strategic initiatives across your entire enterprise by managing your dynamic business requirements, complex projects,
global resources, and shrinking budgets. This bundle offers you an in-depth experience with this powerful application.
Fundamentals such as examining changes to the interface are covered. The bundle also provides key insights into
project, investment, resource management and administration options through overviews, discussions, best practices,
case studies, demonstrations and hands-on labs. The bundle includes CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Core Components, CA Clarity
PPM 13.3: Time Management and CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Foundations I. WBTs should be taken before taking ILT/VL class.


Completing projects on time, on budget, and within scope is critical to the business and requires the very best in project

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and portfolio management solutions. CA Clarity Project & Portfolio Manager v13 (CA Clarity PPM) helps you drive strategic initiatives across your entire enterprise by managing your dynamic business requirements, complex projects, global
resources, and shrinking budgets. The Business Administration 200 course offers you an in-depth examination into the
administrative, security, and process management functions of this powerful application. The course covers various aspects of processes, including the components, links, and activations. The process engine will also be examined. Also, security rights and groups will be examined in addition to the functionality within the Application Administration tool. You
are provided with overviews, lectures, best practices, demonstrations, validation steps, troubleshooting techniques, and
practical application labs.


CA Clarity Project & Portfolio Management r13.2 (CA Clarity PPM) is based on a highly relational database comprised of
hundreds of tables. Your ability to manage these tables is essential to enforcing data security and extracting and referencing key information for reporting purposes. This course will help you become more proficient with referencing correct
tables, limiting data to users with appropriate rights, and extracting binary large object (BLOB) data in a more usable


The CA Clarity PPM v13 Integration course offers students an in-depth experience of all facets of configuring CA Clarity
Project & Portfolio Manager (CA Clarity PPM). The course content focuses on the technical aspects of the application, including CA Clarity PPM Studio, XML Open Gateway (XOG), Generic Execution Language (GEL) scripting, and Web Service Definition Language (WSDL). In this course, students will see how to integrate XOG, GEL, and WSDL with CA Clarity
PPM. This course includes lectures and exercises to reinforce the content.


Completing projects on time, on budget, and within scope is critical to the business and requires the very best in project
and portfolio management solutions. This application helps you drive strategic initiatives across your entire enterprise
by managing your dynamic business requirements, complex projects, global resources, and shrinking budgets. This
course is designed for the administrator who will use Studio to configure the application to meet the needs of the organization. Topics will include how to create and manage custom objects, build custom attributes and links, and manage
the views that display these attributes. You will be shown how to create portlets and pages in the application with Studio, build portlets using objects, write queries against the database, create NSQL from SQL, build simple and complex
portlets, define portlet pages, and alter the system using Menu Manager. Finally, you will be shown how to create and
manage models and partitions, how to partition lookups and attributes, how to determine what can and cannot be partitioned, and how partitions affect the end user. You are provided with overviews, lectures, best practices, demonstrations, validation steps, troubleshooting techniques, and practical application labs.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on January 20, 2015 [] by John George.

How ETC Is Calculated

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Contributed by Brian Nathanson, Senior Principle Product Manager at CA Technologies

Edited by Sarmistha Purkayastha, Senior Information Services Engineer at CA Technologies
The estimate to complete (ETC) value for a task is obtained through dialog and discussion with the resources involved.
Based on their understanding of the effort that is involved, resources can provide estimates for completing the task.
To assist in the entry of ETC values, when you initially assign a resource to a task, the product makes the following assumptions about the assignee:
They spend their entire allocation to the project on that particular task
They spend their entire allocation to the project for the task duration (that is, work on only one task at a time).
The product then automatically populates the ETC field for the task by default using the following calculation:
ETC = (The number of working days that the resource is assigned to work on the task) * (The number of hours each day
that the resource is available for work on that project, known as allocation)
To calculate the default ETC, the product considers the following resource factors:
Daily availability
Project allocation
Unless you specify a different number in the resource profile, the product assumes that eight hours of work time are
available daily. The product adjusts this availability by the project allocation to determine the number of hours that are
used for the default calculation.
Note: The default calculation is intended merely as a shortcut method for entering estimates, not as a substitute for obtaining valid estimates through dialog and discussion with the assigned resources. We recommend that you start with
the default ETC and then adjust it to match the valid ETCs obtained through discussions, as necessary. You can edit either the whole ETC or the time-phased ETC.

Examples of Default Calculation

Example 1

Aaron Connors and Patty Chen each have eight hours daily availability. You allocate Aaron 100 percent to a project and

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assign him to a task for five days. You allocate Patty 50 percent to the same project. You also and assign her to the
same task for five days. The product calculates the default ETC for Aaron for this task as 40 hours (8 hours daily * 5
days * 100 percent allocation). The product calculates the default ETC for Patty as 20 hours (8 hours daily * 5 days * 50
percent allocation).

Example 2

You schedule a task between 6/30/14 and 7/30/14. The task contains 22 working days and has one resource with 100
percent project allocation. The resource is assigned to the task for eight hours a day for all 22 days. The product calculates the default ETC for the task as 176 hours (22 days * 8 hours each day * 100 percent allocation). You assign two
extra resources to the task, each with a total daily availability of eight hours. One resource for 50 percent of the available time and the other resource for 100 percent. The combined ETC for the task calculates to 440 hours (the original
176 + the new resource for 176 + the second new resource at 50 percent for 88).

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on January 14, 2015 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

Localize Action Items

Contributed by Namita Mishra, Principal Product Manager at CA Technologies

CA Clarity PPM allows you to provide different language translations for selected field text on various Administration
pages (for example, Portlets, Notifications, Lookups, and Processes). You can localize field text into any supported language, based on your company requirements. For example, you are an administrator based in the U.K. using British
English to perform your work. However, you have users in Germany, Italy, and China. You can specify the field text
translations for these three languages.
The translation function is available if you see the following Translate icon next to a field:

With Release 14.1, you can now translate the name for a process action item. When an action item is sent to different
recipients, the recipients see the Action Item Name in their own native languages.

Follow these steps:

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1. Select Administration, Data Administration, Processes and select a process.

2. Select Start Step, Steps, or Finish Steps.
3. Under Actions, select an existing action or New to create a new action.

If creating a new action, complete the required fields and click Save.
Note: The Translate icon does not appear until you save the new action.
4. Click the Translate icon next to Action Name.

The Translate dialog opens.

5. Enter the corresponding localized string for the action Name and Description for each language that you want

to localize.
Note: The Description in this step is a description of the action item name.
6. Click Save and Return on the Translate dialog and on the Action page.

Note: You cannot localize action items that you access from the following selections:
Home, General, Action Item Portlet, New
Home, Organizer, Action Item, New

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on January 6, 2015 [] by Tina Mastrobuono.

Make Better Decisions: Rank Your Portfolio Investments

Contributed by Kathryn Ellis, Principal Support Engineer, CA Technologies

Edited by Damon Logiudice, Senior Information Services Engineer, CA Technologies

This functionality applies to CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2 and newer.

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CA PPM ranks the investments in a portfolio on the Waterlines page. You can use the rankings to prioritize investments, make better decisions, and improve overall portfolio management.
By default, a portfolio has no ranking rules defined. If you have not yet defined your own ranking rules, the contents of the portfolio are stored in a Portfolio Investment table. The default ranking uses the following portfolio investment field values in descending order: Status, Scheduled Finish Date, and then the investment code value.
To establish criteria for the investment rankings, you can define and run your own ranking rules. The steps are illustrated in the following graphic:

1. Open Home and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.

2. Open a portfolio and click Waterlines.
When you define your own ranking rules, the investment rank is calculated by establishing an initial raw score and then
applying your weighting factors. First, the application normalizes each ranking attribute (RA) value for every investment
into a temporary value or score between 0 and 10 using the following business logic:
If you selected Higher is better in the Ranking Method field, the following equation is used:

If you selected Lower is better in the Ranking Method field, the following equation is used:

RAVALUE represents the current value of the ranking attribute for the investment
RAMIN represents the minimum value of the ranking attribute for all investments in the portfolio
RAMAX represents the maximum value of the ranking attribute for all investments in the portfolio

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Note: The minimum and maximum values are based on all investments in the portfolio and are not limited by any filters
that you apply.
For example, a cost attribute has a current value of $50,000 with the lowest investment showing a value of $25,000
and the highest investment showing $500,000. Relatively speaking, if higher is better, that value ranks low on our list;
however, if lower is better, that value is very good.
After the ranking attribute values are normalized, the ranking system applies the values that you entered in the Attribute Weighting field for each attribute. You can also adjust your own custom weightings for lookup values. These
simple multipliers establish a more meaningful relative score for each attribute.
Note: The default Attribute Weighting value is one (1).
The final ranking score for each investment is the sum of all the individual attribute ranking values or scores. The application sorts these scores to determine the final rank of each investment in the portfolio.

CA PPM Portfolio Investment Ranking Example

Our example portfolio contains ten investments. The following ranking rules are defined:

We want to rank the investments according to their Alignment and Priority values. A higher alignment value (for
this attribute, a better value) generates a higher score than a lower alignment value. A lower priority value (for
this attribute, a better value) generates a higher score than a higher priority value.
We also want to give more weight to the alignment values, considered three times more important than the priority values. We could have assigned a weight of 3 for Alignment and left Priority with its default value of 1; however, by establishing a range from 2 to 6, the relative weighting values of 3, 4, and 5 can be added to additional attributes later.
The ten projects in the portfolio have the following current alignment and priority values:

The application performs the following calculations for you and uses the final scores to rank the investments according
to your rules:

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For example, the Development project has an alignment value of 4 in a range from 2 to 15 where a higher value is better. The value of 4 is not good and the application assigns a low normalized score:
AlignmentNORMALIZED = [(4-2)/(15-2)] 10 = 2/13 or .1538 10 = 1.538
Next, it multiplies this value by your weighting factor of 6 to yield an alignment score of 9.228.
Lower priority values are better so the Development value of 3 is a good score in the range from 1 to 10.
PriorityNORMALIZED = 10 [(3-1)/(10-1)10] = 10 2.22 = 7.778
Next, it multiplies this value by your weighting factor of 2 to yield a priority score of 15.556.
The application adds the scores together to yield a final score that establishes the relative ranking of each investment in
the portfolio. Running the rules over the entire portfolio yields the following ranked investments:

Since Support has the highest overall score, it is ranked first in the final rankings on the Waterline page.

Calculation Notes

If the minimum and maximum values for an attribute across the portfolio are the same, the attribute score defaults
to the value you enter in the Attribute Weighting field. This value is 1 by default.

If there is only one ranking attribute defined and Higher is better is selected as a ranking method, then the
value of that attribute is the relative ranking score.
Lookups are supported and you can assign weightings to lookup values.
Date attributes are supported. The value of the date attribute is the Julian day value as computed by the application date Java class. The routine creates the Julian day using the following algorithm, where the year,
month, and day are standard numbers from the Java calendar instance:

if (year == 0 && month == 0 && day == 0) return 0;

if (year < 82) year += 2000 else if (year < 100) year += 1900;

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if (month > 2) month -= 3 else {month += 9; year--;}

int c = year / 100;
int ya = year - 100 * c;
return ((146097 * c) >>> 2) + ((1461 * ya) >>> 2) + (153 * month + 2) / 5 + day - 693900;

Investments with Matching Scores

With ranking rules, the ultimate tie breaker is the primary key of the Portfolio Investment table as the default sort order
is not used. To avoid ties or weak differentiation among investments, continue to define and refine your ranking rules.

Logging the Scores

As an administrator, you can configure the application to write the rankings with the portfolio investment contents primary key ID to the application log file.

Follow these steps:

1. Log in to the CA PPM System Administration (CSA) application or navigate to the security.logs page (click Logs).
2. On the Edit Configuration page, click Add Category.
3. In the Other Name field, enter

4. In the Appender field, enter STDOUT (app-ca.log).

5. In the Priority field, enter Debug.
6. Clear (uncheck/false) the Additive check box.
7. Click Save.
8. Log in to CA PPM.
9. Open Home and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.
10. Open a portfolio and click Waterlines.
11. Define one or more ranking attributes and return to the Waterlines page.
12. Click Ranking Rules and select Run Ranking Rules.
13. Open the standard output application log file. A message appears with the ranking score.

For example:

DEBUG 2014-11-20 18:39:30,161 [http-bio-80-exec-4499]

ranking.RankSelector (clarity:admin:6423073__1AC10E59-D835-4792-989E-33115B62

Score for ranked item with pk = 5015087 is 24.786324786324787

The pk = 5015087 parameter corresponds to the internal record ID of the Portfolio Contents Investments table.
To get the name of the investment, use the following query:



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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on December 18, 2014 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

CA Clarity PPM 14.x ILT/VL Training Available on the Education Portal

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

CA Education knows an enabled and educated customer is a satisfied customer. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that the following education courses are now available on the Education Portal for CA Clarity PPM 14.x.
Note: For more information, please contact your CA Technologies Education representative.

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Project and Investment Management 200 (33CLR23091)

This course is for users who will manage projects using CA Clarity PPM. Project management procedures from start to
finish are taught, including project setup, assembling a project team, managing project risks, issues, and change requests, and closing out a project. Procedures pertinent to controlling the progression of a project are demonstrated. Setting project baselines, identifying dependencies, and the use of Gantt charts are demonstrated.

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Resource Management 200 (33CLR23101)

This course is for the user who is responsible for capacity planning in CA Clarity PPM. It will show how to create and
manage resource and role profiles and capture and define data elements. After the resources are established, the
staffing methods (formal and informal), the Resource Finder function, and the resource requisition tools will be demonstrated. In addition, there will be a review of the Allocations screens and Capacity Planning functionality.

CA Clarity PPM 14.x: Portfolio Management 200 (33CLR23121)

This course will show you how to create, maintain, and analyze the true cost and benefit of organizational initiatives using the performance analysis and scorecard features of CA Clarity PPM.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on December 12, 2014 [] by John George.

Auto Calculating ETC in Open Workbench

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Contributed by Kathryn Ellis, Principal Support Engineer, CA Technologies

In previous CA Clarity PPM releases, when you assigned a resource to a task in Open Workbench, the ETC was not automatically calculated. With Release 14.1, you can configure Open Workbench to calculate ETC automatically. A new field
named Auto Calculate ETC has been added to Open Workbench.
The automatic calculation applies to all resource assignments that you perform in Open Workbench. You can view and
manage these automatically calculated ETC values in both CA Clarity PPM and Open Workbench. The applications use
the same method for calculating ETC.
By default, the Auto Calculate ETC check box is not selected. To make this option available, you are required to select it.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on December 10, 2014 [] by John George.

CA Clarity PPM 13.x Installation with Oracle Bundle Available on the Education Portal

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

CA Education knows an enabled and educated customer is a satisfied customer. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that the following education course is now available on the Education Portal for CA Clarity PPM 13.x.
Note: For more information, please contact your CA Technologies Education representative.

CA Clarity PPM 13.x: Installation with Oracle 200 Bundle (33CLR2301S)

This is a SELF-DIRECTED class. This bundle consists of a 2 hours of web based training along with 16 hours of self-di-

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rected learning including lab activities. This training covers the components you will need to install. It also shows you
how to set up the environment, including setting up user accounts, installing Java SDK, and setting up the environment
variables. You will also be shown how to install Apache Tomcat, which provides robust and effective hosting for your applications. Finally, you will be shown how to install CA Clarity PPM. Installing CA Clarity PPM properly enables you to use
this product to effectively meet your organizational project and portfolio management goals.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on December 5, 2014 [] by John George.

How to Map CA Clarity PPM Custom Attributes in Microsoft Project

Contributed by Alekhya Mylavarapu, Global Delivery CA Services

After the successful integration of CA Clarity PPM and Microsoft Project, custom attributes created in CA Clarity PPM for
the Project, Task, and Resource objects can also be mapped in Microsoft Project. To map or make the custom attributes
available in Microsoft Project, insert values in the CA Clarity PPM mspfield table.

Mspfield Table
The mspfield table has the following fields:
PRID. Represents the next highest numerical value in the PRID column. For example, if the highest value in the
column is 1003, then PRID for the new attribute to be mapped is 1004.
PRNAME. Represents the attribute ID of the Clarity custom attribute to be mapped. The ID must be in lower case
and an exact match of the attribute ID in CA Clarity PPM. An out-of-the-box attribute name can be in upper and

lower case. However, a custom attribute name must be only in lower case. The mapping will not work if you
enter custom fields in upper and lower case.
MSPNAME. Represents the field name in Microsoft Project which the user defines.
PRTYPE. Represents object types and has the following values: 1 project, 2 resource, 3 task
PRFLAGS. Determines the behavior of the data exchange and has values the following values: 1 import into

Clarity, 2 export from Clarity, 3 import and export to/from Clarity

The following procedure explains how to map the custom attributes.

Follow these steps:

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1. Identify the CA Clarity PPM custom attributes to be mapped with Microsoft Project. For example,

Task Object

Attribute Name: Internal Task Number

Attribute ID: int_task_number
Microsoft Project Field: task_number
Project Object

Attribute Name: Internal Project Number

Attribute ID: int_proj_number
Microsoft Project Field: project_number
2. Insert the attributes from step 1 into the Clarity mspfield table using the Insert SQL statements in the following order: PRID, PRNAME, MSPNAME, PRTYPE, and PRFLAGS.
For the Task object - 1004, int_task_number, task_number, 3, 3
For the Project object - 1005, int_proj_number, project_number, 1, 2

3. Restart Microsoft Project to see the changes.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on November 25, 2014 [] by Rosy Sunder.

Now Available! New Training for Release 13.x and 14.1

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

CA Education knows an enabled and educated customer is a satisfied customer. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that the following education courses are now available on the Education Portal for CA Clarity PPM 13.x and 14.1.
Note: For more information, please contact your CA Technologies Education representative.

CA Clarity PPM 13.x Post Installation Options and Extensions 300 (33CLR30150)
This is one of a series of CA Clarity Project and Portfolio Manager 13.x (CA Clarity PPM) installation courses that offers students an in-depth experience of all facets of installing the product. This course covers add-ins, CA Productivity Accelerator (CA PA), and integrations with other systems to expand the functionality of CA Clarity PPM. Having a means to quickly enhance your system will save your organization time and money.

CA Clarity PPM 14.1: Time Management 200 (33CLR23210)

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This course is designed for project team members and managers. All aspects of timesheet-related functionality are explored. Procedures relating to submission of a timesheet are demonstrated, including how to access, populate, save, submit and make required changes. Procedures relating to review and approval of submitted timesheets are also demonstrated.

CA Clarity PPM 14.1: Core Components 200 (33CLR23220)

Using this content, students will learn how to simplify project-related work using links, buttons, and tabs on pages to
help ensure easy navigation. The content can be personalized or customized as each user prefers. Users can add and organize data on pages according to their individual needs. Users can also assemble and organize data portlets, create a
personal dashboard, or place frequently used links in a section of the navigation pane. Filter fields can be augmented so
that any user-initiated search returns specific data. Reporting features also enable users to refine report data. Users will
learn about predefined project processes that can be run to automatically assign project actions to team members.

CA Clarity PPM 14.1: Demand Management 200 (33CLR23230)

This content will show you how to create and manage ideas and incidents from inception to project creation. You will be
shown how to create schedules and budgets and assign resources for ideas, ultimately leading to converting an idea to a
project. Finally, this content will show you how to create incidents, identify and track effort, and convert an incident to a
project or task.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on November 18, 2014 [] by John George.

How to Make WIP Adjustments for Cost Type

Contributed by Denice Brown, Sr Director, Product Management and edited by Sarmistha Purkayastha, Senior Information Services Engineer, CA Technologies
If you have a transaction that is posted into WIP with an incorrect or missing cost type (Operating or Capital), you can
correct it, post it to WIP again, and approve it for invoicing. The following procedures describe how to fix the cost type
on the task associated with the transaction and then refresh and approve the WIP transaction. The newly approved WIP

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transaction accurately reflects the cost type.

Note: As a prerequisite, verify that you have the required access rights to complete the procedures described below.

Change the Cost Type on the Associated Task

Follow these steps:
1. Open Home and from Portfolio Management, click Projects.
2. Click the project name that includes the task with the wrong or missing cost type.
3. Click Tasks and then click the task name with the wrong or missing cost type.
4. In the task properties, add the correct cost type and save.

Refresh and Approve the WIP Adjustment

Follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Financial Management, click Create WIP Adjustment.
2. To search for the posted WIP transaction, specify a date range in the From Date and To Date fields, and click Filter.

Transactions that match the criteria appear.

3. Open the transaction by clicking the date link and, save the transaction without making any changes.
The transaction appears in the Approve WIP Adjustment list.
4. Open Home, and from Financial Management, click Approve WIP Adjustment.
5. Filter for your WIP adjustment, select it, and click Approve.
The WIP transaction now has the correct cost type associated.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on November 11, 2014 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

Group Your Cost Plans by Role Based on Location or Department OBS Unit

Tuesday Tip from CA Support. Contributed by Kathryn Ellis, Principal Support Engineer at CA Technologies
Do you want to compute Planning cost values and group them by Roles based on either a Location OBS Unit or a Department OBS Unit? Roles can have financial properties for Resource Classification and Transaction Classification. However,
Roles do not have fields for Location OBS or Department OBS units because Roles are not allowed to book actual financial transactions. For planning purposes, however, you can still compute the planned costs based on an OBS Unit (Location or Department). You can do so with the Project Team Member Properties.

Group by Location OBS Unit

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1. Create a Role-Location Rate Matrix and assign different rates in the Role and Location columns.
2. Create a Project that uses this Role-Location Matrix.
3. Configure the Project, Team List View to include the Staff OBS Unit field.

Note: The Project Staff OBS Unit field can be used to identify a Financial OBS Unit on roles when there is no
named resource.
4. Add a few roles to the Project Team.

Note: You can add a role to the team more than once if you want. You will then have more than one row for a
specific role (for example, Architect-1, Architect-2, and Architect-3).
5. Use inline editing to select a Location OBS Unit in the Staff OBS Unit field.
6. Create a new cost plan by selecting New From Investment Team, Group By Role, Location.

Group by Department OBS Unit

1. Create a Role-Department Rate Matrix and assign different rates in the Role and Department columns.
2. Create a Project that uses this Role-Department Matrix.
3. Configure the Project, Team List View to include the Staff OBS Unit field.

Note: The Project Staff OBS Unit field can be used to identify a Financial OBS Unit on roles when there is no
named resource.
4. Add a few roles to the Project Team.

Note: You can add a role to the team more than once if you want. You will then have more than one row for a
specific role (for example, Architect-1, Architect-2, and Architect-3).
5. Use inline editing to select a Department OBS Unit in the Staff OBS Unit field.
6. Create a new cost plan by selecting New From Investment Team, Group By Role, Department.

An actual booked transaction can have the same grouping combination of Role and OBS unit as your planned grouping.
In this case, you will see the actual data in the same row as the planned data in the Cost Plan Detail line items. If the
actual transaction does not have the same grouping combination as your planned grouping, the actual data appears in a
different row (at the bottom) in the Cost Plan Detail line items.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on November 4, 2014 [] by Tina Mastrobuono.

What Are the Differences Between the Resource OBS and the Staff OBS

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Document ID: TEC617385

Contributed by: CA Technologies Support and edited by Sunder Rosy, Information Services Engineer

The Staff OBS field is set at the project level and is part of the Staff Members properties (Project > Team > Select
Properties icon for a Team Member). The Staff OBS can be different for the same resource for different projects. Selecting a value for Default Staff OBS Unit on the Schedule subpage sets a default value for any new resources that are
added to the team.
The Resource OBS field is set at the resource level. The OBS that you associate with the Resource object determines the
available options that you can browse for both fields
If the Staff OBS is left blank, the results include resources from all Staff OBSs. If a value is entered, the results include
all resources that meet the rest of the filter criteria. However, only resources that are in the selected Staff OBS display
values for ETC, Actuals, Allocation, and Total Usage. These values are adjusted to meet the Staff OBS criteria.
The following example demonstrates how the Staff OBS filter parameters work:

Res1 and Res2 are added to Resource OBS: OBS1

Res3 is added to Resource OBS: OBS2
Res1 is added to two projects, Proj1 and Proj2
On Proj1, Res1 is added to Staff OBS: Staff1
For the month of January, Res1 has Allocation = ETC = 60 hours on Proj1
On Proj2, Res1 is added to Staff OBS: Staff2
For the month of January, Res1 has Allocation = ETC = 80 hours on Proj2
Res2 has Allocation = ETC = 20 hours on other Projects for the month of January
Res3 has Allocation = ETC = 10 hours on other projects for the month of January
In the Resource Workloads Portlet:
No Filter parameters set.
Three resources are displayed.
Allocation, ETC, and Total Usage displays for all resources.
Res1: Allocation = ETC = 80+60 = 140
Res2: Allocation = ETC = 20
Res3: Allocation = ETC = 10
Filter only by Staff OBS: Staff1
Three resources are displayed.
Res1: Allocation = ETC = 60 (only shows values meeting the Staff OBS: Staff1 requirement)
Res2: Allocation = ETC = blank
Res3: Allocation = ETC = blank
Filter only by Staff OBS: Staff2
Three resources are displayed.
Res1: Allocation = ETC = 80 (only shows values meeting the Staff OBS: Staff2 requirement)
Res2: Allocation = ETC = blank
Res3: Allocation = ETC = blank

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Filter only by Resource OBS: OBS1
Two resources are displayed.
Res1: Alloction = ETC = 80+60 = 140
Res2: Allocation = ETC = 20
Filter only by Resource OBS: OBS2
One resource is displayed.
Res3: Allocation = ETC = 10
Filter by:
Resource OBS: OBS1 and Staff OBS: Staff1
Two resources are displayed.
Res1: Allocation = ETC = 60 (only shows values meeting the Staff OBS: Staff1 requirement)
Res2: Allocation = ETC = blank

If the list is filtered by the Staff OBS, the number of resources remains the same, but the values in the TSV fields
If the list is filtered only by the Resource OBS, the number of resources listed changes.

If the list is filtered by the Resource OBS and Staff OBS, the number of resources in the list is determined by
the value in the Resource OBS field, and the values in the TSV are determined by the Staff OBS selected. Similarly, if there are any other filter parameters and the Staff OBS, the number of resources in the list is determined by the other parameters, and the Staff OBS parameter only dictates the values in the TSV for those resources.
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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 28, 2014 [] by Rosy Sunder.

How to Develop Your Own Studio Content Packages

By Damon Logiudice, Senior Information Services Engineer, CA Technologies

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Did you know that your organization can use Studio content packages to deploy multiple versions of content
between development, test, and production environments? This new feature is available in CA Clarity PPM

Content packages help you collect, export, distribute, and import custom CA PPM 14.1 content to internal teams or
external third parties. After you develop and assemble specific content items in a content package, you can deliver
the content package and achieve the following goals:
Developers can import the package as a content package and continue development.
Administrators can import the package as a content add-in for their environments, and then users can use the content.
For example, you can develop a series of pages, portlets, and queries at one site and can continue development in another environment at another site. You can even include resources and roles in your packages. You can also declare

the content to be final and offer such pages, portlets, and queries to internal users or external customers. Add or
modify content and use versions to track multiple builds of your content packages.
The entire process is illustrated in the following graphic:

This article helps you get started. To view the full article, see the Studio documentation.
Note: If your team is already on CA PPM 14.1 or higher, and you are a developer who is ready to jump in, continue
reading the next section. Still on CA Clarity PPM 13.x? No problem until you upgrade next year, read the following
sections to learn how you can prepare your Studio content now for the content package feature when it is available. For
example, you can apply naming standards for your objects, or begin planning the add-in your team wants to offer.

How to Create a Content Package

Before you can add content and export content items, create a content package.

Follow these steps:

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1. Contact your administrator and verify that you have the Content Package Administer and Administration Access
global access rights.
2. Click Administration, and from Studio, select Content Packages.
3. Click New. Enter a name and unique identifier for the content package.
4. Select an option in the Status field to indicate the level of progress in your content development stages. This field
is for your own knowledge as a reminder and is not used by any process.
5. In the Version field, enter the initial value in the version series in the format xx.x.x. For example, 1.0.0. For the
next incremental update to the package in this series enter 1.0.1. For the next minor version, enter 1.1.0, and for
the next major version, enter 2.0.0.
6. In the Content Provider Details section:

a.) Enter the Contact Name that you want to publish as the owner or source of the content add-in.
b.) Enter the Email Address for a customer to contact you to obtain support for the content add-in.
c.) (Optional) Enter a phone number in the Contact Phone Number field.
7. Click Save.

How to Add Content Items to a Package

As your team develops content, you can add or remove the content in a package. Add content by type, by name, or by
browsing for matching items.
Note: As a developer, verify that you have the corresponding access rights for each content item that you want to add.
Without access rights, you cannot add that specific content item to a content package.

Follow these steps:

1. Click Administration, and from Studio, select Content Packages.
2. Open a content package.
3. Click the Details tab and select List or Hierarchy from the menu. As a shortcut for the previous step, you

can click the List or Hierarchy icons in the content package list.
4. To add content by type, by name, or to browse content in a list, click the Add Content menu.Select one of the

following types of content:

- Pages
- Portlets
- Queries
- Resources or Roles
- Lookups
- Processes
- Objects
- Views
5. To add content by name, enter the name of the content item to view a list of matching entries. Select an entry

from the list of matching entries and then click Add. A menu appears in the Add button when descendants are
- Select Item to add only the selected item.
- Select Item and descendants to add the selected item and its descendants such as portlets, lookups,
queries, and other items lower in the hierarchy.
6. To add content from a list, click Browse. A page appears for you to browse and add content. Enter filter crite-

ria and click Filter or click Show All to display all of the matching content. Select one or more check boxes
for the content that you want to add. Click Add or click Add and Select More. Both buttons provide options
to add items with or without descendants. Click Return.
7. To add all matching content of any type by ID, Name, or Source click the Auto Populate menu: In the re-

quired list, select Content ID, Content Name, or Content Source. Enter the identifier, name, or source of the

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content. You can use the wildcard character (*) in your search. For example, enter the string *region* to find
matching content with the letters region in the name. For example, Sales by Region page, Regional Sales
portlet, and Regional Users query.
8. As a best practice, do not use open-ended filter expressions such as * to add all the available items. Instead, apply
strict naming conventions to Studio objects and other content items. Consistent names help you identify your content and add it to a package. For example, apply the names proj2.MyPortlet, proj2.MyQuery, and proj2.MyPage.
Then, use the Auto Populate menu to add all items and descendants with pj2 in their ID. Finally, remember that
some items, for example objects, do not have a content source.
9. To review the content items in a package, click the Details tab and select Hierarchy. Expand an entry to view its
10. To remove a content item from a package, click the Details tab and select List. Select one or more check boxes
and click Remove. The items are removed from both the List and Hierarchy pages. The original objects remain in
the system and can be added again later if necessary.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 23, 2014 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

Now Available! New Education Courses for 13.x and 14.1

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

CA Education knows an enabled and educated customer is a satisfied customer. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that the following education courses are now available on the Education Portal for CA Clarity PPM 13.x and 14.1.
Note: For more information, please contact your CA Technologies Education representative.

CA Clarity PPM 13.x: Installation with MS/SQL 200 Bundle (33CLR2300B)

This is a SELF-DIRECTED class. This bundle consists of a 2 hours of web based training along with 16 hours of self-directed learning including lab activities. This CA Clarity PPM bundle offers you a hands-on experience of all facets of installing the product. To help ensure a trouble-free installation to meet your current and anticipated future needs, this
training first covers various important factors to consider when planning the installation. You are then taught the components to install so that you can use this product to effectively meet your organizational project and portfolio management goals. Next, the training provides you with an in-depth experience of configuring your installation to minimize the
possibility of configuration issues with the application and database. Finally, this course covers several important
post-installation configuration and administration tasks to optimize your installation.

CA Clarity PPM 14.1: Differences

Differ ences 200 (33CLR23050)

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This course covers the enhancements and changes since CA Clarity PPM 13.3. You will learn about enhancements to the
user interface and navigation, the updates to the desktop schedulers, the new integration and content package functionality to help you enhance the updates for your Clarity system, and the new, updated, and discontinued support for third
party applications.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 17, 2014 [] by John George.

Excluding Non-Labor Resources and Roles From Cost Plan Population

Contributed by Connie Fu, Senior Support Engineer at CA Technologies

A new option in Release 14.1 provides a manual way to forecast and preserve planned units, cost, and revenue for
non-labor resources. The new option, Ignore Non-Labor Resources/Roles in Cost Plan Population, is available on the System Options page.
When this option is selected, team allocation or assignment ETC from non-labor resources and roles is skipped during
the auto-population of a cost plan. For example, Populate from Investment Team. When the option is unselected, cost
plan population functions as it has in previous releases. In this case, all data for an investment is included in the cost
plan. The option is unselected by default.
Note: This option setting affects any auto-population action that is run against a new or existing cost plan. Ensure that
you understand whether your business needs require non-labor resources and roles for auto-population.
To navigate to the option, open the Administration menu, and from General Settings, click System Options. The option
is located in the section named Other.
Here are some facts and tips on using this enhancement. The following list assumes the option is selected:
We recommend setting the option once and setting up a business procedure for your users to follow. Do not reset
this option frequently. Resetting this option can lead to data discrepancy.
An unplanned row from a non-labor resource is included in a cost plan because the process is actual-driven. An un-

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planned row is one that shows actuals but no planned units or cost. This situation occurs when actuals are posted
before a planned row has been added to the cost plan either manually or through cost plan population. The application has worked this way in the past, and selecting the option does not change this behavior.
No existing cost plan row for a non-labor resource added manually is deleted on cost plan repopulation. However, if
cost plan population added a row previously, the row is deleted during cost plan repopulation. The application has
worked this way in the past, and selecting the option does not change this behavior.
Best Practice: We recommend creating new cost plans to start manually forecasting non-labor resources once the option is selected. This course is more prudent than repopulating existing plans because you cannot determine how a row
was originally inserted into a cost plan.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 14, 2014 [] by John George.

Upcoming Free Education Webinar: CA Clarity PPM The Big Picture

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

As our way of saying thank you for your business, CA Education will be hosting a free webinar series of selected content
from some of our most popular courses. Join our CA Education Instructors as they share some tips and tricks to help
you successfully run and manage your CA Solutions.

The organization has implemented CA Clarity PPM in order to make effective and tactical decisions on what to do
next and what not to do next. But you only use a portion of the functionality that CA Clarity PPM provides. You
would like to obtain a better understanding on how common business questions can be answered based on what
features and/or functions are implemented.
By knowing how the CA Clarity PPM modules fit together, this will assist you in identifying how the tables relate
with each other and/or how functionalities impact each other. If you are a seasoned CA Clarity PPM user, this webinar will describe the modules you will learn in more detail for future training sessions whether you have or have not
implemented them. If you are new to CA Clarity PPM, we will describe sample use cases of how customers may begin to use CA Clarity PPM.
Join Kismet Silva-Smith, Instructor for CA Technologies and a Certified CA Clarity Professional, for a presentation
that will address the GOAL of understanding how the modules in CA Clarity work together to address common business questions. And best of all, you will end up with the ability to run strategic and tactical what-if questions
against your portfolio of work.
Webinar Date: Thursday October 16th, 2014 1:00 p.m. EST

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 9, 2014 [] by John George.

CA Technologies enables DocOps

Contributed by James Turcotte, Operational & Transformation Software Executive at CA Technologies

In order to remain competitive, business agility is a given.

This is why software development teams are moving to Agile development methodologies and DevOps. Yet, most companies are living with a Technical Content Supply Chain from the stone ages.

If I was to walk into the average development shop today, I would most likely find a document management system with technical writers pounding out PDF manuals to describe the new functionality. The writers would then publish HTML versions on their website and move on to the next release. Translated versions would most likely follow
in the weeks to come. At this point, the technical support team would pick up the ball by writing hundreds of knowledge articles articles that are nothing less than bug fixes to the original published content.
DocOps is about creating a Content Supply Chain that is at its core collaborative, agile and continuous.
With DocOps, CA Technologies can curate content from internal and external authors throughout the product lifecycle. Content is then published using a platform that provides a single source of content contextually linked to
product interfaces. DocOps analytics allow CA Technologies to obtain continuous operational feedback and make
changes on the fly to improve the customer experience.
DocOps is a must have to enable business agility!
Click here to read more about this journey.

About the Author

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James Turcotte is an experienced hardware and software executive with 25+ years across Technical Support, Application
Maintenance & Development, Professional Services and Supply Chain Management. He has a proven track record of results through strong leadership and execution.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 3, 2014 [] by John George.

Now Available! CA Productivity Accelerators for CA Clarity PPM 14.1

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

CA Education knows an enabled and educated customer is a satisfied customer. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that the following CA Productivity Accelerators for CA Clarity PPM 14.1 are now available.
Note: For more information, please contact your CA Technologies Education representative.
1. CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 14.1: Core Components 200 (33CLR22924)
2. CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 14.1: Time Management 200 (33CLR22934)
3. CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 14.1: Project and Investment Management 200 (33CLR22944)
4. CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 14.1: Resource Management 200 (33CLR22954)
5. CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 14.1: Demand Management 200 (33CLR22964)
6. CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 14.1: Portfolio Management 200 (33CLR22974)
7. CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 14.1: Financial Management 200 (33CLR22984)

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 30, 2014 [] by John George.

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How to Resolve Overallocation Errors Disbursing Debit or Overhead


Contributed by: Sarmistha Purkayastha, Senior Information Services Engineer at CA Technologies

In financial management, you can view a list of chargeback errors and warnings on the Chargebacks, Messages
page in the Administration tool. If you see one of the following chargeback errors on the Messages page, it means
the allocation percentages add up to more than 100% in the debit rule or the overhead rule.

Error disbursing debit charges (overallocation)

Error disbursing overhead charges (overallocation)

To find out if your debit rule or overhead rule has allocation percentages that add up to more than 100%, configure the
Debits or Overhead Column list views for the GL Allocation Detail object to display an aggregation row.

Follow these steps:

1. Open Administration, and from Studio, click Objects.
2. Filter for the GL Allocation Detail object.
3. Click the name of the object.
4. Click Views. The list of views appears.
5. In the Category column, locate the Debits or Overhead Rule List list column view and click the [Aggregation] link
from the Setup column in that row as shown in the following screenshot.

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The list aggregation page appears.

6. Click Add.
7. Complete the requested information and save your changes. The following fields require explanation:

Label. Defines the name for the aggregation row.

Show. Indicates whether to display the name of the aggregation row.
Attribute. Defines the field value to use for aggregation.
Function. Specifies the aggregation function to calculate values for a selected field (cell) in the row. For example,
Sum adds up all the values of the field for all instances on the view.
Note: After you configure your list column view to display an aggregation row and value, modify the GL allocations for
the debit rule or the overhead rule to make sure the chargebacks to the departments that need to be debited add up to

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 29, 2014 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

How Information Transfers from CA Clarity PPM to Microsoft Excel

Contributed by Namita Mishra and Bill Yee, Principal Product Managers at CA Technologies
You can export the information from any portlet that displays the Export to Excel icon or the Export to Excel option under the Options menu (gear icon). Exporting to Excel is especially helpful when information extends over multiple pages
or when you want to use statistical operations, such as SUM and AVERAGE. When you export information to Excel, the

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format settings for each column are exported. The formulas that are used for aggregating or comparing column values
are also exported.

When you view the information in Excel, you will see some changes in how the information is displayed. The following descriptions explain how the CA Clarity PPM values (in bold) appear in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
String. Appears as a string in Excel.
URL. Appears as a hyperlinked string in Excel.
Grid columns with links. If the link is an image, then the alternate text description appears as the column information in Excel.
Boolean image or value. Displays Yes or No in Excel.
Number or formula or virtual icon column (such as image, stoplight, value, or range description). Up to three
columns are shown in Excel: one for value (number), one for the range description, and one narrow column with background color if stoplights are displayed. Formulas export their calculated values, not the formulas themselves.
Date. The date formatting is preserved in Excel.
Money. Two columns are shown in Excel: numeric value and currency code. The correct number of decimal places is
Virtual Gantt primary bar data. Three columns are shown in Excel: item name, start date, and end date. A Gantt
chart column header prefix shows that the columns belong together.
Virtual Gantt secondary bar data. Three columns are shown in Excel: item name, start date, and end date. A Gantt
chart column header prefix shows that the columns belong together. The header prefix also shows that the columns are
different from the primary bar columns.
Virtual progress bar. Three columns are shown in Excel: current stage name, current stage number, and number of
stages. A Progress column header prefix shows that the columns belong together.
Column header. If present in CA Clarity PPM, this value appears in Excel.
Secondary value. Appears in a separate column in Excel. The column header title uses the attribute name.
Time-scaled values. One column is shown in Excel for each time slice (years, months, quarters, weeks, or days). A
Gantt chart column header prefix shows that the time slices belong together.
Aggregation, comparison, and variance rows. The values or results are displayed in rows in Excel. The values are
gray and do not display a corresponding row header. Select an aggregation or comparison value to see the formula for
calculating the value in the Excel formula bar.
Highlighted row by attribute. The highlighted CA Clarity PPM rows do not appear highlighted in Excel.
Multiple portlets on a page. If exported from the page, the page name becomes the default Excel file name and each
portlet is displayed on a separate tab.
Graph portlet. Two worksheets are exported in the Excel file: one worksheet shows the data in a graphical format, and
the other worksheet shows the data in a table format based on the graph legend labels.
Note: By default, Export to Excel exports the information only for the active tab, and not for all tabs on the page. The

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system level option ENABLE_PAGE_LEVEL_EXPORT controls this behavior. The default value of this option is false. If you
want to export the portlets of all the tabs present on the page, then you need to change this value to true.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 26, 2014 [] by Tina Mastrobuono.

Knowledge is Power: Upcoming Instructor-Led and Virtual Learning Courses (2014 Q4)

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

CA Education knows an enabled and educated customer is a satisfied customer. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that the following CA Clarity PPM Instructor Led Training (ILT)/Virtual Learning (VL) courses are listed on the
public Education Portal schedules for 2014 Q4.
Note: Public schedules are subject to change anytime without notice. Please be sure to visit the CA Education Portal for
up-to-date course schedules. For more information, please contact your CA Technologies Education representative for

CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Foundations I 200 Bundle (33CLR2264B)

October 6, 2014: 4AM EST VL (5 days)
October 6, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
October 27, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)
November 3, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
November 9, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (8 days)
November 9, 2014: 8:30PM EST VL (5 days)
December 1, 2014: 9AM CET VL (5 days)
December 1, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Foundations II 200 Bundle (33CLR2275B)

October 20, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
November 3, 2014: 4AM EST VL (5 days)
November 17, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)
December 7, 2014: 8:30PM Australia Eastern Time VL (8 days)
December 7, 2014: 8:30PM EST VL (5 days)
December 8, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)

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CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Project, Resource and Portfolio Management 200 Bundle (33CLR2265B)
October 13, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Business Administration 200 (33CLR22461)

October 13, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)
October 13, 2014: 9AM Brazil Time So Paulo (das Nacoes) (5 days)
November 3, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
December 8, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Data and Reporting 200 (33CLR21981)

November 18, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)
December 8, 2014: 9AM Brazil Time So Paulo (das Nacoes) (4 days)

CA Clarity PPM v13: Installation 200 (33CLR20401)

October 6, 2014: 9AM Brazil Time So Paulo (das Nacoes) (5 days)
November 10, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM v13: Integration 300 (33CLR30021)

October 14, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)
December 2, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (4 days)

CA Clarity PPM 13x: Studio Configuration 300 (33CLR30061)

November 3, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
November 10, 2014: 11AM Brazil Time So Paulo (das Nacoes) (5 days)
December 15, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 26, 2014 [] by John George.

CA PPM Cloud Offers Strong Return on Investment

Contributed by Patricia A. Latvala, Sr. Principal Consultant, Presales with Damon Logiudice, Sr. Information Services Engineer

Are you interested in


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time and
increasing revenue by delivering products faster?
reducing project cost overruns?
automating reports to align strategy and tasks with pinpoint precision?
Read on. This article is for you.

In todays global marketplace, organizations want to preserve their competitive advantages, do more with less
budget and staff, and cut costs at every opportunity. Status quo is no longer an option. Organizations in every industry are looking for ways to work smarter and innovate faster. These are not mere trends; these objectives will
be just as real in 2025 as they are in 2015.
To go beyond survival, to achieve real growth, and to thrive in these economic times, you need CA Project and
Portfolio Management (CA PPM) SaaS. CA PPM SaaS will help you understand your investments and resources, and
optimize operations and performance.
Your organization needs a world-class tool that empowers the creation of winning strategies based on reality,
aligns those strategies with on-the-ground execution, and ensures that strategy and execution stay aligned to deliver the results that resonate with investors. CA PPM SaaS is that winning tool.

Business Drivers
Execute on a Strategic Vision: CA PPM SaaS helps you execute with precision and make desired outcomes
a reality.
Constant Alignment: Make sure people are working on the right things at the right time, keeping strategy
aligned with execution.
Continuous Planning: The days of annual cycles are over. CA PPM SaaS helps you take a pulse on progress
perpetually, shifting resources as needed, adjusting strategies when warranted, and staying on top of market

Business Challenges
CA PPM helps you address business challenges around real concerns that employees in your organization have, such as
investment spending, timing, and governance. You will finally be able to capture empirical data and find answers to critical questions. For example:
1. How do you decide where to invest your organizations time, budget, and staff?
2. How do you know when it is the right time to launch a new product, expand delivery of a service, or bet
on a new innovation?
3. How do you govern current and future projects to ensure their chances of success are maximized?

CA PPM Strengths
Are you ready to outpace your competition and be a leader in responding to new market opportunities? With CA PPM,
you will be able to connect strategy and execution more effectively and leverage the following core strengths:
Strategic Agility: Portfolio Management gives you dynamic what if and change impact analysis. Executives rely on its
power to make smart decisions, drive better communication, provide transparency, and reduce their investment risk.

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Improved Forecasting: Financial management and budgeting keeps forecasts in line with actuals.
Staff Utilization: Resource management ensures you have the skills and people to meet increased demand.
Better Data: Mobile time-tracking improves the quality and accuracy of time-entry and approvals.
Greater Insights: Role-based views and reporting makes it easier to communicate with stakeholder teams.
Highly Configurable: Works the way you work, with flexible methodologies and Certified Stage-Gate processes,
add-ins for PMBOK and PRINCE2, and support for Agile Scrum and Kanban.
A World-Class User Experience: The most robust, comprehensive PPM tool available. Over 1,500 of the worlds leading organizations depend on CA PPM to drive business transformation and operational excellence and to accelerate innovation.

The business environment in your industry can be as unique as your organization. Based on past results and future demand, your organization may also be well-suited to realize the following general benefits of a CA Clarity PPM SaaS
Reduced Project Cycle Time through Improved Decision Support
Increased Revenues Through Faster Product Release Cycles
Reduced Project Cost Overruns through Improved Project Management and Executive Insight
Reduced Costs through Application Rationalization
Reduced Project Meeting Hours for Status and Coordination
Reduced Project Management Administrative Time through Automated Reporting
Improved Portfolio Management due to Reduced Low-Value Projects
Improved Resource Utilization per Increased Management Insight to Work Activities
Reduced Project Failures and Improved Project Management and Tracking
Cost Savings: No More Software Maintenance Renewals
Cost Savings: No More Maintaining/Administering Your Legacy Solution
Cost Savings: No More Hosting Your Local/Custom Legacy Infrastructure

Business Value
Its no secret: our customers find CA Clarity PPM intuitive, easy-to-use, and easy-to-like. CA Technologies has a unique
ability to deliver business value. We offer a winning combination of size, geographic reach, and financial stability. Our
continued revenue growth and commitment to the market fuel our sustained investments in developing products and solutions for the IT industry. Our worldwide sales, service, and support business units deliver customer satisfaction along
with those winning products and solutions.
To learn more about the benefits, savings, and return on your CA PPM cloud business case, visit or

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 18, 2014 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

Upcoming Free Education Webinar: Ensuring Successful User Adoption

with CA Clarity PPM and CA LISA

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

As our way of saying thank you for your business, CA Education will be hosting a free webinar series of selected
content from some of our most popular courses. Join our CA Education Instructors as they share some tips and
tricks to help you successfully run and manage your CA Solutions.
Your organization has rolled out Clarity PPM or CA LISA, or is in the processing of rolling out new functionality in either
product but you are not seeing the adoption of the system that you had hoped for. You would like to understand ways
that you can help ensure that your users not only use the system but use it the way you have intended.
One of the keys to successful user adoption is to ensure you not only train your users before you go live but that you
also make it very easy for them to get the help they need when they are in the live application. Having access to
one-click help that describes your configuration with your business processes allows users easy access to help any time
they need it. This help can be context sensitive (CA Clarity PPM) and role based so the user only sees the help they
need. Learn how you can create this type of application help for your users and also use that same material to train
new users in the form of web based training or over the web live training using the CA Productivity Accelerator.
Join Melissa Fundanish, Director of Education Programs, as she shares the three keys to successful user adoption, the
pillars of a successful change management plan and how you can integrate the CA Productivity Accelerator (CA PA) solution into your user adoption strategy to ensure you can train new users effectively and also support users in the live application easily. This will take the burden of training and supporting your users off your administrators or subject matter experts hands so they can focus on more important activities.
Webinar Date: Thursday September 25th, 2014 1:00 p.m. EST

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 8, 2014 [] by John George.

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Let Project Management Be Your GPS on the Road to Success

Contributed by Thomas Koehler, PMP, CA Technologies

When it comes to asking for directions, one of the biggest complaints (mostly from women) used to be that men never
asked for directions when they were lost.
The technical aspect of driving a car to get from point a to point b has been easily mastered and hasnt changed in
over 100 years although its bound to change in the near future.
The real challenge before GPS and smart phones was finding your way. For a long road trip, a good navigator was just
as essential as a good driver.

The GPS age

My daughter, who was born in the mid-90s, and every other kid her age or younger, grew up in the age of the GPS and
smart phone, so they have no appreciation for these issues.
Being able to pull out your phone and ask it where you are makes it almost impossible to get lost. You select your destination and your phone will show and tell you how to get there.
So, what serves as a GPS for your project to give it direction and guide you along the route of rewriting your business?
Why not let project management be your guide?

Let project management be your GPS

Most of us tend to get excited about the latest technology after all, thats why were in this industry. We want to exploit the latest and greatest features, such as cloud and mobile.
We focus on the technical aspects of our journey tantamount to driving the car. In the process, we tend to forget that
the latest technology is of value to us, our business and our customers only if it solves real business problems and has a
positive impact on people.
IT leaders who let project management be their GPS focus on the journey and arriving at the desired destination. They
acknowledge that the technology is only a part (although a very critical part) of a solution.
They maximize the value of the solution by broadening their perspective and engaging a project manager who helps
them integrate a technological solution into their business.

Look beyond technology

Rewriting business means recalculating what youre doing right now and replacing it with a different route, but more im-

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portantly, it also means disrupting the way youve always done business to enable you to do business better.
A project manager can help you look beyond the technology and guide you along the other legs of your journey that are
critical to success. For example:
Changing policies and procedures that were leading edge five or 10 years ago but havent kept up with the times,
thus holding you back and hindering solution adoption.
Educating your employees so they understand how using the new solution is not just troublesome change but a
better way of doing business.
Communicating with your customers so they see that your position on the leading edge is a competitive differentiator.

Learn to ask for directions

Experience shows that when you widen your horizon beyond the technical aspects of a solution, you maximize the value
of your investment in new technology.
So, dont be that person who wont ask for directions: By letting a project manager be your GPS, youll leverage valuable navigation aids and stay on the best route to project success.
Image credit: Clark Maxwell

About the Author

Thomas Koehler, PMP, started his career developing 3D solid modeling for mini and personal computers. Over the years
he developed an appreciation for the value of project management, obtaining his PMP certification in 1995. Thomas
joined CA Technologies in 1998, first as project manager and in 2000 as PMO consultant. His personal mission is to help
the CA Technologies team of talented project and program managers be the best they can be through education, mentoring, process improvements and data analysis. His personal passion is to advocate the value of project management as
key to ensure our customers maximize the value they realize from their investment in solutions from CA Technologies.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 2, 2014 [] by John George.

Timesheets Page View Depends on Your Access Rights

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Contributed by Kathryn Ellis, Principal Support Engineer at CA Technologies

Based on Technical Document TEC592045

You may notice that your Timesheets page view does not contain all of the fields in the filter section that some other
users have. Also, you want to access timesheets for past time reporting periods, but you are not able to do so because
the older timesheets do not appear on your list. The reason for these differences can be found in your user access
For example, your company has two user groups:
IT Business users. Resources in this group see additional filter fields and, when filtering for past time reporting
periods, can see past timesheets. These users can see closed time reporting periods in the past.
Non-IT Business users. Resources in this group cannot see the additional fields in the filter section and also cannot see timesheets for past closed time reporting periods. These users can see past timesheets only if the time reporting period is still open.
The view of the Timesheets page for the users in these two groups depends on the configuration of access rights.

IT Business Users Access Rights

The IT Business users belong to a group definition that includes the Resource Approve Time access right. When this
access right is granted, the end user can see additional fields in the filter section of the Timesheets page. Also, the end
user can filter and retrieve closed time reporting periods.
The Resource Approve Time access right can be granted through a group or a Security OBS Unit. This right can also be
granted directly on the user profile at the Global, OBS Unit, or Instance level for at least one resource, the current resource, or other active resources with Track Mode = Clarity and Open for Time Entry = true. If the right is assigned to
the user profile, the end user can see additional filter fields and closed time reporting periods.

Configuration Example
1. Create an IT Business User resource.
2. Create the IT Business Users group with the following access rights:

Global: Timesheet Navigate

Resource Approve Time (at the Global, OBS Unit, or Instance level)
3. Assign the IT Business User resource to the group.
4. Login as the IT Business User resource.
5. Navigate to Home, Timesheets and view the Timesheets page filter section layout.
6. Select a Custom Range from March 11, 2013.
In the following graphic, there are closed time reporting periods from March 11, 2013 through March 31, 2013 for the
current user. Because the end user has the Resource Approve Time access right, the closed time reporting periods are
returned in the search results.

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Note: This access right also lets you approve timesheets.

Non-IT Business Users Access Rights

The Non-IT Business Users belong to a group that does not have the Resource Approve Time access right. They do not
see the additional fields in the filter section. Also, when they filter for past dates, they only see past time reporting periods that are open.

Configuration Example
1. Create a non-IT Business User resource.
2. Create the Non-IT Business Users group with the following access right:

Global: Timesheet Navigate

3. Assign the non-IT Business User resource to the group.
4. Login as the non-IT Business user resource.
5. Navigate to Home, Timesheets and view the Timesheets page filter section layout.
6. Select a Custom Range from March 11, 2013.
In the following graphic, the non-IT Business user does not see the closed time reporting periods and does not see the
additional fields in the filter section of the Timesheets page.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 19, 2014 [] by Tina Mastrobuono.

