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Research On Pert Plus

This project has helped us immensely in preparing for the final examination, as the
information we have gathered for this was a brief summary of all we have studied in our
methods in business research class. This has not only helped us in understanding of
how to conduct a research but also in collecting data either primary or secondary.
P&G is an international Company reaching out to almost the entire world population
with more than 250 brands in 130 countries. The product we have chosen is Pert Plus,
which is according to P&G is in its declining stage. We made our hypothesis as per to
the information provided by the company. In order to gather information; first we found
out the causes of decline and consumer behavior towards Pert Plus. After that we
collected primary and secondary data, through various sources of information. Then we
made the research design, did simple random sampling, and then we analyzed the
Besides this, we also conducted depth interview of the brand manager of Pert Plus. In
the end, when everything was completed we tested our hypothesis, which was quite
Established in 1837, The Procter & Gamble Company began as a small, family operated
soap and candle company in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Today, P&G markets almost 300
products to more than five billion consumers in 140 countries, Pakistan being one of
P&G Background
P&G is an international Company reaching out to almost the entire world population
with more than 250 brands in 130 countries. Many of these world brands (Ariel, Tide,
Pert Plus, Pantene pro-V, Head & Shoulders, Pampers and Always) have become famous
household names and are found in almost every home.
Headquartered in Cincinnati-Ohio in the USA, P&G has local operations across the globe
in more than 80 different countries, including numerous manufacturing sites and 18
R&D-technical centers. P&G is an internationally owned company with publicly traded
shares, currently owned by over one million shareholders from around the globe.
P&G employs over 100,000 people from all over the world, spread evenly between 1USA, 2-Europe/Middle East and Africa and 3-Latin America/Asia. P&G hires and respects
individuals regardless of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, citizenship or
disability, and actively promotes diversity within its organization as well as in its
business operations.
Fundamentals to Win
P&Gs goal is simple to create the most successful global brands in every category
everywhere we compete. And we have the strength to do it
Today P&G has more leading brands than any other consumer good company in the
world. It has strong relationships with its retail customers around the world. And
innovative people continue to set industry standards.
Big Leadership Brands
P&Gs mega brands generate significant sales and hold strong leadership positions.
Eight brands are global leaders in their categories. Ten P&G brands each generate over

a billion dollars in sales every year far more billion-dollar brands than its key
competitors. The 10 largest brands together world be a Fortune 100 company. The
company has several other brands already in the market that it believes have billion
dollar potential.
Superior Customer Relationships
In a recent survey by Cannondale Associates, retailers were asked to rank
manufacturers on a number of competencies. P&G was ranked number one in virtually
every category.
Clearest Company Strategy
Brands Most Important to Retailers
Best Brand Marketers Overall
Most Innovative Marketing Programs
Procter & Gamble started its operations in Pakistan in 1991 with the goal of becoming
the finest global local consumer goods company operating in Pakistan. With
commitment came growth, and in 1994 we acquired a soap-manufacturing facility, a
sprawling 7-acre land at Hub, Balochistan. Over the past nine years, the plant achieved
state-of-art manufacturing technologies and quality assurance processes. With a recent
strategic investment of 5 million dollars, the bar soap production capacity jumped threefold. As a company we have always believed in the potential Pakistan has as a country
and a nation to develop and excel. No wonder P&G Pakistan, within the last 12 years,
has reinvested over $100 million in Pakistan and has contributed close to seven billion
rupees to the Pakistani governments revenues over the last 5 years in the form of sales
tax, customs and excise duties. That is also why Pakistanis hold 99% of the jobs that
P&G Pakistan creates in Pakistan. All this makes P&G a more locally involved company
than many companies actually headquartered in Pakistan.
Since the inception of P&G Pakistan, we have always committed ourselves to business
growth, consumer satisfaction and community development. Thanks to our committed
base of employees, customers, vendors, stakeholders, and above all, consumers, today
we are one of the most thriving operations in Pakistan.
Facts about P&G Pakistan
Procter & Gamble started its operations in Pakistan in 1991.
P&G Pakistan is headquartered in Karachi.
P&G Pakistan has reinvested over $100 million in Pakistan within the last 12 years.
P&G Pakistan has invested 63 million dollars over the last 5 years in terms of capital,
marketing and training.
P&G Pakistan has contributed close to 7 billion rupees to the Pakistani governments
revenues over the last 5 years in the form of sales tax, customs and excise duties.
P&G Pakistan creates more than 4,000 jobs in Pakistan. Pakistanis hold 99% of the jobs
that P&G Pakistan creates in Pakistan.

