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Part II: Healing the Hips Letting go of Old Body-Mind-Emotion Obstacles and

Opening up to New Energy (Prana)

Nine obstacles to experiencing that state called Yoga and symptoms of them
I-30 Vyadhi-styana-samaya-pramada-alasya-avirati-bhrantidaranaalabdhabhumikatva-anavasthitatvani-cittaviksepah-te-antarayah
Sickness, laziness, doubt, lack of conviction, burn out, indulgence, delusion, lack of
progress, regression: if the mind becomes disturbed by the above, then they
become obstacles to progress.

What keeps you from experiencing Happiness, Bliss, Peace, and Joy in your

I-31 Dukha-daurmanasya-angamejayatva-svasaprasvasah-viksepasahabhuvah
Depression, negative thoughts, fidgeting, and shortened inhale as well as exhale are
all the symptoms of a mind that has become disturbed by the obstacles to Yoga in

What symptoms do you experience?

Six+ Solutions Choose Only One Focus the Mind on One Thing at a Time - 6
suggestions (I, 33-38) offered but more exist (I, 39)
I-32 Tatpratisddhartham-ekatattvabhyasah
In order to avoid the obstacles while practicing Patanjalis Astanga Yoga (I, 30), we
should choose one solution of the six+

1. Lying Warm-up Focus on Strength and Flexibility of Hips

Supta Baddha Konsana Variations Warm up hips and whole body
Lengthen the breath

Apnsana: Lower abdominal vital air posture Counter pose

Maggie Reagh


Dvipda Ptham Belt on thighs Try with one foot in front of other to isolate
one hip at a time Flexibility and Strengthening of Hips

Apnsana: Lower abdominal vital air posture Counter pose

Hip Opener Lying Repeat and then Stay if comfortable Flexibility of Hips

Apnsana: Lower abdominal vital air posture - Counter

Dvipda Ptham with Supta Baddha Konsana: Two-footed pose with Lying
bound angle posture Flexibility and Strengthening of Hips

During Stay pose only Advanced Only

rdva Prasta Padsana - 6T Counter pose

Maggie Reagh


2. Opening Chanting Invocations/Yoga Sutras See Course Outline

Modify by sitting on a chair

Meditate on Water Fall
In: Let Ex: Go
In: Let Ex: Flow
In: Lam Ex:Vam
3. Cakravksana Vinysa 6T Count breath 4-6
Focus: To gently stretch/warm up whole body including the Hips- Review

Transition to Standing

Standing Balancing Poses: Focus on Grounding/Balancing Body-Mind; Strengthening

legs, feet and ankles; Opening hips; Increases proprioceptive nerve bundles
4. Tadsana Review of Part I Warm-up whole body

Maggie Reagh


5. Vrabhadrsana with Prva Uttnsana Vinysa: Warrior with One-sided

Forward Bend Flow Using Chair Chair Lunges Flexibility and
Strengthening of Hips
Intro Variations


Maggie Reagh


6. Hip Opener Ek Pda Rajakapotsana (Modified in Chair) 6T/side stay if

comfortable for 3 BRS last time Flexibility and Strengthening of Hips

If painful in knee, move foot more across thigh to side OR

Repeat Lying Hip Opener - Repeat and then Stay if comfortable

7. Childs Pose Rest Counter Transition to lying

Stay 4-8 BRS
8. Lying Hip Stretch at Wall Flexibility of Hips

Repeat vinysa version if not comfortable

9. Janu Sirasana Knee to head pose Advanced Only Flexibility of Hips

Maggie Reagh


10. Baddha Konsana Counter to #9 Advanced Only Flexibility of Hips

11. Preps for Supta Virsana Repeat 6T Modify with Bridge pose Counter for
hips in Baddha Konasana poses Stretches psoas, IT bands, and quads
Flexibility of Hips/Thighs

On hands and at Wall

On hands and at wall (blocks behind upper back are optional) Lift hips high

On forearms and gradually coming into restorative

version lying on blocks (Number is adjusted according to your flexibility in the pose)
Do not lie down unless you are able to sit on no more than 2 blocks Advanced
12. Apnsana: Lower abdominal vital air posture - counter

Maggie Reagh


13. Jathara Parivrtti: Focus on outer hip Variations Flexibility of Hips Focus
on IT bands and psoas

14. Supta Pangusthasana Supine Leg Stretches Use Belt Both legs - Flexibility
of Legs and Lower back - Counter

15. avsana - Meditate on Floating in Water

In: Let Ex: Go
In: Let Ex: Flow
In: Lam Ex: Vam

16. Closing Chant

Maggie Reagh


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