Dragon Ball Future Trunks Timelime

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Ok so this is even more fuck up, Black is Zamasu in Gokus body but obviously fro

m a different timeline because Goku from Future Trunks timeline died from his he
art virus we get that. Then the Zamasu that we see here is the Zamasu from Futur
e Trunks timeline because the one from present timeline got destroy by Beerus. S
o far we are clear on that. The fuck up part is why Black/Zamasu ask or wish to
trade his body with Goku if he never meet goku, the reason Zamasu hated Goku is
because Goku beat him but that is in the present timeline. how can Black know ho
w strong Goku was ? what timeline does he come from and why travel to Trunks Fut
ure timeline were Goku has been dead for like 20 years. another big mistake how
did Black went from at least matching ssj2 Goku the first time they fought to su
rpassing ssjblue? writers are just making shit up I swear?
Dragon Ball operates on a Type 1.3 divergent timeline, which means altering the
past splits the timeline. In DBZ, there were 4 such timelines:
1. Goku dies, Trunks travels to Timeline 4, gets blueprints to Androids, goes ba
ck to Timeline 1, remote detonates them, gets killed by Cell, Cell travels to Ti
meline 2.
2. Goku dies, Trunks travels to Timeline 3, fights Androids and Cell, returns to
Timeline 2 stronger and kills Androids and Cell. (This is where the Current Fut
ure Trunks is from.)
3. Goku gets medicine from Trunks 2, Cell Games, Trunks 2 returns to Timeline 2.
(This is the timeline the main series follows.)
4. Goku gets medicine from Trunks 1, blueprints are found and Bulma builds a det
onator, Androids are detonated, and Trunks 1 returns to Timeline 1 with the deto
Goku 3 is our main character. Trunks 2 is our current Future Trunks. Goku 2 (and
Goku 1) should be dead, but it's unknown if Zamasu took their bodies before the
y died (and has heart disease) or if he took Goku 4's body. But more importantly
, only Zamasu 3 should have any knowledge of Goku (3). Zamasu 1 and 2 would neve
r have come into contact with Universe 7, and Zamasu 4 is unaccounted for. The w
rench in the works comes in due to Beerus 3 destroying Zamasu 3. There can't be
two copies of Zamasu 3, since each timeline only has one of each character. Ther
efore, the assumption must be that Zamasu 4 somehow came into contact with Goku
4, wished on the Dragon Balls to switch bodies with Goku 4, then traveled to Tim
eline 2 (since the Gods died in that timeline and couldn't stop him) and recruit
ed Zamasu 2, who wished to be immortal.?

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