P&G Pakistan owns a sprawling 7-acre land manufacturing facility at Hub, Balochistan,
which manufactures Safeguard and Camay soaps. A recent 5 million dollar investment
has tripled the plants capacity.
P&G Pakistan runs several social marketing programs in the field of education and
health. These programs benefit more than 3 million people annually.
Ariel has established itself as a brand that really cares about people.
Vicks is a well-established and leading brand for cough and cold Relief across the world.
Procter & Gamble is one of the worlds biggest manufacturers of products for feminine
In 1926, the world was introduced to the finest and most sophisticated of luxuries
Camay; and in 1994, the pleasure was brought to Pakistan.
Head & Shoulders is the worlds leading Anti Dandruff shampoo. It has been awarded
the best Anti Dandruff shampoo by many medical associations including US
First launched in the 1950s, Olay rapidly became an essential part of many womens
Believe it or not, Pampers was inspired by grandfather Vic Mills, who wanted an easier
way to diaper his grandson.
Hairs just dead stuff on your head, right? Well, yeah, on some people it looks like that.
But not you.
What would life be without American icons? Were talking about blue jeans, soda pop,
and, of course original Pringles in that famous red can. What are you waiting for?
Safeguard, launched in 1995 by Procter & Gamble has set new standards for defining
health & hygiene in Pakistan.
The Pantene Pro-V line of shampoos is the best selling shampoo and conditioner system
in the world loved by women in more than 100 countries.
Causes of Decline:
Pert plus declined because of several reasons, but those that we think are relevant are
as follows:
P&G experimented with pert plus. In the beginning they said that it gives body to hair
then they changed it to bouncy look and finally to manageable hair. These messages
increased the sales for the time being but eventually led to a decline because they
confused the consumers as to what their message was.
They advertised Pert Plus with a sink boy and this was personal selling through
electronic media of advertising. The sink boy was Adnan Siddiqui, and people started to
associate Pert Plus with Adnan Siddiqui. As soon as another sink boy replaced Adnan
Siddiqui, the sales of Pert Plus went down.

Although pert plus is a uni-sex product; Adnan siddiqui focused more on females,
whereas the other sink-boy focused more on males, and they should have concentrated
equally on males and females.
What do these customers seek in terms of product?
Customer use shampoo to wash their hair as in todays world people are so busy that
they dont have time to wash their hair with herbs and some other things, hence
consumers find washing hair with shampoo convenient which consumes less time then
any other resource.
Therefore they choose such Shampoos, which provides healthy look, nourishes hair in
full, and makes hair long and shiny.
Degree Of Customer satisfaction
This might sound strange but the truth is Customer are less satisfied and are confused,
because P&G has continuously changed the message of Pert Plus and also there is no
more advertisement of pert plus, so that Pert Plus could attract new customer and
they are losing its old customers too.
When & Why do Customer switches over to other brand?
This usually happens when some of the following factors dont offset with customers
When quality is not satisfactory.
Provision of nourishment to hair is low.
Price very high with the perceived quality.
When product does not recalls it self with certain proportion of time.
When advertisement of the product is not good.
Descriptive research studies the behavior of a variable or variables, as they exist in the
present. In descriptive research the researcher just describes the behavior of variables
and testing it against a hypothesis. Here a researcher does not delve into the reasons or
factors responsible for explaining that behavior.
As our topic is A Critical Analysis On Pert Plus, we basically wants to see the behavior
of Pert Plus in the market and as well as in the eyes of consumers, as to what they
think about it.
Casual & effect:
Casual-comparative research is a study that investigates a cause and effect relationship
between two or more variables. This, apparently, seems close to how we defined
correlational research. However, there are a number of differences. First, more then two
variables can be involved in casual-comparative research, which is not the case in
simple correlation. Second, some or all of the variables involved in a casual-comparative
study may be qualitative i.e. they cannot be expected in any standard numerical scale.
Third, apart from dependent and independent variables, interdependent variables may
also be involved in a casual-comparative study.