How to See Account Notification Settings For Yourself and Others

Contributed by Connie Fu, Senior Support Engineer at CA Technologies

As an individual CA Clarity PPM user, you can go to your account settings (Home, Account Settings, Notifications) and
make changes to enable or disable your notifications. For example, you can disable your notifications for change requests, incidents, timesheets, and so forth.
Note: By default, when a user is created in CA Clarity PPM, notifications are enabled for all functional areas. It is up to
the individual user to disable their own notifications.

If you are an administrator and you want to see and manage the notifications on a global level for other users, in addi-

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tion to yourself, you can do that. For example, you may need to disable email notifications for change requests, discussions, and so forth for certain executives so they do not receive unwanted emails.

Follow these steps:

1. Expand this query to look for specific user(s):

2. To disable a notification type for a user, add a row to the table.
Important! Adding a row to the table removes the notification for the user; removing a row from the table adds the notification for the user. Contact CA Support for assistance with your specific situation.
Follow and contribute to this discussion on the CA Clarity Community here.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 15, 2014 [] by John George.

Baselines in CA Clarity PPM and Microsoft Project

By Michael H. Richman, Services Architect, CA Technologies

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A baseline is a snapshot of your project at a specific milestone; it memorializes the go-forward business agreement
between the project manager and the approving entity. Baselines are static archives. The changes you make to
your project after you create your baseline do not affect the current baseline. You explicitly update a baseline to
reflect changes to project scope or cost.
From a business perspective, think of a baseline as the formal business agreement between your company and you as
project manager. Presumably, you present your plan for delivering the project and the company approves of your approach and agrees to funding. This can require getting sign-off from the project team, sponsor, manager, owner, PMO (if
you have one), and other financial stakeholders.
Once your plan is officially approved, and before starting the project (generally before resources begin tracking their
time to the project), you, the PMO, or the Oversight Committee will baseline your project.

Who Owns the Baseline

The question of who has the permissions to create (and re-create) the baseline is a matter of your company business
policy. From my perspective, the baseline is owned by the company and is used to measure progress against the agreed
upon plan. Therefore, either the PMO or a Steering Committee should have the permissions to create baselines and not
necessarily the project manager.

Whats in a Baseline
Behind the scenes, CA Clarity PPM stores the following data points in each baseline:
Total Usage Time and Cost for Resources
Start and Finish Dates
Duration at the assignment, task, summary task, team, and project levels. For all levels except the assignment
level (the lowest level) the values are aggregated by level.
The application does not track actuals and ETC at the task level including independent tasks in a baseline. In addition,
baselines do not track resource staffing on projects or resource assignments on projects and tasks.

After you set your baseline, CA Clarity PPM automatically begins tracking and displaying variances on several metrics to
help you better manage and adjust your project as you move through the execution stage. At various stages of the
project lifecycle, you can compare current data to one or more baselines to accomplish the following goals:
Measure the variance in key attributes such as cost, revenue, EAC, and ROI
Perform Earned Value calculations
Evaluate and improve the project teams estimating skills
You can view these baseline variances in a variety of views, list pages, on the Clarity Gantt Chart, and in Open Workbench or Microsoft Project.

Prerequisites for Setting Baselines

1. Verify that you have the Project Modify Baselines access right to create and edit baselines.
2. Verify that you have the Project Edit Management access right to manage projects in Microsoft Project.
3. Verify that you have a valid connection between CA Clarity PPM and Microsoft Project.
4. Read the information found in the Project Management User Guide. See the Baselines section in the Microsoft
Project Desktop Scheduler chapter.
Note: If you do not follow these steps, you run the risk of overwriting your original baseline which resets your

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original values. You may also lose the critical variances, the very same values you needed to capture in your baselines.
5. While you can create multiple baselines from both CA Clarity PPM and Microsoft Project, an administrative setting
exports only the baseline of record, called the Current Revision to Microsoft Project. On the Baseline page, examine the Current Revision option. You can change this version by clicking on the name of the version you would like
to be the updated Current Revision and selecting this check box. Exporting only the current revision improves performance when opening and saving back from Microsoft Project. If you need more than one baseline open in Microsoft Project, contact your administrator about changing the administration setting (not recommended).
6. There is an art to understanding when to re-baseline and how to re-baseline. Re-baselining over an existing baseline will re-write the original dates. This may prove harmful if you would ever need to reference the original values. So, work closely with your PMO standards and guidelines for when and how to re-baseline .

How to Baseline
You can create a baseline in CA Clarity PPM or in one of the following two supported project scheduling tools:
Open Workbench
Microsoft Project

You can create an unlimited number of baselines in CA Clarity PPM but only one baseline can be marked as the Plan
of Record. Microsoft Project allows only up to 11 baselines at a time: the current baseline and up to 10 previous
For the specific steps to create a baseline and for the list of required permissions, see the CA Clarity PPM Project

Management User Guide.

When to Re-Baseline
At times, your projects scope may change significantly such that you are asked to create an updated baseline which includes the additional scope. Many companies re-baseline when the project budget changes by more than 10-15%.
Since the original baseline captures the original data, if you use CA Clarity PPM to update the original baseline you will
overwrite the original data with the current data. So, if your plan shows baseline variances as yellow or red and you update your original baseline, those values now appear green because you reset the baseline to reflect your current plan.
Before updating an existing baseline, consider one of the following approaches:
A.) Selectively update the original plan, or

B.) Create a new baseline and make it the plan of record

A.) Selectively Update the Original Plan

In this scenario, if the updated scope leads to a new phase, baseline only that phase.

Follow these steps:

1. Open your project and click the Tasks tab.
2. Select the tasks in only the new phase.
3. Click the Baseline button.
This approach preserves the original baseline information for the balance of the plan and continues to report accurate
baseline variances against the original baseline. All of the original metrics for the other phases continue to show their
red/yellow/green status, and the newly selected baseline items are green.

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B. Create a New Baseline and Make it the Plan of Record

In this scenario, you create a new baseline and mark it as the plan of record. This approach preserves the original baseline for historical reference and resets all baseline metrics to reflect the current plan. All metrics appear in green when
you set the new baseline.

Baselines and Earned Value at the Master/Subproject Level

You can generate a baseline for a master/subproject construct. Associate the subprojects with the master project and
then set the baseline from the master project. CA Clarity PPM sets a baseline for the master project and each of its subprojects. You can view the baseline aggregated up to the master project.
From the master project, calculate the Earned Value (EV). Be sure to update all of the relevant data necessary for calculating the EV. You will see the aggregated rollup from the subprojects up to their master project.

Add a New Subproject to an Existing Master/Subproject

Lets examine the considerations for baselines and EV at the master project level. For example, you have an existing
master/subproject construct which was baselined a few months ago. You have been monitoring EV since that time. Now,
the scope recently changed and you need to include an additional subproject in CA Clarity PPM.

Follow these steps:

1. Update the master/subproject baselining to include the newly added subproject baseline data. The only
way to update the master projects aggregated baseline data is to add the new subproject and then create a new
baseline from the master project level. This aggregates the collection of subproject baseline data with the master
project baseline data. However, the down side is that you lose the variance metrics that have been collecting since
the original baseline was created. At this time, there is no workaround for this limitation. (Note: CA Clarity Product
Management has this logged as an enhancement request.)
2. Update the master/subproject EV to include the newly added subproject EV data. In this use case, before
adding the new subproject to the master project, baseline it and calculate its EV. Then, associate it with the master
project. You will see that CA Clarity PPM correctly aggregates the EV data at the master project level by including
the newly added subproject. Refer to the following example which walks through the steps to add a new subproject
and verify that its values are included in the EV aggregation in the master project.

Example: Master/Subproject Baseline

The following example shows a sample project called RTC WS2. The project has been built and baselined on its
own. Click the Update Earned Value button:
is added
to the
and is
considered to
be a subproject. The % Complete value of a task in WS2 is updated. The following graphic shows the master project
Tasks tab before and after clicking the Update Earned Value button.

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Our expectation is that the BCWP of RTC WS2 will be updated when the EV button is clicked. The following graphic
shows the result after clicking the master project EV button. The BCWP value is updated in the master project. And, as
expected, when we go into the RTC WS2 project, we also see this updated value:

Add a Baseline in Microsoft Project Integrated with CA Clarity PPM

You can create a baseline of a project in CA Clarity PPM or in Microsoft Project. The baseline is saved with the resource
time-varying cost rate at the time you create a baseline revision.
You can encounter performance issues when opening a CA Clarity PPM project into Microsoft Project when the project
has many baselines. As a best practice, to improve the open/save performance, open only the baseline of record. The
Clarity Administrator can adjust this setting on the Administration menu. Under Project Management, click Settings
and then select the Only Export Current Baselines When Opening Investments in a Scheduler check box.
CA Clarity PPM supports an unlimited number of baselines; however, Microsoft Project can only support up to 11 baselines. Multiple baselines are managed by saving each revision to baseline slots in the .mpp file. The information for the
current revision is saved to the baseline slot. A previous baseline revision is saved to the baseline1 slot, and so on, up to
When you open a project from CA Clarity PPM in Microsoft Project, up to 11 baseline revisions are sent in descending order by the last date modified. Information about each revision is saved to the .mpp file.
Only one baseline is the current baseline. The current revision is used to update the project plan baseline information.
Any remaining baseline revisions are used to update other baseline slots (baseline1 through baseline10) for the project
plan in the order they are received. If the project has baseline information in Microsoft Project but no matching revision
information is received, that baseline is cleared. If no baseline revisions are sent, all baseline information in the .mpp
file is cleared in Microsoft Project.

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When you save the project to CA Clarity PPM, Schedule Connect checks each possible baseline slot in the project. The
check begins with the baseline slot and ends with the baseline10 slot:
If a baseline slot has information, the revision information from the .mpp file is sent to CA Clarity PPM.
If no information is available from a baseline slot, the revision is new and the default ID, name, and description is
used for the revision. For example, if the information is from the baseline3 slot, the number 3 is appended to the
default ID, name, and description.
Note: If the .mpp file contains information for a revision whose matching baseline slot is empty, Schedule Connect
sends the revision information to CA Clarity PPM. A delete flag is used to tell CA Clarity PPM to delete the baseline revision.

Manage Baselines (CA Clarity PPM with Microsoft Project)

When you integrate CA Clarity PPM with Microsoft Project and create multiple baselines for a master project, a baseline
(Baseline1) is created for the master project and its subprojects. When you save the master project back to CA Clarity
PPM, the baseline information for the master includes the values from the subprojects.
For example, a master project has a task with five (5) hours of ETC, and its two subprojects have a task with ten (10)
hours ETC each. When you save the project back to CA Clarity PPM, the master project baseline usage is 25 hours.

Follow these steps:

1. Create a new project in CA Clarity PPM. Use a template with existing tasks, or create a couple of tasks.
2. Open the plan in Microsoft Project.
3. Add the Baseline Start, Baseline1 Start, and Baseline2 Start columns to your Gantt Chart for purposes of

this exercise. Revealing these columns is optional for you to decide if they help you when managing your
project plan.

4. Schedule the tasks such that you have some initial dates to baseline.
5. Save the plan back into CA Clarity PPM and then close the plan in Microsoft Project to release the lock on this
project in CA Clarity PPM.
6. Click Properties and select Baseline. A blank Baseline page appears.

7. Click New and give the baseline a name (for example, Baseline made in Clarity).
8. Click Save. The new baseline is marked as the current baseline because there is a gray check in the Current Revision check box. This is true because this is the first baseline created. We are going to create a few baselines in
this exercise so this field becomes important.

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9. Later in the week, we update our schedule and update our baseline at the same time. However, in this exam-

ple, we are going to set the baseline in Microsoft Project. The following steps show how to do this correctly
without overwriting the original baseline.
10. Click Save and Return and open the plan in Microsoft Project. Values that were exported from CA Clarity

PPM appear in the Baseline Start column.

11. Move the last task that you scheduled to fall into the following week.

12. Baseline the project from Microsoft Project by going to the Project tab and clicking Set Baseline. The Set

Baseline dialog box appears.

13. Select Baseline 1 in the Set Baseline field and click OK.

CAUTION: If you dont select Baseline 1 and you baseline the plan with the Baseline value in that field, you
will overwrite your original baseline.
14. Verify that your original baseline values appear in the Baseline Start column and the updated values in the

Baseline Start 1 column.

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15. Save the plan back to CA Clarity PPM and close out of the plan in Microsoft Project to remove the CA Clarity

lock on the project.

16. Navigate to the Baseline page. Verify that a new row appears called Base1. The Finish date now reflects the

updated schedules finish date.

17. Verify that the original baseline is marked with the Current Revision check. This means that CA Clarity PPM

bases its alerts and reveals the baseline values for that baseline version in the portlets and reports. To make
the baseline you created in Microsoft Project the baseline of record, click the baseline name, Base1, and select the Current Revision check box. Going forward, that version is the baseline of record.


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You can create a baseline in CA Clarity PPM and see the values appear in the Microsoft Project Gantt Chart. You
can also create a baseline in Microsoft Project and see the values appear in CA Clarity PPM.

About the Author

Michael Richman has worked with CA Clarity PPM for the past 18 years. He is currently a Lead
Services Architect often working directly on site with customers to solve challenging new business issues involving enterprise project and portfolio management.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 12, 2014 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

Announcing the CA Clarity Agile 13.3 Documentation Wiki

Your product documentation is evolving. Announcing the CA Clarity Agile Documentation Wiki, a collaborative environment that lets you find answers quickly with intuitive search, access up-to-date information on mobile devices, view new
Flipboard Product Cookbooks, export content to PDF, rate or comment on any topic, and provide feedback to CA Technologies.
We hope that this wiki will become your go-to resource for the CA Clarity Agile documentation. If you have any questions, leave a comment on the wiki.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 10, 2014 [] by John George.

What Are the License Types and What Do They Mean?

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Document ID: TEC545830

Contributed by: CA Technologies Support and edited by Sunder Rosy, Information Services Engineer
Access to any CA Clarity PPM function is defined by the license type of the user. The License Information portlet was introduced in Release 12.1 and provided the following license types:
Team Members
With Generic Patch 4 for Release 13.2, and Release 13.3, the labels for the license types changed. However, the functionality and usage remains the same. The new labels are as follows:
Full (Managers): Users have access to all the product functions.
Restricted (Team Members): Users have limited access.
View Only (Viewer): Users can view information but cannot create or edit information.
If you are using CA Clarity Agile, you can also have the following license type:
Vision Timesheet: Users have the right to enter time in CA Clarity PPM using the integration between CA Clarity
PPM and CA Clarity Agile.
All users are named and not concurrent. Only Active Users are counted as licensed users.
To assign the license type, go to Administration, Organization and Access, and License Information.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 5, 2014 [] by Rosy Sunder.

Task Dependencies

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Contributed by Debroop Dasgupta, Services Architect at CA Technologies

What are Dependencies in a Project Plan?

Dependencies between tasks and milestones in a project plan help you better define the logical sequence of the
work to complete the project. For example, the task Build Portlet, follows a task milestone Requirements
Gathering Complete
There are four types of dependencies:
Finish-start. The predecessor task must finish before the successor task can start. This is the most commonly used dependency type.
Start-start. The predecessor task must start before the successor task can start.
Start-finish. The predecessor task must start before the successor task can finish.
Finish-finish. The predecessor task must finish before the successor task can finish.

All dependencies can have a delay built in, referred to as lag. Dependencies are taken into account when scheduling
projects. Defining the dependencies usually precedes scheduling.

How are Dependencies Defined?

Dependencies can be defined in these ways:
Clarity Gantt (using the link button, or drag-and-drop in the Gantt bars).
Task Properties (Dependencies link).
Using a scheduling tool (Open Workbench/Microsoft Project).

How are Dependencies Displayed in Clarity?

Dependencies are displayed in the Gantt, as shown in the following figure. You may have to expand or change the time
scaled display to be able to view dependencies properly.
Note: Microsoft Project has the ability to display dependencies as row numbers.

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I Have Created Dependencies But the Task Dates Do Not Get Aligned. Why?
Because, you need to schedule the project using Autoschedule, Open WorkBench, or Microsoft Project to see the impact of dependencies on the project plan.

I Want To Define a Dependency of a Project Task With Another Project Task. How Can I Do This?
This is a standard requirement and can be accomplished by defining external dependencies through task properties->
dependencies or by using Microsoft Project. The following figure shows external dependencies as shown in a project

Would Defining External Dependencies Mean that Schedule of a Linked Project Gets Updated When the Other
Project is Updated?
No. Not unless both projects are updated (schedules). For external dependencies to work well, the project managers
must collaborate to define the dependencies appropriately and understand the impact on their own projects.

Is There Another Way to View Dependencies Apart From the Gantt?

Yes. The Project Task Dependencies report, which is available in the Clarity Solution Pack, provides a visual representation of dependencies.

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What is the Purpose of the Dependencies link in a Project?

This is a Clarity specific feature and is in no way related to the Project Plan. The functionality is leveraged in Portfolio
Management Scenarios as shown in the following figure.

Note: The previous figure is from CA Clarity PPM Release 13.1. The Portfolio Management module has been rewritten
from Release 13.2 and therefore the functionality described above is not available in Portfolio Management. The project
dependencies functionality remains as is.

Helpful Resources
Project Management User Guide 13.3.00
Solution Pack Product Guide Release 03.3.00

About the Author

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Debroop is a Services Architect for CA Clarity PPM for the Asia region and is based in Hyderabad, India. He has 8
years of experience in delivering Project Portfolio Management (PPM) solutions for customers across multiple geographies (APJ, NA, and EMEA) and business domains (manufacturing, pharmaceutical firms, financial services, banks, and
more). He has also delivered trainings on behalf of CA Education for customers on CA Clarity PPM.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 1, 2014 [] by John George.

Upcoming Free Education Webinar: Keeping Projects on Time and Within

Budget with CA Clarity PPM 13.3

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

As our way of saying thank you for your business, CA Education will be hosting a free webinar series of selected
content from some of our most popular courses. Join our CA Education Instructors as they share some tips and
tricks to help you successfully run and manage your CA Solutions.
As a project manager, you are responsible for completing projects on time, on budget, and within scope. And, as your
organization increases the size and complexity of the business, your project management responsibilities are probably
rapidly increasing, as well. Despite this challenge, you cannot afford to let your projects fall behind schedule. But, by
knowing how to set up the right resources for your projects and investments, you can quickly adapt to dynamic business
conditions and stay on track. CA Clarity Project & Portfolio Manager 13.3 (CA Clarity PPM) enables you to maximize
your businesss full potential for delivering innovative products by providing a comprehensive view of people, projects

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and portfolios.
Join Mindy Calderon, Senior Education Instructor for CA Technologies and a Certified CA Clarity Professional, for a free
module of the CA Clarity PPM 13.3 Project, Resource & Portfolio Management Bundle 200 33CLR2265B. This webinar
is designed to introduce you to the new features and concepts of CA Clarity PPM 13.3. Mindy will review some basic
functionality of Project and Portfolio Management using CA Clarity PPM, which allows users to create and manage investments through creating, staffing and analyzing.
Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Time: 1:00 P.M. (U.S. Eastern Standard Time)

CA Education Registration Link:

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 29, 2014 [] by Sarmistha

Upcoming Free Support Webinar: CA Clarity PPM Timeslicing

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

For our valued customers, please join the CA Clarity PPM Support team for our second support webinar. During this free
webinar, you will be taken through a presentation and live demo that explains Timeslicing best practices, logic, debugging, tips and tricks, and other valuable information.
Date: Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Time: 10:00 A.M. (U.S. Eastern Standard Time)

WebEx Link:

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 25, 2014 [] by John George.

Its All in the Rights Microsoft Project Access Rights

Contributed by Ken Dinsmore, Principal Software Engineer at CA Technologies and edited by Tina Mastrobuono, Senior
Information Services Engineer at CA Technologies
Access rights provide you with the privileges to perform specific functions and to view and modify data in CA Clarity
PPM. For example, if portfolio managers have Portfolio View instance rights, they can access specific portfolio pages. If
they have Portfolio Edit All global rights, they can edit all portfolios.
Similarly, if you want to use Microsoft Project with CA Clarity PPM, certain access rights need to be set up. You need access rights to download the Microsoft Project Interface, which allows you to set up a connection between CA Clarity PPM
and Microsoft Project. Then you also need specific access rights to use Microsoft Project with CA Clarity PPM.

Rights to Download
To download the Microsoft Project Interface software from CA Clarity PPM, you need the following access right:

Software Download Microsoft Project Interface

Rights to Install
You do not need any CA Clarity PPM access rights to install the Microsoft Project Interface. However, you do need to
have Microsoft Windows Administrator privileges.

Rights to Use
To create and manage projects using CA Clarity PPM with Microsoft Project, you need the following access rights.

To open a project
Project View Management (Read-Only), or

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Project Edit Management (Read/Write)

To create a project

Project Create

To display resources and roles to which you have been granted access rights

Resource Soft Book All

Resource Hard Book All

To change the allocation of a resource

Resource Soft Book

Resource Hard Book
Note: You must have Hard Book rights to change the allocation of a hard-booked resource.

To set the baseline of a project

Project Edit Management

Project Modify Baseline
If you are granted the Project Modify Baseline right at the instance or organizational breakdown structure (OBS) level,
you are implicitly granted the Project Edit Management right. If you are granted the Project Modify Baseline All
right at the global level, you are not granted the Project Edit Management All right. You must also explicitly be
granted the Project Edit right and the Project Edit Management right to set the baseline on a specific project.
Note: For more information about Microsoft Project and access rights, see the Project Management User Guide and the
Access Rights Reference Guide.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 22, 2014 [] by Tina Mastrobuono.

Manage Your Pennies and the Dollars Will Look After Themselves

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Contributed by Robert Stroud, Vice President Strategy & Innovation IT Business Management at CA Technologies

The popularity of the IT service broker role is accelerating in the industry. In parallel, disruptive technologies are
enabling the business side of the house to move initiatives forward when IT cannot deliver rapidly enough. For
many CIOs the need to both keep the lights on and deliver innovation is a fine balancing act. With IT being such a
pivotal part of everything business delivers, the CIO and their organization are increasingly getting help from multiple service providers and broker partners to deliver service. And CIOs must manage these providers and their expenses effectively.
At a recent conference I had discussions with CIOs of large enterprises to understand how they were transitioning
their IT. Its clear that service quality continues to be important, as is managing costs but not just in terms of reducing them. More importantly, it is critical to understand and communicate costs involving third party services as
these are real costs that typically vary based on consumption.
For many IT organizations cost transparency has been required to simply reduce costs. More recently there has
been a focus on reducing the cost of current systems and technical debt to facilitate investment in innovation. This,
combined with good decision making around alternative sourcing of services, allows the IT organization to accelerate their innovation cadence.
Leveraging effective financial transparency requires giving the lines of business enough insight into demand, consumption, projects, and delivered service levels to allow the business and IT to truly partner to determine priorities. This starts with the delivery of transparent cost and usage information. The Holy Grail here, of course, is to
link business value parameters to measurement for better understanding cost versus value (which I will address in
more detail in a future blog).
My experience is that many IT organizations are quite good at project accounting and cost management across the
development process, but they drop the ball when calculating and communicating costs once the service has migrated to production, whether delivered internally, externally or in some combination. The total cost of ownership
of each service is highly analogous to the cost of goods sold in a manufacturing environment. Within manufacturing, a deep understanding of unit costs empowers managers to make better cost-based decisions and surgically reduce cost while improving (or at least not damaging) the resulting product.
Effective IT organizations do the same, understanding the costs of the components and then sourcing them from alternative suppliers. Once this level of understanding is reached, IT must establish the transparency with their business units by delivering a bill of IT or pro forma invoice on a regular basis. This bill of IT should make it clear to
the business unit what IT services they consume and the cost and quality of those services. Given that information,
the business will typically scrutinize certain charges, and it usually identifies a number of services, service levels,
or devices that are no longer required. In turn, once requested adjustments are made, IT is much better positioned
to make more effective decisions in the future and validate their costs against industry benchmarks.
In short, effective financial management is a critical yet often overlooked discipline and one in which IT should absolutely be invested to deliver even more value back to the business.
About the Author
Robert Stroud is VP of innovation and strategy for IT Business Management at CA Technologies. Rob works closely with
the governance, security, risk and assurance communities to author, develop and communicate standards and best practices. Rob was previously an ISACA International VP and served on the ISACA Strategic Advisory Council. He has contributed to multiple standards publications and has served as an active member of the ITIL Update Project Board.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 18, 2014 [] by John George.

Resource Capacity Planning

By Jane C. George, Principal Software Engineer, CA Technologies and Damon E. Logiudice, Senior Information Services Engineer
Organizations often build their
Resource OBS
hierarchy based
on real-world reporting relationships and org
charts. Each
node on the Resource OBS represents a department manager.
For example, a
senior manager
has a team of
three direct report managers
who work 40
hours each week.
The capacity of
the direct report managers for any given week is 120 hours. The senior manager also has 15 indirect employees who report to the three direct report managers. The total capacity of the organizational unit includes the units for each of the
managers. The total capacity is the sum of the capacities of the direct reports (120) plus the indirect reports (600).
As a resource manager, you likely share a reporting structure that is similar to the one for the senior manager. You also
share common goals. For example, you want to:

Filter on a specific Resource OBS.

Examine allocated staff and unfilled roles.
View a complete picture of the capacity, demand, remaining bandwidth, and actual hours.
Understand the total investment demand for resources in your organizational unit and descendant units.
Make informed decisions about team workload (allocation demand), capacity, booking status, and trends for posting
actual work.
In this example, the senior manager navigates to the Capacity Planning Overview page. The manager sets the Resource
OBS filter to the top-level Resource OBS (the level with the direct reports). The manager also sets the OBS filter mode
to include the unit and descendants. The Capacity Planning Overview portlet provides a complete view of the capacity,
demand, remaining bandwidth, and the actual hours. The capacity planning overview appears in an expandable hierarchy with a time-varying chart of capacity and demand metrics. The senior manager scans the high-level capacity planning data that is grouped by Resource OBS.
To view more details, the portlet allows expansion of the following sub-portlets:

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Staff Allocation: Resources who are assigned to projects.

Unfilled Roles: Staffing requirements not yet filled.
Investment Demand: Staffing allocation by investment.
The following graphic shows how a resource manager can perform capacity planning:
To learn
see the
CA Clarity PPM

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 15, 2014 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

Why Does a Button Have a Check Mark On It?

Contributed by Namita Mishra, Principal Product Manager at CA Technologies

Have you ever wondered why certain buttons in CA Clarity PPM have a check mark before their name?

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When you see a button with a check mark, you must select at least one item from a list to perform the action the
button represents. In this example, you must select at least one group to use the Delete button. Otherwise, you
see the error message shown at the top of the page.
About the Author

Namita Mishra is a recognized thought leader in Project, Portfolio, and Resource Management systems. She works with
CA Technologies as a Principal Product Manager. She works closely with Clarity customers to capture requirements &
understand their pain points. She has a capability to inspire and motivate multidisciplinary teams so that teams meet
and exceed goals. As per the requirement she changes her hat and works with different teams and help them in achieving the goal.

Core Competencies: CA Clarity PPM, IT Governance, PPM Best Practices, Customer development.
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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 11, 2014 [] by John George.

Managing Resources Not Money A Critical Factor in Todays Economy

Contributed by Robert Stroud, Vice President Strategy & Innovation IT Business Management at CA Technologies
Frequent readers of this blog know that I enjoy opportunities for direct interaction with you, the IT professionals who
are executing on a daily basis. I had a great chance to do just that recently in Japan and Singapore where I spent time
with many IT leaders and decision makers, and this past week I attended the Gartner PPM and IT Governance Summit at
the Gaylord National Harbor.
Delegates at the Gartner event are a mixture of Governance and PMO specialists, Directors and CIOs who are accountable for assessing and executing on the business demands of IT. Collectively, they shared with me a change in their organizations, where their business partners are coming to them at a faster rate and pace than ever before. With this acceleration, an interesting shift is happening. In 2013 their problem was constrained funding. In 2014, the problem is not
funding, its rapidly becoming one of finding appropriately skilled resources and bandwidth for those resources.
For instance in the new app economy, where do I get developers who truly understand the context of mobility and are
excellent at user experience and efficient code? Yes, they exist, but if they are in my organization they are no doubt at
maximum capacity, so I either need to find more, throttle business demand, or find another resolution.
The PMO is faced with the age-old problem of having the business throw cash at IT. Every initiative is the highest priority and now the prioritization must be balanced with access to resources, both people and partners who can fill the gap
and deliver for the business. This leaves the PMO no choice but to launch an exercise to get an organizational consensus
and rank initiatives according to real business priorities.
Sounds easy, doesnt it? If we had only a small number of initiatives and a totally perfect business relationship maybe it
would be. But most organizations have so much demand and constantly changing resources, priorities and skills that
without tools, its difficult to manage and ensure transparency of execution.
From the event, it became clear that linking organizational strategy to execution with effective and efficient transparency into resources is critical to business success, and the right PPM tools can help.
I am pleased to share a press release issued this week announcing that CA Technologies again received a Strong Positive Rating in Gartners IT Project and Portfolio Management MarketScope Report* for the third consecutive year.
As my General Manager Lokesh Jindal explains in the press release, we continue to drive innovation in our CA Clarity
PPM solution, and our unique ability to help organizations ensure their IT investments are focused on driving business

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growth and project execution by optimizing available resources aligns perfectly with the discussions I had at the event.
To download a complimentary copy of the report click here. Let me know what you think with a comment, or tweet me

About the Author

Robert Stroud is VP of innovation and strategy for IT Business Management at CA Technologies. Rob works closely with
the governance, security, risk and assurance communities to author, develop and communicate standards and best practices. Rob was previously an ISACA International VP and served on the ISACA Strategic Advisory Council. He has contributed to multiple standards publications and has served as an active member of the ITIL Update Project Board.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 8, 2014 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

How to Reset the CA Clarity PPM System Administration (CSA) Password

Document ID: TEC440309

Contributed by: CA Technologies Support and edited by Sunder Rosy, Information Services Engineer
You can reset your CSA password if you cannot log in to the CSA application, if you have forgotten your password, or if
you just need to reset your password.

CA Clarity PPM 12.x

Follow these steps:

1. Reset your current password.

a. Open the command prompt on the CA Clarity PPM application server.
b. Enter the following command: nikuadmin password.

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c. Enter your current CSA password, new CSA password, and confirm the new password when prompted.
2. Reset a forgotten password.
a. Delete the .passwd file located under [Clarity_Home]\config.
b. Open the command prompt on the CA Clarity PPM application server.
c. Enter the following command: nikuadmin password.
d. Enter and confirm the new CSA password when prompted.
e. (Optional) If the system is a clustered environment, repeat these steps on all CA Clarity PPM installations in
that cluster. All installations should be set to the same password.
f. Restart all services after resetting the CSA password.
CA Clarity PPM 13.x
Follow these steps:

1. Reset your current password.

a. Open the command prompt on the CA Clarity PPM application server.
b. Enter the following command: admin password.
c. Enter your current CSA password, new CSA password, and confirm the new password when prompted.

2. Reset a forgotten password.

a. Delete the .passwd file located under [Clarity_Home]\config.
b. Open the command prompt on the CA Clarity PPM application server.
c. Enter the following command: admin password.
d. Enter and confirm the new CSA password when prompted.
e. (Optional) If the system is a clustered environment, repeat these steps on all CA Clarity PPM installations in that
cluster. All installations should be set to the same password.
f. Restart all services after resetting the CSA password.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 1, 2014 [] by Rosy Sunder.

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Hiding Page Tabs

Contributed by Kathryn Ellis, Principal Support Engineer at CA Technologies

Most tabs on the Project Default Layout are controlled by security access rights. But, did you know that in CA Clarity
PPM Release 13.0, you can actually override the security access by permanently hiding tabs on the page layout?

In the configuration of the page layout, you can deactivate a tab which means that it will never appear on the page
layout regardless of the security access rights granted to the user.
This may be useful when you create your own copy of the project default page layout and deactivate different tabs
for use in different types of projects. When the tab is active, it will use the built-in security access rights for visibility.

Example: Create a Copy of the Project Default Page Layout

Note: This example is taken from the original technical article (TEC442078) found on CA Support Online.
You can create a copy of the Project Default Page Layout. Within this page definition, you can deactivate any of the
tabs. When the tab is deactivated, it will not show even if the end-user has the appropriate access rights for viewing the
tab. You may want to create a different page layout in this manner for use with specific projects to ensure that the tabs
are not accessed. It is recommended not to deactivate tabs on the Project Default Page Layout, but instead to make a
copy and use the new one for this purpose.

To deactivate the individual tabs, follow these steps:

1. Click Administration, Portlet Pages.
2. Click the New button.
3. For the page type, select Project.

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4. Navigate to the Tabs tab and see the list of tabs included in this layout design.

5. Deselect the Active check box for the pages that you want to always hide from end-users.
Important! Be sure that the Default tab is configured for an Active tab.

About the Author

Kathryn Ellis is a Principal Support Engineer helping our Clarity customers succeed in accomplishing their goals. She enjoys sharing knowledge and teaching customers to be successful in finding what they need to resolve their issues.
Twitter: ca_kathrynellis

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 27, 2014 [] by John George.

Project manager the invisible hero?

Contributed by Thomas Koehler, PMP, CA Technologies

Our culture admires heroes who rescue people, but dismisses preventive thinkers who warn about potential dangers.
We put cardiac surgeons on a pedestal for rebuilding our heart, but ignore the primary care physicians advice on preventing heart disease. Project management, as a profession, is similar to the medical field in this regard.
Were often more willing to pay the equivalent of the cardiac surgeonthe A-Team, Red Team or SWAT teamfor bailing us out after we make a mess than we are to heed the preventative advice and risk assessments of project managers.

When project management goes well, business disruptions dont occur

I recall a customer survey from a solution implementation performed a few years ago where the customer praised the
vendors consulting services team for delivering exactly what they promised on time and on budget. However, the customer lamented the fact that the wrong solution was being implemented. With some project management oversight,
this mistake would have been avoided.
Business leaders often fail to recognize project management as a profession, because they dont truly understand what
we do. Lets face it, when we project managers do our job well, business disruptions dont occur. So project managers
are caught in a conundrum the better they do their job, the less visible their job becomes.
When screening for project managers, some companies tend to focus on people with technical backgrounds. But companies should also be looking for people with the fundamental skills to effectively manage a project, as well as the political
clout to confront senior managers when tough decisions are called for.
The Project Management Institute has done an outstanding job of establishing project management as a profession, including world-wide credentialing. The institutes Project Management Body of Knowledge establishes best practices for
managing projects.

Connecting project management to business goals

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But something is missing: the ability to explain the value that PMs provide to senior management in a way that connects
to their concerns.
Many companies invest in a team of qualified and experienced project managers, but many others have not seen the
light. Purchasing managers often incentivized to reduce costs despite the long-term impact sometimes reduce or
even eliminate appropriate project management from services contracts.
The correlation between appropriate project management time and project outcome gets lost by the wayside, often because purchase managers dont have to live with the consequences of their decisions.
We project managers need to take the initiative to educate others about the value of project management. When someone asks what we do that significantly improves the likelihood of project success, we need to be able to articulate how
we directly support an organizations business goals.
Ive started to do my part by blogging about specific examples of the value of project managers. I encourage other
project managers to join me here and on Twitter using the hashtag #ITPMvalue. Lets tell the world about our best practices and explain the business value we deliver.

About the author

Thomas Koehler, PMP, started his career developing 3D solid modeling for mini and personal computers. Over the years
he developed an appreciation for the value of project management, obtaining his PMP certification in 1995. Thomas
joined CA Technologies in 1998, first as project manager and in 2000 as PMO consultant. His personal mission is to help
the CA Technologies team of talented project and program managers be the best they can be through education, mentoring, process improvements and data analysis. His personal passion is to advocate the value of project management as
key to ensure our customers maximize the value they realize from their investment in solutions from CA Technologies.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 24, 2014 [] by John George.

Knowledge is Power: Upcoming Instructor-Led and Virtual Learning Courses

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

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CA Education knows an enabled and educated customer is a satisfied customer. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that the following CA Clarity PPM Instructor Led Training (ILT)/Virtual Learning (VL) courses are listed on the
public Education Portal schedules for 2014 Q3.
Note: Public schedules are subject to change anytime without notice. Please be sure to visit the CA Education Portal for
up-to-date course schedules. For more information, please contact your CA Technologies Education representative for

CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Foundations I 200 Bundle (33CLR2264B)

July 7, 2014: 9AM CET EMEA-NLD VL (5 days)
July 7, 2014: 9:30AM CET Milan, Italy Learning Center (5 days)
July 14, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
July 21, 2014: 9AM Brazil Time Allen Rio de Janeiro (5 days)
August 3, 2014: 9:30PM EST (5 days)
August 18, 2014: 9AM CET EMEA-GER VL (5 days)
August 18, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
September 15, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Foundations II 200 Bundle (33CLR2275B)

July 21, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
August 11, 2014: 9AM Brazil Time Allen Rio de Janeiro (5 days)
August 25, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
September 1, 2014: 9AM CET EMEA-GER VL (5 days)
September 1, 2014: 9AM CET EMEA-NLD VL (5 days)
September 8, 2014: 9AM Brazil Time So Paulo, Brazil Learning Center (5 days)
September 29, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Project, Resource and Portfolio Management 200 Bundle (33CLR2265B)
August 5, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)
September 2, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Foundations I 200 Bundle (33CLR2240B)

August 4, 2014: 9AM Brazil Time So Paulo, Brazil Learning Center (5 days)
August 18, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Foundations II 200 (33CLR21971)

July 7, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)
September 8, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Project, Resource and Portfolio Management 200 Bundle (33CLR2241B)
August 18, 2014: 9AM EST VL (4 days)

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Business Administration 200 (33CLR22461)

July 7, 2014: 9AM CET EMEA-GER VL (5 days)
July 28, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)
July 28, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
September 15, 2014: 9AM Brazil Time Allen Rio de Janeiro (5 days)

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CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Data and Reporting 200 (33CLR21981)

July 8, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)
August 12, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)
September 9, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)

CA Clarity PPM v13: Installation 200 (33CLR20401)

July 7, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
August 18, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)
August 18, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM v13: Integration 300 (33CLR30021)

July 15, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)
August 25, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)
September 2, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (4 days)
September 22, 2014: 9AM GMT EMEA-UK VL (4 days)

CA Clarity PPM 13x: Studio Configuration 300 (33CLR30061)

July 21, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
August 25, 2014: 10AM CET Darmstadt, Deutschland Center (5 days)
September 1, 2014: 9AM GMT EMEA-UK VL (5 days)
September 8, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM v13: Studio Configuration 300 (33CLR30031)

September 22, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 20, 2014 [] by John George.

Copying a Project Status Report

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Contributed by Denice Brown, Director Product Management, CA Technologies. Edited by Tina Mastrobuono, Senior Information Services Engineer, CA Technologies.
You can use the content of an existing project status report as the basis for a new status report. For example, last
month you prepared a status report that provided a snapshot of your current projects progress. Your manager has
asked for an updated report. Because so much information is still the same (the descriptions for the Upcoming Activities
and Cost and Effort Explanation, for example), you want to copy the previous report to use as the starting point for the
current report. Then you can modify the report to reflect the current data.
To copy an existing status report, you first create a new status report, and then you bring the content of the existing report into the new report.
1. Open a project and navigate to Properties, Status Reports.
2. Click New on the Status Reports page.

3. Enter a name for the new status report and click Save.

After you click Save, you see the Actions drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the page. This menu has a
Copy option.
Note: This function is not specific to the PMO Accelerator. This function is standard for all CA Clarity PPM objects

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with Copy Enabled selected for the object in Administration (whether the objects are created through an add-in or
by the customer).

4. Click Copy.
You see a list of all status reports that you can access.
Note: You can create a power filter to narrow the status report list to a smaller subset. You can also add project
name to the filter section of the status report list permanently if you are copying often and want to be able to filter
on project. You add a filter by clicking the Options icon (upper right corner of the status report list) and selecting
the Configure option.
5. Select the radio button next to the report that you want to copy and click Save and Return.

This action copies all of the data from the status report that you selected into the new report.
6. Click Save to keep the new status report.
You can now modify the data in the new status report to reflect your current data.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 17, 2014 [] by Tina Mastrobuono.

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Free Training Sign Me Up!

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

CA Education knows an enabled and educated customer is a satisfied customer. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce the release of free web-based training for several CA products to kick start your CA experience and help you
make the most of your investment.
Click this button below to visit the library and choose the courses that meet your needs.

Additional Free Training - Ensuring Successful User Adoption with CA Clarity PPM and CA LISA
Your organization has rolled out Clarity PPM or CA LISA, or is in the processing of rolling out new functionality in either
product but you are not seeing the adoption of the system that you had hoped for. You would like to understand ways
that you can help ensure that your users not only use the system but use it the way you have intended.
Webcast Date: Wednesday June 18th, 2014 1:00 p.m. EST

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 13, 2014 [] by John George.

Copy and Paste Time-Scaled Values in Grid Cells

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By Damon Logiudice, CA Information Services Engineer

Based on concepts provided by Bill Yee, CA Principal Product Manager
Contributing Editors: Namita Mishra, CA Principal Product Manager and CA Senior Information Services Engineers Celita
Lott and Tina Mastrobuono
Sometimes you need to fill in multiple time-scaled value cells in a grid with the same value. Using the steps in this article, you can copy and paste one or more cell values in a grid. You can even copy entire rows and columns!

Follow these steps:

1. ) Navigate to a page that displays a grid portlet with time-scaled values. In this example, we chose the Cost Plan Details page for a project by following these steps:
a. Open Home and from Portfolio Management, click Projects.
b. Open a project and click the Financial Plans tab.
c. Open a cost plan to view the Cost Plan Details portlet.
In this example, you want to copy the Capital cost values for both external and internal labor. You want to replace
the cells that show a value of 0 for March, April, and May with the values for June, July, and August.
2.) To select the cell values that you want to copy:
a. Click the first cell under 2014-06 to get started. This puts you in Edit mode for the selected cell.
b. To save time, you want to select and copy multiple cells. Press Enter to transition from Edit mode to Display
c. Hold down the Shift key and press the Right Arrow key twice (Shift + Right Arrow).
d. While still holding down the Shift key, press the Down Arrow key (Shift + Down Arrow).
The following graphic shows this series of steps.

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You have selected a 2 x 3 area in the grid.

3.) Press Ctrl + C to copy the cells. The dashed cell borders indicate that you have copied the selected cells.
4.) Select the destination cells where you want to paste the values.
a. Click the first cell under 2014-03. This puts you in Edit mode for the selected cell.
Note: The next three substeps below are optional. CA Clarity PPM only needs one destination cell as a starting point
to paste the copied cells. The application needs to know where to start the paste operation for the six cells in the
same 2 x 3 geometric cell shape. You may decide that defining the destination cells helps you control the paste operation and avoid confusion. If you define a destination shape that contains too many or too few cells, a message
appears notifying you to be more precise.
b. Press Enter to transition from Edit mode to Display mode.
c. Hold down the Shift key and press the Right Arrow key twice (Shift + Right Arrow).
d. While still holding down the Shift key, press the Down Arrow key (Shift + Down Arrow).
You have selected a 2 x 3 destination area in the grid.
5.) Press Ctrl + V to paste the cell values that you copied in a previous step.
The following graphic shows this series of steps.

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6.) The red triangles in the cell corners indicate new values that have not yet been saved. Click Save to commit
the values in the grid.

Tips and Tricks

Hold down Shift + Ctrl + Right Arrow to select an entire row of time-scaled values.
Hold down Shift + Ctrl + Down Arrow to select an entire column of time-scaled values.
Use both methods to select all cells in a grid.
To clear multiple values, select one or more cells and then press the Delete key.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 10, 2014 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

Do Your Workflows Have Owners?

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Contributed by Glenn Kiso, Senior Principal Consultant, Presales at CA Technologies

In any organization, work gets completed through various channels including email, meetings, word-of-mouth, process
workflows, and swim lane processes. One of the best ways to enable an effective process is to automate your processes.
This eliminates single points of failure and lack of visibility into processes.
Workflows can help improve the compliance of processes by guiding users the myriad of steps to get work done. Workflows are often used in approvals, gating reviews, event alerts and notifications as part of the Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) investment lifecycle. Unfortunately, many workflows get off to a fast start and die a slow death described
as cumbersome, broken, ineffective, or outdated.
One key requirement to a successful PPM workflow lies in defining the workflow owner. Who is the workflow owner? The
workflow owner is the person or stakeholder who has the most to gain by the successful implementation of the workflow. Sounds easy enough right? If the workflow is going to save finance 10 hours a month by automating the capital
expenditure request process, then a single person in finance should be assigned as the owner.
This person also has the benefit of knowing when the process stops working or if the process itself has changed. If those
10 hours a month reduction in work starts to dwindle, then something has changed or users are not following the workflow appropriately.
Too often, application systems administrators are assigned as the workflow owners. They are typically far removed from
the business benefit of the workflow. The system administrators may know the setup and inner workings, but they are
not impacted by the success or failure of a particular workflow.
Organizations tend to spend an enormous amount of time and money to analyze and design a complex workflows, yet
spend very little to maintain them. Imagine buying a new car, yet never servicing it. No new tires when they are bare
and worn, no oil changes, and no new brake pads when they squeak. Would it surprise anyone that this car would break
down sooner rather than later?
Colorful Visio diagrams, plotter-printer charts with swim lanes, and decision trees taped on conference room walls are
signs of a well planned process. However, those charts and graphs should then move into someones office or desk.
Someone needs to carry the torch through to continuous improvement.
Successful workflows are simple and open-ended. Following a continuous improvement processes by adding more defined steps, SLAs, cycle time expectations, escalation alerts, and notifications as the workflow matures provide an organization exponential benefits to visibility, auditability, and eliminating single points of failure. This can only occur when
a vested owner is involved in the process.

About the Author

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Glenn Kiso has over fourteen years of domain experience in Product and Portfolio Management (PPM). Prior to working
in PPM, he spent eight years doing human resources consulting.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 6, 2014 [] by John George.

How to Set Up the Datamart

Contributed by Sarmistha Purkayastha (CA Information Services)

Set up the Datamart for a successful execution of the Datamart Extraction job. The job is required to run on a regular
schedule for the successful operation of the CA Clarity PPM application. As a business user, you can also write custom
reports against the Datamart schema.
The Datamart supports the following types of reporting information and services:
Fiscal or annual calendar periods
Easily understood roll-up tables
Alerts (stoplights) and trending analysis
Protection from transaction database schema changes (when you customize reports or implement business intelligence applications).
Multiple OBS types that enable multiple views of resource and project data (combined or viewed individually).

Examples: Extracting Data Based on OBS Types

The default OBS location type is the USA unit. If a project is not associated with any OBS location, USA is used in
the datamart extraction. If a project is associated with another OBS location type (for example, the Germany OBS

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location), then that OBS location type is used in the datamart extraction.
You can also specify a default OBS unit to use for projects and resources that are not assigned to an OBS type.

Verify the Prerequisites

Complete the following prerequisites before setting up the Datamart:
Verify that you have an understanding of the Datamart and what it includes.
Verify that you have read a description of the Datamart Extraction job and understand the requirements and restrictions for running this job. For more information, see the administration documentation.
Set up a financial entity to associate with the Datamart. The Datamart uses the monthly fiscal time periods defined
for the entity.
Set up the system currency. For a multi-currency setup, set up all supported currencies.
Verify that the Include in Datamart setting is selected for resources and roles that must be included in the Datamart extraction. The setting is selected by default when you create the resources or roles.
For the Datamart Extraction job to complete successfully, define at least one OBS associated with the Project and
Resource objects.
If you are using Financial Management and you want to see accurate data within the Datamart, complete the following
Update time slices for the successful population of various types of sliced data such as actuals, estimates, allocations.
Set up the Rate Matrix Extraction job to populate the financial tables of the Datamart.
Set up Timesheets because actuals come from posted timesheets.

Configure the Datamart Settings

Verify the following settings for the Datamart, before running it the first time:
Datamart currency and entity
OBS types
Data extraction options
If the product is set up to use multiple currencies, use the following procedure to specify the currency for the financial
data in the Datamart.

Follow these steps:

1. Open Administration, and from Data Administration, click Datamart Settings.
2. In the Datamart Currency section, specify the currency for the financial data in the Datamart and save.
3. In the Datamart Entity section, define the name of the Datamart entity and save.

The Datamart Extraction job uses the active monthly fiscal time periods associated with the entity.
4. In the Customization of Datamart Extraction section, select the appropriate options to indicate if project management, financial management, and resource time facts and summary information are extracted when the Datamart
Rollup Time Facts and Time Summary job runs.
5. Create a project and resource OBS mapping. In the Project Organizational Breakdown Structure Mapping, or

the Resource Organizational Breakdown Structure Mapping section, click New.

Note: There must be at least one OBS definition that is associated with the Project or the Resource object for
the New button to appear.
6. On the Organizational Breakdown Structure Mapping page, complete the following fields:
Order: Displays the order in which the OBS units are configured in the Datamart settings.
OBS: Displays the OBS type that is selected for the OBS configurations. You can select one OBS unit for each OBS

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type that is associated with the project and resource objects. The maximum number of OBS types that you can select for configuration on the Datamart settings is five.
Default OBS Unit: Defines the default OBS unit. Provides a holding bucket for all those projects and resources
that do not have the respective OBS type assigned. The field displays the full path of the OBS unit that you selected.

Set Up Time Slices for the Datamart

Before you run a Datamart job, define the time slices that indicate increments of data. Each time slice request that you
define specifies the objects and fields, the slicing frequency, and the granularity to store the data. Once defined, the
Time Slicing job extracts data and displays a readable flat table that is based on the defined criteria. You can then query
the time slice to run reports.
The following default time slices are used in the Datamart:
Note: Although you do not need to create new slice definitions, verify that the default slice definitions are set up properly. For example, you can edit an existing time slice to ensure that the date ranges are applicable. Also, set the From
Date of the slice definition to the first day of the month and at least a minimum of three months before the current

Schedule and Run the Datamart Extraction Job

For successful operation of the product, execute the Datamart Extraction job on a regular schedule. The job executes a
stored procedure to populate the tables that are needed for:
OBS references
All non-fiscal time-scaled varying (TSV) grids
All fiscal TSV grids and financial processing
The Datamart rollup jobs depend on the successful extraction of data by the Datamart Extraction job.
Best Practice: Run the job daily and schedule it to run during off-peak hours. Based on the volume of data to extract,
the time and system resources that are required to process the request can be significant.

Follow these steps:

1. Open Home, and from Personal, click Reports and Jobs.
2. Open the Jobs menu, and click Available Jobs.
3. Click the Datamart Extraction job.
4. Complete the requested information and submit. The following sections require explanation:

General: Edit the job name. For scheduled runs, you can change the name to distinguish each instance of a
run. For submitted scheduled job entries, a read-only job ID and status are displayed.
Parameters: Set the parameters as desired. This section appears only if your system administrator defined
the parameters. Click Save Parameters to save the defined set of parameters for reuse. The saved parameters display in the list on the Available Jobs list page below the job type from which it is based.
When: Defines the interval at which the job runs. Select Scheduled to run the job later. To run the job at a
recurring time, click the Set Recurrence link.

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You can also set the recurrence of a scheduled job using the UNIX Crontab. To use crontab, select Use UNIX
Crontab Entry Format and enter the schedule. For example, the following entry indicates that the job runs at
midnight on the 1st and 15th of every month.
0 0 1,15 * *
You can use the Crontab option on Windows, Linux, and UNIX operating systems where the CA Clarity PPM instance is running. When you use this option, the scheduled configuration takes the time of the server system
running the CA Clarity PPM instance.
Note: For more information about the UNIX Crontab format and special character usage, see the Oracle Documentation.
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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on June 3, 2014 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

Video Demo: CA Clarity PPM Documentation Wiki

This video provides a demonstration of the draft CA Clarity PPM Documentation Wiki so you can see all of the great features you will have. We hope you are as excited as we are and realize what a big step forward this is in how we deliver
technical content to you. Let us know what you think!

To keep up-to-date on all Wiki-related announcements, search the CA Clarity Global User Community for wiki.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 30, 2014 [] by John George.

What Happens When You Mark a Task as Complete on the Organizer

Tasks Page?

Document ID: TEC439239

Contributed by: CA Technologies Support and edited by Sunder Rosy, Information Services Engineer

On marking a task as Complete on the Organizer Tasks page, you can see the following:
If the resource does not have any ETC remaining, the Status changes to Complete, the pending ETC field is populated with 0.00, and the task Status is changed to Completed.
If there are more than one resource on the task, the task Status does not change to Completed until all resources
have marked their tasks as Completed.
If the resource has remaining ETC, the Status is changed to Completed, the pending ETC field is populated with
0.00, the ETC is not changed, and the task Status is set to Started. Note: This task will not populate in future

timesheets due to the pending ETC set to 0.00.

The project manager can view this information on the Assignments page or in one of the schedulers (Open Workbench
or Microsoft Project). On the Assignment page, display both the ETC and Pending ETC columns. If the ETC has a value,
and the Pending ETC has 0.00, this indicates that the resource has completed work on the task. The project manager
can delete or remove the remaining ETC and on saving the assignment, the Status changes to Completed.

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If you would like to be an author and have your article published on this cookbook, email us at We
look forward to hearing from you!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 28, 2014 [] by Rosy Sunder.

CA Productivity Accelerator 11.1 Training Now Available

The following training bundle is now available:

CA Productivity Accelerator 11.1: Content Authoring 200 Bundle (33CLR2289B)

This bundle of three courses is designed to educate the clients training team on how to use the CA Productivity Accelerator (CA PA) Developer. The Developer is the tool that allows the user to create and/or customize CA PA content. Through simulations in the WBT courses and hands-on exercises in the ILT/VL course, participants will be
taught how to build an outline and record content. Participants will use the Topic Editor to record new, edit and
customize recorded content. Recorded topics will be previewed in the available playback modes before publishing.
The various deployment options, including the options for printed documents, will be shown. The multi-user system
content examines how multiple authors will collaborate.
The CA PA concepts taught in this course are applicable to all CA Technologies applications, even though the CA application captured in this course will be CA Clarity PPM.
For more information, please contact your CA Technologies Education representative.

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If you would like to be an author and have your article published on this cookbook, email us at We
look forward to hearing from you!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 23, 2014 [] by John George.

Roll or Die: Success Strategies for Managing Transformation

Contributed by, Elizabeth Sass, Senior Principal Product Marketing Manager, CA Technologies
When I started sea kayaking a few years ago, I joined a group called Roll or Die that was taught by a former rescue
swimmer on a mission to train kayakers how to do the former to avoid the latter. As much as I try to avoid metaphors,
those rescue methods struck me as being very similar to the unpredictable business conditions we navigate every day.

