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Retail Banking : Course Outline

A. Deposits
G ener ic Resident Deposit Accounts & t heir f eat ur es; Deposit
Pr oduct s ( Hybr ids) Desig n and Feat ur es; Non - Resident Deposit
Spectr um Var ious Accounts, their f eatur es & r estr ict ions
Account Opening
Pr ovisions


Norm s


Ant i- Money

Launder ing

B. Credit
G ener ic Cr edit Sanct ion / under wr it ing Process invok ing Credit
Scor ing Models; Desig n of Credit Scoring Models; Delinquency
Pr edict ion; Jargon side of Ret ail Cr edit Lim it Sett ing/ Drawing
Power Review; I nter est Rat e Pr escr ipt ion St yles; O ver view of
Ret ail Cr edit Product Spectr um

C. Services
An illustr at ive over view of t rust based as well as agency ser vices

D. Retail Pa yments
Cheq ue Paym ent Syst em ( including Truncat ion); Mass Paym ent s
( ECS) ; Batch Paym ent s ( NEFT) & t ip of th e iceberg view of RTG S

E. Retail Banking Strategies

F. Retail Banking Softw are Products A Helicopter View

Ram, Goa Institute of Management, Goa [Email: / Phone: 9380242705 / 7798125064]

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