We chose this method because we wanted to see that what were the reasons,
which pushed Pert Plus from a star to a problem child stage. We are also
interested in the behavior of consumer & how consumer reacted when Pert
Plus switched from one message to another.
Primary data:
Primary data is collected for project at hand or the specific problem under
study. The quality of such data is accurate and controlled.
Primary data was collected to know the ins and out of Pert Plus, so that
we could figure out its present position in the market and what exactly P&G
is doing for it. For this purpose we interviewed the brand manager of Pert
Plus Sami Ahmed, and also we conducted a survey in the form of
The questions we asked were close ?ended and were dichotomous questions
(randomly asked) we also conducted a factual survey about Pert Plus.
Because we were more concerned about the behavior of consumer towards it.
And what was the reason of its downfall in the opinion of consumer. And also
what do they think about Pert Plus at present.
Secondary Data:
Secondary data can be acquired from a large variety of sources such as libraries,
organizations, books, journals, newspapers, websites, etc.
We collected secondary data through web sites and some of the information we
got through published sources like TV, radio and some annual reports because
these were easily available and were not confidential for P&G.
Identification of problem
Development of hypothesis.
Identification of target population.
Perform sampling.
Analysis of data.
Collection of data.
Test the hypothesis.
Draw conclusion.

Pert plus is not providing required satisfaction to the consumers.
Pert Plus has assumed the role of problem child for P&G.
Uni ?sex Product which is for every one.
Random sampling is not a good respondent of the whole Karachi population.
Information provided by P&G was not sufficient, as they had to maintain their privacy.
P&G is so particular about privacy because whenever they attend seminar or meeting
outside their premises, the writing pads they use are either taken by them or half of the
writing pad is being torn, hence due to this they provided us with limited information as
they had to maintain their privacy.
Research has to be conducted only in Karachi.
After the submission of research proposal, we added Agha Murtaza in our group and we
were supposed to video shoot the behavior of consumers towards Pert Plus. He
continuously postponed the day for the shoot, and in the end he left the group. Due to
this our report was delayed and we had to do things in hurry.
A sample is a representation or subset of the population, selected for the sake of
gathering data about a problem.
SAMPLING METHOD: Simple random sampling- is the process of selecting a sample in
such a way that all individuals in the target population have an equal chance or
probability of being selected in the sample.
This method was chosen in order to have a fairly rough view of what the consumers
think about Pert Plus and what is its present position.
SAMPLE SIZE: 50 respondents
TARGET POPULATION: All those who use Pert Plus. These include males and females of
13 25 age group. The target income bracket is middle class peoples and also that
these peoples are assumed to be educated. But only the people of Karachi.
What do you use to wash your hair?
Soap Shampoo Shampoo+conditioner Herbs
2.6% 39.5% 50% 7.9%
Mostly people use shampoo or shampoo and conditioner.50% of the respondent use
shampoo and conditioner, where as 39.5% consumers use shampoo. There were only
2.6% of the respondents who use soap; these were the people who have negative
perception of a shampoo. They think that shampoo destroys the hair structure.