Weather patterns change, tides shift, waves rise any or all can turn a dry start into a soggy finish, at work or on
the water. Assisted rescues are common for kayakers who capsize, and can be dangerous because they require assistance from others to get out of trouble. The person in the water has to stay calm and hang on, while those coming to assist put themselves at risk with an urgency driven by the knowledge that someones well-being may depend on their skills. Projects face similar challenges that can result in putting investments, resources and other initiatives at risk, and often there isnt much time for staying calm and hanging on much less waiting around for
someone else to figure out the next move.
It took just one dunking and a rescue of the first type to convince me that I better learn a second method: the bullet-proof roll, which is a far better defense against unpredictable conditions. Hanging upside down to practice while
strapped into an 18-foot kayak is disconcerting under the best conditions, but mastering different rolls meant being
able to get upright in seconds without assistance and with less risk. The confidence gained from developing skills
and mastering tools made a dramatic difference in how our group faced challenges on the water.
Projects are also more likely to succeed when contributors have a bullet-proof roll comprised of the skills, data
and tools needed to navigate through sometimes-turbulent, often-unpredictable initiatives. Taking the time to deploy the right solutions and processes during periods of relative calm sets teams up for success, especially when
challenged to deliver the transformational changes required to keep an organization competitive. And, it prepares
them to take on bigger challenges with more confidence.

About the Author

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Elizabeth Sass is a Senior Principal Product Marketing Manager for CA Technologies, focused on Project and Portfo-

lio Management (PPM) solutions. She has spent much of her IT career in marketing, project management and professional services after getting hooked on the power of emerging technologies as a senior corporate training executive. Before joining CA Technologies, Lisa led IT transformation and integration projects for global companies in financial data services, media, telecommunications and managed infrastructure, including developing Cloud migration strategies before it was cool.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 20, 2014 [] by John George.

Tips and Tricks: Editing Email Notifications

Contributed by Mike Hoefgen, Senior Principal Consultant at CA Technologies specializing in Project and Portfolio Management (PPM)

Every release of CA Clarity PPM (Clarity) brings new features, but some of those features are not well publicized.
One of the lesser-known capabilities allows the Clarity administrator to modify existing email notification templates
without any programming.
The following figure shows the Project Added participants email. This email is sent when a resource is allocated to a
project from the Project Team tab of Clarity.

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As the Clarity Administrator, you can change any email notification template by navigating to the Administration
menu and then selecting Data Administration > Notifications, as shown in the following figure.

Since there are over 90 email templates, its very helpful to have a filtering mechanism. The following figure shows
the use of the functional area filter to quickly find email templates for the email illustrated in the first figure above.

Clicking on the template name brings up the detailed email template that you can modify. The following figure
shows the notification body, but you can also edit the email subject as well. In this example, we want the people
who receive these emails to know when the project is scheduled to start, so we add the phrase The project start
date is: now we need the start date attribute from the project. As you can see from the following figure, attributes
are prefaced by a dollar sign followed by the attribute ID enclosed in square brackets. You can insert any project
attribute (including custom attributes) into the email template by clicking on the browse (binoculars) icon below
the Notification Body text box.

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After clicking the browse icon, you are presented with an alphabetic list of project attributes. The following figure
shows that the scheduled start date has been selected. Clarity automatically inserts the selected attribute(s) into
the notification body when you click the Add button.

The text, $[Project.schedule_start] has been inserted into the notification body and you can move this text in your
email template. To save your changes, click the Save button; you can also preview what the email will look like by
clicking the Preview button. All future uses of this template will include the project start date as shown in the following figure.

You can see the text we entered into the template The project starts on: followed by the project start date attribute. Using this little-known feature, you can edit any of the 90+ out-of-the-box email templates that come with
CA Clarity PPM version 13.3 to better fit your particular requirements.

About the Author

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Mike Hoefgen is a senior principal consultant for CA Technologies specializing in Project and Portfolio Management
(PPM). He has over 10 years of experience working in in the PPM domain. He has a BS Electrical Engineer degree from
the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 16, 2014 [] by John George.

Working Overtime? Enter Your Hours

Contributed by Mindy Calderon (Senior Instructor), Kathryn Ellis (Principal Support Engineer), and Linda Hodge (Senior
Instructor), CA Technologies
You can use different ways to implement regular and overtime time entry for your company. One common implementation involves setting up input type codes. These codes may be used for payroll purposes. If your company uses these
codes, they can be made available on user timesheets.
To get started, the administrator creates the input type codes during the set-up of the CA Clarity PPM financial criteria
(Administration menu, Project Management, Input Type Codes on the user interface). The administrator builds an input
type code to indicate regular time and another for overtime. The input type codes indicate that there can be regular
hours and overtime hours for the same task. These codes are then available in the Input Type Code column drop-down
list on the user timesheet.
On the timesheet, the end user (team member who is entering hours) completes the following steps:
1. Select a task and click Split.

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A second entry line for the same task is automatically created.

2. On the first line for the task, select the regular time input type code (in the Input Type Code column) and en-

ter the regular hours.

Note: If the Input Type Code column does not appear on the timesheet, select the Configure option and include that column with the selected columns for display.
3. On the second line for the task, select the overtime input type code and enter the amount of overtime hours.

The administrator must verify that the Rate and Cost matrix contains line items that include the input type codes for
regular and overtime hours.
Note: If the matrix includes different rates for regular time and overtime, there will be differences in the actual costs
that are calculated in different areas of CA Clarity PPM.
You can learn more about using input type codes in the Financial Management User Guide or Basics User Guide available
on the CA Clarity PPM product page on CA Support, or search for CA Clarity PPM input type code on CA Support.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 13, 2014 [] by Tina Mastrobuono.

Keeping Projects on Time and Within Budget with CA Clarity PPM v13.3

As a project manager, you are responsible for completing projects on time, on budget, and within scope. And, as your
organization increases the size and complexity of the business, your project management responsibilities are probably
rapidly increasing, as well. Despite this challenge, you cannot afford to let your projects fall behind schedule.

But, by knowing how to set up the right resources for your projects and investments, you can quickly adapt to dynamic business conditions and stay on track. CA Clarity Project & Portfolio Manager v13.3 (CA Clarity PPM) enables
you to maximize your businesss full potential for delivering innovative products by providing a comprehensive view
of people, projects and portfolios.
Join Mindy Calderon, Senior Education Instructor for CA Technologies and a Certified CA Clarity Professional, for a
free module of the CA Clarity v13.3 Project, Resource & Portfolio Management Bundle 200 33CLR2265B. This webinar is designed to introduce you to the new features and concepts of CA Clarity PPM v13.3. Mindy will review
some basic functionality of Project and Portfolio Management using CA Clarity PPM, which allows users to create
and manage investments through creating, staffing and analyzing.
New to CA Clarity or a long time user? This webinar is for you!

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This webinar is a learning opportunity for CA Clarity PPM users of all levels. Users new to CA Clarity PPM will benefit
from an informative overview of the product and its capabilities while advanced users will have the opportunity to
discover some of the new features in CA Clarity PPM v13.3.
Topics Covered in this Webinar:
Project and Investment Management
Resource Management
Portfolio Management
Date: Thursday, May 15 2014

Time: 1 PM EST

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 9, 2014 [] by John George.

Resource Staffing

by Damon Logiudice, Senior Information Services Engineer, CA Information Services

Editorial Contributions by Jane George, CA Principal Software Engineer, with Sarmistha Purkayastha and Tina Mastrobuono, CA Senior Information Services Engineers
Project Managers (PM) and Resource Managers (RM) can work together to staff teams for projects. They can adopt very
formal planning processes that require a PM to submit a requisition to a RM. The PM can even decide to approve or reject the staff allocations proposed by the RM. They can also adopt less formal resource planning methods where the PM
adds staff directly to their own projects without requesting RM approval.

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This article provides a basic introduction to both staffing methods.

We begin with the less formal staffing options popular with CA Clarity PPM. Primary examples include the following possibilities:
The PM allocates resources directly to their projects.
The RM is in charge of allocating resources but follows the advisories of the PM.
The PM and RM work together to adjust the resource request status and booking status.


A team is the group of staff members (resources) who are assigned to the specific tasks in a project. The staff may be
configured to submit timesheets for the work that they perform. Allocation is the portion of a resources time that is devoted to a specific project. For example, if a resource is available 40 hours a week and is needed for 10 hours on a
project, the resource allocation is 25% for that project, leaving 30 available hours. The Estimate-to-Complete (ETC) is
the quantity of hours or cost estimated to finish the remaining work on a project. If a project must finish on time to
avoid possible penalties, you can use the ETC amounts to determine how many staff to add to complete the assigned
tasks. ETC does not become a factor until the resource is assigned to a task.
Generally speaking, the RM is more concerned with the resource properties and the PM is more concerned with the
staffing properties. The difference is that the resource properties may impact all project allocations while the staffing
properties influence only the specific project.
By default, when you soft-book resources, their allocation is 100% from the project start date to the project end date.
This is how the application behaves out-of-the-box. As an administrator, you can use CA Clarity PPM Studio configurations to change the default allocation to another value including zero.

Because CA Clarity PPM does not restrict bookings to investments, resources can be booked beyond 100% of their
availability. As a RM, you can review allocations and adjust them if necessary. It is often the case that the aggregate ETC for a resource is less demanding than their allocation expressed in hours seems to indicate.
CA Clarity PPM offers an extremely powerful array of pages and portlets to view resource allocations. Use any method
approved by your organization. For example, as a best practice, you may use the Booking Status portlet to filter resource allocations and their booking status. If you require that all work must be hard-booked before the work can be
started, update the soft and mixed allocations in this portlet. You might set a filter to capture work with a soft or mixed
status that is due to start in the next 3 weeks. Or, set a filter to find hard-booked allocations where the Booking Status
field equals Hard and the Approved field is set to No. Repeat your process with your saved filters each week.

A more formal staffing process requires a PM to send detailed staffing requirements to the RM who then evaluates and
responds to the incoming resource requisitions. An entire Resource Requisitions page is available for both the PM and
RM to manage who is doing what and when for all project investments. As a PM, define accurate allocation segments
with appropriate start and finish dates because your requisitions are based on allocation and not ETC.
In addition to an assigned RM, a given resource may also have a booking manager. If the Booking Manager field is
empty, the application assumes the RM is the booking manager. You might use booking managers at the role-level. Requisitions (including any notifications) are then routed to the booking manager whenever someone creates a requisition
for that particular role. You can also set booking managers by OBS.
The PM or requesting manager can choose from three types of requisitions:

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Request Resources: The most common type of request submits a requisition for resources based on the planned
soft-booked allocations. Use this type of requisition when adding new team members to a project.
Unbook Resources: This option submits a request to remove all hard-booked allocations that do not match the
planned allocations. Use this type of requisition when you want to release some or all of the allocated time from a
previously booked team member on a project.
Replace Resources: This option submits a request for a resource to replace only the hard-booked segments of
the allocation. Use this type of requisition when you want to replace one team member with another team member.

Use the Resource Workloads portlet to examine allocations for each resource. For example, you can view the combined
allocations across all the investments for the assigned resource by week. Compare the availability with the number of
hours that are allocated for a resource by investment.
Yellow indicates that a resource is allocated at or under availability for the time period.
Red indicates that a resource is over-allocated (the amount of time booked exceeds resource availability).

Follow these steps to open the portlet:

1. Open Home and under Resource Management select Resource Planning.
2. Click the Workloads tab on the Resource Planning page.
3. (Optional) Use the Time-Scaled Value option to change the time period to bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

Use the Weekly Detail portlet to view allocated hours by week for each resource. As a resource manager, use this information to assign work to individual resources and confirm that they are allocated appropriately. (Note: Portlet data only
appears after you allocate resources to projects.)

Follow these steps to open the portlet:

1. Open Home and under Resource Management select Resource Planning.
2. Click the Allocations tab on the Resource Planning page.
3. Examine the Weekly Detail histogram colors to identify allocations:
Yellow indicates that the resource is allocated at or under availability for that time period.
Red indicates that the resource is over-allocated for that time period.
Green indicates actuals recorded by the resource for that time period. Only posted actuals appear in the chart. If
no actuals have been posted, no actuals appear in the chart.
To view a note summarizing the allocation and availability of a resource for that period, scroll over the histogram for
each week. Use the note to compare the availability of a resource with actual allocation for that period. When a resource
is overbooked, edit allocations to reduce the amount of time the resource is scheduled to work on an investment.

This portlet helps you examine investments where the needed allocations did not match the actuals that have been
booked so far. Use the Allocation Discrepancy portlet to view the team members with a discrepancy between their allocations and actuals, above or below a specified threshold. The portlet displays the difference between allocated hours
for a resource and the actual hours that the resource has logged against their assignments for investments. You can

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specify which resources to display by altering the Deviation Threshold percentage value in the filter. By default, 20
percent is the deviation threshold. The Duration field determines how many periods to use for the calculation of allocations and posted actuals. The Time Scale field determines the length of time to use for the calculations.

Follow these steps to open the portlet:

1. Open Home and under Resource Management select Resource Planning.
2. Click the Allocations tab on the Resource Planning page.


As a RM, remember to communicate with other RMs, PMs, and booking managers about each requisition. Continue to
search, examine, propose, and then confirm the allocation of the right resources and book them to your projects.


Depending on your release of CA Clarity PPM, you can learn more in the Resource Management User Guide available
from CA Support or by searching on Resource Management.


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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 6, 2014 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

Simplify Logging Support Cases Using a Site Profile

Did you know that you can simplify the process of opening a support case by using a site profile. When you set up a site
profile, you save time because you do not need to provide environment information every time you log a support case.
Watch this video from the CA eduCAte channel on YouTube to learn how to simplify the process of opening a support
case using a site profile.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on May 2, 2014 [] by John George.

New IT Innovate, Deliver, Embrace, and Change

Contributed by Robert Stroud, Vice President Strategy & Innovation IT Business Management at CA Technologies
Attending the ISACA 2014 Spring Conference in Los Angeles last week I had the opportunity to speak to senior IT people from a large number of enterprises. One person was discussing with me that IT must change from the traditional
approach of relying on engineering and prescription. This involves building a specific tool and educating the community

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on how to use it, and then entering into a lifecycle of iterating the product with features and functions in a structured
approach. Today, with the consumerization of IT, control is increasingly shifting to the user of the solution. The role of
IT must be to adapt and absorb, not simply prescribe.
For example, many of the IT strategies that I discussed at the conference were limited by peoples perceptions of what is
possible today given current technology, and those perceptions were technology-focused rather than business-enabling.
It has been my experience that when the conversation focuses on technology rather than business outcome budgets are
difficult to fund. More importantly the current technology-based approach makes it difficult to react quickly to the dynamics of the business environment.

Speed is of the essence!

IT strategies must be flexible and able to adapt to the rapidly changing market dynamics. If we do not change the way
weve traditionally operated, we will at some point not be able to keep up, and eventually the IT function will be driven
into obsolesce.
Todays innovative organization must work differently. Work is being completed by small teams and groups who are
working collaboratively and may be developing solution stacks outside of the IT organization. Their work is executed in
an agile form rather that traditional waterfall methodology. Whether we call these citizen developers or even shadow IT,
the objective is to get changing business needs and expectations delivered faster to take advantage of the changing
business opportunity.
For instance a supermarket chain has built virtual stores on the walls of subway stations allowing customers to purchase
items that are then either delivered to their home or collected on the way to their home. This business solution is totally disruptive to the usual shopping experience and requires total interaction with the supply chain and scheduling processes. And fundamentally, IT is critical, as the technology stack is brokering or gluing the components together without
waiting for a lengthy development cycles.
So your IT organization, like your business, should be the process of reinvention leveraging disruptive technologies
and taking advantage of new ways that people interact with technology. To tap into the true power of this opportunity,
companies need to collaborate across a broader business and IT ecosystem: business units, alliance partners, the IT
function, system and service integrators, vendors, outsourcers and more.
No IT organization can go it alone. This is one of the critical aspects of the New IT. The organization much transition to
effectively manage the kinds of partnerships that encourage innovation and direct that innovation toward new strategic
capabilities and business growth.
Delivering New IT must be the focus delivering the power to solve problems, the power to drive change, and the
power to deliver value back to their enterprises as IT can effectively and efficiently broker services to ensure the business gets what it needs, when it needs it.
We must seize the opportunity and embrace the New IT approach now or risk working ourselves rapidly into irrelevance!

About the Author

Robert Stroud is vice president of innovation and strategy for IT Business Management at CA Technologies. Rob is dedicated to the development of industry trends, strategy and communication of industry best practices. Rob is a strong advocate for the governance, security, risk and assurance communities working closely with the community to author, develop and communicate standards and best practices. Rob also advises organizations on their implementations to ensure
they drive maximum business value from their investments in IT-enabled business governance. Following a four-year
term as an ISACA International vice president, Rob served on the ISACA Strategic Advisory Council, and is currently
serving as ISACA ISO Liaison sub-committee. Earlier, Rob served on the itSMF International Board as Treasurer and Director Audit, Standards and Compliance, the itSMF ISO liaisons to multiple working groups and spent multiple years on

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the board of the itSMF USA. An accomplished author and blogger, Rob is widely recognized for perspectives on industry
trends. He also has contributed to multiple standards publications including COBIT 4.0, 4.1 and COBIT 5, Guidance for
Basel II and several ISO standards. Rob served as an active member of the ITIL Update Project Board for ITIL 2011 and
in various roles in the development of ITIL v3 including the Advisory Group, mentor and reviewer. Prior to joining CA
Technologies, Rob spent more than 15 years in the finance industry successfully managing multiple initiatives in both IT
and retail banking sectors related to security, service management and process governance. Follow Rob on Twitter:

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on April 29, 2014 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

New CA Communities Office Hours

Contributed by Melanie Giuliani, Community Program Analyst at CA Technologies.

Have a question about the NEW CA Communities? Connect with the CA Communities team to get answers! Our team is
here to help with the transition and make sure you get the most out of the brand new CA Communities that will be
available soon! Join us for one hour on Wednesday, May 7th @11am EST.
Some sample topics include the following:
General questions about the new communities
New functionality
Best practices
Registration is required to join this meeting. Register Now and add a calendar entry

Note: When you click the link above and register, you will see a button named Add to My Calendar. Also, there is
no audio for this webcast. You submit questions, and our team will respond to you using the Webex Q&A.

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look forward to hearing from you!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on April 25, 2014 [] by John George.

Why Does the Resource Finder Display a 100% Availability Match for Resources Already 100% Allocated?

Document ID: TEC440242

Contributed by: CA Technologies Support and edited by Sunder Rosy, Information Services Engineer
Have you ever wondered why the Resource Finder shows a 100% availability match for a resource across a specific date
range even though the resource in question is 100% allocated to another project during the same date range?
The Resource Finder is functioning as designed. By default, the Resource Finder searches for all hard booked resources
that match the criteria and ignores all soft booked resources. In this case, the resource was previously soft booked to
the project during the date range specified and not hard booked.
To include soft booked resources in the Resource Finder results, select the Include Soft-booked Resources check box in
the search filter.

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Wed love to hear from you! Let us know if you found this article helpful by liking it, flipping it to your own magazine,
sharing it on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, etc., or leave us a comment.
If you would like to be an author and have your article published on this cookbook, email us at We
look forward to hearing from you!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on April 22, 2014 [] by Rosy Sunder.

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Finding Duplicate Financial OBS Associations

Originally contributed by Connie Fu, Senior Support Engineer, CA Technologies CA Clarity Tuesday Tips
In CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2 we have enhanced the OBS component to make the financial OBS (department and location) configurable. With this enhancement, we now have a new column in the PRJ_OBS_OBJECT_TYPES table, called ASSOC_ATT_CODE. Financial department OBS will have the value of odf_obs_fin_dept in this column, while financial location OBS does not.
With the enhancement, Open Workbench now checks to see if a project and its resources have duplicate department associations and if it does, will throw an error The expected data type from the stream was different from what the
stream contained
We have seen several occurrences of a project or a resource being associated to more than 1 department and/or location OBS, in some cases, they could cause a project to not open, or throw system error on the General Properties page.
Although we have not replicated this scenario, here are a couple of queries to help identify such duplicates:

select count(poa.unit_id) rec_count, poa.record_id res_id
from prj_obs_associations poa, prj_obs_units pou, prj_obs_types pot,
prj_obs_object_types poot, pac_mnt_resources pac, entity e
where NLS_UPPER(poa.table_name) = NLS_UPPER(SRM_RESOURCES)
and poa.unit_id =
and poa.record_id =
and pou.type_id =
and = poot.type_id
and e.org_chart_obs_type_id = pou.type_id
and NLS_UPPER(poa.table_name) = NLS_UPPER(poot.table_name)
and poot.assoc_att_code = odf_obs_fin_dept
and pac.departcode is not null
group by poa.record_id
having count(poa.unit_id) > 1

select count(poa.unit_id) rec_count, poa.record_id res_id
from prj_obs_associations, poa, prj_obs_units pou, prj_obs_types pot,
prj_obs_object_types poot, pac_mnt_resources pac, entity e
where NLS_UPPER(poa.table_name) = NLS_UPPER(SRM_RESOURCES)
and poa.unit_id =
and poa.record_id =
and pou.type_id =

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and = poot.type_id

and e.geo_chart_obs_type_id = pou.type_id
and NLS_UPPER(poa.table_name) = NLS_UPPER(poot.table_name)
and poot.assoc_att_code is null
and pac.locationid is not null
group by poa.record_id
having count(poa.unit_id) > 1

To list the extra association record for department:

from prj_obs_associations poa, prj_obs_units pou, prj_obs_types pot,
prj_obs_object_types poot, pac_mnt_resources pac, entity e
where NLS_UPPER(poa.table_name) = NLS_UPPER(SRM_RESOURCES)
and poa.unit_id =
and poa.record_id =
and pou.type_id =
and = poot.type_id
and e.org_chart_obs_type_id = pou.type_id
and NLS_UPPER(poa.table_name) = NLS_UPPER(poot.table_name)
and pou.unique_name <> pac.departcode
and poot.assoc_att_code = odf_obs_fin_dept
and pac.departcode is not null

To list the extra association record for location:

from prj_obs_associations poa, prj_obs_units pou, prj_obs_types pot,
prj_obs_object_types poot, pac_mnt_resources pac, entity e
where NLS_UPPER(poa.table_name) = NLS_UPPER(SRM_RESOURCES)
and poa.unit_id =
and poa.record_id =
and pou.type_id =
and = poot.type_id
and e.geo_chart_obs_type_id = pou.type_id
and NLS_UPPER(poa.table_name) = NLS_UPPER(poot.table_name)
and pou.unique_name <> pac.locationid
and poot.assoc_att_code is null
and pac.locationid is not null

Heres a query that shows the mismatch of department, a similar query can be worked out for location:
select as obs_assoc_id, poa.unit_id obs_unit_id, poa.record_id as
resource_id,, pot.description, pacres.departcode ResEntityOBS,
pou.unique_name ResDeptOBS
from prj_obs_associations poa, prj_obs_units pou, prj_obs_types pot,
prj_obs_object_types poot, pac_mnt_resources pacres
where NLS_UPPER(poa.table_name) = NLS_UPPER(SRM_RESOURCES)
and poa.record_id in
select poa.record_id
from prj_obs_associations poa, prj_obs_units pou, prj_obs_types
pot, prj_obs_object_types poot
where NLS_UPPER(poa.table_name) = NLS_UPPER(SRM_RESOURCES)

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and poa.unit_id =

and pou.type_id =
and = poot.type_id
and NLS_UPPER(poa.table_name) = NLS_UPPER(poot.table_name)
and poot.assoc_att_code = odf_obs_fin_dept
GROUP BY poa.record_id
having count(poa.unit_id) > 1
and poa.unit_id =
and pou.type_id =
and = poot.type_id
and NLS_UPPER(poa.table_name) = NLS_UPPER(poot.table_name)
and poot.assoc_att_code = odf_obs_fin_dept
and poa.record_id =
and pacres.departcode <> pou.unique_name
order by resource_id
Note: If you can help us identify the steps to reproduce duplicate association records, and/or if you have found some
and would like to clean them up, we would like to hear from you please submit a Support case.
For information about the updated configurability of the financial OBS, see the Release 13.2 Change Impact and Upgrade Guide.

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Wed love to hear from you! Let us know if you found this article helpful by liking it, flipping it to your own magazine,
sharing it on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, etc., or leave us a comment.
If you would like to be an author and have your article published on this cookbook, email us at We
look forward to hearing from you!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on April 18, 2014 [] by John George.

Announcing the Upcoming CA Clarity PPM Documentation Wiki

Wouldnt it be great if you could access a collaborative environment that lets you find answers quickly with intuitive
search, access up-to-date information on mobile devices, view new CA Clarity PPM Cookbook articles, export information
to PDF and Word documents, rate and comment, and provide us with feedback so we can improve the content in a
timely manner? You can!

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Your product documentation is evolving to a dynamic Wiki!

We are planning to release the CA Clarity PPM Documentation Wiki and wed love for you to collaborate with us.

Wiki Benefits
Here are the benefits the Wiki will bring you:
Findabily. The Wiki presents information in a simple and intuitive way. You can find information faster and easier.
Collaboration. You can like, dislike, and provide us with comments about the content. We will be monitoring what
you have to say and will work with you to improve it faster! We did not have this ability with the bookshelves.
We will now be able to deliver information updates independent from the product release at any time. Right now,
that is quite difficult with the bookshelves. We are moving away from the bookshelves and forward with the wiki to
accelerate our ability to delivery you with quality content.
Blue Boxes. The boxes are organized based on business context and the categories you would expect to find Clarity content. Thats why we have started this discussion with you now. We want to work with you and deliver you
the best and most intuitive Clarity Wiki!
Embedded Video. In the Videos box, we can embed videos so that you dont have to navigate to the CA youtube
channel, search, and find the videos you want to watch. We can embed and play them right in this page.
Expanding/Collapsing Table of Contents. For those who like the traditional way to find content, we provide this
on the left side of the page.
Announcements & News. This prominent place at the top of the Wiki can be used to tell you about important updates, fixes, an upcoming event for community members, an interesting cookbook article, upcoming training, an
upcoming broadcast on BrightTALK, etc.
Create your own PDF and Word Files. This powerful Wiki feature allows you to select any of the content on the
Wiki and create your own PDF and Word files. We have heard from the community that our existing Clarity documentation is good and overwhelming. So now, instead of you having to spend time and search hundreds of pages
in a guide, you will be able to create your own with just the content you want.
Collaboration with your Community. You will have 1-click access and one place to collaborate with your peers
on the Global User Community, submit ideas to improve the product, read blogs, access support, green books,
cookbook articles on Flipboard, youtube videos, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and BrightTALK.

Whats Happening with the Bookshelves and Online Help?

The upcoming CA Clarity PPM release is the last release that will provide the traditional bookshelves (including the
HTML and PDF documentation) and the current online help. After the upcoming GA release, we will discontinue the
bookshelves, the HTML documentation, the PDF documentation, and online help in future releases. The bookshelves and online help will evolve and be replaced by the Wiki.
Any post-GA documentation updates for the upcoming release will only be made on the Wiki.
Note: You can find the existing bookshelves supporting previous CA Clarity PPM releases on CA Support Online.

Whats Happening with the CA Answer Bar?

The CA Answer Bar is being retired in September, 2014 and it will not be delivered with the upcoming CA Clarity
PPM release. The CA Answer Bar started the transition to better search-based information. And with the evolution
to a dynamic Wiki, you will have a collaborative environment to find and share relevant and up-to-date content. After September, any shortcuts you may have to the CA Answer Bar will redirect you to the global search results
page on our product support page where you can easily search for the information you need.

What Will the Wiki Look Like?

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A few CA products are now live on the Wiki. Use the links below to see it in action, get a preview of what the CA Clarity
PPM Wiki will look like, and how it will work:
CA Service Operations Insight Documentation Wiki
CA ControlMinder Documentation Wiki
CA Nimsoft Service Desk Documentation Wiki

Help Us Design the Upcoming CA Clarity PPM Documentation Wiki

Lets start the conversation now. Follow these steps:
1. Use the previous Wiki links to get acquainted with what the CA Clarity PPM Documentation Wiki will look like and
how it will work.
2. Review the following draft screen shot of the upcoming CA Clarity PPM Documentation Wiki Home Page and the table below the screen shot for a description of the content you will find in each box.

Content Area/Blue Box


Announcements & News

Important announcements/news. For example, a new article on the CA Clarity PPM Cookbook, important information from the Community, an upcoming BrightTALK seminar, etc.


Videos from the CA Technologies eduCAte channel on YouTube.

Release Information

Release information that is traditionally found in the Release Notes and Change Impact and Upgrade.

Installing and Upgrading

Information about how you install and upgrade CA Clarity PPM.


Information about how you manage projects, portfolios, resources, and finances.


Information about how you set up CA Clarity PPM so users can manage projects, portfolios, resources, and finances.

Add-Ins and Connectors

Information about how you extend the product functionality using the add-ins and connectors.


Technical information for CA Clarity PPM, such as portlets, jobs reference, database tables, etc.


Access to the CA Clarity Global User Community, Blogs, Support, Green Books, CA Clarity PPM
Cookbook on Flipboard, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and BrightTALK.

1. Note your observations, comments, and suggestions about the order of the boxes (the most important should ap-

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pear at the top), their name, and what content you would expect to find when you click each box. If there are any
boxes you dont see and would expect to find, let us know, and also where they should appear on the Home Page.
2. Do one of the following:
Respond to the original community post on the Community with your feedback.
Email me directly ( with your feedback.
We are experimenting now, and we want to ensure that we provide you with a simple and intuitive Wiki where you will
easily be able to find the content that you want.
Thank you for joining in our journey to evolve the product documentation and improve your experience.
Follow the original thread on the Global User Community

Tell Us What You Think/Write an Article for this Cookbook

Wed love to hear from you! Let us know if you found this article helpful by liking it, flipping it to your own magazine, sharing it on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, etc., or leave us a comment.
If you would like to be an author and have your article published on this cookbook, email us at We
look forward to hearing from you!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on April 11, 2014 [] by John George.

Is Your Portfolio Aligned to the Organizations Goals and Objectives?

Contributed by Robert Stroud, Vice President Strategy & Innovation IT Business Management at CA Technologies

In recent years there has been a lot of focus on making the annual planning processes that organizations go
through more strategic. There is an increased understanding that the portfolio of projects has to be managed
against the organizations goals and objectives and that this may require perfectly good projects to be stopped or
changed simply because they no longer align with what the organization needs to achieve.
According to the CA Technologies sponsored report Top Down Planning and Bottom Up Execution Harmony or Discord?, todays organizations need to develop portfolio driven, ongoing planning approaches.

Based on a survey of subscribers to the, the report recommends that organizations first define
their portfolio of projects so that it is easier to maintain alignment with the organizations goals and objectives and reduces the reliance on potentially disruptive change to make corrections. By having an ongoing planning approach rather

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than trying to complete all planning activities in an annual cycle the organization can be much more adaptable to the
shifts in priorities and the variances in execution that are an inevitable part of portfolio execution.
The report also found that:
Almost 4 out of 5 organizations review and change their process for annual planning each year if you arent then
you could be giving your competitors an unnecessary advantage!
Project selection and approval is becoming much more strategic with organizations increasingly shifting their approval criteria to alignment with the overall organizational objectives and reducing the role that individual department heads have in the approval decision. You can get the best of both approaches by ensuring that departmental
objectives are in full alignment with the corporate objectives and the approved projects that will deliver those objectives.
Using a regular review process to manage change can help to avoid making changes too quickly, but care needs to
be taken to ensure that the process is flexible enough to avoid delaying the approval process and causing further
The number of projects that change is not necessarily a measure of success in planning, but rather an outcome of
the ability of the organization to recognize the need to change and implement that change effectively.
In addition the report recommends that organizations invest appropriately in PPM software, and recognize the benefits
and the risks that are inherent in such an implementation. Relatively immature organizations can succeed with PPM, but
they need to be careful to avoid trying to expand the feature set too far, too fast. Enterprise wide use of the full PPM
feature set should occur only when the organizations project execution approach is mature enough to allow the tool to
adapt to the processes if you find that you are tailoring too many processes to the tool then you are unlikely to succeed.
For more information, click here to download a copy of the report.

About the Author

Robert Stroud is vice president of innovation and strategy for IT Business Management at CA Technologies. Rob is
dedicated to the development of industry trends, strategy and communication of industry best practices. Rob is a
strong advocate for the governance, security, risk and assurance communities working closely with the community
to author, develop and communicate standards and best practices. Rob also advises organizations on their implementations to ensure they drive maximum business value from their investments in IT-enabled business governance. Following a four-year term as an ISACA International vice president, Rob served on the ISACA Strategic Advisory Council, and is currently serving as ISACA ISO Liaison sub-committee. Earlier, Rob served on the itSMF International Board as Treasurer and Director Audit, Standards and Compliance, the itSMF ISO liaisons to multiple
working groups and spent multiple years on the board of the itSMF USA. An accomplished author and blogger, Rob
is widely recognized for perspectives on industry trends. He also has contributed to multiple standards publications
including COBIT 4.0, 4.1 and COBIT 5, Guidance for Basel II and several ISO standards. Rob served as an active
member of the ITIL Update Project Board for ITIL 2011 and in various roles in the development of ITIL v3 including
the Advisory Group, mentor and reviewer. Prior to joining CA Technologies, Rob spent more than 15 years in the finance industry successfully managing multiple initiatives in both IT and retail banking sectors related to security,
service management and process governance. Follow Rob on Twitter: @RobertEStroud

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If you would like to be an author and have your article published on this cookbook, email us at We
look forward to hearing from you!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on April 8, 2014 [] by John George.

From Dating to Marriage: Application Portfolio Management

Contributed by Thomas McQuitty, Senior Principal Consultant at CA Technologies specializing in Project and Portfolio Management
Dating and application portfolio management are very similar. Dating goes through different phases much like project
management. In dating, it is identifying someone, spending time with them and figuring out if it will work out. If it
does, you then start planning an engagement, a wedding then moving onto marriage.
Nearly every project investment goes through similar phases. These include Identification, Selection, Planning, Execution and Rollout. Much like dating, theres a lot that can be learned about the investment during this process. Theres a
lot of time involved, sometimes they work and sometimes they dont. During this process, you can change scope, scrap
the investment and, if youre lucky, change the world or your workplace for the better.
Couples will talk about shared interests, finances, living arrangements and whose couch will occupy the coveted space in
the living room. They talk about the future of being together. They are working to ensure they are compatible long
term. They want to know expectations. These can include who will take out the trash, pay the bills, where to live and if
they want children.
Is Project Management much different? Not really. Except, often times, the future is ignored to get through the current
phase of the investment. Much like the couples engagement, theres a lot of work that needs to be done right now.
The project has to be executed and delivered. If the project is big enough, there will be a launch party, much like a
wedding. It will be a celebration of multiple interests coming together for a long time.
Just like a marriage, the nature of the relationship changes. Once the project is completed, you want to ensure a happy
existence. At the end of a project, the work and costs dont end but the nature of the work and costs do. From a financial perspective, costs transition from capital to operating. Work transforms from development and testing to operational. The people involved in creating this work move on and new people take over the day-to-day responsibilities.
The cost and effort of projects are estimated but the ongoing upkeep of the application is often ignored at the onset.

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This would be a lot like focusing on the costs of a wedding and ignoring the future of being together.
With Application Portfolio Management, you can see not only projected but actual costs and compare expectations to reality. You can see the workloads for both project and keep the lights on activities.

And you can re-evaluate that in-

vestment with realistic numbers to ensure its driving the expected value.
Most applications dont exist within a vacuum. At some point more investment is going to be needed. This can include
upgrades, bug fixes, support costs (both internal and external) and possible support maintenance. And recognizing
those costs and including them in the planning models is important.
So how can this be modeled?
CA Clarity PPM has different types of investments. The Application investment type can model and track actual costs.
This includes labor, related investments and unplanned costs. Heres a hierarchical view of the investment costs:

Gathering and planning those costs give you an important leg up on the transformation from dating to marriage.
It is also important to understand how it compares to other investments. Using portfolio features, you can model out
multiple metrics, including utilization, number of users, costs, importance to the organization, etc. And this can be used
for future decision making or understanding all applications in the aggregate.
The bubble chart below plots the Priority on the Y axis, Planned Cost on the X axis and the number of licenses is the
bubble size.

This shows that we have some very expensive licenses for some applications that arent high priority and allows us to
make informed decisions on how to move forward.
When you make an investment into a project it is much like a marriage. There are multiple factors, including emotions,
time and money. You want to make sure that if you walk down the aisle, you are prepared for a successful long term
relationship. And a little planning can go a long way.
Are you treating your projects with the long term focus they need?

About the Author

Thomas McQuitty is a Senior Principal Consultant for CA Technologies specializing in Project and Portfolio Management.

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He has an extensive development, consulting and project management background.

Thomas has 20 years of software industry experience from software development to deployment. He joined CA
Technologies in 2008.
In his personal time, he enjoys time with his children, programming, and finding the best places to ride his motorcycles.

Tell Us What You Think/Write an Article for this Cookbook

Wed love to hear from you! Let us know if you found this article helpful by liking it, flipping it to your own magazine,
sharing it on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, etc., or leave us a comment.
If you would like to be an author and have your article published on this cookbook, email us at We
look forward to hearing from you!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on April 4, 2014 [] by John George.

Top 10 List

Contributed by Connie Fu (Senior Support Engineer, CA Technologies) on the CA Clarity Global User Community.
Edited by Tina Mastrobuono.
Do you know what your fellow CA Clarity PPM users are reading when they need troubleshooting information or other
technical details? Theyre going to the CA Support Online Knowledge Base articles. Some of the subjects include changing the limits for portfolio investments and roles, audit trail entries that are created with blank values, using the Action
Trace (SQL Trace), and running a dedicated service for the Process Engine.
Here are the top 10 viewed CA Clarity PPM Knowledge Base articles for February 2014.

TEC573491 - Using Clarity v13 Action Trace

TEC603462 - Clarity: Datamart Extraction job fails with message no data found after upgrade to Clarity
13.2 or applying patch for 13.1

TEC484045 - TMA-0111 timesheet error when adding tasks or saving timesheet

TEC595088 - Clarity: Audit trail shows no value for parameterized lookup

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TEC605545 - Clarity: Project New From Template or Copy From Template Financial Setting Attributes

TEC605612 - Clarity: Timesheets filter: Autosuggest for the OBS Unit field never returns any OBS Units. It
will always read No results match instead.

TEC597391- r13.2 Portfolio Management has limitation for maximum number of investments and roles per

TEC578077 - cache.xml has old entries which are unused and causing upgrade failures.

TEC595860 - Clarity: Audit trail entries created with blank values (insert/edit operations) for a multi-valued
lookup attribute tied to a user-defined static look up

TEC484783 - Clarity: Dedicated Service for the Process Engine.

Read other Knowledge Base articles on the CA Clarity PPM product page on CA Support Online.

For other great information and an entire community of CA Clarity PPM users, visit the CA Online Communities

Tell Us What You Think/Write an Article for this Cookbook

Wed love to hear from you! Let us know if you found this article helpful by liking it, flipping it to your own magazine,
sharing it on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, etc., or leave us a comment.
If you would like to be an author and have your article published on this cookbook, email us at We
look forward to hearing from you!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on April 1, 2014 [] by

Tina Mastrobuono.

Upcoming Educational Courses Are Scheduled (Releases 13.x)

Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

Invest in yourself and take some CA Clarity PPM training!
The following upcoming Education Offerings (ILT = Instructor Led Training, VL = Virtual Learning) are available on the
public Education Portal schedule for 2014 for you to expand your product knowledge and help enable your success.

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CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Foundations I 200 Bundle (33CLR2264B)

April 7, 2014: 9:30AM GMT Malaysia Time VL (5 days)
May 5, 2014: 9AM CET EMEA-FIN VL (5 days)
May 5, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
May 19, 2014: 9:30AM CET Milan, Italy Learning Center (5 days)
June 9, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Foundations II 200 Bundle (33CLR2275B)

April 7, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
April 20, 2014: 9:30PM EST VL (5 days)
May 12, 2014: 9AM CET EMEA-BEL VL (5 days)
May 12, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
June 2, 2014: 9AM CET EMEA-GER VL (5 days)
June 16, 2014: 8:30AM EET EMEA-FIN VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Project, Resource and Portfolio Management 200 Bundle (33CLR2265B)
May 18, 2014: 9:30PM EST VL (4 days)

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Foundations I 200 Bundle (33CLR2240B)

May 5, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)
June 16, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Foundations II 200 (33CLR21971)

April 28, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Project, Resource and Portfolio Management 200 Bundle (33CLR2241B)
April 22, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)
May 27, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)
June 30, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Business Administration 200 (33CLR22461)

April 7, 2014: 9AM Brazil Time So Paulo, Brazil Learning Center (5 days)
April 14, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
May 4, 2014: 9:30PM EST VL (5 days)
May 19, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)
May 19, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Data and Reporting 200 (33CLR21981)

April 22, 2014: 9AM Brazil Time So Paulo, Brazil Learning Center (4 days)
April 29, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)
June 3, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)

CA Clarity PPM r13.1: Foundations I 200 Bundle (33CLR2189B)

Contact CA Education to request adding this course on the Education Portal schedule

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CA Clarity PPM r13.1: Foundations II 200 (33CLR21741)

Contact CA Education to request adding this course on the Education Portal schedule

CA Clarity PPM r13.1: Project, Resource and Portfolio Management 200 Bundle (33CLR2190B)
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CA Clarity PPM v13: Foundations I 200 Bundle (33CLR2145B)

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CA Clarity PPM v13: Foundations II 200 (33CLR20581)

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CA Clarity PPM v13: Project, Resource and Portfolio Management 200 Bundle (33CLR2107B)
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CA Clarity PPM v13: Installation 200 (33CLR20401)

April 14, 2014: 9AM EST eSOFT, Caracas, Venezuela (5 days)
April 14, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
May 12, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)
June 23, 2014: 9AM Brazil Time So Paulo, Brazil Learning Center (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM v13: Integration 300 (33CLR30021)

April 22, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)
May 20, 2014: 10AM EST VL (4 days)
May 26, 2014: 9AM Brazil Time So Paulo, Brazil Learning Center (4 days)
June 3, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (4 days)
June 17, 2014: 9AM EST VL (4 days)

CA Clarity PPM 13x: Studio Configuration 300 (33CLR30061)

April 28, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)
May 22, 2014: 9AM Brazil Time So Paulo, Brazil Learning Center (5 days)
June 1, 2014: 9:30PM EST VL (5 days)
June 2, 2014: 10AM EST VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM v13: Studio Configuration 300 (33CLR30031)

June 23, 2014: 10AM Australia Eastern Time VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM v13: Business Administration 200 (33CLR20591)

May 19, 2014: 9AM EST VL (5 days)

CA Clarity PPM v13: Data and Reporting 200 (33CLR20601)

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* Public schedules are subject to change anytime without notice. Please be sure to visit the CA Education Portal for
up-to-date course schedules.
For more information, please contact your CA Technologies Education representative for details.
This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on March 28, 2014 [] by John George.

Creating Your Own Portlets? Dont Forget NSQL

by Damon Logiudice, CA Clarity PPM Senior Information Services Engineer, CA Technologies

Did you know the CA Clarity PPM data model supports NSQL keywords that are the same as standard SQL keywords?
Thats good news for developers. You can write one query and rely on the same syntax for both Oracle and MSSQL databases.

Define Your Data

Before you create a portlet to extract and display data in the application, write a query that defines the data in CA Clarity PPM Studio. While not required to work in Studio, some knowledge of SQL is helpful in setting up and managing data.
NSQL queries represent read-only operations. They cannot change data; they can only retrieve it. Anything in the database can be used to call stored procedures. When you define an NSQL query, you identify the query segments and designate them as metric values, dimensions, dimension properties, or parameters.
Create NSQL queries in Studio and use them to create new portlets that can access the CA Clarity PPM database. More
good news for developers: because queries are not directly associated with a single portlet, the same query can be used
to produce data for multiple portlets.

Tips for Working with NSQL

Use the following tips to develop successful NSQL queries:
Start with SELECT statements that specify which rows and columns to fetch from one or more tables. If a statement does not start with @SELECT, an error message appears and any UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE operations
Do not use NSQL for reporting or for stored procedures.
For queries that you use with pie charts and funnel charts, verify that the metric does not contain negative values
by filtering numbers greater than zero.
NSQL adds SQL constructs to the end of the statement for automated filtering and other statements. This can create problems when you use UNION in NSQL. As a workaround, use @SELECT@ in the outer select of an inline view

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that encapsulates the UNION statement.

Troubleshooting NSQL Issues

Error 1: This query produced duplicate dimensional data. The results shown here may be invalid or incomplete.
Solution: The unique key in the Dimension property cannot contain duplicate values. Verify that the table joins are correct.

Error 2: Error when trying to execute the query.

Solutions: One of the following trouble spots may be responsible.
A field in the SELECT or WHERE clause does not specify the table name. Because the field name appears in multiple tables, verify that the table name precedes the field name.
Remove the extra comma after the last @SELECT statement.
Remove the extra comma after the last table listed in the FROM clause.
Fix a reference to an incorrect table name.

NSQL Data Types

NSQL supports the following data types as part of the Dimension, Properties, and Metrics columns. They cannot be used
as parameters.
1. IMPLIED indicates there is no need to qualify a data type; the database uses what it contains. This data type is allowed in @SELECT@ constructs because the NSQL engine can only retrieve information about the data type from
this location.
2. MONEY specifies that the value represents a financial amount. The (<currency column>) alias in parentheses
specifies the currency. The currency must also be part of the SELECT statement.
3. STRING specifies a basic string that cannot be manipulated.
4. INTEGER represents a whole number that has no fraction or decimal component. The minimum and maximum
limits depend on the capabilities of your database. As an example, use a unique integer data type for an employee
ID field.
5. FLOAT represents a decimal or floating-point number (for example, 2.375). The minimum and maximum limits,
and the precision of values, depend on the capabilities of your database.
6. DATE represents a date and time value. The default format and supported conversion functions depend on the capabilities of your database. Typically, the default date-time format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

To reduce the possibility of an NSQL query exceeding the available server resources, a row limit governor applies for
grid portlets, chart portlets, and where XOG query tags are used. The governor limits the number of rows that are processed to 50,000. The row limit is applied in the following cases:
A portlet is running a single dimension NSQL data provider, and the portlet has an aggregation row defined. When
the system detects this scenario and the row limit governor has been exceeded, it displays a warning message. The
results up to the row limit (including the aggregation row total) are processed. You can enter filter criteria to display specific rows. This action reduces the number of rows in the result.
A portlet is running a multidimensional NSQL data provider. When the system detects this scenario and the row
limit governor has been exceeded, it displays a warning message. CA Clarity PPM does not display any results or
aggregation row totals. Because of the nature of multidimensional NSQL queries, the correct result set or aggregation row cannot be determined.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on March 25, 2014 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

How to Avoid Project Failure of Titanic Proportions

Contributed by Thomas Koehler, PMP, CA Technologies

I recently learned an interesting fact about the sinking of the Titanic that isnt widely known: The catastrophe had
its genesis with the requirements and the resulting design. An absolute requirement was that the Titanic be unsinkable, but there was also the desire to build a ship of unprecedented luxury for first-class passengers, and that included a grandiose ballroom. The problem was that the water-tight bulkheads required for the ships integrity interfered with the ballroom, so someone made the decision to forego some of the ships integrity in favor of ultimate
Another problem, which everyone is familiar with, is that the captain totally ignored the warnings of ice because he
sought the fame and glory of setting an Atlantic crossing speed record. His goal of arriving at port ahead of schedule trumped all other considerations, so he ignored the risks.
When the lookout spotted the iceberg, no one had considered that eventuality, so the crew had no time to consider
how to minimize potential damage. The captains order was instinctive: Avoid the iceberg. The ship scraped the
iceberg, breaching not only its front compartments (which had the required water-tight bulkheads), but also compartments below the ballroom. The compartments below the ballroom flooded with seawater, which spilled over the
inadequate bulkheads into compartment after compartment, filling compartments that were necessary to keep the
Titanic afloat.
Heres the irony: If the Titanic had run head-on into the iceberg, odds are very good that it would not have sunk,
and many more people would have survived. Only the bow would have been damaged, and its possible that the in-

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tegrity of the rest of the ship would have remained intact.

What does all of this have to do with project management? Here are some points we can learn from the Titanic:
Project success starts with proper requirements (see this blog for more). When requirements conflict, the project
manager needs to make sure that technical details dont get lost in translation. Technical experts and executives
speak different languages, and the project manager must ensure that the impact on the business of choosing one
option over another is clear to all stakeholders.
There is no substitute for proper risk management. Sure, you spend a lot of time talking about problems that might
never happen, but risk management also opens everyones eyes to obstacles. The expectation that a project isnt at
risk simply because a project manager who has led a similar project is at the helm is completely unrealistic. The
more experience a project manager has, the more he or she can contribute to the risk inventory and provide options for navigating around potential problems.
Once the probability of a particular risk reaches 100%in other words, when the risk turns into an issueyou often dont have the luxury of time to figure out the best response. For example, during a production rollout, time is
of the essence. A proper risk management plan includes how to respond when a risk turns into an issue. Because
the project manager helped to evaluate the response options and select the optimal one for your project, your reaction to the issue will be much more effective than if you have to shoot from the hip.
When a risk turns into an issue, its almost always best to face it head on. It may adversely affect your project budget and schedule, but the vast majority of issues dont behave like a fine wine, getting better with time; instead,
they dont go awayand they usually get worse. In addition, most executives prefer to learn about a problem early
on. If you skirt the issue, the impact on the business will be worse than inciting the momentary ire of your leadership.
Rarely does a project sink because of a single problem; rather, it happens because of an accumulation of unexpected issues, errors in judgment, ignoring the basics, lack of communication and the project teams pride. If you can prevent
just one weak link in the chain, your project will sail along much more smoothly. Thats why its so important to pay attention to project management fundamentals like scope management, financial management, risk management, quality
management, and so on. They are designed to alert you to potential problems early on and help you navigate around
trouble spotslike icebergsfor a smooth journey.

About the Author

Thomas Koehler, PMP, started his career developing 3D solid modeling for mini and personal computers. Over the years
he developed an appreciation for the value of project management, obtaining his PMP certification in 1995. Thomas
joined CA Technologies in 1998, first as project manager and in 2000 as PMO consultant. His personal mission is to help
the CA Technologies team of talented project and program managers be the best they can be through education, mentoring, process improvements and data analysis. His personal passion is to advocate the value of project management as
key to ensure our customers maximize the value they realize from their investment in solutions from CA Technologies.

Tell Us What You Think/Write an Article for this Cookbook

Wed love to hear from you! Let us know if you found this article helpful by liking it, flipping it to your own magazine,
sharing it on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, etc., or leave us a comment.
If you would like to be an author and have your article published on this cookbook, email us at We
look forward to hearing from you!

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on March 21, 2014 [

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to-avoid-project-failure-of-titanic-proportions/] by John George.

Advantages of Increasing PPM Maturity

Contributed by: Robert Stroud, Vice President Strategy & Innovation IT Business Management at CA Technologies
A recent CA Technologies sponsored survey of subscribers to the newsletter and visitors to
their site found that respondents have a clear desire for greater PPM maturity.
Titled, Top Down Planning and Bottom Up Execution Harmony or Discord? the report recommends that organizations
looking to achieve a greater PPM maturity engage project practitioners and the PMO in developing project management
capability. According to the report, not only will that help organizations to build an engaged team, it will assist in developing the organizations PPM maturity, which in turn will improve the chances of project execution success. At the same
time, the report advises that organizations should recognize that PPM maturity improvements are not linear many organizations will experience a plateauing around level 4 after which the benefits may not be able to justify the investment.
Some additional findings and tips in the report include:
Organizations are investing in PPM tools earlier in their PPM maturity than has previously been the case and the
majority of those organizations are looking to take those tools across the entire enterprise. If you arent yet considering PPM software, but already have some standard processes and a PMO in place, then it might be time to revisit that decision. Additionally, many organizations are leveraging more than one PPM tool so you dont have to
find a one size fits all solution.
Successful organizations are able to adapt their PPM tool to their processes, or only need to make minor changes
to their project processes to accommodate the tool. If you are faced with more comprehensive changes then you
may need to revisit the choice of tool or further develop your PPM maturity before implementation.
While higher levels of PPM maturity will deliver benefits, the law of diminishing returns applies to many factors and
the investment of time, effort and money required to move beyond levels 3 or 4 may not be worth it.
Click here to download a copy of the report.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on March 18, 2014 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

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Cloud-Based PPM Has Evolved

Watch this video from the CA eduCAte channel on YouTube and learn how you can use the cloud-based Project and
Portfolio Management solution to help you centralize and manage the entire project and portfolio lifecycle. You can
get started in as little as 5 days and expand capabilities in 30 to 45 day increments based on your goals and level
of maturity.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on March 14, 2014 [] by John George.

Localized Help and Product Documentation for CA Clarity PPM 13.3 General Availability Announcement

Date: 3/11/2014

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To: CA Clarity PPM Customers

From: CA Technologies CA Clarity PPM Product Team
Subject: General Availability Announcement for CA Clarity PPM 13.3 Localized Help and Documentation
On behalf of CA Technologies, we appreciate your business and the opportunity to provide you with high-quality, innovative software and services. As part of our ongoing commitment to customer success, we regularly release updated versions of our products. Today, we are pleased to announce that Localized Help and Documentation for CA Clarity PPM
13.3 is now available.

The latest version of the CA Clarity PPM (Online Help and Documentation) is available in the following 19
languages: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish,
Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, and Turkish.
Customers should download the updated file from to update their Online Help feature in the respective
languages. DVD component is available on your CA Clarity PPM core product download.
If you have any questions or require assistance contact CA Customer Care online at where you can submit an online request using the Customer Care web form:
/web/guest/customercare. You can also call CA Customer Care at +1-800-225-5224 in North America or see for the local number in your country.
Should you need any assistance in understanding these new features, or implementing this latest release, our CA Services experts can help. For more information on CA Services and how you can leverage our expertise, please visit To connect, learn and share with other customers, join and participate in our CA Clarity Global
Users Community at
To review CA Support lifecycle policies, please review the CA Support Policy and Terms located at:
Thank you again for your business.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on March 12, 2014 [] by John George.

How is the Project Risk Score Calculated?

Document ID: TEC439319

Contributed by: CA Technologies Support and edited by Sunder Rosy

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The risk score also known as calculated risk is calculated based on the impact and probability of a risk. The risk impact
and probability are lookup values that have numeric values (LOOKUP_ENUM) assigned to them. The risk score is calculated using the following formula:

Risk score = impact * probability

The risk score matrix is used to determine the degree of a risk (High, Medium, and Low) based on the impact and probability factors of a risk. To define this matrix, open the Administration menu, and from Project Management, click Risk

How is the Project Risk Score Calculated?

The project risk score is calculated using a building formula that is based on certain contributing factors also known as
Category types. To set the contributing factors for projects that do not have detailed risks, complete the following steps:
1. Open the Home menu, and from Portfolio Management, click Projects.
2. Open the project.
3. Open the Properties menu, and from Properties, click Risk Rating.

