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Movement Five: Prvatna Stretching of the East (Front) - Back Bends

Part I Transition to Yoga from World Getting into the Present Moment
1. Legs up wall Viparta Karani Modified Wall Hang

Breathing Education

In: Prna-Apna Ex: Apna-Prna

2. Opening Chants

Part II : Warm-up
Warming up neck, shoulders, upper back and lower back; Stretching the front body; Strengthening
back and core muscles through back bends and their counters poses
The focus of the practice today is Bhmana (Heating, Expanding, and Nourishing)
1. Tdkamudr Samasthiti Pose Considered a Back Bend 6T Repeat before staying 3-6BRS

2. Dvipda Pam Variations for Neck and Shoulders Use block b/t thighs to help strengthen

Stay 4-6 BRS
OR Modify by holding elbows or by putting arms to the side in one of the 3 positions, according to
your neck and shoulder flexibility

Maggie Reagh


3. Urdhva Prasrita Padsana- Variations

a. To stretch legs after the bridge pose

6T to stretch legs

6T to stretch legs and feet/ankles (use belt if you like)

b. Urdhva Prasrita Padsana- Variations

To strengthen core muscles needed to stabilize spine during backbends

Try 3 positions progressively further away from you

(For someone who is very strong in their core)

4. Apansana To relax legs and back after core work

Maggie Reagh


5. Adho Mukha Vajrsana (Diamond Pose) Variation/Balsana (Childs pose)

Rest with breath awareness
6. Cakravksana Vinysa Krama Step by Step to Bigger Backbends Warming up whole body
every joint and strengthening/preparing back for backbends

3. Transition to Standing Poses Intermediate to Advanced Only

Or Plank /Up Dog - Use Block b/t thighs to stabilize pelvis

Maggie Reagh


Part IV: Standing Poses

1. Ardha Uttansana (considered a back bend) - Variations for Strengthening Back

One Arm/Bent Knees

Or start standing and come down way (to chair for more support)

Or with bent elbows

2. Full Tadsana - With Belt or Arm Variations or at Wall Considered a Backbend

Modified Tadsana (Palm Tree Pose)

Block between thighs OR belt on ankles/thighs
Hold belt shoulder width apart Move arm up according to neck flexibility

Maggie Reagh


3. Vrabhadrsana with Parva Uttansana (Parsvottansana)

Modifications with Chair/wall/blocks: Warrior with one sided forward bend 4-6T/side

Modified- Use Wall/Chair/Blocks

Arms can go to 3 positions above on Inhale in Warrior

4. Use Forward Fold (Uttansana) as Symmetric Counter Pose Repeat and then Stay

Maggie Reagh


5. Vrabhadrsana with Parva Uttansana (Parsvottansana) Lunges with Chair 4-6T/side

OR you could also classify this as a Eka Pda Ustrsana (One-sided Camel) Modification

Add Upward/Downward Facing Dog rdva/Adho Mukha vnsana on Chair

6. Use Spinal Stretch as Counter Bend Knees as Necessary for Neutral Spine

7. Transition to Poses on Back

8. Catupdapiham 6T Repeat and Stay 3-6BRS

Maggie Reagh


9. Urdhva Prasita Pdsana - 6T

10. Classical Bhujangsana and alabhsana Note that in the Classical Form, they need Standing
Warrior Poses to prepare for them Modified forms can by taught during the warm up phase

Bhujangsana and alabhsana; Ardha (1/2) alabhsana Modifications Stomach is on floor or

on folded blanket or pillows or rolled mat in hip crease
Play with placement of arms and legs: arms by sides, bent elbows with wrists and shoulders aligned;
hands further away (sphinx); arms at different levels off the ground with straight or bent elbows (by
sides, shoulder height, above head or saluting at forward.
Try Vimansana (Flying Pose) with both arms and legs apart on Inhale and back to neutral lying on
belly on Exhale This is a modification of alabhsana
Use block b/t thighs and feet at wall whenever possible to stabilize pelvis

Use block and rolled mat/folded blanket/pillow when you can to stabilize pelvis

Maggie Reagh


11. Cakravksana 6T Counter for Back

12. Childs Pose

Note: For stronger students, you could now continue with Eka Pda Dhanursana (One-footed Bow) and
Dhanursana (Bow) before Ursana (Camel) Modifications and rdhva Dhanursana (Upward Bow)
this is the order these are taught with counter in between as needed.
These poses, however, are normally not taught in the therapeutic context since they are very difficult
for those with LBP (Lower Back Pain)

Modify by holding lower back with hands or clasping hand together keep neck and head neutral to
protect cervical spine Use Wall/Chair to modify
These prepare one by one for Urdhva Dhanursana Wheel with forward bend (Cat/Child) counters in
Back bend Progression Step by Step
Bridge-Warrior-Cobra-Locust-Bow-Camel-Wheel with gentle forward bend counters in between

Maggie Reagh


13. Cakravksana 6T Counter for Back

14. Childs Pose


15. Big Chest Opener Modification of Fish Matsysana If time allows

16. Apnsana: Lower abdominal vital air posture

17. avsana - Modify by putting a bolster under the thighs or legs up on a chair for Lower Back Pain
(LBP). If upper back is sore, bring arms more to side, bend elbows, and tuck shoulder blades

18. Closing Chant Seated on floor or chair

Maggie Reagh


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