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Unit 7

On Course B1





1 Listen to a conversation between two friends and

choose the correct options.

3 Write some advice for people who feel nervous

about: a school exam, going out with a girl / boy for
the first time, or speaking in front of a large group.

1 Tom is feeling frightened / cheerful today.

2 He passed / failed his first driving test.
3 Toms instructor thinks he can / cant drive well
if he doesnt get nervous.
4 Judy thinks the most important thing is to drive
carefully / slowly.
5 Tom / Judy thinks its ok to take the driving test
a few times until you pass.

2 Read this advice for people who are worried about
their driving test. Then answer the questions.
Many people fail their driving test because they
are not good drivers but many good drivers fail
simply because they are nervous. If you are
feeling worried about your driving test, consider
these points.
try to pretend to yourself or anyone else that you are
not nervous. You will only put yourself under more
pressure. Its normal to be nervous before a test.
do things that could cause you extra stress. For
example, give yourself a lot of time to get to the test
centre so that you dont have a stressful journey
worrying about being late.

sleep. Make sure you are not tired on test day.
eat enough (but not too much) before the test.
Even if you feel so nervous that you dont want to
eat, remember that hunger is nearly as bad for your
concentration as feeling tired.
switch off your mobile phone before the test starts!

Photocopiable material / University of Dayton Publishing


And ask yourself this question: what is the worst

thing that would happen if you failed the test? You
would have to do it again. Thats all. Many, many
good drivers dont pass first or even second time so
just do your best and accept the results. Good luck!
1 If you fail the test, does it mean that you are a
bad driver?
2 Is it a bad thing to be nervous before a test?
3 What should you do to make sure you dont
arrive at the test centre feeling completely
4 Is it a good idea to have a big meal before the test?
5 Which makes it hardest to concentrate: feeling
hungry or feeling tired?

Write about:
why the nervousness is a problem
1 - 3 things you should not do (donts) in the situation
1 - 3 things you should do (dos)
one final piece of advice

4 Match the suggestions with the opinions.
1 They should make public transport free in our town.
2 There should be more cycle paths in our town.
3 Our part of the country needs a big new airport.
4 We should make petrol extremely expensive so
that more people use public transport.
5 There should be more taxis in our cities
6 Flying is bad for the environment so people
should only be allowed to fly three times a year.
a If we did that, car owners would get really angry.
b  But who would pay for it if commuters didnt
have to pay?
c  If that was the law, it would be a big problem for
business travellers.
d  I think that would encourage many more people
to use their bicycles to get to work or school.
e If we had one, more tourists would come.
f But it would be hard for the drivers to make money
if there were too many of them on the streets.
5 In small groups say whether these ideas are good
and what would happen if they were put into practice.
People should be allowed to get a driving licence
when they are fifteen.
They should have to stop driving when they are 65.
There should be no speed limits. People should
decide themselves how fast is safe.
The government should provide one free car for
each family.
No family should be allowed to have more than
one car.
Every city should have a system like Londons,
where you have to pay if you want to drive a car
into the city.

Unit 8

On Course B1






1 Listen to a conversation between a father and son

and say whether the sentences are true or false.

3 Imagine you are having a problem with one of your

parents. Write an email to a friend about it.

1 Kyles father is surprised that Kyle is going out.

Write about:

2 Kyle is planning to go to his friends house.

what your relationship with your mum / dad is

normally like

3 The conversation is taking place on a Saturday

4 Kyles father is an expert
communication technology.



5 In the end, Kyle is allowed to go to his friends


why it is different at the moment

an example of an argument or misunderstanding
you had
why you think your friend could help