For projects that have detailed risks, create risks of particular category types (contributing factors). The system
moves the average value of all the risks of a certain category type to the contributing factor attribute of the
The impact of the risk on a project is determined by taking the average of the sum of all the risks impact values for
a category type and then mapping it with the closest higher lookup_enum value of the impact. The same is the case
with the risk probability.
The impact and probability for a category type are used to get the risk score from the risk score matrix. This value is assigned to the contributing factor attribute of the project that is one of the factors that drives the formula of the project
risk score.
Note: The status of a detailed risk is not considered in the overall Risk Score Average Weighted formula. Therefore,
the calculation still adds the detailed risks with a status of Closed or Resolved.
The default risk setting values in CA Clarity PPM are as follows:
Risk Impact: Low (1), Medium (2), High (3)
Risk Probability: Low (1), Medium (2), High (3)
Risk Rating: Low (0), Medium (50), High (100)
The following example explains how the risk score for a project is calculated:
A project has the following risks of Funding category type:
Risk 1 with low impact and low probability (calculated risk = 1, risk rating = Low)
Risk 2 with high impact and medium probability (calculated risk = 6, risk rating = High)

Project Risk Score:

Average impact = (1+3)/2 = 2 (Medium)
Average probability = (1+2)/2 = 1.5 (<2 so Medium rating)
Therefore the funding contributing factor attribute is 50 (Medium). Project risk score is then driven according to the formula based on these contributing factors.

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For More Information:

TEC439187: How do I manage the list of values for the Risk Categories Lookup (RIM_CATEGORY_TYPE)?
TEC439238: Cannot Edit Some Risk fields on the Risks Subpage

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on March 11, 2014 [] by Rosy Sunder.

How to Change the Logo

Watch this video from the CA eduCAte channel on YouTube to learn how to change the logo in CA Clarity PPM using UI

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on March 7, 2014 [] by John George.

Using Wildcard Characters in Filtering

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Document ID: TEC605318

Contributed by CA Technologies Support and edited by Mark Pritchard

Lists in CA Clarity PPM can stretch out for many pages, and items sometimes have confusingly similar names. It can be
difficult to locate exactly the items you want from among dozens or hundreds.
To help with this, most lists in CA Clarity PPM offer a Filter pane. You can use this pane to filter a long list and display
only the items you want. To make this task easier, a wildcard character is available. Use the wildcard character * (asterisk, or star) in your searches.

Dont confuse filtering with the search function. Filtering, as described below, is for lists. The full text search functionality, which you access by clicking the search icon (the magnifying glass) in the upper right of the CA Clarity
PPM main menu, is for searching for documents and forms.
What you see in filter results depends on your access rights. For example, if you search the list of Projects for all
items with the word Plan in their name, you will only see the projects which you have access to view or edit.
The options you see in the filter pane depend on the list. For example, under Resources you can filter on Resource
name, ID, Resource OBS, Resource Manager, and several other attributes. Under Other Work, you can filter on
Name, ID, OBS Unit, Category, Approved Status, and other fields associated with Other Work.

Follow these steps:

1. From the Home tab, select the list you want to filter.
For example, to find a subset of projects, select Portfolio Management, Projects.
2. Expand the Filter pane if it is not already visible.
3. Type a string in the filter fields.
As you type, you can use the * character as a wildcard. For example, type in the Project Name field:
4. Click Filter to see the results.
Some Filter panes include a Save Filter button so you can reuse the filter settings. You can name a filter and can
save the criteria for later use. You find your saved filters under the Filter drop-down.
For more information, see the Knowledge Base Article ID: TEC605318: Clarity: What rights are needed to view the Financial Management, Transactions page? Also, search the content in the product documentation, such as How to Work
with Lists.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on March 3, 2014 [] by John George.

Educational Courses Are Now Available (Release 13.3)

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Contributed by Kevin Mah, Program Manager, Global Product Education at CA Technologies

Invest in yourself and take some CA Clarity PPM Release 13.3 training!
The following Education Offerings are now available for you to expand your product knowledge and help enable
your success.

CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Core Components 200


CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Time Management 200


CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Project and Investment Management 200


CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Resource Management 200


CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Demand Management 200


CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Portfolio Management 200


CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Financial Management 200


CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Core Components 200


CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Time Management 200


CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Differences 200


CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Demand Management 200


CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Foundations I 200 Bundle


CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Project, Resource, and Portfolio Management 200 Bundle


CA Productivity Accelerator for CA Clarity PPM 13.3: Base Content 200 Bundle


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Contact your CA Technologies Education representative for details.

About the Author

Kevin Mah is a Program Director in Global Product Education at CA Technologies. As a part of his work ethic and best
practice in support of all stakeholders, Kevin keeps himself in tune with CAs current go-to-market direction and strategy on all solution products.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 28, 2014 [] by John George.

Project Parachutes: Risk Management Can Save Your Life

Contributed by Thomas Koehler, PMP, CA Technologies

I thought I was going to die. Along with some friends, I had jumped from 7,500 feet in the air from a perfectly safe
airplane and done a series of fancy maneuvers while hurtling toward Earth. Now, at 2,500 feet, it was time to open
our parachutes. We separated and I reached for the handle of my main parachuteand simply could not find it.
When youre plunging earthward at 120 miles per hour and impact is only 12 or 15 seconds away, you really dont have
time for problem solving. So I did what I was trained to doI tried three times. When I still couldnt find the handle, I
went to the next stepopen the reserve parachute: Arch, look, reach, pull and wait for the reserve to open. But nothing
Not good.
I took a very quick inventory. Unable to open the main parachute. Check. Pull the reserve parachute. I double checked,
and the reserve parachutes ripcord was in my left hand. Nothing was happening. Check. Nothing to soften my landing,
and just eight seconds until impact.
It was one of those proverbial moments when your life passes in front of your eyes. But one second later, reality returned. I activated Plan B (actually plan C or DId lost track) and decided that if I had to die, at least Id die kicking. I
rotated to position my back to the ground, and thought that just maybe there was something back there to grab onto
and pull.

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As it turned out, my fall was so stable that my reserve parachute was caught in an air bubble behind my back. When I
rotated, the chute caught air and opened. I even had a few seconds to scout out a decent landing place.
Id never been a good skydiverin fact, I wish I could say Im even mediocre. Instructors have used me as an example
of how not to do things, and Im typically picked last when my friends put together a jumping team.
So how did I survive over 500 jumps? I performed meticulous risk analysis and planning, although at the time I didnt
know it was called risk management. Whenever I heard somebody talking about a weird situation, I listened and gave
serious thought to how I would react and improve my reaction. I practiced risk responses over and over, and tried to figure out how to minimize risk occurrence. I had planned a response to each and every contingency I could possibly think
of or learn aboutand thats what saved my life that fateful day. I didnt have to problem solve, because I knew that if A
happened, it was time to proceed to B. It was completely etched into my brain.
Thats really what risk management is all about. Heed warnings like If something can go wrong, it will and Murphy
was an optimist, and inventory everything that can go wrong. Most important, take the time to think through the consequences of a risk, should it happen. What are your options? Whats the best choice? What is Plan B? Or, in the case of
my errant parachute, what are Plans C and D?
I have seen many elaborate go-live plans that have just a small time window. Its essential to have a back-out plan in
case the go-live falters, and to know what circumstances should trigger the back-out plan. Whore you gonna call when
the go-live plan has problems?
Of course, project risks are not limited to technical issues: a hurricane, say, can prevent a key person from getting to
work on go-live day, or someone can eat a bad shrimp and be down for the count on the projects most important day.
We always hope that none of our risks turn into issues, but wishful thinking is not a working parachute, and the reality
is that things do go wrong. If you anticipate what you will do when things go wrong, you greatly reduce stress and prevent projects from crashing and burning. Youll save the life of your projectand perhaps your own professional life.

About the author

Thomas Koehler, PMP, started his career developing 3D solid modeling for mini and personal computers. Over the years
he developed an appreciation for the value of project management, obtaining his PMP certification in 1995. Thomas
joined CA Technologies in 1998, first as project manager and in 2000 as PMO consultant. His personal mission is to help
the CA Technologies team of talented project and program managers be the best they can be through education, mentoring, process improvements and data analysis. His personal passion is to advocate the value of project management as
key to ensure our customers maximize the value they realize from their investment in solutions from CA Technologies.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 25, 2014 [] by John George.

SaaS Versus On-PremiseWhat Are My Options? (Webcast Series)

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The growth of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) leads the growth of cloud computing. The SaaS consumption model provides agility and cost efficiencies, in many cases more than traditional methods of consuming software. However, while
SaaS is a solid consideration for any cloud computing implementation, there are instances where its just not the right
fit. This is a problem enterprises must wrestle with right now, as cloud computing continues to gather steam.
David Linthicum provides a two-part webcast series that is now available. In this series, David covers the SaaS versus
on-premise decision criteria you should use to make the best selection for your organization. It bypasses the hype and
gets right to what you need to consider.

Watch Now
Note: This webcast compliments Davids definitive whitepaper on this subject, SaaS or On-Premises? Selecting the Right
Paths for Your Enterprise.

About the Presenter

Leading technology publications frequently name David S. Linthicum among the top 10 enterprise technologists in the
world. He is a true thought leader in the industry, and an expert in complex distributed systems, including cloud computing, data integration; service oriented architecture (SOA), and big data systems. As the author of over 13 books on
computing with over 3,000 published articles, as well as radio and TV appearances as a computing expert, he is often
quoted in major business and technology publications. In addition, David is a frequent keynote presenter at industry
conferences, with over 500 presentations given in the last 20 years.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 21, 2014 [] by John George.

Where Do We Go Next?

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Have you been wondering whats in store for CA Clarity PPM? David Werner, Michael Lester, Bill Yee, and Jaron Farr
from CA Clarity PPM Product Management and Product Marketing discussed just that at a recent webcast on February
13, 2014.
The speakers provided a look at the product roadmap and recapped the major features provided with Release 13.3 (released in December 2013). Then they previewed the new features that are planned.
Ad-hoc Reporting is a major focus of the release that is currently being developed (code named Dansborg). This feature
will make it easier for you to get the data that you want in the format that you want. Dansborg plans also include Studio
Content Management, which will allow you to create a CA Clarity PPM add-in using your own selected Studio content.
Also, the CA Clarity PPM Add-in framework will allow you to install and upgrade just the content you want. Microsoft
Project integration improvements and integration adaptor enhancements are also planned.
Beyond Dansborg, the product team is considering support for Fiscal Periods, Rate Smoothing, and Forecast Costs for
Portfolios. Also, the team is looking into an exciting initiative. Activity Management is a new way to project manage all
tasks and activities using a social and collaborative environment.
Interested in hearing more? Listen to the entire webcast.
Webcast Replay
These interactive product direction webcasts happen quarterly. Tune in next time through our BrightTalk channel, PPM
Insights CA Technologies.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 18, 2014 [] by Tina Mastrobuono.

Resource Planning in an Uncertain World

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Contributed by Shannon Thoke, Presales Director at CA Technologies

Your employees have been complaining about working long hours to complete their project work. However, product
management and the business keep adding to the workload further exacerbating the issue. Is there no way to get out of
this cycle that can cause a great deal of employee turnover and churn?
The key to this problem is determining how your employees are being utilized on project and non-project work. Are they
spending too much time on non-project keep-the-lights-on type of work? If so, this is causing a divergence in what the
business is demanding and what the engineers are being told to work on. Sometimes this non-project work is being bubbled to the top and will only take a couple hours. However, if too many of these interruptions occur in an engineers
world; this will affect the innovation lifecycle.
A large financial services company set 80% as an engineers target for project-specific work. They used this metric in all
of their workload goals and reported extensively on attainment of this metric. In addition, line management would use
this information to illustrate to upper management their need for additional headcount if the engineers were being
over-utilized. Finally, it was also easily demonstrated when too much of an engineers time was being spent on sustaining work since the goal of 80% project-specific work would begin to dwindle as work shifted to sustaining legacy products. They tracked all of this information in CA Clarity by using task assignments and Business Objects as their reporting
Weve seen percentage allocation to project work ranging anywhere from 60% to 80% depending on industry. This
range is a good benchmark for an innovation-based engineering group. If you have a sustaining engineering team, we
would suggest targeting the project work to the higher end of that spectrum.
All of these targets and ideas to increase innovation are great in theory, but how much work is actually occurring in
your organization? In order to accomplish this type of analytical analysis, a tool is needed to track project and
non-project work. We have seen two ways to track this type of work. The first is to track only project work and reduce
the overall availability of an engineer. The second is to track all work, both project and non-project work. The best practice is to track all work rather than just project-specific work. This would reduce the engineers availability based on
their work assignments.
There are two ways to track work. The first is to track high-level allocations to a project similar to this view in CA Clarity.

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We would suggest the best practice for allocations would be for the project manager to book a role (such as engineer) to
a project and determine their time and skill requirements. The resource manager would replace that role with a named
resource based on their knowledge of their teams overall availability and skill set. A great view in Clarity for the resource manager to use would be Claritys resource finder, which provides the ability to find the right resource. The resource manager can easily replace the role with a named resource based on their search criteria.

The financial services company tracked their employees work by assigning people directly to tasks so that they could
capture capitalizable effort as well as resource assignments. Both allocations and assignments are valid choices for an
organization. The decision to track allocation versus assignments depends on the maturity of an organization as well as
their financial requirements from a capitalization standpoint.
Heres a view of an interactive Gantt chart showing assignments of people to tasks which can be done in Clarity or another work tracking tool such as Open Workbench or Microsoft Project.

Once youve assigned people to a project or tasks, it is easy to see how much availability your people have for working
on additional projects. As seen in the following view, you organization is not only fully booked, they are overbooked
across the board (as shown by the red portion of the bar graphs)! Therefore, the business cannot add on additional requests without re-prioritizing the existing queue of work. In order to facilitate effective booking of employees time, the
financial services company would have monthly booking meetings to ensure people were accurately assigned to work.
An easy way to re-prioritize this would be to use Portfolio prioritization capabilities.

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Once your organization begins using resource planning tools to allocate and assign their engineers, the focus will shift
from the business adding work to the pipeline to work prioritization and reducing maintenance of legacy applications.
This will also allow resource managers to divert the conversation to hiring additional resources to get the work done if
prioritization does reduce the workload enough to complete the required work. These important conversations can occur
on a more regular basis with good data as they did in the financial services company through their booking and annual
planning processes.

About the Author

Shannon Thoke is a Presales Director for CA specializing in Project and Portfolio Management (PPM). She has fifteen
years of experience implementing and providing resource planning best practices to global customers. She has a BS
from Boston College and a MBA from the Santa Clara University.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 14, 2014 [] by John George.

Upcoming Customer Discussion Webcast: Moving from On Premise to On


Have you considered converting your On Premise Clarity implementation to Clarity On Demand? If so, please join us for

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a CA Technologies customer discussion to learn more about it from customers who have completed the conversion.

Two Clarity customers who have converted their systems, Columbia Sportswear and Montefiore IT, will discuss
their experience and offer tips based on their lessons learned.
This will be an informative presentation with candid discussion on the issues involved with converting and the benefits
realized when running CA Clarity PPM in the On Demand environment. Tammi Reel-Davis from Montefiore IT, April Sobetzki from Columbia Sportswear, and I will have a live discussion and answer questions submitted by the audience.
The webcast will take place on February 20 at 1:00pm EST. A recording will be available at the same location immediately following the live webcast.
If you are interested in attending, please join us and add to the discussion!
Register Now

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 13, 2014 [] by John George.

How to Add or Update Resources by OBS

By Damon Logiudice, Senior Technical Information Engineer, CA

Are you a project manager or resource manager looking for a way to add or update resource assignments by OBS?
The Add/Update Resource by OBS feature in CA Clarity PPM can help.
You can add resources that are part of a specific OBS unit to a project as team members. You can also use this procedure to extend resource allocations, update start and finish dates, or remove resources as a result of your OBS selections.
Note: OBS units should already exist and resources should already have been assigned to them. Otherwise, you will not
see any OBS units to select.

Follow these steps:

1. Verify with your administrator that you have the following access rights:
Project Edit Management access rights to the project.

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Soft-booking access rights to at least one resource.

2. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click Projects.
3. Open a project and click the Team tab.
4. On the Project Team Staff page, click Add/Update by OBS.
5. On the Investment Add/Update by OBS page, in the OBS Unit field, browse available OBS units, select one, and
click Add.
6. In the OBS Filter Mode field, set the scope of the filter to include resources in descendant or ancestor OBS units or
to limit the resources to the selected OBS unit only.
7. Complete the remaining fields on the page and click Apply.
8. On the Add/Update by OBS Results page, in the Show field, select one of the following types of resource changes:
Updates: View the resources who were updated in the project as a result of your OBS selection.
Additions: View the resources who were added to the project as a result of your OBS selection.
Removals: View the resources who were removed from the project as a result of your OBS selection.
9. Click Return.
10. Save your changes.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 11, 2014 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

Learn About the Benefits of a Cloud-Based Project and Portfolio Management Solution
Watch this demo to learn more about the benefits of a cloud-based Project and Portfolio Management solution that allow
you to focus on your IT portfolio, rather than your PPM deployment. Learn how CA Clarity PPM On Demands powerful
project, resource, financial and portfolio management functionality can help you establish a single source of truth for
greater visibility into ideas, requirements and projects; helping you to manage your end-to-end project portfolio lifecycle.

Watch the Demo

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 10, 2014 [] by John George.

How Do We Keep Implementation Momentum? Some Thinking Points

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Contributed by John Kantirakis, Senior Principal Consultant, CA Technologies

One thing that many organizations have a challenge with is maintaining the momentum during a long term implementation. Often when companies acquire a PPM solution, they have grand plans of all that they will accomplish. They list out
their pain points and decide what to be tackle 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Then they begin the implementation. Then Phase 1 is
implemented and rolled out to the user community. Kudos go to the team for the successful implementation and then
they decide to let this new solution settle in with the organization before they introduce more change. So whats wrong
here? Well, this is often where the implementation stops.
Part of the reason is that business is so fast paced today that focus shifts and as that focus shifts, so do dollars. If you
cannot get funding approved to continue rolling out additional capabilities, the implementation stalls and the product becomes a one-trick pony not living up to its initial hype. So what can be done to prevent this from occurring? Well, having two key components of an implementation can really help keep it on track.
1. Have a communication plan. What is a communication plan? Have a method (or more than one) where information
about the new capabilities that are being brought into the organization are evangelized and the roadmap is published. This can be a part of the corporate intranet; it can be email communications or even a dedicated internal
website for the system (if the costs are not too prohibitive for your size of implementation). The information should
be presented in such a way that when accessed, people can find the information that applies to them based on
their roles. Make it as easy as possible and ensure that the plusses are really communicated to the user community.
2. Give a little bit or whats in it for me? In the 1st component you communicated a roadmap of key capabilities that
are being released at points in time. Now you must identify at each of the release points the INDIVIDUAL SPECIFIC
value that each user constituency receives! What additional want/need will be available to your executives, managers, business sponsors and team members? i.e. that key dashboard that Executive leadership has needed for
ages? It will be available in release 2, with enhancements at release 3 and 4. A manager can understand with a
click or two the utilization of their team and the bottlenecks that they are facing 3 months down the road? Release
3. Team members able to see their assignments and update their timesheet from their phone or tablet at home?
Release 4.
Now, when your end users can see what is coming to the solution and more importantly, themselves, the rollout becomes more of a pull implementation than a push implementation. This is because they can all see what is in it for
them and how it helps them individually.

About the Author

John Kantirakis is a senior principal consultant for CA Technologies specializing in the PPM Market. He has almost 25
years of experience working with large organizations, most recently almost 10 years with the Clarity application. He has
worked with manufacturing, banking, healthcare, entertainment, government (Federal, State and local) organizations to
help them in their initiatives.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 7, 2014 [] by John George.

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Portlet Design Recommendations for Clarity

Contributed by: Nika Hadzhikidi, CA Technologies Support

Edited by: Sarmistha Purkayastha, CA Technologies Technical Information
Use portlets to create custom Clarity pages. Portlets are not designed to be used as a replacement for proper reports.
The Studio Developer Guide describes the architectural design and intent of a portlet as follows:
Portlets are snapshots into Clarity data and can consist of grids, graphs, or snippets of HTML.
While portlets do not replace Clarity reports, they can be regarded as mini-reports.
You can create and publish portals across the enterprise. Each portal page is comprised of a set of portletssmall
windows of information presented as graphs, tables, or web page snippets.

Best Practices
When creating portlets, apply the following best practices:
When using aggregation over many rows of data, create a separate summary portlet (for example, a one-line portlet with totals). A summary portlet allows the aggregation to be done on the database. It does not return all rows
to the grid portlet to calculate the aggregation. Page-level filters provide for this capability. Filter on the page to
view a summary portlet along with detailed rows with no summarization.
Set grid portlets to NOT auto display results. If there is a business requirement that requires data to be shown
when the page is first accessed, then set a default filter to limit the results.
Avoid portlets on the home page or design properly to allow quick end-user access. A poorly designed filter (or no
filter at all) can launch a query returning all rows in the database while the end-user is trying to log in. The time
needed to execute a poorly filtered or poorly optimized query can prevent end-users from accessing their home
page and make it look like a system down condition.
Minimize the number of columns returned through your portlet. Clarity has the ability to return as many columns
as you want but this can impact performance. Do not use portlets as an ad-hoc vehicle by selecting many columns
for the query that are not displayed. Use Business Objects to manage this type of activity and to limit the number
of columns returned to 15 at the most.
Restrict the use of the Configure option on portlets that appear on home pages to further restrict the number of
columns that can be displayed.
Label portlet fields that are not being used to start with a z. The label groups the unused fields at the bottom of the
fields list. This separation prevents users from adding them as columns to sort on.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on February 4, 2014 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

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What Does the Rate Matrix Extraction Job Do and How is It Used?

Document ID: TEC474741

Contributed by: CA Technologies Support and edited by Sunder Rosy

The Rate Matrix Extraction job was part of the Datamart Extraction job before Niku 6.1.x. This job is now separated so
that it can be scheduled separately from the Datamart Extraction job as needed. A Rate Matrix Extraction job finds out
the applicable rates and costs for the resources assigned to projects and tasks on those projects for the duration of their
assignment. The data populated by this job is primarily used by the reports and project schedulers. Since the information is from the financial rate matrices, you have to run this job if the matrix changes.
As a rule of thumb, we recommend that you run this job at least once a week, but not more than once a day. For a system with a large dataset, you should expect the job to take a fair amount of time and consume the database resources.
We recommend scheduling the job to run every few days at night when there is not a whole lot of use activity going on.
Running the job during business hours can make the system slow for all the connected users.
The Datamart Extraction job utilizes some of the data that the Rate Matrix Extraction job creates. Therefore, it is recommended that the Rate Matrix Extraction job is executed successfully prior to the execution of the Datamart Extraction
To ensure that there is no conflict between the Rate Matrix Extraction job and other jobs in the application, it is recommended to update the job definition for Incompatible Jobs as per the details described in the following technical article:
TEC528729: Configuring and Scheduling Some of the Main Clarity Jobs.
If the Extract Cost and Rate Information for the Scheduler check box on the Jobs page is selected, the rates for the resources who are assigned to a project are calculated for beyond the project start and end date. These calculations add
time to the processing for the Rate Matrix Extraction job. The additional data beyond the project start and end date is
used by schedulers such as OWB and MSP where they can shift the project end date.

More Information:
Knowledgebase Article ID: TEC439203
Title: On the Rate Matrix Extraction job page, what does the parameter Extract Cost and Rate Information for the
Scheduler do?
Knowledgebase Article ID: TEC439334
Title: On the Rate Matrix Extraction job page, what do the parameters Prepare Rate Matrix Data and Update Rate Matrix Data do?
Knowledgebase Article ID: TEC551863
Title: Clarity: How Should I Use The New Incremental Only Option For The Rate Matrix Extraction Job?

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Knowledgebase Article ID: TEC510858

Title: How often should I run the Investment Allocation Job?

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on January 31, 2014 [] by Rosy Sunder.

The Slippery Slope of Application Customization

Contributed by Michelle Templeton, Sr. Principal Consultant, Clarity Presales

Once upon a time there was the notion that when an organization recognized the need for a new application there
would be some level of build vs. buy analysis performed. When that analysis resulted in a buy decision (for various
reasons, usually resource and cost constraints), it was expected that the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) application
purchased would be customized to resemble what would have been built in the first place.
Assuming the buy decision was based on at least some basic requirements from the user/stakeholder community, the
idea that we can buy this and then change it to match our specific business processes usually results in coming close
to the original resource and cost constraints that caused the decision to buy in the first place. While the decision to customize may make sense for some organizations, there are some points to consider before going down this slippery

Customization vs. Configuration

It is important to call out the differences between customizing and configuring a COTS application. Customization is usually characterized by custom scripts and stored procedures, database triggers, etc. written by internal IT staff or an outsourced contractor, as opposed to configurations which are upgrade safe changes done at the application level. Configurations can be done either by an admin or a business user (depending on security); customizations almost always require an engineer to develop and maintain. Over the years I have seen customers purchase an application and immediately go about changing it to accommodate the needs/processes of various business units, which has resulted in a costly
and tangled mess to maintain. Instead of customizing as the go to strategy, why not try the OOTB content as a first
phase of implementation? This model has proven more successful for user adoption; customers that try to boil the
ocean often find no one is interested anymore once they have it all figured out.

Application Maturity and Cloud Based Solutions

Applications have come a long way. Most vendors now provide best practice content out of the box that is relevant and
useful to the majority of the user community. Many enterprise applications like Clarity offer role-based views, workflow
processes, quick-start packages and configurable reporting options to get an organization up and running quickly. The

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growing number of cloud based solutions available suggests that this content delivered quickly concept is perhaps a
more efficient model. Whether on-premise or in the cloud, it is worthwhile to consider using and/or tweaking the delivered content first to maximize the dollars spent on the application purchase while at the same time minimizing expensive future investments for upgrades, implementations, training, etc.

Instant Gratification
In addition to the trend toward cloud-based solutions, the business user increasingly has expectations of near-instant
gratification due to the rise in mobile applications and the adoption of agile development methodologies. They expect
ease of use, low overhead and fast turnaround. This puts a burden on limited IT resources to meet this increasing demand for technology. Often the business users will give up and pursue purchasing their own applications to run their
part of the business, which can lead to inconsistency in processes, standards and reporting. By leveraging out of the
box, supported capabilities both IT and the end user can leverage tested, proven technology with minimal training no
long ticket queues or custom changes that must be tested in multiple environments before releasing to production.

Cost of Upgrades
Organizations that own heavily customized applications quickly learn that migrating to the latest release of the product
is no easy task. An upgrade becomes a project in itself that can span for months or even years, tying up internal resources with long testing cycles in multiple environments and potentially requiring large professional services engagements. Organizations need to absorb and consume updates easily and efficiently to control cost of ownership and be
ready to move on to the next initiative.

Complexity and Maintenance

Upgrades notwithstanding, day to day maintenance of customized applications is no trivial effort. For example, when
changes are requested by the business, there will usually be an approval and review process that requires multiple iterations before deciding whether to approve or reject the change and then decide when it should be scheduled for deployment. The IT team that supports the application will then need to implement and test the changes in multiple environments (dev, test, prod). Along with that, there are necessary updates to training materials and presentations, process
documents, job aides, etc. This is lost time and money better spent on organic transformations for your organization.

Loss of Tribal Knowledge

The IT development team that is responsible for maintaining a highly customized application oftentimes has to rely on
dated design documents or requirements to figure out what was done and why (if those artifacts even exist at all). If an
error is reported in the application and the rockstar engineer has moved on, the development resources are faced with
reverse engineering the code, queries and procedures to figure out what the application was supposed to be doing when
it broke. This doesnt do much for quality, morale or customer satisfaction and can even lead to more turnover and escalating costs.
I often hear from customers We dont know who did it this way or why but now we need to start over. In some cases a
clean slate or fresh start is sometimes the best bet. Better yet, carefully consider the long term consequences of COTS
application customizations BEFORE embarking down that slippery slope. Ask the question Why? when a stakeholder
requests something that is not delivered or configurable with out of the box content. Perhaps the existing business
process could be re-examined to better leverage best practices. Most business users and stakeholders recognize the cost
of IT support and development and understand the value of remaining current on a COTS product so that latest and
greatest features can be readily available.
When IT and the business can be transparent with each other and discuss the costs/benefits of supporting a heavily customized, on-premise solution vs. a SAAS-based low maintenance option, the results can be a win-win for everyone.

About the Author

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Michelle Templeton is a senior principal consultant at CA Technologies in the Clarity PPM business unit. Michelle has
over 20 years of experience in software development, design and implementation, and comes to CA from a Fortune 14
Clarity customer.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on January 27, 2014 [] by John George.

CA Nimsoft Monitor Snap 7.1 is Here

Oh Snap! CA Nimsoft Monitor Snap has a new release? Yes, you read it right! Were super pumped to tell you about
r7.1. This includes a free mobile app which allows you to keep an eye on the health of your IT infrastructure from
both iOS and Android devices. We are also adding support for a broader range of IT resources, including Citrix
XenServer and VMware vCloud.
Upgrading to 7.1 is easy; simply download the latest installer from here. The installer will automatically upgrade your
installed version of the product.

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For more information on the release, please check out the release notes at Snap Central.

Thank you and rest assured, this is the best snap decision youve ever made.
The CA Nimsoft Monitor Team

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on January 24, 2014 [] by John George.

Put Down That Smartphone Game and Come Join Us for Office Hours

Contributed by Chris Hackett, Community Manager with the Customer Success Team at CA Technologies
Edited by Celita Lott, Senior Technical Information Engineer at CA Technologies.
We all know the game, Words with Friends, right? The Scrabble clone everybody played non-stop on their phones for
weeks at a time? Heck, theres a chance some of you have a few games going as you read this. As much fun as I had
with that game, there was always one thing that bugged me about it: being in the middle of a heated game and having
to wait for an opponent to make a move.
I know what youre thinking: What does a smartphone game have to do with the CA Communities? Bear with me for a
minute, and Ill tell you.
Have you heard about the Office Hours that weve been holding in the Clarity, Service Management, and Security com-

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munities? Theyre basically one-hour round tables that we host each month where community members can chat directly with CA experts using an online virtual whiteboard. Weve been doing them since last spring, and theyve gotten
great reviews from both the communities and CA. In fact, weve seen participant numbers more than double since we
launched them.
When I talk about Office Hours, though, some folks have trouble seeing how the concept is any different than posting
questions on the community message boards. The difference lies in the immediacy of live, synchronous communication.
Think of Office Hours like a live game of Scrabble. You make a move, you see your opponent react, and everything happens in real time. The message boards are more asynchronous. Just like in Words with Friends, you make a post and
then have to wait for a responsewhich could come in five minutes or in five days. And if theres an urgency to your
question, youd probably rather be playing live Scrabble than Words with Friends.
Word-game analogies aside, here are a few reasons why you should be participating in Office Hours:
Get Direct Access to CA ExpertsHow many times a year do you get to interact directly with the developers,
product managers and support professionals who know your product best? You can do it once a month with Office
Stop Waiting for AnswersAs great as the message boards are, you never know when answers will come. The
conversations that take place in Office Hours happen in real time. You ask a question, you get a response and
you know its coming directly from a CA expert.
Join a Growing CommunityWe have Office Hours in three communities right now, and the plan is to continue
rolling them out to the most active communities in the future.
Make Us SmarterWe have anywhere from 12 to 20 CA experts collaborating behind the scenes during Office
Hours, and their live interaction with members never fails to reveal new information, solutions, or documentation
needs. Your questions make us smarter and better at what we do, which is good for the product and the community
as a whole.
And remember, Office Hours take up just one hour a month. That leaves you plenty of time to focus on the important
thingslike how to get rid of that Q youve been carrying for the last five rounds.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on January 21, 2014 [] by John George.

Making Life Better for Our Customers

Contributed by David Werner, Senior Principal Product Marketing Manager at CA Technologies.

Edited by Tina Mastrobuono, Senior Technical Information Engineer at CA Technologies.
There are different types of product releases for enterprise software products. Some releases are focused on high-profile
features, some are evolutionary, and on rare occasions they can be revolutionary. Occasionally, the most important re-

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leases are those that address user needs by improving performance, eliminating obstacles, or simply making life better
for your customers. The 13.3 release of CA Clarity PPM is one of those releases.

customers have seen high-profile and extraordinary improvements to the CA Clarity solution in recent releases. CA Clarity PPM v13 was a substantial evolutionary shift to a next-generation PPM user experience. The introduction of CA Clarity Playbook was a revolutionary step in expanding the reach of PPM to the executive level and improving strategic planning. The 13.2 release of CA Clarity PPM had groundbreaking marquee features, such as what-if analysis in the redesigned Portfolio Management or the new Mobile Time Manager smart phone app that enables time tracking mobility.

The 13.3 release of CA Clarity PPM is just as important because it includes quality, performance, and usability improvements that make life better for casual and power users alike. Features like the redesigned installation process and improved integration with Microsoft Project may not grab headlines, but they will delight our customers. Other enhancements, such as the interactive Gantt printing and the ability to rebrand the login page are sure to be crowd-pleasers as
those suggestions came directly from customers. Likewise, we know our customers will appreciate the substantial investment put into removing obstacles by resolving customer-reported issues and improving performance.
There will be many more exciting, high-profile features and revolutionary introductions to the CA Clarity solution down
the road. But this lower-profile 13.3 release of CA Clarity PPM may prove to be one of the all-time favorites among our

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About the Author

David Werner is a Senior Principal Product Marketing Manager, Solution Marketing, at CA Technologies. He has worked
on the companys Project and Portfolio Management solution, CA Clarity PPM, for 8 years and has more than 15 years of
experience in the software industry. David has held several roles related to CA Clarity PPM in areas such as Technical
Information, Product Management, and Product Marketing. He has also built relationships with many of CAs PPM customers.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on January 17, 2014 [] by Tina Mastrobuono.

IT Portfolio Analysis Study Gives CA Clarity PPM High Marks

By Analysts Daniel B. Stang and Jim Duggan with Gartner

Edited by Damon Logiudice, Senior Technical Information Engineer with CA Technologies

CA Clarity PPM from CA Technologies was recently ranked as a market leader by Gartner in an extensive
evaluation of integrated IT portfolio analysis (IIPA) solutions. IIPA bridges the gap between the formulation of IT
strategies and the actual management of the physical changes made to the IT footprint in response to these strategies.
The resulting IIPA software market consists of vendors providing the integration of individual portfolios for investments,
projects, assets and IT services to present a more holistic story regarding the true state of the IT portfolio.

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As an IT leader, you want these integrated views to see the cost, effort, technical complexity, feasibility and interrelated effects of a proposed IT change or initiative. Products in this market strive to help you make strategic IT execution decisions, without forcing you into detailed management and automated process examination in any specific functional domain.
Integrated visibility across different IT silos or domains can bring their often unique perspectives to the table to enhance
capital and strategic IT investment prioritization and decision making for a CIO, an IT steering committee, a governance
board or council, an IT program or project management office (PMO), or others requiring this type of visibility.

As a portfolio management software system, you can reliably use CA Clarity PPM to empower a strategy and
enhance communication between different IT portfolio managers (for example, those responsible for the infrastructure portfolios, the application portfolios, the project portfolios and so on), and the CIO.

Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation criteria definitions included the essential ability to execute. For example, core goods and services offered by
the vendor (CA Technologies being one such vendor in this study) for the defined market had to be robust. This includes
current product/service capabilities, quality, feature sets, skills and so on, whether offered natively or through OEM
agreements/partnerships as defined in the market definition and detailed in the subcriteria.
The overall viability of CA Clarity PPM and the other products in the study was also based on the following metrics:
Sales Execution/Pricing
Market Responsiveness/Record
Marketing Execution
Customer Experience

CA Clarity PPM Highly Rated

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CA was highly rated for its completeness of vision including a clear marketing strategy with a differentiated set of messages consistently communicated throughout the organization and externalized through the website, advertising, and
customer programs. Positioning statements by CA demonstrated strengths in the following factors:
Market Understanding
Sales Strategy
Offering (Product) Strategy
Business Model
Vertical/Industry Strategy
Geographic Strategy

Strengths of CA Clarity PPM

The study cited CA Clarity PPM IT portfolio management and decision-making support. Version 13 introduced foundational APM support, and users can cross-reference applications and projects to track financials, resource allocations and
support costs at the application level. CA Clarity also supports IT service portfolio management capabilities for tracking
and managing IT service costs to rationalize IT decisions affecting IT operations. A cloud-hosted deployment option is
available for customers.

About the Research:

More than 1,000 client inquiries on PPM and IIPA software tools and applications were conducted from September
2012 through October 2013.
Vendor-submitted forms detail all products and services for each vendor cited in this research.
Multiple briefings were conducted with each vendor cited in this research.
Interviews or written surveys were conducted with user references from each vendor cited in this research.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on January 13, 2014 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

How to Overcome the Unable to Process Request Popup in Clarity v13 and
Contributed by: Suman Pramanik, CA Support
Edited by: Sarmistha Purkayastha, CA Tech Info

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Clarity customers often encounter the Unable to process request Server error popup caused by a session problem.
Once this popup comes up, you see the following errors in the app log:

ERROR 2013-11-19 10:50:17,674 [http-bio-90-exec-8] clarity.ui (clarity:user:712094124__EEAD9B7F-4E2F-4BCBB6EF-0209BFBB8CA2:none) UI_MSG[:Tue Nov 19 15:13:42 UTC 0530 2013:OnError called--Client Side Exception

java.lang.Exception: VXMLRequest failed.

HTTP status code was: 503

To overcome this popup issue, check for the following:

If you have SSO enabled, complete the following steps:
1. Check the SSO timeout setting.
2. Check the Clarity timeout setting as follows:
1. Open Administration, and from General Settings, click System Options.
2. Verify that the setting in the Minutes of Inactivity Until Logout field is less than the SSO timeout setting.
For example, if the SSO timeout is set to 15 minutes, verify that the Clarity timeout is set to anything less
than 15 minutes.
If you get the popup message when you navigate to any portlet, check for the list page which might be retrieving a
huge amount of data and exceeding the timeout setting either on the SSO or Clarity.
If you do not have SSO and still get the popup message, check the browser timeout set by the IT administrator.
Verify that the browser timeout setting is greater than the Clarity timeout setting and the Clarity timeout setting is
lesser than the browser timeout setting.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on January 6, 2014 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

Happy Holidays

The holiday season provides an opportunity to reflect on the years achievements, and thank all of you who helped make
CA Technologies Information Services Cookbooks successful. I appreciate your subscription to our CA Clarity PPM Cookbook and look forward to more collaboration in 2014.

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I wish you a Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on December 20, 2013 [] by John George.

How to Create Another Requisition When a Resource is Already Hard

Booked for a Project By an Earlier Requisition

Document ID: TEC589778

Consider the following example: Using a requisition, a resource is hard booked for a certain time period and not for
the complete duration of the project. If the same resource is required in the later phase of the project, the project
manager cannot raise a requisition for the new time period, as the allocation segment is based on the Finish date
of the booked requisition.
The new allocation segment is not created even if the resource is added to a new task on the same project, and the Allocate from Estimates option is selected. As a result, you cannot create a requisition.

Follow these steps:

1. Create a project with a few tasks.
2. Add the resources to the project.
3. Assign the resources to the tasks and modify ETC as required.
4. Select Allocate from Estimates.
5. Click the Properties icon on the Team tab. An allocation segment is created with the Start and Finish dates

based on the task properties.

6. Create a requisition for the resource for any task of the project. When the requisition is created, the dates are

automatically set according to the allocation segment that was created.

7. Set the requisition to be Proposed or Booked by a booking manager. In the Team tab, the Start and Finish

dates of the resource would be based on the booked requisition. Note: Now, the project manager wants to
create a requisition for the same resource on the same project, for a later time (say for a different task).
8. Assign the resource to the new task on the same project and modify ETCs, if necessary.
9. Select Allocate from Estimates. Now, in the Team tab, in the resource properties, the new allocation segment

is not automatically created for the new task. If the project manager raises a requisition, the requisition is
created without any dates specified. This is not correct.

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1. Assign the resource to the new task on the same project and modify ETC, if necessary as mentioned earlier.
2. Select the resource, click more>> and Set Allocation in the Team tab.
3. For the Finish date, Click Reset to match the investment finish date and submit.
4. Select Allocate from Estimates. Now, in the Team tab, in the resource properties, the new allocation segment is

created. When the project manager creates a requisition, the requisition opens based on the Start and Finish
dates of the new task.
This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on December 16, 2013 [] by Rosy

Decision Making Reports

Contributed by Yang Lu, Principal Consultant for CA Technologies

The single biggest challenge any organization faces is the time it takes to make a decision. The less time to decision,
the faster we can meet customers demands and expectations a requisite to stay alive in todays competitive, social,
and service oriented landscape. The reporting process to help us reach those decisions is often challenging. We can collect all the data and amass all the reports we think we need, but more often than not, it doesnt help allocate resources
better, fund an initiative, or avoid a program crisis, so what good is our reporting?
One of our customers had the dreaded shopaholics disease. They loved collecting projects. There was always a great
reason to acquire new work, but killing work that did not progress well or did not bring the desired value was difficult.
As a result, they had amassed a collection of never-ending projects.
When they ran their stop light report, they saw a view similar to this one, repeated for their 100+ projects:

They printed it out and e-mailed it to their decision makers. They did their jobs; no one could argue that they didnt
have the data. But it didnt exactly facilitate the decision making process. There were two problems the hundreds of
projects were dizzying and it didnt reflect their say-do mentality (I said I would do this last week, and/but this week I
did this/that).
Our customer needed an update to their report to speed up their decision-making time.

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Clarity offered two reports that they used in conjunction to solve their problem an exception trending status report
and a program rollup.
The first is exception trending status reports.
For a trending status report, we see the heartbeat of the stoplights for red amber green (RAG) status as Your Status
Depends Partly on Your Upward or Downward Momentum can be applied to projects as well. For exception trending, we
limit the number of projects to just those that require our immediate attention. Now the decision makers can focus their
precious time only on projects that DEMAND their attention.

The second report they used was a program rollup. The program manager would summarize the children project statuses and bring to light overall objectives, key financial metrics, a rolled up status summary, and key milestones, risks,
and issues. At this point, the information was already summarized and elevated to a higher level for the bigger picture.

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The decision maker evaluated a more manageable 10 programs rather than 100 projects. They shifted resources
around, made sure the program still met customers demands, removed roadblocks, and delegated the execution accordingly all actionable decisions.
For our customer, they had a project to implement an API with a search engine firm that supported a larger program in
Digital Management. There was tremendous revenue potential for our customer, so they put together a team to make
sure their systems could interface with the search engine firm. After a few weekly status reports were collected, they
saw scope trending upwards in their exception reporting, reported its effect on the program, and the stakeholders decided to kill the project.
At 15% of the way into the project, our customer saw that the integration was not technically ready, nixed the project,
and reallocated those capital dollars to fund something else in the program that would immediately provide relevant
business value for next quarter.
Our customer was able to make faster and better decisions on EXISTING projects. In my next entry, I will outline another critical decision making use case what is the impact of taking on NEW projects and how Clarity can help you
request more dollars, resources, and still deliver on time.

About the Author

Yang Lu is a principal consultant at CA Technologies in the PPM group. Hes been in the PPM space for 7 years.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on December 13, 2013 [] by John George.

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Ready to Launch: The Importance of Proper Requirements

Contributed by Thomas Koehler, PMP, CA Technologies

This fall, my daughter started college. As an experienced project manager, I wanted to have a viable set of requirements
to transition her from her as-is state (living at home) to her to-be state (living on campus). The various stakeholdersthe college, my daughter, my wife and Ieach had unique requirements. The school required a long list of purchases. My wife had other requirements (many of which my daughter disagreed with). My only requirement was that all
the stuff had to fit into one of our cars so I didnt have to rent an 18-wheeler or make multiple trips.
Then there were my daughters requirements. One item on her list was a coffee maker. We told her repeatedly that she
should wait on that purchase because once she was in college, her priorities and needs would probably change. But she
was so set on the coffee maker that she was willing to pay for it with her own money. She did extensive researchjust
short of sending out RFPs to potential vendorsto make sure she got the best value for her money. After she bought
the coffee maker, she used it extensively in the as-is state.
A few weeks after college started, we returned to campus for parent visitation day. As we were touring her room, my attention was drawn to the coffee maker, and I asked how often she was using it. You guessed it: not at all. She had projected the as-is state into her perception of the to-be state, expecting her needs to be comparable.
Read the full blog

About the Author

Thomas Koehler, PMP, started his career developing 3D solid modeling for mini and personal computers. Over the years
he developed an appreciation for the value of project management, obtaining his PMP certification in 1995. Thomas
joined CA Technologies in 1998, first as project manager and in 2000 as PMO consultant. His personal mission is to help
the CA Technologies team of talented project and program managers be the best they can be through education, mentoring, process improvements and data analysis. His personal passion is to advocate the value of project management as
key to ensure our customers maximize the value they realize from their investment in solutions from CA Technologies.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on December 6, 2013 [] by John George.

Optimizing to The Point of Failure and Managing Project Risk

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Contributed by Thomas Koehler, PMP, CA Technologies

The other day, I was on a flight to an airport whose approach is known to be unpredictable. After we circled for a while
(at least the scenery was nice), we had a smooth landing and taxied toward the gate. A few yards away from the gate,
the engines flamed out, a sure sign that the fuel had run out. Hmmm, I thought, but the plane rolled on its momentum and I felt the pilot slightly tap the brakes to stop precisely at the gate.
As I stood up to collect my luggage, the pilot excitedly announced over the intercom, I just got this new app for my
iPhone. It considers weather patterns, traffic patterns and dozens of other factors that I updated just before the flight.
Then it calculates the exact amount of fuel needed for a trip. As you probably noticed, the app worked perfectly. We had
just the right amount of fuel for the trip. Do you have any idea how much money we can save by not flying around with
excess fuel? Is this not great?
Read the full blog

About the Author

Thomas Koehler, PMP, started his career developing 3D solid modeling for mini and personal computers. Over the years
he developed an appreciation for the value of project management, obtaining his PMP certification in 1995. Thomas
joined CA Technologies in 1998, first as project manager and in 2000 as PMO consultant. His personal mission is to help
the CA Technologies team of talented project and program managers be the best they can be through education, mentoring, process improvements and data analysis. His personal passion is to advocate the value of project management as
key to ensure our customers maximize the value they realize from their investment in solutions from CA Technologies.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on December 6, 2013 [] by John George.

Play-by-Play: Your Project Manager is Your Quarterback

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Contributed by Thomas Koehler, PMP, CA Technologies

When a hockey team is behind in a crucial game, they sometimes substitute a player for the goalie to provide a decisive
advantage and pull out a win. Its a very risky play, however, because if a play goes the least bit wrong, the opposing
team has an empty-net advantage and can quickly serve up defeat.
A similar strategy in football is unthinkable: a team lacking its leaderthe quarterbackis doomed to certain defeat.
Occasionally a trick play without a quarterback, such as a fake punt, might lead to success, but rarely more than once in
a game.
I often think I can learn all I need to know about project management from footballand it sure justifies the way I
spend many Sunday afternoons.
Read the full blog

About the Author

Thomas Koehler, PMP, started his career developing 3D solid modeling for mini and personal computers. Over the years
he developed an appreciation for the value of project management, obtaining his PMP certification in 1995. Thomas
joined CA Technologies in 1998, first as project manager and in 2000 as PMO consultant. His personal mission is to help
the CA Technologies team of talented project and program managers be the best they can be through education, mentoring, process improvements and data analysis. His personal passion is to advocate the value of project management as
key to ensure our customers maximize the value they realize from their investment in solutions from CA Technologies.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on December 2, 2013 [] by John George.

When To Bring a Third Party To Your Party: Using an Outside Project Manager

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Contributed by Thomas Koehler, PMP, CA Technologies

The legal profession adage that the lawyer who represents himself in court has a fool for a client initially seems so
counter-intuitive. After all, who knows the client better than the client himself, and no one knows what happened better than the client. Further, the lawyer must be well qualified, or he would not be bar-certified. So, whats wrong with a
lawyer representing himself?
Read the full blog

About the Author

Thomas Koehler, PMP, started his career developing 3D solid modeling for mini and personal computers. Over the years
he developed an appreciation for the value of project management, obtaining his PMP certification in 1995. Thomas
joined CA Technologies in 1998, first as project manager and in 2000 as PMO consultant. His personal mission is to help
the CA Technologies team of talented project and program managers be the best they can be through education, mentoring, process improvements and data analysis. His personal passion is to advocate the value of project management as
key to ensure our customers maximize the value they realize from their investment in solutions from CA Technologies.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on November 25, 2013 [] by John George.

A Strategy Execution and Change Expert Reveals how to Differentiate Your

Business in the Marketplace

Contributed by Yolanda Coquia, Product Marketing Manager at CA Technologies

Author and educator Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez is a passionate advocate for measuring strategy execution to strike a fine
balance between managing the business and driving business change. He recently created a survey to inspire insights on
the topic and revealed how his Focused approach leads to differentiating yourself from the competition.

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Yolanda Coquia, Product Marketing Manager at CA Technologies, tapped into his more than 12 years of research and
knowledge in the area of strategy execution and project and portfolio management.

Read this recent interview

About the Author

Yolanda Coquia serves as a Product Marketing Manager for CA Technologies, specializing in Project and Portfolio Management. Yolanda is dedicated to the development of industry trends, strategy and the communication of best practices
in the areas of change management within complex organizations. Yolanda received her BS in Marketing and Business
Administration from San Jose State University. She is responsible for working closely with thought leaders in the areas
of IT and the Project Management Office (PMO) to develop compelling programs and content for the IT (and Non-IT)
PMO community.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on November 22, 2013 [] by John George.

Zig and Zag with XOG: Getting Started with the Clarity XML Open Gateway
By Kathy Fisher, CA
Technologies Principal
Quality Assurance Engineer

Edited by Damon
Logiudice, CA Technologies Senior Technical Information Engineer
As an application or system administrator, developer, or consultant,
you may be challenged
with integrating data either into or out of CA
Clarity PPM. The XML
Open Gateway, or XOG
(pronounced zog) is a
CA Clarity PPM web service interface that you can use to:
Import data
Export data
Move configuration data from one system to another
The XOG client is a Java program that you can install on your computer and use to import and export data. The XOG
client communicates with the CA Clarity PPM server on the standard HTTP port using the SOAP protocol. You must have
Java (JRE version 1.5) in order to use the XOG client.
You can XOG (yes, users are quick to use the abbreviation as a verb too) using the client, with a typical session going

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something like this:

Log in to start an authenticated session
Execute requests to read or write CA Clarity PPM data
Log out to end the session
Most of our admin-level customers use the file in the bin folder to run the XOG client. To get started, follow these steps:
1. In the bin folder, open your properties file (XOG installs by default).
2. Set the servername = to the server you are reading from or writing to.
3. Check the settings for portnumber and sslnumber. They are commented out by default.
4. Set the output = whatever you want to name the output file. By default, the properties file sets the name to
out.xml and the location to the bin folder.
5. If you are doing a read, your output will be the write version of the data that you have read. You may want to

name your output file accordingly. For example, if you are XOGing out an object, the output file will be the
write file for XOGing that object into another environment. In this case, if you are reading the project object,
you may want to name your output file project_object_fromdev.xml.
6. If you are doing a write, your output will be a results scorecard of how many items were updated, inserted

and/or failed; as well as failure messages and warnings. So you may want to name the output file for a write
something like write_results.xml.
7. Set the username and password to a user with appropriate rights and remove any spaces at the end of the

username or password.
8. Set the input = the read or write xml file you want to use.
9. Upon install, the input is set equal to almost all of the xml files, but commented out. It may be helpful to

delete all but the first file (make sure to remove the # in front), and just change the name of that file as you
XOG. You can even create a property file specific to that input/output file combination if its a XOG you will be
performing regularly.
10. (Optional) You may also leave all the input files, just keep the not in use commented out (placed on separate

lines would help).

11. Upon completion of the xml input and the properties file, open the XML Open Gateway. You can click Start

Programs Clarity or open a command prompt and go to your XOG installation bin directory.
12. Type the following command:

xog propertyfile

Note: If you are using a properties file with a different name, replace with the name of your
properties file.
13. Once XOG has completed running, you will have an output file located and named whatever you specified in

the properties file.

Not everything in CA Clarity PPM is available for XOGing, but when it is, these steps can save so much precious time. In
your migration planning, consider how items will be moved between environments (with XOG or manually). It is also important to update your XOG client installation with newer versions of Clarity (or upgrades) to take advantage of all that
is available through the XML Open Gateway.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on November 18, 2013 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

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An Iterative Approach to Creating Project Cost Plans

Contributed by Mike Hoefgen, Senior Principal Consultant, CA Technologies

You have a great idea for an application development project so you bring it up to your boss, he thinks your idea has
merit and he wants you to document your idea. One of the many questions that need to be answered by your document
is: How much will this project cost?
What follows is an example of how an iterative approach can be applied to creating a project cost plan where you start
with a high level estimate and continue to refine that estimate with each iteration. Some organizations may require a
couple iterations other organizations will have many more. This example can be expanded or contracted as needed.

First Iteration
Your first estimate can be very high level and doesnt require any details, no sense spending too much time on an estimate until it gets further along in the approval process. You pick a cost of $400,000. You know the finance team needs
to know the capital vs. operating cost. So, you divide that up: $300,000 as capital cost and $100,000 as operating cost.
Your project idea has been reviewed and gets a thumbs up and you must now provide more details behind your initial
cost estimate.

Second Iteration
The next step of creating a more detailed cost plan would be to decide what kind of people/roles you will need to complete this project. Maybe you need an architect to design the foundational architecture, a business analyst to document
the requirements, a developer to write code, a project manager and others. The finance department requires that you
also estimate the capital versus operating costs so you decide on a capitalization percentage for each of the roles. At this
point its still an estimate but thats part of the iterative process.

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project duration, roles, capitalization percentage and a rate matrix you can create a high-level cost plan.

Third Iteration
You realize the architect is only needed for the first few weeks. Conversely, you dont need a developer until after the
architecture has been then defined. So, you go back to your list of roles and revise them to be a bit more accurate by
updating the monthly hours for each role.

Now that you made a few revisions you can create another cost plan that utilizes the updated allocations by role. You
could continue to refine this even more by adjusting hours and creating another cost plan iteration, but it might be easier to move onto the next step (iteration).

Fourth Iteration
One of the responsibilities of a project manager is to create a list of tasks in a work breakdown structure.

Additionally, each task will have one or more roles assigned to it. Using a rate matrix, the assigned roles and the
start/finish dates of the tasks a more detailed project cost plan can be calculated. If each phase (or task) of the project
has been tagged as either capital/operating your newest iteration of the cost plan will break out the capital/operating
dollars thus keeping finance happy.
As you can see creating
a cost plan using an iterative approach is
straight forward and

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easy and using a software solution to help

with calculations of these iterative plans is a huge time saver. All of the above screenshots were taken from CA Clarity
PPM which allows the project manager to focus on the managing the project rather than managing spreadsheets. When
using CA Clarity PPM the project manager put in some details and was able to create a cost plan with just a few clicks of
the mouse. When more details were available, a new cost plan was quickly created again with just a few mouse clicks.
The history of the cost plan revisions (iterations) is kept and any plan can be selected as the plan of record which means
it is reflected in views, dashboards and reports.

