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Engineering Evolution

Ward Booth

Within the low dense jungles of Icarus IV, an uneasy alliance had been established
between the Umojan Protectorate and the local protoss tribes. The ancient city of Theta
served as the regions capital, administering governance while providing its inhabitants
with a cultural and community epicenter. It was here, in the citys stiflingly humid
climate, that over three hundred protoss and terran were assembled under the great roof
of the Council Hall. Justice would be found here.
Chris Cade sat at the back of the crowded Council Hall unable to believe this supposedly
advanced species hadnt discovered air conditioning yet. It was as if the jungle itself had
become one enormous sauna. Sweat dripped freely from his brow, trickling down a
scarred cheek where it disappeared into his long, thick brown beard. The perspiration
served to remind him that he was bored.
He looked around at his squad and realized he wasnt alone in that regard.
Big Tony Stahl flexed his enormous biceps as he lit another cigar, his third since they had
arrived at the High Council.
Tommy Gustav lay against the wall with his arms folded. His face was expressionless, as
usual; the only telltale sign of his boredom was the lack of movement in the toothpick
between his lips.
Next was Roland Davidson, who was busy chatting up some pretty young girl
fortunately she didnt appear at all interested in the bullshit he was spinning her.
The easily excited Lane Garrison was whittling a piece of wood, yet another masterpiece
that resembled an adult toy for pleasuring a lady.
Benny Taylor was the final member of their squad. Chris had known Benny since their
marine training back on Umoja. After the training, Chris had been posted to Icarus IV,
while Benny took a posting to BelShir. Despite this being their first mission together, he
trusted Benny with his life.
Benny gave him a friendly nod then raised his eyebrows as if to say; not long to go now.
Long enough, Chris thought. He yawned, an infectious reaction that spread amongst the
other terran gathered there. Thered be no yawning for the protoss though; their hideous
faces had no mouth to yawn from.
A tall, thin protoss dressed in exotic garments turned slightly to face Chris. It spoke to
him in a barely audible language, guttural sounds which came from its throat and made
no sense at all. Chris tapped the side of his head, indicating approval for the protoss to
enter his mind.
An unwelcome sensation filled his head as the protoss entered. Then it spoke, its voice
deep and reassuring, which made him feel at peace.

Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

Terran, please remember that although we do not intend to hear your thoughts they
sometimes filter through. Does this session not interest you?
Was it that obvious? Chris surprised the protoss by using his own inner voice.
Firstly, he said I dont give a zerglings nest what you hear in my head. Secondly, Im
not here for all this crap. I came to seek justice for the terran and testify against one of
your own.
The protoss was startled.
May I ask the name of the one you have come here for? he responded, his tone more
curious than before. Chris felt a gentle push, as though the answer was being extracted
even as the protoss delivered the question.
You call him Alavex. He came here yesterday, so Im told, and weve been stuck in this
cesspit ever since, Chris snapped. If your people had handed him over to the Dominion,
as was requested, I wouldnt have had to come here at all.
His boss, Major Sullivan, had ordered Chris and his men to retrieve the giant protoss
warrior, Alavex. As usual there was always some form of local politics that had to be
dealt with first. The High Council said theyd only give him up if the terran could prove
his guilt.
Chris tried to bring his mind back to the present, but this memory wouldnt fade or
couldnt fade. He had faced this tactic before. The protoss was trying to steal his memory.
Using counter-psi tactics he focused on a bottomless pit that absorbed light. Like a door
being slammed shut, the presence of the protoss was forcefully locked out of his mind.
Chris eyed him coolly.
Get what you wanted? he snarled this time out loud for all to hear. Chriss tone made
the whole squad sit up and look his way.
The meek protoss returned immediately, its voice humble and sincere.
I apologize if I have offended you. I was merely looking for the event while it was fresh
in your mind. Do you know what a preserver is?
Yes, of course, Chris curtly replied.
I am a novice preserver. I swear to you, it was an accident.
Chris understood. This protoss had violated one of the rights agreed upon in the recently
signed Psi Treaty between the terran and protoss. On Icarus IV, a protoss could only enter
the mind of a terran if given permission first, and then only for communication.

