Project Ideas

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Project Ideas

Topic One - A Tourism Occupation

Choose one of the following tourism occupations and complete a research document that

Name of occupation and industry sector

For an entry position, the responsibilities and duties involved

Other levels of the position (career ladder)

Working conditions (dress, hours, etc.)

Future outlook/trends

Skills needed for this occupation

Program of study required, length and cost

Institution(s) offering program

Types of courses you would study

Why this occupation interests you

Other comments or areas of interest you found during your research

Use information from such sources as your textbook, the websites:
or (Username: westkingsdhs and Password: careers) and the
document, student_map.pdf found at the Tourism 11 web site.
Tourism Occupation Choices :
Travel Counselor
Flight Attendant
Tour Guide
Front Desk Agent
Camp Counselor
Wine Stewart
Amusement Park Ride
Trade Show Guide
Banquet Supervisor
Park Interpreter
Golf Professional
Ski Patroller/Instructor
Adventure Guide
Tourism Educator
Cruise Director
Visitor Information Counselor Chef

Topic Two - Adventure Tourism (Eco-tourism)

Imagine that you are a travel consultant at a brand new travel agency dedicated only to
adventure tourism, outdoor recreation and eco-tourism. Your job there is to find the perfect
vacation for every person that walks through your door. Listed below are two different
scenarios of people looking to take a vacation. Each person(s) have unique needs and wants as
well as constraints. Your job is to choose one of those scenarios and research and develop a
vacation for them.
Research to find the following information:

The location
Adventure/recreation planned


How they will get there and around while they are there

The cost of the trip

The length of the trip

A brief history of the area

Any environmental concerns


1. Single person with a high disposable income (up to $20 000 Cdn) seeks a three week
adventure. Can leave anytime, wishes to be challenged. From Halifax and wants to
travel internationally.
2. Four-person family wants to experience an "outdoor vacation" with emphasis on
educating the kids on the environment. Available for two weeks in the summer, have a
minivan, can spend only $2000. Live in south end Halifax.
Topic Three - Tourism Product
Purpose or Goal :
To design , build , and market a small product or souvenir that would appeal to tourists
visiting the province of Nova Scotia. (this could be an item of clothing, a toy, a piece of jewelry
or a novelty item, etc.)
Design : This should be a sketch or drawing showing what the product looks like; sizes, shape,
colors, etc.

Build : This could be an actual protype or a model made from cardboard, etc. that would
basically explain or show what the finished product would like.
Marketing and Distribution: This would be done on "paper" only. Outline how much it would
cost to produce each item, how much the product will sell for, how many will be produced over
a set period of time, where the product will be sold (gift shops, department stores, etc.), what
materials will be needed to produce the product, what sort of packaging will be needed, how
many people will be employed in the production, how the product will be distributed, will
there be some sort of promotion or advertising, will the product be associated with a local
festival, local attraction, or local event.?
Topic Four - Tourism Development
The Kingston-Greenwood area has been devastated. CFB Greenwood is closing and thousands
will be out of work. You, as tourism director for this area, must plan a development program
to revitalize the area. Prepare a tourism development program for this area including an
attraction, accommodations, a tourist bureau, a campground, a historical site, and a shopping
area that would attract tourists. Obtain a map of the Kingston-Greenwood area or (available
at as one source or the Annapolis Valley Community
Information Directory) and use it to label the location of your infrastructure. Indicate
approximately how many people would be employed by your development and a few of the
jobs created. Along with sketches or pictures of your development, include descriptions of the
five W's in its production.
Topic Five - Family Vacation
Plan a vacation in the Annapolis Valley area for two adults and two children (ages 7 and 10).
They have a limited budget ($5000) but live in Yarmouth and want to spend five days
(counting travel time) in the valley. They would prefer to stay in one place and travel around
to visit things that would interest their children and themselves. The father is an avid golfer
but would only play if his wife and children can be kept entertained for the day as well. The
mother loves to visit historical sites but would prefer to have the children with her on such a
visit. The children love animals, amusement rides, and ice cream. Don't forget that children
like to be entertained all the time and must be in bed by 9:00 p.m... Like all families on
vacation these people must eat, so planning appropriate meals is also important.
Topic Six - Who wants to be a Millionaire?
Congratulations! You have just won five million dollars. Now that you are a millionaire you
have been welcomed into an exclusive club of people. You are the only ones that get to
experience places to stay, places to eat and places to visit that us normal people don't. If you
saw the show recently on television starring Robin Leach of "lifestyles of the rich and famous"
then you would have seen some of the exotic places these people visit on vacation. For example
Rick Bronson, owner of Virgin Airlines and 18 other Virgin companies has his own island
which celebrities visit for a quiet retreat. You are to find an exclusive vacation spot for you