About the Author

Mike Hoefgen is a senior principal consultant for CA Technologies specializing in Project and Portfolio Management
(PPM). He has over 10 years of experience working with customers in the PPM domain. He has a BS Electrical Engineer
degree from the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on November 15, 2013 [] by John George.

CA Nimsoft Monitor Snap

CA Technologies introduces CA Nimsoft Monitor Snap, a free, easy-to-use IT management solution, based on the popular
and powerful CA Nimsoft Monitor solution. It isnt a limited trialits free for as long as you want to use it!

CA Nimsoft Monitor Snap lets you do the following:

Apply monitoring for up to 30 computer systems or network devices for free.

View and manage alarms.

View charts of performance data.
Create, view, and schedule reports.
Receive alarm notifications in email.
Manage accounts and account contacts (users).
Register to download CA Nimsoft Monitor Snap today at:
System requirements and installation instructions are available to make getting started easy. In as little as an hour
youll be monitoring, reporting on, and managing your infrastructure with CA Nimsoft Monitor Snap.

Also, check out the free, online Snap Central Community, where you can learn about the product, post questions,

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and interact with your fellow users.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on November 13, 2013 [] by John George.

Continued Support for CA Clarity PPM 12.1.X

Contributed by: CA Technologies Support

CA is continually working to improve our software and services to best meet the needs of our customers. This is a follow-up to our letter dated November 20, 2012, regarding the End-of-Service (EOS) of CA Clarity PPM 12.1.X.
CA is aware that many customers, due to technology constraints, are not quite able to upgrade to a Clarity 13.x version,
CA is continuing support for Clarity PPM 12.1.3 (12.1 Service Pack 3) through November 30, 2014. Standard support for
this release will be discontinued on December 1, 2014. This applies to all platforms and all languages. Clarity 12.1.3 is
our highest quality release on the 12.x line and we encourage all to upgrade to this version if they are unable to upgrade to the latest Clarity 13.x version.
You must be running release 12.1.3 (12.1 Service Pack 3) to receive support during this extended period.
At this time, we encourage you to plan for the migration to the latest version of CA Clarity PPM as soon as possible, so
you can take full advantage of the latest new features and enhancements Clarity Version 13 has to offer. CA Clarity PPM
Version 13 became Generally Available in December, 2011. For additional information, please visit the CA Clarity PPM
product pages at CA Support Online (
As CA would like to help make your upgrade to CA Clarity PPM as straightforward and successful as possible, we offer
the following:
Documentation to help prepare you for your upgrade to CA Clarity PPM can be viewed at CA Support Online ( on the product home page.
CA Services is available to provide consulting services for any or all parts of the upgrade, including analysis of
the current system, preparation for the upgrade, testing, and performing the upgrade itself. Please call
800-225-5224 (North America) or +1 303-262-8300 (International).
Qualified local CA Partners are also able to assist in any or all parts of the upgrade, including analysis of the current system, preparation for the upgrade, testing, and performing the upgrade itself. For more information and a
list of partners in your area please contact your local CA Channel Partner Group office,
If you have any questions regarding the support schedule, please contact CA Clarity PPM Technical Support at CA Support Online ( Our Technical Support Lifecycle Policy is also available at this site.

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Your success is very important to us, and we look forward to continuing our successful partnership with you.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on November 11, 2013 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

What Goes Around Comes Around Lean and Kanban are Refashioning

Contributed by Susan Ittner, Senior Principal Consultant, CA Technologies

Traditional project management approaches too complex? Agile cycles the wrong length? Perhaps a continuous
just-in-time flow is the right approach for you. As with fashion, what goes around comes around. Styles you donated to
charity years ago come walking back into your home as your daughters latest new fashion. (Maxi dresses anyone?).
Lean and Just in Time (JIT) manufacturing concepts arent new either; especially if you have spent time automating
manufacturing. What is new is the application of these concepts to the management of IT teams. Kanban, a Japanese
scheduling technique, requires work to be issued to teams in limited quantities thereby allowing the teams to focus and
finish what is in front of them. This prevents overload (burnout and distraction) as well as prevents work in process
from becoming stale and outdated.
The Kanban feature in CA Clarity Agile, allows you to manage your backlog and visually see items assigned to teams in
a queue like fashion. Work progresses across the board with capacity warnings and current cycle times updated in
real-time. Bottlenecks become immediately apparent and customers understand how long they need to wait and why
you cannot do it today.
Many KTLO (Keep the Lights On) teams have just such a board filled with sticky notes. Disaster strikes when the cleaning crew vacuums up a post-it that falls on the floor and the job vanishes. Or my personal favorite, someone slips another someone pictures of dead presidents and jobs are rearranged on the board. Who knew manual processes had such
nefarious peril?
Clarity Kanban is quick and easy. If you are a present CA Clarity Agile user, it is waiting for your use already! Just navigate to your release detail page, click New Kanban board (under the Kanban section header) and supply a name for the
board. Product, Release, and all teams will default for you. Restrict the board to one team from the drop down list if
desired. Next, provide the Lane name, WIP capacity maximum (limit), and associated status for as many lanes as you
need. Click Save and Close when you are done. That is it! Any unassigned (no sprint) user story associated with that
release will immediately appear in the backlog for your new Kanban board.

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Presto! Instant visibility, metrics are multiplying, dashboards are dashing onto desktops, and the team is tumbling towards self-direction. No more complex governance for you, no more fitting stories into a fenced cycle, your work is
flowing freely and fluidly across your work board. Teams have a sense of empowerment and accomplishment while governance becomes visible and dynamic.
Need to Expedite certain jobs? Just create a custom attribute called Expedite at the user story level and create a filter
on your backlog that selects those user stories which need to be Expedited. Drag and drop these onto the active board
then go back to the remaining backlog for your next selection. I will help you with the steps to create the attribute and
the filter in my next article.
Have fun, give it a try. If you dont have CA Clarity Agile, obtain a free trial or contact CA Technologies at The methodology that went around transforming manufacturing scheduling
might be the very best approach to come around for your teams, the Kanban feature in CA Clarity Agile.

About the Author

Susan Ittner is a senior principal consultant for CA Technologies specializing in Portfolio Management. She has over 30
years of experience in IT development, management, and sales helping businesses maximize the benefits of technology
in global deployments. Susan has a B.S. in Computer Science from Duke University.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on November 8, 2013 [] by John George.

The Reason That Clarity Still Matters in Agile Projects

Author: Steve VanArsdale, CSM, PMI-ACP

CA Clarity Agile Architect, VanArsdale & Associates
Article previously published as The Agile Theory of General Relativity in the Agile Record magazine (August 2013, Issue

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No. 15,

Agile has a Manifesto. Its about time Clarity users had a universal truth.

The results of [a] previous investigation lead to a very interesting conclusion, which is here to be deduced1 . It has been shown in several previous investigations that inherent in Agile projects there are story
points delivered over a progression of time with a relatively steady flow of money spent. What is worth considering is the nature of that relationship, and whether it is a predictable relationship.
If we imagine one factor is the cumulative duration of all the project time-boxes, and a second factor is the progressive expenditure that ultimately funds the work, then we can posit a third factor that represents the work being delivered.

TB can be the factor for the time-box for an iteration, as shown in Figure 1:

The sum of the time-boxes, or TB is the total time value for the project as whole.
The funding pool, or $AGILE can represent the total amount of money allocated to pay for the story points (value) to be
The value delivered in an Agile project is delivered and accepted at the end of each iteration, and could be represented
by vI for any specific iteration. Collectively, over the life of the project, the cumulative value delivered and accepted represents the total work or value of the project effort. This could be represented by vN
In other words, over time the total duration of time-boxes expressed as TB combined with the funding pool for development over this duration expressed as $AGILE ultimately suggests there is a sum of the values in the iterations, vN
The concepts here represent three fundamental elements of any Agile project. It can be shown these elements form the
basis of the relationship of Agile to the fundamental concepts of PMBoK2 defined-process projects.

From this equation it directly follows that:

if TB is the time-box for an iteration, then the sum of the time-boxes, or TB is the time box for the project as
This has been called T
and corresponds to PMBoK project Time.
Similarly, the Agile funding pool, or $AGILE is the amount allocated to pay for the stories (value) to be delivered. To
the project Sponsors and Client, this is known as Cost.
In this context this is often labeled as C
and corresponds to Cost.
The principles of the Agile Manifesto dictate that the value delivered in an Agile project is delivered and accepted at
the end of each iteration. Yet to the stakeholders, each delivered story includes more than simply the effort, and

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more than simply the relative value to the Product Owner. The value that is accepted includes the feature or features that meet the Clients requirements, plus the specific aspects that make it useful, as well as the general fit
of the deliverable in appearance and functionality. In actual fact, it also inherently includes the technical mechanism, the risk of the technical and functional approach used, the effort and/or cost necessary to deploy the deliverable, and even the necessary administrative costs to support and maintain the deliverable over its useful life. All
this is implicitly included in the value accepted at the end of the iteration. Collectively, over the life of the project,
these cumulative values delivered and accepted represents the total work or value of the project. In the conventional context of the stakeholders project expectations, this is the PMBoK Scope, and is often labeled as S.
Together, these represent a special relationship in all projects. It is often expressed using the terms as Time plus
Cost yields Scope, or T+C=S.
This relationship is most often graphically expressed as three intersecting vectors, constrained at their intersections, in a triangle. If we imagine one of the angles of the triangle to be a 90-degree right angle, there is a
well-known rule about such relations. Specifically, with appreciation to Pythagoras, that rule is a2 + b2 = c2.
Recognizing T plus C yields S with the rigor of a2 + b2 = c2
-while accepting the equivalency of the three Agile factors TB and $AGILE and vN
-and applying the transitive relation A=B and B=C then A=C
-implies a recognition of TB + $AGILE > vN with equal validity.
A small mental experiment will illustrate:
Time is always considered a steady progressive vector. There is little argument on this. It can be marked in time periods
or in time-boxes, but Time can be seen to be a fundamental project dimension in both Agile and defined-process
projects. It is generally agreed to be linear, and is depicted in project graphics and Agile information radiators as a
straight line with a steady cadence, as shown in Figure 2.

Cost is also typically depicted as a steady line. But as we know from our own personal experience, this is a simplifying assumption. Expenditures are observed to be made in incremental steps, as shown in Figure 3.

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For project planning and progress tracking purposes, however, cost is most often established in budgets and allocated to a project as a single number, Cost, whether as a defined-process budget, or as an Agile iteration funding
pool, and therefore depicted as a straight line.
Likewise, value, or Scope is also most often mapped as a steady progression as indicated on the triangle. Similar
to the Cost, however, it is readily recognized that progress on the scope of work is not typically steady, but more
often observed and measured in an incremental progressive elaboration (PMBoK) as shown in Figure 4.

The Agile scope or vN can therefore be considered a method of incremental but iterative progressive elaboration
of value (Scope), as shown (figure 5),

But otherwise it can observed progressively and measured exactly as in defined-process projects.
In other words: Agile projects can be shown to exhibit the same fundamental factors of defined process projects.
These fundamental factors are bound by a predictable rule. The rule of T+C=S, often called the Iron Triangle or
Triple Constraint, has applied to all project efforts for dozens and arguably thousands of years.

Therefore, because we have shown this special relationship can be applied to Agile projects with the same rigor as
applied in all defined-process projects, this can be called the general relativity of Agile to legacy PMBoK definedprocess project principles.
In every project Cost and Time are immutably linked by Scope or (T+C=S)
In every Agile project the sum of values in the iterations are constrained by the sum of the time-boxes
and the size of the funding pool. vN = TB + $AGILE

Afterword: So What?

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Well, this deduction simply says that it has been established that there is a relationship between a projects time,
cost, and scope. If this relationship is expressed as a triangle, then the relationship can be expressed in mathematical terms. We often hear this expressed as T+C=S.
It may be presumptious to make a comparison, but in at least one way this T+C=S approximation can be compared
to the Theory of General Relativity when it is expressed as E=mc2. Although this relationship is most often verbalized as E equals em see squared, instead of being a rigorous mathematical equation, the expression is taken to
mean simply that there is a predictable mathematical relationship through which a quantity of energy E is related
to the multiplication product of some specific amount of mass and the square of the speed of light or a similarly
extraordinarily BIG number.
Likewise, the shorthand for the famous PMBoK Triple Constraint is verbalized as T plus C equals S. But it actually
means T plus C yields S because we know that although the Triple Constraint is being expressed mathematically, one cannot necessarily calculate time or cost or scope from the other two factors. Indeed, the three factors
are typically expressed in different units of measure, and the whole equation would have go through a variety of
transformations just to get all three factors into like quantities that could be equated. And even then, as a mathematically-inclined friend politely pointed out, there could be lots of Ts and Cs that yield a specific S. So the really
useful aspect of the Iron Triangle principle of T+C> (yields) S is that there is a relationship. Which (thanks to a
legendary gentlemen named Pythagoreus who proved that there is a known relationship of T2 + C2 = S2) is an immutable, inescapable relationship. Or, in other words, a predictable relationship. The So What is that the fact
that there is such a relationship is used somewhere every minute of every day, when a project manager explains
that when one factor changes, such as time or scope, you can confidently predict that there will absolutely be a
corresponding change to one or both the other factors.
This article simply makes the argument that the same thing applies to Agile projects.
With all that that implies.
So what it implies is that one can measure Agile projects like defined-project projects. And one can predict that,
just like waterfall projects or nuclear fission, changing one factor or another could result in a uncomfortably large
explosion with a Sponsor. And by monitoring any two of the factors, we can reliably predict when that is going to
happen. And maybe the size of the explosion.
With humble appreciation to:

Figure 6
the good humor of A.Einstein

About the Author:

Author: Steve VanArsdale, CSM, PMI-ACP
CA Clarity Agile Architect, VanArsdale & Associates

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Affiliations: Agile Alliance, Scrum Alliance, ISACA, Project Management Institute

Mailing Address: 414 S. Can-Dota Avenue, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056-3612
Phone: 847-259-7224

From Albert Einsteins Does The Inertia Of A Body Depend Upon Its Energy-Content ref:


Project Management Institute A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) Fifth

Edition (2013) ANSI/PMI 99-001-2008

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on November 4, 2013 [] by John George.

Agile Execution As Part of the Business Ecosystem

Original article by James Chan, Senior Principal Consultant, Technical Presales, CA Technologies
I think we can all agree that Agile techniques have moved out of the arena of being practiced by pure agilests and small
companies to something that has made its way into large enterprises. At the enterprise level, you may have pockets of
Agile work, as well as pockets of traditional work. You dont have one or the other. In many cases, you also run into a
hybrid situation where the development and possibly QA teams leverage Agile techniques, but your other touch points,
such as PMO, product management and deployment folks may use more traditional techniques.
To fully realize the benefits of agility, you need to take a look at the bigger picture. And that is why at CA Technologies,
we see Agile execution techniques as being part of a larger Enterprise ecosystem. As an organization, you have to understand a few key items. You need to understand what the organizations trajectory needs to be, and begin balancing
those initiatives that support the strategy with financial and human capital.
Once that is set, you need a way for product management to define the problems that they should solve as well as the
opportunities they want to exploit to support the organizations vision.
Finally, that roadmap needs to be the guiding force for your Agile execution teams to ensure that as they are sprinting,
and they are sprinting in the right direction. If teams just focus on the smallest unit of work, which is a user story, they

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can quickly lose sight of value and get lost in the trees. So, in order to ensure that we drive the teams towards overall
delivered business value, we need to guide them. We need to ensure we take into account product roadmaps, as well as
organizational strategy.
Remember, Agile SCRUM is an execution technique that needs to be part of the larger business ecosystem to ensure
that the business value is truly delivered and in alignment with organizational strategy.

About the Author

James Chan is responsible for building customer and partner relationships to better understand their business and IT
challenges. With extensive knowledge in project and portfolio management and application development (Traditional
and Agile), James offers a deep understanding of enterprise PPM and its day-to-day applications.
James has 20 years of experience in the software industry. He joined CA Technologies in 2012 and focuses primarily on
CA Clarity PPM. Earlier, James held roles ranging from IT infrastructure engineer to application development manager to
product director and PMO director.
In his personal time, James enjoys spending time with his two daughters and working on his golf game, trying to break

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on November 1, 2013 [] by John George.

How to Set a Recurring Job Schedule Using the Crontab Command

Document ID: TEC550480

The application, database, and background servers follow the same time zone. But, when you set the time zone to be
different from the server time, and you schedule a recurring job using the Crontab command, the resulting job schedule
gets set to an incorrect time.
The time that is specified in the Crontab command is the server time, and not the time you set in the Account Settings.
This issue is consistent when hour is specified in the Crontab command.

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For example, 0 11 * * * gives an incorrect time; while 0 * * * * gives the correct time.
Prerequisites: All the Clarity servers (App, DB, and BG) have the time zone set to the same time zone. For example,
US Pacific Time.

Follow these steps:

1. Log in to Clarity and navigate to Account Settings.
2. Set Time Zone to US Pacific Time.
3. Schedule a recurring job by completing the following steps:
Clear the check box for Immediately.
Select the check box for Scheduled.
Set Start Date to the next day (or any other day).
Set Start Time to any time.
Click the Set Recurrence link.
Select the Use UNIX crontab entry format option, and enter 0 11 * * * in the text box.
4. Click Submit on the Job Properties page.
The job is scheduled to run at 11:00 AM the next day as expected and appears on the Scheduled Jobs page.
5. Go to Account Settings; change the Time Zone. For example, US Central Time.
6. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
Expected Result: The job is scheduled to run at 11:00 AM the next day as expected.
Actual Result: The job is scheduled to run at 1:00 PM the next day.

The behavior is as designed; the Crontab command always picks up the server time.
Keywords: CLARITYKB, CLRT-62114, nab, cron tab, recurring.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 28, 2013 [] by Rosy Sunder.

Bridging the Communication Gap when Prioritizing Projects

By Yang Lu, Principal Consultant for CA Technologies

I recently read an article entitled Bridging the Gap Between IT and Your Business in the Harvard Business Review.
This article highlights the growing divide between IT and the business the business believes that IT overpromises and

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under-delivers, and IT believes that the business has no concept of the underlying constraints. The article offers three
suggestions to attenuate the amount of bickering, including one that is very easy to implement: Find common ground on
medium-term issues.
How can the businesses and IT find common ground? The answer communication. Communication is, and always will
be, paramount for a team that has the same goal in mind.
CA Clarity PPM has always been centralized around communication for one customer, seeing red in the RAG (Red Amber Green) status report wasnt bad it meant that the project was probably blocked and we should address it. However, what was a problem for this customer was when the status was non-existent, which indicated that the manager
was not communicating. This was dubbed the gray report, and no one wanted to be on the gray report.
The season for portfolio planning is about to start for many companies as they get set for 2014. Most of the projects being initiated probably originated from a strategic plan, but team members may view the strategy differently. As the article states: the COO may want high systems reliability, the product manager may want new capabilities, the CFO may
want standardization, the CMO may want innovation, etc Point is: everyone places a different priority on the same
group of projects that support the same strategy.
The current version of CA Clarity PPM has revamped the portfolio management capabilities to better facilitate this type
of collaboration. In the same strategic portfolio of projects, each manager across different areas of the business can create his/her unique rank of what is important:

In the example above, Kati and Leigh has their version of what is most important.
They can rank how they want and approve what they want. The most common (and easy) way is by using their gut feeling and intuition. In Clarity, this is just a simple drag and drop of the order. However, when theyre called out on their
choices, theyll have to back it up with data. Clarity can help optimize their portfolios and weigh their selections based
on criteria that are important to them (e.g. the CMO would weight his/her selection based on whether the projects are
innovative). So both Kati and Leigh can leverage the ranking rules engine to define their priority placement and let
Clarity do the heavy lifting:

Here, Leigh can focus on projects that will grow the business first.

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The end result is a fantastic conversation piece where Kati and Leigh can discuss the similarities and the differences, but
ultimately move forward with a few pieces that they can both agree on:

In the example above, Fund Series A is highly ranked in all 3 ranks, so lets get to work!
Project Portfolio Management (PPM) software was never meant to be the silver bullet to an organizations project woes.
It has and always will be about facilitating conversation, be it strategic or operational.

About the Author:

Yang Lu is a principal consultant at CA Technologies in the PPM group. Hes been in the PPM space for 7 years.
This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 25, 2013 [] by John George.

Row Limit Governor for NSQL Queries

Contributed by Bill Yee, Principal Product Manager, CA Technologies

For Release 13.2, a row limit governor was established for grid portlets, chart portlets, and cases where XML Open Gateway (XOG) query tags are used. The governor reduces the chances of an NSQL query using too much of a servers resources. The governor restricts the number of rows that are processed to 50,000. The row limit is applied in the follow-

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ing cases:
Scenario 1: A portlet is running a single dimension NSQL data provider, and the portlet has an aggregation row defined.
Scenario 2: A portlet is running a multidimensional NSQL data provider.
For Scenario 1, the product displays a warning message when the row limit governor is exceeded. The results up to the
row limit (including the aggregation row total) are processed. You can enter filter criteria to display the specific rows you
want. This action reduces the number of rows in the result.
For Scenario 2, the product again displays a warning message when the row limit governor is exceeded. For this scenario, the system does not display results or aggregation row totals. Because of the nature of multidimensional NSQL
queries, the correct result set or aggregation row cannot be determined.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 24, 2013 [] by John George.

PPM: A Catalyst for Innovation

by Damon Logiudice, CA Technologies Senior Information Engineer for CA Clarity PPM

A special new report detailing program and project strategic alignment suggests that i f you are using Project Portfolio

Management (PPM) to merely manage projects, you are not maximizing its potential.
The special new report by Andy Jordan, PMP, a Gantthead Research Analyst was commissioned by CA Technologies

and addresses organizational culture and continuous process improvement in all project areas. Now you too can
read this report to learn how to utilize the power of PPM to innovate all aspects of project execution.
You will learn how you can improve:
Project selection and approval
Project execution including risk management and change management
Organizational performance such as customer satisfaction, goal achievement, and financial performance

Download the Free Report

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To download a PDF of the report, tap or click here.

About the Author

Andy Jordan is President of Roffensian Consulting Inc., an Ontario, Canada-based management consulting firm with a
strong emphasis on organizational transformation, portfolio management and PMOs. Andy has a track record of success
managing business critical projects, programs, and portfolios in Europe and North America in industries as diverse as investment banking, software development, call centers, telecommunications and corporate education. He has built or rebuilt a number of PMOs throughout his career with a focus on the development of people and teams alongside the implementation of process and methodology.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 23, 2013 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

Knowledge Base Article: Database View INV_WIP_COST_V Causes Slow


Contributed by Connie Rong Fu, Senior Support Engineer, CA Technologies

Document ID:


The new database view introduced in 13.0.1 Generic Patch 2 and higher joins the PPA_WIP and PPA_WIP_VALUES tables. In a large database, this view can have millions of records. Various actions in Clarity now produce a call to this
view with a left outer join. This means that every record in the PPA_WIP and PPA_WIP_VALUES tables is pulled, resulting in slow performance. The view is used regardless of what field or column is configured on the pages, or if they are
related to financial transactions.
Actions that make these calls include, but are not limited to the following:
Landing or filtering on the project list page
Opening the project team tab
Opening the project task tab
Navigating to the my projects portlet, which typically is configured on the overview general tab
Steps to Reproduce (for one of the affected pages):
1. Turn on SQL trace for a 13.0.1 server with Generic Patch 2 or higher applied, and points it to a large dataset.

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2. Log in and navigate to the project list view, then filter for a project.
3. Review the SQL trace.
Expected Result: The filter result is returned and the page is refreshed quickly, No call to INV_WIP_COST_V is found
on the SQL trace.
Actual Result: The project list page takes a long time to return, call to INV_WIP_COST_V is found on the SQL trace
with a long SQL time.

This issue will be resolved in 13.0.1 Generic Patch 5 ( and higher; as well as in 13.1 Generic Patch 1
( and higher versions.

1. Back up the existing view INV_WIP_COST_V.
2. Recreate the view with added where clause to nullify it:


SELECT /* + index( b PPA_WIP_VALUES_U1) index(a PPA_WIP_TRANSNO_STATUS_INV) */ a.investment_id investment_id,
SUM (NVL(b.totalcost, 0)) totalcost
ppa_wip a,
ppa_wip_values b
a.transno = b.transno AND
b.currency_type = HOMEAND
a.status = 0 and 0=1
3. Restart Services.
This workaround will not impact users.
KEYWORDS: CLARITYKB, hang, timeout, slow, respond, CLRT-69140, clarity1301resolved, clarity1310resolved.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 22, 2013 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

How to Make a Project Participant a Collaboration Manager

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Document ID: TEC477597

When a resource creates a project, that resource is given the collaboration manager rights automatically. The collaboration manager right can only be added on a project by project basis. Only a collaboration manager for a
project can add or remove participants. There is no right to enable users to remove participants of a project. However, an existing collaboration manager can grant this right to other participants on the project. A project can have
more than one collaboration manager participant.
Follow these steps:
1. Open the Team menu of a project, and click Participants.
2. Select the resource and click Make Collaboration Manager.
Note: Click Add to add a resource if they are not a participant.
The new collaboration manager can now add or remove participants for this project.
Keywords: CLARITYKB, DMS, document management system, collaboration, security, how-to, configuration.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 21, 2013 [] by Rosy Sunder.

Portlet/List Configure Actions Are Not Working with the Latest Chrome Update

Contributed by Connie Fu, Senior Support Engineer, CA Technologies

The latest update to Google Chrome (30.0.01599.66m) causes the gear icon actions in Release 13 to no longer
work properly. In Release 13.1, the Configure link for portlets/lists still functions, but no others do: Multisort, Export to
Excel Data only, Export to Excel, Export to PowerPoint, Minimize, Maximize.

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In Release 13.2, even the Configure does not work correctly. The modal dialog appears, but is grayed out and cannot be accessed.

Do not upgrade Chrome, or use another browsers such as Internet Explorer or Firefox.
For more information, including customer feedback about this issue, see the original post in the CA Clarity Global User

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 18, 2013 [] by John George.

Application Portfolio Management: The Biggest Mistakes to Avoid

By Doug Page, Senior Principal Consultant for CA Technologies

In my last blog entry, Application Portfolio Management is Kinda Like Cleaning Out Your Basement, I wrote about
Application Portfolio Managements (APMs) importance and how it can support various organizational objectives
and provide funding for innovation. Today, I want to talk about the mistakes to avoid when implementing APM into
your organization. These are the top five things that have tripped up organizations trying to get value from APM.
1. The Goldilocks Effect: Identifying the Right Number of Questions

The APM methodology is the data model that determines what information is gathered for each application. This is the
information that will be used to determine which applications will stay and which ones will go. Some organizations try
and make their APM methodology too complex: this takes too much time and makes it very difficult to rollout and maintain. Other organizations try to make their APM methodology too simplistic: most of the time they dont have enough information to make effective decisions. As far as the data model goes you have to get it just right.
2. Understand Why You Are Doing It
When deciding what application information to collect for your APM model, organizations should also look at other
groups that may be collecting APM data for other reasons. For instance, I recently worked with a customer that had put
together a fantastic model for APM, but they realized another part of the organization was about to collect application
information to support a data center consolidation exercise. They wisely merged their efforts making it easier for those
bringing together the information and ensuring that they had one single system of record.
3. Give it the Business
Very often APM exercises are driven by IT IT finance to be specific. And just as often, the business is an afterthought

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in the process. However, the business needs to be a key player in any APM model as they will be ones determining the
value that applications are actually delivering. This is a key piece of information when determining whether an application should be retired.
4. Take it to the Top
APM, like other change management initiatives, needs executive buy-in. First, it will be required to support the collection of information. More importantly, it will be required when various rounds of rationalization commence. For instance,
an organization may have multiple document management systems. By moving to a single solution, the organization
can reduce costs but this will require certain groups letting go of their current solution in favor of another. These kinds
of changes require very senior level buy-in.
5. Decision vs. Action
Most APM exercises focus on decision rather than action. Because a new APM governance team focuses so hard on the
methodology it will use, the team may not realize that all its work is simply leading to a decision. A decision does not
simplify the organization and reduce cost. That can only come from action. In this case, the action is a project to retire
an application or a project to migrate an application. CA Clarity PPM is well positioned to provide this link between action
and decision. It is only when these projects are done that we can change the lifecycle phase of the application.
For more information on how CA Technologies can support an APM, you can download our ebook on the topic here:

About the Author:

Doug Page is a senior principal consultant for CA Technologies specializing in Portfolio Management. He has fifteen years
of experience in working with customers around the world to ensure they maximize the benefit of their Portfolio Management initiatives. He also has an MBA from the John Molson School of Business in Montreal.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 17, 2013 [] by John George.

Use Your Smart Phone to Enter or Approve Time

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Contributed by Bill Yee, Principal Product Manager, CA Technologies

The CA Clarity Mobile Time Manager is a smart phone app that lets you submit or approve CA Clarity PPM
Timesheet submitters can:
Enter time
Populate items from the previous timesheet period
Return a timesheet that was previously submitted
Timesheet approvers can:
Complete bulk timesheet approvals or returns
Send a reminder to resources who have not submitted timesheets
Complete ad hoc and action item timesheet approvals
The Mobile Time Manager works with CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2 and above. You must have IOS 6.x (or higher) or Android 4.x (or higher) on your smart phone to use this app. You can download the app, which is free, from the Apple App
Store or Google Play.
To view CA Clarity PPM timesheet data using Mobile Time Manager, a user requires the global access right Mobile Access.

Note: To allow the workflow timesheet action item approvals from the app, update the workflow process definition
to configure Approve and Return in the manual action item step.
For more information about the Mobile Time Manager, see the CA Answer Bar. Then, search for mobile and click the
search result named CA Clarity Mobile Time Manager.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 17, 2013 [] by John George.

CA Clarity PPM 13.2 On Premise or On Demand

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Features and Benefits: An Expert Review

By Rick A. Morris, PMP and Edited by Damon Logiudice, CA Technologies Senior Technical Information Engineer for CA
Clarity PPM
If your organization is considering an upgrade or new move to CA Clarity PPM 13.2, hosted locally or remotely
(SaaS/Cloud), then this article is for you.
In his review of CA Clarity 13.2, Rick Morris suggests that CA Clarity has always been more than a project and portfolio
tool to me, it is also a platform. His complete review is available at no charge to registered users logged in to the website and a link to his article is provided at the bottom of this post.
Morris continues:

Since we can create objects, attributes, and configure the tool, we are really only limited by our imagination. We
have been able to create resourcing solutions for professional services, solve complex algorithms for the pharmaceutical industry, and revolutionize oil and gas by taking the base of CA Clarity and extending the platform
through configurations and customizations.

His review of CA Clarity PPM begins by exploring the improved portfolio management features in CA Clarity PPM Release
13.2. Morris explains that the scenario paradigm is now replaced with a plan model, a new configurable object called
plan with fewer constraints that gives the user more options to play with the project schedule and more options to work
within the live investments.
Other features Morris describes include:
Mobile Timesheets
Keyboard Shortcuts in Time-Scaled Values
Updated Portlet Code with a New Grouping Feature
Open Workbench Improvements

Other Performance Improvements and Enhancements

Integration with CA Clarity Agile (which includes all of the following additional benefits):
- Dashboard-Ready Burn Down Charts

- Custom Fields on Popups

- Enhanced Task Cloning
- Task Status Mapping to Charge Codes

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Download the Exclusive Article

To read the full article, visit the following link:

About the Author

Rick A. Morris, PMP, is an ITIL practitioner, consultant, author, mentor, and owner of R2 Consulting. Rick is an accomplished project manager and public speaker. His appetite for knowledge and passion for the profession make him a
sought after guest speaker at PMI chapters and civic organizations, and a frequent guest lecturer at local universities.
He holds PMP (Project Management Professional) credentials, as well as MPM (Masters of Project Management), OPM3,
Six Sigma Green Belt, MCITP, MCTS, MCSE, TQM, ATM-S, ITIL, and ISO certifications. Rick has worked for organizations
such as GE, Xerox, and CA Technologies and has consulted for numerous clients in a wide variety of industries including
financial services, entertainment, construction, nonprofit, hospitality, pharmaceutical, retail, and manufacturing.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 16, 2013 [] by Damon (CA Technologies).

Green Papers Available: Integrating CA Clarity PPM r13 with SiteMinder

Contributors and reviewers of the green paper:

Sean Harp, Principal Engineering Services Architect

Jack Saunders, Senior Services Architect
Josh Leone, Director, Engineering Services

We are pleased to announce the availability of a new CA Green Paper: CA Clarity PPM r13 Integrating with CA SiteMinder.
This paper provides the software architect, software developer, software engineer, system administrator, and support
technician with the information necessary to integrate CA Clarity Project & Portfolio Manager (PPM) r13 with CA SiteMinder. It is intended for technically- oriented people who require an advanced level of understanding of the CA Clarity
PPM integration capabilities to successfully configure and maintain their CA Clarity PPM environment.
This Green Paper is available from the following locations (login required):
CA Green Books and Green Papers, Project and Portfolio Management Page of CA Support Online. Document Name = CA
Clarity PPM v13: Integrating with CA SiteMinder

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CA Answer Bar. Log in, search for Green Paper, and you see the new Green Paper in the search results.
Thank you again for your business.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 15, 2013 [] by Sarmistha Purkayastha.

Application Portfolio Management is Kinda Like Cleaning Out Your Basement

Contributed by Doug Page, Senior Principal Consultant, CA Technologies

A while ago I was watching a panel of experts talk about Management and IT. The
panel included Peter Weill. Hes the Chairman for the Center of Information
Systems at MIT Sloan School. Yeah, hes pretty smart.
One of the panel topics was Innovation. Normally on a panel like this someone
states that to produce innovation you need to free the minds of employees from
their routine and mundane tasks (morning pillow fight at work anyone??). Peter
Weill made the very clear point that an organizations resources are limited, a
close system if you will. If you spend 80% of your IT resources keeping the lights
on (what he refers to as the Run Rate of IT) then by the laws of mathematics you
only have 20% left to spend on innovation. No pillow fight is going to help the
situation. Upon hearing Mr. Weill make this point, I had an epiphany. I came to a
realizationI needed to clear out my basement.
Like an IT organization, my basement has limited resources. In my basements case
the constrained resource is space. The more junk I collect in the basement the
less room I have cool stuff like a large screen tv and a fuss-ball table. The IT
equivalent of the junk in my basement is years and years of application that have
been purchased and built in-house. The tv and fuss-ball table represent all the
valuable innovation that organizations could be doing.
Gartner research shows that 55% of global IT budgets are spent on infrastructure
and operations costs[1]. How did we get here? I mean I even have a garage sale
every now and then to clear out the clutter. The reality is that many
organizations do not have simple governance in place that helps determine when; 1)
a new application should be approved and 2) when application should be retired. I
say governance as this needs to be an ongoing process and not a one-time activity.
The on-going process is Application Portfolio Management. It needs to be on-going

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as new applications are requested all the time. In fact, it is even easier for
organizations to add application with SaaS offerings. Also, the value of
applications changes overtime.
Want to truly innovate? Maybe its time to clean out your basement.
In my next blog post I will talk about some of the mistakes that organizations
make around Application Portfolio Management and how to avoid these pitfalls to
ensure you get benefits.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 15, 2013 [] by John George.

How to Edit Folder Permissions in the Knowledge Store

Document ID: TEC525358

When you add resources to a folder, they are automatically grouped as participants with read/write access to this folder.
The user who creates the folder is automatically given read, write, and delete access to the folder. You can change these
permissions at any time from the Documents: Folder Permissions page.

Follow these steps:

1. Open Home, and from Organization, click Knowledge Store.
2. Select Permissions from the folders Actions menu.
3. Select the permission you want to grant to a resource.
4. Select Cascade Permissions if you want to allow the resource to transfer the new rights to any of the current

folders documents and sub-folders.

5. Save your changes.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 14, 2013 [] by John George.

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Configurable OBS

Contributed by Namita Mishra, CA Senior Product Manager

Edited by Celita Lott, CA Senior Technical Information Engineer
The Configurable OBS feature introduced in Release 13.2 lets an administrator configure OBS attributes like other CA
Clarity PPM attributes. Here are some examples of how an administrator can configure OBS attributes:
Make the OBS field mandatory
Make the OBS field read-only
Set the OBS field so that the value is entered only once
Set the default value for the OBS field
Set the override default value for the OBS field
Hide the OBS field
Change the label for the OBS field
Move the OBS section to another subpage or a secured subpage
Rename the OBS section
Delete the OBS section
Move the OBS fields out of the OBS section to any other section
Configure the OBS attributes on the list page
Use inline editing
Enable audit trail for the OBS attributes
Use auto-suggest for the OBS fields
Use language translation for the OBS fields
Use an OBS field in the system or manual action of a process definition
When an object is associated with an OBS, the following actions happen:
The associated object appears as a hyperlink under the Associated Objects section on the OBS Properties page.

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For a non-financial OBS, an attribute with the OBS name and OBS Lookup data type is created on the associated
Object Attribute page.
For a financial OBS, an attribute named Department OBS of OBS Entity Lookup data type is created on the associated Object Attribute page. The Department OBS attribute is created only on the first association of an object
with the financial Department OBS. As a result, you have only one Department OBS attribute in the attributes list
of the associated object.
These data types are reserved only for the OBS attributes and are not available for custom attribute creation. However, no attribute is created when you associate an object with the Location OBS.
The following table provides the details of the OBS attributes that are created after the association.

Financial OBS
OBS Name

Object Name

Attribute Name

Attribute ID

Data Type

CA Dept


Department OBS


OBS Entity Lookup

CA Loc





OBS Name

Object Name

Attribute Name

Attribute ID

Data Type

Resource Pool


Resource Pool2)

odf_<first four valid characters of

OBS Lookup

Non-financial OBS

the OBS_ID>_<#code of the OBS



be any except the following objects:

Financial OBS: Company, Incident Category, Job/Report, Page, Portfolio, Portlet, Process Definition, Release, Release Plan, and Requirement.
Non-financial OBS: Incident Category, Job/Report, Page, Portlet, and Process Definition.

default, the OBS name, and the attribute name are the same when an object is associated with a non-financial

For more information about the configurable OBS, see the CA Clarity PPM Administration Guide.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 10, 2013 [] by John George.

Resolving an Issue with Reports After an Upgrade

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CA Support Helps Customer Discover a Fix and a Best Practice for Locale Settings
Contributed by actual customer issues and suggestions provided by Suman Pramanik, CA Support Engineer
Edited by Damon Logiudice, CA Senior Technical Information Engineer
Using the CA Clarity Global User Community, customers were able to report and resolve a recent issue with a single report that mysteriously failed to run. The trouble appeared after an upgrade from CA Clarity PPM 12.1 to 13.1 with a corresponding upgrade from CA Business Intelligence (CABI) 3.2 to 3.3.
SAP Business Objects (BO) moved from 12.1 sp3 to SAP BO Enterprise XI 3.1 sp5.
A customer could run all their reports from CA Clarity PPM, except one.

What was causing the issue?

Did the report run directly from Crystal Reports?
Did the report run directly from the BO CMC server?
Did the report run directly from Clarity?
The customer posted the following error message:

Error in formula ProjectName: 'left({Command.NAME}, 40)'

This field name is not known.

Could the error reflect a problem with a formula in the report? Maybe. The customer could try removing the formula and running the report and then putting the formula back in the report to see if the error occurs again.
Could the error reflect a change to the data model? No. Working with CA Support, we were able to rule that out.
The report ran successfully from Crystal Reports and the BO CMC server.

Could the error reflect a failure to link columns named in the formula with database columns? Lets dig a little deeper. For example, the formula column ProjectName:

left({Command.NAME}, 40)

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Could be failing to identify the {Command.NAME[\i]} argument. And the customer only sees:

Error in File ~tmpb947a10b921080.rpt:

Error in formula ProjectName: 'left({Command.NAME}, 40)'
This field name is not known. Details: errorKind

The Mystery is Finally Solved

The parsing of data from CA Clarity PPM is different from Crystal Reports and CMC. In Clarity, an input parameter for
the report was defined as a Date and in Crystal Reports the same parameter was defined as a String. The report expected a date value.
The customer changed the datatype from String to Date in Crystal Reports and this enabled the report to run successfully.
History revealed that the datatype mismatch above was reported as a bug in Clarity 12.1 and was resolved for 13.1. As
an additional best practice for enterprise reporting, the customer was advised to set the Clarity locale and the InfoView
locale to the same setting to minimize the risk of encountering different date locale values.

A Closer Look
As a customer, you may want to know if there is any way to identify mismatched locales between Clarity and InfoView?
Perhaps there is an automated way to set the InfoView locale with the Clarity locale value instead of the default Use
browser locale setting? Customers in international environments may often encounter messages such as:

The date for the prompt 'param_start_date' is invalid.

The answer is yes, but it involves complicated database queries. Instead, as a best practice, set the same locale in both
components. If a Clarity user is on the US locale, their InfoView/CMC locale should also be set to US.
And finally, format the date before passing it to ensure that no matter what it looks like coming from the user interface,
it is formatted as a valid value to satisfy the report requirements for a date or string.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 9, 2013 [] by John George.

Top 10 Knowledge Base Articles in September 2013

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Original article contributed by Connie Rong Fu in CA Support

Here are the 10 most viewed Clarity Knowledge Base articles in September 2013:

1. TEC598440 Web Intelligence Digital Certificate Expiration Beginning on September 08, 2013
2. TEC573491 Using Clarity v13 Action Trace
3. TEC567263 Clarity has a vulnerability to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Attacks
4. TEC546956 Clarity: Is Xcelsius Client software compatible with Microsoft Office 2010?
5. TEC550794 Clarity: One or more of the Fiscal Time Periods selected is in use and cannot be deactivated
6. TEC586757 Clarity: Scheduled jobs stuck in waiting or scheduled status
7. TEC593611 Clarity: The CA Clarity Mobile Time Manager Smartphone App
8. TEC500800 Datamart Rollup job is failing with exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows error.
9. TEC511318 [MSP] RunTime Error! Program: gram Files\CA\Clarity\Schedule Connect\bin\SchedLink.exe.
10. TEC524842 Adding the attachment attribute to Requirements-list in particular partition causes Error 500.
And a couple of extras:
TEC596049 My ACWP calculated is not correct and is missing the cost of several hours submitted
TEC468125 Clarity: How do I enable CA PPM Schedule Connect logging for MSP /OWB troubleshooting?

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 8, 2013 [] by John George.

Web Intelligence Digital Certificate Expiration Beginning September 8,


Author: CA Support
Document ID: TEC598440
Beginning on September 08, 2013, a Java Runtime certificate will expire and may cause a warning to appear on
end-user product pages prior to them being able to run their CA Business Intelligence (CABI) Web Intelligence software
reports. In most cases, users will be able to click through this warning and the reports will run as expected. In some
cases, if the user has recently updated the java plug-in within their browser, they will not be able to proceed to the Web
Intelligence report.

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When opening or editing a Web Intelligence report using the Rich Internet Application (Java Report Panel), end users
will see the following security warning:

The applications digital signature has an error. Do you want to run the application?
The digital signature was generated with a trusted certificate but has expired.

End users can go into their security settings and clear the following settings in the Java Control Panel / Advanced tab /
Security / General section:
Check Certificates for revocation using Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)
Enable online certificate validation

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 7, 2013 [] by John George.

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Implementing Security in CA Clarity PPM

Contributed by Alexandre Assis and edited by Damon Logiudice

A common request is to implement a security model that segregates projects and resources by department. For example, the PMO wants to manage projects for both the IT and Finance departments but also wants to restrict project managers and participants from accessing project and resource data outside their assigned department.

Planning a Security Implementation

Complete the following planning steps before you create groups and assign access rights:
Understand the CA Clarity PPM security model.
Plan how to secure your CA Clarity PPM implementation.
Determine how to apply security options, based on your requirements.
Implement security for your CA Clarity PPM solution.
When these steps are complete, you are ready to create resources, groups, and organization breakdown structure (OBS)
units, and to assign access rights.

Application Security and Data Security

Security in CA Clarity PPM has two aspects: securing the application and securing its data. Although the security mechanism is the same for both, and you can control security for both in the same way using one operation, as a best practice
consider them separately with the objective of fully understanding what configuration is required and realizing how to
implement it.
Note: Partitions are not used for security. They are used to define page content and appearance.
Apply application security to verify that the correct users have access to the appropriate application functionality. Define
application security when you want to limit user access and capabilities. For example:
Assign resources in a senior management role with access to view a portlet.
Assign resources in a project management role with access to create projects.
Apply data security to verify that resources have access only to their assigned data. For example:
Everybody should be able to see this page, but only for their assigned projects.
All resource managers must hard book and soft book resources, but only for those resources they directly manage.

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Resources need Edit access to the information about project A, but not to information for project B at the same
tree level under the same OBS.

Access Rights
Assign access rights to manage security in CA Clarity PPM both at the application level and the data level. Access rights
correspond to specific application functionality, such as Editing Projects, Viewing Portlets, or Running Jobs. The Access
Rights are granted to resources according to data scope, using the following methods:
Directly to individual resources
Indirectly, through OBS Units
Indirectly, through Groups

Data Scope
Apply access rights at varying levels of scope to determine the data a particular user can access. The following data
scope options are available:

Instance: Refers to a single data unit, such as a specific project, application, asset, or resource.
OBS Unit: Refers to all the instances of a specific object (projects, applications, and so on) associated with that OBS
Global: Refers to all the instances of all objects (all projects or all applications or all resources, and so on). Some of
the access right names display the All expression such as in Project Approve All.
Grant access rights in CA Clarity PPM in one of the following two ways:
From a resource, group, or OBS unit, you can specify a specific object (page, portlet, etc.) instance.
From an instance (project, resource, and so on), you can indicate which resources, groups, or OBS units have access to a particular instance.
To learn more, see the Implementing Security in CA Clarity PPM Greenbook at:

The objective of this publication is to provide practical information about the available options for configuring data security
for the CA Clarity PPM solution. The guide provides knowledge to help security administrators plan the security requirements and implement them successfully. It is based on research, product testing, and information exchanges between
the author and other CA Technologies experts. The best practices and knowledge provided in this document have been
used in many implementations throughout the CA Technologies customer base. However, your experience may vary.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 4, 2013 [] by John George.

Tuesday Tip: Microsoft Project and OpenWorkbench Add-ins for CA Clarity


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Contributed by Ruth Wunderle and Edited by Damon Logiudice

Use the tips in this article to install or uninstall the Microsoft Project (MSP), OpenWorkbench (OWB), and SchedulerConnect add-ins for CA Clarity PPM.

1. Refer to the latest approved CA Clarity PPM documentation. With MSP 2010 and MSP 2013 some documented

pre-requisites are required to be installed prior to installing the MSP add-in. These are documented in the
Project Management Guide and the Installation Guide.
2. Install the office-kb2075992-fullfile-x86-glb.exe patch for MSP 2010; however, it is not needed for MSP 2013.
3. Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe).
4. Install the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (vstor40_x86.exe or vstor40_x64.exe, de-

pending on whether you are running a 32- or 64-bit version of Windows, respectively).
5. Install the Java Runtime version (JRE). The schedulers require a specific version of Java installed and depend-

ing on whether your scheduler is 32-bit or 64-bit needs to be the corresponding JRE type. You can have both
32-bit and 64-bit either same or different build versions installed on a PC. Clarity r13.2 supports 64-bit MSP
versions. This requires that a 64-bit JRE version is installed as well as the 64-bit ScheduleConnect software. If
a 32-bit MSP is used or OWB (which at present is 32-bit application only) then you will need to have 32-bit
JRE and 32-bit Schedule Connect installed.
6. If the computer already had previous versions of the MSP or OWB, then a clean uninstall of the older version

including the Schedule Connect part has to be ensured prior to installing the newer version. Uninstall and if
necessary thorough clean up steps are included below.


1. Log in to the OS as a user with Administrative rights. For example, make the OS user part of the Administrators
2. Remove from Microsoft Project (MSP) any dependency on the MSP Interface software:For MSP

- Launch MSP.
- Go to File -> Options -> Add-Ins.
- At the bottom of the page, youll see a drop-down list labelled Manage. Verify that it reads COM Add-ins
and click on the Go button.
- Select CAClarityAddIn and click on Remove.
- Go to File -> Info.
- Click on the Organizer button.
- Select the Modules tab in the Organizer dialog box.
- Remove all modules whose name begins with Niku_* (Niku_API, Niku_Baseline, etc.) and CA_IntegrationHooks.
- Close MSP; if a debug error comes up, choose Debug, then delete all text and close out, choosing Yes or OK

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at the prompts.
For MSP 2007 and earlier:
- Launch MSP.
- Go to Tools -> Customize -> Toolbars.
- Click on the Toolbars tab and remove the CA Clarity PPM Integration toolbar.
- Go to Tools -> Organizer -> Modules tab and remove all modules whose name begins with Niku_*
(Niku_API, Niku_Baseline, etc.) and CA_IntegrationHooks, if present.
- Close MSP.
- If a debug error comes up, choose Debug, then delete all text and close all windows, choosing Yes or OK at
the prompts.
3. Uninstall all Clarity products from the users Workstation via the normal Windows Add/Remove Programs facility.
The order in which the products are removed is not relevant. This could include:

-Microsoft Project Interface

-Open Workbench
-Schedule Connect
4. Clean out the Registry.

- Run regedit.
- Select File -> Export and enter a File Name to store the back-up of the registry just in case.
- Delete the following keys:
Note: Some of the keys may not exist. Deleting each key will delete all of their subkeys too (which is what we
5. Reboot the system.
6. Go to Add/Remove Programs again and check that there is no trace left of the products that you have re-

moved in earlier steps.

7. Delete the following folders:

-C:\Program Files\CA\Clarity\CA Clarity PPM MSPInterface

-C:\Program Files\CA\Clarity\CA Clarity PPM Schedule Connect
-C:\Program Files\CA\Clarity Setups
-C:\Program Files\Open Workbench
Note: On workstations running a 64-bit version of Windows, the folder names will be prefixed with C:\Program
Files (x86)\ instead of C:\Program Files\.
8. If you have Windows SDK installed, open a command prompt and go to the following directory and execute

the following commands:

For 32-bit Windows:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\NETFX 4.0 Tool
For 64-bit Windows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\NETFX 4.0 Tooland from there run: mage.exe
This clears the .NET Manifest cache, and is needed in order to ensure that the MSP Interface Add-in will re-install correctly.
9. Reboot the system again. The manual uninstallation is now complete.
10. Ensure that Java is installed; the exact version of Java that is needed depends on the Clarity version. You can

download the correct Java installation software from your Clarity site. Log into Clarity, then go to Account Set-

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tings -> Software Downloads. In version 12.1.0, due to a bug, Clarity would let you download Java 1.5, while
the correct JRE for that Clarity version is Java 1.6; therefore, if running Clarity 12.1.0, you must download
Java 1.6.0_20 either from the Clarity installation image, or from the Internet. This problem does not exist in
12.1.1 and later.
11. If you decide to download Java from the Internet, keep in mind that all Clarity components prior to Clarity

r13.2 are 32-bit, so the Java 32-bit VM must be downloaded and installed.
12. If you have a 64-bit workstation, note that 64-bit Java can be installed on the same machine, at the same

time, and even for the same version; this will not interfere with the MSP Interface or OWB as long as, obviously, each Java version resides in its own installation directory.
13. For MSP 2010/MSP2013 only, you need to ensure that the prerequisites are installed [they are not included in

the MSP Interface, they need to be downloaded from Microsoft website]:

- Microsoft Project Professional 2010, 32-bit version;
- From r13.2 onwards Microsoft Project Professional 2010 & 2013, 32-bit or 64-bit version supported
- office-kb2075992-fullfile-x86-glb.exe [a patch for MSP 2010];
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4 [dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe];
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime [vstor40_x86.exe or vstor40_x64.exe, depending on
whether you are running a 32- or 64-bit version of Windows, respectively].
- Support for 64bit MSP versions is only with r13.2 and upwards. If you use MSP 32-bit version, then you will
have to install 32 bit SchedConnect and JRE version; if MSP 64-bit then you will need the 64 bit SchedConnect
and JRE.
14. For MSP 2010/MSP2013, before re-installing the Microsoft Project Interface, do the following:

- Launch MSP.
- Go to File -> Options -> Trust Centre;
- Click on the Trust Centre Settings button;
- In the Trust Centre dialog box, go to the Add-ins section; if the check-box labelled Require Application
Add-ins to be signed by Trusted Publisher, is checked, temporarily uncheck it in order to allow the installation
of the MSP Interface Add-in. As of release 13.0, it is not digitally signed.
- Go to the Macro Settings section and temporarily select the option labelled Enable all macros.
15. Re-install Microsoft Project Interface and/or OWB, ensuring that you download the installation software from

your Clarity site [log into Clarity, then go to Account Settings -> Software Downloads]. Install the MSP/OWB
version that comes with the server version in order to prevent compatibility problems due to mismatched
server and client version [especially after an upgrade of Clarity].
16. For MSP 2010/MSP2013, after re-installing the Microsoft Project Interface:

- Open MSP.
- If prompted to Enable Macros, do so; this prompt will appear only the first time you open MSP after the installation of the MSP Interface.
- Ensure that a new tab labelled CA Clarity PPM Integration appears in the ribbon, usually between the View
and Team tabs.
- If, at step 10, you disabled the option Require Application Add-ins to be signed by Trusted Publisher and/or
changed the settings for Macro Settings, you may now restore the old values.
- Close MSP.
17. For MSP 2007 and earlier, after re-installing the Microsoft Project Interface:

- Open MSP.
- Ensure the Macro Security setting is set to Low; this is needed only for the duration of this step.
- Close MSP.
- Go to C:\Program Files\CA\Clarity\CA Clarity PPM MSPInterface\data and double-click on MSPAdd2K.mpp.
- Choose Enable Macros if prompted; MSP will close down automatically shortly after that.
- Open MSP and ensure that a new toolbar or menu labelled CA Clarity PPM-integration is available;
- Restore the Macro Security setting to your level of preference.
- Close MSP.
MSP and OWB are now ready for normal use with CA Clarity PPM.

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For other great tips and an entire community of CA Clarity PPM users, visit the CA Online Communities at:

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 3, 2013 [] by John George.

Upcoming Events Dont Miss Out!

Author: Chris Hackett

Dont miss out on these upcoming events.