Engineering Evolution
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Searching through memories was an offense punishable by a restriction of terrazine, the

very substance the protoss absorbed for their psionic abilities. Many were addicted to
terrazine. Like drug users throughout the universe, most would sooner lose a hand than
their next fix.
Let this be a warning, Chris Cade said slowly. If you, or anyone else here attempts to
read my memories without my say so, Ill use this C-14 gauss rifle to make you a mouth.
As he spoke he lifted the weapon from his lap to emphasize the point. Maybe then youll
ask for permission first.
The protoss nodded slowly before turning to face the court proceedings. Sensing his
Sergeants change of mood, Benny came to Chriss side.
What was that all about, Cade? his friend asked, curious.
Just a little misunderstanding is all, Chris reassured. Benny always had an inquisitive
streak. Before he was a marine he had been a pilot who tried to sell top-secret documents
to the Moebius Foundation. He had been arrested and stripped of his pilot license and
rank. Chris asked Benny what the documents were for but Benny didnt want to discuss
For another hour they sat in silence as the court proceedings continued. The time felt
even longer, as they couldnt understand a word the protoss council was saying. Every
few minutes a new prisoner, be it terran or protoss, was led before the audience and given
a sentence. Things livened up when the pretty girl Roland was speaking to suddenly
slapped his face and stormed off. He just laughed and rubbed his jaw before making his
way over to where they sat.
As he sat down he scratched his groin and released a loud burp.
How much longer is this crap going to take? I gotta take a piss, he said.
Chris didnt answer and Benny merely shrugged. Neither had much time for Roland. In
fact, if he werent the best sniper in the company, he would have been dropped from their
squad a long time ago. Roland had been convicted of being a serial rapist, something he
continued to deny. He did fancy himself as a bit of a ladies man which, coupled with his
prior convictions, forced most in the squad to keep a wary eye on him.
Big Tony just plain hated him, probably because Big Tony had been sentenced to life in
prison for killing pedophiles and rapists. The authorities claimed he killed thirty-one, but
Big Tony has always stated a closer figure was in the fifties. Truth was, hed lost count.
In the year the squad had been together, Chris had never seen Big Tony speak to Roland
directly. Everything he had to say to Roland was passed through Benny or himself.
Roland never seemed to care though. If anything he went out of his way to provoke the
big man. It was a miracle neither marine had tried to kill the other. Yet.

Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

Their strained relationship certainly entertained one member of the squad; Lane Garrison.
Rumor had it that Lane went into a police station and shot everyone inside. When asked
why, he simply laughed I thought theyd put up a challenge! Chris thought he was
either utterly fearless or one of the most suicidal men in the known universe. Lane was
addicted to high thrills and danger like a Firebat to a flame. He almost made it into the
Reapers until the psyches found out he was scared of heights. Nevertheless, the squad
was happy to ignore his shortcomings as he had proven himself in combat a hundred
times over saving all their asses more than once.
Then there was the infamous Tommy Gustav, who was arrested on charges of drug
smuggling, fraud, extortion, theft and grand larceny. He was a major figure in the Cosa
Nostra, second only to Capo Caravello. Two Ghost teams were sent to apprehend Tommy
the legendary event was televised to a live audience on the national news.
All this reminiscing brought back dark memories to Chris. It seemed like a lifetime ago
now some things were better left buried, he told himself. Despite the counseling and
drugs theyd put him on he couldnt suppress those memories. Every day hed wake up
and sweat over how he could have done things differently.
Chris had a family once; a beautiful young wife and two little boys. He was a trusted
figure in the community hed lived in a member of the council, the president of the
local gridiron club and the proud owner of the best diner in town. His father had been a
pro football player and his mother had won awards for writing home cookbooks. Their
life had been so comfortable and so normal. It seemed like a lifetime ago now; so much
had changed since he was arrested and sentenced to Dominion service. Why did he throw
it all away? Was she worth it? Hed never know.
He was snapped out of his thoughts by a nudge from Benny. A big protoss guard was
summoning them to sit in the plaintiffs chamber. Chris signaled the rest of his men to
follow and they all strode forward.
As they took their seats a disturbance could be heard from the cell adjoining the High
Council room. Three more guards dashed towards the cell door. As it swung open, the
guards could be seen struggling with a giant protoss warrior.
It was Alavex. Before Chris had encountered this goliath he thought all the protoss
looked the same. It was comforting to see that even Alavexs own kind had difficulty
subduing him. Thick chains bound his arms behind his back and a pair of heavy metal
rods connected with chain links braced his legs to prevent him from moving quickly. He
was prodded with some kind of pole, a variant of the warp blade the protoss used as
Reluctantly he stepped forward, more of his own volition than from the pushing of the
guards around him. Alavex was physically different to the other protoss in the room.
Heavily muscled and at least a foot taller than the others, to behold him was akin to

Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

seeing a pro body builder standing alone in a room filled with anorexia patients. He wore
only a pair of black leather knee-length pants. On his head he bore one long, jagged scar.
Alavex stumbled, clearly unaccustomed to being restrained. He glared directly at Chris
and his men before moving into place at the defendants chamber. On the Council were
three judges, all from the Judicator caste as was evident by the markings on their skin.
The first had a sign under its name that read Inquisitor. The second had a sign that read
Psychologist, while the third said Prosecutor.
The protoss Council gestured to Chris and his men for approval to enter their minds.
Chris nodded as he tapped the side of his head. The rest of his squad followed suit.
As the Inquisitor spoke, all that were involved in the case clearly heard his voice in their
minds. His tone was commanding but seemed tinged with an edge of coercion.
Benny felt anxious, sweat beaded over his brow and his hands felt clammy. He
wondered, was the Inquisitor using its psionic abilities for questioning? If it were it
would be difficult to tell this protoss anything but the truth.
You have requested that the protoss before us this day, Alavex, be placed in your
charge, the Inquisitor said. It is your wish that Alavex be trialed under terran law for a
criminal act allegedly committed yesterday. Who among you is leader?
I am, Chris replied.
Present your case, the Inquisitor said as it watched him patiently.
The giant you have before you is wanted for the destruction of a settlement an hours
drive from here. My men and I are the only survivors of the attack. We ask for the right
to take Alavex prisoner and bring him before the terran justice system where he will be
given a fair trial. Chris pointed towards Alavex. He is a danger to the peace between the
terran and protoss. We have come here today to seek justice for the terran who were
slaughtered by his hands.
The Inquisitor turned to face the other two judges. They spoke in Khalani for only a
minute before focusing their attention back on the terran group.
Alavex surrendered himself to us yesterday, he said to them simultaneously. This is the
first weve heard of any attack by a protoss against a terran settlement. Please describe
the event.
Lane started to reply but Benny elbowed him in the gut before a word escaped his mouth.
Chris had memorized what he wanted to say and began rattling off the details.
My men and I arrived after hed destroyed most of the buildings. No one was alive. We
took up a position on high ground and delivered suppressing fire on a building we

Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

suspected Alavex was in. He ran from the building towards us and was shot by my man,
Roland, three times with a sniper rifle. Roland nodded knowingly as Chris recalled the
event. The shots slowed him but he kept coming towards us. I threw a grenade, which he
managed to knock out of the air with something I didnt see. Maybe his mind; you
protoss seem to be able to do that.
The Inquisitor interjected. He is a Dark Templar; he does not use terrazine and therefore
has no such ability. Continue.
Anyway, we ran for cover as Big Tony continued to unload on him with his rail gun.
The gun was ripped from his hands and bent in two by some telekinetic force like I
said, I didnt see what he was using to attack us.
Go on, the Inquisitor urged.
We saw a concrete bunker on the edge of the settlement and made our way to it. Shards
of metal were hurled at us but our suits soaked up the damage. Big Tony, Tommy and
Benny here continued to pepper him with rounds while Lane and I used the stim packs
we found in the bunker. He just kept coming at us, though. I thought we were done for
but then the miracle came.
Miracle? The Inquisitor asked.
Yes. Now Im not a religious man but I was praying for something to get us out of that
mess. Suddenly everything went quiet. I could hear Lane trying to squeeze his trigger but
nothing came out.
I had a full magazine too, Lane added.
As the silence grew, Alavex dropped to his knees and started making this God-awful
noise. I tried to shoot him, but my rifle wouldnt work. Time seemed to slow down, as if
the world was moving without us. This brute kept screaming and clutching his head then
he turned and ran off into the jungle. We thought he must have died until we caught word
of him coming here and handing himself over to you.
The Inquisitor took another moment to speak to the judges by his side. He turned to
Alavex next.
Did you do this? Did you destroy this settlement? The Inquisitor asked.
Alavex raised his head defiantly and spoke; his voice was deep and powerful, resonating
virtue and authority.
No, he said I did not.

Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

This time the Psychologist spoke. His tone was slow and deliberate yet eloquent and
highly educated. Everyone in the squad listened to his words.
Alavex, I have been to see the preservers to learn more about your history. You were
exiled to BelShir after you tried to lead a rebellion against your own Dark Templar. Why
have you returned?
Alavex tapped the side of his head three times. Search my memories and find out, he
The three judges began speaking to one another again. Chris couldnt hear what was said;
even if he could he it would have been unintelligible. He glanced at his squad. Benny
appeared nervous, as did Big Tony. Tommy had stopped twirling the toothpick between
his lips which spoke volumes to Chris. Lane had a wicked grin on his face and actually
looked excited, while Rolands hand was inching closer to the rifle beside him.
The three judges reconvened the session. So be it, said the Prosecutor, let the record
show that Alavex has given consent to this.
The three protoss judges focused on Alavex and for a few minutes there was silence in
the Council Hall while they read his mind. Alavex didnt move; he stood with his
fluorescent green eyes locked on the judges before him. As the minutes wore on, Chriss
squad became more and more uneasy.
Inside the memories of Alavex, the three judges viewed the events recalled for them.
Never before had they viewed a memory that held such clarity and detail.
Alavex took them back to when he was exiled on the jungle-covered moon of BelShir.
Protoss were disappearing and all the BelShir tribes suspected foul play from the terran
yet there was no way to prove it. When Alavexs mate, Calandris, did not return from
gathering terrazine Alavex did not hesitate to find out why.
High in the BelShir Mountains was the terran laboratory where much of the terrazine
was transported. He cloaked himself and entered the compound in the dead of the night to
seek answers. Deep inside the laboratory were chambers filled with dead protoss, their
heads sliced open, their brains removed. Moving quickly from room to room, Alavex
finally located his love, Calandris. His spirit felt numb as he dropped to his knees and
cradled her lifeless body in his arms.
All three judges felt a pang of heartache as they relived the event with Alavex. His love
for Calandris was intense. It was also his downfall. As he held her one last time, a squad
of marines entered the chamber and captured him.
While a prisoner in the facility, Alavex discovered the terran were conducting psionic
augmentations on their elite covert operatives, the Ghosts. The test subjects had all died
from the introduction of terrazine to their neural pathways.

Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

The scientists had been unsuccessful in reverse engineering protoss brains to see how the
terrazine assisted their psionic energies. He watched as, one by one, his fellow protoss
were sliced open and subjected to increasingly larger amounts of terrazine. All had died
before Alavex was chosen.
As a Dark Templar, Alavex had no immunity to the effects of terrazine. Unknowingly,
the terran gave him an overdose with their first injection. In the deepest recesses of his
mind, Alavexs subconscious enacted an ancient self defense mechanism long thought
destroyed by the Xel-Naga.
Alavex could feel the dark corridors of his mind light up as electricity charged the
neurons within. He freed himself and released a psionic blast that was powerful enough
to buckle metal. The scientists in the room burst and were splattered against the walls like
hastily thrown red paint. Instinctively his mind opened a warp gate which he immediately
entered. The gate brought him back to Icarus IV the very planet he was exiled from.
As a novice of his recently acquired abilities, Alavex found that he was unable to actively
direct the energy inside his mind. For now, the psionic power only reacted defensively
when he was threatened. Although he tried, he was unable to create a warp gate away
from Icarus IV. Believing it was the terrazine injection that had enabled his abilities, he
traveled to Theta to explain all that hed learned on BelShir. He hoped the knowledge
might gain him a pardon for his crimes but instead he was jailed for returning from exile.
The Prosecutor finally broke the silence with a long, loud sigh.
Deep is the pain I have just witnessed. No being - be it protoss, zerg or terran should
have to endure what this protoss has had to endure. The Council Hall erupted with noise
as the Prosecutor stood and leveled one of its four digits at Chris and his squad. Guards,
arrest the terran!
Chris grabbed his rifle as he crouched behind the plaintiff chamber wall. Three guards
were gunned down by Roland as the squad found cover beside him. Tommy shot another
guard between the eyes then let loose a burst of fire at the judges before him. Warp
blades flashed as a dozen protoss from the audience charged. Big Tony had assembled
the pieces of his chain gun and was laying down a barrage of rounds, forcing the protoss
into cover. Chris reached for a grenade on his belt but it fell as Benny knocked him clear
of a protoss attacker. With a machete, Benny severed the head from the protoss as it
turned on him. The room fell into chaos as terran fought protoss and the sound of
booming gunfire echoed from all sides of the Council Hall.
In the confusion, Chris screamed out orders to his men.
We have to get to the siege tank outside! he yelled. If we can get to the starport up the
road we can steal a dropship and get the hell out of this place!

Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

Roger that! Benny replied, firing off a quick burst of rounds as he flanked Chris.
Lane hurdled over the rail and began popping off shots at both the terran and the protoss
in the room. A protoss guard tried to hit him with a warp blade but he cut the hand off
with a quick swipe of the rifle bayonet before gutting the protoss with an overhand thrust.
Chris used the distraction as a chance to get closer to the exit. They had thirty meters of
protoss to kill before theyd be free of the Council Hall walls. He flung a grenade into the
mass of protoss and terran that battled in the middle of the large room. The explosion sent
body pieces flying. Flashes of light filled the room like a disco as dying protoss warriors
joined their ancestors in the Khala.
Tommy was up next. He ran from pillar to pillar, snapping off shots as he went. A group
of protoss guarded the exit, their warp blades drawn. He tried to break through their
shields but there were too many of them. Chris added his firepower to the assault and was
soon joined by Benny and Lane. Like a series of lightning bolts being cast down from the
heavens, one by one the protoss fell. As the squad made it to the doorway they saw the
siege tank in the distance. They ran, pausing only to gun down the pursuing protoss as
they spilled out of the Council Hall.
Chris pulled the pin from another grenade and hurled it at the entrance of the hall. The
explosion brought down the two front pillars holding the doorway, giving them time to
They were five meters from the siege tank when something materialized before them. As
it lost its ethereal form Chris recognized it. A Dark Templar. Very few things frightened
Chris but this adversary was one of them. The squad spread out and rained fire upon it.
While their bullets chewed at its plasma shield, the Templar unsheathed the warp blade
on the end of a long thin, metallic staff. This glowing blue blade looked more lethal than
the angel of deaths scythe.
The Templar leapt forward, slashing at Benny who parried with his machete. The rest of
the squad continued to weaken the shield but Benny was no match for a Dark Templars
speed or strength. With a scream of fury, Tommy ran in and struck the Templar in the
back of the head with the butt of his rifle. It spun on him, burying its blade deep in his
stomach. As Tommy fell he grabbed the weapon with both hands, disarming the Templar.
It spun on the rest of the squad, unaware that its plasma shield had long been destroyed.
The squad cut the creature down with their gauss rifles; bullets ripping through it like fish
gliding through water. When the flash of light came and the body disappeared, Benny
knelt before Tommy and took his hand. Poor Tommy was trying valiantly to put his
entrails back inside but his hands slipped on the blood oozing out of him. Gore caught
and spluttered in his throat as he tried to speak. His eyes rolled back in his head, a
grimace of pain etched on his face as he died.
Lets get out of here! yelled Roland. He mounted the siege tank and levered back the
lock on the roof hatch before dropping inside. Benny grabbed the dog tags from around
Tommys neck and ripped them clean before joining the others inside.

Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

Inside the tank Roland took control while Big Tony sat in the main gun turret. Chris
raised the periscope and directed Big Tonys attacks as Roland made their escape. Siege
tanks were not fast, but they were virtually impenetrable by ground units. As the last of
the protoss fell to the barrage of rounds from the tank, Big Tony aimed his turret at the
Council Hall.
No! Benny screamed and tried to stop Big Tony from firing. Too late.
Chris felt anxious as he watched the building explode into flames, the walls collapsing
inwards. He looked through his periscope and saw the most extraordinary thing. Inside
the burning building was Alavex, standing where theyd left him. He hadnt moved an
inch. There were marble pillars lying against some kind of telekinetic barrier that
protected him from being hurt. Although a fiery inferno surrounded him, inside his
invisible cocoon he stood completely unharmed.
Do you see that, big man? Chris asked Tony.
Aye, Big Tony replied, but were not going back to take him prisoner.
The Major is going to be madder than a cut snake when he finds out about this. Chris
watched Alavex snap his bonds casually as if they were made of cheap plastic. Once his
arms were free he reached down and broke the steel bars holding his legs.
Benny breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Alavex walk out of the burning wreck.
Remember, he said, we have orders to take him alive.
Chris Cade gave him a grin. We couldnt kill him if we tried. Were going to need
backup for this, head to the compound and avoid drawing any more attention.
For a while they drove toward the terran compound, avoiding major roads. They werent
followed but a number of protoss were seen rushing towards the smoking ruins of the
High Council. It wouldnt be long before a survivor explained what happened. Through
his periscope, Chris saw the compound ahead. It was guarded by a team of War Pigs,
mercenaries that worked for the highest bidder. As they neared the entrance a dozen
guards aimed their guns at the tank. A stout ginger haired man with a handlebar
moustache opened the guardroom window and eyed them from behind the scope of his
Halt! He shouted. What business do you have here?
Open the gates! Chris shouted back. My men and I need a dropship for an hour or so.
Do you have one ready to go?
The guard considered this for a moment before turning to speak with someone inside the
guardhouse. He returned to the window, his rifle lowered.


Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

You black ops? he asked them.

What do you think, numb nuts? Lane yelled back at him.
The guards rifle slowly raised until it was pointed at them once more.
Whats in it for us? the guard asked - his tone more steely than before.
Big Tony turned the gun turret on the guard room.
You get to survive, he growled. Now open the gates before I open them for you.
Youll need a pilot to fly the dropship, the guard replied as he reached for the lever to
open the gates. We cant spare none, theyre all in a work safety meeting today.
Never mind about the pilot, I brought my own, Chris snapped. Now point me in the
direction of your nearest starport. The guard indicated the road to the right and Roland
didnt hesitate in taking it, pushing the tank into its highest speed. Chris peered back
through his periscope and saw a dozen protoss stalkers heading their way. Behind the
stalkers he could just make out the huge form of Alavex, striding purposefully beside
Damn it! Chris cursed. Lets hope the mercs can hold them off long enough for us to
get airborne. They all appeared doubtful, except Lane who wore a grin from ear to ear.
Three medivacs were parked on the runway outside the flight line. The squad clambered
from the tank and bolted for the nearest of them. Behind them they heard gunfire as the
mercs desperately tried to repel the hoard of protoss at the gates. A giant explosion
heralded the arrival of a Phoenix aircraft which launched a rocket at an anti-air missile
turret just a hundred meters from the squad, rocking them on their feet with the impact.
Benny was their pilot; he had over one hundred hours of flying experience in the
banshees. It was the banshee that cost him his job and forced him into working as a
marine. Hed lost his pilot license and rank when the Dominion discovered him trying to
sell the aircrafts cloaking technology to the Moebius Foundation. For Benny, flying a
medivac was the equivalent of a rally driver being asked to drive a bumper car.
As soon as they were on board Benny powered the ship, ascending them skywards and
away from the battle raging behind them. The mercenaries were supported by airborne
reinforcements that fired upon the protoss units below. In the distance, Chris could see
the bright glow of a warp gate opening and the unmistakable form of Alavex stepping
through it.


Engineering Evolution
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Hes gone, at least for now, Chris breathed a sigh of relief. He registered the datacom
link inside the medivac and punched in the code for Dominion headquarters. The phone
was answered by a sexy female voice.
Good afternoon, you have contacted the Dominion headquarters. My name is Alison
Fairchild, how may I be of assistance to you today?
Patch me through to Major Sullivan of the Marine Corps! Chris said urgently.
There was a small pause before a male voice bellowed back. Yes, who is this?
This is Sergeant Chris Cade, sir. The mission is code red. Repeat, code red. Request new
orders. Over. Red meant the mission had been compromised.
Where is the subject now? the Major asked.
Walked through a warp gate, sir. Current location unknown.
Return to base immediately, Sergeant, the Major ordered curtly.
Roger, out.
Chris killed the link and grabbed Bennys shoulder. You heard him, Benny, lets get
there ASAP!
Co-ords punched in, Cade. Should be there in thirty minutes.
Chris nodded and was turning away when he saw three red dots appear on the radar, one
much larger than the other two.
What the hell is that? He gestured at the radar picture.
Shit! Incoming hostile - ones a cat five! Benny yelped as he began descending to a
lower altitude. He pulled the medivac into an evasive dive.
Roland jumped from his seat and searched for something then slammed his fist into the
wall. There aint no guns on this piece of crap. He spat.
Chris calmed them. Get me a picture on the monitor; I want to see what were up
Big Tony was on it. Ive got one carrier flanking two phoenix. Line of intercept in less
than a minute. He adjusted the angle of the monitor so Chris could see.
Can you out run them, Benny? Chris suspected the answer before Benny gave it.


Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

No way in hell can a dropship out run a phoenix let alone two phoenix. Theyll come
head on and box us in so the carrier can take us out, Benny sighed. Or at least thats
what Id do.
Chris made a decision. Alright, men, get ready to bail out. Benny, bring us in low well
take our chances on foot in the jungle. His men responded with a quick nod.
From the rear of the medivac Chris grabbed three parachutes for his squad and buckled
on his own. The ship shuddered from a rocket strike and lurched sideways. Everyone in
the back of the craft was knocked from their feet. They regained their footing, donned a
backpack and prepared to jump. Chris checked them over before giving the final word to
evacuate. As Benny left the medivac on auto-hover they opened the floor hatch. One by
one they dropped through, pulling their parachute cords as they fell. Chris was last to go.
As his chute pulled from his pack the medivac took a direct hit. A roar of fire and wind
was heard seconds before the blast sent chunks of burning wreck thundering into the
ground between him and his men. Lane laughed with glee; Chris had never seen him so
happy. His heart was racing and yet this lunatic was behaving like a kid at a theme park.
Lets get out of here! Chris shouted. Dropping their packs they scrambled through the
jungle. Theyd managed no further than sixty meters when a thunderous noise
reverberated through the trees. The very ground beneath their feet shuddered as the jungle
fell into silence. The musty smell of the brightly colored fungus that dotted the wet forest
floor was suddenly overpowered by a rotten, putrid stench.
The squad immediately moved into defensive positions, drawing their weapons as they
fanned out. Soldiers reacting like soldiers. In the distance they saw enormous trees
bending, then snapping like twigs as the sound of the repetitive pounding drew nearer.
Then they saw it. Chriss mouth dropped open with a mixture of fear and awe. This
creature was the stuff nightmares were made of.
A giant ultralisk, five meters tall and almost twenty meters long charged into the clearing.
Giant bones shaped like blades protruded from its spine. The squad opened fire, strafing
down its side and bringing forth gouts of thick orange and green liquid. The stench of the
mucous that oozed from each hole was almost unbearable to breathe in. It bellowed in an
ear shattering response to their attack and, tucking its head down, prepared to charge. The
enormous iron-like carapace protecting the top of its head deflected their bullets like rain
drops on a tin roof.
It was futile to attack. Run! Chris ordered. He leaped a boulder and retreated into the
jungle. The ultralisk charged. Big Tony took cover behind a boulder and continued to
unleash hell on the giant beast. His stance was unwavering, eyes unflinching.
Tony! Retreat! Retreat! Chris provided covering fire to allow Tony to escape. Then
Benny joined him, soon followed by Lane and Roland - all trying to save Big Tony. It


Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

was too late. The ultralisk slammed the boulder aside and speared its two ghastly incisors
into Big Tonys chest. In rage, the squad continued firing ineffectively at the armored
creature. Big Tonys death spasm tightened his hand on the trigger of his chain gun,
sending a spray of bullets into the jungle until the ultralisk made a fatal mistake. It
swallowed Big Tony whole as the gun continued its uncontrolled fire.
The vulnerable insides of the ultralisk burst open as a myriad of gunshots tore through its
soft inner flesh. The ultralisk howled, collapsing in agony and thrashing in its death
throes before them. Roland ran forward and put two bullets in it for good measure, one in
each delicate eye. It let out one long mournful screech before it died.
There was no time to grieve over Tony. As the squad regrouped Chris heard the low buzz
of rotor-blades over head.
What in the blazes - he started to say.
Benny interrupted him, his face breaking into a grin. Id know that sound anywhere! Its
a banshee; its one of the good guys. Roland, do you still have a flare handy?
Roland rummaged in his magazine pouch and drew a flare. He shoved the round down
the chamber of his rifle and locked it in place. Stepping into the middle of the clearing he
fired the round skyward above the jungle canopy. A column of orange smoke created an
arcing cloud of hope in the teal blue sky. The banshee banked and came to hover over
their position.
Rappelling ropes uncoiled from the banshee and the squad was quickly airlifted into the
sky. Lane seemed reluctant to go and took the last rope. Never had Chris known a man so
eager to face death. Two of his squad members had died in less than an hour yet this
seemingly had no impact on Lane. Right now, Chris envied the man.
The Major met the squad outside the command center thirty minutes later.
You better have an explanation for this, Cade, the Major barked at him as he cast an eye
over the squad. Where are the other two?
Lane answered before Chris had a chance to respond.
Lets see, one was gutted by a Templar and the other is in the dead belly of an ultralisk.
The Major said nothing more as they walked into his office. Once they were seated at his
elaborate red wood conference table he offered them chilled water. They all accepted and
gulped it down.
The Major took his position before them at the head of the table.
Sergeant Cade, report, he said while sipping on a glass of wine like a seasoned critic.


Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

The mission was a failure, sir. Alavex is far stronger than we first anticipated. We
destroyed the settlement, making it look like a protoss did it. Then we got the call that a
protoss matching Alavexs description had entered the city. As he explained, the Major
cut himself a piece of fine cheese and placed it on a cracker. Chris hadnt eaten anything
in days and would have killed for a bite. Apparently Alavex was wanted for other
charges so they locked him in a cell. We requested he be released into our custody but we
were ordered to appear at the Council Hall to state our reasons. During the hearing the
council of judges read his mind.
The Major cut a grape in half and added it to his cheese before graciously offering them
more water. They all declined.
We barely made it out of there alive, sir. Chris said as he watched the Major chomp
away at the morsel in his mouth. Rolands stomach growled like a predator.
What of those that read his memories? Major Sullivan asked them, fixing himself
another cracker, adding a scoop of caviar and a dusting of pepper.
All dead, sir, Chris replied. We destroyed the Council Hall on our way out. Alavex was
its sole survivor.
The Major rose and paced, contemplating. Swallowing his caviar, he opened an ornately
carved box and produced a thick cigar. Lighting it, he blew pungent smoke all over them.
We have ourselves a small problem now, dont we? He said, casually drawing on the
cigar. I want that protoss. He is the key to our Ghost program.
What are you talking about? Roland asked as he eased himself back into his chair,
hands behind his head.
To everyones surprise, it was Benny that answered for the Major.
The Ghost program is the next step in terran evolution, he said, looking to Chris. I
couldnt risk the protoss reading your mind so I never told you.
Chris was dumbfounded. Benny continued to explain.
The Ghost program was designed to enhance a marines psionic abilities on a level
with the protoss. Alavex was so much more, though. We awakened an area of his brain
which made him far more powerful than the other protoss and best of all, he didnt need
terrazine to utilize it. Hes our miracle, Cade through him we can engineer our own
evolution. Benny had a mad look in his eyes as he spoke. We need that brain.
Chris mind was racing with questions that needed answers. He had trusted Benny with
his life. But how much of the Benny he trusted was a lie? As he slowly looked around at


Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

the rest of his men, he asked one more question of the Major. Why were we chosen for
Because youre the most dangerous marine we have, Cade, the Major answered. And
because you owe us, or do I have to remind you?
A sudden rush of dark memories overwhelmed Chris, flooding his brain with the horror
of his past. Hed tried to forget. He tried every day. Who was he to judge the likes of
Lane Garrison, Roland Davidson or even his friend Benny? Their crimes were petty
compared to his.
He recalled the night clearly now. His sweet, trusting wife was ignorant of his affair with
their sons teacher, Laura. No one knew, until they were spotted one night when she came
to visit the diner. He had loved Laura with all his heart but the romance was too
scandalous for a small town like his to accept. He tried to keep it a secret but eventually
Billy Thornton and his boys found out. That night as she left the diner, Thornton and his
boys had jumped her. They beat Laura senseless and then carved the word whore in her
back, leaving her semi-naked body out in the parking lot near the trash. Chris found her
too late. She died in hospital a few hours later without waking. He never got to tell her
His hometown had stolen his love from him, turning him cold and numb. Grabbing his
shotgun and a box of bullets he drove out to the factory on the edge of town. Shooting
anyone that tried to stop him; he stole a flat bed truck loaded with canisters of mercury
chloride. He drove the truck to the towns reservoir and shot each canister before sending
the truck rolling into the water.
Within hours half the town was dead or dying in agony, including his sweet wife and
beautiful sons. Chris hadnt thought of them when his rage took hold, when he wanted
nothing more than the death of everyone in the town, guilty or not, to pay for Lauras
death. He hadnt thought of how he had betrayed and murdered his innocent family in his
need for vengeance. He thought about them every waking moment since.
The Major was right he owed his own kind this much, he had to make amends.
Still with us, Cade? the Major yelled in his ear. You look like youre in another world!
Yes Major, Chris replied automatically, wishing he truly was in another world one
where he could take back his actions and make everything right again.
The Major eyed him as he puffed on his cigar. Let me be perfectly clear about this all
terran will be destroyed if the Xel-Naga return. Our only chance for survival lies in the
head of Alavex.
All due respect, Benny said as slowly stood up from the table. Were going to need a
lot more men for this mission.


Engineering Evolution
Ward Booth

The Major extinguished his cigar in the bowl before him. Take what you need Taylor but
be quick about it. If the Xel-Naga realize Alavex is awake, they may take a personal
interest in him.
As the squad left the command center, Chris suddenly felt as though he had a new
purpose in life; a purpose to right the wrongs of his past by doing his best to save the
terran race. He would either capture Alavex and secure his brain - or die trying.


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