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UAE University

College of Information Technology

ITBP280IT- Project Management Exhibition - (Section
Spring 2011
Assignment # 2
Group Name: Dream Makers


Student ID

Student Name

Wadeema Al Ketbi


Noora Al Suwaidi


Your company uses a standard analysis method, which is normally applied in all
requirements analyses. In your work, you find that this method cannot represent social
factors, which are significant in the system you are analyzing. You point out to your
manger, which makes clear that the standard should be followed. Discuss what you
should do in such a situation.
As IT professional we have to follow the standard analysis method,
however we must take in consider the social factors while analyzing to
have a good balance between company standers and community
For example; the most important stander from community standers is
sex separation and to apply this we have to have two groups of
analyzing one for male and another for female those two groups can
meet only in necessary situation.


Team (A) found 342 errors during the software engineering process prior to release. Team
(B) found 184 errors. What additional measures would have to be made for projects A
and B to determine which of the teams eliminated errors more efficiently? What metrics
would you propose to help in making the determination? What historical data might be

If we assume the measures are normalized, we can create software metrics to

comparison to broader organizational averages. Example: Individual measures
will be done then combined to develop team measures. Team A found 342 errors
during the software process prior to release. Team B found 184 errors .as we
assume the measures are normalized in order to know which team is more
effective team in finding errors. Derived by normalizing quality and/or
productivity measures by considering the "size" of the software a set of simple
size -oriented metrics can be developed for each project:

errors per KLOC (thousand lines of code)

defects per KLOC
$ per LOC
pages of documentation per YLOC

Other interesting metrics:

LOC per person-month
$/page of documentation

Once function points have been calculated, they are used in a manner analogous to
LOC to normalize measures of software productivity, quality, and other attributes:


errors per FP
defects per FP
$ per FP
page of documentation per FP
FP per person-month

The software used to control a photocopier requires 32,000 of C and 4,200 lines of
Smalltalk. Estimate the number of function points for the software inside the photocopier.
1 line in the C language = 128 FP, therefore;
32000 = ? 32000*128 = 409600 FP

Where, the Smalltalk take 4200 lines then;

4200 = ? 4200*22 = 92400 FP So,
FP = 92400 + 409600
= 502000


Compute the function point value for a project with the following information domain

Number of user inputs: 20

Number of user outputs: 65
Number of user inquiries: 24
Number of files: 8
Number of external interfaces: 2

Assume that all complexity adjustment values are average.

To computer the FP that been adjusted we multiply the domain characteristics with
the average complexity values, so;
Number of user inputs:
Number of user outputs:
Number of user inquiries:
Number of files:
Number of external interfaces:
The Raw Function Points equal

20 * 4 = 80
65 * 5 = 325
24 * 4 = 96
8 * 10 = 80
2 * 7 = 14

To measure the FPadj we use the formula

FPadj = FPraw (0.65+0.1*N)
N = 4+5+4+10+7 = 30
FPadj = 595 (0.65 + 0.1*30) = 2171.75


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