**** Join Us: CA Clarity Office Hours on Thursday, October 3 @ 1 PM ET! ****
Have a question about CA Clarity PPM? Connect with CA Technologies technical experts to get answers via our Office
Hours for Clarity. Our team is here to help you get more out of your technology. Join us for one hour on Thursday, October 3 @ 1 PM EST.
Some sample topics:
Your pain points
Product documentation
Questions on functionality

**** 2013 Fall CA Clarity Global User Community Webcast Oct 10, 11am ET ****
Please join us for the 2013 3rd Quarter CA Clarity Global User Community Webcast Thursday, Oct 10, 11am ET

Welcome and opening remarks Karen Beaudouin, President
Topic: Best Practices for Moving to Clarity 13.2 Portfolios
Speakers: Bill Yee, CA Technologies Product Manager and David Werner, CA Technologies Marketing Manager
Portfolio Management was completely redesigned in the 13.2 release of CA Clarity PPM. While the new functionality is

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more robust and easier to use, the portfolio management youve done in previous Clarity versions needs to be rethought
when upgrading to 13.2. Please join Bill Yee, David Werner, and other CA Technologies experts who will provide suggestions, best practices, and Q&A answers for moving to the new Portfolio Management.
Topic: The new scheduling features in Clarity version 13.2 are a much welcome addition to Clarity. This presentation
will provide an introduction to the new functionality.
Speaker: Michael Thibault: Manager Clarity Development and Education, TD Bank
For more information about these events, including how to register, see the original post on the CA Clarity PPM Global
User Community.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 2, 2013 [] by John George.

Clarity 13.2 Third Patch ( is Available

Date: September 23, 2013

To: CA Clarity Customers
From: The CA Technologies CA Clarity PPM Product Team
Subject: Released and Ready for Download
We are pleased to announce the release of the third patch for CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2.0. 13.2.0 Patch 3 (
is available for download on Please contact CA Clarity PPM Support at 888-550-6458 (or your local
number) if you have questions or issues to download the patch.
The CA Clarity PPM General Availability Announcement is posted on the CA Support site and you may access
the announcement here.
In the interest of our customers and community members, the readme.txt, which includes a resolved defects list, is now
published as a KB article. After you log in to the CA Support site, you can search it with KB Article # TEC599354.
Customers on the 13.0.1 release with any patch release or 13.1 until patch 6 can safely upgrade to 13.2.0 and then apply patch 3 ( If you are an On Demand customer, please contact CA Clarity PPM Support to request the patch
application to your instance.

Thank you again for your business.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on October 1, 2013 [] by John George.

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How to Modify the Limit on the Number of Investments and Roles included in a Portfolio in CA Clarity 13.2

Document ID: TEC597391

In Release 13.2, the portfolio management has a limit on the maximum number of investments and roles that can be included in a portfolio. These limits help ensure better performance when you work with a portfolio. However, an On
Premise administrator can modify this limit.

Do not alter the limits without fully understanding the impact on the application and the database performance
within the portfolio functionality.
To avoid possible performance issues, we recommend decreasing the values, and not increasing them.
Thoroughly test the changes in a staging environment, before you make any change in the production environment.

Follow these steps:

1. Run the following query to identify the limits.

select o.option_code, v.value

from cmn_options o join cmn_option_values v

on = v.option_id

where o.option_code like 'PFM%'

The following stock default values are returned:





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Signifies the maximum number of attributes that can be registered in the portfolio Registry.

Signifies the maximum number of investments that can be selected within the content of a portfolio.

Signifies the maximum number of roles that can be selected within the content of a portfolio.
2. Replace the stock default values.
For Example, change the number of investments from 250 to 100 and change the number of roles from 25 to 20.


Note: If you encounter performance issues within the portfolio management functionality when you increase the limit,
reset the values back to the default values before you contact CA Support for further analysis.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 30, 2013 [] by John

Knowledge Base Article: Cannot Log In to the Timesheet Mobile App if the
Server is Using SSO

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Document ID: TEC598579

Title: Cannot Log In to the Timesheet Mobile App if the Server is Using SSO
Description: When Clarity is set up to use single sign on, users are not able to connect to the Mobile Timesheet smart
phone application. Users keep getting the error The request requires user authentication and are redirected to the login page. The login page displays the message missing username or password!.
This issue also occurs for Clarity On Demand customers using the On Demand Portal for authentication.

Workaround: None.

The issue is resolved in Clarity 13.2 Generic Patch #3 or later.
Keywords: CLARITYKB, CLRT-72388, clarity13open, clarity132open, On Demand Portal, od

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 27, 2013 [] by John George.

Cannot Edit the Last Fiscal Period for a Cost Plan When Some Start Date
Values Are Used

When you set the start date for a time-scaled value used in a cost plan as either Specific Date or Rolling Date, you cannot edit the last fiscal period for the time-scaled value.
To correct this issue, use a different start date setting for the time-scaled value.
Follow these steps:
1. Open the Administration menu and from Studio, click Objects.
2. Click the Cost Plan Detail object, and then click Views.
3. Click Fields for the Cost Plan Detail view.
4. Click the Properties icon for the time-scaled value you want to edit.

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5. In the Start Date field, select Other Date and select Cost Plans Start Date as the value.
6. Click Save.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 26, 2013 [] by John George.

How To Unbook Resources in CA Clarity 13.2

Administrators, project managers, and resource managers work together to unbook resource requisitions.

Mixed bookings support differences between planned and hard allocations. Unbooking a resource resets the hard allocation to match the planned allocation. For example, a manager
sets a hard allocation for three resources to 10 weeks, and then changes the planned allocation to 8 weeks. The Unbook Resources operation removes two weeks of hard allocation for
each resource.

As a project manager, sometimes you reduce the scope of a project or a resource is unavailable for a particular period. You can unbook hard-booked resources to use their unbooked time on another project. You can
unbook a resource completely or partially from projects. Unbooking a resource removes any hard allocation
for the resource in the future. The start date of unbooking is set to the next day by default. You can move the
start date to an earlier date.
As a resource manager, work with the project manager to confirm resource booking and unbooking. Remind
project managers that they cannot unbook a role or a soft-booked staffing requirement.
As an administrator, you configure the application to support your users. Managers can unbook only if you enable
the Allow Mixed Booking setting. Mixed bookings support differences between planned and hard allocations.

Note: You may have access rights for more than one role.

Follow these steps:

1. (Administrator) Open the Administration menu and under Project Management select Settings.
2. Select the Allow Mixed Booking check box.
3. Click Save.
4. (Project Manager) Open Home and from Portfolio Management, click Projects.
5. Open a project and click the Team tab.
6. Select the check box for one or more mixed or hard-booked resources.
7. Click the Actions menu and select Create Requisitions.
The create requisitions page appears.
8. Select Unbook Resources as a Requisition Type.
9. Select a booking manager for each resource. The default booking manager automatically appears.
10. Click Create to create requisitions with a New status or click Create and Open to create an Open requisition.
The requisition is created and displays on the team staff page of the project. If a requisition contains a request to
unbook a specific resource, you see a checkmark in the Unbook column.
11. Save the changes.
12. (Resource Manager) Open Home, and from Resource Management, click Resource Requisitions.
If a requisition contains a request to unbook a specific resource, you see a check mark in the Unbook column.
13. Select the check box for one or more resources with a check mark in the Unbook column and click Book.
The application removes all hard allocations that are no longer in the plan from today forward. On the Resource
Requisitions page, the hard-booked allocation amount changes in the Average Rate column. If a resource is unbooked fully, the value displays as 0.00 percent.

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14. Click the link for a requisition.

The Requisition Properties page displays the following text:

This requisition is for unbooking purposes only.

Resource Requisition Rules

A requisition to unbook and replace a resource selects both the Unbook and Replace check boxes on the Requisition
Properties page. Also, the Resources menu appears. You can click Resources to set filters and then select a new resource to match the availability of the replaced resource. If you have the required access rights, the Replace button appears. Click Replace to replace the unbooked resource with the new resource. If not, the project manager can review
the proposed replacement and then book that resource.
CA Clarity PPM applies the following rules when you unbook resource requisitions:
The planned allocation curve represents the default or total allocation amount that the service manager requests
for. The hard allocation curve represents the allocation amount that the resource manager commits. The booking
status for a resource changes according to the allocation amounts in the planned and hard allocation curves.
When you unbook resources, the application reduces the amount of committed or hard allocation that exceeds the
planned allocation. The resulting unbook requisition subtracts from the hard allocation curve.
When you select the Replace Resources requisition type, the Unbook feature on the requisition is automatically
checked. The application generates a requisition with two new properties (unbook = true and replace = true).
The unbook amount defaults to the hard allocation of the team member minus the total allocation. If the total allocation equals or exceeds the hard allocation, the unbook amount is zero.
The unbook amount defaults to unbookings from today forward. You can adjust the date and the requisition
amount to only partially unbook.
For a straight unbook (replace option is off) the application does not display a Resource tab. Instead of a propose
option, you can unbook or decline. When you unbook, the team member allocation is decremented without project
manager approval. When you decline, the team member allocation is not decremented. In both cases, notification
is sent to the project manager and the requisition status is set to booked. If you have booking rights, you can

zero out the team members hard allocation without submitting a requisition.
For a replacement unbook, the Resource tab appears. The requested amount is equal to the total allocation of
the team members that you are unbooking. The team member being unbooked does not appear in the resource list. The unbooking is an attribute of the requisition. You can fill the requisition exactly as you would fill
any standard requisition with options for proposed, preferred, accept, and reject. In addition to the booking,
the application also performs the unbooking.
Article contributed by multiple CA Technologies CA Clarity PPM teams.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 25, 2013 [] by John George.

Timesheet Time Entries Do Not Appear in the WIP Table

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Author: Connie Fu

A resources approved and posted timesheets do not appear in the WIP table. And, no errors appear in Invalid

If a resources timesheet time entries do not appear in the financials after running all of the financial jobs, check the Financial Properties Active check box on the resources properties page. Follow these steps:
1. Log into CA Clarity PPM with an account that has financial access rights.
2. Click the Resources link.
3. Enter the last name of the resource in the Last Name field.
4. Click the filter button.
5. Click the Resources name link.
6. Click the Financial link.
7. Verify that the Financial Properties Active check box is selected. If not, click the Financial Properties Active check
box and click the Submit button.

Next, re-run the post timesheets job to get the timesheets time entries into the financials tables. You do not have
to adjust the timesheet.
See the original post on the CA Clarity Global User Community, General Discussion category (Posted time not found in
WIP) for more information and automation suggestions.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 24, 2013 [
/24/timesheet-time-entries-do-not-appear-in-the-wip-table/] by John George.

How to Remove the Show All Button from a Portlet

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How can I remove the Show All button from the Resource Weekly Daily portlet? What XSL sheet do I need to change?

If you make one of the FILTER fields required, then the Show All button is removed. No customization is required.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 23, 2013 [] by John George.

When should you use the Publish button?

Here are some helpful tips:

When you are updating an Object List View or Filter View, the Publish button pushes changes out to end-users.
If you are working on these changes and your login does not have personalizations on the List View, you will see
the changes immediately.
If you already have personalizations on the List View, using the Publish button will remove personalizations for all
There is an option to publish only one view at a time. To do this:
1. Go to Administration, and select Views.
2. Select the desired view and click the Publish button.
This will allow the Clarity Administrator the flexibility to only publish (remove personalizations) on only one view within
the Object.
If you are only modifying a Property page, such as a [Layout:Create] or [Layout:Edit], the Publish button is not
needed. Updates to property pages are immediate and do not require publishing because end-users cannot create personalizations on these pages.
The Publish button is also available for Portlets and works in the same manner. If the end-user does not already have

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personalizations on a portlet, the updates to the portlet are immediately observed. Using the Publish button will cause
the removal of the personalizations for all end-users.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 20, 2013 [] by John George.

How Do Inactive Resources Affect Cost Plan Populate

Author: Connie Fu
Throughout CA Clarity PPM 12.x and 13.x releases, the affect of deactivating a resource from the General Properties
page and/or the Financial Properties page has been inconsistent due to changes to the product design.

The design has now been finalized when CLRT-69533 (KB TEC577441) was fixed in (patch 7 for 13.1.0)
and in 13.3.
Everything will get populated into the Cost Plan Detail page and will be used for rate calculation regardless of the Active status on the resources General or Financial properties pages, or whether the attribute itself is active/open.
In this article, Everything refers to the resources Name, Role, Input Type Code, Department, Location, Transaction
Class, Resource Class, in addition to project/task Charge Code.
The following table illustrates the behaviors for these releases: 12, 13.0, 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3 (or 13.1.0 with patch 7+)







13.3; 13.1.0
with patch 7
or higher

Resource Inactive properties




display -







matrix null



display Location

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matrix null

Transaction class





Resource class


display -












Input type

Input type



matrix null

Input type code

Input type

Input type
















Charge code











Resource financially inactive
















Transaction class












Input type

Input type

Input Type

Input type

Input type







Resource class


Input type code




















Charge code





Charge cod

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Role Inactive properties
















Transaction class













Resource class












Charge code











Role financially inactive
















Transaction class








Resource class















Charge code









Resource Class inactive properties

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Resource Resource


display -




Role Resource class













Input type

Input type



Input Type Code inactive


Resource Input type

Input type





Charge Code inactive (not open for time entry)


Project Charge code






Task Charge code













This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 20, 2013 [] by John George.

Introducing the New CA Clarity PPM Portlet Reference Guide

You Spoke, We Listened

by Damon Logiudice
CA Clarity PPM Senior Technical Information Engineer
September 20, 2013
Responding to a March 2013 community post in our online message
boards, employees from multiple CA Clarity PPM teams collaborated to
develop and publish the new CA Clarity PPM Portlet Reference Guide, now
available in the CA Answer Bar.
Our users essentially requested a new custom index of all of our stan-

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dard and PMO portlets, said John George, CA Technical Information Ar- CA Clarity PPM Portlet Reference Guide
chitect, and wanted us to provide basic attributes for each one, including
what they are used for and how to navigate to each portlet in the CA
Clarity PPM user interface.
Actual comments from customers appear below:

Wed like to have a list of all of the out of the box portlets and PMO Accelerator portlets. This should include the attributes on each portlet, what they are used for, what they are based on (object) and a general

Good idea!

Agree. An index and definition of all OOTB attributes would be nice too.
At least 35 other members promoted the idea. User and community member BeckyCroft is credited with originally posting the idea.
Working with John to develop, test, and refine the content were Sr Quality Assurance Architect Jane George, and Sr
Director, Engineering Services Denice Brown, and Senior Technical Information Engineer Damon Logiudice. The
guide includes a short description of each portlet explaining its core value. In addition to the navigation steps, the guide
also lists the ID for each portlet, useful to developers and administrators, along with data provider details such as name,
type, and ID. Over 100 portlets are included in the new guide. Users can view the list of portlets by name or by functional role.

To access the new guide, complete these steps:

1.) In your web browser, visit
2.) Perform a search on Portlet Reference Guide.
Search results include both HTML and PDF editions of the guide.
To view or join the CA Clarity PPM global online community, visit

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 20, 2013 [] by John George.

Early Notification: Defects Targeted for the Next Clarity Release

Author: Stephanie Dumbrill

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Dear Customers,

In an effort to keep you better informed on when we are targeting certain defects to be fixed, we have implemented a new communication process via our Customer Cases.
Open cases that are linked to defects, targeted to be included in our next Clarity release (Chillingham in this example),
will be updated with a note stating our intent to target the defect for the release. We want to provide this information to
you so you can better plan your upgrades to the latest version. As a reminder, no fix is guaranteed until it has been
through the QA process and is released in the GA Product.
As our first rollout of this new communication, many of you will receive the following message added to your case.

The defect referenced in this case is targeted to be included in the Chillingham release, scheduled for release at the end
of the calendar year. As with all fixes that are targeted for a release, final inclusion in that release is dependent on the final QA testing and sign-off. If this defect does not pass that testing and will not be part of the Chillingham release, we will
notify you at that time. Our intent is to deliver a fix for this defect in that release. We will be closing this case at this time
unless you would like to keep it open until the version is released. The case being open has no impact on whether or not
the defect is resolved.
Please note that if the defect linked to the case is also targeted for an upcoming patch, you will still receive this message. The defects that we fix in patches are added to the upcoming release to ensure you have a good upgrade path and
enjoy the benefits of the fix in the latest version.
We hope this helps to keep you informed and helps with your planning.
Kindest Regards,
Stephanie Dumbrill
Sr. Director, Software Engineering

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 19, 2013 [] by John George.

How to Fix: Open Workbench Crashes or Gives a CreateDispatch Error on

Windows 7 Computers

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Author: Connie Fu

Open Workbench will not load on a Windows 7 computer if the font size is set to medium. When you start Open
Workbench by selecting the Start, Programs option, you receive the following error:

And, when you try to open a project from CA Clarity PPM, you receive this error:

Steps to Reproduce
1. Install Open Workbench from CA Clarity PPM Release 13.0.1 on a Windows 7 computer.
2. Start Open Workbench and confirm it is o.k.
3. Select Start, Control Panel, Appearance and Personalization.
4. Select Font, Change font size.
5. Select Medium 125%, instead of Smaller 100% (default), and click Apply.
6. Restart your computer.
7. After restarting your computer, the fonts on the Desktop and Start menu are larger.
8. Start Open Workbench.
You expect Open Workbench to start without an error. However, it crashes.

1. Select Start, Control Panel, Appearance and Personalization, Fonts.
2. Change the Font size to Small.
3. Restart your computer.

This was determined to be a combination of two defects CLRT-69075 and CLRT-69191, which are fixed in

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 18, 2013 [] by John George.

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CA Clarity Playbook Service Availability Announcement

Author: Katherine Lynn

Date: August 23, 2013
To: CA Technologies Customers

From: The CA Technologies CA Clarity Playbook Product Team

Subject: Service Availability Announcement for CA Clarity Playbook
On behalf of CA Technologies, we appreciate your business and the opportunity to provide you with high-quality,
innovative software and services. Today, with the release of CA Clarity Playbook, we are introducing a firstof-its-kind technology that can completely transform how CxOs harness the power of their technology investments
to drive business agility.
CA Clarity Playbook puts the power of strategic planning into the hands of executives in a compelling new way, with
a purpose-built application designed to meet their most critical business needs. Now executives and strategic planning teams can:
Define strategy based on business goals, objectives, initiatives
Engage and collaborate with key stakeholders on strategy
Leverage information from operational systems of record
Improve alignment of investments & resources to objectives
Visualize real-time investment financials in context of plans
Evaluate performance against goals, priorities and benchmarks
Review impact of new priorities on plans of record
Click here to review the Product Brief that details the features and highlights of this release. We also encourage you to
visit the CA Clarity Playbook Product Information Page on CA Support Online.
You can request a demo of CA Clarity Playbook. If you have any questions or require assistance contact CA Customer
Care online at where you can submit an online request using the Customer
Care web form: You can also call CA Customer Care at
+1-800-225-5224 in North America or see for the local number in your country.

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To connect, learn and share with other customers, join and participate in our CA Clarity Playbook on the CA Community
at To review CA Support lifecycle policies, please review the CA Support Policy and Terms
located at:

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 17, 2013 [] by John George.

If Oracle Sequence Errors Are Occurring For Several Clarity Tables, Can The
Correction Be Done For All Tables With One Procedure?

Author: Connie Fu

When unique constraint errors occur due to sequence number being out of sequence, this is corrected by incrementing
the sequence value so that the value is higher than the max(id).

The following Oracle-only script will increment the sequence number for all of the sequences. Typically, when multiple
tables are short in sequence, it is due to database backups and restores on non-production environments. For environments such as this, this script should be sufficient.
Note: On production environments, it is recommended to individually update sequences.

v_val NUMBER;
v_sqlstr VARCHAR2(1000);
CURSOR SequenceNameCursor IS
FOR c_rec in SequenceNameCursor LOOP

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v_sqlstr := 'ALTER SEQUENCE NIKU.' || c_rec.sequence_name ||'

v_sqlstr := 'SELECT NIKU.' || c_rec.sequence_name || '.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL';
v_sqlstr := 'ALTER SEQUENCE NIKU.' || c_rec.sequence_name ||'

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 16, 2013 [] by John George.

Multiple Instances of BOXI Reports Spawned After Daylight Savings Time


Author: Connie Fu

Multiple instances of CA Business Intelligence (CABI) reports spawn after the daylight savings time change.
Scheduled reports that are supposed to run once a day run multiple times.

Duplicate instances are created.

Instead of one instance failing/succeeding at the intended start time, approximately 650 instances fail each minute
for each recurring report.
Note: The issue is related only to daily recurring schedules.

CA Business Intelligence (CABI) r3 through CABI 3.2.

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Note: For CA BI version cross reference, see the Knowledge Base Article TEC567554

This is a known issue with CA Business Intelligence (CABI).
CABI r3, CABI 3.1 Service Pack 3, and below have a defect that causes daily recurrences to be scheduled continuously
on each day after the transition from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time. This continuous scheduling will start from
the time the recurrence becomes eligible to run and lasts for an hour. All instances produced for the recurrence during
this hour will fail. The continuous scheduling will consume a large amount of CPU resources and will cause the Central
Management Server (CMS) to become unresponsive. Applying this fix prior to the Daylight Savings Time change will
prevent the problem from occurring.

Affected CA Technologies Products

CA Service Desk Manager, CA Service Desk on Demand, CA Service Catalog
CA Client Automation, CA Server Automation , CA Configuration Automation
CA Virtual Performance Manager, CA IT Asset Manager, CA Asset Portfolio Manager
CA Software Compliance Manager, CA IT Client Manager , CA IT Inventory Manager
CA Automation Suite for Data Centers, CA Autosys, CA Siteminder, CA Identity Manager
CA Access Control, CA Clarity on Premise, CA Governance, Risk & Compliance Manager
CA eco Governance, CA Clarity on Demand, CA Spectrum IM, CA Service Operations Insight
CA Storage Resource Manager, CA Software Change Manager, CA DLP

We strongly recommend that you install CA Business Intelligence (CABI) 3.2 SP4 or above. You can download CABI updates from here:
Note: Check your product compatibility prior to upgrading your CABI installation. The issue is resolved in CABI 3.2 SP4
and CABI 3.2 SP5.
If the Daylight Savings Time issue has already occurred in the affected region, apply the product-specific workaround
below to repair the schedules.

If the Daylight Savings Time (DST) issue has already occurred in the affected region, follow these steps.
Note: This issue is related only to daily recurring schedules.

1. Download the script ( from

Here is a summary of the script functionality:

Runs a query to display all daily recurring jobs.
Provides an option to select the jobs and reschedule them by 1 hour.
Provides an option to select the same jobs and change them back by 1 hour.
Provides an option to modify the schedule times (because the schedule itself is being modified, this would keep the
issue of duplicate instances from occurring).
Upon extraction of the ZIP file, there should be a EDST Tool v1.3.hta file in the extracted folder.

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Log in to CMC and stop the Job servers.

Double-click the EDST Tool v1.3.hta file which would open the Enterprise Instance Rescheduler window.

Specify the CMS name in the System Name: field.

Specify the Administrator password in the Password: field.
Click Log On.
If an error object required appears (Windows), follow these steps:
Exit the Enterprise Instance Rescheduler window.
Register the EnterpriseFramework.dll under win32_x86 using this command:
regsvr32 /s <CABI Install Folder>\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86\EnterpriseFramework.dll
Open the tool again by double-clicking the EDST Tool v1.3.hta file under the extracted folder.
Click List All Recurring Instances.
Click Select All.
Note the text in Schedule Selected Recurring Instances. It should be 1 hour earlier.
Click Reschedule Selected Recurring Instances.
Select all instances again (using Select All) and change Schedule Selected Recurring Instances to 1 hour
Click Reschedule Selected Recurring Instances.
Restart the Job servers in CMC.
The issue should not occur again.
2. As a result of the Daylight Savings Time change, there can be several failed instances. To delete the failed instances, follow these steps:
Back up the CMS database and FileStore prior to executing these steps.

Download the script ( from

Here is a summary of the script functionality:
Queries for all instances that have a SI_SCHEDULE_STATUS = 3 (3 representing failed).
Loops through each of the found instances and deletes them (in batches of 1000 objects which can be configured).
Outputs to the browser the instance names and ids of what is being deleted.
Upon extraction of the zip file, there should be a deleteFailedInstancesV3.jsp file in the extracted folder.
Copy the deleteFailedInstancesV3.jsp file to the <Tomcat folder>/webapps/InfoViewApp folder.
<CABI Install Directory>\Tomcat55\webapps\InfoViewApp
<CABI Install Directory>/bobje/tomcat/webapps/InfoViewApp
Edit the deleteFailedInstancesV3.jsp using a text editor.
At the beginning of this file, there are entries for userName, password, CMSName and batchSizeString
userName = Administrator;
String password = <Password>;
String CMSName = <CMSHostName>:<CMSPort>;
int batchSize = 1000;
Update these settings appropriate for your system.

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Save the changes

Execute the script by navigating to the following URL in a browser: http://<servername>:8080/InfoViewApp
After the DST change, if the schedules fail with Object could not be scheduled within the specified time interval, follow these steps only after the steps above in Step 1 have been performed. The cause for this issue is primarily because the timezone information for Java is not up to date.
Download the Java Time Zone update tool from this location:
Upon extraction of the ZIP file, there should be a tzupdater.jar in the extracted folder
Before running the tool, ensure that:
There are no running instances of JDK/JRE software to be operated upon.
The user account under which the tool is executed has sufficient privileges to modify the JDK_HOME/jre/lib or
JRE_HOME/lib directory.
Run the tzupdater.jar using the java command from the JDK within the CABI installation folder
<CABI Install Directory>\javasdk\bin\java -jar tzupdater.jar -v -u
<CABI Install Directory>/bobje/jdk/bin/java -jar tzupdater.jar -v -u
The output of running the above command on Windows should be similar to the following:java.home: <CABI Install
java.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.version: 1.5.0_17
JRE time zone data version: tzdata2008i
Embedded time zone data version: tzdata2011b
Extracting files done.
Renaming directories done.
Validating the new time zone data done.
Time zone data update is complete
In the previous example, the Java timezone information file was tzdata2008i and has been updated to tzdata2011b.

To prevent this problem from occurring in an environment where the Daylight Savings Time issue has not occurred, update to CA Business Intelligence (CABI) 3.2 SP4 or CABI 3.2 SP5 (assuming that the embedding product has certified
these releases).
* For SAP guidance with this issue, please see SAP Note 1568718.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 13, 2013 [
/13/multiple-instances-of-boxi-reports-spawned-after-daylight-savings-time-change/] by John George.

Clarity: RPT-006: Invalid Login. Contact system administrator

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Author: Connie Fu

We are trying to execute any report in CA Clarity PPM and get the following error message:
RPT-0006: Invalid Login. Contact system administrator.

How do we resolve this issue?

Check the following configurations:
1. Verify that the Business Objects (BO) Central Management Console (CMC) is up and running.
2. Check the configuration of the Business Objects Server Intelligence Agent to ensure that the Database
Login/Password combination is correct and matches the Database configuration in the Clarity System
Administration (CSA) Database properties.
1. Go to the Central Configuration Manager (CCM) on the Business Objects Server.
2. Stop the Server Intelligence Agent Services.
3. Right-click the Server Intelligence Agent Service and navigate to the Configuration tab.
4. Click the Specify button for CMS Database Configuration.
5. Select Update Database Source Settings and click OK.
6. Select Database Driver for the proper connection method and click OK.
7. Enter the Clarity Database Server Name, Database Login, Database Password, and click OK.

8. A dialog box appears. Follow the steps in the message to complete the re-initialization:
1. Set up, start, and enable all servers.
2. Select Update Objects from the toolbar.
9. Return to the Central Management Console (CMC) and verify that all servers are up and running.
Verify that the configuration of the Business Objects Trusted Authentication Key matches the configuration of
the Clarity System Administration (CSA), Reporting Server properties.
If the error message appears only for a user-defined custom report and the standard, out-of-the-box reports

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work fine, check within the custom report to see if the database connection credentials are coded within this
Reference TEC561106: Clarity: Trusted Authentication Shared Key Gets Corrupted When Saving Changes On
the Reporting Tab in NSA.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 12, 2013 [] by John George.

How to Use SQL Trace in Release 13.0 and Greater

Author: Connie Fu

Please provide the instructions on how to use SQL Trace for CA Clarity PPM Release 13.0 and greater.

For CA Clarity PPM Release 13.0 and greater, SQLTrace activities are referred to as Action Tracing. Entries are
logged for actions performed in CA Clarity PPM when the configuration is set to capture the activities.
Stock configuration of Clarity System Administration (CSA) application provides an entry for the CA Clarity PPM
Administration (admin) user in which Action Trace can be easily enabled by changing the Category Priority level
from FATAL to Trace or All.
The instructions in this article will allow the CA Clarity PPM Administrator to execute steps to create separate Action
Trace Log files for specific end-users.
Follow these steps:
1. Log in to Clarity System Administration application (CSA).
2. Navigate to the Server, Logs, Edit Configuration page. The default configuration appears here:

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3. Select the Detect Log Configuration Changes Automatically option so that when you are updating the page to
enable and disable the Action Trace, it is effective immediately.
4. Scroll down the page to the Appenders section. You will create a new appender file that will store the Action Trace
5. Copy the existing Appender named XML. This is a preexisting entry that is used for the admin trace.

6. Edit the newly-created XML copy Appender line item for a specific user (myuser). The file name is ../logs
/trace_myuser.xml. Then, click the Save button.
7. A separate Appender File name is created. Use the steps below to create an entry to enable the Action trace for
this user.
8. Scroll up the page to the Categories section.
9. Click the ADD CATEGORY button. This creates a new line item at the end of the Categories list with com.niku as
the Category Name.
10. Update this line item with the following details: Other Name, Appender, Priority, Additive.
Note: Be sure to enter the User Name using the same case-sensitive characters as defined in the Clarity Administration
Resource User Name field. In this example, the user name uses all lower-case characters for myuser, which matches the
definition in CA Clarity PPM.

11. Click Save. The saved changes now appear as shown for this line item.

12. For Websphere and WebLogic environments, run the following two commands from a command line on the CA
Clarity PPM server:
admin general upload-config
admin general upload-config -Dfile=logger.xm
13. Because you set the priority of the category to All, a yellow alert message appears on the Configuration page for
the log. This reminds you to later disable the Action Trace.

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14. After performing the action trace activity, be sure to remove the category line item or change the category priority
to FATAL to disable the Action Trace for this specific user.
15. The log files generated from this configuration are found in the logs directory on the CA Clarity PPM application

Action Trace logging in Release 13.0 no longer uses the SQLTRACE_ACTIVE trace levels in the CMN_SEC_USERS table
as described in technical articles for previous releases. The detail level is now controlled by the logging priority level for
the trace.server category. The Debug level provides performance information, query text, parameter values, and
resource usage equivalent to the trace level 4 in the previous releases. The Trace level provides the Debug
information in addition to the result sets, equivalent to trace level 8. Make sure to log off and log in again after each
change to a user-specific Action Trace logging configuration.
Note: In Release 13.x and greater, you should add the following 2 flags to the properties.xml to reduce performance
issues for users:

traceEnabled="false" - this parameter the result set and sql query


These flags should be set to false to avoid performance issues. This was raised as CLRT-62762.
By default, these flags are set to True. If you encounter any performance-related issues with, for example, the post
timesheet jobs running slow, etc. you should set these flags to false (traceEnabled=false, traceJDBCEnabled=false in
However, if these values are set to false, then SQLTracing will not generate. To then enable SQLTracing, you need to
either set both of these parameters to true or remove both parameters from properties.xml which requires a stop and
restart of the CA Clarity PPM services. Likewise, once the sqltracing has been completed, you need to stop the services
and change the parameter values back to false, or add the above values back into properties.xml, and then restart the
CA Clarity PPM services.
For more information about the configuration fields on this page, see the CA Clarity PPM Installation Guide, Release

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 11, 2013 [] by John George.

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Recurring Job Schedule Time is Off When Using Crontab and Users
Account Setting Has a Different Time Zone Than the Server Time Zone

Author: Connie Fu

When a users time zone is set on Account Settings to be different from the server time zone (App, DB, and BG
servers are all on the same time zone), and schedules a recurring job using Crontab, the resulting job schedule is
set to the incorrect time.
The time specified in the Crontab text seems to be on the server time, and not the users time zone setting. This
issue is consistent when hour is specified in the Crontab text. Meaning 0 11 * * * will give you the incorrect time, while
0 * * * * will give you the correct time.

Steps to Reproduce
Prerequisites: CA Clarity PPM servers (all App, DB, BG servers) have the time zone set to the same time zone; for
example, U.S., Pacific Time.
1. Log in to CA Clarity PPM and navigate to Account Settings.
2. Set the time zone to US Pacific Time
3. Schedule a recurring job by completing the following information:
1. Uncheck the box for Immediately.
2. Check the box for Scheduled.
3. Set the Start Date to the next day (or any other day).
4. Set the Start Time to any time.
5. Click Set Recurrence.
6. Select the option for Crontab, enter 0 11 * * * in the text box, and click Submit.
4. Click Submit on the Job Properties page to navigate to the Scheduled Jobs page.
5. The job is scheduled for 11 a.m. the next day, as expected.
6. Navigate to Account Settings, change the time zone to a different one; for example, US Central Time.
7. Repeat the steps in Step 3, above.

Expected Result
The job is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. the next day.

Actual Result
The job is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. the next day.

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This is working as designed and Crontab always picks up the server time.
This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 10, 2013 [
/10/recurring-job-schedule-time-is-off-when-using-crontab-and-users-account-setting-has-a-different-time-zonethan-the-server-time-zone/] by John George.

13.2 Product Education Available: Project, Resource, and Portfolio

Management Bundle

Author: Kevin Mah

The following product training is now available on the Customer Education Portal:
CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Project, Resource and Portfolio Management 200 Bundle (33CLR2241B)
Summary: This course will teach you key insights into project, resource, and the new portfolio management. Students
will be provided with overviews, discussions, best practices, case studies, hands-on labs, and demonstrations.
This bundle also includes the WBTs: CA Clarity PPM r13.2: Core Components 200 (33CLR22000) and CA Clarity PPM
r13.2: Time Management 200 (33CLR22010), which are prerequisites to the r13.2 Project, Resource and Portfolio
Management 200 ILT/VL.

Please contact your CA Technologies Education representative for details.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 9, 2013 [] by John George.

CA Clarity PPM 13.2 User Interface and Localized Help Announcement

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Author: Katherine Lynn

Date: August 22, 2013
To: CA Clarity PPM Customers

From: The CA Technologies CA Clarity PPM Product Team

Subject: General Availability Announcement for User Interface and Localized Help for CA Clarity PPM 13.2
On behalf of CA Technologies, we appreciate your business and the opportunity to provide you with high-quality,
innovative software and services. As part of our ongoing commitment to customer success, we regularly release
updated versions of our products. Today, we are pleased to announce that User Interface and Localized Help for CA
Clarity PPM 13.2 is now available.
The latest version of the CA Clarity PPM is available (User Interface and Online Help) in the following 19 languages:
Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese
(Brazilian), Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, and Turkish.
Customers currently using one or more supported language versions of the product should download the updated file
from to update their Online Help feature in the respective languages. DVD component is available on
your CA Clarity PPM core product download.
Note: Although Korean is still visible in the list of supported languages in the Account Settings page, it is not officially
supported in this release.
If you have any questions or require assistance, contact CA Customer Care online at where you can submit an online request using the Customer Care web form:
/web/guest/customercare. You can also call CA Customer Care at +1-800-225-5224 in North America, or see for the local number in your country.

Should you need any assistance in understanding these new features, or implementing this latest release, our CA
Services experts can help. For more information on CA Services and how you can leverage our expertise, please
visit To connect, learn and share with other customers, join and participate in our CA Clarity
Global Users Community at
To review CA Support lifecycle policies, please review the CA Support Policy and Terms located at:
Thank you again for your business.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 6, 2013 [] by John George.

Showing the Full Path in a Static Dependent List Lookup

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Author: Nicolas (Nico) Sanzana

You have a static dependent list lookup with these levels:

When accessing the attribute and attempting to save it, it automatically appears as first_value and not the FULL PATH.
To have the FULL PATH, do the following:
1. Position itself on the attribute, automatically appears as Tool Tip.
2. Build a custom process using system action lock selected attribute. Once the process runs, it shows FULL PATH.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 5, 2013 [] by John George.

Do you like our community? Vote for us! Forrester Groundswell Award

Author: Chris Hackett

Have you found value in using the CA Clarity PPM Community? VOTE for CA Communities!
We have entered to win the Forrester Groundswell Award under the category of Social Relationships. Check out our
submission and vote for CA Communities!
You can vote using the Check out and VOTE HERE! link in the original post on the CA Clarity Global User Community
Message Board. Here is a link:

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 4, 2013 [] by John George.

Troubleshooting Time Periods Error [The time periods requested do not


Author: Connie Fu

After changing timescaled view configurations within views and portlets such as the Resource Utilization page under the
Task Tab, or the Team Utilization portlet used in the Dashboard, you receive the following error:

The time periods requested do not exist. Review the columns Time Scale settings.

There are limits to what can be displayed within the TimeScaled field in Views and Portlets such as the Resource
Utilization page under the Task Tab, or the Team Utilization portlet used in the Dashboard. These are internal
timeslices that cannot be configured.
The internal timeslice range is as follows:
28 Daily. One week in the past, the current day and 3 weeks in the future.
16 Weekly. 2 weeks in the past, the current week and 13 weeks in the future.
36 Monthly. 4 quarters in the past, the current quarter and 7 quarters in the future.
Year, Quarter and Monthly periods all use monthly slices.
Weekly period uses weekly slices . Daily period uses daily slices.

Follow these guidelines when setting up Timescaled view period information:
The numbers of periods available are limited in the following manner:
Year: may set 3 periods viewable data will be available for the following range:
1 year in the past to 2 years in the future.
Note: 1 year in the past is only available if the current date is in the first quarter of the year. Once the slices roll over,
only 3 quarters in the previous year will be available. Because this is less than a full year, you will get the error if you
are requesting dates from a year in the past.

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Quarter: may set 12 periods viewable data will be available for the following range:
4 quarters in the past and 8 quarters from current period to future.
Monthly: may set 36 periods viewable data will be available for the following range:
12 months in the past to 24 months from current period to future.
Weekly: may set 16 periods viewable data will be available for the following range:
2 weeks in the past to 14 weeks from current period to future.
Daily: may set 28 periods viewable data will be available for the following range:
7 days in the past to 21 days from current period to future.
The start date that you select, whether rolling or a specific date, must fall within the date ranges listed above. The date
which determines the past/future line is the current system date.
These data ranges may not be changed by end users, nor by customizing CA Clarity PPM. Even if you have timeslice
data that is outside those ranges, the view is still limited to the ranges specified above.
Therefore, even though you may have weekly and daily data within your requested range, for example, as far back as
January 1 2005 to October 25, 2005, you will receive the error instructing you to check your timescale configuration.
This happens because that date range does not fall within with the limits for Weekly and Daily.

More Information
The Timescaled views setting are dependent on the system timeslices which the end user cannot customize.
The Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly slices rollover quarterly. Therefore, 22 months, 7 quarters, and 1 year will only be
available during some months.
An enhancement has been submitted to allow end users to change what the timescaled views are dependent upon.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 4, 2013 [

/04/troubleshooting-time-periods-error-the-time-periods-requested-do-not-exist/] by John George.

Troubleshooting Timesheet Error TMA-601

Author: Connie Fu

When entering a timesheet, you receive the following TMA-601 error:

Timesheet could not be saved because your session expired. Please re-enter timesheet data.
You log out and log in again, but this does not always clear the error when accessing the timesheet again. We

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recommend that you follow the steps in the Knowledge Base Article TEC557570, which can often resolve this issue.
This error may also indicate a problem with the CA Clarity PPM environment. Access CSA and verify if theCache
Distributed Session option is enabled. When this option is enabled, it stores the session information in the database
instead of the cache for the individual application server.
Note: This option will only appear on the Application page in CSA if the Distributed option is enabled.

We recommend that you use Session Affinity (or Sticky Sessions) in your load-balancer instead of the Cache
Distributed Session option. Enabling the Cache Distributed Session option can cause a heavy performance hit,
because every request for a server will create two hits to the database (a read and a write). The performance decreases
with larger numbers of users and when users are logged in for longer periods of time.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on September 2, 2013 [

/02/troubleshooting-timesheet-error-tma-601/] by John George.

Secrets Revealed: What Jobs/Reports Ran Over the Last N Days?

Author: Shawn Moore

Looking for a simple yet powerful list of what job or reports have run and the range of time in which they ran?

MS SQL Server
select name, runs.START_DATE, runs.END_DATE, runs.job_hostname, defs.executable
from cmn_sch_job_runs runs, cmn_sch_jobs jobs, cmn_sch_job_definitions defs
where runs.job_id = and
runs.start_date > getdate() 3

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select name, runs.START_DATE, runs.END_DATE, runs.job_hostname, defs.executable
from cmn_sch_job_runs runs, cmn_sch_jobs jobs, cmn_sch_job_definitions defs
where runs.job_id = and
runs.start_date > sysdate 3
For more information, see the original community posting.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 30, 2013 [] by John George.

Avoiding Errors 500 and 503 While Connecting and Browsing CA Clarity

Author: Nika Hadzhikidi

Do you experience errors 500 or 503 when connecting and browsing CA Clarity PPM. And, when checking the logs, you
see the following error message on any action:

ERROR 2013-05-17 08:35:00,639 [http-8080-2] union.service
rollback exception
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

This error occurs because the PermGen memory is not enough for the current CA Clarity PPM usage. This can make
CA Clarity PPM run out of memory on certain portlets. There is no specific user/action that trigger this.

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PermGen memory is used by the JVM to hold loaded classes. Java heap memory is used to dynamically hold allocated
memory. When a single user and action is responsible, then it is the heap memory that is impacted, and a different
error message is thrown:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

In this specific case, java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen, the users that were connected to the servers with this
action are not relevant.

Increase the MaxPermSize JVM parameter in the properties.xml file in $CLARITY_HOME/config or in NSA Server
The parameter will look like this example:

1 jvmParameters=-Xms6144m -Xmx6144m -XX: MaxPermSize=128m

Increase MaxPermSize to a higher binary number (for example, 192, 256, etc.) The entry will then look like this

1 jvmParameters=-Xms6144m -Xmx6144m -XX: MaxPermSize=192m

Then, save and restart all services. This will resolve the issue, and the errors will no longer appear in CA Clarity PPM.

Note: The default amount will depend on your CA Clarity PPM release. In CA Clarity PPM releases 12.1 through 13.0,
the default is MaxPermSize=128m. Starting in CA Clarity PPM release 13.1, it will be MaxPermSize=256m.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 29, 2013 [] by John George.

Cost Type and Capitalization (Part 3 of 3)

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Related Articles:
Cost Type and Capitalization (Part 1 of 3)
Cost Type and Capitalization (Part 2 of 3)

This article is the third and final part in a series related to the new functionality in CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2 for
Cost Type and Capitalization.
You are now familiar with the two new attributes (Cost Type and Capitalization %) in CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2 to
classify planned costs on investments. This information helps you understand how Cost Type and Capitalization %
To perform cost planning utilizing the Capitalization % attribute, you must add the attribute using Studio on the
Team Object views.
By default, Capitalization % equals zero because Operating is the default for all investments.
To edit the Capitalization % field, the user must have both the ability to edit the investment, and edit financial
properties on the investment.
Note: The financial edit right required to edit the team member capitalization % is the same right that allows the user
to edit the project financial properties.
This example below illustrates how the Capitalization % affects the number of Total Units on a Cost Plan, populated by
Investment Team (allocations) and groups the units into Operating or Capital Cost Type grouping.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 28, 2013 [] by John George.

Cost Type and Capitalization (Part 2 of 3)

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Related Article: Cost Type and Capitalization (Part 1 of 3)

This article is the second part in a series related to the new functionality in CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2 for Cost Type
and Capitalization.
You are now familiar with the two new attributes (Cost Type and Capitalization %) in CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2 to
classify planned costs on investments. This information helps you understand how Cost Type and Capitalization %

Total Planned Cost is now read-only and is a total of the new fields Planned Capital Cost and Planned Operating

Planned Capital Cost and Planned Operating Cost can have a summary amount directly entered on the simple
budget field when no detailed cost plan exists.
If a detailed cost plan exists, the Planned Capital Cost and Planned Operating cost values are not editable on the
simple budget page.
Percentage values are automatically calculated to add up to 100% for the Planned Capital % and Planned
Operating %.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 27, 2013 [] by John George.

Cost Type and Capitalization (Part 1 of 3)

This article is the first part in a series related to the new functionality in CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2 for Cost Type and

There are two new attributes in CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2 to classify planned costs on investments:
Cost Type

Capitalization %
Note: These attributes are not available on timesheets or actual transactions.

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Cost Type
Cost Type is used in the new Portfolio Management functionality. Think of Cost Type as a classification noted at the
investment or task level.

Cost Type is a required attribute on the Project and Investment.

Cost Type is an optional attribute on the Task level.

The stock configuration for this attribute sets the default value to Operating, and the attribute is placed on the Financial
properties page of the investment. To use this attribute to differentiate cost types at the task level, use Studio to
configure the Task Properties page.
Valid values for Cost Type are: Operating and Capital. No other values are configurable on this lookup attribute; it is a
system-restricted lookup.

Upgrade Impact
All existing projects are set with the default Cost Type value of Operating. To split up the costs between Operating and
Capital, you can map your existing charge codes to either the Operating or Capital cost type.
For more information, search in the CA Answer Bar for the topic Update Investments Created Before Release 13.2 to
Display Capital and Operating Expenses in the Change Impact and Upgrade Guide.

Capitalization %
Think of the Capitalization % as a classification noted on the Investment Team Staff Allocations. Capitalization % is an
optional attribute and can be configured through Studio on the Team Object pages.

Required Access Rights

To edit the Cost Type and Capitalization % values, you must be assigned financial access rights.
This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 26, 2013 [] by John George.

Tuesday Tip: Cost Plan Planned Calculations for Past Periods (New from
Task Assignment Feature)

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For every Cost Detail Planned Cost in past periods, the data comes from the Actuals Units (taken
from posted Transactions) and the Rate Matrix Cost. Therefore, the Cost Rate posted using the actual transaction is
The populate feature populates the Planned Units from the (ETC+Actual) Units and the Planned Cost comes from the
planned units multiplied by the matching row in the live rate matrix. It does not involve the actual cost for the planned
cost calculation.
The Actual Units and Actual Costs come directly from the WIP Transaction that has been posted. Therefore, the
Actual Cost may be different than the Planned Cost

The Rate Matrix is configured with $100.00 rate, but the actual transactions may use a different rate.
Actual Units = 8 hours (1 day)
Actual Cost = (8 x 200) = 1,600
Remaining ETC = 16 hours (2 days)
Actual Cost comes directly from posted WIP transaction

Cost Plan Calculations

Planned Units = 16 + 8 = 24 hours (2 days remaining in ETC, 1 day posted as actuals = 3 days)
Planned Cost = (24 x 100) = 2,400 (using rate from matrix)
Figure 1
Figure 1: Rate Matrix Row
Figure 2
Figure 2: Task Assignment

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Figure 3
Figure 3: Actual Transaction Posted into WIP
Figure 4
Figure 4: Cost Plan Population by Assignment

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 23, 2013 [] by admin.

Did You Know: New XOG Access Rights for Financial Classes

Did you know that in CA Clarity PPM Release 13.x, there are new XOG access rights for Financial Classes that were not
available in release 12.x. These rights allow users to import and export the respective FInancial Class instances using
the XOG interface.
Here are the new classes:
Burdening Class XOG Access
Company Class XOG Access
Resource Class XOG Access
Transaction Class XOG Access
WIP Class XOG Access
Note: If you are reading or writing instances of any of these Financial Classes without their respective rights above, you
will receive the following error in the XOG output xml:

You must have {0} right to perform this action.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 22, 2013 [] by admin.

Knowledge Base Article: Clarity Has a Vulnerability to Cross Site Request

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Forgery (CSRF) Attacks

Document ID: TEC567263

Title: Clarity has a vulnerability to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Attacks
Description: In 2011, a recent security audit by a third-party Security consultancy highlighted the following issue in
Clarity 12.1:
The Team discovered that the web application did not offer any protection against Cross-site Request Forgery attacks.
This was confirmed due to the fact that no unique token was supplied in every request. The replaying of a request i.e.
editing a user account is repeatable numerous times without any requirement for a unique token bound to sessionID.
The approach taken by CA to remedy this vulnerability is to implement the Synchronizer Token method, securing all
http GET actions invoked in the code.

The prevention of CSRF attacks is handled through the use of Session Tokens. While navigating within Clarity, you may
encounter a detection of a possible CSRF attack. There may be some actions carried out by an end user which will result
in the following error message appearing:

Clarity PPM 12.1.3: ERROR 500 Internal Server Error

Clarity PPM 13.1: Security Violation: CSRF Attack followed by instructions on what caused the error and what
to do to recover. Before refreshing the page, write down the Request ID listed on the error message page.
Clarity PPM 13.2: An expired request has been detected. Request has been cancelled, followed by instructions
on what caused the error and what to do to recover. there is a checkbox for Do not show this message again
which will suppress the error dialog.
Due to the unique token synchronization, you might encounter the security error if your session times out or if you
attempt to bookmark a page that requires a token. This situation can be cleared by using the Back button or Clarity
History page to navigate back to the calling page, refreshing the page and/or logging out and back in.
We have endeavored to remedy all known navigation issues that might trigger a CSRF security violation. However, if
you encounter a CSRF error page that cannot be cleared, the following steps outline the actions to be taken by your CA
Clarity PPM System Administrator. Different versions of CA Clarity PPM implement different CSRF strategies. Refer to
the section of this article based on your CA Clarity PPM version.

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Note: If you are a CA Clarity PPM On-Demand customer, report the details to CA Clarity Support.

CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2

We have introduced a new, configurable set of CSRF strategies for CA Clarity PPM 13.2. The allowed configurations are
the following:
none. No CSRF token is generated nor is any request validated. This is the default setting for On
Premise installations. Recommended if CA Clarity PPM is behind your corporate firewall. Upgrading customers will
have this setting automatically.
request. This implements the same strategy used in CA Clarity PPM 13.1. This strategy generates a new token for
each request and validates against a limited size cache in the user session. Due to the possibility of cache
exhaustion, this strategy can lead to false-positive validation errors, especially for users who work with multiple
tabs open in CA Clarity PPM.
session. A single token is generated for the user session and that is used for validation. This is the recommended
strategy for On Demand SaaS and hosted installations; and for On Premise customer installations where CA Clarity
PPM is outside the corporate firewall.
Configuration is done by manually setting an attribute of the applicationServer element in the properties.xml file:
1. Stop the app and bg services on your application server.
2. Open the properties.xml file for editing.
3. Use this sample as an example of where to edit the setting:

<applicationServer vendor=tomcat useLdap=false home=c:catomcatsapache-tomcat-7.0.26

adminPassword=secret externalUrl=" tokenCacheStrategy=session>
<applicationServerInstance id=app />
<applicationServerInstance id=nsa />
1. Restart the app and bg services.
2. Synchronize the properties.xml file changes across all application servers if CA Clarity PPM is running in a
clustered environment.

Upgrading to CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2

The tokenCacheStrategy setting is automatically set to none. No further action is required.

CA Clarity PPM Release 12.1.3

1. Check the app-niku.log.
2. Look for the message The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the
resource. The message will also specify the action id for which the security check has failed. For example:
ERROR 2013-03-08 11:38:24,560 [http-80-7] web.WebActionController (admin: 5016871__4AEAF7D8F49A-4FA1-863B-2E97ADC3BDC9:npt.myDashboardsFilter) com.niku.union.web.WebException: The request could
not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
From the example log, the action that caused the issue is npt.myDashboardsFilter.
If the message The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource is not found
in the log, contact CA Support. This may be an application error and not a CSRF error.
1. Locate the CMN_OPTION_EXEMPTED_ACTION_VALUES.xml file delivered as part of the 12.1.3 patch. Continue to

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Step 4 below, in the section for 12.1.3, 13.0, 13.1 Versions.

CA Clarity PPM Releases 13.0 and 13.1

1. The CSRF Security Violation error page in the application contains the Request ID of the failing action.
2. If the error page is no longer available for your reference, follow Steps 1 and 2 in the CA Clarity PPM 12.1.3
section, checking the app-ca.log.
3. Contact CA Support and ask for the CMN_OPTION_EXEMPTED_ACTION_VALUES.xml file.

12.1.3, 13.0, 13.1 Versions:

1. Copy the CMN_OPTION_EXEMPTED_ACTION_VALUES.xml file to the following location: $CLARITY_HOME/database
2. Open the CMN_OPTION_EXEMPTED_ACTION_VALUES.xml for editing.
3. Look for the variable actions_list (comma separated):
ORACLE: actions_list varchar(2000) := Enter actions here;
MSSQL: SET @actions_list = Enter actions here
1. In the actions_list variable, add the Request ID for the action(s) that caused the exception. If there is more than
one action, separate the IDs by commas. Ensure that there are no spaces. If there is only one action, then do not
add comma. Save the file.
2. Execute the dbpatch command to apply the changes:

$CLARITY_HOMEbin>dbpatch -install -file $CLARITY_HOMEdatabaseschemapostupgradeCMN_OPTION_EXEMPTED_ACTION_VALUES.xml -apply

1. Ask the end user to clear their browser caches. They should not see an exception for the same action.

Note: System Administrators for CA Clarity PPM Release 13.1

If your organization deploys CA Clarity PPM behind your organizations firewall, you can manually override the CSRF
protection. We do not recommend that organizations make this change; however, we are disclosing this setting should
your system administrator determine that turning the CSRF protection off is needed.

Disabling CSRF Protection for CA Clarity PPM Release 13.1

1. Stop the app service on your application server.
2. Open the properties.xml file for editing.
3. Add a new applicationServer attribute with the name of tokenCacheCapacity and set the value to zero. Use this
sample as an example of where to place it:

<applicationServer vendor=tomcat useLdap=false home=c:catomcatsapache-tomcat-7.0.26

adminPassword=admin externalUrl=" tokenCacheCapacity=0>

<applicationServerInstance id=app serviceName=Niku Server rmiPort=23791 jvmParameters=

-Xmx2048m -Xms512m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true maxThreads=200
distributed=false runJobScheduler=false useSSO=false maxConcurrentJobs=10 runProcessEngine=false
messageTimeToLive=120 messageReceiverInterval=5 exceptionRunInterval=normal/>

<applicationServerInstance id=nsa serviceName=Niku System Admin Server rmiPort=23792 jvmParameters=

-Xmx512m programParameters=" exceptionRunInterval=normal/>

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1. Restart the app service.
2. Synchronize the properties.xml file changes across all applications servers if CA Clarity PPM is running in a
clustered environment.

This issue has been documented as CLRT-63076 and is resolved in the following versions.
Resolved in CA Clarity PPM 12.1.3 Generic Patch. Reference TEC570813.
No plans to resolve in CA Clarity PPM 13.0 and 13.1 when on this version, use the strategies outlined above.
Resolved in CA Clarity PPM 13.2

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 21, 2013 [] by admin.

Every Picture (and Video) Tells a Story

Are you looking for resources that will provide you with pictures and/or video for Clarity-related topics? Depending on
what youre looking for, here is what you can find:
Access to the global sandbox is available on the CA Clarity Global User Community.
Videos for many Clarity topics are available on CA Support Online.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 20, 2013 [] by admin.