And as far as herbs are concerned there is an only 7.9% person who uses it, that is
because it is time consuming and in todays world, people usually do not have enough
time to use herbs.
How often do you wash your hair?
Everyday Every Alternate Day Twice A Week Once A Week
28.9% 39.5% 23.7% 7.9%
People usually shampoo their hair after every alternate day i.e. 39% and almost equal
proportional rate of people wash their hair every day or twice a week, i.e.28.9% and
23.7% respectively. The people who wash their hair every day are field worker and
majority was of males because they have short hair, which can be easily washed. Once
a week people are those who think using shampoo on regular basis will harm their hair
and hence cover a very small percentage of 7.9%.
What attracts you more in a shampoo?
Color Size Packaging Quantity Hair Care Price
2.6% 2.6% 7.9% 0% 81.6% 5.3%
81.6% people look for hair care, when they buy a shampoo. Obviously they wont buy
some thing, which damages their hair. And surprisingly 7.9% consumers go for
packaging and there are an equal proportion of 2.6% consumers who are attracted by
color, size and price and nobody go for quality.
In this option, good advertising, fragrance, quality and the result derived by the
shampoo, attracts people.
Whom do you usually consult for hair problems?
Friends Beauticians Hair Specialists Nobody
30.2% 3.2% 24.2% 42.4%
People usually go for what they think, 42.4% of consumers do not like interference of
others rather themselves regarding hair problems where as 30% of the target
population seek their friends advice. These are basically college student and teenagers.
24.21% consumers consult their hair specialists, as they are very much conscious about
their hair and only 3.2% consult beauticians.
Besides the options mentioned above consumers do refer to their mother and
grandmothers for their hair problems. The reason is that they think their elders know
better then anyone else.
Do you think price is an important factor in the purchase of a shampoo?
Disagree Slightly Disagree N/N Slightly Agree Agree
13.2% 5.3% 0% 44.7% 36.8%
The price of Pert Plus is:
Very High High N/N Low Very Low

5.3% 34.2% 0% 50% 10.5%

81.5% (agree and slightly agree) consumers agree with the fact that in the purchase of
a shampoo, price is an important factor, these are the people who give value to their
money and they try to get best possible product in a reasonable price. The people who
disagreed are those who are spent thrift and gives priority to other features of a product
rather than price. As far as attitude of people towards Pert Plus is concerned, 50% of
consumers think price of pert plus which is Rs 99 is low and 10.5% thinks its very low.
Whereas 34.2% consumers believe the price is high, these are the people who use
shampoos occasionally.
How did you come to know about Pert Plus?
Electronic Media Print Media Personnel Selling Billboards Word Of Mouth
77.5% 7.5% 5% 2.5% 7.5%
The most positive response in this question was towards electronic media; 77.5%. We
received a very heavy response of electronic media because P&G promoted Pert Plus
by hiring a sink boy, which made it a popular product among the family of shampoos.
Equal proportion of consumers says that they came to know about Pert Plus through
print media and a word of mouth, i.e. 7.5% of the whole target population and only a
small number of people opted for personnel selling (5%) and billboards (2.5%).
What message do you perceive from Pert Plus?
Gives Body Manageable Hair Long Hair Bouncy Look Shiny Hair
3.125% 62.5% 3.125% 9.3% 21.8%
62.5% of the target population thinks that Pert Plus provides consumers with
manageable hair, which was spread through Adnan Siddiqquis effort as a sink boy.
3.125% people think that it gives body and gives long hair; where as 21.8% people
thinks it gives shine to the hair.
There are people who think that Pert Plus provides softness to your hair. And some
think that it makes your hair thin but it removes dandruff.
Quality of packaging plays an important part in the purchase of a shampoo:
Disagree Slightly Disagree N/N Slightly Agree Agree
7.1% 28.3% 0% 53.5% 10.7%
Quality of packaging of Pert Plus is:
Very Bad Bad N/N Good Very Good
13.3% 23.3% 0% 56.6% 6.6%
According to our research we came to know that in spite of other product features,
packaging plays a vital role in the purchase of a shampoo as 53.5% slightly agreed and
10.7% agreed with it. Packaging communicates the attributes of the product to the

