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This Old Man

Singing Integration Lesson: Music and Math

Names: Kristen Eleftheri, Shannon Krebs, and Jorge Cortes

Mode of Integration: Topical

Subjects: Math and Music
Grade: Kindergarten

K.NS.1: Count by one from any number (1-100).

-Students will learn how to count in order starting with one and ending
at ten.
K.1.2 Echo short melodic patterns sung by teacher
-Students will repeat the words of a song This Old Man that the
teacher sings.
K1.4 Sing short memorized songs, maintaining a steady beat
-Students will sing the song This Old Man with a steady beat.
Song Repertoire: This Old Man starting pitch: G
Copy of song



Give them something specific to listen for: Today we are going to sing you a song
and I want you all to use your awesome listening skills and try to figure out if the song is
about a man or a woman?
Sing the entire first verse.
Ask for answers. So was the song about a man or a woman?
Give them something specific to listen for: Now we want you to listen to the song
and tell us how many times the old man plays knick-knack.
Sing the entire first verse again.
Ask for answers. How many times the old man plays knick-knack?

7. Give them something specific to listen to while keeping a steady beat: We are
going to sing the song for third time while you listen we want you to keep a steady beat
using spider fingers. Pay attention to what this old man is doing on his way home?
8. Sing the entire first verse again.
9. Ask for answers. What is the old man doing on his way home?
10. Say Echo after me. Sing the first verse of the song one phrase at a time.
This old man, he played one
He played knick-knack on my thumb
With a knick knack, paddy wack, Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home.
11. Echo two phrases combined.
12. Sing the entire verse one and have students keep a steady beat
13. Say Echo after me. Sing the second verse of the song two phrase at a time.
This old man, he played two,
he played knick Knack on my shoe,
With a Knick Knack, Paddy wack, Give a dog a bone,
This old man came rolling home.
14. Sing the entire second verse and have students keep a steady beat
15. Ask for answers. Lets count together on our fingers to the number two, so that we can
show each other how many times the old man played knick knack in that verse.
16. Say Echo after me. Sing the second verse of the song two phrase at a time.
This old man, he played three,
he played knick knack on my knee,
with a knick knack paddy wack, give a dog a bone,
This old man came rolling home.
16. Sing the entire third verse and have students keep a steady beat
17. Ask for answers. Lets count together on our fingers to the number three, so that we
can show each other how many times the old man played knick knack in that verse.
18. Sing whole song as a class for the last time.
19. Lets go back to our seats now and practice writing out our numbers!
*In an actual lesson we would count up to ten so the kids can work on their counting.
Independent Practice and Assessment:

K.NS.1: Count by one from any number (1-100).

Students will be able to count to ten and understand the order of the numbers, one
through ten.

K.1.2 Echo short melodic patterns sung by teacher

Students will be able to recognize and reproduce pieces of a song to the

teacher after he or she has sung it.
K1.4 Sing short memorized songs, maintaining a steady beat

Students will sing a song and demonstrate their ability to memorize lyrics along with keeping a
steady beat with spider fingers at the same time.

Bibliographic Information:
Fallin, J., Tower, M. (2011). This Old Man. Using Music to Enhance Student Learning.
Picture of Music:

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