Extra! Extra! CA Clarity Global User Community

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Did you know that more than 1,500 members log in daily to the CA Clarity Global User Community and almost 10 times
that visit the community daily? There are currently 6,561 community members.
Join now to discover the wealth of information and resources that are available, including:
Welcome the 2013 2015 board of directors.
Discover our new CA Answer Bar.
Find out if you are leveraging all of your product functionality by taking the 15-minute Online Solution
Read about the Community Officers.
Find out about past and upcoming Community Events using the Calendar.
See who the Top Community Champions are.
Discover related communities.

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Follow message board postings and replies.

Friend your community members.
Discover products related to this community.
Post your ideas to help improve Clarity.
Blog about Clarity.
Read the CA Tech Insider
And more

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 20, 2013 [] by admin.

Tip: Finding Content on the CA Answer Bar

Are you looking for content on the CA Answer Bar ( but you cant
seem to find it? For example, you know there is an Administration Guide for CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2. However,
when you search in the CA Answer Bar by typing Admin Guide 13.2 you dont see any results.
You may need to click the Log in link in the upper-right corner of the page first (highlighted below in yellow). Some
content requires you to log in to see it.

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This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 19, 2013 [] by admin.

Tuesday Tip: Ports to Import BIAR Files for Business Objects Universes

What ports are needed to use the Import Wizard and import BIAR files, which can include Business Objects Universes?

4 ports are needed:
CMS: port 6400
Connection Server: automatically assigned by default
InputFileRepository (IFRS): automatically assigned by default

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OutputFileRepository (OFRS): automatically assigned by default

From the CMC, verify the servers list. Then, right-click the server you want to re-configure auto-assign to a specific
static port.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 16, 2013 [] by admin.

Tuesday Tip: How Timeslices Affect Datamart Data

If you are using data from Datamart Rollup Tables, you may not get the same amount of data records unless all 5 of the
Datamart Time Slices have the same MAX date. Both Datamart jobs use Time Slices 1,2,3,10,11. The job determines
data based on each slice definition. It is recommended that for consistency between all Datamart tables, the minimum
start date be set to at least 3 full months prior to the current month and the maximum date is the same for all 5 slices.
To determine the maximum date, you can run a query and use the slice From Date and add the number of periods
value (number of days).

WHERE ID IN (1,2,3,10,11)


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WHERE ID IN (1,2,3,10,11)
If the dates need to be adjusted, go to Administration, Time Slices and update the slice definitions. If multiple slices
need to be changed, change them one at a time, and let the Time Slicing job catch up and then proceed to the next slice
definition. Changing the slices to all have the same maximum date will help to ensure that if you want to compare and
use the data in the Datamart tables, data from all 5 slices will be present in the tables.
Another important dependency on these time slices is the Resource Finder functionality. The Resource Finder page
depends on the date ranges of the DAILYRESOURCEAVAILCURVE (Slice #1) and the DAILYRESOURCEALLOCCURVE
(Slice #10). When you have a date range defined in the filter section, CA Clarity PPM uses slice data for both
Availability and Allocations to find a resource. If the DAILYRESOURCEAVAILCURVE is not in the same date range as
the DAILYRESOURCEALLOCCURVE date range, the resource finder will not generate any results.
Note: For more information about how timeslices and the Datamart work together, search the CA Answer Bar for
additional knowledge base articles.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 15, 2013 [] by admin.

Video: How to Enable SQL Tracing

There is a video available on the YouTube eduCAte channel which demonstrates how to enable SQL tracing in CA Clarity
PPM Release 13.0 and greater. Here is a direct link to the video:
If you are not able to access this link, navigate to YouTube, search for CA Clarity SQL Trace Activation, and click the
link named CA Clarity SQL Trace Activation.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 14, 2013 [] by admin.

Tuesday Tip: Investment Status Indicator: Avoiding Duplicate IDs

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In CA Clarity PPM, it is currently possible to create values with duplicate IDs on the Investment Status Indicator lookup.
As a result, errors occur when the lookup is used in the product.
There are 3 existing values on the lookup (available by selecting: Administration, Studio, Lookups, Investment Status
Red. ID = 3
Yellow. ID = 2
Green. ID = 1
For example, you can click New to add a new value with the following information:
Name = Blue
ID = 3
When you click Save, an error should appear telling you that the ID must be unique since both Blue and Red now have
the ID of 3. However, this does not happen. You can successfully add the new value Blue without error.
This duplication of IDs has been known to cause the following issues:
CLRT-71113. If the Status Indicator is audited and the project status indicator field is changed to or from a value
that contains the ID of 1, 2 or 3, a system error is thrown.
CLRT-72151. If you set the Status Indicator of a project and add this project to the hierarchy of another
investment while Status Indicator field is configured on the hierarchy tab, an error is thrown as SER-0104: The
hierarchy was not be retrieved.
These issues have been found on both releases 12 and 13, including 13.2. At this time, make sure that new values
added to the lookup do not use 1, 2 or 3 for the ID.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 13, 2013 [] by admin.

Are You Upgrading to Clarity 13.2? Helpful Resources are Available!

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Are you in the process of upgrading, or preparing to upgrade to CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2? Did you know that there is
an Upgrade Information page on CA Support Online that provides you with many resources that can help, including:
Process documents describing the upgrade for both On Demand and On Premise.
Product documentation: Release Notes, Change Impact and Upgrade Guide, Installation Guide, Administration
Guide, and Studio Developers Guide.
Troubleshooting information.
Education learning paths.
Performance White papers for SQL Server and Oracle, and Green Books and Green Papers
You can find the Upgrade Information page using the CA Answer Bar by searching for upgrading to 13.2, 13.2 upgrade,
or upgrading. A link named CA Clarity Project & Portfolio Manager 13.2 Upgrade Information appears.
Here is a direct link to the page:

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 12, 2013 [] by admin.

Tuesday Tip: Should Users Log Out and Log In Again to Apply Changes to
User Rights?

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If you change user rights for your resources in CA Clarity PPM, do you need to ask users to log in again for the changes
to take effect?

Instance rights. Changes take effect immediately. You do not need to ask users to log out and log in again. For
example, you need to add a user to view a project for which they do not have edit rights. In this situation, add an
instance right for the resource to that project and ask the resource to refresh their project page.
Global rights. Users must log out and log in again for the changes to take effect.
Note: It may be easier for you to ask users to log out and log in again to help ensure that their new rights are updated
properly. In this way, no matter what new rights they are granted, you are certain that they have their new rights

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 9, 2013 [] by admin.

Did You Know: Projects and Templates

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If you want to use a project as a template, the project cannot have time entries against it, and it cannot be financiallyenabled.
This implies that no financial data will be carried over where the rate matrix associated data is included.
As a result, on the target project, the Transaction Rates data is empty. This is the intended product functionality and
works as expected.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 8, 2013 [] by admin.

Knowledge Base Article: How to Increase Crystal Reports Maximum

Concurrent Jobs

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Document ID: TEC596787

Title: How to Increase Crystal Reports Maximum Concurrent Jobs
Description: Use these steps to increase the Crystal Reports Maximum Concurrent Jobs. You will need to edit values in
2 different places.


Crystal ReportsJobServer
1. Login in to the Business Objects Central Management Console (CMC).
2. Log in with an administrator account.
3. Go to Servers.
4. Select <BOServerName>.Crystal ReportsJobServer.
5. Right-click Properties and scroll to the bottom.
6. You can increase Maximum Concurrent Jobs from the default value of 5 and enter the value you want.
7. Click Save.
8. Restart <BOServerName>.Crystal ReportsJobServer to apply the changes.

1. Login in to the Business Objects Central Management Console (CMC).
2. Log in with an administrator account.
3. Go to Servers.
4. Select <BOServerName>.AdaptiveJobServer.
5. Right click Properties and scroll to the bottom.
6. You can increase Maximum Concurrent Jobs from the default value of 5 and enter the value you want.
7. Click Save.
8. Restart <BOServerName>.AdaptiveJobServer to apply the changes.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 8, 2013 [] by admin.

Clarity 13.2 First Cumulative Patch is Available

Date: July 08, 2013

To: CA Clarity Customers
From: The CA Technologies CA Clarity PPM Product Team

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Subject: General Availability Announcement for CA Clarity PPM 13.2 Cumulative Patch 1
On behalf of CA Technologies, we appreciate your business and the opportunity to provide you with high-quality,
innovative software and services. As part of our ongoing commitment to customer success, we regularly release updated
patches for our products. Today, we are pleased to announce that CA Clarity PPM 13.2 Patch 1 ( is now
available. CA Clarity cumulative patches are easy to apply and are performance and regression tested to ensure the
highest quality.
You can download your copy of cumulative patch from CA Support Online The patch is
included as a download component on the CA Clarity base product you are licensed for.
If you have any questions or require assistance contact CA Customer Care online at where you can submit an online request using the Customer Care web form:
/web/guest/customercare. You can also call CA Customer Care at +1-800-225-5224 in North America or see for the local number in your country.
To connect, learn and share with other customers, join and participate in our CA Clarity PPM Global Users Community at
To review CA Support lifecycle policies, please review the CA Support Policy and Terms located at:
Thank you again for your business.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 7, 2013 [] by admin.

Data Extraction

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Data Extraction for CA Clarity Project & Portfolio Manager (CA Clarity PPM) allows CA Clarity PPM users in on-premise
and on-demand environments to define, schedule, or run (ad hoc) data extraction jobs directly from the CA Clarity PPM
user interface.
Jobs can be configured to query specific data and capture results in a wide range of industry standard file formats. Jobs
can also be configured to append or overwrite data in existing files or, to generate new extract files with unique
Data extracts can be integrated with other third-party systems including Microsoft SharePoint, Oracle, SAP, and others.
Files can also be retained within CA Clarity PPM folders for convenient access and viewing.

This solution from CA Services:

Enforces security defined within the CA Clarity PPM security model: Users are able to access and view only
fields and records to which they have access rights; Supports Secure File Transfer Protocol.
Utilizes the CA Clarity PPM background engine: Multi-threaded processing speeds performance and scales to
large datasets not achievable with Export to Excel approaches.
Provides a graphical user interface within CA Clarity PPM: Configuring and scheduling jobs is done through a
familiar interface and requires no complex coding or maintenance.

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The solution includes installation and user guides, and remote services to streamline deployment and configuration and
accelerate solution adoption.

Benefits that deliver value

Data Extraction for CA Clarity PPM:

Enables employee self-service data extraction for CA Clarity PPM for both on-demand and on-premise
Reduces manual effort and risk of error.
Changes to CA Clarity PPM (e.g., after an upgrade) are reflected in data extract jobs without additional custom coding
and maintenance.
Data extraction jobs can be precisely defined and scheduled to run at defined intervals.
Multiple extracts with different configurations can be run within a single job.
Improves performance and reduces rework, especially when executing jobs involving large data sets or which
produce large data extracts (Microsoft Office Excel row and column limitations).
A single data extract job can execute against multiple objects concurrently, aggregating results.

How it works
From within the CA Clarity PPM user interface, users with appropriate access rights can configure data extraction jobs
written in standard ANSI SQL. Jobs can be run ad hoc or scheduled from the Reports and Jobs menus. Generated results
can then be stored in numerous industry standard formats, or in CA Clarity PPM data structures.

Configuration object: Provides access for specifying parameters such as delimiter type, output file path, SQL
changes and field names; displays record counts.
Configuration sub-object: Allows users to view standard field names and modify them for specific data extract
output files.
JAVA-based extraction engine: Utilizes stored procedures to execute SQL for querying CA Clarity PPM and
generating extraction files.
CA Clarity PPM reports and jobs menus: Administers extraction job schedules, execution steps and access to
job configurations.
Data extraction portlet: Allows users to view extraction files lists and download and delete extraction files.

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Output file formats: .xls, .xml, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SharePoint, Oracle, SAP, and CA Clarity PPM.
Delimiters: comma, csv, custom, tab

Technical prerequisites
CA Clarity PPM Release 8 and above.
Database support: Oracle Server, Microsoft SQL Server (all versions supported by CA Clarity PPM).
Language support: All languages supported by CA Clarity PPM.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 6, 2013 [] by admin.

Tuesday Tip: How to Change *system.log File Size

All *system.log files have the same rules.

To change *system.log file size, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to your <CLARITY_HOME>bin directory.
2. Search for the desired file nikuxxxxcmd.conf (CA Clarity PPM 12.x) / servicexxxxcmd.conf (CA Clarity
PPM 13.x). For example:

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1. Search for the following values:
2. Edit the values to indicate the desired maximum size and maximum files you want to keep.
3. Redeploy service (nsa, beacon, app and/or bg), depending on the configuration files you edited.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 3, 2013 [] by admin.

Tuesday Tip: Avoiding Issues with a PMO Upgrade and Installation

As with any complex CA Clarity PPM-based installation, the PMO covers enough areas of the product so that if your
organization is not able to follow the recommendations outlined here, you may want to bring in CA Services for a
The PMO Installation assumes the following:
All object views for the objects that the PMO touches are assumed to be at the out-of-the-box factory setting
system state. This means that no configuration changes exist on the objects in question.
Note: This is rarely the case, except with a new implementation.
To help facilitate, the following steps should be followed for any PMO upgrade:
Note: It is assumed this is in conjunction with a CA Clarity PPM upgrade happening at the same time.
1. Upgrade CA Clarity PPM first (in conjunction with a PMO upgrade).
2. Bring the CA Clarity PPM services back up, but do not let users back into the product.
3. XOG out using the client command prompt based XOG utility.

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Note: You cannot use the UI XOG client for object XOG. And, since it is not formally supported, it should not be
used for any XOG functionality unless specifically requested the following objects from the updated CA Clarity PPM
Cost and Benefit Plan
GL Allocation and Resource Credit
Change Request*
Other Work*
* These objects are not listed in the PMO Product Guide as possible items that will get updated. However, there are
view files for them with the upgrade which can be applied. Regardless, you should read the Installation Information
Chapter and/or the Overview Chapter in the PMO Product Guide for the version of the PMO you are either applying
or upgrading to before taking any action in the user interface.
4. Apply anything in the current version of the PMO that has not been applied.
At a minimum, the App service still has to be up. However, ensure that the system is still more or less locked
down to end users, as they will be upset if they see that their objects view changed.
The only way around that is to also apply all the objects in the PMO Add In list, whether they are in Upgrade
Ready status or not at this step. CA Services and the customer can make the decision.
5. Upgrade/Install the PMO.
6. Bring the CA Clarity PPM services back up, but do not let users back into the product.
7. Apply anything that is still in Upgrade Ready Status on the PMO Add In list in the Administration Tool.
8. Modify the Object XOG files generated prior to the upgrade to only leave the view information in the input file.
9. It is best to save the original XOGs intact as a backup and save the modified files with new names for the input
9. XOG the object views back in, which will bring all the pre upgrade/install view configurations back in and remove
any changes that either of the PMO Apply steps did to the view configurations.
10. At this point, you should be able to bring everything back up and start letting users into the product to validate
and move forward with the new version.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 3, 2013 [] by admin.

How to Configure the Waterline View

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Use the waterline view to prioritize and rationalize the investments in your portfolio. The waterline signifies an analysis
point your list of portfolio investments. For example, the waterline might appear where the target for the primary
constraint of total budget is met. By default, approved investments with the most recent finish date sort to the top of
the list on the view. The unapproved investments with later finish dates sort to the bottom.
You can define rules to set up your own custom criteria to rank investments initially. As you review the list of
investments during portfolio planning meetings with stakeholders, you can evaluate how the list of prioritized work
compares to the set portfolio constraints of cost, benefit and resources over the time. Based on feedback from your
stakeholders, you can manually fine-tune the prioritization to rationalize your current investments and override the
predefined ranking rules.
For example, you can determine a planned cost target for a portfolio plan, then set up the waterline configuration to
snap to the primary constraint Planned Cost. The waterline displays in your list of investments at the point where the
planned cost target is met. Everything above the waterline is within the planned cost of the portfolio, and everything
below the waterline exceeds the planned cost.
While the primary constraint determines where the waterline appears in the list, ranking rules determine which
investments appear above or below the waterline. You can manually override what is above the waterline by dragging
the waterline itself or by dragging investments to a new place in the list. As you rearrange the waterline or investments
in the list, the resulting variance between the target constraints and your portfolio totals displays.
The following diagram describes how a portfolio manager configures the waterline view.

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To configure the waterline view, perform these steps:

1. Review the prerequisites.
2. Configure the constraint columns for the waterline view.
3. Define and apply the ranking rules.
4. Verify your waterline view selections.

Review the Prerequisites

Before you attempt the procedures in this scenario, verify that the following tasks are complete:
Review the scenario How to Get Started with Portfolio Management.
Select the portfolio investments and synchronize the portfolio with CA Clarity PPM information.
Create any portfolio plans you want to vary from the portfolio.
Create the targets for the portfolio and plans.

Configure the Constraint Columns for the Waterline View

To display the information you want to show on the waterline view, begin by configuring the columns. For example, to
use planned cost as the primary constraint that the waterline tracks, configure the waterline view to show the Planned
Cost column. The columns that you add to the
waterline view depend on your business needs and how you manage your investments.
Follow these steps:
1. Open Home and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.
2. Open the portfolio and click Waterlines.
3. Click the Plan dropdown and select the portfolio or a portfolio plan.
4. Click the Options icon and click Configure.
5. The List Column Layout appears.
1. In the Available Columns list, select the columns for the waterline view and move them to the Selected columns
list using the arrows.
2. Note: If you have added role totals to your targets, you can select the role to display as a column on the waterline
view. For example, if you select DBA as a role on your portfolio Targets tab, a selection named Role: DBA becomes
available as a column selection.

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6. Click Save.
7. (Optional) If you want a wider column for a column selection, complete the following steps:
1. Open the List Column Section menu and click Fields.
2. Click the Properties icon for the column label.
3. Increase the number in the Column Width fields and click Save and Return.
4. Click Save and Return.
8. Note: You can also drag the column edge on the waterline view to increase or decrease the width.
8. Review your columns on the waterline view and change them as necessary.
Note: Drag the Gantt portion of the view to the right if your new columns are not visible. You can also expand or
collapse the Gantt chart using the icon that is located at the top of the list.

Define and Apply the Ranking Rules

The ranking rules determine where investments appear in the waterline view list. You create a ranking by assigning
weights to investment attributes that apply to your investments. For example, you can weight approved investments to
rank higher than unapproved investments. When the ranking calculations are made for all investments, approved
investments appear higher in the list ranking. The more ranking rules you include, the more complex the calculations
and the more variable the results. Consider carefully the rules you set for the initial ranking.
The weighting that you assign to attributes is relative. Select the investment attributes to weight and assign a weight
that is based on your business needs. The initial ranking provides a starting place for an evaluation of the portfolio or
plan. To rationalize your portfolio, manually move investments in the list and see the results of your changes.
The following points outline how to set up ranking rules:
Select the primary portfolio constraint for the waterline. For example, select Planned Cost as the primary
constraint. In this case, the waterline appears in the list where the planned cost amount for the portfolio is
exceeded. Similarly, select Planned Benefit as the primary portfolio
constraint. In this case, the waterline appears at the point the planned benefit is realized.
Select the investment attributes available at the portfolio level and assign weights to the attributes. You can select
from all available attributes for all investment types that are included in the portfolio.
To indicate more importance, assign an attribute greater weight. To indicate less importance, assign less weight.
For example, to indicate that the % Complete attribute for an investment carries more importance, assign it a
greater weight than other attributes.
If you select an attribute that is a lookup, you can assign weights to the individual values of the lookup.
Note: When you create a plan for a portfolio, the plan inherits the ranking rules of the portfolio. When you copy a plan,
the copied plan inherits the ranking rules of the original plan.

Follow these steps:

1. Open Home and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.
2. Open the portfolio and click Waterlines.
3. Click the Plan dropdown and select the portfolio or a portfolio plan.
4. Click Ranking Rules, then click Define Ranking Rules.
<li type=noneThe Prioritization Criteria page appears.
5. In the Primary Constraint field, select the investment attribute that the waterline uses as a primary constraint.
6. For example, if you want to use planned cost as a primary constraint, select Planned Cost (Horizon). The waterline
displays when the planned cost target is exceeded in your list of investments.

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6. Click Add.
7. Select the check box for each attribute for which you want to apply ranking rules and click Add.
8. The attributes appear on the Prioritization Criteria page.
8. For each attribute, complete the following steps:
Select the ranking method.
To indicate the weighting, enter a number value in the Attribute Weighting field.
9. For example, if the ranking method is Lower is better, the attribute weighting value 1 produces the most impact.
10. Note: If you select an attribute that is a lookup, click Lookup Value Weighting on the attribute
row to indicate a weighting for each individual lookup value.
9. When you have completed the ranking rules for the selected attributes, click Save and Return.
10. Click Ranking Rules, then click Run Ranking Rules.
11. The calculations for the ranking rules complete, and the list on the waterline view is reordered. The
waterlinedisplays in the list at the point where the portfolio exceeds the primary constraint.
12. If the investment list is long, click Snap to Waterline to scroll to the waterline in the list.

Verify Your Waterline View Selections

Verify that the waterline results are what you expect. Any column constraints that you display in the list also display in
the pane below the list. The display in the pane provides variance information about the totals above and below the
Note: Investments added to the portfolio after the last ranking appear at the top of the list on the waterline view. The
investments are assigned NR (not ranked) in the Rank column. The investments with this rank are not included in the
waterline view totals. Run the ranking
rules again to include newly added investments.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 3, 2013 [] by admin.

How to Rationalize a Portfolio of Investments

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Portfolio planning is an iterative process. The portfolio manager performs the following tasks that are based on review
feedback from stakeholders and others in the company:
Prioritization. Assigns a priority to the investments based on initial default or rule-based criteria.
Note: See the How to Configure the Waterline View scenario for more information about prioritizing investments
in a portfolio.
Evaluation. Associates the investments with company values such as cost, benefit, or return on investment (ROI).
Rationalization. Justifies the existence of the investments that are selected by taking into account all of the
information from prioritization and evaluation. Not all information that is used during rationalization is from CA
Clarity PPM. The experience and advice of stakeholders are important considerations and often outweigh the
rankings of investments that you indicate by prioritizing or evaluating.
When creating a portfolio, the portfolio manager initially prioritizes the list of investments using ranking rules that are
based on business needs. To evaluate the portfolio, the portfolio manager creates different what-if plans and reviews the
waterline views of the plans with the stakeholders. The evaluation of the portfolio uses information from all parts of the
business. Based on stakeholder feedback, the portfolio manager reprioritizes the investments and reconfigures the
waterline views. When the rounds of prioritization and evaluation are complete, the portfolio manager rationalizes the
portfolio with stakeholders. Together they decide which investments to pursue and which ones to defer for the portfolio
time horizon.
The following illustration shows how prioritization, evaluation, and rationalization overlap. For example, information
that is gathered from either evaluation or rationalization can cause the prioritization of a portfolio to change.
The diagram shows how prioritization, evaluation, and rationalization are overlapping processes.
This scenario shows how one company looks at its portfolio of investments and how it decides to thrive in the

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Example: Portfolio Planning

Raj Mehta is the new CIO for Forward Inc., a large holding company which owns many manufacturing companies. Raj
reports to Lauren, the CEO who has been hired to bring a fresh perspective to the organization. Raj has worked for
Forward Inc. for two years and Lauren was hired outside of the company. They have a directive from the Board of
Directors to improve the company revenue stream in three years by 10 percent.
Raj and Lauren are preparing the IT budget planning for the upcoming fiscal year. In their first planning meeting,
Lauren provides the following list of investments for the IT portfolio:
Administrative Expense System
Back-Office Financial System
Cloud Based Order Intake
Database Upgrades- Oracle
Enterprise Time and Attendance
Federated Security
GUI Redesign- Supplier Internet System
HR System Upgrade
Interface to Material Supplier
JIT (Just in Time) System Upgrade
The list is in alphabetical order. Lauren does not indicate which projects are more important. She wants Raj to prioritize
the investments using the rules that are currently in place.
To complete the portfolio planning process, Lauren and Raj must complete the following tasks:
Prioritize the portfolio.
Evaluate the portfolio.
Rationalize the portfolio.

Prioritize the Portfolio

As part of the initial portfolio creation process, as the portfolio manager, you can set up some basic criteria or ranking
rules. The ranking rules dictate the order in which the investments appear on the Waterlines view.
Note: The following example assumes that corporate goals for investments have already been defined in the product.

Example: Initial Portfolio Planning

Raj uses the investments list from Lauren and creates a portfolio in CA Clarity PPM. To collect information and display it
in a meaningful way, he completes the following tasks:
Adds the list of investments in the portfolio in alphabetical order.
Works with the staff to determine the cost for each investment and enters this information in the portfolio.
Compiles the number of internal resources for the investments in FTE units and enters this information.
The following table shows the portfolio investments and other details:





Administrative Expense System


Back-Office Financial System



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Cloud Based Order Intake


Database Upgrades- Oracle


Enterprise Time and Attendance



Federated Security


GUI Redesign- Supplier Internet System


HR System Upgrade



Interface to Material Supplier



JIT (Just in Time) System Upgrade


In the meantime, Lauren works with the board to determine the discretionary IT budget. Lauren comes back with the
following inputs which Raj incorporates into the portfolio:
The board potentially agrees to $2,500,000 for funding. Raj enters this information in the portfolio properties.
Each of the initiatives is aligned with a corporate goal. Raj links the investments with the predefined goals in the
investment properties.
The CFO wants to see estimated capital and expense projection for each investment. Raj enters the expense
information for the investments in the financial summaries.
The CFO wants to see what the expected benefits for each project. Raj enters the benefit information for the
investments in the financial summaries.
Raj syncs the portfolio with the investment information in CA Clarity PPM to capture the latest investment data.
The following table shows the portfolio investments with the latest details:












750,000 1,000,000 675,000



Increase Sales

100,000 750,000


Better Align

200,000 100,000





300,000 3,000,000 275,000







Administrative Expense

Back Office Financial System

Improve Office

250,000 20,000



Improve Office

Cloud Based Order Intake

Database Upgrades- Oracle

Enterprise Time and

Federated Security

Improve Office

450,000 700,000


Better Align

GUI Redesign- Supplier

Internet System

Better Align



HR System Upgrade

Reduce Costs

300,000 100,000

Interface to Material Supplier

Reduce Costs

700,000 2,500,000 600,000



JIT (Just in Time) System

Improve Office

100,000 2,000,000 25,000





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Evaluate the Portfolio

The portfolio manager constantly evaluates the portfolio investments to keep them aligned with the portfolio goals and
within constraints. You can evaluate your portfolio investments on a periodic basis (for example, monthly or quarterly
during the planning meetings). If your business needs change suddenly, you can also evaluate your investments on an
ad-hoc basis. For example, if your business goals change due to new market conditions. You can reevaluate your
portfolio to ensure the investments align with the new strategic direction. You can use the Balance portfolio view to call
off investments that have a relatively low business alignment as compared to their completion dates.

Example: IT Budget Portfolio: Plan 1

Lauren reviews the IT Budget portfolio that Raj prepared and provides the following feedback:
The board has approved funding for $2,600,000.
The investments must be sorted by goals, with the Reduce Cost goal being first.
Raj incorporates the feedback into the portfolio by creating a separate plan for the portfolio (Plan1). The plan is a copy
of the portfolio that Raj can change to accommodate what Lauren is asking him to do. Raj brings up the plan Waterline
view and drags the investments that are associated with the Reduce Cost goal to the top of the list.
The following table shows the Plan 1 version of the IT Budget portfolio:

















HR System Upgrade

Reduce Costs

300,000 100,000

Interface to Material

Reduce Costs

700,000 2,500,000 600,000




Increase Sales




Improve Office

250,000 20,000




750,000 1,000,000 675,000




450,000 700,000




100,000 2,000,000 25,000



200,000 100,000



300,000 3,000,000 275,000






Cloud Based Order


Expense System
Back Office Financial


Enterprise Time and

JIT (Just in Time)


Improve Office

Federated Security `

Improve Office

System Upgrade
Database Upgrades-

Improve Office

Better Align

Better Align

GUI RedesignSupplier Internet

Better Align




Lauren reviews the Plan 1 waterline view with Raj. She comments that the investments must be prioritized by Better
Aligned Technologies as a top priority goal. Raj drags the investments with the Better Aligned Technologies goal to the
top of the Waterline view. Plan 1 waterline view now looks like the following table:

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Database Upgrades-

Federated Security

Better Align





200,000 100,000.00









Better Align

300,000 3,000,000


GUI Redesign-

Supplier Internet

Better Align





Expense System
Back Office Financial

Enterprise Time and




Improve Office

750,000 1,000,000





Improve Office

450,000 700,000





100,000 2,000,000







System Upgrade
Cloud Based Order

250,000 20,000


JIT (Just in Time)

Improve Office

Improve Office

Increase Sales

100,000 750,000

HR System Upgrade

Reduce Costs

300,000 100,000





Interface to Material

Reduce Costs

700,000 2,500,000







Rationalize the Portfolio

To substantiate or justify the existence of the investments in the portfolio plan, rationalize them. For example, you can
link the investments to specific high priority corporate goals or business alignment factors to justify their current

Example: Rationalizing Investments Based on Current Priorities

The board of directors reviews the updated portfolio plan and provides feedback. For tax purposes, the company must
recognize as little expense as possible. Therefore, the higher capital dollar amount must be considered. To incorporate
this feedback, Raj creates Plan 2 from Plan 1 and reworks the waterline view manually. He drags the investments with
higher capital costs to the top of the list to rank them higher.
The following table shows the Plan 2 version of the portfolio:







Back Office Financial

Improve Office






750,000 1,000,000 675,000




Interface to Material

Reduce Costs

700,000 2,500,000 600,000




Improve Office

450,000 700,000




Enterprise Time and



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HR System Upgrade

Federated Security

Reduce Costs

300,000 100,000





Better Align

300,000 3,000,000 275,000



250,000 20,000



100,000 2,000,000 25,000




Improve Office

Expense System



JIT (Just in Time)

Improve Office

System Upgrade


Cloud Based Order

Increase Sales

100,000 750,000



Better Align

200,000 100,000






Database UpgradesOracle 3


GUI Redesign-

Better Align

Supplier Internet




After investment reviews, the board and the legal department weigh in and make the following recommendations for the
Due to the company direction and some previous legal dealings, the Federated Security investment is mandatory.
Because the current Oracle license is near expiration, the Oracle databases must be upgraded.
Raj configures the Plan 2 waterline view to display an extra Mandatory field on the view to flag the mandatory
investments. The following table shows the extra Mandatory field for the investments:









Better Align



300,000 3,000,000 275,000



200,000 100,000



750,000 1,000,000 675,000




Reduce Costs

700,000 2,500,000 600,000





450,000 700,000





Reduce Costs

300,000 100,000






250,000 20,000







Upgrades- Oracle


Better Align

Financial System


Interface to

Material Supplier
Enterprise Time

and Attendance


HR System

Upgrade 6

Expense System


JIT (Just in Time) 5


System Upgrade


100,000 2,000,000 25,000

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Cloud Based


Order Intake

100,000 750,000







GUI Redesign-

Better Align

Supplier Internet



System 4

After reviewing the latest investments list in the portfolio plan, Lauren makes the following observations:
The portfolio lacks initiatives that support increased sales.
The JIT Upgrade investment promises a large return on the investment. Lauren decides to add this investment to
the funding mix.
Lauren hopes to receive a total funding of $2,600,000.
Raj creates Plan 3 from Plan 2 and incorporates the feedback into the Plan 3 to come up with the final rationalized list of
investments. The following table shows the final list of approved and unapproved investments that are based on the
latest priorities and budget constraint of $2,600, 000. The waterline for funded investments is drawn at the JIT System
Upgrade initiative where the portfolio runs out of funds.










Better Align



300,000 3,000,000 275,000 25,000


200,000 100,000






Better Align



Back Office






Interface to

750,000 1,000,000 675,000 75,000

Reduce Costs 700,000 2,500,000 600,000 100,000






Time and




Cloud Based

Order Intake
JIT (Just in


400,000 50,000

100,000 750,000



100,000 2,000,000 25,000





Time) System




HR System

450,000 700,000

cut off)

Reduce Costs 300,000 100,000

275,000 25,000




200,000 50,000






250,000 20,000

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GUI Redesign-


Better Align







This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 3, 2013 [] by admin.

How to Create a Portfolio of Investments

Creating a portfolio of investments includes the following tasks:

Managing and planning for the investments using high-level targets for cost, benefits, and resources.
Distributing financial and resource targets by time periods so that you can understand how investments use up
money and resources over the portfolio planning horizon.
Setting the role targets either by distributing the high-level set target or by populating existing resource capacity
from roles in the system.

Example: Creating IT Portfolios for Annual Planning

Vicki is the IT Operations Manager responsible for creating and maintaining the IT investments for the CIO at Forward
Inc. Vicki is preparing for annual planning and has to create an IT investments portfolio to reflect existing work and
proposed work. Vicki creates the portfolio as follows:
Defines some basic portfolio properties such as the start date, end date, and cost.
Builds content by selecting active projects in the Investment OBS for the IT department for the coming fiscal year.

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Includes the ideas that are being considered for the coming fiscal year.
The following diagram describes how the portfolio manager creates a portfolio of investments:

To create a portfolio of investments, perform these steps:

1. Verify the prerequisites.
2. Define the portfolio properties.
3. Define the portfolio sync properties.
4. Build the portfolio content.
5. Define detailed planning targets.
6. Define role targets.
7. Review the waterline view for investments.

Verify the Prerequisites

To create a portfolio of investments, complete the following requirements:
Review the How to Get Started with Portfolio Management scenario and set up the required data in the product.
Create active investments and ideas in the product that are planned for the time period that the portfolio covers.
Note: For more information about creating investments, see the Project Management User Guide. For more
information about creating ideas, see the Demand Management User Guide.
Create any child portfolios that you want to associate to the parent portfolio so you can see the parent-child
relationship. No data is pulled in from the child portfolio to the parent portfolio.
Review the How to Configure the Waterline View scenario for details on how to display the waterline, portfolio
constraints, and attributes on the Waterline view.
Review the How to Display Capital and Operating Costs scenario for details on how to configure investment financial
plans for displaying capital and operating costs.

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Verify that you have the following access rights for creating and editing the portfolio content:
Portfolio Create
Portfolio Navigate

Define the Portfolio Properties

To start the portfolio creation process, define the high-level properties of the portfolio. These properties set the time,
monetary, and resource boundaries of the portfolio within which you can plan and manage your investments. You can
create multiple versions of a plan within these boundaries for comparison purposes and can implement the best plan.
For example, the following portfolio properties show how to use a data range to plan for your portfolio investments
within that range:
Portfolio Horizon: Starting on 01/01/2013 and ending on 12/31/2014
Total Cost: 10,000,000 USD (includes a Capital Cost of 7,000,000 USD and Operating Cost of 3,000,000 USD)
Resources: 20 FTE
Benefits: 15,000,000 USD
Follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.
2. Click New.
3. Complete the requested information in the General section. The following fields require explanation:
Owner. Identifies the portfolio owner or creator, typically an operations manager, or director. The owner is
automatically assigned view and edit rights to the portfolio and its content. You can select more than one
owner for a portfolio.
Stakeholder. Identifies a stakeholder in the business who wants to review the portfolio content and provide
feedback. The stakeholder is automatically assigned view rights to the portfolio and its content. You can select
more than one stakeholder for a portfolio.
Start Date/Finish Date. Specifies the planning range of data for the portfolio. The data within the portfolio
is clipped to stay within this set horizon. If an investment starts within the portfolio horizon but finishes after
the horizon, you can analyze costs for the investment from both the following perspectives:
The aggregate cost of the investment irrespective of the portfolio horizon.
The cost of the investment relative to the time periods in the portfolio horizon.
For example, an investment has a total cost of $10 million but you plan to spend only $2 million within the
portfolio horizon. In this case, the portfolio surfaces both the total cost and the planning horizon costs of the
Dashboard View. Specifies the default view or page layout for the portfolio. If you have installed the PMO
Accelerator add-in, you can change this default view to PMO-Portfolio Investment Dashboard.
Currency. Specifies the portfolio currency. In a multi-currency situation, the portfolio currency sets a default
preference for reporting investments of differing currencies in aggregate. The financial data for both budget
(cost) and benefit are rolled up in this portfolio currency. If your product is configured for a single currency,
you cannot edit this value.
Capacity Unit Type. Defines the resource unit (hours or FTE) for measuring resource capacity for
investments in the portfolio. You can set this unit only once for a portfolio.
Sync Schedule. Specifies how often to refresh the portfolio data and associated plans with actual investment
data. This field appears after you define the initial portfolio properties. You can set up a sync schedule to
refresh the portfolio automatically or you can sync the portfolio data manually.
4. Complete the requested information in the Targets section. The following fields require explanation:
Total Cost. Displays the total cost that the portfolio is targeting to spend during the planning horizon. This
target is an aggregate of the capital and operating costs so you cannot set it directly.
Capital Cost. Specifies the capital cost that the portfolio is targeting to spend during the planning horizon.
Operating Cost. Specifies the operating cost that the portfolio is targeting to spend during the planning

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Currency. Defines the portfolio currency or the currency in which you want to account for all investment cost
and benefit amounts. In a multi-currency setup where portfolio investments use different currencies, all costs
and benefits are rolled up in the portfolio currency.
Benefits. Specifies the total benefit that the portfolio is targeting to gain during the planning horizon.
Roles. Defines the effort that the portfolio is targeting to use during the planning horizon.
Capacity Unit Type. Specifies the unit in which you want to represent the roles target. Select one of the
following units:
FTE. An average number that is based on the resources that are involved and the time periods. For
example, say the planning horizon spans two months. One FTE is planned in the first month and 3 FTE
are planned in the second month. In this case, the total target resources for the planning horizon are 2
Hours. A total number that applies to the portfolio planning horizon. For example, say you have a
two-month planning horizon and set a target of 1000 hours. In this case, you can use a total of 1000
hours for the whole portfolio.
5. Save your changes.

Define the Portfolio Sync Properties

The portfolio data represents a snapshot of the actual investment data in real time. You can update the portfolio data
with the actual investment data by running a sync job. Syncing is important because portfolio stakeholders want to
know how current the data they are reviewing is. To establish how often you want to refresh the portfolio data, define
the properties of the sync job.
Based on how often you review the latest portfolio data, run the sync job manually anytime you want or set up a sync
schedule. You can set up a sync schedule to refresh the portfolio automatically at a recurring time interval such as

Example: Setting Up a Portfolio Sync Schedule

Mary, the IT portfolio manager at Forward Inc. presents at the weekly stakeholders meeting every Monday. Mary covers
all months in the portfolio planning calendar. To prepare for this meeting, Mary sets up the sync schedule to run every
Sunday of every month at 9:00 A.M. The sync job populates the portfolio with the latest data from the actual
investments. Mary then reviews the data and prepares the highlights for the meeting the next morning.
Follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.
2. Open the portfolio for which you want to define sync properties.
3. Click the Manual link next to Sync Schedule.The portfolio sync properties appear.
4. To set up a sync schedule for the sync job, select Weekly or Monthly and complete the requested information. The
following field requires explanation:
Recurrence. Defines the frequency at which you want to sync the portfolio. You can select one of the
following options:
Manual. You can run the sync job manually anytime by clicking Sync Now.
Weekly. The days in the week on which you want to sync the portfolio and for which months. For
example, select Wednesday and then select all months. The sync job runs every Wednesday of every
week and for all months in the portfolio horizon.
Monthly. The days of the month on which you want to sync the portfolio and the respective months in
the portfolio horizon. For example, enter numbers 1 through 31 and select all to run the sync job every
day, for all months in the portfolio horizon.
5. Save your changes.
When you return to the portfolio properties, the Manual link next to Sync Schedule has now changed. The link now
reflects the new sync schedule that you just set up. To change a schedule, click the link again. You can see the date
when the portfolio was last refreshed.

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Build the Portfolio Content

Add the investments to your portfolio that you want to monitor, track, and plan for at a high level. As you build the
portfolio, you can preview the content. Previewing helps you understand what is included in the portfolio as you are
building it.
Note: The limit for the number of investments that you can include in a portfolio is 100. The limit for the number of
roles you can include in a portfolio is 25. These limits helps ensure better performance when you work with a portfolio.
The Database Administrator can change the limits to the portfolio content. Any changes to the limits can potentially
impact the application and database performance. Before introducing a change in a production environment, thoroughly
test the changes in a staging environment.

Example: Building Your Portfolio Content

Max the IT portfolio manager at Forward Inc., builds the portfolio content by including the following investments:
All active projects in the Investment OBS for the upcoming calendar year.
All ideas that the company is considering for the upcoming calendar year.
Max uses the power filter available in the Contents Editor to create the following expression so that only active ideas are
included in the portfolio:

idea.is_active == 1

Max uses the power filter to create the following expression so that only active projects, not designated as templates are
included in the portfolio:

project.is_active == 1 &&

project.is_template == 0

Follow these steps:

1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.
2. Open the portfolio to which you want to add content.
3. Click Contents Editor.
4. Select the investment types (for example, project, application, asset) and click Include.
Note: Limit the number of investments for each investment type by using the Power Filter. Filter on any attribute that
is associated with an investment type. For example, for the Project investment type, set the power filter to filter on and
include only active projects. To add individual investments to the portfolio without setting the power filter, use the
Individual Investments section.
5. To copy the investments and related data to the portfolio, click Sync Now.
Depending on the size of the portfolio, the sync job can take sometime to run.
6. (Optional). Check the progress of the job by completing the following steps:
1. Open Home and click Reports and Jobs.
2. From Jobs select Log.
3. Check to see if the Synchronize Portfolio Investments job type is still processing or if the job has completed.

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All investments included or added individually to the portfolio are listed in the Investments tab.

Define Detailed Planning Targets

You can view, edit, and distribute the high-level portfolio targets for cost, resource, and benefit in a time-scaled view.
These period-based targets show up on the Waterlines view where you can analyze your portfolio performance.
Set these detailed targets either as part of the initial portfolio creation process or later when you have added content.
Typically, you set targets at a high level while creating the portfolio. Later, as you add content, you can provide more
details for these targets using the following methods:
Spread the total cost and benefit targets uniformly across the periods by populating the Distributed Target field.
Populate each period and update the Distributed Target field with the total amount. If the breakout costs total is
greater than the totalportfolio cost, a variance amount appears in red. You can enter amounts for time periods that
are outside the portfolio planning horizon. For example, if theend date for the portfolio horizon is 12/31/2014, you
can still add values for Jan 2015.
Edit the targets by period and see the impact on the distributed target and how that compares to the original
Note: As you edit the targets, affected cells are flagged with a red, pending edits flag. The flag appears on the top left
corner of the cell. To make the edits permanent, save them. The Save button is only active when there are changes to
the page.
The planning periods that you see on the time-scaled view are based on the time period setting you configure on the
Waterlines view.

Example: Providing Details for the Cost and Benefit Targets

Vicki, the IT Investments portfolio manager at Forward Inc., initially populates the cost and benefit targets in the
portfolio properties. On the Targets page, the total and distributed values for cost and benefit are automatically created
based on the values on the Properties page. Vicki fine-tunes the distribution by manually tweaking the values in each
Follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.
2. Open the portfolio for which you want to define detailed targets.
3. Click Targets.
4. Complete the requested information for Cost: Portfolio Cost Totals. The following fields require explanation:
Target. Specifies the aggregated planned cost for the portfolio investments including capital and operating
costs. You initially define this value in the portfolio properties as an aggregate of the capital and operating
costs. You can edit this value when providing details for the targets.
Distributed Target. Displays the planned cost for the portfolio investments as it scales over time (weekly,
monthly, quarterly) within the portfolio horizon.
Variance. Displays the difference between the distributed and approved target amounts.
Distributed Target (Total). Specifies the planned cost for the portfolio investments as an aggregate of the
distributed amounts. To distribute the total amount uniformly across the portfolio planning periods, enter an
amount in this field.
5. Complete the requested information for Benefit: Portfolio Benefit Totals. The following fields require explanation:
Target. Specifies the aggregated planned benefit for the portfolio investments including capital and operating
benefits. You initially set this value in the portfolio properties but you can edit it here too.
Distributed Target. Displays the planned benefit for the portfolio investments as it accrues over time within
the portfolio horizon.

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Variance. Displays the difference between the distributed and approved benefit amounts.
Distributed Target (Total). Specifies the planned benefit for the portfolio investments as an aggregate of
the distributed amounts. To distribute the total amount uniformly across the portfolio planning periods, enter
an amount in this field.
6. Complete the requested information for Role: Portfolio Role Totals. The following fields require explanation:
Target. Specifies the planned resource capacity in hours or FTE units for the portfolio investments over time
(weekly, monthly, quarterly) within the portfolio horizon.
Distributed Target. Displays the planned roles for the portfolio investments as it accrues over time within
the portfolio horizon.
Variance. Displays the difference between the distributed and approved target amounts for the resource
Distributed Target (Total). Specifies the planned effort for the portfolio investments as an aggregate of the
distributed amounts. To distribute the total amount uniformly across the portfolio planning periods, enter an
amount in this field.
7. Save your changes.

Define Role Targets

When you create a portfolio, you typically provide an overall target for effort in hours or FTE units. As you build the
portfolio content, you can view, edit, and distribute this high-level target in a time-scaled view. You can define the role
constraint in the following ways:
Define an overall role target in the portfolio properties when you create a portfolio. Spread the overall target
uniformly across the periods by populating the Distributed Target (Total) field. You can overwrite the distributed
values by entering values directly into the time period cells.
Populate each period and update the Distributed Target field with the total amount. If the breakout amount total is
greater than the total portfolio amount, a variance amount appears in red.
Edit the targets by period and see the impact on the distributed target and how that compares to the original
Add specific roles that you want to plan and set constraints for. When you initially populate the capacity, filter
actual capacity using the attributes that are associated with the resources. For example, rather than populate the
capacity for all engineers, filter by engineers that are associated with a specific OBS or resource manager.
Select the Populate Capacity option for specific roles and view how the existing capacity aligns with the targets for
those roles. You can see the actual capacity for these roles across the portfolio planning horizon. By comparing the
target with the distributed target column, you can quickly see if you have enough capacity to fill your targets.

Example: Define Role Target

Vicki creates a portfolio for application sustainment for the following year. The resources are estimated to spend 20
percent of their time on sustainment for the following year. To set a role target for the portfolio, Vicki sorts the overall
portfolio resource capacity in the following manner:
Filters the roles information by the OBS Unit and the Booking Manager attributes.
Adds the desired roles to the portfolio targets.
Populates specific roles with the resource capacity available in the system. For example, Vicki populates the
capacity for the Sr. Developer role within the Back-Office IT team. The role is populated with the available number
of hours from the system for the associated resources.
Aligns populated capacity with resource time estimates for application sustainment by scaling capacity by 20
With the role planning framework set-up, Vicki proceeds to edit or populate values for each period.
Follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.

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2. Open the portfolio for which you want to define detailed targets.
3. Click Targets.
4. Navigate to the Role: Portfolio Role Totals section and perform one or more of the following tasks as needed:
To filter or add roles, click Add Roles.
To populate a role with the existing capacity available for the associated resources, select the role and click
Populate Capacity.
To scale the populated capacity to align with the estimated resource time, select the role and click Scale
5. Save your changes.

Review the Waterline View for Investments

After building the portfolio content and defining targets, use the default Waterlines view to see how the planned targets
align with the portfolio investments. By default, the approved investments with the most recent finish dates sort to the
top of the list. The unapproved investments with later finish dates sort to the bottom of the list. You can change this
default ranking either by dragging and dropping or by setting up rule-based ranking.
The Waterlines view can help you understand the following aspects of your portfolio:
The list of prioritized work with investment attributes including data about budget, resources, and benefits.
How the portfolio targets spread over the portfolio horizon.
The list of approved and unapproved investments.
The initial alignment of the portfolio with the goals.
The actual amounts that are spent on investments as compared to the initial targets of capital and operating costs.
You can see where and when demands exceed the targets.
As you review data, use the Waterline view as a what if environment to manipulate the items on the list and view the
impact. You can also review the effects of the changes on the portfolio targets. For example, drag a time line to move
out an investment start date and see its impact on the budget by time period. You can affect the portfolio in the
following ways:
Suggest a change to the existing portfolio by recommending small, focused changes on specific investments. The
following examples show small changes:
Alter the start of an investment to later or earlier than planned.
Cancel an investment.
Put an investment on hold.
Initiate a change request that is related to the investment.
Hypothesize on changes to multiple investments and to the portfolio constraints in a planning or scenario mode.
Follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.
2. Open the portfolio for which you want to review the Waterline view.
3. Click Waterlines.
Note: For information about configuring the Waterlines view to see the fields you want, see the scenario named
How to Configure the Waterline View.
4. To change the default time periods, click the Options icon and select Gantt. Adjust the settings according to your
preferences. These settingsare specific to your login. You can change the display on the Targets page for your
session but they always default back to the settings set on the Waterlines page.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 3, 2013 [] by admin.

How to Get Started with Portfolio Management

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Using portfolio management, you can create and review a collection of investments that interest stakeholders in your
business. Once you create a portfolio, the system creates a snapshot of your investment data that is used for
management and reporting purposes. You can set up a cadence for updating the data in this snapshot to match your
latest investment information. Thereafter, you can create alternate versions or plans using the data. To explore
alternatives for your investments, use these plans to create and compare what-if scenarios.
A portfolio is a collection of investments. Depending on your needs, you can create the following types of portfolios that
are based on the following:
Investments (for example, PMO projects, IT applications, new product development product lines).
Specific investments (for example, all active projects).
Organization (for example, IT plan of record, marketing initiatives, company ideas).
Interest (for example, green initiatives, merger and acquisition proposals).

Example: IT Portfolio for Current Projects

Max, the PMO Director at Forward, Inc,. wants to create a portfolio of all the projects that the organization currently
supports. A target amount of budget and resources exist that Max can use for the projects. With all of the projects in the
portfolio, Max uses Portfolio Management to accomplish the following business goals:
Understand how the costs and resource demand for each project compares to the overall targets.
Prioritize the projects so that the most important tasks get done first.
Stage the planning so that resources and costs are kept level throughout the planning periods.
The following diagram describes how a system administrator and a portfolio manager get started with portfolio

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To get started with portfolio management, perform these steps:

1. Evaluate Your Portfolio Requirements:
Monitor the Investments.
Prioritize the Investments.
Plan and Manage Investments Using Targets.
Explore the Alternatives for Investments.
2. Prepare to Use Portfolios:
Set up Monitoring Criteria for Investments.
Configure Views, Reports, and Workflows.
Set up Investment and Resource Data.

Evaluate Your Portfolio Requirements

To understand the business goals that you want to accomplish using portfolio management, evaluate your portfolio
requirements. To evaluate your specific portfolio requirements, consider the following generic assessments as
Monitor the investments.
Prioritize the investments.
Plan for and manage investments using targets.
Explore the alternatives for investments.

Monitor the Investments

You can monitor investment data that interests you by configuring the portfolio views to display that data. Consider
what investment data you want to view and what specific views of the data you are interested in. For example, a user
can set up a portfolio to view the following types of investment data:
A view that monitors current investments and provides their latest status such as if they are running on time,
ahead of the schedule, or late.

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A view that shows investments being considered for the next year planning cycle and the planned costs for these
After determining the requirements for your specific views, you configure the default portfolio views to display your
custom data.
You can leverage a number of portfolio views to monitor different aspects of your portfolio investments. However, the
configuration of the default views does not provide all of the information you need. The default views do not display the
custom data that you care about. For example, the Waterlines view allows you to load-balance your resources against
set targets and a time line, in a what-if environment. This default is relevant only if you care about the resource data
that requires the resource management setup in the product. Similarly, the Financials view is related to the specific
financial management product setup. This view is relevant to users who want to monitor certain financial aspects of
their investments. Plan to work with your system administrator to configure the default portfolio views to display the
custom data that you need.
Note: The Waterlines, Plans, Investments, and Targets views are the only views that are available as part of the
portfolio management. To access the remaining portfolio views, install and apply the PMO Accelerator add-in. For a
detailed description of the add-in, add-in install instructions, and descriptions of the portfolio views, see the PMO
Accelerator Product Guide.

Prioritize the Investments

An important part of managing a portfolio is understanding the relative priorities of investments by ranking them. The
product provides an out-of-the box Waterlines view that allows you to view and rank your investments in a portfolio.
When you first access the Waterlines view, investments are prioritized based on the following criteria:
Approval status. Investments are sorted first by their approval status. The approved investments are ranked higher
than unapproved investments and appear at the top of the list.
Finish date. Investments are sorted next by their finish dates. Investments with a more recent finish date are
ranked higher than investments with a later finish date.
The approved investments with the most recent finish date sort to the top of the list. The unapproved investments with
later finish dates sort to the bottom.
You can manually rank investments or set up rule-based ranking, which is based on the following deciding factors:
Size of your revenue
Impact of the identified risks on your business

Manually Ranking Investments

To prepare to rank investments manually on the Waterlines view, consider the following factors:
Size of the organization. If your organization is relatively small and people generally understand their priorities,
creating ranking rules for prioritization is not a good investment.
Number of investments. If the number of investments is relatively small, it is easier to rank them manually.
Business need. If there are no preset guidelines for ranking investments and it is done on a case-by-case basis,
then manual ranking is a better option.

Setting Up Rule-Based Ranking

To prepare to set up ranking rules for investments by which to prioritize them on the Waterlines view, consider the
following factors:

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The investment attributes that determine the ranking criteria for your investments (for example, project status,
ROI, goal).
The ranking logic for each key attribute. For example, If attribute ROI equals 20 percent then move the project
to top of the list.
An overall weighted ranking for each investment attribute. For example, to apply relatively higher importance to a
specific investment attribute, assign a greater weight to it compared to the other attributes.

Plan and Manage Investments Using Constraints

To define the boundaries and time lines within which you want to plan and manage your investments, set up targets for
your portfolio. Targets allow you to analyze your portfolio objectives and goals by managing your investments in the
following ways:
Setting high-level portfolio targets or constraints and planning, tracking, or measuring portfolio performance
against these constraints.
Creating multiple versions of a plan using a subset of the portfolio data. For example, you can create a plan for the
current planning year, and another plan for the following year. Each plan can include different targets for costs,
benefits, and resources.
Comparing and adjusting plan targets and implementing necessary changes to actual investments when plans get
The following types of targets are available for any portfolio:
Financial. Consider the following factors when determining what financial targets you can use to manage your
Currency. A portfolio can include investments that are planned in more than one currency. Work with your
system administrator to set up a multi-currency system. In a multi-currency system, you can select a target
currency for your portfolio. The target currency is based on the currencies that you have enabled in your
system. Amounts in various currencies are aggregated and rolled up using the single portfolio currency.
Costs. Users can plan for aggregated cost types such as total costs, capital costs, and operating costs. These
costs are summarized and aggregated from all investments included in a portfolio. You can set targets for
each of these cost types (capital and operating costs) and then view the demand for them coming from the
investments. If you track actual costs against investments, you can view aggregated actual costs in the
portfolio views.
Benefits. Users can plan for aggregate benefits. You can set a total benefit target for the portfolio and then
view the aggregated, planned benefits coming from the investments. If you track actual benefits against
investments using benefit plans, you can view aggregated actual benefits in the portfolio views.
Resource. Consider the following factors when determining what resource targets you can use to manage your
Unit. Think about whether you want to plan the capacity for your portfolio resources using hours or FTE
(full-time equivalent) units.
Granularity. Consider whether you want to plan based on the total resource capacity or by role-specific
capacity. The role-specific capacities are based on existing roles. For example, you can view resource targets
by Engineers or Quality Assurance roles.