consumers. As far as pert plus packaging is concern 56.6% commented that it is good
and 23.3% believes it is bad.
11) Shampoos should come in variety of sizes. Do you agree?
Disagree Slightly Disagree N/N Slightly Agree Agree
10.7% 10.7% 0% 64% 14.2%
12) Are you satisfied with the variety of sizes available in Pert Plus:
Disagree Slightly Disagree N/N Slightly Agree Agree
12.5% 8.3% 0% 45% 33.3%
Variety of sizes should be there in a shampoo as there are different classes of people,
who have different income levels. This we came to know through our survey as 64%
slightly agreed and 14.2% agreed, with this fact and only 21.4% disagreed.
The bigger the family the bigger the bottle they require so Pert Plus satisfies the
variety of sizes as the answer totals up to 78.3%, and there are only 20.8% people who
are not satisfied with the sizes available.
Shampoo is required for the nourishment of a healthy hair. Do you agree?
Disagree Slightly Disagree N/N Slightly Agree Agree
24% 13% 17.3% 30.4% 13%
Pert Plus satisfies your need for healthy hair?
Disagree Slightly Disagree N/N Slightly Agree Agree
20% 8% 0% 52% 20%
There are equal proportion of consumers who agrees and disagrees with the fact that
shampoo is only required for the nourishment of healthy hair and as far as Pert Plus is
concerned we received a positive response, up to 52% slightly agreed and 20% agreed
for the satisfaction requirement of Pert Plus for a healthy hair. And only 8% slightly
disagreed and 22% disagreed with this fact.
Where do you place Pert Plus in BCG matrix?
A) Pert Plus in the start was part of the question mark classification in 1997, and then
became a star product during 1999 and 2000. But again after late 2000, it came back
into the category of question mark to this date.
Are you doing anything to push Pert Plus to cash cow?
B) No, we are doing nothing because we are not sure whether we want to kill it or to
continue with it.
What is your marketing strategy for Pert Plus?
C) When Pert Plus was introduced, it was the part of product development, as the
market existed and the product was new. At present it is part of market penetration, as
it is till in the existing market, and now is an old product.

And now; at the present we do not have any marketing strategy. Infact we are doing
nothing for it.
What is your pricing strategy for Pert Plus?
D) In the past, when the product was introduced in 1997, we used the market
penetration strategy for pricing to compete with other competitors with higher prices.
We also used valued based pricing strategy on the basis of values of our consumers and
value of the product and brand. Pert Plus was distributed to wholesalers and discounts
were given on the basis of bulk buying. The retailers were also given discounts on the
basis of the quantity they bought. To consumers, very few times they were given
As Pert Plus was doing well in late 1999 and 2000, prices did increase
according to inflation rate going around in Pakistans economy. But after
its rapid downfall we are charging enough to cover the cost.
Why were you changing the messages of Pert Plus?
E) We were not consistent with the message; every now and then we used to
experiment with Pert plus thinking that changing the message would increase the
sales. But unfortunately opposite struck Pert Plus and the sales declined. The
continuous change in messages confused the consumers. Consumers did not know what
exactly Pert is trying to say.
Why have you stopped promoting Pert Plus?
F) As I have mentioned earlier that since Pert Plus stepped into the problem child
stage we have neglected it. We dont know whether we want to continue with it or not.
So why invest in a product which we are not sure about its existence.
Why do you think Pert Plus declined?
G) Firstly, because of the continuous change in Pert Plus messages which confused
the consumers.
Secondly, pert plus was promoted through advertising. That is, a sink-boy Adnan
Siddiqui was hired for it. Consumers recognized Pert Plus with Adnan Siddiqui and the
moment he was replaced, the sales started to decline. And if you look at the
advertisements carefully, you will find a flaw in it, which is when Adnan Siddiqui was the
sink-boy he focused more on females and less on males. He used to give free hair wash
to more girls though Pert Plus was unisex. And when the second sink boy came in he
focused more on males then on females.
Lastly, we did not put any effort to make Pert Plus stay in the market. We slowly
decreased the TV advertisements and eventually stopped it. As far as print media is
concerned that too was stopped. Thus, we did not try to extend its life. And in this way
consumers forgot about Pert Plus quickly as other shampoos came in the market to
attract them.
Pert Plus is not providing required satisfaction to the consumers.
This hypothesis is accepted as the answers that we received from the respondents are
in favor of Pert Plus and mostly people are satisfied with it. They are satisfied with the

