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Middle School
Teacher: Mrs.
Level : MS4
File : two
Sequence : one
Phase : I can / was ab le to / will be able
to do it
Final objective : By the end of this lesson, I expect my pupils to be able to express ability,
inability and possibility
Languague forms: can, cant, could, couldnt, le to, was able to, will be able to
Vocabulary: lexis related to abilities and achievements
Material needed: pictures, the book
Pronunciation: weak and strong forms of modals
Teachers role


Warm up: to introduce the file

Introducing the file through pictures on p 42.
- I make my learners deduce the message
behind the pictures which is success and


Learners role

- Ppls interact orally

Listen and consider:

A- Pre listening:
Aim: to prepare the learners for the listening
script and the new language forms
1- Revision:
a- T revises auxiliary to be (simple
present simple past future)
2- T introduces the word talent
Did you watch the program of arabs got
What does the word talent mean?
What are your talents?
3- T shows the pupils 2 pictures and asks the
pupils (dance / sing)
e.g. T: can you dance?
Ppl: No, I cant. But, I can sing.
T shows them other pictures and asks them
to play the roles.
Play chess / play dominoes
Speak German / speak English
4- Introduction: you are going to listen to an
interview between Bob Forster, a reporter
for the school news paper and Wendy
Chirt, a fellow student. He asks her about
her talents.



- They revise the forms of

auxiliary to be
- They interact orally

- They listen and follow

They play the roles

They listen

B- While listening: Drill p167

- They listen and answer the
Aim: to interpret an aural text
1- Task 2 p44:
T invites the learners to open their books on
page 44 and read the questions. Then, they
listen and answer them
2- T writes the following expressions on the
board and read them.
The expressions
Forms of can
- Can you help me?
- i can play the guitar.
- yes, i can.
- No, I cant.

-ppls listen and try to

distinguish between the
sounds of the modal can.



/ k n / weak form
/ k n / weak form
/ k n / weak form
/ k: nt/ strong form

C- Post listening:
- T invites the learners to open their books on
page 44 (grammar window) and read the
- T asks the questions one by one and the ppls
try to answer.
- T writes another example on the board and
discuss it :
The weather can be very hot in Algeria
- T invites the learners to do the following
tasks to deduce the notes:
Task 1: fill in with the base form will be able tocould- was/were able to ability and possibility
cant/ couldnt / wont be able to:

- They read the examples


- They answer
- They read the example

- They deduce the notes


- can is a modal auxiliary verb

- It expresses ..................... and ....................
- The main verb (that comes after can) is
always ................................. (inf without to)
- To express inability we use ..........................
- Can has got a past form =.......................
- For future, the only form is ......................
Task 2: fill in with / k n / , / k: nt/ / k n /:
- If canis at the beginning or comes before a
verb , it has the sound .................................
- If the modal can is at the end, it has the
sound ...................................


- In the negative, it always has the strong

form ..................................

Practice: T invites the learners to do the

following tasks:

Task1:insert the right phonetic symbol:

1- Peter and John can play the violin.
2- Can the girls write poems? Yes, she can
3- Mike and Robin cant travel abroad alone.
4- Who can drive a car? I can.
Task2: A-match a verb in (A) with a line in (B):
- a meal
- an email
- a bicycle
- a car
- the piano
- a foreign language
- a computer

- They do the tasks

- They insert the phonetic


- They answer the task on

the board


A-pair work: ask your friend if he / she can do They practise orally
these actions:
E.g. A: can you drive a car?
B: yes, I can. Or No, i cant. But, i
can ride a bicycle.
T corrects their pronunciation (weak and
strong forms of can)
Task4: replace the modals by be able to in the
right form:
1- I can speak English.
2- He cant work alone.
3- They couldnt use a phone
4- He could ride a bike.
5- Could he sing?


- They use the other form

to express abilities


Produce: T invites the learners to do the

following tasks:

They do the tasks

Task1: look at the list below. Express what people

They express orally
couldnt do one thousand years ago, what they
can do today and what they will be able to do in
the future:


- Drive cars - go to the cinema cure cancer speak many languages use computers - take
photographs - forecast earthquakes live in the
Task2: complete with the correct modal: can
cant could couldnt was/were able to will be They complete
able to- wont be able to:
1- I ........... come tomorrow.
2- She ............walk when she was less than a year
3- When i was in the primary school, i .......... draw
nice drawings.
4- ................... he hear you when you were talking to
5- Im in a hurry. I ............. wait for you.


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