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Each group can select which date they would prefer or time considering 1 group can
last group for 1 hour in the presentation of their paper or can be arranged among
you class based on your availability.
The following requirements must be submitted on or before the requested date for
final defense enclosed in a clear book sec-1 yellow: print the name of the authors,
the research title, and name of the adviser on the first sheet.

Requirements to be submitted on or before the final oral

1. Title approval sheet duly signed by all the signatories up to the director of
2. Adviser approval sheet duly signed by all the signatories up to dean
3. Technical critic approval duly signed by all the signatories up to dean
4. Proposal outline approval sheet duly signed by all the signatories up to the
director of research
5. Letter of request for the proposal defense approved and duly signed: indicate
the requested date
6. Letter of request for the final defense approved and duly signed: indicate the
requested date and specific time
7. 2 CD copy (use rewritable CD)
a. CvSU format text copy to include all chapter, appendices, to include
the following table, etc.
b. Powerpoint copy of the presentation
c. Poster presentation in a 3 ft. (width) x 6 ft. (height) creatively designed
in Arial font format with a title and name of authors/researchers,
8. Acknowledgment receipt from the adviser and technical critic (indicating that
they already received from the students the P 1,500 advisers fee and P 800
as technical critic fee) and English critic (P20/page) paid at the cashiers
9. Certification that the data were statistically analysed and verified as correct
signed by the statistician and the acknowledgment receipt from the
statistician that they were paid already such service. Payment should be at
the cashiers office at the admin building.
10.Certification that the manuscript was read by the English critic 2-3 readings
and acknowledgment receipt of payment for such service. Payment should be
done in the cashier at admin office.

After the final defense

1. Revised the manuscript to include all the recommendations and comments of
the panel members during the presentation
2. Print the final revised manuscript and submit it to the panel members for

3. Accomplish the final oral defense approval sheet (for approval and signature
of the adviser, technical critic, college research coordinator, dean and
director for research originally signed and one photocopy)
4. One CD can be obtained from the research coordinator which will include the
powerpoint presentation and the revisions made in the final textual
5. Certification of the receipt that the manuscript is for binding and for
photocopy (minimum of 8 copies) (1 copy for each student, adviser, research
coordinator, dean for CON reading room copy, university library, university
research office and an optional copy for technical critic) from Agritech
photocopy center or other photocopy centers
6. Manuscript approval sheet duly signed.

For issuance of grades or signing of the clearance for

graduation, submit the following:
1. Copies of the bounded manuscript must be obtained from the Agritech and
must be delivered to the different officers / offices mentioned after binding
2. Acknowledgement receipt of the copy of the manuscript by the different
offices signed by any representative / personnel designated by the office

Be in a complete campus uniform in the time of defense

Bring one photocopy of this notice on your defense, this will
serve as the checklist for the requirements.
Another copy of the yellow clear book should be passed to Maam Kaye with the
following documents after the revision of the final paper (for the Departments
1. Title approval sheet duly signed by all the signatories up to the director of
2. Adviser approval sheet duly signed by all the signatories up to dean
3. Technical critic approval duly signed by all the signatories up to dean
4. Proposal outline approval sheet duly signed by all the signatories up to the
director of research
5. Letter of request for the proposal defense approved and duly signed: indicate
the requested date
6. Letter of request for the final defense approved and duly signed: indicate the
requested date and specific time
7. 1 CD copy (use rewritable CD)
a. Thesis softcopy all chapters including the preliminary pages and
b. Powerpoint copy of the final defense presentation
c. Poster presentation in a 3 ft. (width) x 6 ft. (height) creatively designed
in Arial font format with a title and name of authors/researchers,

8. 2 copies of acknowledgment receipt from the adviser and technical critic
(indicating that they already received from the students the P 1,500 advisers
fee and P 800 as technical critic fee) and English critic (P20/page) paid at the
cashiers office
9. Certification that the data were statistically analyzed and verified as correct
signed by the statistician and the acknowledgment receipt from the
statistician that they were paid already such service.
10.Certification that the manuscript was read by the English critic 2-3 readings
and acknowledgment receipt of payment for such service.
11.2 copies of Abstract
12.2 copies of manuscript approval sheet
13.Manuscript distribution routing form
14.1 photocopy of the whole thesis to be replaced by a hard bound copy after

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