variety of sizes available and with the price, etc. Hence, our research for this hypothesis
has been proved to be true.
Pert Plus has assumed the role of problem child for P&G.
After conducting a detailed interview with the brand manager of Pert Plus, we came to
know that this hypothesis has been accepted. As Mr. Sami Ahmed himself informed us
about the position of Pert Plus that it is in the Problem Child stage, because of the
reasons mentioned earlier.
The product, which remind it self to its consumer with certain proportion of time
becomes a successful product. We have learned that the product should be consistent
with one message like Pantene ?s message of long and shiny hair and they have kept
this message constant through out.
For a company, the product is like a child so any careless attitude may ruin its growth.
We also learnt that when a product becomes successful, the company should not
experiment with it, as it is not necessary that the change may increase the sales or may
suit the product. This philosophy has been proved in the case of Pert Plus.
In addition, P&G should conduct surveys so as to know the position of Pert Plus in the
eyes of consumers. In this way, they would be in touch with the consumers and they
would know what are the likely changes, which are demanded by them. The chances of
errors would go down as the product would be made according to the required needs of
the consumers.
One message should be promoted so that consumers know what Pert Plus is giving to
them, for instance; if it is for soft and shiny hair then they should be consistent with it.
The packaging should be soft squeezable bottle, that is easy to squeeze but with the
same colors as green is the color Pakistani attaches more value to.
The age segment should be from 13 to 40. It shouldnt be only for teenagers but for
housewives, office workers as well.
Extending the product life cycle by changing the advertisement from the sink-boy,
which is a very fast moving ad to a little slow ad.
Sink-boy should be placed outsides busy shopping areas like Aghas supermarket. So
that whoever wants to have a free trial can be provided with the service.
To increase the sales; with every 3 bottles of Pert Plus a free concert ticket will be
given for a certain period of time.


Name: _________________________________________________(optional)
_________________________________________________ (optional)
Contact no.: _____________________________________________(optional)
Age: _________________________________________________________
Gender: _______________________________________________________
Occupation: ____________________________________________________
What do you use to wash your hair?
a. Soap
b. Shampoo
c. Shampoo + Conditioner
d. Herbs
How often do you wash your hair?
e. Everyday
f. Every alternate day
g. Twice a week
h. Once a week
What attracts you more in a shampoo?
i. Color
j. Size
k. Packaging
l. Quantity
m. Hair care
n. Price
o. Others, please specify: _________________________________
Whom do you usually consult for hair problems?
p. Friends
q. Beauticians
r. Hair specialists
s. Nobody

t. Others, please specify: _________________________________

Do you think price is an important factor in the purchase of a shampoo?
Disagree Slightly Disagree n/n Slightly Agree Agree
-2 -1 0 1 2
The price of Pert Plus is:
Very High High n/n low very low
-2 -1 0 1 2
How did you come to know about Pert Plus?
u. Electronic media
v. Print media
w. Personnel selling
x. Billboards
y. Word of mouth
z. Others, please specify: _________________________________
What message do you perceive from Pert Plus?
aa. Gives body
bb. Manageable hair
cc. Long hair
dd. Bouncy look
ee. Shiny hair
ff. Others, please specify: _________________________________
Quality of packaging plays an important part in the purchase of a shampoo:
Disagree Slightly Disagree n/n Slightly Agree Agree
-2 -1 0 1 2
Quality of packaging of Pert Plus is:
Very Bad Bad n/n Good Very Good
-2 -1 0 1 2
Shampoos should come in variety of sizes. Do you agree?
Disagree Slightly Disagree n/n Slightly Agree Agree
-2 -1 0 1 2
Are you satisfied with the variety of sizes available in Pert Plus:
Disagree Slightly Disagree n/n Slightly Agree Agree
-2 -1 0 1 2

Shampoo is required for the nourishment of a healthy hair. Do you agree?

Disagree Slightly Disagree n/n Slightly Agree Agree
-2 -1 0 1 2
Pert Plus satisfies your need for healthy hair?
Disagree Slightly Disagree n/n Slightly Agree Agree
-2 -1 0 1 2
Where do you place Pert Plus in BCG matrix?
Are you doing anything to push Pert Plus to cash cow?
What is your marketing strategy for Pert Plus?
What is your pricing strategy for Pert Plus?
Why were you changing the messages of Pert Plus?
Why have you stopped promoting Pert Plus?
Why do you think Pert Plus declined?

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