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Teaming Co-teaching

Class: 4th grade Social Studies

Unit: Civil War
Objectives: Students will be able to identify states that belonged to the Union and those that
belonged to the Confederacy. They will be able to label and correctly spell the states involved
in the conflict. They will be able to color the Union states blue and the Confederate states gray.
Materials: A map of the Union and Confederacy displaying states on worksheet for students,
map for overhead projector Crayons, Colored Pencils
Anticipatory Set: I will ask the students what they already know about the Civil War. I will ask
leading questions such as does anyone know what it was like to be an African American during
this time?, does anyone know what started the war?, who were some important people
during this time?. The co-teacher will then project a map of the United States after after
secession displaying what the country would have looked like at that time. Point out that
Nebraska was not a state at this time.
I will explain that the Union states were in the north and the Confederate states were in the
south. I will ask the students if they know what states belonged to the Union and what ones
belonged to the Confederacy. The co-teacher will write the two lists on the board as the
students call them out. If the students are not able to name them all the two teachers will finish
the lists.
Once the states are listed on the board, I will go through the list. The co-teacher will point to and
labels the states on the map that is projected.
Guided Practice:
Students will then be asked to use the list on the board to shade the Union states blue and the
Confederate states gray. The teachers will circulate about the classroom ensuring that the
students are staying on task and completing the objective correctly.
Today we started discussing the Civil War. We learned that there were two sides; the
Confederates and the Union. We looked at what a map of our country looked like during this
time. Tomorrow we will talk a little more about the people who played major roles in the Civil
War and how this war affected our country.

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