My Experience in Joining Math Competition

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My experience in joining math

I started joining math competition when i was at 5th grade. I'm
interested in math when i saw my brother winning a math competition, he used
the medal to get accepted in his favorite university and he is accepted without
any test! Therefore, i decided to follow his career in math competition, since he
has all the knowledge about the material for math competition and also
informations about many math competitions then it makes my way easier.
At 5th grade i got my first award, "Proficiency Award" from
Australian Mathematics Competition ( AMC ), i feel quite sad because i didn't got
any medal when i was at 5th grade, but my mom said "you can win! But you
must study harder". Since my mom said that to me, i study math harder, and
harder, finally i got my first medal (bronze medal) when i was 6th grade at Asian

Science and Mathematic for Primary School (ASMOPS) held by Surya Institute
and i also got distinction award for Australian Mathematic Trust ( AMT ).

The most memorable competition for me is World Mathematic

Team Championship (WMTC) which held by Berkeley University and held in China
from 21 - 25 november 2012, 13 country ( USA, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Philippines,
Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam, China, Singapore, Malaysia, South korea, Taiwan,
Macau, and Hong Kong ) participated in that competition. Indonesia sent 2 team
for primary level ( 1 team consist of 6 peoples), there are 20 problems to solve
for team, and 16 problems for individual. We are from different country region
but for a common goal, we travel thousands of miles to meet in Beijing, this
common goal is to persue the truth, kindness, and beauty of math, and develop
our relationship. I believe it contact us together, we stay in Beijing at least 4
days, during these days i took part in 3 competition ( team, relay, and
individual ) which are strictly, lively, and interesting. I must show my math
ability, endurance, and spirit of unity , in adition i had the oportunity to
communicate with friends from another country and with different cultural
background. In that competition i got bronze medal for individual and got merit
award for team competition.
Until now, for me the busiest and the most exhausting
time is when i was at 8th grade, because i must study for checkpoint exam,
math olympiad and finish my math course to get more time for studying national
exam. I am very happy at that time because even though i was busy, i could
got an award ( silver award ) at Singapore and Asian School Math Olympiad

The last time i joined math competition is 3 months ago, at the end of my 8th
grade, i went to Singapore to joined another math competition called Singapore
Mathematic Olympiad (SMO). It is the most prestigious math competetion in
singapore because it is used for selecting the member for singapore team in
international math competition such as IMO(International mathematics
Olympiad) and also to get into favorite university in Singapore such as National
University of Singapore ( NUS) and Nanyang Technological University ( NTU ) .
The result have just came out this month and i got another bronze medal, and
my next target is i want to get gold medal at another mathematic championship!
By : Chandrika.A

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