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Educated unemployment are really significant with education problem, in developing

country as generally has education problem, educated work force, human resources, good
facilities and view of society. The society have been growing up, education should pillar as
increasing prosperity through using of work opportunities. These are unemployment data of
highest education was graduated.
As data result of BPS that educated unemployment amount in Indonesia are still high for
Diploma and University on August 2012 got 8,98 percent, and on February 2013 getting
increasing 9,80 percent and on August 2013 getting bit decreased 9,47 percent. The amount will
be increasing every year because each university will be graduation of bachelor category that has
billion of students but not all of fresh graduated want to be job seeker than job creator. These
things cause by learning system that applied at college that focus on how providing student to get
a good job not to be job creator.
Education has influence that significant enough on created of entrepreneurship spirit
(Yulina, 2012). College as place for education that has supporting entrepreneurship to be
entrepreneur. Based on department vision or education minister year 2025 have a regulation of
development on entrepreneurship sector, first created entrepreneurship education to all of
subjects, materials, extra curriculars, although building themselves, second explore on education
curriculum that has given entrepreneurship education to be able to increase an understanding
about entrepreneurship skill, third growing up on entrepreneurship culture at campus and school
Almost all of college in Indonesia nowadays, has already to teach entrepreneurship
education. Beside that for grow of entrepreneurship soul and increasing entrepreneurship activity
in order to a fresh graduated more already to make a plan as a job creator. Education minister has
been exploring many regulations and program which one of the program that has been exploring
is co-op program (Cooperative Education Program) since 1998, that for making entrepreneur
through college, so that in 2003, has producing co-op program that has given learning
opportunity completely on UKM. The regulation and supporting program that sponsored
entrepreneurship activity and make grow of new entrepreneur with IPTEK based, that has
necessity. Based on ideas director giving contribute for entrepreneur students program, not only
at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya but also at private college.
In South Sumatera has 99 colleges, that stand of 14 University, 50 Institute, 7 Polytechnic
and 24 Academic. Especially in Palembang city, there are 62 colleges, namely 11 Universities, 25
Institute, 6 Polytechnic and 20 Academic, the amount should be standard for developing
entrepreneurship program especially in Palembang city for support of create a good job
entrepreneur and can give a big change and able to giving change to community around him.

Hopefully as solution for Palembang city problem that noted as one of nine regency or citied in
South Sumatera has percentage of poor above on National number (Koran Sindo, 17 April 2014),
but on the reality it is very difficult for create a new entrepreneur because many phenomenons
that found on entrepreneurship program such as:

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