2 Read this email. Then answer the questions.



Photocopiable material / University of Dayton Publishing

Dear Sue,
How are you? Im a bit fed up, to be honest. Mum has
gone to work in the USA for a whole month and its
really hard just living with Dad. I mean, I get on well with
him normally but we only really talk at the weekends,
when he has lots of time. Now I have to communicate
with him all week about important things and Im
amazed that its so hard!
He forgets so many things. Just as an example, I asked
him yesterday morning if I could go to Marks house in
the evening and he said yes. Then, when I was going,
he tried to stop me! He wasnt really listening when I
asked. I understand that hes very, very busy, and that
it isnt easy for him at all when Mum is away, but I dont
think this is fair on me.
What do you think? Do you have any ideas about what
I could do to make the rest of this month easier? Im
asking you because you live alone with your father, so
maybe you have some good ideas!
I hope youre well. Write soon!

1 Does Kyle normally have a good relationship

with his father?


4 Look at the following subjects. Could they be
the causes of a conflict between you and your
parents or friends? Give an example of a possible
argument relating to each topic.
school work
boyfriends / girlfriends
5 Fill in the table for yourself and then ask your
partner questions and fill in the table for them.
Then give your partner some advice on how to end
the conflict.
An argument
Who you argued
Subject of the

2 What does Kyle find surprising?

What you said:

3 Why does he think his father originally said that

he could go to Marks late in the evening?

What the other

person said:

4 Why is this an especially difficult time for Kyles

5 Does Sue live with both her parents?

How the
argument ended:


Your partner

Unit 9

On Course B1




3 Who did Nadine thank in her speech?

1 Listen to an interview with someone who works in

the film industry. Choose the correct endings for
the sentences.

5 Does Nadine think Harry Sorrentino is goodlooking?

1 Actors usually want to look

a younger or older than they are.
b attractive.
2 Makeup artists for theatre actors work
a longer hours than those in fi lm.
b shorter hours than those in fi lm.

4 Has she worked in the fantasy genre before?

3 Write an article about someone who won another
prize at the Golden Film awards.
Write about:
what job the person has

3 Most makeup artists would prefer

a to work with just one actor in a fi lm.
b to work with lots of actors in a fi lm.

what fi lm they won the award for

4 Some actors began to ask

a Nadine what her name was.
b for Nadine to be their personal makeup artist.

what they are working on now

5 Nadine says that if you want to be successful

in her job, you must be
a a likeable person.
b a determined person.


2 Read this newspaper article. Then answer the

Nadine Roberts wins Golden Brush

Photocopiable material / University of Dayton Publishing


At the Golden Film ceremony in London last night,

Manchester-born Nadine Roberts became the youngest
ever makeup artist to win the Golden Brush.
26-year-old Nadine has been noted for her work in
several films recently but she won the award for her
work on the film 50 Years Of Love. In the blockbusting
romantic comedy, she made Hollywood star Julia
Steep look like a twenty-year-old student, then a
mother in her mid-thirties, and then a grandmother.
In her enthusiastic thank-you speech, Nadine said she
was endlessly grateful to actress Julia, who had been
incredibly patient. Doing the makeup took hours, said
a delighted Nadine, but Julia stayed cheerful all the
time. She said she was also grateful that her husband
had always supported her.
Julia is currently working on a fantasy film, which she
says is a new challenge. Part of the task is to make
Harry Sorrentino look ugly. Impossible, but Ill try!
says Nadine. We will be able to see the results in
cinemas in November.

why their work on that fi lm was especially good

who they thanked in their speech

4 Match the aspects of filmmaking with the
1 cast
2 costumes
3 location
4 plot
5 music
6 genre
a The vampires particularly elegant dresses and
suits make them all the more attractive.
b People in their 30s will enjoy the soundtrack of
1990s hits.
c The lead role is played by Carrie West.
d Its a comedy, but with a serious message.
e It is set in the foothills of the Himalayas.
f The happy end is nice but a bit ridiculous.
5 In groups, plan a new film. Use the table to make
Film genre:

1 Where does Nadine Roberts come from?

2 Did she win the prize for work in one fi lm or
several fi lms?


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