Explore the Alternatives for Investments

You can define specific plans within the portfolio boundaries to determine how you can best accomplish your portfolio
goals. With the larger content set defined, planning lets you perform iterative analysis on the portfolio. For example,
you can create the following plans for the IT Projects portfolio that spans fiscal years 2013 and 2014.
IT Projects Plan for FY2013
IT Projects Plan for FY2014

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You can create different plan versions or scenarios by altering specific parameters to explore different planning options
going forward. Ultimately, you can choose to approve a Plan of Record.
To plan effectively, consider the following factors:
Formal versus informal planning process. Understand if the planning process in your organization is formal,
informal or a mix of both.
In a formal planning process, plan reviews take longer and changes are implemented in a disciplined manner.
This planning process is applicable when the recommended changes are extensive or the changes require
more review before you can implement them. For example, approving an investment that requires more
budget. Typically, in formal planning, there is a well-defined process of proposals and approvals to plans
before you can change anything.
In an informal planning process, organizations implement changes faster following the reviews. The changes
are smaller and support existing goals. For example, slightly pushing out the start date of an investment.
Informal planning can be as simple as someone going into the system and marking a change as approved
without any formal approval.
In a mixed planning process, organizations implement smaller changes following an informal planning process
and more extensive changes following a more formal approval process.
Planning horizon. Determine the time-span for your portfolio that specifies the planning range of data. To allow
planning for current and future investments, verify that the portfolio horizon covers the planning horizons.
Review cadence. Determine the cadence for your plan reviews. Then you can set up the sync schedule for your
portfolio to reflect the actual investment data when you need it.
Required data for portfolio reviews. Determine the type of data that is required for your reviews. Next, set up your
portfolio to capture the required data from the investments. For example, to review cost and resource information,
you can capture the following key metrics from your portfolio investments:
Days Late
Cost Variance
Effort Variance
Earned Value

Prepare to Use Portfolios

After you have determined the business goals that you want to accomplish using portfolio management, prepare the
product so you can start creating portfolios. Creating a portfolio allows you to manage and plan for your investments at
a higher level.
To prepare to use portfolios, complete the following tasks:
Set up Monitoring Criteria for Investments.
Configure Views, Reports, and Workflows.
Set up Investment and Resource Data.

Set Up Monitoring Criteria for Investments

The portfolio provides a snapshot of the actual investment data. The portfolio data is updated with the latest data from
the actual investments. The update is based on a sync schedule that you define in the portfolio properties. Whenever
the Synchronize Portfolio Investments job runs based on the sync schedule, the latest data from the actual investments
is reflected in the portfolio.
Not all investment data is reflected in a portfolio. As a portfolio manager who decides at higher levels, you care about
reviewing only a summary of your investment data, specific to your business needs. For example, to review a portfolio
that is focused on all approved IT project statuses, you do not care to track information about unapproved projects.

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As you prepare to view the summarized investment data in a portfolio, consider the following factors in the
recommended order:
1. Define the monitoring criteria or summary data that you want to track for each investment type. Whenever the
sync job runs, the latest data from the actual investments is updated in the portfolio investments. The data that
gets updated is based on this predefined monitoring criteria.
For example, to manage a portfolio of all approved IT projects, define the following monitoring criteria to track the data
that you are interested in:
1. For each portfolio investment, select the attributes that you want to monitor in a portfolio and register those
attributes for the Portfolio Investment object. When theSynchronize Portfolio Investments job runs, the portfolio
investment data is updated based on the current registered attributes.
Note: The required Portfolio Investment attributes are displayed by default. Register any other Portfolio Investment
attributes (stock or custom) that you want to display.
For more information about how to register attributes for the Portfolio Investment object, see the Studio Developer

Configure Views, Reports, and Workflows

After deciding what investment data you want to monitor in a portfolio, verify that you have configured the product to
support that data. Configuring the product allows you to view the desired data on portlets and reports.
For example, verify that the following configurations exist:
To view detailed project cost data by period, you have generated cost plans on projects.
To surface risks and issues for projects, you have configured the project object to surface risks and issues.
To record actual time that is spent on each project, you have set up timesheets.
Consider the following factors before you configure the product:
The type of reports you want to generate and how often you want to distribute them.
The types of standard processes you want to build into your implementation. For example, you can set up a plan
review and approval process to approve and implement extensive changes to your actual investments.
To use Portfolio Management to its full capability, complete the following process:
1. Review exactly what type of information you want to pull from your investments.
2. Verify that the required information is available on your investments.
With the data and processes in place, you can then build views of this data to help manage your investments in a
Out of the box, the product comes with many predefined portfolio views. We recommend that you review these views to
decide the type of information you want to see in your portfolio views.

Set up Investment and Resource Data

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To start using portfolios, research and verify that the required setup data exists in the product. The setup data allows
you to view the desired investment information in the portfolio views. Depending on the data that is relevant to your
business, you can set up the following requirements in the product:

Financial Management Setup

Multi-currency. To manage a portfolio of investments that are associated with different currencies, verify that
multi-currency is enabled for the product.For more information about multi-currency set up, see the Installation
Cost types. To break down total cost by capital and operating costs in your portfolio, verify that these cost types
are set up for your investments.
For more information about how to set up cost types, see the Financial Management User Guide.

Resource Management Setup

Roles. To plan resource capacity using role-specific breakdowns, verify that roles are defined for your investments.
For more information about setting up roles, see the Resource Management User Guide.

Project Management Setup

Investments. To create and manage a portfolio of investments, verify that the investments are set up in the
product and resources are assigned to them. For example, to manage a portfolio of IT projects, create the projects
and associated assignments.
For more information about how to set up investments, see the Project Management User Guide.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 1, 2013 [] by admin.

Where are the patches?

Starting with CA Clarity PPM Release 13.2, all patches are downloadable from the CA Support Site using the Download
Center, as shown in the following graphic:

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From the Download Center, you can find the following patches:
12.1.0 Generic Patch. Reference TEC542313
12.1.1 Generic Patch. Reference TEC553491
12.1.2 Generic Patch. Reference TEC572267
12.1.3 Generic Patch. Reference TEC570813
13.0.0 NO Generic Patch.
13.0.1 Generic Patch. Reference TEC572268
13.1.0 Generic Patch. Reference TEC581256
You can find resolved defects for CA Clarity PPM base releases on the Service Pack Information/Resolved Defects Index
page (login required) at this location:
Note: Some KBs are not accessible between 5:00 p.m. pacific daylight time (PDT) to 5:30 p.m. PDT due to maintenance.
If you receive an error trying to open a KB during that time, try again after that time frame.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on August 1, 2013 [] by admin.

How to Display Capital and Operating Costs

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You can show operating and capital costs separately on the financial summary page and in a detailed financial plan. You
can enter the cost information in the following ways:
For a high-level estimate, enter the sums for these expenses directly on the investment financial summary page.
For a more detailed view of cost type information, set up an investment financial plan that collects operating and
capital expenses. You can collect detailed cost information from task assignments or team allocations.

Financial Summary Page

The financial summary page for an investment displays high-level operating and capitalization costs for planned and
budgeted costs. You can edit the amounts on the financial summary until you create a cost plan of record (POR). When
you create a POR, the fields for operating and capitalization costs in the planned and budgeted cost sections of the
financial summary become read-only. The POR information updates the planned cost fields on the financial summary
page automatically. The latest approved budget updates the budget fields.

Detailed Financial Plan

You can create a detailed financial plan manually, or you can populate the plan automatically from tasks or team
allocations. To populate from task or team allocations, Cost Type must be selected as a grouping attribute. To populate
cost and budget plans automatically with capital and operating costs, use one of the following methods:
TasksSpecify an investment-level default (Capital or Operating) for all tasks. If you do not specify a cost type,
the default is Operating. You can override the default at the task or task hierarchy level for individual tasks as
needed. For example, you have an investment in which most tasks have operating costs, and a few tasks have
capital costs. Set the investment cost type as Operating so all tasks inherit the cost type of Operating. For each
task that has capital cost, edit the cost type in those specific tasks to override the default cost type.
Team AllocationsSpecify a capital cost percentage for individual team member allocations. For example, you
have six team members who are assigned to a project. Alice, one of the members, has capital cost of 15 percent.
Specify the capitalization percentage for Alice. The capitalization percentage is used to calculate the percentage of
operating cost and capital cost for an employee allocation. When you populate from the team allocation, Alice has
two lines in the cost plan. One line shows the operating percentage and the other shows units and costs per the
operating percentage.
Important! The procedures in this scenario describe the product navigation with no add-ins installed. If you have an
add-in such as the PMO Accelerator installed, the navigation can vary.

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The following diagram describes how a financial administrator displays capital and operating costs on summary and
detailed financial plans.

To display capital and operating costs, perform these steps:

1. Review the prerequisites.
2. (Optional) Manually update the budget page to display capital and operating costs.
3. Select the method for collecting cost information and create the plan.
4. Set the cost type for specific investment tasks.
5. Set the capitalization percentage for investment team allocations.
6. Verify that the capital and operating costs display correctly.

Review the Prerequisites

Complete the following setup tasks before beginning the procedures described in this scenario:
Verify that you have the <investment> - Edit Financial access right assigned to you.
Associate the investment with an entity.
Verify that the investment has team allocations and tasks assignments if you plan to populate using these options.

(Optional) Manually Update the Financial Summary Page to Display Capital and Operating Costs
To assist with high-level planning, you can manually add capital and operating amounts on the financial summary page.
For example, you have a new project and must deliver high-level, planned cost estimates. You can enter estimates for
operating and capital costs. Once you have created a cost plan of record (POR) or have an approved budget, these fields
become read-only.
Follow these steps:

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1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click the appropriate investment type (for example, Projects).
2. Open the investment and click Properties to open the menu.
3. Click Budget.
4. In the Planned Cost section, enter values for the following fields:
Note: If the POR does not use the Cost Type grouping attribute, the Planned Operating Cost field summarizes
all costs as operating.
Planned Capital CostSpecifies the amount of capital cost that is planned for the investment. If the plan has
a cost POR, the values from the POR populate this field and it becomes read-only.
Planned Capital %Specifies the percentage of total cost that comes from capital. This read-only field is
automatically calculated based on the Planned Cost field value.
Planned Operating CostSpecifies the amount of operating cost that is planned for the investment. If the
plan has a cost POR, the values from the POR populate this field and it becomes read-only.
Planned Operating %The percentage of total costs that comes from operating. This read-only field is
automatically calculated based on the Planned Cost field value.
5. In the Budgeted Cost section, enter values for the following fields.
Note: If Cost Type is not a grouping attribute, then all values are combined in the Budgeted Operating Cost
Budgeted Capital CostSpecifies the amount of capital cost that is budgeted for the investment. This field is
unavailable when:
A POR or approved budget exists. The value is populated from the approved budget. The field becomes
read-only when a POR is created; however, if an approved budget does not exist, the budget fields are
automatically populated with null cost values.
The Budget Equals Planned Values check box is selected and detailed financial plans do not exist.
Budgeted Capital %Specifies the percentage of total budget costs that come from capital. This read-only
field is calculated from the Budgeted Capital Cost field value.
Budgeted Operating CostSpecifies the amount of operating cost that is budgeted for the investment. This
field is unavailable when:
A POR or approved budget exists. The value is populated from the approved budget. The field becomes
visible when a POR is created; however, if an approved budget does not exist, the budget fields are
automatically populated with null cost values.
The Budget Equals Planned Values check box is selected and detailed financial plans do not exist.
Budgeted Operating %Specifies the percentage of total budget costs that come from operating. This
read-only field is calculated from the Budgeted Operating Cost field value.
6. Save your changes.

Select the Method for Collecting Cost Information and Create the Plan
Create the detailed financial plan to update capital and operating costs automatically from either task assignments or
team allocations.
If you plan to populate your financial plan using task assignments, you can override the investment Cost Type setting at
the specific task level. Set the investment default for the cost type when you create the financial plan.
For example, consider an investment with 90 tasks that break down into the following cost types: 80 operating cost
tasks and ten capital cost tasks. In this case, the financial manager sets the investment Cost Type attribute to
Operating. This setting automatically assigns the Operating cost type to all tasks and the 80 operating cost tasks are
correctly identified. For the ten tasks that are capital cost, the financial administrator specifies the cost type at the task
level to override the default setting.
Follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click the appropriate investment type.
2. Open the investment and click Financial Plans.
3. Open the Financial Plans menu and click Cost Plans.The cost plans list appears.
4. Open the Actions menu, and from General, click one of the following options:

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New from Investment Team

New from Task Assignments
The properties page appears showing the default values from the associated entity and investment. You can accept
these default values, or you can change them.
5. Enter a name, ID, and description for the cost plan.
6. Select Cost Type from the Grouping Attribute drop-down list.
7. Save your changes.

Set the Cost Type for Specific Investment Tasks

Cost plans with information that is populated from task assignments can have some tasks with a cost type different from
the default. You can indicate a cost type for a specific task that overrides the default cost type that is selected for the

Example 1
The Cost Type attribute for an investment is set to Operating. However, there are some tasks or task hierarchies that
require the Capital cost type. In this case, you select the Capital cost type for only those tasks. When you populate the
cost plan from tasks assignments, the plan displays a breakdown of capital and operating costs by line item.

Example 2
The Cost Type attribute for an investment is set to Operating. The investment has a parent task with a cost type of
Capital. The parent task has two children tasks: Task 1 has a cost type of Operating and Task 2 has no cost type
In this case, Task 1 has Operating specified and Task 2 inherits the cost type Capital from its parent task. When a cost
plan is created using New from Task Assignments, two rows get created, one for Operating costs and one for Capital
Note: The Cost Type field does not display out-of-the-box for tasks. The system administrator must configure the Tasks
view in in Studio to display the field.
Follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click the appropriate investment type.
2. Open the investment and click Tasks.
3. Open a task and select Capital or Operating from Cost Type.
Note: A child task inherits the selected value, unless it has a different cost type selected.
4. Save your changes.
5. Repeat this procedure for each task that has a different cost type than the one selected for the investment.

Set the Capitalization Percentage for Investment Team Allocations

To show capital costs by team allocation, specify the capitalization percentage value for team members. For example,
you have a team of six people who are assigned to a project. You can specify a capitalization percentage for each team
member. Each member can have a different percentage. The cost plan displays the capital and operating costs for team
members for whom you set a capitalization percentage.
Follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click the appropriate investment type.
2. Open the investment and click Teams.
3. Click Teams to open the menu, then click Staff.
4. Click the properties icon next to a team member name.

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5. Enter a value in the Capitalization % field.The value is used to calculate the percentage of operating cost and
capital cost for the employee allocation.
Note: The Capitalization field does not display out-of-the-box for teams. The system administrator must
configure the Teams view in in Studio to display the field.
6. Click Save and Return.
7. Repeat this procedure for each team member for whom you want to display both capital and operating cost

Verify that Capital and Operating Costs Display Correctly

Verify that the investment capital and operating costs display on the following pages:
Cost Plans Detail
To view the Financial Summary page, follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click the appropriate investment type (for example, Projects).
2. Open the investment and click Properties to open the menu.
3. Click Budget.
To view the Cost Plans Detail page, follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click the appropriate investment type.
2. Open the investment and click Financial Plans.
3. Open the Financial Plans menu and click Cost Plans.The cost plans list appears.
4. Click the name of the POR.
When the capital and operating costs appear on both pages, you have correctly displayed this information.

Copyright 2013 CA. All rights reserved.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 26, 2013 [] by admin.

Using Clarity SQLTrace

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From the CA Clarity PPM Knowledge Base:

The following document explains how the Clarity SQLTrace flag can be used to track database interactions. It includes
the following:
Actual SQL Executed
Parameters passed
Connections used
Connection/result set/statements opened/closed
Returned rows
Execution and open times for SQL Statements
Non-SQL Time. This is the time spent between SQL calls. It can help track down bottlenecks in the AppServer
based on between which SQL statements they occur.
Total time for actions
For an explanation on the valid SQLTrace Flag values, reference TEC513073 Using Clarity SQLTrace Explanation of
Logging Levels

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Enabling Clarity SQLTrace
You turn on the Clarity SQLTrace tool by updating the sqltrace_active field in the CMN_SEC_USERS table for the user
you want to trace.
Before enabling the Clarity SQLTrace for your user, will want to make sure they are logged out of Clarity.

update cmn_sec_users set sqltrace_active=<value> where user_name=<username>


update cmn_sec_users set sqltrace_active=7 where user_name=admin

The above statement sets Clarity SQLTrace to level 7 for the user admin.
The Clarity SQLTrace files are not locked for editing while they are being written to.
This lets you delete the file mid trace. The file will then get re-generated precisely on the next action you perform. This
works for circumstances where you may not want to start the tracing right at login. You may want to only trace one
particular action. In this case, you will want to still enable it before login and let it trace up to the point you actually
want to view. Then you can delete the generate trace file (see below for location and naming convention). Once you
click on the next action, a new trace file will get generated with the same naming convention as the one you just
deleted. The only information in it will be the last action you performed.

Disabling Clarity SQLTrace

After completing the SQLTrace for your user you will need to set the sqltrace_active flag back to NULL.

update cmn_sec_users set sqltrace_active=NULL where user_name=<username>

update cmn_sec_users set sqltrace_active=NULL where user_name=admin
The captured Clarity SQLTrace information will get generated into a log file. The log file is in the form of
<user_name>_<sessionid>.log. This log file will be located in the $CLARITY_HOME$/logs/sqltrace folder. The sqltrace
folder will get generated the first time a Clarity SQLTrace is run.
It should be look something similar to:



Sample Clarity SQLTrace

Attached is a sample Clarity SQLTrace. This trace was generated using Clarity SQLTrace level 7. The following areas
were traced:

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1. Login
2. Click on a project that is on the home page
3. Click on the Team tab
4. Click on the Tasks tab
5. Logout
The samples and example below references come from the data in the attached Clarity SQLTrace file.

Clarity SQLTrace Components

The information below is meant to cover the most important SQLTraces pieces. It is not a comprehensive list of all of the
functions captured by Clarity SQLTrace. All examples are taken from the sample Clarity SQLTrace file.
StartAction Specifies the start of the requested page action. This directly corresponds to the action= portion of your
browsers URL.

StartAction: npt.overview Date: Thu Jun 15 09:48:14 PDT 2006 UserName: admin SessionId:

PMD:STATEMENT Specified the name of the SQL query being executed and the file it is being executed from.

PMD:STATEMENT: union.getUserPage in personalization.xml

NDE:PSTM@b8584d: Non-SQL Time: 0
SELECT id, up.page_id, up.user_id, page.page_code, up.layout_id,
pl.layout_code, up.is_user_personalization

cmn_user_pages up, cmn_pages page, cmn_page_layouts pl


page.page_code = ?


up.page_id =

AND = up.layout_id


up.user_id = ?


up.object_type = ?


up.object_instance_id = ?

NDE:CONN@df4bfc: prepareStatement(string)
NDE:PSTM@b8584d: setObject(): 1, npt.overview
NDE:PSTM@b8584d: setInt(): 2, 1
NDE:PSTM@b8584d: setObject(): 3, SYSTEM
NDE:PSTM@b8584d: setObject(): 4, -1
NDE:PSTM@b8584d: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0
NDE:PSTM@b8584d: close(): Open Time: 0
EndAction - Specifies the end of requested page action. It includes the full time (in milliseconds) the action took to

EndAction : npt.overview TotalTime: 844 msecs

execute(): ExecuteTime = the amount of time (in milliseconds) it takes to execute or run the query statement that
appears in the log
Non-SQL Time = the amount of time spent between SQL calls. It can help track down bottlenecks in the application
close(): Open Time = the amount of time elapsed from the time the query statement has been created to the time it
has been closed. Within this time you can also have the execution and non-sql time.

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Therefore Open Time = execution time + non-sql time + other time (this other time is the amount of time we keep the
statement open after execution time i.e. fetch time)

Reading SQL statements

Here is a sample SQL statement from the Clarity SQLTrace log:

PMD:STATEMENT: union.getUserPage in personalization.xml

NDE:PSTM@b8584d: Non-SQL Time: 0
SELECT id, up.page_id, up.user_id, page.page_code, up.layout_id,
pl.layout_code, up.is_user_personalization

cmn_user_pages up, cmn_pages page, cmn_page_layouts pl


page.page_code = ?


up.page_id =

AND = up.layout_id


up.user_id = ?


up.object_type = ?


up.object_instance_id = ?

NDE:CONN@df4bfc: prepareStatement(string)
NDE:PSTM@b8584d: setObject(): 1, npt.overview
NDE:PSTM@b8584d: setInt(): 2, 1
NDE:PSTM@b8584d: setObject(): 3, SYSTEM
NDE:PSTM@b8584d: setObject(): 4, -1
NDE:PSTM@b8584d: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0
NDE:PSTM@b8584d: close(): Open Time: 0
The parameters coming into the query are represented via ? . Those parameters are shown via setObject (for
strings) and setInt (for numbers).
Non-SQL Time: This is the amount of time between the last query executed and the new query executing.
ExecuteTime: This is the amount of time the database physically takes execute the query.
Open Time: This is the amount of time it takes the app server to process the query result.

Using Clarity SQLTrace with a complex text editor

A complex text editor would be considered one that has advanced features like Find in Files. Notepad and Wordpad do
not have these features. Some examples of complex text editors would be UltraEdit? or Crimson Editor?. Any text editor
with the Find in Files feature should work. These examples below are being executed with UltraEdit?.
You can do more complex analyzing of SQLTrace files by filtering out appropriate data.

To trace user activity through SQLTrace

This can be done using two different search criteria.
Searching via StartAction
1. Open up the SQLTrace file into the editor.
2. Use the editors Find in Files feature and search for StartAction
The results will look similar to:

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Find StartAction in C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log :

C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/2: StartAction: npt.overview Date: Thu Jun 15 09:48:14 PDT
2006 UserName: admin SessionId: 5000040__14b525c:10bd887ea86:-7ffc1150390094249
C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/587: StartAction: projmgr.projectDefaultTab Date: Thu Jun 15
09:48:16 PDT 2006 UserName: admin SessionId: 5000040__14b525c:10bd887ea86:-7ffc1150390094249
C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/609: StartAction: projmgr.projectProperties Date: Thu Jun 15
09:48:16 PDT 2006 UserName: admin SessionId: 5000040__14b525c:10bd887ea86:-7ffc1150390094249
C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/1340: StartAction: projmgr.roster Date: Thu Jun 15 09:48:19
PDT 2006 UserName: admin SessionId: 5000040__14b525c:10bd887ea86:-7ffc1150390094249
C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/1582: StartAction: collab.projectParticipants Date: Thu Jun 15
09:48:19 PDT 2006 UserName: admin SessionId: 5000040__14b525c:10bd887ea86:-7ffc1150390094249
C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/2137: StartAction: projmgr.keyTaskList Date: Thu Jun 15
09:48:21 PDT 2006 UserName: admin SessionId: 5000040__14b525c:10bd887ea86:-7ffc1150390094249
C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/2761: StartAction: security.logoutAction Date: Thu Jun 15
09:48:22 PDT 2006 UserName: admin SessionId: 5000040__14b525c:10bd887ea86:-7ffc1150390094249
Found StartAction 7 time(s).
Search complete, found StartAction 7 time(s). (1 files.)
You could also search via EndAction .

Find EndAction in C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log :

C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/537: EndAction: npt.overview TotalTime: 844 msecs
C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/604: EndAction: projmgr.projectDefaultTab TotalTime: 16 msecs
C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/1335: EndAction: projmgr.projectProperties TotalTime: 1047
C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/1577: EndAction: projmgr.roster TotalTime: 125 msecs
C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/2132: EndAction: collab.projectParticipants TotalTime: 297
C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/2756: EndAction: projmgr.keyTaskList TotalTime: 453 msecs
C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log/2762: EndAction: security.logoutAction TotalTime: 0 msecs
Found EndAction 7 time(s).
Search complete, found EndAction 7 time(s). (1 files.)
Searching for StartAction gives you a complete timestamp of when the action was executed. Searching for EndAction
gives the total amount of time the action took to complete.

To find query execution times

In some cases, you may be looking for a particular query that is running long. The above example tells you how long the
complete action takes. That action could have multiple queries being executed.
1. Open up the SQLTrace file into the editor.
2. Use the editors Find in Files feature and search for ExecuteTime
3. Find ExecuteTime in C:sqltrace_logsadmin_5000040.log :

NDE:PSTM@b8584d: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0


NDE:PSTM@f023c: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0


NDE:PSTM@11c34fb: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0


NDE:PSTM@101f417: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0


NDE:CSTM@1c346d0: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0


NDE:CSTM@15e236a: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0


NDE:CSTM@167436c: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0


NDE:CSTM@7b9969: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0


NDE:CSTM@94de98: execute(): ExecuteTime: 16


NDE:CSTM@1a1ee47: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0


NDE:PSTM@22af8c: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0

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NDE:PSTM@1fae1cd: execute(): ExecuteTime: 406


NDE:PSTM@160a2f1: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0


NDE:PSTM@160a2f1: execute(): ExecuteTime: 0

Found ExecuteTime 143 time(s).

Search complete, found ExecuteTime 143 time(s). (1 files.)
All of the query execution times are shown. In this sample, the slowest running query was 406 milliseconds. If you want
to find that query in the SQLTrace, use the basic find feature in the editor. Search for the ID of the query statement.
NDE:PSTM@ 1fae1cd : execute(): ExecuteTime: 406
This will lead you to the start of the query.

NDE:PSTM@1fae1cd: Non-SQL Time: 31

select,, na1.action_code, nm1.is_default,
nm1.parent_menu_id, nm.menu_item_level menu_item_level, nm1.position position,
nm1.image_name, nm1.is_required,
nm1.principal_type principal_type, nm1.principal_id,
1 has_permission, na1.policy_id, action_id, nm.container_id frame_id

cmn_menu_items nm, cmn_actions na, cmn_captions_nls c, cmn_actions na1,

cmn_menu_items nm1, cmn_pages tab

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 25, 2013 [] by admin.

How Should I Configure Timeslices in Clarity?

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From the CA Clarity PPM Message Board

Are any Best Practices in configuring our Time Slices within Clarity.

Based on the amount of data and the reporting needs of your individual implementation, you may need a consultation to
determine the amount and type of time slices that are needed to fulfill your requirements.
There is no need to slice estimates in the past. We recommend that you set the From Date to the start of the current
month. Most customers maintain daily slice data for ETC one year in the future. If you need to look further out we
suggest using monthly data. For daily estimates, in addition to setting the From Date to the start of the current month
the Number of Periods should be set to 365.

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If you require daily actual data for a year in the past, we recommend that you set your From Date for the Actuals slice
request to the start of the current month 1 year in the past. For example, if today is June 15, 2011 set the from date to
June 01, 2010. Also set the Number of Periods to 400. This will store a year in the past as well as a month in the future
in case anybody creates and submits a timesheet early. If you need to look further back we suggest using monthly data.
The logical configuration for both Baseline and Availability slice data should start at the beginning of the period defined
for Actuals Time Slice definitions through the period defined for Estimates Time Slice definitions. Set the Baseline and
Availability From Date to same From date as Actuals slice request and change the number of periods to 730.
The following 5 Daily Time Slice Definitions must be set to start at a minimum to start at least 3 months prior to the
current month and to start on the first day of the month. This configuration is required for populating Datamart tables
without any gaps in the prior 3 months from current month.
EXAMPLE: If the current date is in June 2011, then set the following Time Slice Definitions to start on March 01, 2011
Slice ID = 1, 2, 3, 10, 11

If you are not maintaining allocation at the Project level company wide, you may have no need to maintain slice data for
allocation. This is by far the largest portion of slice data, and if it is not entirely valid it can be dramatically reduced. We
recommend that if you do not set project level allocation you should set the Number of Periods to four (4) for Allocation
slice request. This will minimize the amount of data that is being stored for Allocation slices and also populate in the
Datamart tables.
If you are truly using this allocation data it should also be in the same range as Baseline and Availability Time Slice
definitions. We recommend that you enforce setting project allocations company wide and be sure to properly zero out
any remaining/unused allocations. If allocations are set properly on active projects only valid data will be stored in
timeslice therefore dramatically reducing the amount of records needed to maintain allocations.
We also recommend that you zero out Remaining Allocation, as seen on the Project Roster/Team page, for
inactive/closed projects. To zero out the resources Remaining Allocation, we recommend that you set the allocation
finish date to the last date the resource worked on the project. Remaining Allocation takes into account the last date
the actuals were tracked by the resource. This date should be set as the allocation finish date if the resource is no
longer working on the project. Zeroing out any unnecessary Remaining Allocation will reduce the amount of data stored
in timeslice, and make your data more realistic. The easiest way, although less accurate way to release unused resource
allocation, is to ensure ETC is zero and then click Allocate From Estimates button on the Roster/Team page. This
method of using the Allocate from Estimates button for resource with zero ETC is provided as a quick and easy method
to zero out allocation. If this doesnt meet your specific needs, use the recommended method, stated above, because it
more closely reflects reality.
You can count the records in prj_blb_slices to check the progress on the Timeslice rebuild. The Last Run date will begin

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to populate when the slices are completed.

You can also use the query below to check the status. Youll see the status go from 1 (needs to be sliced), then to 2
(processing), then to NULL (completed). It will go table by table and process 1000 rows at a time.

SELECT Assignment Slice_Object, Count(*), SLICE_STATUS

FROM prassignment
UNION SELECT Allocation Slice_Object, Count(*),SLICE_STATUS
UNION SELECT Availability Slice_Object, Count(*),SLICE_STATUS
FROM prj_resources

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 18, 2013 [] by admin.

Tuesday Tip: Add-ins Now Easier to Install in V13.2

Add-ins are included with the product and are ready for installing. You do not need to download a separate add-in
installation executable file.
For a new 13.2 installation, the PMO Accelerator and Clarity Solution Pack (CSP) components are required.
Follow these steps:
1. On the clarity application server, open a command prompt and enter the command with the appropriate add-in
installation id. For example to install the PMO Accelerator, enter the following command: admin content csk
2. After the installation is complete, review the logs, and go into Clarity Administration, Add-ins to review items that
may need further action.

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For more details check out the Installation Guide.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 16, 2013 [] by admin.

Creating a Process or Job to Approve Timesheets

From the CA Clarity PPM Message Board.

In my organization, we are big into the transparency, responsibility and accountability surrounding scheduled work and
Our requirements are:
1. Managers are responsible for the time approval.
2. Approvals are due by COB Monday for the previous weeks work (submitted COB Friday).
3. We keep 4 weeks in history open (on a roll) because in the end were not all robots. Reality happens.
4. Provide transparency (portlets & reports) into compliance for all users to promote responsibility, accountability and

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Everything is perfect, right? Well, not exactly. Weve found occasional fail points around approvals a little farther
up the chain than we can affect. In the end we want the data, so we keep a backstop job to approve old
submitted timesheets.
5. Provide secret functionality to keep timesheets as complete as possible when the business process fails.

Solution: Super Secret Submitted Timesheet Approve Job

The business rules for the job:
Once a week, the job runs and auto approves all timesheets sitting in a submitted status where the time period is 4
weeks behind our last open time period. The job marks the timesheets approved by Admin, so we have visibility into the
business process umm opportunities (below).
This allows us to:

Keep focus on the appropriate responsibilities and accountabilities of the business process.
Maintain well defined operational business rules for the system that re-enforce/keeps pressure on the
above. Im sorry, that time period is closed as per our operational process. There is nothing I can do, please
ensure you do better in the future.
Keep admin burden to zero (other than to feign empathy while saying buzz off, as detailed above).
Make sure that, at the end of the day, weve banked all bankable time, even when the business process has
The system is going to eventually (after 8 weeks) approve the timesheet denied in point #2, Im just not tellin
When to Process v Job?

Processes are Event based. Jobs are Scheduled. What solution does your problem require?
Jobs run then quit (low overhead). Processes well Im biased. Ill stay out of this.
Timesheet Processes are Out of the Box, fully supported and in use by many. Jobs are not. I will not post code
for this (this is peligroso) I just wanted to expand the possibilities of this discussion.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 12, 2013 [] by admin.

How to Personalize Pages in CA Clarity PPM

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As an application user, you can personalize your pages so that they display the information you need. By personalizing a
page, you view only the content that is relevant to your task and you can display the content on the page in a way that
best suits you.
Each CA Clarity PPM page is composed of portlets and the page content can be organized into tabs.
To personalize a page, you can:
Add a portlet
Add a new tab and tab content to tabbed pages
Edit tab details
Reorder tabs
Delete a tab
Note: The changes you make are visible only to you.
The following diagram describes how an application user personalizes pages:

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To personalize pages, perform these steps:

1. Review Prerequisites
2. Manage Page Content
3. Add a Filter to a Page
4. Manage Page Layouts
5. Manage Page Tabs

Review Prerequisites
To successfully personalize pages, the following tasks must be completed:
You must have sufficient access rights. For more information, see the Access Rights section in the Personalizing CA
Clarity PPM User Guide.Note: If you have the privileges to personalize, the related menus or icons appear on a
page or a portlet toolbar.
The page must be editable. Your CA Clarity PPM administrator must enable the Allow users to add tabs and

Manage Page Content

You can manage the page content by adding or removing portlets, or restoring default portlets.
Follow these steps:
1. On the page, click the Personalize icon that is located at the right top corner.The Content page with a list of
portlets already displayed on the page appears.
2. Click Add and in the Select Content dialog, select the portlets that you want to add to the page.
3. Click Add or Add and Select More.
4. On the Content page, click Return to save the changes and return to the page or click Continue to make further
configuration settings.The new portlet is added to the page.
To remove portlets from the page or restore the default content, use the Remove or Restore Defaults buttons.

Add a Page Filter

You can add a filter portlet to a page to filter the page content.

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Follow these steps:

1. On the page, click the Personalize icon located at the right top corner.
2. Go to the Page Filters tab.The list of filters that the page already contains appears.
3. Click Add and select a filter from the list of available filters.
4. Click Add.The filter is added to the list of page filters for the page.
5. (Optional) Set the Persist and Default options.
PersistIf you are adding the filter portlet to pages and you want the values in the filter to persist when you
move from one page to another, select the Persist check box. Filter values will persist only across pages that
use the same filter portlet.
DefaultSelect the Default option for the desired page filter default. The first filter published to the page is the
page filter default unless a selection indicates otherwise.
6. Save the changes.

Manage Page Layouts

Change the layout of the page by reordering the page content.
Follow these steps:
1. On the page, click the Personalize icon that is located at the right top corner.
2. Go to the Layout tab.
3. In the Layout field, select the layout template for the portlets.Each option provides the number of columns and the
percentage of the page given to each column. In the Row Layout option, the number of portlets you place in a row
determines the percentage of space given to a portlet.
4. In the boxes that represent columns on the page, use the arrow keys to move the portlets in the order you want
for the page.
5. Save the changes.

Manage Page Tabs

You can create your personalized workspace by managing the tabs that appear on a page and the portlets that appear
on each tab.
Use the Manage Tabs page to complete the following tasks:
Add new tabs and select the portlets for these tabs.
Edit, reorder or delete tabs.

Add a New Tab and Tab Content

Add a new tab to a page, and then add the portlets you want displayed on the page. The new tabs that you add appear
next as the last tab on the page.
Follow these steps:
1. On the page, click the Manage My Tabs icon.The Manage Tabs page appears showing the list of existing tabs.
2. Click New.
3. Complete the Tab Name and Description fields and click Save and Continue.The Content page appears.
4. Add the portlets that you want to appear on the new tab, and click Continue.The Filter Content page appears.
5. Add a page filter and click Continue.The Layout page appears.
6. Configure the layout and click Save and Return.A new tab is created.

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Edit Tabs
Edit the properties and content of existing tabs.
Note: You cannot edit the properties of all tabs. If the tab can be edited, it shows a link when you hover the mouse
cursor over the list. You can edit the properties of custom tabs you create.
Follow these steps:
1. On the page, click the Manage Project Tabs icon.
2. On the Manage Tabs page, click the name of the tab that you want to edit.
3. You can edit:
Page properties
Page content
Page Layout
4. Save the changes.
On the Manage Tabs page you can also delete selected tabs or reorder them. Use the respective buttons.
Note: You can remove the tabs that you create on a page. You cannot remove the CA Clarity PPM default tabs, or the
tabs installed with the PMO Accelerator add-in.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 9, 2013 [] by admin.

Clarity PPM 12.1/SP3 General Availability Announcement

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Date: June 13, 2013

To: Clarity Customers
From: The CA Technologies Clarity PPM Product Team
Subject: General Availability Announcement for Clarity PPM 12.1/SP3
On behalf of CA Technologies, we appreciate your business and the opportunity to provide you with high-quality,
innovative software and services. As part of our ongoing commitment to customer success, we regularly release
updated patches for our products. Today, we are pleased to announce that Clarity PPM 12.1/SP3 Cumulative Patch
7( is now available.
You can download your copy of from CA Support Online The patch is included as a
download component on the Clarity base product you are licensed under. If you have any questions or require
assistance contact CA Customer Care online at where you can submit an
online request using the Customer Care web form: You can also
call CA Customer Care at +1-800-225-5224 in North America or see for the local number in
your country.
To review CA Support lifecycle policies, please review the CA Support Policy and Terms located at:
Thank you again for your business.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 8, 2013 [] by admin.

CA Technologies Receives Strong Positive Rating in Gartners IT Project and

Portfolio Management MarketScope Report

By Mary Cauwels
Its with great pleasure that I announce that CA Technologies received a Strong Positive rating, the highest rating
possible, in the 2013 Gartner MarketScope for IT Project and Portfolio Software Applications*.

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According to the report: IT project and portfolio management (PPM) leaders are under extreme pressure to improve the
speed, accuracy and agility of their project organizations, while also managing risks and costs. IT PPM software products
included in this MarketScope are rising to meet the challenges of portfolio, program or project management office (PMO)
leaders, or program/project managers and resource managers that continue to struggle with:
Selecting IT programs and IT Projects, prioritizing them, and executing them at the right time
Matching and/or balancing IT Supply (human resources, time or money) with IT demand (investments, programs,
projects and unplanned work)
Monitoring and reporting IT project status and IT expenditures to date
Improving IT project execution efficiency
Proactively addressing emergencies on IT projects
Addressing changes to the existing and planned IT projects triggered by shifts in business direction
Organizations are looking to get the most value out of their PPM solutions, and want the flexibility of choosing from a
robust, feature rich solution with an aggressive development and innovation path. We feel CA Clarity PPM is a strong
choice, and we are extremely pleased with Gartners analysis.
Read more by downloading a complimentary copy of the Gartner report here. I also suggest you explore to learn more about our outstanding CA ClarityTM Solution. Youll find white papers,
demonstrations, case studies and more.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 8, 2013 [] by admin.

How to Explore Alternate Portfolio Plans

A plan is a subset of your portfolio data that allows you to explore the alternatives for your portfolio investments using a
what if environment.

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As a portfolio manager, you want to evaluate portfolios and plans and understand how the portfolios are executing
against the plans. With the larger content defined in a portfolio, you can create specific plans within the portfolio
horizon. You can use these plans to work with subsets of the portfolio content in a focused manner.
To explore different options, you can create versions of a plan by changing the parameters of the original plan. You can
then view comparison reports to compare the different versions or scenarios for the existing work. Ultimately, you can
approve a plan as the Plan of Record or the plan that you want to use and implement.

Example: Portfolio Planning Process

The Office of CIO at Forward Inc. regularly reviews their current plans within the overall IT portfolio. As part of typical
business cycles, they explore alternate scenarios for how they can use the IT budget and resources to accomplish their
portfolio objectives. Depending on the nature and size of the recommended changes, the CIO staff adopts the following
approach during the plan reviews:
For small and focused changes, they consider implementing those changes immediately, provided the changes
support existing goals and only small changes to operational plans. For example, pushing out an investment start
date by two months, or placing an investment on hold due to current project overruns and resource constraints.
For more extensive changes that require extra review, they capture these changes in named versions of plans or
scenarios. They circulate these scenarios to the stakeholders and collect feedback in a more formal and disciplined
review process. For example, an annual planning process can involve two formal review cycles. The first review is
with the IT leadership team. The second review is with the Executive Steering Committee made up of senior
leaders from major divisions of the company.
The following diagram describes how the portfolio manager and stakeholders explore alternate plans for the portfolio

To explore the alternate portfolio plans, perform these steps:

1. Verify the Prerequisites
2. Create a Plan within a Portfolio
3. Generate Versions of the Plan or Scenarios

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4. Compare the Plans or Scenarios

5. Designate the Plan of Record

Verify the Prerequisites

To explore alternate plans for your portfolio, complete these steps:
Review the How to Get Started with Portfolio Management scenario and set up the required data in the product.
Create the portfolio content for which you want to do alternate planning.
Verify that the existing portfolios reflect all the approved and proposed work for a given department. Some of the
proposed work can exist as unapproved projects and ideas.
Associate the investments with costs and resources and populate them with the required information.
Install and apply the PMO Accelerator add-in for viewing the portfolio reports that you can use to compare your
portfolio plans.Note: For more information about how to install the add-in, and for details about the portfolio
reports, see the PMO Accelerator Product Guide.

Create a Plan within a Portfolio

To work with a subset of your portfolio data and explore the alternatives for your portfolio investments, create one or
more named plans. For example, you can create the following plans for the IT Investments portfolio that spans a
planning horizon of three fiscal years.
FY13 One-Year Plan for IT
FY13 Three-Year Plan for IT
To create a plan, modify the following parameters that you predefined at the portfolio level:
Start and finish dates. The start and finish dates of the plan as a subset of the portfolio horizon. For example, if the
portfolio horizon spans Jan 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015, you can create a one-year plan from Jan 1, 2014 to
December 31, 2014.
Default planning targets. The cost, resource, and benefit targets for the planning period as a subset of the portfolio
targets. For example, if you are planning for only one year, you can reduce the targets accordingly.

Example: First Round of Planning

The office of CIO at Forward Inc., is conducting an annual IT portfolio planning meeting with the staff. The portfolio
manager who is also the portfolio planner attends the meeting to capture and reflect planning options that the team is
considering. In the current planning session, the team is considering projects that they want to fund as part of the PMO
portfolio. To prepare for this meeting, the portfolio manager creates the 2014 IT PMO Plan to reflect the following work:
Projects that are currently started.
Projects that have not yet started but that are approved.
Projects that are unapproved but that have a proposed start during the planning horizon.
Ideas that are not approved but have a proposed start during the planning horizon.
Follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.
2. Open the portfolio for which you want to create a plan.
3. Click Plans and then click New.
4. Complete the requested information.

Generate Versions of the Plan or Scenarios

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Modify your plans and save them as alternate versions or scenarios. You can view comparison reports for your portfolio
plan versions and can arrive at the best possible decisions about your portfolio investments.
You can generate alternate versions of a plan by potentially changing the portfolio targets, content, and specific
investment attributes (for example, dates, status, resources). For example, copy a plan and create another version by
reducing the cost by a specific percentage.

Example: Generating Plan Versions

At a planning meeting with the CIO staff, the IT portfolio manager at Forward Inc. selects the 2014 IT PMO Plan. The
portfolio manager presents the Waterline view for the plan to show the following details to the staff:
1. All projects and their current ranking.
2. The project demands as they compare to the targeted constraints for costs, resources, and benefits.
3. The capital costs, engineering resources, business analyst resources, and project management resources as they
are compare to the targeted constraints for costs and resources.
The staff reviews the priority list and makes the following observations:
1. Out of the $20 million targeted cost budget, they have $15 million worth of projects currently above the waterline
or funded.
2. Out of the $30 million benefits they are targeting, their funded projects only represent $20 million worth of
benefits. The funded projects appear above the waterline in the view.
3. Out of the 70 resources available for project work, they have already committed 60 to the funded projects.
The CIO speaks about how employees must use resources more efficiently and must work towards accomplishing the
following business objectives:
1. A company initiative to reduce costs by 10 percent by outsourcing 20 percent of the staff. IT is committed to this
2. The need for IT to be more strategic. The Sales team wants to invest in a new SaaS (software as a service) sales
solution. The solution costs $6 million and there is only $5 million left in the IT budget. The new solution promises
an extra $10 million in benefits that can help meet the benefit target.
3. The Finance team has just delivered a mandatory project that costs $ 500, 000. The project does not produce any
benefits but meets a regulatory requirement for the company to stay in business.
The portfolio manager creates another version of the plan by copying the 2014 IT PMO Plan and renaming it to Option
One: 10 Percent Cut plus CIO Commitments. In the new plan version, the portfolio manager makes the following
1. Reduces the target cost by 10 percent in the distributed target.
2. Changes the mix of planned IT resources so that 20 percent are outsourced.
3. Changes the staffing of roles from local roles to outsourced roles to reflect the desire to outsource.
4. Moves the mandatory finance project above the waterline, consuming $ 500,000.
5. Approves or moves the SaaS project above the waterline, consuming $6 million.
The portfolio manager reviews the new version of the plan with the CIO and staff.
Together they observe that the department is still $1.5 million over their cost target but is meeting their benefit target.
Also, they are still missing their local and outsourced targets. They make the following changes to the plan:
1. Move the low priority, Web-Based Benefits System project below the waterline, freeing up $1 million in costs and
four resources. Now they are only $ 500,000 over the budget.
2. Outsource 20 percent of their work and close the gap between their local and outsourced targets.
3. Assign the task of creating new resource plans and cost plans with the new resourcing targets to the PMO director.

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The portfolio manager saves the changes to the plan and notifies the staff. The CIO likes the new plan but expresses
that they are doing business in the reactive mode. If the IT group can focus more on the strategic opportunities in the
company, they could add much more value to the bottom line. They can make a bigger impact by generating more
funds. For example, there are two small projects on the list, a Contact Management initiative and a Sales Compensation
Transformation proposal. The projects are relatively low in cost ($1.3 million), but they promise a $13 million return on
the investment.
Based on the CIO inputs, the portfolio manager creates another version of the plan called Option 2: Increase Budget
and Strategic Work with Significant Impact. In this version, the portfolio manager makes the following adjustments and
shows the new plan to the CIO:
1. Increases the high-level target for cost as defined in the portfolio properties by $2 million.
2. Raises the high-level target for benefit as defined in the portfolio properties by $13 million.
3. Moves the Web-Based Benefits System project that the team previously decided to suspend below the waterline
freeing up $1 million.
4. Moves the mandatory finance project above the waterline, approving it and consuming $500, 000.
5. Moves the SaaS project above the waterline, approving it and consuming $6 million.
6. Adds the two strategic projects that the CIO mentioned above the waterline, consuming $1.3 million in costs and
adding $13 million in benefits.
Follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.
2. Open the portfolio for which you want to create a plan version.
3. Click Plans.
4. Select the plan for which you want to create a version and click Copy.
5. To create a different version of the plan, rename the plan.
6. Edit the plan properties that are based on the new requirements.

Compare the Plans or Scenarios

Once you change plans, analyze and evaluate those changes to understand the implications of the changes as if the
plans are real.
To compare different versions of a plan by the following factors, use portfolio reports:
1. Portfolio constraints
2. Investment counts
3. Financial metrics (for example, NPV, ROI)
Note: To access and view the portfolio reports that you can use to compare your portfolio plans, install and apply the
PMO Accelerator add-in. For more information about how to install the add-in, and for details about the portfolio reports,
see the PMO Accelerator Product Guide.

Example: Comparing Portfolio Planning Scenarios

The CIO at Forward Inc. reviews the new version of the plan now called Option 2: Increase Budget and Strategic Work
with Significant Impact: He makes the observation that all the mandatory work is above the waterline with the scope
for doing more strategic work.
The CIO expresses the desire for some more data to make a case for extra funding.
The portfolio manager selects the following portfolio plans and runs comparison reports:

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2014 IT PMO Plan

Option 1: Ten percent Cut plus CIO Commitments
Option 2: Increase Budget and Strategic Work with Significant Impact
Using the reports, the staff can compare the following aspects of the portfolio plans or scenarios:
The difference in overall planned cost, planned benefits, and other financial metrics by plan.
The difference in overall planned cost, planned benefits, and other financial metrics by investment.
The difference in investment rankings or waterline views by plan.
Follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.
2. Open the portfolio for which you want to compare plans.
3. Click Plans.
4. Select the plans that you want to compare and click Compare.
5. Select a comparison report for the portfolio plans.

Designate the Plan of Record

The plan of record (POR) is the portfolio plan that you intend to use for the portfolio to implement future investment
As you explore different options for a portfolio, you can refer to previous versions of the plans or scenarios you have
considered. Once you decide to pursue a given plan, adopt that plan and all its changes as the POR.

Example: Selecting the POR

Through the planning and review process, the portfolio planning staff at Forward Inc. quickly sees that the Option 2 plan
is preferable. Compared to Option 1 plan, Option 2 plan offers the following advantages:
1. Higher ROI
2. Greater benefit per resource
The staff gathers other important data using other portfolio plans to make their case for pursuing Option 2 as a better
The CIO reviews the options with the Executive Steering Committee and recommends Option 2 as the path going
forward. Once the executives see the data, they agree that Option 2 makes the most sense. The CIO communicates the
change of plans to the portfolio manager. The portfolio manager designates the Option 2 plan as the POR for the
Follow these steps:
1. Open Home, and from Portfolio Management, click Portfolios.
2. Open the portfolio for which you want to designate a plan of record.
3. Click Plans.
4. Select the desired plan and click Set Plan of Record.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 4, 2013 [] by admin.

How to Configure Menus

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You can configure the Home and Administration menus to simplify the organization and accessibility of information for
users, based on their organizational role. You can configure these menus as follows:
Add a link to a page or a user action.
Add a section.
Remove and reorder a section or link.
Here are some examples of how you can configure the Home and Administration menus using the Menu Manager in
Use the Administration Tool Menu to configure the Administration menu. For example, you can add a link to the
Create Project page on the Administration menu.
Use the Application Menu to configure the Home menu. For example, you can add a link to the Resource List page
on the Home menu.
Note: You can also use the Favorites menu to store a link to any page for easy access. This scenario does not describe
how to use the Favorites menu. For more information about using the Favorites menu, see the Basics User Guide.
The following diagram describes how a system administrator configures menus.

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Perform these steps to configure menus:

Review the prerequisites
Add a page link
Add an action link
Add a section
Remove a section or a link
Reorder a section or a link
Verify the menu configurations

Review the Prerequisites

Review the following prerequisites to help ensure that you can successfully configure menus.
Access Rights
You need the following access rights:
Administration Access
Administration Studio
Other Information
Determine the following information before you configure the menu:
The menu that you want to customize (Home or Administration).
How to display the menu item (as a section, page link, or action link).
Verify that the menu item that you want to add as a section, page link, or an action link exists.

Add a Page Link

Add a page link to a menu to access that page from the Home or Administration menu. Use the Administration Tool
Menu to manage the Administration menu and the Application Menu to manage the Home menu.
For example, if a project manager accesses the Resource Allocations page regularly, you can add a link to that page on
the Home menu. Adding a link to the Resource Allocations page allows the project manager to access this page without
navigating through multiple pages.

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Follow these steps:

1. Open Administration, and from Studio, click Menu Manager.
2. Click the menu name that you want to configure.The menu hierarchy page appears.
3. Click Add.
4. Select Page Link and click Next.
5. Complete the requested information. The following fieldsrequire explanation:
Link Name: Defines the name of the page link. The link name is thelabel of the page link that appears in the
Page Name: Specifies the page to display when you click the page link.
Parent Menu Item: Specifies the parent menu item in which this link appears.For example, if you select
Personal, the page link appearsgrouped under the Personal menu item in the Home menu.
6. Save the changes.

Add an Action Link

Add an action link to the menu to access that action from the Home or Administration menu. When you click the link,
the associated page to create that action appears.
For example, if a project manager creates action items regularly, you can add a link to the Create Action Item page on
the Home menu. Adding a link to the Create Action Item page allows the project manager to access this page without
navigating through multiple pages.

Follow these steps:

1. Open Administration, and from Studio, click Menu Manager.
2. Click the menu name that you want to configure. The menu hierarchy page appears.
3. Click Add.
4. Select Action Link and click Next.
5. Complete the requested information. The following fields require explanation:
Link Name: Defines the name of the link that appears in the menu.
Action Name: Specifies the action when you click the action link.
Parent Menu Item: Specifies the parent menu item in which this link appears. For example, if you select
Personal, the action link appears grouped under the Personal menu item in the Home menu.
6. Save your changes.

Add a Section
The CA Clarity PPM menus are divided into menu items and each menu item is called a section. or example, the Home
menu includes the following sections: Personal, Organization, IT Service Management, and so on.
Add a section to add page links and action links as menu items. For example, you can add a section called Current
Project for a project in the Home menu. You can then add page and action links associated with the project to this
section. Adding this section allows the project manager to access project-related information from the Home menu.

Follow these steps:

1. Open Administration, and from Studio, click Menu Manager.
2. Click the menu name that you want to configure. The menu hierarchy page appears.
3. Click Add.
4. Select Section and click Next.
5. Complete the requested information.
6. Save your changes.

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Remove a Section or a Link

Remove a section or a link if it is no longer needed. For example, you can remove the Current Project section you added
after the completion of the project. You can only remove sections or links that you have created, and not the default
sections or links. If you remove a section or a link that a user is viewing, they do not see the change until the next time
they log in.

Follow these steps:

1. Open Administration, and from Studio, click Menu Manager.
2. Select the menu on the Menu Manager page.
3. Select the check box next to the section or link that youwant to remove, and click Remove. The Confirm Menu
Item Delete page appears.
4. Click Yes.

Reorder a Section or a Link

Reorder the sections or links to change the way they appear in the menu. For example, you can reorder the sections in
the Administration menu to display Portfolio Management above IT Service Management on the Menu Hierarchy page.

Follow these steps:

1. Open Administration, and from Studio, click Menu Manager.
2. Click the menu name that you want to reorder.
3. Click Reorder.
4. Select the menu item in the list and click the arrows tomove the item to a new position.
5. Save your changes.
Note: If you do not see your changes reflected in the menu, click Refresh.

Verify the Menu Configurations

After configuring the menus, verify your changes to make sure they are correct. For example, verify that the Current
Projects section is added to the Home menu.
Follow these steps:
1. Log in to Clarity.
2. Verify that the link appears in the menu.
3. Click the link to verify that it navigates to the correctpage.
After you verify all menu configurations, you have successfully configured the menus.

This entry was posted in CA Clarity PPM on July 3, 2013 [] by admin.

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