and your significant other. Include as much detail as you can about this place. Remember it is
not necessarily the "World's best" but rather a place that only the very rich get to visit. Tell us
why you like this place and why it is so exclusive.
Topic Seven - New Zealand
New Zealand is the place not only to visit but also to live. Investigate New Zealand to persuade
me why it is the country that I want to visit when I retire and that I want to eventually live in
during my "golden years". Tell me about the scenery, the cities, the people, the historical sites,
the golf, the economy, the shopping, and anything else that would persuade me to make it my
Topic Eight - Tourism Issues
There are many issues impacting upon the growth of tourism, not only locally, provincially,
but world-wide as well. Investigate these issues and discuss the components of the issue, how it
is being dealt with by the interested parties, and what you think should be done to resolve the
problems. Some great sources of information are those listed at the Tourism 11 web site, your
textbook, and other reference materials in the classroom. This topic is an opportunity for you
to investigate many of the issues we've discussed in class in a little more detail. It is also an
opportunity to prepare for a similar short essay question on the in-class exam on a particular
tourism issue.
Topic Nine - Tourism and Culture
Through an in-depth study of a particular area of Atlantic Canada, show how culture plays a
significant role in tourism. Be sure to indicate how the community has used culture to attract
tourists and entertain them on their visit. In addition you may wish to show aspects of their
culture such as food, music, dress, history, etc. in a visual or audio manner.
Topic Ten - The Five Tourism Sectors
Your Tourism 11 project can be a Power Point Presentation, a Website, a Booklet, a Video, or
any other format that will adequately display the material. It is important that you choose a
format that you feel comfortable working in and that will allow you to create the best possible
project. You will be given 1 to 2 days per week in the IT Lab to work on this project. It would
be in your best interest to do some work at home, save it on disk or email it to your school
email address, to use in class.
From each of the five tourism sectors, choose a topic that will be displayed in your project.
Complete the Project Registration document linked here, print it, and pass it in to Mr. Lincoln
by TBA. Once you have chosen a topic in each sector, you can only change it if you inform me
ASAP of the change so that I can record it on the Project Registration document.
For each sector create an advertisement that reflects the characteristics of the topic. Include

pictures, promotional ideas, and limited text that will attract viewers to your display. Be sure
to cite all your sources to ensure that you are following copyright guidelines.
If you are creating a website or powerpoint presentation, then you will have seven (7) pages
(or frames). They would be:
1. Accommodations
2. Food & Beverage Services
3. Transportation
4. Recreation and Entertainment
5. Travel Services
6. Introductory web page or frame
7. Sources Cited page or frame
If you are creating a video (i.e. with iMovie), then be sure to have the film flow through each
of the sections above, in order, with your closing credits also including your sources cited.
If you are creating a booklet, then you will have a title page, a page for each of the five tourism
sectors, and a final page for your sources cited.

Topic Eleven - Independent Study

This topic allows you to create your own tourism indepth study. If you choose Topic Ten then
you must devise an assignment, project or study that involves something in the tourism
industry not covered in any of the scenarios above. You must prepare a written proposal of the
topic including details of what will be included, its presentation format, and how it should be
considered a valid project The proposal should be submitted for approval, modification or
Links to example sector assignments done the past few years:
Alaska Power Point
Bolderstone Website
Teddy Bear Adventure Website
Whabaam Park Website

PEI Golf Advertisement

El Dorado Royale Brochure
The Bahama Islands Website
The Italy Website

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